
Youssef, Maya. Finding home. England: Ars Council , [2022]
Carter, Ron. Finding the right notes: original motion picture soundtrack. Freiburg Germany: In+Out Records, [2022]
MacLorin Salvant, Cécile. Ghost song. New York: Nonesuch Records, [2022]
Bimeni, J. P. Give me hope. [Madrid]: Lovemonk, [2022]
Kaina. It was a home. [Germany]: City Slang, [2022]
Monophonics. Sage motel. Loveland OH: Colemine Records, [2022]
A-ha. True North. Gütersloh, Germany: Sony Music Entertainment , [2022]
Alcest. Spiritual instint. Donzdorf: Nuclear Blast, [2019]
Body. I have fought against it, but I can't any longer. Chicago: Thrill Jockey Records, [2018]
Dälek. Abandoned language. Orinda, CA: Ipecap Recordings, [2007]
Death Grips. Bottomless pit. [Sacramento]: Third Worlds, [2016]
Depeche Mode. Memento mori. [New York]: Sony Music, [2023]
Fullbright, John. The Liar. [United States of America]: Blue Dirt Records, [2022]
Martyn, John. Solid air: classics revisited. [London]: Snapper Music, [2002]
Opeth. Orchid. [United Kingdom]: Candlelight Records, [2016]
Paoro, Doe. After. Amsterdam: Anti, [2015]
Rundle, Emma Ruth. Engine of hell. [Los Angeles]: Sargent House, [2021]
Música, maestra: ensayos sobre música y mujeres escritos por mujeres. [Barcelona]: Libros del Kultrum, septiembre de 2022
Cohn, Nik. Auambabuluba balambambú: la edad de oro del rock and roll. [Madrid]: Editorial La Felguera, marzo 2022
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