NOTA: Este Boletín integra los índices o tablas de contenido de publicaciones de 2010, disponibles en la Hemeroteca y Biblioteca de Posgrado. Horario de servicio en Hemeroteca: Lunes a Viernes de 7:00 a 22:00 Sábados de 9:00 a 14:00 Tel. 56 27 02 10 ext. 8267 Horario de servicio en Biblioteca de Posgrado: Lunes a Viernes de 7:00 a 22:00 Tel. 56 27 02 10 ext. 7133
A-Z REVISTA DE EDUCACIÓN Y CULTURA…………………………………………………………….4 Disponible en Biblioteca de Posgrado CUADERNOS DE PEDAGOGÍA……………………………………………………………………………5 Disponible en Hemeroteca CURRENTS……………………………………………………………………………………………………7 Disponible en Hemeroteca EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENT : ISSUES AND PRACTICE………………………………………..8 Disponible en Biblioteca de Posgrado. HARVARD EDUCATIONAL REVIEW……………………………………………………………………..9 Disponible en Hemeroteca INNOVATIVE HIGHER EDUCATION…………………………………………………………………….11 Disponible en Hemeroteca INTERNATIONAL HIGHER EDUCATION……………………………………………………………….12 Disponible en Hemeroteca JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENT……………………………………………………..13 Disponible en Biblioteca de Posgrado THE JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH…………………………………………………….14 Disponible en Hemeroteca THE JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL THOUGHT REVUE DE LA PENSÉE ÉDUCATIVE……….15 Disponible en Biblioteca de Posgrado THE JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION…………………………………………………………....16 Disponible en Biblioteca de Posgrado LECTURA Y VIDA………………………………………………………………………………………….18 Disponible en Hemeroteca NEW DIRECTIONS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION………………………………………………………19 Disponible en Biblioteca de Posgrado PERFILES EDUCATIVOS…………………………………………………………………………………20 Disponible en Biblioteca de Posgrado REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH……………………………………………………………..28 Disponible en Biblioteca de Posgrado REVISTA DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN…………………………………………………………29 Disponible en Biblioteca de Posgrado THE JOURNAL……………………………………………………………………………………………..30 Disponible en Hemeroteca
REDACCIÓN Director: Jaume Carbonell Redactora Jefe: Lourdes Martí Secretaria de Redacción: Melània Aliaga Diseño Gráfico: Mònica Ginés Portada: Azcunce / Ventura DIRECCIÓN Avinguda Princep d´Asturies 61, 7a planta 08012 Barcelona (España) Tel.: 93 344 47 00 Fax: 93 344 47 01 Correo-e: Control
de difusión
PUBLICIDAD Jefa de Publicidad Paloma Artero Tel.: 91 418 62 95 Fax: 91 556 68 82 Impresión RGM, Bilbao (España) Depósito legal: B-54081-1974 ISSN:0210-0630 Distribución Logista Tel.: 91 484 39 00. Alcobendas (Madrid) EDITA WOLTERS KLUWER ESPAÑA, S.A. Consejero Delegado: Salvador Fernández Director General: Eduardo García Directora de Publicaciones: Carmen Navarro Marketing: Fernando Cubero
3 EDITORIAL ¿Derechos de la infancia?
6-7 Cuadernos de Pedagogía no hace necesariamente suyos las opiniones y los criterios expresados por sus colaboradores. Cuadernos de Pedagogía no devolverá los originales que no solicite previamente, ni mantendrá correspondencia sobre los mismos. Todos los derechos reservados. Esta publicación no pueder ser reproducida, ni en todo ni en parte, ni registrada en, o transmitida por, un sistema de recuperación de información, en ninguna forma ni por ningún medio, sea mecánico, fotoquímico, electrónico, magnético, electroóptico, por fotocopia, o cualquier otro, sin permiso previo por escrito de la editorial. El precio para Canarias es el mismo de portada, incluida sobretasa aérea.
INFANTIL / PRIMARIA Ordenadores en la escuela rural
Pep Borràs Carles
Pizarras mágicas en el aula
Pep Guitart
Cuando los ordenadores son una herramienta más 32 Manuel Martín
ESO Hacia el instituto digital
Pep Guitart
Una escuela de oportunidades llena de color
La aventura de los Indiana Jones
Manuel Martín
Autoría compartida
44-55 DOSSIER Los chicos de historia
Y después del examen ¿qué? Lola Lara
Algunos extractos de la obra de Bennett
Alan Bennett
Lo mejor y lo peor Miquel Àngel Essomba
56-79 TEMA DEL MES Las escuelas infantiles de Pistoia
M. Carme Bernal Creus y Berta Vila Saborit (Coords.)
Entre teoría y práctica: una historia en proceso
Un día en el taller del Area Blu 58
La hora de las evaluaciones externas
Evaluar competencias básicas: ¿una moda o una necesidad?
Angela Palandri
Sonia Iozzelli
¿Por qué narrar? Entrevista a Anna Lia Galardini
Marisa Schiano
Maite Pujol
Comunidad para aprender Donatella Giovannini
Un referente contemporáneo en Cataluña 65
M. Carme Bernal i Creus y Berta Vila i Saborit
Para saber más M. Carme Bernal i Creus
Antonio J. Benítez Herrera
La evaluación de Primaria en Cataluña 86 Joaquín Prats Cuevas
Los peligros de la evaluación Miguel Ángel Santos Guerra
94-101 MURAL
102-106 LIBROS
CASE - January 2010
Hom e > Publications & Products > CURRENTS > CURRENTS Archive > 2010 > January 2010
January 2010
Benchmarking Alumni Relations Are We There Yet? Alumni professionals have made strides in proving the value of their work
The Power of Data European alumni programs discover the benefits of benchmarking
Columns Steering through Stewardship How to streamline and consolidate processes to maximize fundraising
Talking Points: Standards that Fit Community colleges aim to create a new accountability system
Recipes for Success Independent schools break the mold when it comes to social media
Office Space: Show Don't Tell New Web site design allows university to become its own media outlet
© 1996-2010 Council for Advancement and Support of Education…/January_2010.html?printFr…
Table of contents Anonymous Harvard Educational Review; Winter 2009; 79, 4; ProQuest Psychology Journals pg. 543
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
An Action Research Study of Student Self-Assessment in Higher Education Tamara M Walser. Innovative Higher Education. New York: Dec 2009. Vol. 34, Iss. 5; p. 299 Inspiration and Action: Life and Legacy of Jeannette Rankin Libby V Morris. Innovative Higher Education. New York: Dec 2009. Vol. 34, Iss. 5; p. 283 Interdisciplinary Strategies as Transformative Change in Higher Education Karri A Holley. Innovative Higher Education. New York: Dec 2009. Vol. 34, Iss. 5; p. 331 Janusian Leadership: Two Profiles of Power in a Community of Practice Lisa D Weaver, Meghan J Pifer, Carol L Colbeck. Innovative Higher Education. New York: Dec 2009. Vol. 34, Iss. 5; p. 307 Launching Interdisciplinary Programs as College Signature Areas: An Example Tammy Stone, Kathleen Bollard, Jonathan M Harbor. Innovative Higher Education. New York: Dec 2009. Vol. 34, Iss. 5; p. 321 Mission Statements, Physical Space, and Strategy in Higher Education Sam J Fugazzotto. Innovative Higher Education. New York: Dec 2009. Vol. 34, Iss. 5; p. 285
international higher education the boston college center for international higher education number 57 fall 2009 Academic Freedom 2
Academic Freedom: A Realistic Appraisal
New Challenges in the United States
Crossroads in the United States
Philip G. Altbach
Robert M. O’Neil
Louis M. Benedict
International Issues 6
Is Greater Financial Independence Ahead for Universities?
International Strategies for Increasing Attainment
Roger Goodman
Arthur M. Hauptman and Young Kim
Globalization and Regionalization 9
Unintended Effects of the Bologna Reforms Sybille Reichert
Globalization and Quality Assurance in Panama Nanette Svenson
Canadian Strategies for Internationalization Sally-Ann Burnett and Jeroen Huisman
Africa Focus 13
Postgraduate Studies in Africa: The Looming Crisis Wisdom J. Tettey
Burundi: Challenges and Conflicts Dorothy E. Finnegan
Countries and Regions 17
Japan: The “Haves” are Gaining and the “Have-Nots” are Losing Yoshiaki Obara
Germany: The Quest for World Class Barbara M. Kehm
A Response 20
A Closer Look at OECD Statistics Eric Charbonnier
Departments 22
New Publications
News of the Center
The Journal of Educational Research Volume 103, Number 1 / 2009 Training the Scientific Thinking Circle in Pre- and Primary School Children
pp. 1 - 16
Peter J.N. Dejonckheere, Kristof Van De Keere, Nele Mestdagh
The Socioemotional Experiences of Student Teachers During Practicum: A pp. 17 - 27 Case of Reality Shock? Susana Caires, Leandro S. Almeida, Carla Martins
The Role of Individual and Social Factors in Classroom Loneliness
pp. 28 - 39
Georg Stoeckli
The Influence of Distributed Leadership on Teachers’ Organizational Commitment: A Multilevel Approach Hester Hulpia, Geert Devos, Hilde Van Keer
pp. 40 - 52
Parental Involvement as a Protective Factor During the Transition to High School Wei-Bing Chen and Anne Gregory
pp. 53 - 62
A Review of “Observation Techniques: Structured to Unstructured”: Gillham, B. (2008). London & New York: Continuum International Publishing Group. 112 pp. Susan N. Kushner Benson
pp. 63 - 64
A Review of “Constructing Identities in Online Communities of Practice: A pp. 64 - 65 Case Study of Online Learning”: Kajee, L. (2008). Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang. 267 pp. Claire Lauer
A Review of “School-Based research: A Guide for Education Students”: Wilson, E. (Ed.). (2009). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 304 pp. Mei-Hui Liu
pp. 65 - 66
A Review of “Secrets to Success for Science Teachers”: Kottler, E., & Costa, V. B. (2009). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. 296 pp. J. Mitchell O'Toole
pp. 66 - 67
THE JOURNAL January 2010, volumen 37, No. 1 Be Prepared for 'What If?'. By: Fletcher, Geoffrey H. p4-4, 2/3p Full Text Available
Begley Jr. to Deliver FETC Keynote. p6-6, 1/3p Full
Texas School Boosts Broadcast Program With New Technology. p6-6, 1/3p Full T
Ed Tech Leaders Respond to President's Call to Action. p6-6, 1/9p Full T
Support for K-12 Online Learning Grows. p7-7, 1/4p Full T
Top 10 Wired States. p7-7, 1/9p Full T
Survey: Educator Participation in Social Networking Lags Well Behind Interest. p7-7, 2/3p Full
iNACOL Online Innovator Award Winners Announced. p8-8, 1/3p Full T
AL District Invests in Energy Efficiency. p8-8, 1/3p Full Text Availabl
you told us. p10-10, 1/3p Full Text Availab
quote unquote. p13-13, 1/3p Full Text A
we stand corrected. p13-13, 1/9p Full Text Avai
All Systems Go. By: O'Hanlon, Charlene. p14-15, 2p Full Text Available
Building a Better CTO. By: Fletcher, Geoffrey H. Full Text Available
Winning Back Homeschoolers. By: Demski, Jennifer. p20-21, 2p Full Text Available
Up, Up, and Away. By: Waters, John K. p22-27, 5p Full Text Available
VIRTUAL P. E.? NO SWEAT! By: Grayson, Jennifer. p28-31, 4p Full Text Available
LEFT TO THEIR OWN DEVICES. By: Weinstock, Jeff.p32-36, 5p Full Text Available
Product Focus. p38-39, 2p Full Tex