w w w .m a r pa t a goni co.or g - w w w .pa t a gon ianse a. o rg
Enhanced regional cooperation needed to protect the Patagonian Sea and its biological diversity The Patagonian Sea is a trans-boundary marine ecosystem that surrounds the Southern Cone of South America. The mixing of warm and cold-temperate water currents make the Patagonian Sea one of the most productive marine areas on Earth. Unsustainable resource uses by human society, coupled with fragmented policy responses threaten the biological productivity and magnificent wildlife populations of the Patagonian Sea. Timely implementation of ecosystem-based management and cooperative regional governance could prevent further damage and maintain ecosystem function in the face of increasing pressures from resource exploitation and climate change.
An extensive marine ecosystem It comprises large sectors of the Southern Atlantic and Pacific Oceans which are connected by cold and warm ocean currents and share a rich marine biodiversity. This broad geographic scope reflects ecosystem processes, as living species often exceed national scales and extend beyond political borders.
Southern Right Whale - Š Alberto Patrian