Igreja Universal denuncia tuítes com imagens de Edir Macedo explorando fiéis

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Case# 0130019497: We've received a DMCA notice regarding your account [ref:00DA0000000K0A8.5004A00001neUpM:ref] De:

Twitter Support (support@twitter.com)



Fecha: miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2019 20:20 GMT-3

Hello, The following material has been removed from your account in response to the DMCA takedown notice copied at the bottom of this email: Video uploaded with Tweet: https://twitter.com/bibliofernando/status/1184451704055574528 - "Bispo" Edir Macedo <@BispoMacedo> repele que fiéis batam palmas, e pede que batam a mão em seus bolsos para doarem tudo a @IgrejaUniversal. https://t.co/KHR2iGPFz6 If you wish to contest this removal, you may seek retractions from the original reporter, or file a counter notification. Retractions are not guaranteed, and must be submitted by the original reporter to copyright@twitter.com. You can request a retraction by using the reporter's contact information found in the copy of the original DMCA notice located at the bottom of this email. If you believe the material has been removed as a result of mistake or misidentification, you may submit a counter-notification of your objection pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 512(g)(3) Please include the following in your counter-notification: 1. Your full legal name, complete mailing address (including country), telephone number, email address and Twitter username.

2. Identification of the material that has been removed or to which access has been disabled and the location at which the material appeared before it was removed or access to it was disabled. (Must include specific URLs) 3. The following statement: “I swear under penalty of perjury that I have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled”. 4. A proper jurisdictional consent statement in the form of: (If your address is in the United States) “I consent to the jurisdiction of the Federal District Court for the judicial district in which my address is located and I’ll accept service of process from the person who provided notice under 17 U.S.C. 512 (c)(1)(C) or an agent of such person.” OR (If your address is outside of the United States) "I consent to jurisdiction in any judicial district in which Twitter may be found and I’ll accept service of process from the person who provided notice under 17 U.S.C. 512 (c)(1)(C) or an agent of such person."

Please send your counter-notification to us as a response to this message, or as a new email to copyright@twitter.com. We will forward a copy of your counter-notification, including the information required in item 1 above, to the complainant and Lumen. BY SENDING US A COUNTER-NOTIFICATION, YOU CONSENT TO THIS DISCLOSURE OF YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION. Please note that repeat violations of this policy may result in suspension of your account. In order to avoid this, do not post additional material in violation of our Copyright Policy and immediately remove any material from your account for which you are not authorized to post. ****************************** DMCA Takedown Notice

== Copyright owner: Bispo Edir Macedo == Name: João Santos == Company: Igreja Universal == Job title: Monitor Web == Email address: webb@universal.org == Address: R. Maria Curupaiti, 441 == City: São Paulo == State/Province: São Paulo == Postal code: 02464-000 == Country: Brasil == Phone (optional): (11) 2476-2333 == Fax (optional): (11) 2476-2333 ------== Description of original work: gravado em ambiente privado e produzido por equipe própria de filmagem (Igreja Universal Templo de Salomão) Times temp: 1:24:45 à 1:25:48 == Links to original work: https://web.facebook.com/BispoMacedo/videos/265716744286902/ --== Reported Tweet URL: https://twitter.com/bibliofernando/status/1184451704055574528 == Description of infringement: Este vídeo foi gravado em um ambiente privado (Igreja Universal) e produzido por equipe própria de filmagem para uma reunião particular. solicitamos que o retirem de circulação. O Usuário está usando a imagem do mesmo indevidamente. ------== 512(f) Acknowledgment: Entendo que, de acordo com 17 U.S.C. § 512(f),

posso ser responabilizado por quaisquer danos, incluindo custos e honorários advocatícios, se eu intencionalmente distorcer o fato de que a atividade ou material denunciado é uma violação. == Good Faith Belief: Eu tenho convicção de boa-fé que o uso do material na forma reclamada não está autorizado pelo proprietário dos direitos autorais, seu representante ou a lei. == Authority to Act: As informações nesta notificação são precisas, e eu declaro sob pena de perjúrio que estou autorizado a agir em nome do detentor dos direitos autorais. == Signature: João Santos


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