People live in a fast changing world, where the technological changes happen rapidly, several nations named as ªcountries of the first worldª are to keep this classification. For that reason, countries of the third world are reaching high levels of development in technology. El Salvador is not the exception, after the peace agreements in 1992, several changes have happened in the companies influenced by the globalization and CAFTA. This research is about the competences in English language demanded by enterprises, to graduated students of Bachillerato Tecnico Industrial, specifically in Instituto Nacional Tecnico Industrial in the year 2006. This work will be done in three steps: First of all, research the background of the technological advances in the companies and changes in the Educative System. Second, the information gotten from the surveys administered to students and technical teachers companies´ workers will be compared to have an idea of the real profile that the students might have at the end of their studies, according to companies´ demands. Third, will include a comparison of the outcomes and formulate a proposal of solution in order to the considerations have a strong support. It is expected that this report becomes a valuable contribution to the Instituto National Tecnico Industrial,companies and Ministry of Education to improve the technical quality of the new technical professionals in our country,graduated from INTI.
To analyze competences in English language demanded by enterprises, to graduated students of Instituto Nacional Tècnico Industrial, in San Salvador in the year 2006.
1- To determine the work profile of the industrial companies.
2- To study students‟ profile from Instituto Nacional Tècnico Industrial at the end of High school. 3- To compare the enterprises and the students‟ profile.
4- To describe the true profile that students should have at the end of High school according to industrial companies‟ demands.
Some years ago, it was not necessary for people to command English to get a job, including technical English. Some people worked in companies without having any academic education; having studied sixth grade was enough for anybody to be employed earning good salaries. Although English language was taught in schools and high schools as a foreign language, students just learned a couple of words and expressions that did not have any usage in real life. Therefore, people thought that it was not necessary to command English as a foreign language. Consequently, there was not any technical English to study, because in that time there were no companies where English could be used to work in, but throughout the years everything has changed. Both, technology and Education are in a point where they necessarily need to complement each other to provide students with the necessary background to meet companies‟ requirements. As it was said before, several changes have happened in the educational environment, trying to give an answer to the technological advances. Since the 60s decade when Walter Beneke Medina was the Minister of Education, there were very important changes in education to face up the technological changes. Among them were: 1. The creation of Bachilleratos Técnicos Diversificados such as Turismo, Arte, Pedagógico, Navegación y Pesca, Salud, Comercio and Industrial. Before this there was just the Bachillerato in Science and literature. 2. During his administration, it was created the Educative TV. For 7th, 8th and 9th grades in junior high school. 3. Afterwards it was created the Bachillerato industrial, authorizing the Instituto Técnico Industrial to prepare qualified workmanship for our country‟s industry After that (in the latest 80s and earliest 90s decades) other important changes happened in industry such as the opening of Free Zones, where masons, tailors, carpenters, mechanics and electricians were required based on the requirements of that time, later , it was created the INSAFORP, an specialized institution to prepare this qualified workers. From these facts the curriculum in Junior high school, High school, and Universities had changes in their programs to meet the labor market requirements. The most important changes in the Educative Reform in High school of 1995 by the Minister Cecilia Gallardo de Cano are: 1. The substitution of Bachilleratos Diversificados by Bachillerato General and Bachillerato Técnico with the following specialties: Health, Business, and Industrial. 2. Study Programs were modified. Chemistry, Biology, and Physics were joined to have a single subject called ¨Science¨. Other subjects such as Youth Psychology, Graduation Work, Professional Practice, and Creativity workshop also appeared. 3. The creation of the INSAFORP to prepare people to the laboral environment. Ten years later, in 2005, it is seen that technological changes have happened faster than the last decades. Computer classes are mandatory in school, instead of the traditional typewriter; the usage of Internet is an important tool in Junior high school, High school, and Superior Education. The Globalization and CAFTA have accelerated the demands. Therefore, to manage a second language is required to compete with other enterprises around the world. During the administration of Darling Mesa it has been modified the structure of the last reform and it has been emphasized in the usage of Informatics and English as a second language in public
institutions. To improve the Education, it has been created the MEGATEC, is an educative institution supplied with top technology, to prepare students in technical areas, in Junior high school, High school and Superior Education. The usage of these new technologies requires people to manage English as a basic tool to improve the technical development. For this reason, it was created the COMPITE Program to support the bilingual students, adding two more hours of English classes in Junior high school and High school based on the International companies„requirements, which ask to their employees and applicants to manage the English language, for instance: Call Centers, Travel Agencies, Hotels, Shipping Packages Service Companies and Airports. The need of forming well-qualified workers obligates to the Ministry of Education to change the curriculum implementing strategies to prepare students to face these new challenges. In Instituto Nacional Técnico Industrial students are prepared with technical abilities and theoretical knowledge to work in supporting and repairing the equipment used in specific companies such as industrial ones. The Ministry of Education has not implemented the teaching or “Technical English” in the different High schools reforms. It has been done in superior education, but as it is known technology in the work environment demands first, and then the Educative System responds to the updated with new coming challenges. For that reason, our research is based on the comparison of what industrial enterprises demand to the graduated from Instituto Nacional Técnico Industrial, who want to be employed in this companies and the knowledge of English language that students acquired at the end of their studies in the institution.
A lot of facts have happened in politics, economy, and educative environments around the world in the last years. They have influenced our country in different aspects, such as politics, economy and education. In reference to the job environment, all enterprises are considering necessary that their workers acquire basic knowledge of English. Our country is being influenced by international enterprises, where English is used to communicate among workers. Therefore, nowadays job advertising on the newspaper or internet ask people to have the management of English language. The government through the Plan 20-21 and the COMPITE program expect that in the year 2,021 all high school students will speak English as a second language. Nowadays, some pilot programs are being performed in several institutions of Junior high school and high school along the country, but it is unknown yet, if it they will continue being implemented. For that reason, the research is based on knowing if students from INTI are getting the necessary skills and abilities on English language that the enterprises need, or if the Official Program of study provides to students with the necessary tools to prepare them to the job environment. It is hoped that at the end of the research, through the comparison of the studentâ€&#x;s profile at the end of their studies and the profile demanded by companies might help to show the deficiencies of students and the Education Programs, to create new ones, and prepare teachers to teach according to the new coming challenges.
Business relationships between El Salvador and the United States have always existed without having any agreement, but since May 28, 2004, it was signed The CAFTA (Central America Free Trade Agreement) ,to have a legal trade between the United States and El Salvador. This event is influencing our countryâ€&#x;s enterprises which ones have to prepare with the top technology in order to face up this business movement. As a consequence, just the best companies which have a constant renovation will survive in the economical market. For that reason, a couple of years ago these enterprises started to demand from their employees to be updated, adding to their majors two more areas they need to command such as computing and English language literacy to be more efficient in the positions offered by such enterprise. Nowadays, these enterprises are selecting their personnel in both managing and operating levels. Therefore, to get a job as a typist, accountant assistant, secretary, mechanic etc. not only having a high school degree is enough. Consequently, it is important to know about computing and English. . It can be seen how every year a lot of students graduate from High school and colleges, having a degree or special training, but it does not mean that they will find a job dealing with their major. Thus, it is now quite common for people to change jobs several times during their work life. Some people even have to change occupations entirely. So, it is important to know that in the public institutions of High school in charge of preparing students with all the necessary requirements to be employed are not achieving their goals in teaching or preparation. To make sure about it, it is just enough to ask to any person entitled from high school, employed or unemployed, about the requeriments they are asked to have to get a job. There is just a single answer that they need to command English and computing knowledge to complete on the job environment.
The research is oriented in comparing if the command of English language acquired during the three years of study in the INTI was enough to get job in an industrial, business or service company during the year 2006. This is the first time a research focused in English language is done there. Although there is no program of study which indicates the teaching of technical English for specialties, students who work in different enterprises recommend to the institutions to emphasize on the teaching of computing and technical English, in order to make it possible for the new workers to adapt rapidly to the job. Besides, the japanese volunteers of JOCV from Japan, who work in the different specialties in the institution asked the administrators in the year 2001 to teach technical English and make students able to interpret manuals and the updated information which is written into the universal language( English) without problems The development of this research is possible for several reasons: The students from INTI are finishing their final year; therefore, it is easy to interview them and analyze their profile at the end of the year. Besides, there are several companies in which many people who studied at INTI are working in different levels and areas. An example of those companies is: AEROMAN, INSINCA etc. Through them it is possible to get the information about what they do in these companies. Furthermore, there is a lot of information from MINED that supports the theoretical information about the changes in education in the last years.
No information about this kind of research has been found, for this reason, it is necessary to do a research in INTI and industrial companies, which will be performed in two parts: The first one in Instituto Nacional Tecnico Industrial, specifically with the seniors, technical and English teachers, to know the proficiency of English language at the end of their studies. The second part will be done in the different industrial enterprises around the institution where many alumni from INTI are working, where workers and employers will be interviewed. Four specialties of the industrial high school will be studied: general mechanic, automotive, electronic, and electricity. The enterprises that will be consulted during the research are: TALLER EBRO, AEROMAN, SERVICIO AUTOMOTRIZ LEIVA for Automotive; RECTIFICADOS SANTA TECLA for General mechanic; AVP (Audio Video Profesional), ABX, and CIT (Centro de Investigaciones Tècnicas) for Electronic; then INSINCA and TEXTUFIL for Electricity The gotten information will be compared to know the requirements demanded by companies, and what knowledge of technical English graduated students from INTI have at the end of the three years of study in the institution, in order to know what the real profile these students should have is. Then based on the results, considerations will be done to the MINED, to improve the Education in our country in this area.
CONCEPTS AND CATEGORIES In this study it is included a stuff of concepts and categories, which are explained in order to understand the body of the research.
CONCEPTS FEPADE: Enterprise foundation for educational development incharged of developing educational projects, to give technical support, to administrate technological institutes and to design educational programs; INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE: Company in charged to give service in diferent areas; built products or sell technical usage tools; INTI: Instituto Nacional Tecnico Industrial. It‟s a technical institution of high school intended to prepare students with technical abilities of automotive, electronic, electricity and Metal Mechanic; ITCA: Instituto Tecnológico Centro Americano. Technical College in charge of preparing students in different specialties like tourism, nutrition, industry and business. TOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Language administered to people who want to study in foreign universities. Nowadays, in El Salvador it is a mandatory exam for people who want to be certified as teachers or bachelors in English; MINED: Ministerio de Education. Institution in charge of regulating, administering, and spreading the Education in El Salvador; INSAFORP: Instituto Salvadoreño de Formacion Profesional. COMPETENCE: The capacity of facing or performing easy or difficult tasks successfully in a specific situation. There are specific competences like the use of computing, technical abilities, knowledge of English, etc.
ACHBILLERATO TECNICO: It is a high school program designed to learn technical abilities, and it contains the areas such as business, health, and industry; BACHILLERATO TECNICO INDUSTRIAL: A division of technical high school that includes the specialties of automotive, electronic, electricity, and metal mechanic; PLAN DECENAL: Educative reformation plan designed to improve and update the education in El Salvador, since 1995 to 2005; NEC: National English Center in ITCA, founded to provide information in English In the different areas of knowledge; TECHNICAL ENGLISH: Special English used in different areas like industry, health, business, etc; to understand process and elements. CAFTA: Central American Free Trade Agreement, signed on may 28, 2004, for all Central American Countries to have business relationship with the United States; WORKING PROFILE: It is determined by the different requirements that each company demands from the job applicants; COMPITE. English national program designed for basic and high school education to improve linguistic competences; JOCV: Volunteer youth in international cooperation; ISO 9001: Standard of quality agreement, signed by the European countries to improve products and services in companies; MEGATEC: Technical high school program for students which is a structure to connect the elementary school with the high school, informal education, colleges and the university; NOEI. New International Economic Order: Agreements to improve the Education in all the countries around the world; OIT. Labor International Organization: Organization in charge to create a good environment between workers and employers.
At the present time, it is mandatory to have more abilities and knowledge of English as a second language, which improves our opportunities to learn and communicate among us. It also gives us the faculty to become more competitive in the job world and more multi-cultural in our link with people from different countries of the world. For that reason, it is named “the universal language”, because it allows people to increase their capacity to access to general and technical knowledge used by many countries around the world, and companies, which is accessed by magazines and internet. The CAFTA between USA and CA is a commercial link that will allow international companies to hire technical bilingual people. The people who speak English language will access to better paid jobs. At the present time, in El Salvador there are succesful companies like DELL; TELECOM, TELEFONICA, AEROMAN, which are hiring this kind of people. In countries like El Salvador, technological advances get first to the companies, influenced by the external economical policies, and then the Educative System makes changes, when it is considered old-fashioned. As an example, it can be seen that graduated from technical highschool that get to companies must receive many extra trainings to acquire the required.profile Let´s see one case of the real life, the labor policies used by Grupo “Q”. This company is one of the most succesful distributers of cars in our country, recognized by the frequently engineering used in all its departments. They spread the NISSAN brand in EL Salvador.A couple of years ago, a group of INTI‟s alumni who work into this company in different levels, visited the institution to express to the teachers and coordinators the last technological advances applied to the cars they distribute. They also asked the principal to visit their workshops to know the different areas and the equipment used for teaching in the diagnostic of vehicles. Furthermore, they wanted to know the program of study and its adaptation to the reality. Afterwards, they wanted to know if teachers include in their study plans similar information about the technology of the companies that would hire potential candidates. During the visit, students were interviewed to know directly the level of knowledge acquired during the three years of study in both technical and basic subjects. After analyzing the information, they made a list of suggestions to the institution in order to improve the students´ command of the English language.
These recommendations are summarized bellow: Teachers must receive trainings about the last technological advances in vehicles. Programs of Study must be adapted to the enterprises´ demands. Practice and theory must be complemented to improve the quality of learning. Teachers have to use electronic testing equipment in their classes to familiarize students with the possible requirements they will have to meet in the labor market. Teachers must teach students how to read service manuals in Spanish and English. All this information lets us to find two things: a) The Education in technical highs cool is not in agreement with the reality. b) Rivalry among enterprises make technological changes happen rapidly.
COMPANIES Since companies start their operations, they want to have profits. Consequently they have to be prepared in different areas, such as technological, human resources, and service to be sure of their success since they need to face demands.For this reason, they need a constant renewal of equipment, improvement of production methods, and well-qualified workers in all their departments .This situation is enough for companies to be urgent with their workers and applicants. These are some requirements to applicants by a company which certifies metallic parts (MOTOR SERVICE)1: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)
High technical degree Availability to work full time Good social relationships Excellent manual skills Group- work oriented Ability to communicate with customers Technical knowledge about job safety Basic computer literacy Technical knowledge about metal mechanic Management of basic technical English(reading, writing and speaking) In the business‟ environment are recognized three kinds of enterprises:
a) Small b) Middle size c) Big When referring to this kind of companies, it can emerge the idea that the small enterprise uses obsolete machinery only, and a few workers; the middle-size one with more people and better technology; and the big one, with much more workers and the top technology. But this situation is not true. There are more enterprises in which work less than 10 people, but actually they are using top technology as the big ones. Furthermore, this people are asked to specialize in different areas in contradiction to the big ones that arte specialize in a single area. The machinery and the work done are according to the urgency of the “area of work‟s requirement”. It is not the same handling a machine which elaborates electronic devices to a machine which dismount tires. For this reason, hiring requirements change from one company to another one; but there are common requirements to the most.
MOTOR SERVICE, Libro de perfiles, Motor Service El Salvador,2001,P.16
Working profiles are changing very often, according to “Marketing requirements”. Before 1970 were the mechanic, electricity, and magnetism industries which leaded the industrial fields. People who managed these majors had a good salary and privileges in their jobs in companies. After this period, the electronics field renewed the industry again. It obligated companies to change their policies about hiring people with more academic preparation, since machines were more complex because of the multiple functions they did.( Also for supporting and fixing) it was not enough a simple tool, but it was necessary to use sofistificated equipment. In the 90„s international companies made very important changes, since the new standards of quality were elaborated, forcing workers to be updated to operate a machine using a computer and also the management of English as a second language. For example, there are some countries such as China, Japan, Germany, and France where the technology is the main support for economical and social development. Countries of the third world like El Salvador, since the year 2000, have been forced to acquire international standards. As a result the required profiles in companies are changing very often. For this reason, managers receive information about technological advantages and disadvantages that surely they would have. To implement them it is necessary to create new employments with well trained people. The new job requirements are added to the prior ones. Technological advances are more complex everyday at the present time. It is not only necessary to know how to use a computer. If people want to know about the new technological advances they just connect to internet, but there is a problem: all the information is written in -English. For this reason, national and international companies stablished in our country are requiring to their employees to manage this language. 2
Editorial Maíz, La Globalización, Editorial Maíz, El Salvador;1998 P.18
EDUCATIVE SYSTEM El Salvador faces the challenges for overcoming poverty, trying to be more competitive and productive in a permanent way with democracy and social peace. That is why it is needed to improve the educative level of its inhabitants. Both, in the formation of basic capacities and specialized formation in different areas such as: scientific, humanistic, and technological. After the civil war finished in our country during the 90„s. Efforts have been done on rebuilding our society in different aspects such as the familiar, the economical situation, environmental issues , and education. It can also be said that the impact caused by the natural phenomena and the delinquency, the country has had several consequences and how the world looks at our country in the national and international way altogether. The President Saca said in his message in 2005. “EL RETO DE NUESTRO PAIS ES FORMAR CIUDADANOS Y CIUDADANAS CON UN NIVEL EDUCATIVO Y CULTURAL QUE LES PERMITA SER PRODUCTIVOS, COMPETITIVOS Y PARTICIPES ACTIVOS DEL DESARROLLO ECONÓMICO”3 To understand what is happening in the educative environment and why the reforms have been implemented, it is necessary, to understand what globalization is, and to know its goals. It will permit to know the philosophical aim of the new role of education in the new millennium, in order to make the educational goals become true. This objectives were formulated by the ONU in 1945, when it is argumented the need to form a New International Economic Order (NOEI) based on the equality and independence, common interest, and the cooperation without taking into account the economic and social systems, to correct the discrepancies among rich and poor countries, and in this way ensure to the present and future generations a social and economic development in a fair and peaceful environment. The educative reforms done in differents countries, consider that the student is the main point (the new education) which give special importance to the students. At the present time, reforms are an attempt of putting a new patch to an old dress. 4 Thinking about the educative system it can be said that it has been changing according to the demands required by the constant technological changes. A decade ago computers just were a part of the sophisticated equipment for big companies, which little by little have been introducing a new concept in all levels of Education, from kindergarten to the university. Several reforms have been done. The first one was by Domenech (1968) where the study programs were restructured and which many teachers who didn‟t want to stop of using them. (See annex 1) Cecilia Gallardo de Cano with her reform named “PLAN DECENAL” tried to satisfy the needs of that moment, changing the study programs (see annex 2 and 3) During the last year efforts have been performed to improve the quality of the services of the National Educative System. In spite of these efforts, the outcomes show that a big group of children and young people (in Junior high school and High school) are not acquiring the expected competences. Ten years have past since the last reform took place, during this time many things were improved (quality, and better National Education covering, and legal changes). Now it is important to do curricular changes, because it is noticed that the education is not satisfactory according to job world demands. This 3
MINED, Revista Bimestral, Comisión Presidencial para el desarrollo de la Sociedad del Conocimiento, año VI No 26, San Salvador, agosto 2004,P.3 4 Joaquín Eduardo García, Globalización y Nueva Educación,1978, P.18
political and economic pressure has obligated to redesign it, to give an answer to the huge demand of knowledge. The Minister of Education Darlin Meza performed consultation workshops in 2004, where students and parents participated (all of them from public and private schools) Moreover, professors and companies´s managers, Legislative Assembly members have participated identifying problems and needs in the National Educative System, trying to find solutions, to improve the quality of Education in the coming 16 years (Plan de Educacion 2021 MINED 2005) 5 (see annex 4 and 5) The outcomes of the consultation express the needs of: a. The preparation for high school. b. To improve the quality of the Distance- Learning Process c. To improve the technical high school with the teaching of technical English by specialty In reference to the last point, the MINED through the MEGATEC program has created flexible modalities of studying in the technical high scool institutions.( see annex 6). The MEGATEC tries to articulate, diversify and spread the opportunities of technical high school education (formal and informal) to give to young people best options for getting jobs, according to the social and economic development of the different regions of the country. Afterwards, offers technological education in elementary, high school, and superior education, all this supported by computer and English classes, using the CRA as an instrument. The MINED has been implementing the APREMAT system, where 22 institutions in the public and private high schools were they have been using the advantages of this system for five years. As an example we have THE INJOSICA, ITEXAL, INU ETC. Which are institutions with technical high school Education. Now charts are showing up the last curricular attempts done by MINED in April 2006.Where it can be observed that two more hours per week are added to the English classes. (See annex 7)
MINED, Revista Bimestral, Plan Nacional 20-21 aĂąo VI No 26, San Salvador, marzo 2005, P.9
THE INSTITUTION The INTI is located in Boulevard Venezuela Colonia Roma. This institution teaches the modality of technical industrial education, with the following specialties: electronic, electricity, metal mechanic, and automotive. It is formed by a principal and a vice-principal, four general coordinators, one coordinator for each specialty, and 40 teachers with general formation, and 44 technical teachers.Besides, it has 1230 students, with 530 students in electronic; 150 in Electricity; 150 in General Mechanic; 400 in Automotive ( see annex 8 ) It has 5 workshops, laboratories for physics chemistry and biology, one laboratory for informatics, one CRA, one library provided with internet service, and one laboratory for graphic design. Furthermore, the Japanese government through JICA has a supporting program for INTI, in order to improve the education in the four specialties (electronic, electricity, general machanic,and automotive), it is done through eight Japanese volunteers distributed both in the technical areas and subjects of the general area. With this support, studentâ€&#x;s competences are improved helping them to be accepted rapidly in a company, but it is not enough, since demands are more complex everyday. It is proved that when interviewing alumnus about theirs jobs, they express the need to learn more English, because in their jobs they have to read service manuals to repair machinery. Since students start their studies in INTI, they receive a special education which contains plenty of general and technical knowledge dealing with their specialty such as: design of maps, usage of electronic equipment, reading of electrical diagrams, and reading of service mamuals, project design, and practices in industrial companies. This knowledge acquired is transformed in some of the competences that enterprises demand, but this knowledge is not enough to their complete incorporation to the labor market requirements. When the students finish their studies, they are prepared to be hired in a company to work as lathe operator, Industrial equipment installer, nets operator, industrial manager, sales person, electrician, mechanic, automotive mechanic, industrial equipment support, and sales supervisor. In these areas, different tasks must be done: a) Elaboration of reports. b) Interpretation of diagrams. c) Reading of manual instructions d) Receiving technical trainings. INTI is considered as the best institution for teaching the Technical Industrial Education in our country, but it is lacking of several elements such as machinery, imfrastructure, and specialized teachers. All of these results give an outcome of deficiencies in the instruction of knowledge from teachers to students. The recently demands in electronics, and computing, and manuals in English faces anybody with the need of a constant search of tools, to be updated with the technological advances. Since 2005, the MINED has implemented the Compite Program, where 300 students receive training about the English language every Saturday during four hours (see annex 7)
EMPIRICAL FRAMEWORK. ELEMENTS OF THE RESEARCH The research project was carried out in “Instituto Nacional Tècnico Industrial”, consulting the students about the command of English language acquired by them during the three years of study, in the specialties of electronic, automotive, electricity, and general mechanic. Besides the principal technical and English teachers were consulted, to have a wide idea about the work performed and students‟ proficiency in English language. Afterwards, it is researched the tasks performed in companies interviewing employers and workers in order to get information about the real profile that workers need to join an industrial company. The chosen companies to perform the research are: for general mechanic RECTIFICADO SANTA TECLA; for electronic ABX, AVP, and CIT; for electricity INSINCA and TEXTUFIL; and for automotive TALLER EBRO, AEROMAN, and SERVICIO AUTOMOTRIZ LEIVA. Furthermore, some bibliography is consulted containing the reformation since 1968. The first one was done by the Minister of Education Domenech, and the Plan Decenal by Cecilia Gallardo de Cano, since 1995 to 2005, and Plan 2021 by Darlin Mesa to know the causes that promoted the changes in the last 38 years.
METHODOLOGY USED IN THE RESEARCH. 1- DESCRIPTIVE. The research describes two kinds of processes: a) Learning Processes: These are performed into the INTI, where pupils study three years of Technical Industrial High school. During this time, they receive technical and general knowledge that prepare them to face the job world. b) Selection and Training Process: These are performed into the enterprises, where workers are acepted and trained to adapt to the laboral enviroment. This process is done permanently with the last technological advances.
2- RELATED. During the research, it is analyzed the relationship among the level of commad of English language acquired during the three years of study and the command o English required by the different companies depending on what they do, since each company has specific policies for hiring their workers.
3- PRACTICAL OR APPLIED. The gotten outcomes from the surveys done with the help of students, workers, and employers, will be analized with the main goal of finding gaps among students, companies, and syllabus; and then elaborate considerations to MINED in order to produce new and better changes on the technical High school Education,
4- QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE. To achieve this, surveys are done with the help of students and workers. A similar approach is applied to the teachers and employers. The application is compared in separated form, then, the data of each part is compared for its final analysis.
SOURCE OF INFORMATION 1- PRIMARY The information is gotten directly from the people involved. a) English teachers. b) Technical teachers c) Seniors of High school, in the specialties of electronics, electricity, automotive, general mechanics and computing. d) Technical, personnel who work in the industrial companies, managers, and enterprises´owners. e) Employers.
2-SECONDARY Some documents are analized during the researcch development: a) Educative policies in the different reforms. b) Companies‟ policies of selection and training. According to the roll of the researchers, it is of “external type” since the collected data serves to solve problems of an Educative system, (knowledge acquired by graduated during the formation in the institution) without including their members directly.
TECHNIQUES In order to know the reality in a direct way, it is used the direct observation since the research is focused in different aspects which must show the involved parts: a) b) c) d)
Pupils who study technical high school. Graduated who look for a job Workers who work in the different companies which were graduated from INTI. Employers.
DIRECT OBSERVATION On the initial part it is an easy way to explore our target study. The observation has the following goals: a) b) c) d) e) f)
To check the contents taught by teacher in the classroom to teach the English class. To observe an English class To check the contents performed by the technical teachers To observe a technical class To check the real environment in the classroom. To observe the operations done by workers in an industrial company, in the operative level(workmen, secretaries, and supervisors ), and in High and intermediate levels(managers, submanagers,bosses, and owners)
OBSERVATION AND ANALISIS OF DOCUMENTS This technique helps, since it gives valuable elements to support, make plans and organize our work. Among the elements are mentioned: 1-To analyze the documents of the educative reforms. a) The reform of 1968 b) The reform of 1995. (Plan Decenal) c) The reform of 2006. (Plan 20-21)
2-The institutional PEI in INTI. 3-Teacher´s lesson plans. 4.-Student´s note books. 5- Companies: a) b) c) d) e) f)
World globalization Politics to choose workers Marketing´s policies Internacional companies policies ISO models OIT agreements
AMONG THE INTERVIEWED PARTS ARE: a) Seniors from INTI b) English teachers c) Technical teachers d) Employers e) Workers 1. In students´ interviews a 30% of the population has been consulted through a questionnaire where the people answered to questions already established: The goals are: a) To know the technical English proficiency by students b)
To know students‟ expectations on the importance of commanding language. c) To know the proffesional expectations when students finish their studies. d) To know students‟ recommendations
2. In the interviews done to workers and employers it is intended: a) b) c) d)
To know the different activities done by them in the company. To know, if among the operations done, it is necessary the knowledge of English. To know the expectations on the importance of technical English in the professional work. To have workers make recommendations
3. In reference to English and technical teachers it is intended: a) To know students‟ interest about the English subject b) To know students‟ English proficiency c) To have teachers recommendations.
1- STUDENTS´ QUESTIONNAIRE. Goal: To get information from INTI‟s seniors about their interest and proficiency of English language to meet a job in their specialty, and to make them express opinions and suggestions about the different related parts to the English language.
The questionnaire includes the following questions: 1- Do you like English? This question has been formulated in order to know the student‟s interest about theEnglish language. 2- Do you have problems to learn English? This question tries to students express the problems they have to learn this new language. 3- Do you consider the teacher has a good command of English? In this question it is needed to know if the teacher really knows about the subject. 4- Do you consider you are ready to meet job requirements with the English classes you took at INTI? This question, tries to find if the students have any idea about what can be demanded in a job, and if he or she is prepared for it. 5- Do you receive technical English related to your specialty? This question is about if during the three years of study students have received, or are receiving technical English that makes them feel familiar with the activities in an industrial company.
1- Which are your professional expectations, when you finish your high school studies? This question refers to know if students have professional future plans, or if they are prepared for that. 2- Would you like to work in an industrial company related to your specialty? This question refers to know if students after graduated want to work in the same speciality they studied, or in a different one. 3- Do you know the activities done in an industrial company? With this question, it is pretended to know if students have an idea of the different activities done in a company. 4- Do you consider that you have enough command of English language to face a job when required? This question is to make students think about their strengths and weaknesses. 5- From the following requirements to join an industrial company which ones do you manage? It intends to know, if the students have had any idea or contact about it. 6- How important is for you to know English when joining an industrial company? It tries to make students think about the importance of knowing English in this changing world. 7- How do you consider your command of technical English related to your major? It tries student grade the knowledge they have, in order to know if they have an idea about the real knowledge they have or need. 8- What recommendations would you give to the different related parts on the English language? This question intends to students express suggestions to all of these parts in order to improve the Education in the technical high school.
2- INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES WORKERS‘INTERVIEW Goal: To get information from the industrial companies‟ workers about the importance of technical English to get a job in these enterprises, and their personal opinion to the different related parts to English.
ABOUT ACTIVITIES PERFORMED IN THE COMPANIES. 1- Check the activities that you perform very often. In this part, it is intended to know about the specific activities done by workers, according to their specialty. 2- In which of these activities, do you need technical English? With this question, is intended to know which are the specific activities done using the technical English. 3- Which of the following trainings have you received to improve your background? This question is to know, if workers are being updated with the new advances very often. 4-which of the following activities do you need to use English? a) b) c) d) e) f)
Reading about machinery usage. Reading of service manuals. Reports elaboration. Receiving manager‟s directions. Participation in trainings. Other.
This question is to make workers point directly the different functions in which they need the English language, and also, in order to make them mention some other activities that we don‟t know. 5- How important is for you the knowledge of technical English for the best development of your job?
This question intends to workers make their own evaluation, and talk about the high school institution where they studied, and if it prepared them with the necessary competences in English language, to be efficient in their jobs. 6- How well do you consider that the high school institutions which you studied prepared you with the knowledge of English now you have? This question tries to make workers express valuable reasons about the interest to learn or improve this second language. 7- What recommendations would you give to the different related parts to the English language? This question intends to industrial companiesâ€&#x; workers express suggestions to all of these parts in order to improve the Education in the technical high school
Goal: To get information from English teachers about students‟ interest on the English subject, at the same time to know teachers personal information about students‟ command of English language at the end of the three years of study in INTI, and their personal opinion to the different parts related to English. 1- How much interest by students in learning English language is visible? This question intends to each teacher express, if students are acquiring knowledge of English language 2- How is the students‟ English level when they start to study in INTI? This question is to know how much knowledge of English students have at the beginning of their studies in the institution. 3- Is the time enough to develop all the contents? With this question it is needed to know if the time for English classes is enough, or if more time is necessary. 4. Which of the following cases do not permit that the contents can not be developed at all? In this question a list of situations is presented in order to teachers identify the ones are considered as problems to develop their work 5- If you observe that students do not like English, check in the listings which are the reasons. It intends to teachers check in a previous listing the real reasons why students do not like English. 6- Which abilities of English language are more visible in students when they finish their studies in INTI? This question intends to teachers express which are students‟ strengths and weaknesses when they finish High school. 7. The Programs of Study contain the teaching of technical English according to students‟ specialty?
With this question it is needed to know, if programs of study contain the teaching of technical English.
8- Do you consider that the English knowledge that students have at the end of their studies is enough for them to join any industrial company? This question intends to teachers express how prepared in English students are to meet a job in an industrial company. 9- What recommendations would you give to the different related parts to the English language?
This question intends to English teachers express suggestions to all of these parts in order to improve the Education in the technical high school.
4- TECHNICAL TEACHERS’INTERVIEW Goal: To get information from technical teachers about studentsâ€&#x; management of common and technical English in each specialty when they finish studying in INT, and their personal opinion to the different related parts to English. 1- In which of the following activities, is English necessary for students to learn? This question intends to the technical teachers check in a listing which are the specific activities in which English is very important to perform them. 2- In which of the following activities students have had problems to acquire what you taught them? In this question it is needed to know which are the activities in which students had problems to catch on because of the lacking of English language. 3- How do you rate the interest students show to learn a new language? This question intends to teachers express how much interest students have in learning a new language. 4- How much do you consider that knowing technical English help students to work better when they join an industrial company? With this question it is needed to know, if the technical English is very important for students to meet a job in an industrial company. 5- How much difficulty graduated from INTI would have to get a job in accompany where technical English is required? In this question it is needed to know how prepared students are to meet a job with the preparation they have, in a company where English is required. 6- W hat recommendations would you give to the different related parts to the English language?
This question intends to technical teachers express suggestions to all of these parts in order to improve the Education in the technical high school
Goal: To get information from industrial companies‟ employers about the personnel‟s selection and training policies on the English area, and their personal opinion to the different related parts to English.
1- What level of study do the technical workers have? With this question is needed to know what level of study is the most common in workers and which the levels of study that employers need are. 2- What technical high school institution did they graduate from? This question is to know what the technical institution that employers take into account the most, to hire technical personnel is. 3-What kind of technical knowledge is required from the people who want to work in your company? This question intends to employers check in a list the real competences that workers need to command. 4- How important is for you that the applicants who want to work in your company know English? This question intends to employers express, if English is really necessary to work in an industrial company. 5- How do you consider that the technical high school Education prepares students to join in their areas of work? With this question is needed to know how well the technical high school is in preparing students to meet a job in an industrial company. 6- W hat recommendations would you give to the different related parts to the English language? This question intends to industrial companies‟ employers express suggestions to all of these parts in order to improve the Education in the technical high school.
THEORETICAL-METHODOLOGICAL FORMULATION In the following part, the different essential parts of the research are described and analyzed individually, expressing the most important points for the reseach.
KNOWLEDGE OF COMMON ENGLISH It is called common English, because it does not emphasize in any specific area of knowledge. Furthermore, it is taught in all high school institutions since the MINED provides the programs of study for all of them. . 1- STUDY PROGRAMS The programs of study are a guide for the teachers in order to organize the class contents. This program was designed in the reform of 1995. It contains all the contents and the methodological suggestion for its implementation. It includes the time for a specific topic. It has been surveyed, in order to know, if it has sequency of contents finding in it, an 80% of sequency. Since the first year it starts with the easier topics and later with most complex ones over all in the second year. It has been observed that in the contents there is no much interest on the technical area. Since all the activities are towards to grammar and translation with writing and conversation considered of secondary importance. 2- TEACHERS‟ PERFORMANCE Teachers are who work with the study programs and perform all it contains. Somehow, they are also responsible of students´ knowledge acquisition. In this institution, all teachers are specialized since they have studied to get a teaching degree or Bachelors of Arts in English. In 2006 the text book used for English classes was “Side by Side” N◦ 1 and N◦ 2; the number one for 10th and the number two for 11th grades. All the contents are according to the program provided by MINED, for that reason, teachers have to work as the program suggests. The average of students per section is about 40, so that it obligates teachers to use expositive techniques, providing short time and emphasizing to the development of activities toward grammar leaving apart the abilities of listening and speaking. More over, the immense amount of students is a disadvantage in the evaluation, for performing an oral activity the three hours per week for English classes is not enough. Each teacher uses a CD player for English classes, there is also a CRA to support some activities; but so far it is not implemented an interactive system to improve the teaching activity in this Institution.
C) STUDENTS´ INTEREST Every year a lot of students who have different levels of command about English knowledge get into INTI. Having a percentage of 100% of students, divided by what they know about this language, they can be grouped like this: 1% with intermediate level of common English 10% with pre- intermediate 20% with basic 69% with notions In addition, it is well known, that English and math are considered very difficult subjects. Therefore, students are afraid about them. Another very important point or disadvantage is that students know that English is not evaluated in the PAES, for that reason they don‟t study as they should, and if they flunk they know they have the opportunity to do it again at the end of the year. For two years teachers have tried to make students understand about the importance of English in our country. It is done through visiting companies where students can be in contact with the machinery and technology they use, or inviting companies‟ managers to talk about the importance of their preparation as “Bachilleres industriales”
ACQUIRED COMPETENCES All graduates from INTI must have the following competences. a) b) c) d) e)
Ability to communicate in spoken and written form. Ability to work in groups. Interest to inprove in their major. Technical knowledge in their area. Basic knowledge of technical English related to their majors.
KNOWLEDGE OF TECHNICAL ENGLISH Knowledge of English applied to the industrial area which prepares students for the laboral world.
There is no English program which focuses in what must be taught. The technical subjects just contain bibliographical suggestions that give direction to teachers and students to look for specific books that are written completely in English . B)
Teachers in charge of teaching English do not teach technical English, since they have been formed on general knowledge of the language, but not on a specific area. The little technical English that the students receive it is performed by teachers in charge of the technical subjects. Among the subjects in which would be mandatory to include technical English are: Tecnologìa I, II and III, and pràctica de taller I, II, and III. When teaching a specific content like “simbologìa electrica” (electrical signs), the teacher must do it in English, because all machines have all these symbols written in English. There are some other cases in the different specialties in which must be done in this way since there are no translations into Spanish especially when there are new words and updated technology.
There is a single situation related to this area, when students are in the first two years they do not care about English, but when they are in the last year their interest is visible. They want to learn words related with tools, equipment and operations which are done in their areas. It happens because in this year students start to feel the need to be well prepared as “bachilleres industriales” and also to find a job in an industrial company.
COMPANIES These are companies‟ requirements for each person who want be employed. These requirements are different from one enterprise to another. It differs in the different areas depending on the operations done. ADAPTATION PROCESS This is the process, in which every single person who is part of a company must go through, in order to acquire the necessary knowledge and abilities to be productive in a company.
SIZE OF THE COMPANY It is determined by the quantity of workers it has. They are classified as: a) Small company(Regularly it has less than ten workers) b) Middle-size company(It must have between ten and one hundred workers) c) Big company( one hundred workers and up )
KIND OF SERVICE THEY OFFER According to the offered service they are defined as: a) BUSINESS COMPANIES They are dedicated to sell and buy services, or implements, for instance, TELECOM, and LA PRENSA GRAFICA. b) AGRICULTURAL COMPANIES They are dedicated to farming. To this group are added agriculture and cattle cooperative societies etc. for instance ¨LA SALUD¨(distributer of Leche Salud)
c) INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES They are dedicated to factoring tools. Equipment and implements which are used in the different enterprises for example: DIDEA, ABX, CAESS, THE APPAREL INDUSTRY COMPANIES (Maquilas) etc.
UPDATED TECHNOLOGY In general most of the companies are changing the machinery and equipment used in their daily activities. According to what has been observed, the most sophisticated equipment acquired to substitute the old one; so it needs more qualified workers to guarantee its good usage and in the same way increase the profits. Most companies are using computers to register data and substituting the typewriters. More over, the processes of service and reparation are demanding the usage of testing electronic equipment.
EXPECTED COMPETENCES Every single person who wants to be employed in a company is expected to have the following competences: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h)
Experience on the area where the applicant wants to work Academic level according to the area for the position they apply Good vocabulary without using profane language Good oral expression Ability to express in written form Ability to read directions in English Basic ability to write reports in English Basic ability for understanding spoken English (listening and comprehension)
1- INTERVIEWS TO STUDENTS FROM INTI Question # 1 Do you like English? Absolute Frequency (AF) Answers MECA ELCA AUTOM ELT 1.1 Much 20 19 12 10 1.2 A Little 13 8 6 11 1.3 Nothing 1 1 11 – Σ 34 28 29 21
TOTAL 61 38 13 112
Relative Frequency (RF) 54.46% 33.93% 11.61% 100.00%
The 54.46% expresses that they like English; 33.93% says they like a little, and 11.61% expresses they don’t like. Question # 2 Do you have problems to learn English? Absolute Frequency (AF) 2.1 Answers MECA ELCA AUTOM ELT TOTAL 2.2 Much 21 6 17 13 57 2.3 A little 9 18 9 7 43 2.4 Nothing 4 4 3 1 12 Σ 34 28 29 21 112
Relative Frequency (RF) 50.89% 38.39% 10.71% 100.00%
The 50.89% expresses that they have many problems to learn this language; 38.39% has a few problems, and 10.71% says that they don’t have any problem to learn it.
Question # 3 Do you consider the teacher has a good command of English? Absolute Frequency (AF) Relative Frequency Answers MECA ELCA AUTOM ELT TOTAL (RF) 3.1 Much 26 13 18 16 73 65.18% 3.2 A little 7 15 9 3 34 30.36% 3.3 Nothing 1 – 2 2 5 4.46% Σ 34 28 29 21 112 100.00%
The 65.18% expresses that English teachers have much management of the language; 30.36% considers that the English teachers have a little management, and the 4.46% consider that all the English teachers don’t have management of the subject. Question # 4 Do you consider you are ready to meet job requeriments with the English classes you took at INTI? You took at school?
Answers 4.1 Much 4.2 A little 4.3 Nothing Σ
Absolute Frequency (AF) MECA ELCA AUTOM ELT 24 13 17 13 7 12 10 8 3 3 2 – 34 28 29 21
TOTAL 67 37 8 112
Relative Frequency (RF) 59.82% 33.04% 7.14% 100.00%
The 59.82% of the interviewed expresses that the English that they receive doesn’t prepare them very much; 33.04% says that it just prepares them a little, and 7.14% says that it doesn’t prepare them for anything.
Question # 5 Do you receive technical English related to you specialty? Absolute Frequency (AF) Relative Frequency Answers MECA ELCA AUTOM ELT TOTAL (RF) 5.1 Much 8 8 5 10 31 27.68% 5.2 A little 5 12 5 3 25 22.32% 5.3 Nothing 21 8 19 8 56 50.00% Σ 34 28 29 21 112 100.00%
The 50% of the students expresses that they don’t receive anything of technical English during the three years of study; 22.32% says that they receive a little, and 27.68% says that they receive much of it. Question # 6 Which are your profesional expectations when you finish your high school studies? Absolute Frequency (AF) Relative Frequency Answers MECA ELCA AUTOM ELT TOTAL (RF) 6.1 Work 7 – 8 2 17 15.18% 6.2 Study 8 5 5 4 22 19.64% 6.3 Study and work 19 23 16 15 73 65.18% Σ 34 28 29 21 112 100.00%
The 65.18% expresses that they want to continue studying and working at the same time, when they finish high school; 19.64% says that they just want to continue studying, and 15.18% are interested in working.
Question # 7 Would you like to work in an industrial company related to your specialty? Absolute Frequency (AF) Relative Frequency Answers MECA ELCA AUTOM ELT TOTAL (RF) 7.1 Yes 33 28 27 19 107 95.54% 7.2 No 1 – 2 2 5 4.46% Σ 34 28 29 21 112 100.00%
The 95.54% expresses the willingness of working in an industrial company related to their specialty, and the 4.46% doesn’t want to work in their specialty. Question # 8 Do you know the activities done in an industrial company? Absolute Frequency (AF) Relative Frequency Answers MECA ELCA AUTOM ELT TOTAL (RF) 8.1 Much 10 10 18 11 49 43.75% 8.2 A little 8 17 11 10 46 41.07% 8.3 Nothing 16 1 – – 17 15.18% Σ 34 28 29 21 112 100.00%
The 43.75% says that they know enough about the work in an industrial company; 41.07% knows just a little about it, and the 15.18% don’t know anything.
Question # 9 Do you consider that you have enough command of the English language to face a job when required? Absolute Frequency (AF) Relative Answers MECA ELCA AUTOM ELT TOTAL Frequency (RF) 9.1 Very well prepared 3 8 9 8 28 25.00% 9.2 Well prepared 28 19 16 13 76 67.86% 9.3 Not so well 3 1 4 – 8 7.14% Σ 34 28 29 21 112 100.00%
The 67.86 % considers that their preparation is not enough to face a job; 25 % considers that they are very well prepared for it; but 7.14 % expresses that they are bad prepared.
Question # 10 From the following requirements to join an industrial company which ones do you manage? Absolute Frequency (AF) Relative Answers MECA ELCA AUTOM ELT TOTAL Frequency (RF) 10.1 Technical knowledge in your specialty 10.2 Out going attitude 10.3 Group work oriented 10.4 Drawing 10.5 Technical design skill 10.6 English
29 29 29 27 31 15
23 19 22 24 11 15
27 26 23 12 20 11
21 19 18 15 18 9
100 93 92 78 80 50
89.29% 83.04% 82.14% 69.64% 71.43% 44.64%
The 89.29% considers to have the technical knowledge to join a company, 83.04% considers to have the initiative enough; 82.14% says they can work in group, the 69.64% has knowledge enough about computing; 71.43% knows design; just 44.64% expresses about technical that they know the most important of English.
Question # 11 How important is for you to know English when joining an industrial company? Absolute Frequency (AF) Relative Answers MECA ELCA AUTOM ELT TOTAL Frequency (RF) 11.1 Much 29 28 22 9 88 78.57% 11.2 A little 3 0 6 12 21 18.75% 11.3 Nothing 2 0 1 0 3 2.68% Σ 34 28 29 21 112 100.00%
The 78.57% considers that it is very important to know English to get a job in an industrial company; 18.75% says that knowing English is not so important, and 2.68% considers that knowing English is not important. Question # 12 How do you consider your command of technical English related to your major? Absolute Frequency (AF) Relative Frequency Answers MECA ELCA AUTOM ELT TOTAL (RF) 12.1 Deficient 11 4 14 4 33 29.46% 12.2 Regular 18 19 15 15 67 59.82% 12.3 Very Well 5 5 – 2 12 10.71% Σ 34 28 29 21 112 100.00%
The 59.82% expresses to have a little management of technical English; 29.46% expresses to have a deficient management of technical English .
WHAT CONSIDERATIONS WOULD YOU GIVE TO THE DIFFERENT RELATED PARTS ON THE EGLISH LANGUAGE? Absolute Frequency (AF) Relative Frequency Answers MECA ELCA AUTOM ELT TOTAL (RF) 13.1 Students 13.1.1 More interest for the English subject 33 24 24 21 102 91.07% 13.1.2 No comments 1 4 5 0 10 8.93% Σ 112 100.00%
More than 91.07% of the students suggest themselves that they have to be more interested in the English subject; 8.93% doesn’t make any comment. 13.2 English teachers 13.2.1 Dinamic teaching 13.2.2 Better - prepared teachers 13.2.3 Teachers must demand more work from students 13.2.4 Technical English has to be taught 13.2.5 No comments Σ
3 4
4 2
3 3
3 0
13 9 112
11.61% 8.04% 100.00%
More than 51.79% of the students ask to teachers to be more dynamic when they teach; 18.75% suggests to teachers to be more prepared; 11.61% asks to be taught the technical English; 8.93% recommends to teachers to be strict in their classes.
13.3 Teachers of the technical area 13.3.1 Technical English has to be taught 13.3.2 Try to learn more English 13.3.3 No comments Σ
8 6
8 5
9 6
4 2
29 19 112
25.89% 16.96% 100.00%
The 57.14% expresses that the technical teachers must teach technical English; 25.89% ask to the technical teachers to be more prepared on the English area. 13.4 INTI 13.4.1 Better prepared Engkish teachers 13.4.2 To serve English courses 13.4.3 Better evaluation system 13.4.4 No comments Σ
4 0
3 0
4 0
7 0
18 0 112
16.07% 0.00% 100.00%
The 46.43% suggest to the INTI´S administration to train better to all teachers; 37.5% asks to the institution to implement English courses for the students, and the 16.07% suggest to INTI to be stricter in the evaluation.
13.5 MINED 13.5.1 To create the technical English subject 13.5.2 To teach English oin the three years of high school 13.5.3 To prepare teachers 13.5.4 No comments Σ
8 8 5
7 9 0
8 8 1
6 7 3
29 32 9 112
25.89% 28.57% 8.04% 100.00%
The 37.5% of the students recommends to the MINED to implement the technical English subject; 28.57% asks to train better all the teachers; 25.89% asks the teaching of English in the three years of high school. 13.6 Companie´s Owners 13.6.1 To support English proyects 13.6.2 Training in English for workers 13.6.3 To be more accesible 13.6.4 No comments Σ
14 8 3
10 8 3
8 8 4
13 3 3
45 27 13 112
40.18% 24.11% 11.61% 100.00%
The 40.18% of the students suggests to the employers to train their workers on technical English; 24.11% asks to the industrial companies to be more accessible to the applicants who want to work there; 23.21% recommends to the companies to give a special support to the high school institutions with then English projects.
2- INTERVIEW TO ENGLISH TEACHERS Question # 1 How much interest by students in learning English language is visible? Answers 1.1 Much 1.2 A little 1.3 Nothing Σ
Absolute Frequency (AF) 2 3 1 6
Relative Frequency (RF) 33.33% 50.00% 16.67% 100.00%
The 50% says that students are a little interested in learning the English language; 33.33% says students are so interested, and 16.67% think students don’t have any interest. Question # 2 How is the student´s English level when they start to study in INTI? Relative Frequency Answers Absolute Frequency (AF) (RF) 2.1 High 0 0.00% 2.2 Intermediate 0 0.00% 2.3 Low 6 100.00% Σ 6 100.00%
The 100% express that the students get to INTI with a low level of English.
Question # 3 Is the time enough to develop all the contents? Answers 3.1 Yes 3.2 No ÎŁ
Absolute Frequency (AF) 0 6 6
Relative Frequency (RF) 0.00% 100.00% 100.00%
The 100% of teachers says that the time isn`t enough to develop all the contents.
Question # 4 Which of the following cases don´t permit that the contents cannot be developed at all? Absolute Frequency Relative Answers (AF) Frequency (RF) 4.1 Student´s differents ways of learning 2 33.33% 4.2 Short time for classes 4 66.67% 4.3 Too many students in the classroom 2 33.33% 4.4 Because of the noise in the aisles or in the other classrooms 1 16.67% 4.5 The lack of didactic equipment 2 33.33% 4.6 Students without interest 3 50.00%
Teachers express that it is difficult to develop all the contents because of the following reasons below. a) Short time for classes (66%) b) Students without interest (50%) c) Too many students in the classroom (33%) d) Students´ different ways of learning (33%) e) The lack of didactic material (33%)
Question # 5 If you observe that students don´t like English, check in the listing which are the reasons? Absolute Frequency Relative Answers (AF) Frequency (RF) 5.1 They were not taught? 5 83.33% 5.2 They don´t know the importance of this language in proffesional life
5.3 They don´t like learning a new language
5.4 Lack of technological resourses
5.5 Teachers don´t motivate students 5.6 Cultural affair make them think that English is difficult to learn
Among the reasons, why students don’t like English are: a) More than 83.33% of the English teachers consider that students were not taught English in the Elementary school. b) 50% expresses that students don’t know the importance of English in their professional life. c) The 50% says that students don’t like learning a new language. d) The 33.33% says that teacher don’t motivate students.
Question # 6 which abilities are visible when they finish studies in INTI? Absolute Frequency Relative Answers (AF) Frequency (RF) 6.1 Reading 5 83.33% 6.2 Writing 3 50.00% 6.3 Listening 1 16.67% 6.4 Speaking 1 16.67% 6.5 Translation 1 16.67%
Among the visible abilities in the students at the end of their studies are: a) Reading (83%) b) Writing (50%) c) Speaking, listening and translation (16%) Question # 7 Do the Programs of Study contains the teaching of technical English according to the student’s specialty? Absolute Frequency Relative Answers (AF) Frequency (RF) 7.1 Yes 2 33.33% 7.2 No 4 66.67% Σ 6 100.00%
The 66.67% expresses that the programs of study don’t contain the teaching of technical English according to the students´ specialty.
Question # 8 Do you consider that the English knowledge that students have at the end of their studies is enough for them to join to any industrial company? Absolute Frequency Relative Answers (AF) Frequency (RF) 8.1 Yes 2 33.33% 8.2 No 4 66.67% ÎŁ 6 100.00%
The 66.67% considers that graduated students don’t manage the necessary knoledge of English language to joint an industrial company. Question # 9 What recommendations would you give to the different related parts to the English language? Absolute Frequency Relative Answers (AF) Frequency (RF) 9.1 Students 9.1.1 To give more importance to the language 5 83.33% 9.1.2 No comments 1 16.67%
More than the 83.33% suggest to students to be more interested on the English language.
9.2 English teachers 9.2.1 To try to use methodologies
new 6
The 100% recommends to the workmates using new methodology for teaching.
9.3 Technical teachers 9.3.1 To Introduce technical vocabulary in English 9.3.2 To learn English
2 4
33.33% 66.67%
The 66.67% suggest to the technical teachers to learn English, and the 33% ask that the technical English be implemented.
9.4 INTI 9.4.1 To increase the number of English classes 9.4.2 To implement the teaching of technical English classes 9.4.3 To create a laboratory for English classes 9.4.4 To use better technology 9.4.5 No comments
2 1 0
33.33% 16.67% 0.00%
The 33.33% recommends to the institution, to increase the number of English classes, the other 33.33% ask to create an English laboratory; the last 33.33% suggest implementing the technical English subject. 9.5 MINED 9.5.1 Constant teachers training 9.5.2 To provide bibliography for English classes 9.5.3 To increase the hours of English classes
The 33.33% suggest to the MINED to train teachers very often, the other 33.33% asks to supply the institution with enough bibliography in English, the last 33.33% recommends to the MINED to increase the number of English classes.
9.6 Companie's owners 9.6.1 To implements training for workers
9.6.2 To provide cutting-edge with top technology to the different institutions
The 83.33% asks to the companies owners to implement trainings for their workers; 16.67% ask to supply the institutions with cutting edge .
3- INTERVIEW TO TECHNICAL TEACHERS Question # 1 In which of the following activities, English is necessary for student to learn? Absolute Frequency Relative Frequency Answers (AF) (RF) 1.1 Machinery usage directions 6 60.00% 1.2 Technical data interpretation 8 80.00% 1.3 Reading of the service manuals 10 100.00% 1.4 Digital electronic study 5 50.00% 1.5 Electronic diagrams reading 7 70.00% 1.6 Others 0 0% The
students service
technical data, study digital electronic, read electronic diagrams. Everything in English. Question # 2 In which of the following activities, students have had problems to acquire what you have taught them? Absolute Frequency Relative Frequency Answers (AF) (RF) 2.1 Machinery usage directions 20.00% 2 2.2 Technical data Interpretation 5 50.00% 2.3 Reading of service manuals 10 100.00% 2.4 Digital electronic study 2 20.00% 2.5 Electronic diagrams reading 6 60.00% 2.6 Others 0 0.00% The 100% express that it is very difficult for students to read service manuals and the 40% says
problems on the others areas (Digital machinery electronics diagrams study).
electronic usage
study, directions,
Question # 3 How do you rate the interest student’s show to learn a new language? Answers 3.1 Much 3.2 A litle 3.3 Nothing
Absolute Frequency (AF) 0 10 0
Relative Frequency (RF) 0.00% 100.00% 0.00%
The 100% says that students are not interested in learning a new language. Question # 4 How much do you consider that knowing technical English help student to work better when they join to an industrial company? Absolute Frequency Relative Frequency Answers (AF) (RF) 4.1 Much 9 90.00% 4.2 A litle 1 10.00% 4.3 Nothing 0 0.00%
The 90% considers that having knowledge of technical English is very useful for students to have a better development in the job world.
Question # 5 In your opinion how much difficulty graduated students from INTI would have to get a job in a company where technical English is required? Absolute Frequency Relative Frequency Answers (AF) (RF) 5.1 Much difficult 5 50.00% 5.2 A little dificult 5 50.00% 5.3 Not difficult 0 0.00%
The 50% says that students could have many problems to join to a job, and 50% considers that they could have just a couple of problems or any. Question # 6 What recommendations would you give to the different related parts to the English language? Absolute Frequency Relative Frequency Answers (AF) (RF) 6.1 Students 6.1.1 Try to learn it as a second language 8 80.00% 6.1.2 Be interested in different performed activities in this area 1 10.00% 6.1.3 To study English courses 1 10.00%
The 90% of the technical teachers recommends to students to learn English as a second language.
6.2 English teachers 6.2.1 To consult the technical teachers about what could be taught 6.2.2 Try to motivate students in learning this language 6.2.3 to teach manual translation according to each specialty
The 50% suggest to the English teachers to consult to the technical teachers about some possible contents that could be included, and the 50% suggest to motivate the students with manuals translation classes. 6.3 Technical teachers 6.3.1 To have a translation classes 6.3.2 To work as a team both technical and English teachers
6.3.3 They must to learn this language
The 60% recommends colleges to implement the manual translation classes, 20% suggest to the workmates to be better prepared about this language,and the last 20% ask them to work as a team with the English teachers to improve english language teaching process.
6.4 INTI 6.4.1 To create an English laboratory 6.4.2 Training for technical teachers 6.4.3 Technical and English teachers must create special contents according to the needs 6.4.4 To create technical English subject
1 4
10.00% 40.00%
4 1
40.00% 10.00%
The 40% asks to INTI to be trained on technical English, other 40% recommend to create common contents as a result of the work in group of English and the technical teachers and 20% ask to improve the teaching trough the creations of English laboratories. 6.5 MINED 6.5.1 To improve the technical careers
6.5.2 To create the technical English subject 6.5.3 To teach English since kinder garden
3 2
30.00% 20.00%
6.5.4 To train the technical and English teachers 6.5.5 No comments
2 0
20.00% 0.00%
The 60% recommends to the MINED to improve education through the implementation of the technical English subject, 20% ask to teach English since preparatory and the last 20% suggests to train both English and technical teachers .
Companie`s owners 6.6.1 to implement ttraining for workers
6.6.2 To motivate the workers to be bilingual 6.6.3 To support to the educative institutions providing scholar ships 6.6.4 To provide technical information to the institution
The 60% considers that it is necessary the employers train their workers, and 30% asks to the employers to provide the institution with technical information and scholarships.
4- INTERVIEW TO EMPLOYERS Question # 1 What level of study do the technical workers have? Answers 1.1 9° grade 1.2 High school 1.3 Technic 1.4 Engineering
Absolute Frequency (AF) 2 6 2 1
Relative Frequency (RF) 25.00% 75.00% 25.00% 12.50%
A huge porcentage of the people who work in these companies have a level of study of high school, a less porcentage a technical level, and a just a least porcentage have 9° grade. Question # 2 What technical high school institutions did they graduate from? Answers 2.1 INTI 2.2 EXAL 2.3 RICALDONE 2.4 Other
Absolute Frequency (AF) 7 2 2 4
Relative Frequency (RF) 87.50% 25.00% 25.00% 50.00% We can also observe that the
the the
companies studied in the INTI.
Question # 3 What kind of technical knowledge is required from the people who want to work in your company? Absolute Frequency Relative Frequency Answers (AF) (RF) 3.1 Graduated in the required specialty 7 87.50% 3.2 Indsutrial safety 3 37.50% 3.3 Computing 4 50.00% 3.4 English 4 50.00%
The 87.50% considers that it is very important if the workers are graduated on the required specialty, 50% considers that English and computing are important, and the 37.50% says that the industrial safety is important. Question # 4 How important is for you, that applicants who want to work in your company know English language? Answers Absolute Frequency (AF) Relative Frequency (RF) 4.1 Much 5 62.50% 4.2 A little 3 37.50% 4.3 Nothing 0 0.00%
The 62.50% considers that the applicants who want to work in an industrial company must command knowledge of technical English, but the 38% says that it is not important.
Question # 5 How do you consider that the technical high school Education prepares the students to join in their areas of work? Answers Absolute Frequency (AF) Relative Frequency (RF) 5.1 High 1 12.50% 5.2 Intermediate 6 75.00% 5.3 Deficient 1 12.50%
The 75% expresses that the students get an intermediate level of knowledge, 12.5% considers that they get a high level, and the other 12.5% thiks they are deficient of knowledge. Question # 6 What recommendations would you give to the different parts related to the English language? Absolute Frequency Relative Frequency Answers (AF) (RF) 6.1 Students 6.1.1 More efforts to try to learn the English language 8 100.00%
The 100% asks to students more esffort to learn English.
6.2 English teachers 6.2.1 More emphasis on technical vocabulary 6.2.2 To use technological resources for teaching 6.2.3 To get better books for teaching
5 2 1
62.50% 25.00% 12.50%
The 62.50% asks to the English teachers more emphasis on teaching technical vocabulary, 25% asks the usage of technical equipment in the classroom,and the12.5% asks better books for teaching. 6.3 INTI 6.3.1 To promote the technical English interest 6.3.2 To have well prepared teachers in technical English
The 62% asks to the institution to be interested in the best preparation of the teachers, and the 38% asks the technical English be taught.
6.4 MINED 6.4.1 To create laboratories for English classes 6.4.2 Permanent trainings for teachers
4 4
50.00% 50.00%
The 50% asks to the MINED to create English laboratories, and the other 50% asks a permanent training for teachers. 6.5 Companie's owners 6.5.1 To motivate workers to learn English 6.5.2 Trainings on English for workers 6.5.3 To suggest to MINED to teach technical English 6.5.4 To give the oportunity to students to visit different industrial companies
2 2
25.00% 25.00%
The 37.5% suggests to MINED to teach technical English, the 25% asks to motivate workers,the other 25% asks trainigs in English for workers, and the 12.5% asks to give the opportunity to students to visit the inustrial companies.
5- INTERVIEW TO WORKERS Question # 1 Check the activities that you perform very often? Absolute Frequency Answers (AF) 1.1 To check the correct functioning of machinery 16 1.2 Machinery support 17 1.3 Reports elaboration 14 1.4 To give instructions to workers 9 1.5 Others 5
Relative Frequency (RF) 72.73% 77.27% 63.64% 40.91% 22.73%
More than the 70% performs the activities such as checking the well working of machinery and elaboration of reports. Question # 2 In which of these activities, do you need technical English? Absolute Frequency Relative Frequency Answers (AF) (RF) 2.1 To read manuals 18 81.82% 2.2 To read machinery directions 18 81.82% 2.3 To make commercial orders 9 40.91% 2.4 Own training 7 31.82% 2,5 Others 4 18.18% More
expresses that among their activities in which they
manuals, machinery instructions.
service and usage
Question # 3 Wich of the following trainings have you received to improve your job perform? Absolute Frequency Relative Frequency Answers (AF) (RF) 3.1 Machinery reparation 11 50.00% 3.2 New machinery usage 6 27.27% 3.3 English courses 5 22.73%
The 50% expreses they have received machinery reparation trainings; 27.27% express they have recived new machinery usage trainings and less than 22.73% have received English courses. Question # 4 Which of the following activities do you need to use English? Absolute Frequency Relative Frequency Answers (AF) (RF) 4.1 To read machinery usage directions 18 81.82% 4.2 To read manuals 18 81.82% 4.3 To elaborate reports 7 31.82% 4.4 To receive managers directions 6 27.27% 4,5 Training 10 45.45% 4.6 Others 2 9.09% More exprsess
their main activities are reading
manuals and machinery usage instructions.
Question # 5 How important is for you the knowledge of technical English for the best development of your job? Answers Absolute Frequency (AF) Relative Frequency (RF) 5.1 Much 21 95.45% 5.2 A little 1 4.55% 5.3 Nothing 0 0.00% ÎŁ 22 100.00%
The 95% considers that the English language is important for the well development in an industrial company. Question # 6 How well do you consider that the highschool instituttion in which you studied prepared you with the knowledge of English now you have? Answers Absolute Frequency (AF) Relative Frequency (RF) 6.1 Excellent 2 9.09% 6.2 Well 11 50.00% 6.3 Deficient 9 40.91% ÎŁ 22 100.00%
Only 9.09% expresses that the instition gave them an excellent preparation, the 50% expresses that they are well prepared, and the 40.91% says that they are deficient.
Question # 7 What suggestions would you give to the different related parts to the English language? Absolute Frequency Relative Frequency Answers (AF) (RF) 7.1 Workmates 7.1.1 Best preparation on the technical area 16 72.73% 7.1.2 To give a support to workers who have less knowledge 3 13.64% 7.1.3 No comments 3 13.64%
More then the 72.73% suggests to be more prepared on the technical area. 7.2 High school institutions 7.2.1 To have well prepared teachers 7.2.2 To improve the English teaching 7.2.3 To implement technical English courses 7.2.4 No comments
3 10 4 5
13.64% 45.45% 18.18% 22.73%
The 70% asks to the institution to implement the technical English and improve the teaching and the last student ask to have well prepared teachers.
7.3 English teachers 7.3.1 To teach technical English 7.3.2 To be more prepared 7.3.3 No comments
8 10 4
36.36% 45.45% 18.18%
More than the 45.45% asks to the teachers to be more prepared for a best teaching, and the 36.36% asks the technical English be taught. 7.4 Technical English 7.4.1 To have more technical subjects where technical English could be used 7.4.2 More preparation in English
3 7
13.64% 31.82%
7.4.3 To give to the students a technical support 7.4.4 No comments
3 9
13.64% 40.91%
The 40.91% didn´t want to give any opinion about it, and the 60% expresses that the technical teachers must be prepared in this area to teach technical classes using English.
7.5 MINED 7.5.1 To open new technical high schools 7.5.2 Constant trainings for teachers
3 1
13.64% 4.55%
7.5.3 English must be taught in the three years 7.5.4 To create the technical English subject 7.5.5 No comments
2 6 10
9.09% 27.27% 45.45%
The 45.45% didn´t answer, but 27.27% says that it is really necessary to create the technical English subject, and the 35% says that there must be more English classes. 7.6 Companie´s owners 7.6.1 To implement trainings for workers on technical English 7.6.2 No comments
17 5
77.27% 22.73%
More than the 77.27% suggests to their managers to train their workers on technical English.
After studying the main parts of the research, here it is showed the gotten results, including our point of view.
STUDENTS After the surveys, many interesting things have been found in students but the most important are the deficiencies they have, especially in English language: a) The level of English they have is basic; just a few students have a high level. b) They focus more on the technical areas than the academic ones. c) Most of the students are less interested in the common English but very interested in technical English. d) Most of them pretend to join a company after graduation. e) They are worried about job requirements, since many of them think they do not have the necessary competences in English but the practical- technical ones only. TEACHERS
All the teachers in charge of English classes are graduated as teachers or licenciados in English, and they manage this language in a 60 or 80 %, but no one of them teaches technical English according to studentâ€&#x;s specialties, since they do not manage the technical specialties and programs. It makes students start to feel disappointed about the classes. All the teachers teach English for communicative purposes, because there is a program and a lot of material to work with. For instance they use the Tex books Side by Side, Post card, and New interchange, which do not have any focus and technical support related to students specialties.
The technical teachers try to teach a little technical English in the four specialties, because they want their students learn many technical terms and symbols which are useful for them to understand the sophisticated-electric diagrams, safety instructions, and reparation processes.
The people in charge of the administration in the institution know about the students´deficiencies in technical English, but they feel limited because of the Ministry‟s directions, because it requires to work according to the study programs. Just some teachers in charge of the technical area teach a little about it, for all the information in manuals is in English, but it is not enough compared with what student need. The institution has books, manuals, and technical dictionaries in the library, which are used by students and teachers to look for some information. Many teachers have received technical trainings in different countries like Japan, USA, China, and Taiwan, where all trainings have been performed in English. Furthermore, there is a 30% of technical teachers who have an intermediate or high level of English.
The Ministry of Education is an institution in charge of administrating, regulating and promoting the Education in El Salvador. It has performed several reforms to the programs of study, trying to keep updated with the technological changes. The last reform was in1995, it dealt with the needs of that time, but nowadays these programs are considered old-fashioned, because now they are not according to the reality or according to what students need. Based on this, the MINED has created the ¨20-21 PROGRAM which has as a main goal to form bilingual students, to face the technological changes in our country. Besides that, the academic charge for elementary and high school has been incremented two hours more. But it doesn‟t mean that this is the solution, because the budget is not enough, and there are not well-prepared teachers yet. So, this Problem goes on without any solution in a short time.
The industrial companies´ workers express the limitations they face in their jobs and the importance of learning a new language. A single situation happens in these enterprises, workers who have more than one year working there, express the need of learning English, but specially the technical one; since most of the information they manage is written in English. They also express that through commanding English they could get better salaries, better positions in the companies and job stability. Although this is the solution for many of them, this is just a dream, because most of them do not have time or money enough to study, and it makes them possible candidates to be replaced by the ones who have the required competences
The industrial companies‟ managers really know about the Education‟s reality in El Salvador, but they believe in the improvement of their business through having well prepared workers. They express that now the education is divorced from the reality or the technological advances, which is a disadvantage or limitation to be a competent company. For this reason they are obligated to create policies or strategies: because they think that having workers with knowledge of English and computing, it makes them to trust more and assigned more responsibilities to their employees. Therefore, to keep workers, the managers send them to study English at night, or on weekends. Others for example, hire five workers for three months, and at the end, just one or two of them are hired. Some others just make a casting, requiring the competences they need. In conclusion, they have to do it in this way, since a leader company must gather the best workers to survive in the marketing.
Taking as a source reference
Joaquin Eduardo Garcia and his book entitled
¨Globalization y Nueva Education” we are completely in agreement when he says that nowadays reforms in the Education is an attempt of putting a new patch to an old dress because after analyzing the graduated in INTI it permits us to know the current reality in our country”
This research shows us that the technological changes happen rapidly, and not event one of the area of knowledge is excluded. For that reason, the Education must be in a constant checking, to include these advances to the programs of study. It can be possible not to achieve all of these goals, but something can be done, if we know where to go in a definite time, and what we want for our country, just through these statements, we can make that our country raise up from the under development and go to progress.
RESEARCH’S SUBJECTS DESCRIPTION After analysing each of the involved parts in our research, it has been observed that they have a close relationship in the education process. For that reason, it is elaborated a detailed description of each part, in order to have supporting part of the research.
ENTSSTUD Students realize of the need of having more academic preparation to be employed, because the English they receive is not enough. In other words, the institution (INTI) doesn´t prepare them to the labor world. For that reason, most of them want to continue studying because they know that speaking a second language or having knowledge of technical English in their majors will increase their job opportunities. That is why some of them want to study and work at the same time, to pay their studies and acquire experience; finally, it makes us to understand one thing. In first year students don‟t care about their studies; but in third year when, they perform their practices in different industrial companies they realize that they have lost their time, and that they need more and more knowledge especially in English and computing, but the time is up.
TEACHERS All teachers are disapointed about students´ academic results and about what difficult to teach technical English it is. English teachers in INTI are specialized in this area, but talking with them, they express that some students have a lack of interest about the new language and they wonder about how to make students get interested in it. Some teachers showed us the students´grading charts where we could see a 20% of flunked students. Most of them, because are not able to resolve easy problems using the “to be” verb. Taking into account this, they also express that it is not easy to teach “technical English” to them since, the basis is the general English they receive. Thus, the ones who are interested on this must study on their own. For that reason, it must be created a new generation of teachers with technical and English knowledge to know how to prepare these students for the companies that are requiring from them.
INSTITUTION In reference to the institution, it is well established, working under the Ministry of Education‟s supervision. The Instituto Nacional Técnico Industrial is an institution well stablished, with the different people working as the organization chart shows. Talking about the teaching of technical English, there are several limitations, since there are no well prepared teachers to teach this special English, but for common English only. In one occasion, the principal of the institution Mr. Oscar Manuel Melara said that “Students should receive just a couple of words of technical English, specially the most useful ones”. There are two subjects, Taller and Tecnología in which new knowledge must be studied, and all of this is in technical English. The pupils study machinery‟s manuals and reading of electrical diagrams. In short, it can be said that the institution is tied to the Ministry of Education´s dispositions, which is in charge of supervising the institution very often to make sure it is being done as it is required by them, taking into account the programs of study
THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION The Ministry of Education has tried to be updated in all the reforms, but in a short time, they become old–fashioned. The MINED is incharge of regulating the teaching in all the educative levels, and performing reforms when it is considered necessary. The changes in Education have been made according to political benefits, for some years with the idea that “poor people don‟t need education”, but now everything has changed, and it is visible that MINED was wrong, because nowadays with the globalization and CAFTA, well-prepared people professionally is needed. It means that all reforms must be done, trying to respond to the job world, with well defined goals and strategies. Let‟s see the “2021 Program” that has started to have problems already in its implementation, because there is not enough money to form more students and teachers. Therefore, the covering of this program doesn‟t include all the country. Just the same as the “Plan Decenal” that it was developed just a 50% of the projects only.
WORKERS Employees express their satisfaction of being working in an industrial company, but at the same time they think they have weaknesses. When asking to these workers how they feel in their new world, they reply that they feel so happy to be working in the area they studied. They are also asked, if the high school institution, (in this case INTI) prepared them enough, they say “yes”, but only in making some operations, they express that they have deficiencies in English language computing and technical knowledge. For that reason, they think it is necesary to join to an academy to study English at night or on the weekends, in order to continue working in a company and not being replaced easily. In general, everyday academies have more students because workers need to speak English, which is demanded by companies.
EMPLOYERS Companies´ chair men ephasize on the well preparation of their workers, and how important suggestions to MINED would be done, to improve the High school education. When interviewing people, they realize that the applicants have a lack of some skills and habilities, such as in the technical area, computing, and English, which are considered very important tools there. To compete with other companies, they often send their workers to study English, but it is imposible to send all of them at the same time. For that reason, sometimes it is better to hire well-prepared people all at once. To achieve this in the future, some chairpeple consider as a good idea that the results of this research and some suggestions can be sent to MINED, in order to create new changes in the programs of study, and in this way to improve students‟ quality.
DATA COLLECTING PROCEDURE The research pretends to make an experimental study with two positions: 1) The competences in English language acquired by students at the end of the three years of study in Bachillerato Técnico Industrial, in the Instituto Nacional Técnico Industrial. 2) Requirements by industrial companies to graduated who want to join them. INTI has 1,230 students registered in the different specialties, but for this study seniors have been selected since they are in the last year of studies in the institution, all of them in the following proportion: From Electronic 28 students, Electricity 21, General mechanic 34, and from Automotive 29. Furthermore, it has been taken the big, and small companies, to have a better idea of the requirements for each level among the big ones are: AEROMAN, ABX, INSINCA, and TEXTUFIL. As middle–size are: AVP (Audio video professional), and CIT (Centro de Investigaciones Tècnicas). Among the smaller ones: TALLER EBRO, SERVICIO AUTOMOTRIZ LEIVA, and RECTIFICADO SANTA TECLA. The information has been gotten from different levels in such companies including workers, managers, and companies‟ owners. English teachers who have a direct contact with students, teachers of the technical area are included as well as, the manager of the institute, and everything that is related to students formation; including the policies given by the MINED. The direct information was taken from the students that finished their studies in 2006, and the employees that have from one to five years working in an industrial company. We have also included information about the different reforms done in the Ministry of Education since 1968 so far, all of this, in order to have an idea of the changes in the last forty years. It is also included the high school institution (INTI) as the in charge to form “Bachilleres industriales”, since, on its institutional policies depend the well or bad formation of students at the end of the three years. It is also taken into account the English teachers and technical teachers, to know their opinions about the students and their development in the teaching and learning process related to the English language, since they are the ones who are closer to students and know the educative reality.
Generally, in the different companies there is a time in which the workers are in the adaptation process, time enough for managers to decide who will be hired and who won‟t. Therefore, the administrative part is taken into account, such as managers and supervisors in order to have a clear idea from the people in charge to make decisions in companies. Companies´ owners are included too, to know their valuable opinion about the technological changes happened so far, and how they affect them, also how the Educative System should prepair students nowadays according to the deficiencies found in the new workers they hire. We all know that the Instituto Nacional Technico Industrial is not the only one in charge of preparing Bachilleres Técnicos Industriales in El Salvador, there are some other ones in the public and private sect area like: the Instituto Nacional de la Colonia Santa Lucía, the Instituto Nacional José Simeón Cañas (Zacatecoluca); and the Instituto Nacional Damián Villacorta; in the private part are: the Instituto Técnico Exal, and the Instituto Técnico Ricaldone. The main reasons to have chosen the INTI to carry out the research are because: a) One of the members of this project works as a technical teacher in the institution, and he saw the need of teaching the technical English there. b) An 80% of the students decide to work or work and study after finishing their high school studies, and they are who have this kind of problems with the technical English. c) A 50% of industrial companies´ workers of San Salvador come from INTI, among them are: workers, supervisors, managers, and companies´ owners. d) Most of the reforms done by MINED on the technical area, have been performed taking into account INTI, since it is the most important institution in the technical High school education.
It means that the results gotten at the end of the research will have a high validity, since this project is focused on the best technical high school institution in El Salvador.
In the following part, it is explained the procedure to collect data. 1. The first part was done in the institution (INTI) selecting a determined number of students by each specialty as it is showed up bellow. a) b) c) d)
28 students of electronic out of 120 21 students of electricity out of 42 34 students of general mecanic out of 45 29 students of automotive out of 118
Having permission from the institution‟s principal and the teachers, there were carried out surveys with all of these students, during a particular class. 2. Teacher´s Interviews Guided interviews to teachers were applied. In this part two kinds of teachers were included; the first one was directed to the English teachers, in order to get information about the student‟s interest of English language, and the importance of commanding it to meet a job in an industrial company. The second one was applied to the technical teachers, because the students expresed that” jus in the technical subjects they recibed a couple of words of technical English.” Furthermore, some teachers expressed that in the workshops these young face with situations where special English to this area is necessary. Therefore, the questions in the interview are focused on knowing if they consider really necessary this special English to solve their problems. 3. In addition, it was considered necessary to consult to the principal of the institution Sr. Oscar Manuel Melara Rubio, who expresses that the institution is supervised by MINED, which gives a structure of subjects, hours and contents for each of them. Therefore, it is mandatary to work as it demands. Furthermore, he explained that it is considered really necessary the technical English, but for doing so, it implies the usage of more human resource and materials to teach it. He also explained that even though having all the necessary to do so, it would be necessary the MINED´s permission too. As an alternative, he said that “it would be ok, if some teachers want to teach a little knowledge about it, they can do it”. 4. Furthermore, the Educative policies of the last forty years were studied, in other words, these are the different educative reforms. When analizing, we have realized that they have been done it according to the political and economical changes, which have forced the country to join them. The first huge influence was the industrialization and then the globalization; with this the implementation of ISO 9002, and now the CAFTA.
The 20-21 Plan works according to American requirements, a requisite to the countries of the third world which want to have a free trade agreement with this country. Therefore, fast changes must be done in all the aspects in reference to the improvement of products and services. A typical example of this is the teaching of English language since elementary school and the increasing of more classes to the ones are already stablished. 5. Industrial companies were visited, and it was chosen two kinds of enterprises for each specialty, a micro and a big one, to have two different opinions or requirements. Before the visiting them, a letter was sent to the chosen company. After having the authorization letter back it was decided to go there so that, these people were interviewed with the idea of having information about their new world, and which were their future expectations and their deficiencies in reference to the English language. Part of the interview was also focused in making students express suggestions to the institution where they studied and the MINED to improve the Education in the area they studied. 6. Industrial companies´ owners and managers interviews. The las part interviewed were the companies´owners and managers, who were reached personally or on the telephone. This interview was disigned to know which were the profiles they were requiring from the applicants who want to be part of their enterprises, in the same way, to know what is the opinion about the type of graduated that the INTI is producing at the present time. Among other things, the interview tried to make them recomendations to improve the students profile too.
DATA ANALISIS TECHNIQUES SPECIFICATION It is very important to analyze the results in each involved part to have a general idea to the different point of view. This information serves us to understand the different thinking ways according to the roll that each one performed. Our analysis has as goal: a) To summarize the information in the charts b) To analyze the summarized information c) To make a general synthesis of the outcomes The subjects of the research are: a) Students b) English teachers c) Technical teachers d) Industrial companies‟ workers e) Employers The used method is the “descriptive”, using the percentage as statistic process. First of all, the individual analysis of the gotten results is done in each question, in order to know the trend of what is researched about, through each corresponding question.
This analysis is performed taking into account the high percentages reached in each answer.
The arrangement of the analysis in the project is in the following way:
1. The question is shown with its alternative of answer. 2. The total of people who answer each question is represented in global cipher or absolute frequency. 3. The answers are represented in relative frequency.
4. The proportion in percentage of each answer is represented in bars or circle graphs. 5. The description or analysis of each graph is done taking into account the individual result. 6. A summary chart of answer is shown to represent the most common answers among the interviewed parts (subjects of the research), taking as basis the global result. 7. A list of considerations is presented which were formulated, taking into account the valuable information gotten from the answers that each group gave. All of this in order to express what this group thinks.
Students like English Students have Problems to learn English The teacher has a good command of English Students received good instructions where they studied Students don´t receive technical English Students want to work and to study at the same time Students want to work on their specialty They know the activities done in an industrial company Students don´t have enough knowledge of English It is very difficult for students to read manuals in English Students have a little interest in learning English Students consider very important to learn technical Eng. Students have troubles to join companies The time for English classes is not enough Students don´t know the importance of English classes Student´s strongest ability is reading The program of study doesn' t contain technical English Students don´t acquire enough knowledge of English The most common activities are reading of manuals and machinery instructions study The English training is very limited Most of the workers in companies are bachilleres tecnicos English and Computing are important for the enterprises They consider that INTI prepares them very well
x x x x x x x x x x x
x x
x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x
x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x x
x x
x x x
x x
To have more interest for the English language Introduce technical vocabulary in English To learn English To work as a team both technical and English teachers To have more technical subjects in English To try to use new methodologies Better prepared teachers Teachers demmand more work from students TheTechnical English subject must be taught To consult the technical teachers about What could be taught To increase the numbers of English Classes To implement technical English classes To create a laboratory for English classes To use better technology Better prepared English teachers More discipline in evaluation To create special contents beetween English and technical teachers To train the technical and English teachers very often To give bibliography in English classes To increase the number of English classes To teach English in the three years To create the technical English subject To teach English since Kindergarden To open new technical high schools To implement trainings for workers To supply the different institutions with top technology
To be more accesible To provide technical information to the institutions To suggest to MINED to teach the technical English Better preparation on the technical area To help partners
CONSIDERATIONS After analyzing the data and the consulted documents, it is now proposed a listing of recommendations to the different subjects of the research, and the reasons why it would be necessary to do it like that.
a) The technical English subject should be implemented in the technical High school institutions. There have been new technological changes, which are forcing students to be better prepared to be able to read manuals and machinery directions when required in the different industrial companies. Furthermore, they need to study more. b) Special contents for technical English according to studentâ€&#x;s specialty should be included. It is really necessary to know which the contents are taught in the technical classes, to have an idea of what could be included in the technical English contents
c) English should be taught in the three years of high school. As it is known, nowadays in High school English is taught in 10 th and 11th grades only, and when students get to 12th they are not able to remember what they were taught, and also two years is not enough to acquire too much knowledge.
d) The technical High school institutions should be supplied with cutting-edge technology. It is necessary to train students with the proper machinery that is used in the industrial companies.
e) English laboratories should be implemented in High school. Technology is in everything, and at the present time there are several English programs that could be used in the English classes, but to perform them it is necessary to have a well equipped laboratory.
f) English and technical teachers should be better prepared. There are many teachers that have been prepared to teach just the every day English, but not the technical one, so, it is necessary to create a new generation with this kind of knowledge, to be able to teach this special English.
g) The technical and English teachers should be trained very often. As it was said before, technology is changing rapidly, for that reason, it is really necessary to updated for the new is coming.
h) English teachers should use new methodologies. We are in a time in which students donâ€&#x;t want to study especially if they challenged on English or Math, because they say that these subjects are very difficult, but these are now two of the most important subjects. For that reason, teachers have to implement methodologies that can make students feel more interested and acquire more knowledge too. i) Students from INTI should be more interested on the English classes. Nowadays students face to big problem when they meet a job in an industrial company, because they are not required just with the technical knowledge, but the command of English too, and for many of them the English classes in the institution is the single opportunity to do it, and during this period most of them lose their time. j) Industrial companiesâ€&#x; workers should provide High school institutions with the technical information they have in usage in their companies. Technology gets in companies first, for that reason, the employers should offer trainings to the teachers in the High school institutions to make sure about the good workers they will have in the future. k) Industrial companiesâ€&#x; workers should be prepared continually in technological areas such as English and computing. It is necessary since every year new technology comes, which deals with the English language and many of them are studied making use of the computer.
l) English teachers should give extra practice on grammar and vocabulary for a better understanding of complete sentences in technical texts. It would be really necessary, because it has been seen how students get in troubles when analyzing technical texts in English.
ACTIVITY Consultation to students Consultation to English teachers Consultation to Technical teachers Surveys´ performance to students Surveys´ performance to English teachers Survey’s performance to technical teachers Elaboration of document for first presentation Consultation to workers Consultation to Employers Interview and observation of worker’s activities Interview’s performance to employers Analysis of interviews to students Analysis of interviews done to English teachers Analysis of interviews done to technical teachers Analysis of interviews done to workers Analysis of interviews done to employers Elaboration of document for second presentation Data performance chart Elaboration of document for third presentation
2007 DEC
2006 2007 ACTIVITY SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MA AP AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Analysis of the reform of 1968 (MINED) X Analysis of Plan Decenal-1995 (MINED) X AnalysIs of Plan 20-21 20-21 (MINED) X Analysis of PEI (INTI) X analysis of English programs (INTI) X anayisis of Technical Programs (INTI) X Analysis of English lesson plans (INTI) X Analysis of Technical lesson plans (INTI) X Analysis of students'grading chart English subject (INTI) X Short analysis of enterprises' history in El Salvador X Analysis of technological Changes in enterprises X Analysis of work requirements in enterprises X
RESOURCES In the research there were two kinds of resources, the human and the logistical, the ones were used to carry out the project.
HUMAN RESOURCE In this part it is included: a) b) c) d) e)
The seniors of High school from INTI The English teachers from INTI The technical teachers from INTI The industrial companies‟ workers from San Salvador The industrial companies‟ employers
LOGISTICAL RESOURCE In this part it is included:
a) b) c) d)
The advisor of the project The jurors of the project Five interview‟s documents A list of Industrial Companies in San Salvador
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