Jazz blues
Nouvelles acquisitions
Nouvelles acquisitions
Janvier 2024
Jazz = 77 Blues = 77.1
ALOUR Sophie Le temps virtuose D30 479 284 8
ARGUE Darcy James Dynamic maximum tension - Darcy James Argue's Secret Society (2 CD) D30 480 373 9 Big Band
BAKKEN Rebekka Always on my mind D30 480 385 7 Jazz vocal
BEIRACH Richie Leaving : a solo piano concert D30 480 365 8
BERTAULT Camille - BERTAULT Paul Songs for my daughter D30 479 297 8 Vocal / Piano
BLAKE Jonathan Passage D30 479 289 7
BONACINA Céline Jump! D30 479 317 4
BRANCH Jaimie Fly or die fly or die fly or die (world war) D30 478 257 4 Le label Anthem présente l’album posthume de la trompettiste Jaimie Branch, un an après sa disparition.
BUTCHER BROWN Solar music D30 479 314 9
BYRD Donald Cookin' with Blue Note at Montreux – Donald Byrd live D30 480 381 X
CHASSY Guillaume de The issue of love (La question amoureuse) – Guillaume De Chassy and Christophe Marguet with Thomas Savy D30 479 304 4 Poèmes lus par Delphine Lanson et Lambert Wilson
COMO Jean-Pierre Com ô paradis D30479 296 6 Piano solo
COREA Chick Trilogy – Chick Corea Trio (3 CD) D30 478 302 5 Rachat
COURTOIS Vincent - ERDMANN Daniel - FINCKER Robin Nothing else D30 478 260 6
CUGNY Laurent Zeitgeist – Laurent Cugny Tentet D30 480 197 X
DAVIS Miles Miles Davis Quintet in concert at The Olympia, Paris 1957 D30 479 320 6
DAYES Yussef Black classical music D30 476 059 1
DE BIASIO Melanie Il viaggio : Lay your ear to the rail, The chaos azure (2 CD) D30 479 324 3
DUCROS Anne Anne Ducros fait son cinema D30 480 377 6 Jazz vocal
EMLER Andy No rush ! – Andy Emler MegaOctet D30 479 300 7
ENHCO David - PERRENOUD Marc Chet D30 479 302 0
EVANS Bill Treasures - Solo, Trio and Orchestra from Denmark (1965-69) (2 CD) D30 479 325 5
FINLEY Robert Black bayou D30 479 290 5 Blues
FITZGERALD Ella Ella Fitzgerald sings The Duke Ellington songbook (2 CD) D30 340 911 2 Jazz vocal. Rachat
FONSECA Roberto La gran diversion D30 479 277 9
FRESU Paolo Ferlinghetti D30 479 329 2
FRESU Paolo - SOSA Omar Food D30 478 309 8
GOLDBERG Dexter Caliboudja - 3 D30 479 318 6 Piano
HALSALL Matthew An ever changing view D30 478 255 0
HARRISON Joël Anthem of Unity D30 479 280 0
HAYES Louis Exactly right D30 478 391 4
HERSHKOVITS Nitai Call on the old wise D30 478 276 1
HIROMI Sonic wonderland D30 479 293 0
IMBERT Diego Le temps suspendu – Diego Imbert Quartet D30 479 322 X
JOY Samara A joyful holiday D30 479 292 9 Jazz vocal
KLEIN Guillermo Telmo's tune – Guillermo Klein Quinteto D30 478 288 X
KORWAR Sarathy Kalak D30 478 290 X Jazz fusion, ethno jazz, electro jazz
LAGRENE Bireli Bireli Lagrene plays Loulou Gasté D30 479 285 X
LANDGREN Nils - WOLLNY Michael - DANIELSSON Lars - HAFFNER Wolfgang 4 wheel drive II D30 479 298 X
LAUBROCK Ingrid Monochromes D30 479 316 2
LAZARUS Sara It’s all right with me – Sara Lazarus with Biréli Lagrène Gipsy Project D30 479 276 7 Jazz vocal
LEANDRE Joëlle - TABORN Craig - MANERI Mat Hearoes D30 478 289 1
LEWIS James Brandon For Mahalia with love ; These are soulful days – James Brandon Lewis, Red Lily Quintet ; Lutoslawski Quartet (2 CD) D30 478 300 1
LOPEZ-NUSSA Harold Timba a la americana D30 479 294 2
LOURAU Julien Crianças : the music of Wayne Shorter D30 480 380 8
LOUSTALOT Yoann Oiseau rare D30 479 313 7
MAALOUF Ibrahim Diagnostic D30 479 291 7 Rachat
MACHADO Jean-Marie Cantos brujos - Jean-Marie Machado and Danzas D30 479 308 1
MacKENZIE Sarah Without you D30 479 278 0 Jazz vocal
MANERI Mat Ash – Mat Maneri Quartet D30 478 415 8
MITCHELL Roscoe Roscoe Mitchell Orchestra and Space Trio at The Fault Zone Festival D30 478 403 X
MODERN JAZZ QUARTET The Montreux years D30 479 305 6
MUTHSPIEL Wolfgang Dance of the elders - + Scott Colley, Brian Blade D30 478 258 6
ORCHESTRE NATIONAL DE JAZZ - LEHMAN Steve Ex machina D30 478 274 8
PARKER Charlie Yardbird suite (3 CD) D30 479 309 3 Rachat
PHAL Léon Stress killer D30 478 264 3 Saxophoniste. Jazz suisse
PRIVAT Grégory Nuit et jour (Paradis Improvisé) Piano solo
QUANTACT Survenir D30 478 273 6 Jazz suisse
REDMAN Joshua Where are we - featuring Gabrielle Cavassa D30 479 310 1 Saxophone / Jazz vocal
RYMDEN Valleys and mountains D30 480 422 7 Rymden : Dan Berglund, Magnus Öström (du Trio E.S.T.), Bugge Wesseltoft
SANDERS Pharoah Pharoah Sanders Quartet live at Fabrik: Hamburg 1980 D30 480 369 5
SCOFIELD John Uncle John's Band (2 CD) D30 479 328 0
SOLAL Martial Live in Ottobrunn : solo piano (2 CD) D30 479 312 5
TAKASE Aki Aki Takase Carmen Rhapsody D30 479 286 1
TEXIER Henri An indian's life D30 478 399 9
TROTIGNON Baptiste Brexit music D30 479 306 8 Reprises de chansons pop anglaises
TRUFFAZ Erik Clap! D30 479 288 5 Jazz suisse
WISSELS Diederik - ROCHA Ana Yearn D30479 282 4 Piano / Vocal
WOODS Phil Bird with strings…and more ! (2 CD) D30 476 055 4
ZORN John - LASWELL Bill Memoria D30 478 252 5