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[2014] AC 361-536



Corey, In re Crawford Adjusters (Cayman) Ltd V Sagicor Generallnsurance (Cayman) Ltd Ministry of Justice, Republic of Lithuania v Bucnys (Antonov intervening) Prime Sight Ltd v Lavarello R (Reilly) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions



516 366 480

436 453

.. Assistant

Editor: Clive Scowen, Barrister Editor: Bernard Agyeman, Barrister






2014 for May consists of

Queen's Bench Division


Part 5

Appeal Cases


Part 5



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Typeset by Royle Financial Print, printed and bound by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon CRO 4YY and published by The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales (a Registered Chariry) ar Megarry House, 119 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1PP. Tel: 020 7242 6471 (Fax. 020 7831 5247). Also published under licence by Beijing World Publishing Corpn, Beijing and by EBC Publishing PVT Ltd, Lucknow, lndia. Š The lncorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales 2014 Ali righrs reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitred in any form or by any means, including photocopying, electronic scanning and recording, withour the wrirten permission of the copyright holder, application for which should be addressed to The lncorporated Council of Law Reporting for England and Wales. Such written permission must also be obtained before any part of rhis publication is stored in a retrieval system of any nature. Any person who does an unauthorised acr in relation to a copyright work rnav be liable ro criminal prosecution and a civil claim for damages.





A (Children: Habitual Residenee) (Reunite International Child Abduetion Centre intervening) [20131 UKSC 60 Al-jedda v Seeretary of State for the Home Department (Open Soeiety Justice Initiative intervening) [20131 UKSC 62 " Allbutt v Ministry of Defenee (JUSTICE intervening) [2Ou1 EWCACiv 1365; [2013) UKSC 41. ChiefJustiee of the Cayman Islands v Governor of rhe Cayman Islands (2012) UKPC 39· . . . .. Corey,Inre (2013) UKSC76 Crawford Adjusrers (Cayman) Ltd v Sagicor General Insuranee (Cayman) Ltd [20131 UKPC 17································· Ellis v Ministry ofDefenee (JUSTICE intervening) [2012) EWCACiv 1365; [20131 UKSC 41 .. Freneh v Publie Proseeutor of the Central Department of Investigation and Proseeution in Lisbon, Portugal [20131 UKPC 16 Lavrov v Ministry of justice, Republie of Estonia (Antonov intervening) [20131 UKSC 71 . . . . . Lehman Bros Internarional (Europe}, In re [2013) UKSC 52 ···· ·.·······... MeGeoeh v Lord President ofthe Couneil [20131 UKSC 63 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. Ministry of Justiee, Republie ofLithuania v Buenys (Anronov intervening) [20131 UKSC 71. .. National Crime Ageney (formerly Serious Organised Crime Ageney) v Szepietowski [2013) UKSC 65····............................................. Norte! GmbH, In re [2013) UKSC 52 ·.... Prime Sight Ltd v Lavarello [2013) UKPC 22 . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. R (Chesrer) v Seererary of State for Jusriee [2013) UKSC 63 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R (Reilly) v Seeretary of Statefor Work and Pensions (2013) UKSC 68. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R (Wilson) v Seererary of Statefor Work and Pensions [20131 UKSC 68.. . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. Redparh v Ministry of Defence (JUSTICE intervening) [2012) EWCA Civ 1365; [2013) UKSC 41. Sakalis v Ministry of Justiee, Republie of Lithuania (Antonov intervening) [20131 UKSC 71 . . . Srnirh v Ministry of Defence (JUSTICE intervening) [2012) EWCA Civ 1365; [2013) UKSC 41. Virgin Atlantie Airways Ltd v Zodiae Seats UK Ltd (formerly Contour Aerospaee Ltd) [2013) UKSC 46 V



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1-2 3 5

52 198 516

5 1-2

366 52

1-2 5 3 4 5

40 480 209 271 480

4 3 5 4 5 5

338 209 436 271 453 453


52 480






ESTOPPEL Convention, by Deed of assignment Assignment of leasehold by deed - Recital in deed acknowledging payrnenr and receipt of purchase price paid by assignee to assignor although no payrnent actually made - Assignor subsequenrly adjudicated bankrupt - Official trustee of assignor'sproperry making sraturory demand on assignee company for paymenr of purchase price - Official trustee petitioning for company's winding up when sum remaining unpaid - Whether estopped by terms of deed from claiming paymenr from assignee - Whether substanrial grounds for disputing debr Prime Sight Ltd v LavareUo, PC 436 Deed, by see Convention,

by: Deed o] assignment

EXTRADITION European arrest warrant Validity Requirernent for issue by "judicial aurhority" - Governmenr ministries issuing warrants for arresr and extradition of absconding convicred persons - Ministries variously acting at request of courr and of prison authority - Whether in each case ministry acring as "judicial aurhority" so as to valida te issue of warrant - Requirement for Serious Organised Crime Agency to certify warrant as having been issued by judicial authority having "function of issuing arrest warrants" - Whether requirement referring to European arrest warranrs or domestic arrest warrants - Extradition Act 2003, s 2(2)(7) - Council Framework Decision 2002/5 84/JHA, art 6 Ministry of justice, Republic of Lithuania v Bucnys (Antonov intervening), SC(E) 480 HUMAN RIGHTS Forced or compulsory labour Benefus claimant Recipients of jobseeker's allowance required to participa te in scheme involving period of unpaid work to assist in obtaining employment - Temporary withdrawal of benefit for refusal to participare - Claimant unwillingly parricipating in scheme and undertaking two weeks' unpaid work in order to retain payrnent of allowance - Claimanr alleging requiremenr amounring to work exacted under menace of penalty - Whether claimant "required to perform forced or compulsory labour" - Whether breach of Convention right - Human Righrs Acr 1998, Sch I, Pt I, art 4 R (Reilly) v Secretary of Srate for Work and Pensions, SC(E) 453 JUDICIAL REVIEW Bail see PRISONS:Prisoners'

righrs: Release



PRISONS Prisoners' rights Release 011 licence Life sentence prisoner recalled to prison 18 years after release on licence - Parole commissioners' review of recall decision - Judge's finding of breach of procedural fairness in conduct of review hearing - Judge granting prisoner bail pending rehearing of review - Wherher judge entitled to grant bail - Wherher necessary for effective remedy - Human Righrs Act 1998, s 8, Sch 1, Pt I, arts 5.1, 5-4 - Life Sentences (Northern Ireland) Order 2001, are 6(4)(b)Criminal Justice (Northern Ireland) Order 2008, Sch 4, para I ln re Corey, SC(NI) 516 SOCIAL SECURI'rY J obseeker' s allowance Employment, Skil/s and Enterprise Scheme Procedural requirernents - Regulations requiring participation in training scheme by selected benefit claimanrs - Sanctions imposed for refusal to participate - Whether requiremenr on Secretary of State to publish terms of scheme - Requiremenr that persons selected for scheme be given details of what "required to do" by way of participation - Whether notice rhat claimanr must perform "any activiries" requested meeting requirernenr Jobseeker's Allowance (Employmenr, Skills and Enterprise Scheme) Regulations 20Il, reg 4 R (Reilly) v Sccretary ofState for Work and Pensions, SC(E) 453




STATUTORY INSTRUMENT Validity Whether ultra vires Statute allowing for regulations to require selected benefit claimants to participa te in training scheme - Requiremenffor scheme to be of "prescribcd description" - Regulations naming scheme but not describing it or specifying its details - Whether "prescribed descriprion" Whether Regulations lawfully made - Jobseekers Act 1995, s 17A (as inserted by Welfare Reform Act 2009, s 1(2)) - Jobseeker's Allowance (Employment, Skills and Enterprise Scheme) Regulations 2011, reg 2 R (Reilly) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, SC(E) 453 TORT Cause of action Abuse of process Insurers bringing action for damages against surveyors based on allegations of fraud and conspiracy in respect of property rerairs - Claim withdrawn before trial - Surveyors counterclaiming damages for abuse o process - Whether insurers' conduct within scope of tort of abuse of process Crawford Adjusters (Cayman) Ltd v Sagicor General Insurance (Cayman) Ltd, PC 366 Malicious prosecution Insurers bringing action for damages against surveyors based on allegations of fraud and conspiracy in respect of property repairs - Claim withdrawn before trial - Surveyors counterclaiming damages for abuse of process - Insurers' conduct not within scope of tort of abuse of process - Whether tort of malicious prosecution capable of being committed in respect of bringing of civil proceedings - Whether surveyors entitled to damages for malicious prosecution Crawford Adjusters (Cayman) Ltd v Sagicor General Insurance (Cayman) Ltd, PC366 WORDS AND PHRASES "Function of issuing arrest warrants"-Extradition Act 2003, s 2(7) Ministry ofJustice, Republic ofLithuania v Bucnys (Antonov intervening), SC(E) 480 "Judicial autbority" - Extradition Acr 2003, s 2( 2) Ministry of Justice, Republic ofLithuania v Bucnys (Antonov intervening), SC(E) 480 "Prescribed description" - Jobseekers Act 1995, s 17 A (as inserted) R (Reilly) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, SC(E) 453 "Required to do"-Jobseeker's Allowance (Employment, Skills and Enterprise Scheme) Regulations 2011, reg 4(2)(C) R (Reilly) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, SC(E) 453 "Required to perform forced or compulsory labour"-Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, art 4.2 R (Reilly) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, SC(E) 453

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