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SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Study of the Methodology Applied in the English Teaching Process and its Relation with the Development of the Oral expression, Section “A”, 10th grade of Bachillerato General, Instituto Nacional Doctor Francisco Martínez Suárez , Chalatenango , 2007.

Presented by: Celina Yaneth Cartagena Maldonado Marta Isabel Torres Torres Melvin Rolando Rauda Márquez

To obtain the academic degree: Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación con Especialidad en Idioma Inglés.


San Salvador, El Salvador 2008.


RECTOR: Ing. Luís Mario Aparicio Guzmán

VICERRECTORA ACADEMICA: Lic. Catalina Rodríguez de Merino


Lic. Jorge Alberto Escobar

Dedicated to: - Almight God to let me finish my career.

- My mother for had showed me the life sense.

- My father and family for been close to me in every moment.

- Licda. Irma Carballo Hernandez for her dedication and time.

- My job partners for their support.

- All my friends and their company.

- Juan Carlos Cortez who work in the Universidad Pedagogica library.

- The evaluation committee and its dedication.

- Universidad Pedag贸gica de El Salvador Authorities.

Melvin Rolando Rauda M谩rquez.

Dedicated to: -Almight God to helped me to obtain the academic degree.

-My mother for her love and support.

-Rafael Vasquez to support me with love and comprehension

-My dearest sons Fabian Alessandro and Franco Paolo.

-All my brothers and sisters for their advices in every moment.

-Licda. Irma Carballo Hernandez and her dedication.

-The A.C.E. and job partners.

-All my friends.

-Universidad Pedag贸gica de El Salvador.

Marta Isabel Torres Torres.


-Principally to almighty God to give me the life and the opportunity to finish this work.

-My dear father and mother, who gave me all their love, comprehension, and patience in everything I needed and asked them.

-My dear brothers and sister who always helped me on every moment.

-I also like to thank to my thesis partner Melvin Rolando Rauda and Martha Isabel Torres who gave me support when things got tough.

Celina Yaneth Cartagena Maldonado


To the authorities, teachers, and students of the institution attended, because they made it possible to develop the field research.

To the advisor of our thesis work, Licda. Irma Carballo Hernandez. Our gratitude also goes to the people who work in the UPES`s library, especially to Juan Carlos Cortez for his patience and kindness to provided us all the available books referring our research during development of this work.

TABLE OF CONTENTS I-Conceptual Framework

1.1 General and specific objetives --------------------------------------------------1 1.2 Justification -----------------------------------------------------------------------2 1.3 Statement of the problem --------------------------------------------------------3 - 4 1.4 Goals and Limitations -----------------------------------------------------------5 - 6 1.5 Concepts and categories --------------------------------------------------------7 - 9

II- Theoretical Framework

2.1 Theoretical Methodological Basis --------------------------------------------10 - 26 2.2 Empirical Framework -----------------------------------------------------------27 - 40 2.3 Theoretical Methodological Formulation of the research ---------------------------------------------------------41 - 44 2.4 Development and Theoretical Definition -------------------------------------45 - 47

III- Operational Framework

3.1 Description of the subjects of the research -------------------------------------48 - 50 3.2 Data gathering procedure ---------------------------------------------------------51 - 76 3.3 Specification of the technique for the data analysis ---------------------------77 3.4 Chronogram -------------------------------------------------------------------------78 - 80 3.5 Resources ----------------------------------------------------------------------------81 3.6 Preliminary table contexts on final report ---------------------------------------82 - 83 3.7 Bibliography used to develop the research --------------------------------------84 3.8 Attachments


The present research deals with a study of the methodology applied in the English teaching process and its relation with the development of the oral expression in section “A” for


grade of bachillerato general Instituto Nacional Doctor Francisco Martínez Suárez, Chalatenango, 2007. The research project was being carried out, to observe the methodologies used by the teacher to develop the oral expression; and it was also observed some students’ interest in the oral expression learning. The information recompiled helped us to determine if the methodologies used by the teacher with the students in the classroom were appropriate to develop the oral expression. On the other hand, this research will let the readers know about the methodologies and activities applied by the teacher in the English class and the development of the students’ expressivity. The purpose was to identify the methodologies used by the English teacher to develop the oral expression and how the study categories were included in the development of the research. These are: methodology, oral expression and methodological process. In this research we analyzed some linguistic and pedagogical theories that guided the research in order to obtain wide information related to the topic. The first draft research contains in its draft: general and specific objectives, justification, statement of the problem, goals and limitations, concepts and categories. The second draft includes the theoretical methodological basis, on which it was based after having consulted different authors’ point of view in the field of the English language teaching, and how its Empirical Framework was elaborated, this includes students population, method, techniques and instruments used to collect the data. The third draft contains: The description of the subject of the research, Data gathering procedure, Specification of the technique for the data analysis, a Chronogram, Resources, Preliminary table of contents on final report and attachments.

1.1 Objectives


To know the methodologies used by the teacher in the English class and its relation with students’ oral expression performance.


To identify the methodological process and the elements used by the teacher to associate its relation to make the students develop the oral expression in English.

1.2 Justification This research is necessary to be done because it is well known that high school Salvadoran students do not speak English with the expected fluency as a result of some factors related to the English teaching methodology applied, students’ interest and others. These factors affect them because it reduces the opportunities chances to get a good job and a higher education due to the lack of the mastering of the language, maybe in the other skills they should get an acceptable level but not in speaking, therefore speaking is the most difficult skill to develop. That is why it is very important to pay attention to the methodological process of how teachers of English are teaching this language. We will focus the research especially in the goal of studying the methodology applied by the teacher in the English class in progress. At the same time we will realize if through the elements the teacher uses from this methodology the high school students get an acceptable level in the oral expression according to the course they are taking. This research will be helpful to know the English oral expression level in the students of tenth grade section “A” Instituto Nacional Doctor Francisco Martínez Suárez, Departamento de Chalatenango. This also makes a good means to find out how a teacher of English makes his students learn English more effectively in terms of the techniques of some of the most common methods to teach English altogether with available resources, and identify the teaching methodology to develop the students’ oral expression. Nowadays the English language is a fundamental academic field in modern students who are the real diagnostic of the English teaching process, toward a new technology era.

1.3 Statement of the problem In El Salvador English is a mandatory subject in the educative system from seventh grade to High School, in public schools Salvadoran students do not speak English with the expected fluency due to the lack of language produced by the teaching methodology, students’ interest and others. The Salvadoran Ministry of Education does not pay attention to this and it is only in private schools where English is taught in lower than seventh grades. As it is true there are good theories about teaching methodology to help teachers orient their job in the English language classroom, there is a problem present in some classrooms. That is maybe because many teachers do not manage the apropriate methodologies to develop students’ oral expression. This could be so probably because they have not been appropriately instructed in both practically and theoretically, or even because some of the teachers are not specialists in the field. This occurs in the public system because the government has never shown much interest in the quality of Education in many years. Even though this has changed just a little bit recently, because of the changes around the world demand more qualified people working on the field of the English language teaching. The teaching of English language from seventh grade to bachillerato is stated in the technical progressive challenges of the Ministry of Education especially in the human communication field.1

1Verónica del Carmen Vásquez, Jennifer Carolina Bonilla, Juan Antonio Ramírez.”Reaches and limitations of the constructivist methodology proposed in the English program of junior high. 2006. Pag.12.

The English curriculum is based on the integration of a variety of innovating techniques of teaching all of which emphasize the development of comprehension and production of oral expression

1.4 Goals and Limitations Goals: On one hand, there is the fact that there was a bibliographical research done on the different points of view of some of the most recognized authors on the field of English language teaching. For example: in the book written by Margarita Ravera Carreño, Didácticas de las segundas lenguas estrategias y recursos básicos, she mentions that “the interlingual development is any process in which anyone who is learning a language in order to master it as a native speaker is who must go through to do so”.2 She also establishes that in the process of natural acquisition of the foreign language a child develops his speaking skill and fluency without learning any grammatical rules explicitly. On the other hand, the communicative method represented by the Britain school (Widdowson, Long) proposed “the oral practice and group work as a way so the students manage the language develop the communicative skill and learn the language.”3 According to Teun Van Dijk “in the teaching-learning process those students who learn the first language the same as the students learning the second or foreign language used to mix up styles or registers, a typical example is the use of written text books of expressions or idiomatic phrases used only through the oral expression.”4 In addition to the former the linguistic theory by Dell Hymes is concerned primarily with an ideal speaker, listener in a completely homogeneous speech community, who knows its language perfectly and is unaffected by such: grammatically irrelevant condition as memory limitation, distraction, shift of attention and interest. __________________ 2

Didácticas de las segundas lenguas estrategias y recursos básicos, Editorial Santillana 1990, pag.14. 3 4El discurso como estructura y proceso.Editorial Gedisa, Barcelona Espana, 1997.pag.226 4 Idem.


Among the limitations found to carry out the research is the lack of bibliography related to the topic, in which researches found difficulties to collect data. Among the few information found exist different points of view of some authors such as: Margarita Ravera Carreño, where she establishes that in the process of natural acquisition of the first language a child develops the speaking skill and fluency without learning any grammatical rules explicitly. On the contrary some authors (Pinemann, Ellis) state that besides the understandable language is necessary to teach explicitly grammar to accelerate and improve the foreign language acquisition quality5. On one side, Pinemann states to teach explicitly grammar only when the students are able to use the language in advance. On the other side, Ellis states to teach grammar rules but not forces to use it. According to him students are able to apply the rules in a natural way. Theirs theories are not in a complete agreement, which causes problems at the moment of analyzing the different methodologies used to develop the students’ oral expression.


Didácticas de las segundas lenguas estrategias y recursos básicos, Editorial Santillana 1990, pag 18.

1.5 Concepts and categories

The research that will be studied comprises different definitions. According to the MacMillan dictionary, methodology consists of “the methods and principles used for doing a particular kind of word, especially scientific or academic research”.6 On the other hand, El Diccionario de las Ciencias de la Educación explains that methodology “is the theory of the method that studies the reason that let us understand a method.7 In our opinion, methodology is that element which links theory and practice, the one that comprises many steps such as: methods, strategies, techniques, activities, dynamics and sources that the teacher has to apply with the students in the classroom to develop the oral expression. Jean Piaget mentioned “that methodology is that meaningful learning in which students modify their knowledge”8. He focused on the roles that learners learn a language through using it in an authentic and meaningful communication that should be the goal of classroom activities. From another point of view Kant and Rabidanat Tagore claimed “we don’t have to teach about philosophy to students, but rather how to do it” or “you don’t have to feed people with fish but teach people how to get it”.9

6 7

8 9

MacMillan Dictionary. Macmillan Publishers Limited 2002.pag. 882. Diccionario de las ciencias de la educación, Editorial Santillana S. A., Madrid, España 1983. Didáctica de las segunda lengua estrategia y recursos básicos. Editorial Santillana, 1990. Creando formas efectivas de enseñar y aprender, Editores montañas de fuego, San Salvador 2002, pag .62.

It means that the teaching process guided by teachers must be designed or planned in order to make students develop their independent learning. In addition to, the Macmillan Dictionary defines method as “the way of doing something, Especially a planned or established way”10. In our opinion, method is a systematic set of teaching practices based on a particular theory of language and language learning. Methods are held to be fixed teaching systems with prescribed techniques and practice can be interpreted and applied in a variety of different ways in the classroom. Oral Expression “is a person’s ability to express ideas when speaking so that others will understand the message”11. From our point of view oral performance is the ability and right to speak free and clearly unashamed, to fully vocalize to choose to make contact with a word and to communicate that word successfully. Oral Expression involves perceiving, recalling and articulating in the correct order sound and structures of the language, sounding like a native speaker even producing the right sound. Dell Hymes created the term of communicative outcome; he focused on the linguistic knowledge in the cultural aspect of community. On the other hand, Noam Chomsky (American Linguist) showed the oral expression is the skill speakers develop through their language.

10 Mac Millan Dictionary. Macmillan Publishers Limited 2002. pag. 882. 11

Chomsky valued the mental and innate characters in the acquisition of oral expression. To get the former the teacher is active in setting up classroom situations while the students do most of the talking and interaction among themselves. Teun Van Dijk is also an important linguist. He focused on acts of speech can produce different sounds, in which the learner repeats patterns and phrases in the language laboratory. In the teaching-learning process those students who learn the first language the same as the students learning the second or foreign language use to mix up styles or registers, a typical example is the use of written text books of expressions or idiomatic phrases used only through the oral expression. In all the international relation areas and the intercultural communication, either the written texts books or oral interactions the style is a fundamental dimension. The abstract explanations like the most concrete of the word order, the meaning of the sentences, coherence and narrative schemes of the speech acts or the own interaction of the conversation always suppose that the language user has a previous knowledge of the language. In our opinion the term oral expression is basically that linguistic capability that enables to express with clarity, fluency and coherence among others.

II Theoretical framework 2.1 Theoretical Methodological Basis Introduction Methodology in English teaching has been characterized in a variety of ways “A more or less classical formulation suggests that methodology links theory and practice, within methodology a distinction is often made between methods and approaches. Methods are held to be fixed in teaching and they can be practiced, interpreted and applied in a variety of ways in the classroom. Learning a foreign language is a complex process that involves an infinite number of variables from which we are going to take some of them into account!”12 The research studied some of the most important points of view of some authors in the field of English language teaching and learning.

Methodology According to Jean Piaget methodology “is that meaningful learning in which students modify their knowledge through using it in an authentic and meaningful communication”.13 When we pay attention to this definition provided by Jean Piaget, it can be perceived that learners learn a language through using it, in an authentic and meaningful communication that should be the role of classroom activities when we say that methodology is “meaningful communication” we are based on meaningful acquisition of grammar structures followed by meaningful practice.


13 Didáctica de las segunda lengua estrategia y recursos básicos. Editorial Santillana, 1990.

When we take into account the idea expressed by Piaget where he states that teaching methodology modifies the students knowledge, it means that students learn and change their behavior through meaningful learning. David Ausubel contended that learning takes place in the human organism through a meaningful process of relating new events or items to already existing cognitive concepts or propositions. (Anderson and Ausubel 1965) it is this relatability that, according to Ausubel, accounts for a number of phenomena: the acquisition of new meanings (knowledge), retention, the psychological organization of knowledge as a hierarchical structure, and the eventual occurrence of forgetting. Meaningful Learning, on the other hand, may be described as a process of relating and anchoring new material to relevant established entities in cognitive structure. Meaningful Learning is the process whereby blocks become an integral part of already established categories or systematic cluster. Meaningful Learning can be if, a) Learners have a meaningful learning set that is a disposition to relate the new learning task to what they already know and b) The Learning task itself is potentially meaningful to the learners that is, relatable to the learners’ structure of knowledge. The researchers believe teaching methodology modifies students’ knowledge, many times we think that in the teaching-learning process the fundamental factor was the teacher and the way how to teach, replaced the students in a passive position like a receptor in the classroom. However there exists an understanding toward the students.

Since Jean Piaget stated that teaching methodology modifies students’ knowledge we see in modern years where studies and technology are fast and efficient, in the classroom the methodology has changed and we can see a new methodology where the students play a more active role but always guided by the teacher, students should use the knowledge to increase the logical ability to be able to do simple and complex activities, in other words the students use “learning by doing”. Using the new methodology modifies students’ knowledge because if there exist an understanding they are to understand the knowledge. Mistakes and ignorance disappear through out doing by themselves guiding by the teacher all of this help to be confident. On the other hand, Kimble and Garmezy a research in contemporary dictionaries reveals that “learning is “acquiring or getting” of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience or instruction.” A more specialized definition might read as follows:”Learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency and is the result of the reinforced practice”14 Kimble and Garmezy Similarly, teaching, which is implied in the first definition of learning, may be defined as “showing or helping someone to learn how to do something, living instructions, guiding in the study of something provided with knowledge, causing to know or understand.”15. How awkwarding these definitions are, isn’t it curious that professional lexicographers cannot devise more precise scientific definitions?


Principles of Language Learning and Teaching H. Douglas Brown. Longman editor (2000) San Francisco State University. Page7.



more than perhaps anything else, such H. Douglas Brown definitions reflect the difficulty of the defining complex concepts like learning and teaching. Breaking down the components of the definition of learning, we can extract, as we did with language, domains of research and inquiry. 1-Learning is acquisition or “getting.” 2-Learning is retention of information or skill. 3-Retention implies storage systems, memory, and cognitive organization. 4-Learning involves active, conscious focus on and action upon events outside or inside the organism. 5-Learning is relatively permanent but subject to forgetting. 6-Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice. 7-Learning is a change in behavior”. The researchers’ point of view the definition of learning provided by H. Douglas Brown presents clear and very important points that we should take into account, some of these, among others are: -Learning is an acquisition process. -Learning deals with the retention of the information or skill. -Retention of learning deals with memory and other mental processes. -Learning is usually permanent by subject forgetting by anyone. H. Douglas Brown definition on learning concept shows a no clear idea to define it, learning is the production of a specific methodology and here the author mentions some points where he expresses a doubtely way to define the word learning.

He focuses the word learning in a list of two circumstances between acquisition or getting; acquisition is to make through a systematic process with a significant result and getting is the act of receiving in a natural way; learning is retention of information or skill, he establishes learning is only a memorist issue of the retention skill. He also mentions that retention is not only a memory whether it is a systematic and organized storage, in his final idea he coincided a little with Jean Piaget when H. Douglas Brown mentions that learning is a change in behavior; therefore if you change you behave. It means something inside you is changing these changes modify your knowledge if your mind changes your body changes and they modify your life. Likewise in much of the work of researchers on the application of both learning and communication strategies and communication strategies to classroom learning has come to be known generically as strategies-based instruction(SBI) (Mc Donough 1999, Cohen 1998), or as learner strategy training. As we seek to make the language classroom an effective milieu for learning, it has become increasingly apparent that “teaching learners how to learn” is crucial. Weden (1985) was among the first to assert that “learning strategies are the key to learner autonomy, and one of the most important goals of language teaching should be the facilitation of that autonomy”.16 Teachers can benefit from an understanding of what learners successfully make and establish in the classroom milieu for the realization of successful strategies. They can also get benefits from unsuccessful strategies.


Our opinion is (Mc Donough 1999 and Cohen 1998) states in the work of researchers as a result of those issues in the application of learning and communicative strategies. It is a combination of teaching-learning process strategies and socialization, communication strategies when it is possible to combine them and use them in the classroom activities. These strategies are known as Strategies Based Instruction (SBI) wherein the teacher and students create a learning and communication sunroof in the classroom with the objective to communicate in a teaching-learning process or as a learner strategy training looking for an effective milieu classroom learning finding an easy way. In the same idea of the communication ability in the classroom, Weden (1985) referred to the students’ autonomy which is reached only by a trueful job made by themselves and as a result of confidence and own effort. We think all of these factors can help to teachers to determine the goals of the successful learners their abilities, weaknesses and strengthens working with a specific methodology and its benefits at the same time doing the same with the unsuccessful learners and its reasons. Teachers cannot always expect instant success in that effort

since students often bring

with them certain preconceived notions of what “ought� to go in the classroom (Bialystok1985). We think that in a competitive education system wherein everybody who spends money, time and effort expect to get early and prosperous results evening schools, teachers need to be patient with the students and try to adapt to their approaching rhythm without expecting excellent results, in every institution we should respect it meanwhile students need to receive a lot of motivation and show interest and certain preconceived

notions of what ought to do in classroom because this help them in an easy way to socialize itself and the environment alike the abilities in study and enough mental matureness to assimilate the ideas and processes. However it has been found that students will benefit from SBI (student based instruction) if they “(a) understand the strategy itself, (b) perceive it to be effective, and (c) do not consider its implementation to be overly difficult (Macintyre and Noels 1996). Therefore our efforts to teach students some technical knowledge about how to tackle a language is well advised�.17 On the other hand several different models of (SBI) strategies based instruction are now being practiced in language classes around the World. 1-As part of a Standard communicative methodology, teachers help students to become aware of their own style referents and the strategies that are derived from those styles (Thompson and Rubin1996, Oxford 1990). Through checklists, tests, and interviews, teachers can become aware of student’s tendencies and then offer advice on beneficial inclass and extra-class strategies. 2-Teachers can embed strategy awareness and practice into their pedagogy (Rubin and Thompson 1994: Brown 1989, 1990: Ellis and Sinclair 1989) as they utilize such techniques as communicative games, fast reading, fluency exercises, and error analysis, teachers can help students both consciously and subconsciously to practice successful strategies.


3-Certain compensatory techniques are sometimes practiced to help students overcome certain weaknesses, Omigo (1981). Thompson provided diagnostic instruments and procedures for determining student’s preferences, then outlined exercises that help students to overcome certain blocks or to develop successful strategies where they are weak. In order to understand the current paradigm shift in language teaching, it will be useful to examine what is meant by some commonly used terms–words like method, approach, technique and procedure, what is method? Four decades ago “Edward Anthony (1963 gave us a definition that has withstood the test of time. His concept of method was the second of three hierarchical elements, namely, approach, method, technique. An approach according to Anthony is a set of assumptions dealing with the nature of language, learning, and technique. Method is an overall part plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a selected approach. Techniques are the specific activities manifested in the classroom, which are consistent with a method and therefore in harmony with an approach as well.”18 In our opinion the (SBI) is a useful tool in the training strategies in the classroom that become very effective if students and all the learners play the correct role when the SBI should make an understandable issue for students that means show clear and direct the ideas, perception is something that you can see in an environment this should be effective,


also students need to think that the implementation is not difficult whether it is a way to get an excellent result in the teaching-learning process. There are some kinds of SBI implemented around the world; in other words there are places where exist a standard communicative methodology where teachers help students to be aware in all aspects but majorly in the academic aspect focusing in their own style and become more prepared and efficient, the strategies are coming from the styles created by. Thompson and Rubin 1996 Oxford emphasized the styles in checklist, test and interviews, these strategies help to be aware through out giving advice in class: teachers can practice awareness practicing pedagogy into communication, games, for reading problems it is to implement the rapid reading at the same time they improve the fluency in fluency exercises. Besides, analysis errors is a double chance to learn because you correct and repair it. After many times to work under the (SBI) finally teachers help consciously and subconsciously to practice successful strategies. However, certain compensatory techniques are practiced to help students overcome weaknesses, teachers provide diagnostic instruments that measure the learning level in the students, those are medullar parts toward to know it, and young students enjoy to learn in a funny way and for this issue teachers apply procedures determining students’ preferences. The author mentions it is important to understand very well the word method; the word method has a little history when Edward Anthony in 1963 gave a definition that withstood with the time, named as a the second of the three hierarchical concept elements, then Anthony mentioned that method is a set of assumptions dealing with the nature of

language, learning and technique. The author adds another idea he states that method is an overall part plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a selected approach; as it is well known there would be a harmony among the techniques that guide the activities and the approach. Up to this day Anthony’s terms are still in common use among language teachers a teacher may, for example, at the approach level, affirm the ultimate importance of learning in a relaxed state of mental awareness just above the threshold of consciousness. Besides through their reformulation, Richards and Rodgers made two principal contributions to our understanding of the concept of method: 1-They specified the necessary elements of language teaching “design” that had therefore been left somewhat vague. They named six important features of “design”: objectives, syllabus (criteria for selection and organization of linguistic and subject-matter content), activities, learner roles, teacher roles, and the role of instructional materials. 2-Richards and Rodgers nudged us into at last relinquishing the notion that separate, definable discrete methods are essential building blocks of methodology. By helping us think in terms of an approach the undergirds in our language designs (or we could say curricula) which are realized by various procedures (or techniques), we could see that methods, as we still use and understand the term, are too restrictive, too pre-programmed, and too “pre-packaged.” Virtually all language teaching methods make the oversimplified assumption that what teachers “do” in the classroom can be conventionalized into a set of procedures that fits all contexts. We are now well aware that such situation is clearly not the case.

Richards and Rodgers’s reformulation of the concept of method “was soundly conceived however their attempt to give a new meaning to an old term did not catch on in the pedagogical literature what they would like us to call “method” is more comfortably referred to, I think as “methodology”, in order to avoid confusion with what we will not doubtly think of as those separate entities (like Audio-Lingual or Sugesstopedia Methods). “Methodology” the study of the pedagogical practices in general (including theoretical underpinnings and related research). Whatever considerations are involved in “how to teach” is methodology”.19 Our point of view is that Anthony’s idea is still used in a common use of language teachers inside; these teachers may approach the level using the ultimate importance of learning in a relaxed state of mental awareness of consciousness. To support this idea Richards and Rodgers made two principal contributions to understand the concept of the method: their first statement is referred to the design of teaching language necessary elements wherein talk about the following elements: objectives (are the purposes of the goals or the expected final result), syllabus (criteria for selection and organization of linguistic and subject-matter content), activities (every action made by the students or teachers), learners role (every action making in the corresponding role), teacher’s role (all activities made by the teacher in order to guide the students), role of instructional materials (didactic material focuses to develop all students’ aspects related to the language acquisition).


In relation to the same idea, Richards and Rodgers nudged us into at last relinquishing the notion that separate definable discrete, both authors’ reformulate the old concept of the method is an intent to renovate the concept applied to the new education era but the concept did not catch on the pedagogical literature possibly the two terms would be misunderstood in order to avoid confusion with what we will no doubtely think between “method” or “methodology”, and the authors were explicit when they mentioned the term “method” as a specific group of activities (Audio-Lingual Method or Sugesstopedia) in comparison of “methodology” the study of pedagogical practices in general including theoretical underpinnings and related research. LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY “According to Albert Marckwardt (1972) the term methodology emerged about quarter of century ago. With the methodology the teachers can benefit from an understanding establishing in the classroom a milieu for the strategies”.20 The researchers believe that the definition provided by Albert Marck, is old arisen at the middle of the century in that time finally someone provided the word methodology and its application in the classroom; it improved the way to teach and benefit for the teachinglearning process, the strategies and techniques were better and the study level increased with these techniques, teachers had an easier way to teach and transmit the knowledge based on a group of pedagogic activities toward an understandable students issue.


According to this, the communicative language teaching is a byword for language teacher in which it is not easy to categorize into methods and trends. Instead, each teacher is called on to develop a sound overall approach, to various language classrooms. This approach is a principled basis upon, which the teachers can shoes particular design and techniques for teaching a foreign language in a particular context. As teachers utilize such: techniques, communicative games, fluency exercise and error analysis, these help students consciously and subconsciously to practice successful strategies.21 We think that it is very difficult to name in concrete what is the best method to teach foreign language, specifically in English, in which there are several methods and they are specific to develop any skill by playing different techniques; many teachers use a specific method and depend on the interest or students’ weaknesses or strengths, teachers can apply particular design and techniques for teaching a foreign language in a particular context using: various techniques, communicative games, fluency exercises and error analysis. These help students consciously and subconsciously to practice successful strategies.


Language Teaching A Scheme for Teacher Education.editor:C:N Candlin and H.G. Widdowson (1987) page.5.

Speaking as a skill “Mackey mentions one of the basic problems in foreign language teaching is to prepare learners to be able to use the language”.22 If we paid attention to this it is obvious that in order to be able to speak a foreign language it is necessary to know a certain amount of grammar and vocabulary. We produce words and adapt them to the circumstances. This means making decision rapidly, implementing them smoothly and adjusting our conversation as unexpected problem appear in our path. To test whether learners can speak, it is necessary to get them to actually say something, to do this they must act on knowledge of grammar and vocabulary by giving learners speaking practice and oral exams. We recognize that there is a difference between knowledge about language and skill and its use. Speaking is often thought of as a popular form of expression which uses the unprestigious colloquial register. In Mackey’s opinion one of the basic problems in foreign “language teaching is to prepare learners to be able to use the language, teachers need to take into account the student motivation to learn, the possible skills”23, a foreign language sunroof

and an

understandable teacher explanation using diverses strategies, other important points in the process are grammar and vocabulary they are fundamental if it is really the desire to improve the vocabulary and as a consequence of practicing English in all the possibilities. Many times teachers use oral exams in order to measure the oral skill in students, as a complement they recognize that there is a difference between knowledge about language and skill and using it (not to speak the foreign language there is not any gratificant

22 23

Idem, page.6. Idem.pag.3

experience) it has not been the real importance to speaking and center the idea as a colloquial register. Speaking is, however, a skill which deserves attention every bit as much as literary skill, in both first and second language students often need to be able to speak with confidence in order to carry out many of their most basic transaction. According to “W. F. Mackey, oral skill involves two basic ways in which something we do can be seen as a skill: Motor perceptive skills and interaction skills. There exist two differences between the two. Motor-perceptive skills involve perceiving, recalling and articulating in the correct order sounds and structures of the language.�24 Oral Expression includes perceiving, recalling and articulating in the correct order sound and structures of the language, sounding like a native speaker even producing the right meaning. There exist a difference between speaking and Oral Expression, speaking limits just to use certain amount of grammar and a vocabulary to actually say something. But Oral expression involves not only the use of the right sounds in the right patterns of rhythm and intonation, but also the choice of words and inflections in the right order to covey the right meaning. According to these definitions, notice the importance to do the right things in order to be good at speaking. Choosing the right forms, putting them in the correct order, sounding as a native speaker, even producing the right meaning.


Language Teaching A Scheme for teacher Education, Editor CN Candlin and HG Widdowson Oxford University Press.1987. Page 7.

This view of language skill influences the list of exercises: model dialogues, pattern practice, oral drill tables, look and say exercises and oral composition. Researchers think in many times speaking skill is less practice than reading skill, practicing it is an example of speaking deficiency even the reading comprehension is very important, as W.F. Mackey thought in oral skill exist two basic elements these are: motor perception skills but they are not focused on the same way. Motor perceptive form to receive the world, recalling or reproduction language in the correct order or sound following the correct structure of the language oral expression. This term defines the idea that it is not only the use of sounds in right patterns of rhythm and intonation; in short it is not only speaking or expressing ideas and according to W.F. Mackey it is to choose the right forms, put them in the correct order, native intonation he also they state some important points of the speaking skill such as: model dialogues, pattern practice, oral drill tables, look and say exercises and oral composition. Interaction skills involve the ability to use language in order to satisfy particular demands. There are two demands which can affect the nature of speech: the first of these is related to the internal conditions of speech; the fact that speech takes place under the pressure of time (processing conditions). A second kind involves the dimension of interpersonal interaction in conversation (reciprocity condition). The time contrait can be expected to have observable effects. It is impossible to distinguish between short speaking turns and “long speaking turns. Long turns tend to be more prepared-like after dinner speech or a talk on the radio, Short turns are the most common. In this case the wording and the subject matter tends to be worked out extempore as the speaking proceeds, activities to help prepare learners for

language use: reading aloud, giving a prepared talk, learning along piece of text or dialogue by heart, interviewing someone or being interviewed, doing a drill�.25 Our opinion is that the interaction skill involves the ability to use the language in order to satisfy particular demands, the word interaction comprises the perception senses sight, hearing, toward to receiving a better English quality in diverse and comprehensive form, involving personal dimensions of interpersonal dimensions of interpersonal interaction in conversation derived in two forms: the short speaking turn and long speaking turn separate both in difficult cases, are separate conditions of the speech, in order to prepare learners to use the language: reading aloud (that provides intonation and security when speaking ).


Language Teaching A Scheme for teacher Education, Editor CN Candlin and HG Widdowson Oxford University Press.1987. Page 7.


The research project carried out at Instituto Nacional Dr. Francisco Martinez Suarez was based in the direct observation and analysis of what was observed (methodologies and techniques used by the teacher to develop the oral expression in the students, as well as a description, analysis and contrast of what was got with the theory dealing with the topic of interest). Here the term “methodology� is conceived in terms of the group of techniques used by the teacher to develop the students’ oral expression due to the research process took place, it can be stated that the process used to collect data and represent it statistically was based on an observation, registration and a description-contrast approach. To process all the information collected, the researchers used some checklists designed with the purpose of detailing the elements taken into account to find out how methodologies used by the teacher of the high school improved the oral expression in the students. The checklists were designed following the techniques included in each of the most common methodologies used by the English teacher in order to develop the oral expression. Such as: Direct Method(conversation practice, Audio Lingual method (Repetition drill chain drill the communicative language teaching) (language games, role play) Likewise, to know if students learnt more or better in terms of comprehension of activities done in the classroom or results gotten in oral exercises provided by the teacher in the classroom. All the former is done in such to state the way that if the students practice the oral expression they will get the expected fluency in English.

This research project was based on the collection of data obtained from different sources including the job done by the teacher in high school at Instituto Nacional Dr. Francisco Martinez Suarez.

Population sample At Instituto Nacional Dr. Francisco Martinez Suarez was developed the present research as center 10th grade for Bachillerato General, section “A” .with a population of 25 students their ages were between 17 and 20 years old. The focus of the research was the methodology applied in the English Teaching Process and its Relation with the Development of the Oral Expression.

Method used to collect the data.

The method used to collect the data was descriptive, because through this one it was possible to describe the data and characteristics about the phenomenon that has been studied. This consisted of registering the ways in which the teacher developed the teachinglearning process of English language teaching in the high school, section “A” in the morning shift. The data collected was analysed in terms of studying the theory available on language teaching methodology and what it was found in the observation field. This was useful to do a technical analysis and easier posterior procedure of figuring out and graphically representing the findings of it. The contrast of theory and practice let the researchers find out some important conclusions when processing the data collected to transform it into resulting information to be presented.

Techniques used to collect data To carry out this research three techniques were put into practice, documentary as well as the work field. a) The first one refers to the researchers who searched, read and analyzed information referring to the topic. b) The second technique was work field referring to observing the English teaching classes in progress, the English teaching methodology and the collecting of data through the checklist. The direct observation in which the researchers observed the English classes tenth grade section “A” as a sample of the methodology applied by the teacher in the classroom. The documentary technique was used in this research when the researchers first of all searched information from some authors in different universities, then we analyzed it. The work field technique was put into practice by the researchers when they observed the English classes, registered the information in the checklist. c) The third technique used was the interview that helped to the research project to gather important information and know students’ preferences and the English teaching methodology. Instruments used to collect data during field observation

The instruments used to develop this study were four. A checklist for the observation of the teachers’ role, it contained eleven questions with four choices to answer, they were: always, sometimes, rarely and not visible. (See annex 1).Also the researchers designed a guide for

an oral interview with the teacher to get information about the methodology he used and to know if it was the most appropriate to develop the students’ oral expression according to the theory found by the researchers (see annex 2). It was also designed a ten questions interview questionnaire for the students with three choices to answer and they were: mucho, poco and nada, this was to explore the idea on how they felt about their preferences for the English subject, usefulness, as well as the class methodology. (see annex 3) A form to gather all the data collected in the three previous checklists was designed as well (See annex 4). It is necessary to mention that this instrument was structured and administered in Spanish to guarantee the truthfulness of the information because through the observations the researchers could realize the weak level of English students had.

Procedure followed to develop the research project.

The first part of the project was the planning of activities to be done during it lasted including going to the public school. The school selected was visited to talk with the principal and the English teacher. They let the permission to develop the research project; at the same time they knew the purpose of the project. Simultaneously the researchers got information from different libraries that were visited. it was also necessary to consult different bibliographic sources, internet links and so forth. Once the planning of instruments began, the process of field observation and that collection of data was carried out.

Another important point was that the teacher worked mechanically, he tried to spend the time in an irrelevant topic. In the observation process the researchers observed the English class in progress from its beginning to its end three days a week during the class for six weeks which were observed by the researchers.

While the research process was being carried out, it was necessary to fill in a form just as the one showed below. Research instrument unit



Technique used

Time spent

Observable macro skill students improved

The form was designed following the syllabus proposed by MINED (the first column corresponds to the unit to be developed, in this case unit 4; the second one corresponds to the topic to be taught, the third one corresponds to the methodology applied by the teacher, the fourth corresponds to the group of techniques used to develop the class, fifth corresponds to the time spent in the activities, the last column belongs to the macro-skill developed by the students after the teacher used the two methodologies in turn to teach

them the contents already mentioned as well as how many students passed a written evaluation on the topics studied in class.


SECTION_____________ DATE: ______________

OBJECTIVE: To observe the oral expression methodology used by the teacher in the class. QUESTIONS FREQUENCY ALWAYS

1. How often does the teacher use oral expression methodology? 2. How often does the teacher speak in English in the class? 3. How often do the students speak in English in the class? 4. How often do the students interact in English among themselves? 5. How often do the students make a conversation in English in the class? 6. How often does the teacher ask to the students to speak in English? 7. How often does the teacher make an oral evaluation? 8. How often does the teacher interact with the whole class in English? 9. How often does the teacher interact individually with each student?



10. How often does the teacher elaborate oral activities to assess students learning?

The former checklist was used to register how the teacher performed his job in the tenth grade high school English classes. The criteria items included in it are clear enough to explain them in a more detailed way and with the purpose to verify the methodology used in the classroom in order to have in concrete the registration of the English class and the students’ oral expression development. Some aspects to be taken into account in this checklist were: the English teacher oral expression and its frequency use in the classroom and with the students, the students’ English oral expression and their own interaction, the frequency of the English teacherstudent interaction, oral evaluations.


OBJECTIVE: To know the teacher’s knowledge and methodology experience.

1. Do you apply the English study program in the didactic planning?

________________________________________________________________ 2. What method(s) do you use in the class?

3. Which book do you use in the classes? Why?

4. How do you consider your English level? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. Mention one or two techniques that help to the students the develop of the oral Expression in English. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

6. Do you speak English with your students? Why?


The checklist above was designed in order to know about the teacher’s experience and the way how he applies the English class and the students’ oral expression it was designed to know the English teacher level of English and the methodology applied.


GRADO_______________________ SECCION_________________

OBJETIVO: Conocer y proyectar algunas ideas en alumnos de educación media sobre la materia de ingles y su utilidad e importancia en su estudio académico y vida futura. 1-¿Te gusta la materia de inglés? Mucho______ poco_______ nada_______ 2-¿Estas realmente interesado/a en el idioma inglés? Mucho____ poco____ nada_____ 3- ¿Consideras que aprender inglés te servirá en tu vida? Mucho _______ poco ______ nada______ 4-¿Hablas inglés con tus compañeros y maestro en la clase? Mucho ____ poco____ nada_____ 5- ¿Consideras que aprender inglés es difícil? Mucho___ poco ____ nada_____ 6- ¿Consideras que tienes una buena base de conocimientos del idioma inglés? Mucho____ poco____ nada______ 7- ¿En tu medio existen oportunidades en donde puedas practicar tu idioma inglés? Mucho _____ poco _______ nada_______ 8- ¿Utilizas el idioma inglés en tu vida particular? Mucho ____ poco ____ nada _____ 9- ¿La metodología del maestro te ayuda a desarrollar tu expresión oral en inglés? Mucho _____ poco _____ nada _____ 10- ¿Crees que debe el maestro de cambiar su metodología? Mucho_____ poco_____ nada ______

This questionnaire should be answered by the students of tenth grade section ”A” at Instituto Nacional Doctor Francisco Martinez Juarez with the purpose to know the academic interest in the foreign language. In order to know the students’ interest because this is an important factor to develop the Oral Expression based in the English Teaching process. The former is because intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are essential for the development of everything related to human beings. In addition to the stated above the researchers used the information gathered in this questionnaire to make sure how meaningful the English class is to the students in the tenth grade of Bachillerato General at Instituto Nacional Doctor Francisco Martinez Suarez section “A”


During the research Project development in the English classes at Instituto Nacional Dr. Francisco Martinez Suarez, the group observed in the classes that the English teacher in charge used many times techniques

derived from the Grammar Translation Method

(GTM) such as: Translation of literary passages see annex(5), reading comprehension questions, fill in the blanks. And the Silent Way Method (SWM), teacher’s silence, Peer correction. In this case the students read and wrote reinforcing one another, see annex (6) it is that these methods provided very good techniques for written or comprehension abilities in the target language, but they make a little effort to develop the foreign language students’ oral expression in contrast to the research topic wherein the goal is the study of the methodology to develop the oral expression. The English teacher could use other methods focused to develop the oral expression such as: Audio Lingual Method, Direct Method, Communicative Approach. But they weren’t seen during the classes observed. The research group registered all the aspects in the checklists designed to capture the information according to the level contrasting the teaching-learning process reality and the aims of the research and the topic.


Considering Jean Piaget and other authors’ contribution done to the study of the methodology and the information about the methods and principles used in the teachinglearning process, oriented to study the English teaching methodology applied by the teacher in the tenth grade section “A”, at Instituto Nacional Dr. Francisco Martinez Suarez, the research project was registered and analyzed through checklists and direct observation. Besides the bibliographic basis used for a better and a more understandable research; also some limitations observed were the weak English used to develop the students’ lack of interest language develop the oral expression of the English language. During the research project it was found useful information in Diane Larsen Freeman in her book Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching and H. Douglas Brown in his book principles of learning and teaching, during the field work we observed that most of the time the teacher used the Grammar Translation Method (GTM). This method helps to the students to read and appreciate the foreign literature and know the grammar of the language to improve the writing skill. In the Silent Way Method (SWM) the students are seen to be much actively responsible for their own learning engaged in formulating hypothesis in order to discover the rules of the target language. Both methods are very useful to develop other abilities but not much the oral expression, in this case the methodology used wasn’t the appropriate to develop the oral expression in the students according to what the researchers think based on the theory related to the topic they have found.

Diane Larsen Freeman states in her book principles in Language Teaching “Students are taught to translate from one language to another”26 the following characteristics about the grammar translation method are: -an important goal is for students to be able to translate from one language into another They are consider successful language learners”27 -“Students memorize present tense and past participle form of one set of irregular verbs” - “The ability to communicate is not a goal of foreign language instruction”28 -Students memorize vocabulary. Our point of view is that Diane Larsen Freeman in her book states that the Grammar Translation Method is used in the teaching of the English language and the main purpose of this method is “students are taught to translate from one language to another” this method is not appropriate to develop the oral expression. According to H. Douglas Brown in his book Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. The Grammar Translation Method is focused on grammatical rules as the basis for translating from the second to the native language. The major characteristics of grammar translation method are: -Classes are taught in the mother tongue with little active use of the target language. -Little or no attention is given to pronunciation. -“Reading of difficult classical texts is begun early.”29

26 28 29 Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, H. Douglas Brown, Longman Editors (2000), San Francisco state University. Pages.15-16. 27

The researchers’ opinion is that the Grammar Translation Method H. Douglas Brown is focused on grammatical rules memorization of vocabulary in various declensions this classical method was adopted as the chief means for teaching foreign language. According to Diane Larsen Freeman in her book techniques and principles in language teaching in the silent way learners are seen to be much more actively responsible for their own learning, engage in formulation hypotheses in order to discover the rules of the target language. This method presents the following principles: -Language is not learned by repeating after a model, students need to develop their own “inner criteria” for correctness to trust and to be responsible for their own production in the target language.30 -“Students should learn to rely on each other and themselves” -Learning involves transferring what one knows to new contexts. The researchers opinion Diane Larsen Freeman states that the Silent Way Method is a good method to learn about the errors and this is a sign to a more active attitude in the Students practice with sentences, in short there exist a little development to the oral expression in English but isn’t enough, Silent Way Method is focused to the four macro abilities which are: Speaking, Writing, Listening and Reading. Such as: sound color, teacher’s silence, peer correction, rods, self correction gestures, word chart, but they aren’t focus to develop the oral expression.


Idem.pags. 15-16

H. Douglas Brown in his book principles of language learning and teaching states that the silent way rested on more cognitive than affective arguments for its theoretical sustance, Caleb Gattegno was interested in a “humanistic approach�. This method has the following principles: -Learning is facilitated if the learner discovers or creates rather than remembers and repeats what is to be learned. -Learning is facilitated by accompanying (mediating) physical objects. -Learning is facilitated by problem solving involving the material to be learned. This method capitalized on discovery-learning procedures Gattegno believed that learners should develop indepence, autonomy and responsibility. The researchers’ opinion is that H. Douglas Brown in his book Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. He focused the Silent Way in a discovery-learning approach or students with self interest in learning by themselves this approach creates independence, autonomy and responsibility. The teacher keeps silence and let the students work and discover new things or understand this method and its techniques are not one of the most appropriate to develop the oral expression there exist other methods and techniques to improve this ability.


Methodology about our field observation has many different meanings according to books, dictionaries and authors. The methodology used by the English teacher at Instituto Nacional Dr. Francisco Martinez Suarez wasn’t the appropriate according to the researchers of this work because in most of the techniques used by the teacher in this research he did not use oral expression techniques according to the results of the observations done by the researchers. According to the results of the observations done by the researchers the teacher used the Grammar Translation Method, there were less chances to put into practice listening and speaking skills in the English classes, the main skills developed were writing and reading, the emphasis of this method is the memorization of long list of vocabulary in both languages, the foreign and native ones. The students’ goal is to be able to translate from one language into another as well as read literature written in the language studied, this method didn’t develop the oral expression in the tenth grade section “A” in the morning shift at Instituto Nacional Dr. Francisco Martinez Suarez. The teacher asked to the students to use their mother tongue; a lot of vocabulary was taught, students elaborated lists of words and translated from English into Spanish. The researchers’ opinion is that this method was not developing the oral expression because was

used the Grammar Translation Method the techniques used were developed mechanically wherein the oral expression was not developed. The Grammar Translation Method was created to help students read and appreciate a foreign language literature, but not to develop the students’ oral expression. Then the teacher began to practice the target language with the reading of texts with no ordinary vocabulary, the exercise used by the teacher was the translation texts into Spanish. The techniques arose the students’ interest to know the meanings of words, phrases, paragraph in Spanish; this method didn’t develop the English oral expression as a part of the methodology applied in the English classes frequency. The other method used in the classes was the Silent Way from this method the teacher by using some techniques and the teacher didn’t practice the oral expression techniques either. When the English teacher used the Silent Way Method during the classes the students were guided to a constant process where they were responsible for their own learning with the purpose to lead students toward their auto learning. While the practice of this method the teacher kept silence. He supported his classes used color pictures, draws and the students repeated by themselves. The oral expression is the basic problem in a foreign language teaching. Our point is that the goal here would be to prepare learners to be able to use the language. It is obvious that speaking in a foreign language is the most difficult thing to express in a good way, that means to be able to know about some grammar rules and vocabulary fluency. Through the research project, the researchers did not visualize the teacher using techniques to develop the oral expression in the class of tenth grade section “A” at Insituto Nacional

Dr. Francisco Martinez Suarez in the morning shift due to the methodology applied in classes students almost never the practiced the oral expression. In short, the researchers think that the oral expression is developed through a constant practice between the teacher and the students. “Due to the theory found in the book Language Teaching: A scheme

for Teacher

Education Oxford University Press wherein we found that the oral practice is necessary to develop the expressivity in students; refers to the relation between the speaker and listener in the process of speech refers to the term reciprocity enables us to distinguish between those situations in which both the speaker and hearer are allowed to speak, and those where conventionally, only the speaker has speaking rights, as during the speech. The reciprocal dimension affects speech because there is more than one participant. The business of making sure that the conversation works is shared by both participants.�31


Language Teaching: A Scheme for teacher Education. Editors CN Candlin and HG Widowson. Oxford University

III Operational Framework 3.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE SUBJECTS OF THE RESEARCH Some of the data collected during the development of the field survey done at Instituto Nacional Doctor Francisco Martinez Suarez is shown to describe the subject of the research. The center of this research was the methodology applied in order to know the English Oral Expression in the students of tenth grade section “A” in the institution mentioned above. In this the research project we stated that the Salvadoran students do not speak English with the expected fluency and under this problem this research was done guided by its objectives. In this way after the field observation where the researchers were among the students they observed the English Teaching Methodology applied by the teacher in class. The research was developed at Instituto Nacional Doctor Francisco Martinez Suarez, Section “A” with a population of 25 students, Educative District 04-01, Infraestructure code 10806, final calle Morazan Bº el Calvario located in the Departamento de Chalatenango at north of the Capital city.

The students of tenth grade ages were between 17 and 20 years old during the field observation the teacher used methodology that did not help the students to develop the Oral Expression.

The teacher didn’t use the appropriate methodologies to develop the Oral Expression because he used the Grammar Translation Method (focused in the analysis of the texts and a good translation and the Silent Way Method (focused in the awareness of the student when it produces the work after a teacher guide. Both methods do not have the appropriate techniques to develop the Oral Expression, therefore during the classes observed students didn’t use the Oral Expression. Students followed the teacher’s directions and practiced drills even though not all the students showed a real interest in English to get a meaningful learning. They repeated vocabulary and English sentences were translated into Spanish, students also completed paragraphs or sentences. The observation carried out in this institution was the practice of the bibliographical research about the teaching methodology used by the teacher and its relation with the Oral Expression, the final results let the researchers determine that the methodology applied by the English Teacher most of the time was a mixture of elements of methods not focused to develop the English Oral Expression. The direct observation of the teacher and students’ role in the practice did not reflect any remarkable application of the appropriate method to develop the English Oral Expression in students of tenth grade section “A” Instituto Nacional Doctor Francisco Martinez Suarez. The interview with the teacher, who is specialist in the English Teaching field, in charge of Teaching English Language gave the following findings: he used the high school study program in the planning but he didn’t use the most suitable method to develop the English Oral Expression. The researchers also wanted to realize about the student’s feelings and their preferences, usefulness and class methodology of the English subject through a questionnaire. The

students answered that, they liked the English subject a little, but at the same time they considered that, English is important for their lives. They also considered that learning English is a little difficult, moreover they answered that they liked the way the teacher developed the English class a little and the teacher must change his methodology to teaching English. These answers imply the students are aware about the importance of English learning, but at the same time they recognize that there is a barrier that restraints them to success in their learning which could be the teacher’s responses which reflect the essential would be the fact to be completely aware of the new and appropriate methodology and how to use it. But the teacher can not be the only responsible for this situation. The national education system that has to provide all the conditions in schools and the teacher’s professionalism in order to attain a truthful development of the appropriate methodology and its relation with the Oral Expression to achieve one of the objectives of the English syllabus for tenth grade of Bachillerato to which is to “develop communicative skills at a basic level”.33 Many times the Salvadoran teachers at public schools like “Instituto Nacional Doctor Francisco Martinez Suarez” must face large groups, lack of essential resources to teach the English subject, besides they have to teach in double shift which constitute additional obstacle to develop the appropriate methodology in order to develop the English Oral Expression in their students. This research about the study of the methodology and its relation with the Oral Expression, has shown how fragile appears the theory in practice, and the real situation in the educative institutions. 33

MINED programa de ingles de primer año de Bachillerato de educación media, Pág. xi 1998.


For the data gathering were used three checklists and one research instrument. One of the checklists was for the observation of the teacher’s role during the classes, other for students’ interview and another for to know the English lesson plan.

The checklist for the observation of the teacher’s role was used to register how the teacher performed his job in the tenth grade, the procedure consisted in the observation of the teacher and students during their performance in the classroom, three times a week during six weeks because of the English class schedule the total of the observations were 18 times and the group spent 90 hours only in the observation. The researchers entered to the classroom at the beginning of the class and they stayed there until the end, all the former was verified to analyze the performance of the students and the teacher, after each class during the break time, it was in this way, because the fill in of the checklist process in the classroom could be disturbing for the teacher, students and researchers. To register the data collected about the techniques used by the teacher to do his job, student’s performance, etc. it was used a method of direct observation which demanded to consider criteria, checking, observation and the creation of instruments to register data. The post analysis and representation of conclusions based on the results gotten was the last part to be done.

One of the most important parts that guided the direction of the research was the bibliographical investigation done to understand how methodologies can be understood as well as how the data gathered can be processed to get meaningful information, to be presented in graphics and comments. The process of calculating the data for the rest of the tables that appear in the rest of the reports was calculated in the same way (for each cell of the tables there was a calculus in percentage using the following formula:

Sample mean: X=

___x____ , with the result multiplied by 100, where: N

N= Represents the total for each column or total of the observation registered for a category, criterion of phenomenon, and

x= represents the quantity about which we want

to figure out the percentage)

A more detailed example is explained below:

The data registered deals with tenth grade and each of the diagrams comprises how often the teacher did an activity in the classroom, for instance, if the teacher did something dealing with any aspect specified in a copy of the checklist it was registered under the frequency already presented (always, sometimes, rarely, not visible)

Data collected from the checklist designed to register activities in the tenth grade


SECTION_____________ DATE: ______________

OBJECTIVE: To observe the oral expression methodology used in class by the teacher. QUESTIONS FREQUENCY CATEGORY


1. How often does the teacher use oral expression methodology?









Not visible







CHART 1 To get the percentage of 0.0 %, (which stands for the total of the times that criterion 1 (how often does the teacher use Oral Expression methodology?) was registered in the cell corresponding to the category “always”, and for the total of the column of always were done 18 observations. Thus:

X= ∑ X N = (0/18)* 100= 0.0%

For the table designed to figure out the percentages of the answers gotten from the survey questionnaire given to students, the process was very similar. The only difference here was that the totals used were not the totals of columns but the total of students who answered positively for the question in turn.

Data collected from the checklist designed to register activities in the tenth grade, percentages and its analysis.



OBJECTIVE: To observe the oral expression methodology used by the teacher in the class. QUESTIONS FREQUENCY ALWAYS %




1. How often does the teacher use oral expression 0 methodology? 2. How often does the teacher speak in English in the 0 class?

0.0% 12

66.7% 5




0.0% 8

44.4% 9

50.0% 1


3. How often do the students speak in English in the 1 class?

5.6% 3

16.7% 9

50.0% 5


4. How often do the students interact in English 1 among themselves?

5.6% 3

16.7% 9

50.0% 5


5. How often do the students make a conversation in 0 English in the class?

0.0% 5

27.7% 7




6. How often does the teacher ask to the students to 1 speak in English?

5.6% 3

16.6% 11




7. How often does the teacher make an oral 1 evaluation?

5.6% 5

27.7% 6

33.3% 6


8. How often does the teacher interact with the whole 0 class in English?

0.0% 5

27.7% 8

44.4% 5


9. How often does the teacher interact individually 0 with each student?

0.0% 3

16.6% 8

44.4% 7


10. How often does the teacher elaborate oral 0 activities to assess students learning?

0.0% 4

22.2% 8

44.4% 6


1- How often does the teacher use the oral expression methodology?

70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0%

Al ways Sometimes Rarely

Not visible

The result obtained of “always” frequency was 0.0% which means that the teacher did not use Oral Expression Methodology.

According to the “sometimes” frequency the result obtained was 66.7% which means that the teacher sometimes used the Oral Expression methodology.

The result obtained for “rarely” frequency was 27.8% which means that the teacher rarely used Oral Expression methodology.

According to “not visible” frequency the result obtained was 5.5% which means that the teacher not visible used the Oral Expression methodology.

2- How often does the teacher speak in English in the class?

50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0%

Al ways Sometimes Rarely

Not visible

The result obtained of “always” frequency was 0.0% which means that the teacher did not speak in English in the class.

According to the “sometimes” frequency the result obtained was 44.4%, which means that the teacher sometimes speaks English in the class.

The result obtained for “rarely” frequency was 50.0% which means that the teacher rarely speaks in English in the class.

According to “not visible” frequency the result obtained was 5.6% which means that it was not visible the teacher speaks in English in the class.

3- How often do the students speak English in the class?

50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0% always



not visible

The result obtained of “always” frequency was 5.6 % which means that the students did not speak in English in the class.

According to the “sometimes” frequency the result obtained was 16.7 %, which means that the students sometimes speak English in the class.

The result obtained for “rarely” frequency was 50.0 %. This means that the students rarely speak in English in the class.

According to “not visible” frequency the result obtained was 27.7 % which means that it was not visible that the student speaks in English in the class.

4- How often do the students interact in English among themselves? .

50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0%

Al ways Sometimes Rarely

Not visible

The result obtained of “always” frequency was 5.6 % which means that the students did not interact among themselves.

According to the “sometimes” frequency the result obtained was 16.7 %. This is to say that the students did not interact in English among themselves.

The result obtained for “rarely” frequency was 50.0 % meaning that the students did not interact in English among themselves.

According to “not visible” frequency the result obtained was 27.7 % which means that it was not visible that the students interact in English among themselves.

5- How often do the students make a conversation in English in the class? .

40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0%

Al ways Sometimes Rarely

Not visible

The result obtained of “always” frequency was 0.0 % meaning that the students did not make a conversation in English in the class.

According to the “sometimes” frequency the result obtained was 27.7 %. Thus students did not make a conversation in English in the class.

The result obtained for “rarely” frequency was 39.9 % reveals that the students did not make a conversation in English in the class.

According to “not visible” frequency the result obtained was 33.3 %. It means it was not visible the students made a conversation in English in the class.

6- How often does the teacher ask to the students to speak in English? .

70.0% 60.0% 50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0%

Al ways Sometimes Rarely

Not visible

The result obtained of “always” frequency was 5.6 % which means that the teacher asked the students to speak in English.

According to the “sometimes” frequency the result obtained was 16.6 %, which means that the teacher asked to the students to speak in English.

The result obtained for “rarely” frequency was 61.1 % which means that the teacher asked to the students to speak in English.

According to “not visible” frequency the result obtained was 16.6 %. This is that the teacher asked the students to speak in English.

7- How often does the teacher make an oral evaluation?

35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0%

Al ways Sometimes Rarely

Not visible

The result obtained of “always” frequency was 5.6 % which means that the teacher did not make oral evaluation.

According to the “sometimes” frequency the result obtained was 27.7 %. This is to say that the teacher makes oral evaluation.

The result obtained for “rarely” frequency was 33.3 % which means that the teacher makes oral evaluation.

According to “not visible” frequency the result obtained was 33.3 % which means that the teacher makes an oral evaluation.

8- How often does the teacher interact with the whole class in English?

50.0% 40.0% 30.0% 20.0% 10.0% 0.0%

Al ways Sometimes Rarely

Not visible

The result obtained of “always” frequency was 0.0 % which means that the teacher did not interact in English with the whole class.

According to the “sometimes” frequency the result obtained was 27.7 %, which means that the teachers interact in English with the whole class.

The result obtained for “rarely” frequency was 44.4 %. This means that the teacher interacts in English with the whole class.

According to “not visible” frequency the result obtained was 27.7 %. which means that the teacher interacts in English with the whole class.

9- How often does the teacher interact individually with each student?

50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00%

Al ways Sometimes Rarely

Not visible

The result obtained of “always” frequency was 0.0 % which means that the teacher did not interact in English individually.

According to the “sometimes” frequency the result obtained was 16.6%, which means that the teacher interacts in English individually.

The result obtained for “rarely” frequency was 44.4 %. This is to say that the teacher interacts in English individually.

According to “not visible” frequency the result obtained was 38.9 % which means that the teachers interact in English individually.

10- How often does the teacher elaborate oral activities to asses students learning? .

50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00%

Al ways Sometimes Rarely

Not visible

The result obtained of “always” frequency was 0.0 % which means that the teacher did not elaborate oral evaluation to asses the students learning.

According to the “sometimes” frequency the result obtained was 22.2%, which means that the teacher elaborates oral activities to asses the students learning.

The result obtained for “rarely” frequency was 44.4 %. It means that the teacher did not elaborate oral activities to asses students learning.

According to “not visible” frequency the result obtained was 38.9 % which means that the teachers interact in English individually.


GRADO: primer año de bachillerato general


OBJETIVO: Conocer y proyectar algunas ideas en alumnos de educación media sobre la materia de ingles y su utilidad e importancia en su estudio académico y vida futura.






nada %

1. Do you like the English subject?







2. Are you interested in the English language?







3. Do you consider that to Learn English will help you in your 6 life?






4. Do you really work hard to speak English very well?







5. Do you find difficult to learn English?







6. Do you believe you have a good English Language 3 knowledge base?






7. How do you manage the English Language expression?






8. Do you practice the English Language in your particular 5 life?






9. Does the teacher methodology help you to develop your 0 English oral expression?






10. Do you think that the teacher should change his teaching 17 methodology?







1- Do you like the English Subject?

40,0% 35,0% 30,0% 25,0% 20,0% 15,0% 10,0% 5,0% 0,0%




In question #1 eight students answered “mucho” (32% of the total of answers for this question) Then students answered “poco” (40% of the total of answers for this question) and

Seven students answered “nada” (28% of the total of answers for this question).

This means that the 40% of whole population answered they liked English a little, and the 28% didn’t like English at all.

2- Are you interested in the English Language?

45,0% 40,0% 35,0% 30,0% 25,0% 20,0% 15,0% 10,0% 5,0% 0,0%

mucho poco


In this question, nine students answered “mucho” (36% of the total of answers for this question)

Eleven students answered “poco” (44% of the total of answers for this question)

and five students answered “nada” (20% of the total of answers for these questions). According to the former only the 36% of all the students found interesting the English Language.

3- Do you consider that to learn English will help you in your life?

60,0% 50,0% 40,0% 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% 0,0%




In this question six students answered “mucho” (24% of the total of

answers for this

question), thirteen students answered “poco” (52% of the total of answers for this question) and six students answered “nada” (24% of the total of answers for this question). The interesting results for this question was the 52% of the students answered they considered English will help them in their lives a little, and the 24% considered English will not help them at all in their lives.

4- Do you really work hard to speak English very well?

60,0% 50,0% 40,0% 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% 0,0%




In this question four students answered “mucho” (16% of the total of answers for this questions) thirteen students answered “poco” (52% of the total of the answers for this question) and eight students answered “nada” (32% of the total of answers for this questions). For this question more than fifty percent of the population said the work really hard to speak English very well.

5- Do you find difficult to learn English?

60,0% 50,0% 40,0% 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% 0,0%




In this question fifteen students answered “mucho” (60% of the total of answers for this question) six students answered “poco” (24 % of the total of answers for this question) and four students answered “nada” (16% of the total of answers for this question). The data reveals that more than 50% consider to learn English is difficult.

6- Do you believe you have a good English Language knowledge base?

45,0% 40,0% 35,0% 30,0% 25,0% 20,0% 15,0% 10,0% 5,0% 0,0%




In this question three students answered “mucho” (12% of the total of answers for this question) eleven students answered “poco” (44% of the total of answers for this question) and eleven students answered “nada” (44% of the total of the answers for this question). The former shows that most of the students, 44% believe they have a good English Language Knowledge Base.

7- How do you manage the English Language expression?

70,0% 60,0% 50,0% 40,0% 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% 0,0%

mucho poco


In this question two students answered “mucho” (8% of the total of answers for this question), sixteen students answered “poco” (64% of the total of answers for this questions), and seven students answered “nada” (28% of the total of answers for this question). The students believe they manage the English Language Expression.

8- Do you practice the English Language in your particular life?

50,0% 45,0% 40,0% 35,0% 30,0% 25,0% 20,0% 15,0% 10,0% 5,0% 0,0%




In this question five students answered “mucho” (20% of the total of answers for this question), eight students answered “poco” (32% of the total of answers for this question) and twelve students answered “nada” 48 % of the total of the answers for this question). Almost half of the population 48%, said they practice the English Language in their particular life which contradicts what was seen in class.

9- Does the teacher methodology help you to develop your English Oral Expression?


60,0% 50,0% 40,0% 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% 0,0%




In this question nobody answered “mucho” (0.0 % of the total of answers for this question), fourteen students answered “poco” (56% of the total of answers for this question), and eleven students answered “nada” (44% of the total of the answers for this question). The 56% of the students support the teacher’s methodology because they believe it helps them to develop their English Oral Expression.

10- Do you think that the teacher should change his teaching methodology?

60,0% 50,0% 40,0% 30,0% 20,0% 10,0% 0,0%




In this question seventeen students answered “mucho” (68% of the total of answers for this question), eight students answered “poco” (32% of the total of answers for this question), and nobody answered “nada” (0.0% of the total of answers for this question). The 68% of the whole population answered the teacher should change the teaching methodology.


The analysis of the data in the research study of the methodology applied in the English Teaching process and its relation with the development of the Oral Expression, section “A” tenth grade of Bachillerato General, Instituto Nacional Doctor Francisco Martinez Suarez was carried out taking into account the frequency counting for each class the researchers were in the school for the English classes to be observed. It was decided to make a consolidation of the observations done in the classroom to do the analysis.

The observations done in the classes were converted into percentages to obtain final results in such a way the observations determined all the research because they were all the components of the research project.

Also the interview technique showed interesting results through these the researchers gathered information about students’ preferences in relation to the English Class and teaching methodology, this information was important to know other important aspects of the research such as: Students’ feelings, attitudes, and behaviour.

Conceptual Framework Introduction

Antecedents of the problem

Meeting with the advisor Justification

Meeting with the advisor Statement of the Problem

Meeting with the advisor Goals and limitations Concepts and categories Meeting with the advisor Edition 1st draft Presentation 1st draft Correction 1st draft Meeting with the advisor

1 1.1


1.3 1.4

1.5 1.6

1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14

Activities: Documental August September October November December january 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Research / Field Research

2007 March 1 2 3 4 1 2 3




July 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4



Topic: ” Study of the methodology applied in the English teaching process and its relation with the development of the oral expression, section” A” grade of bachillerato general, Instituto Nacional Doctor Francisco Martínez Suárez,Chalatenango,2007”. Students: Marta Isabel Torres Torres, Melvin Rolando Rauda Márquez, Celina Yaneth Cartagena Maldonado.

Specialty: English Language Academic Advisor: Licenciada Irma Carballo Hernández

3.4 Chronogram

Documental research: theoretical methodological basis Meeting with the advisor

Empirical framework

Instrument design Meeting with the advisor

Field attendance :instruments application Field attendance: observation Meeting with the advisor Organization of the information Meeting with the advisor Theoretical methodological formulation of the research Meeting with the advisor Development and theoretical definition Edition 2nd draft Presentation 2nd draft 2nd draft correction Meeting with the advisor



2.4 2.5


2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17

2.12 2.13

2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11


Theoretical framework


Activities:documental research August September October November December January February March 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 / field research April




4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Data gathering procedure Meeting with the advisor

Specification of the technique for the data analisys

Meeting with the advisor

chronogram Meeting with the advisor resources Preliminary table of contents on final report Meeting with the advisor Used and general bibliography Meeting with the advisor Edition 3rd draft Presentation 3rd draft

3.3 3.4



3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5


Operational framework Description of the subjects of the research Meeting with the advisor

3 3.1

Activities: documental August September October November December January February March 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 research / field research April




4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3



Human resources

Researchers, academic advisor, teacher, student’s school principal and school vice principal.

Logistic resources

School, questionnaires and observation of the classes.


I Conceptual framework.

In this chapter the objectives proposed are toward to identify the English Teaching Methodology. In the justification stated that the students do not speak English with the expected fluency as result of some factors related to the English Teaching Methodology, students’ interest and others. The statement of the problem is based on the Teaching Methodology. The goals are focused in some authors’ contributions and the limitations found theories in disagreement, which causes problems at the moment of analyzing the different methodologies used to develop the students’ oral expression. Also it is include the concepts and categories used in the research.

II Theoretical framework.

In this chapter recompiled the documental theory of the author. Besides the empirical framework construction wherein the field work was develop and the theories contraposition of the theoretical Methodological basis.

III Operational Framework.

In this chapter is include the description of the subject of the research, data gathering procedure the specification of the technique for the data analysis the chronogram of activities and resources.

Bibliography used to develop the research Brown, H. Douglas, Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, (4a Ed.) Longman Editors (2000). Bygate Martin, Language Teaching: A Scheme for teacher Education (1st Ed.) Editors CN Candlin and HG Widowson. Oxford University Press.1987.

Creando Formas Efectivas de enseñar y aprender, Editores Montañas de fuego, San Salvador 2002.

Larsen Freeman Diane, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (2nd Ed.) Oxford University Press, 2000.

Editorial Gedisa, El discurso como estructura y proceso., Barcelona España, 1997

Editorial Santillana, SA. Diccionario de las Ciencias de la Educación, Madrid España, 1983.

Mac Millan English Dictionary, First Publisher, 2002.

Manual de la Educación, Editorial Océano, Barcelona España 1997.

MINED, Programa de estudio de Inglés, Primero y Segundo año de Educación Media. 1998.

Ravera Carreño Margarita, varios. Didácticas de las Segundas Lenguas Estrategias y Recursos Básicos .Editorial Santillana. Madrid 1990.

Vasquez, Veronica del Carmen, otros. Reaches and Limitations of the Constructivist Methodology Proposed in the English Program of junior high. 2006. WEB SITES


Annex 1


SECTION_____________ DATE: ______________

OBJECTIVE: To observe the oral expression methodology used by the teacher in the class. QUESTIONS FREQUENCY ALWAYS

1. How often does the teacher use oral expression methodology? 2. How often does the teacher speak in English in the class? 3. How often do the students speak in English in the class? 4. How often do the students interact in English among themselves? 5. How often do the students make a conversation in English in the class? 6. How often does the teacher ask to the students to speak in English? 7. How often does the teacher make an oral evaluation? 8. How often does the teacher interact with the whole class in English? 9. How often does the teacher interact individually with each student? 10. How often does the teacher elaborate oral activities to assess students learning?



Annex 2


OBJECTIVE: To know the teacher’s knowledge and methodology experience.

1. Do you apply the English study program in the didactic planning?

________________________________________________________________ 2. What method(s) do you use in the class?

3. Which book do you use in the classes? Why?

4. How do you consider your English level? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. Mention one or two techniques that help to the students the develop of the oral Expression in English. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

6. Do you speak English with your students? Why?


Annex 3


GRADO_______________________ SECCION_________________

OBJETIVO: Conocer y proyectar algunas ideas en alumnos de educación media sobre la materia de ingles y su utilidad e importancia en su estudio académico y vida futura. 1-¿Te gusta la materia de ingles? Mucho______ poco_______ nada_______ 2-¿Estas realmente interesado/a en el idioma ingles? Mucho____ poco____ nada_____ 3- ¿Consideras que aprender ingles te servirá en tu vida? Mucho _______ poco ______ nada______ 4-¿Estas trabajando realmente para poder hablar muy bien el ingles? Mucho ____ poco____ nada_____ 5-¿Consideras que aprender ingles es difícil? Mucho___ poco ____ nada_____ 6-¿Consideras que tienes una buena base de conocimientos del idioma ingles? Mucho____ poco____ nada______ 7-¿Como manejas la expresividad del idioma ingles? Mucho _____ poco _______ nada_______ 8-¿Utilizas mucho el idioma ingles en tu vida particular? Mucho ____ poco ____ nada _____ 9-¿La metodología del maestro te ayuda a desarrollar tu expresión oral en ingles? Mucho _____ poco _____ nada _____ 10-¿Crees que debe el maestro de cambiar su metodología? Mucho_____ poco_____ nada ______

Annex 4

Read and write a summary about the following paragraph.

“El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America it is 260 kilometers long from east to west, 100 kilometers north to south and its pacific coastline is 320 kilometers long. It is possible to drive the length of the country in a day, although the roads may dictate otherwise. El Salvador’s rough geography is a direct result of its location along the Cinturon de fuego (belt of fire), a ring of volcanos and fault zones in encircling the Pacific Ocean. According to historical report America signed 1520, caused by the shifting of the earth’s planes and volcanic eruption. There are 14 large volcanos in the country although many are extinct. The largest are the Santa Ana (2365,m.), San Vicente (2,181 m.) and San Miguel (2,129 m.) volcanos. Periodic eruption had covered the country with ashes, a situation which usually coincide with earthquakes. About the 90 percent of El Salvador is blessed with incredibly fertile volcanic soil. El Rio Lempa, the country’s largest river, was formed by volcanic eruption and has created a 24 kilometers wide alluvial plain in southeast El Salvador. The landscape is dotted by a few large lakes including the lago de Ilopango just east San Salvador. The dazzlingly blue lago the Coatepeque lies next to Cerro Verde and the Izalco and Santa Ana volcanoes west of San Salvador. Geysers are scattered throughout the country and provide some of the country’s electricity”.

Annex 5

Fill in the blanks with the following words. (books,father,joined,life,cuba,received,escaped,earthquake,execute,reputation,opened, Jailed, escape, escaping, El Salvador, fell)

“Roque Dalton was a famous salvadorean. He was a revolutionary and a prolific writer who joined the guerilla at the beginnings of the stages. Roque Dalton escaped death and long-term imprisonment many times.

The son of a salvadorean mother and a U.S. father Dalton received international acclaim for his writing. He wrote fifteen books in all, most while in the exile in Mexico, Cuba and Czechoslovaquia. For much of Dalton’s life, many of his books were banned in El Salvador.

While still in El Salvador, Dalton was jailed repeatedly and earned a reputation for escaping under unusual circumstances. In 1960, the government of Coronel Jose Maria Lemus fell in a couple of days before Dalton was to be executed. Later, an earthquake rocked the capital opened a hole in Dalton’s cell large enough for him to escape through”

Annex 6

Research Instrument Unit



Technique used




macro skill students improve


I did












-Translate into


Spanish the English




-Peer correction


Correct the questions


by themselves.


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