Catálogo-Guia da Exposição Bibliográfica Mitologia Comparada - "Índia e Grécia Antigas"

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25 Março a 4 de Abril 2013

NOTAS 1. As referências bibliográficas constantes neste catálogo estão ordenadas pela respectiva ordem numérica e alfabética 2. O catálogo da Exposição Bibliográfica poderá ser solicitado para o endereço electrónico do Serviço de Difusão Cultural da Biblioteca FLUL:

SIGLAS UTILIZADAS [B.F.L.U.L. ] – Biblioteca da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

Catálogo da Exposição Bibliográfica: Mitologia Comparada “Índia e Grécia Antigas” 1. APTE, Vaman Shivram, 1858-1892 - The student´s guide to sanskrit composition: being a treatise on sanskrit syntax. For the use of schools & colleges. Poona: [Printed at the Arya Bhushana Press], 1881. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 16 V] 2. ASHVALAYANA fl. 400 a.C. - The Grihya Sutra of Aswalayana. Calcutta: Printed by C. B. Lewis, Baptist Mission Press, 1869. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 24 V]

3. BENFEY, Theodor, 1809-1881 - Orient und Occident: insbesondere in ihren gegenseitigen Beziehungen: Forschungen und Mittheilungen. Göttingen: Verlag der Dieterichschen Buchhandlung, 1862-[1865]. 3 vols. [COTA B.FLUL: RES P 1] - Vol. 1 (1862) [COTA B.FLUL: RES P 1] - Vol. 2 (1864) [COTA B.FLUL: RES P 1] - Vol. 3 (1865) 4. BIRUNI, Muhammad ibn Ahmad, 973?-1048 - Alberuni's India: an account of the religion, philosophy, literature, geography, chronology, astronomy, customs, laws and astrology of India about A. D. 1030. London: Trübner & Co., Ludgate Hill, 1888. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 41 V] - Vol. 1 [COTA B.FLUL: RES 18-42 V] - Vol. 2

5. The Brhad-Devata attributed to Saunakal: a summary of the deities and myths of the Rig-Veda: Critically edited in the original Sanskrit with an introduction and seven appendices, and translated into English with critical and illustrative notes. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Published by Harvard University, 1904. 2 vols. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 22 V] - Vol. 1 [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 23 V] - Vol. 2 6. CALÍMACO, 305?-240? a.C. – Callimachi Hymni et Epigrammata: Quibus accesserunt Theognidis Carmina: nec non Epigrammata centum septuaginta sex ex Anthologia Græca, Quorum magna pars non ante separatim excusa est. His adjuncta est Galeni suasoria ad Artes. Notas addidit, atque omnia emendate imprimenda curavit editor. In Praefatione disseritur de Linguae Graecae Pronunciatione; secundumne Quantitatem an Accentum melius procedat. Londini: Impensis Gul. Thurlbourne Bibliopolae Cantab. Veneunt Apud J. Nourse, P. Vaillant, J. Beecroft, Lond., 1741. [COTA B.FLUL: RES 17-45 V] 7. CÍCERO, 106-43 a.C. - M. Tullii Ciceronis orationum selectarum, cum delectu commentariorum in usum Serenissimi Delphini et analysi M. Antonii Ferratii. Editio Prima . Romae: Per Paulum Junchi Apud S. Michaelem ad Tyberis Ripam, 1775. [COTA B.FLUL: RES 17-96 P]


Catálogo da Exposição Bibliográfica: Mitologia Comparada “Índia e Grécia Antigas” 8. A collection of Prakrit and Sanskrit inscriptions. Bhavnagar: Printed at the "State Printing Press", [1894]. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 18 V] 9. The Dhammapada: a collection of verses being one of the canonical books of the buddhists: a collection of verses being one of the canonical books of the buddhists. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1881. [COTA B.FLUL: RES 18-135 V]

10. The Dhammapada: a collection of verses being one of the canonical books of the buddhists: a collection of verses being one of the canonical books of the buddhists. 2nd ed., rev.. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1898. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 29 V]

11. A dictionary in Sanskrit and English. 3rd ed..Calcutta: Printed at the Kavyaprokasha Press, 1874. [COTA B.FLUL: RES 18-134 V] 12. EURÍPIDES, ca 480-406 a.C. - Euripidis tragoediae cum fragmentis. Nova editio stereotypa C. Tauchnitiana. Lipsiae: Sumptibus Ottonis Holtze, 1870-1882. 2 vols. [COTA B.FLUL: t. 1 e 2 RES 18-57 P] - Vol. 1 - t. 1 e 2 [COTA B.FLUL: t. 3 e 4 RES 18-58 P] - Vol. 2 - t. 3 e 4

13. FÜHRER, Alois Anton, 1853- - The monumental antiquities and inscriptions, in the North-Western Provinces and Oudh. Allahabad: Printed and published by the Superintendent, Government Press, N.-W. P. and Oudh., 1891. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 1 A] 14. GOBLET D'ALVIELLA, Eugène, Conde 1846-1925 - Ce que l'Inde doit a la Grèce: Des influences classiques dans la civilisation de l'Inde. Paris: Ernest Leroux, Editeur, rue Bonaparte, 28, 1897. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 28 V]

15. Grammaire générale indo-européenne ou comparaison des langues grecque, latine, française, gothique, allemande, anglaise et russe entre elles et avec le sanscrit. Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie, Libraires-èditeurs, 15, Quai Voltaire. Ancienne Maison Th. Barrois, 1867. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 26 V]


Catálogo da Exposição Bibliográfica: Mitologia Comparada “Índia e Grécia Antigas” 16. HERÓDOTO, séc.5 a.C - Historiarum libri novem : Accedit libellus de vita Homeri et index historicus. Nova editio stereotypa . Lipsiae: Sumtibus et Typis Caroli Tauchnitii. 2 vols. [COTA B.FLUL: RES 18-55 P] - Vol. 1/2 17. HOMERO, séc.9 a.C - Homeri Opera quae extant omnia, graece et latine, duobus tomis divisa, Quorum in Priore Ilias. Parisiis: Apud Viduam Brocas, viâ Jacobaeâ sub Signo Capitis Sancti Joannis, 1747. 2 vols. [COTA B.FLUL: RES 17-100 P] - Vol. 1 [COTA B.FLUL: RES 17-101 P] - Vol. 2

18. Hymns of the Atharva-Veda together with extracts from the ritual books and the commentaries. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1897. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 30 V] 19. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ORIENTALISTS, 2, London, 1874 – Transactions of the second session of the International Congress of Orientalists. Held in London in September, 1874. London: Trübner & Co., 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, 1876. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 17 V] 20. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ORIENTALISTS, 9th, London, 1892 – Transactions of the Ninth International Congress of Orientalists: held in London, 5th to 12th September, 1892. London: Printed for the Committee of the Congress, 22 Albemarle Street, 1893. 2 vols. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 20 V] - Vol. 1 [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 21 V] - Vol. 2

21. MÜLLER, Max, 1823-1900 - The hymns of the Rig-Veda in the Pada text. Reprinted from the editio princeps . London: Trübner & Co., 57 and 59, Ludgate Hill, 1873. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 19 V] 22. MURRAY, Alexander Stuart 1841-1904 - Manual of mythology.: Greek and roman, Norse and old German, Hindoo and Egyptian Mythology. Second Edition, Re-written and Considerabl Enlarged. London: Asher and Cº., 13, Bedford Street, Covent Garden, 1874. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 27 V]


Catálogo da Exposição Bibliográfica: Mitologia Comparada “Índia e Grécia Antigas” 23. Oratorum Graecorum volumen octavum tenens reliquias Lesbonactis, Herodis Attici, Antisthenis, Alcidamantis et Gorgiae. Accedunt ad volumina IV. et VII. accessiones. Jo. Taylori prolegomena ad Demosthenem. Hier. Wolfii vita ab ipsomet conscripta. Gregorii, Corinthi Metropolitae, comment. ad Hermogenis P. meth.dein. e MS. editus. Lipsiae: Typis W. G. Sommeri, 1773. [COTA B.FLUL: RES 17-44 V] 24. OVÍDIO, 43 a.C.-18 d.C. - Pub. Ovidii Nasonis Operum tomus primus[-quartus]. Interpretatione et notis illustravit Daniel Crispinus, Helvetius, jussu Christianissimi Regis; ad usum serenissimi Delphini. In pagina versa indicantur ea quae in hoc Tomo continentur. Bassani, prostant Venetiis: Apud Remondini, 1792. 4 vols. [COTA B.FLUL: RES 17-46 V] - Vol. 1 [COTA B.FLUL: RES 17-47 V] - Vol. 2 [COTA B.FLUL: RES 17-49 V] - Vol. 4 25. PANINI c.a. 300 - 399 a.C. - Pânini's acht Bücher grammatischer Regeln. Bonn: H. B. König, 1839-1840. 2 vols. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 14 V] - Vol. 1 [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 15 V] - Vol. 2 26. PAUSANIAS, 115-180 - Pausaniae descriptio graeciae. Lipsiae: Sumptibus et Typis B. G. Teubneri, 1853-1854. 2 vols. [COTA B.FLUL: RES 18-59 P] - Vol. 1 [COTA B.FLUL: RES 18-60 P] - Vol. 2

27. PLUTARCO, ca 50-120 - Vies des hommes illustres de Plutarque. 4ème éd.entiérement revue et corrigée . Paris: Charpentier, Libraire-Éditeur, 28 Quai de L'École, 1861. 2 vols. [COTA B.FLUL: RES 18-61 P] - Vol. 1 - T. 1 e 2 [COTA B.FLUL: RES 18-62 P] - Vol. 2 - T. 3 e 4 28. Ramayana: poema indiano di Valmaci. Parigi: Dalla Stamperia Reale, 1844-. 9 vols. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 32 V] - Vol. 2 [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 33 V] - Vol. 3 [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 34 V] - Vol. 4 [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 35 V] - Vol. 5 [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 36 V] - Vol. 6 [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 37 V] - Vol. 7 [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 38 V] - Vol. 8 [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 39 V] - Vol. 9 [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 40 V] - Vol. 10


Catálogo da Exposição Bibliográfica: Mitologia Comparada “Índia e Grécia Antigas” 29. The satapatha-brâhmana according to the text of the Mâdhyandina School. Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1882-1900. 4 vols. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 43 V] - Vol. 1 [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 44 V] - Vol. 2 [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 46 V] - Vol. 4 [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 47 V] – Vol. 5 30. The second, third and fourth books of the Hitopadésa: sanskrit text. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1865. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 25 V]

31. SÓFOCLES, ca 496-406 a.C. - Sophoclis Tragoediae. Nova editio stereotypa C. Tauchnitiana. Lipsiae: Sumptibus Ottonis Holtze, 1873. [COTA B.FLUL: RES 18-56 P] 32. SOMADEVA BHATTA, séc. 11 - Kathâ sarit sâgara: die Märchensammlung des Somadeva. Leipzig: in Commission bei F. A. Brockhaus, 1862-1866. [COTA B.FLUL: RES-VA 48 V] 33. VIRGÍLIO, 70-19 a.C. - P. Virgilii Maronis Opera interpretatione et notis illustrauit Carolus Ruaeus, Jussu Christianissimi Regis, ad usum serenissimi Delphini. Nova Editio accuratè recognita. Parisiis: Typis J. Barbou, via Mathurinensium, 1775. 3 vols. [COTA B.FLUL: RES 17-97 P] - Vol. 1 [COTA B.FLUL: RES-17-98 P] - Vol. 2 [COTA B.FLUL: RES 17-99 P] - Vol. 3


FICHA TÉCNICA Organização Instituto Prometheus Execução Biblioteca da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

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