Concurso literario

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Y DIBUJO PREMIODE LITERATURA Vll NarraciónCortamodalidad"Miedoy Terror" Vll de Poesía Vlll de NarraciónCortaen Inglésmodalidad"Miedoy Terro/' I de Dibujomodalidad"Miedoy Terro/' ORGANIZA l.E.S. "Santiago Apóstol"

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COLABORAN Biblioteca Departamento de LenguaCastellanay literatura Departamento de EducaciónPlásticay Msual Departamento de Inglés Departamento de Orientación Departamentode ActividadesExtraescolares


CORTA."MIEDOY TERROR" VII DE NARRAGIÓN PrimerPremio Et misteriode las grutassagradas,de YoLANDARODRíCUrZDIESTRO(3oESO-D.) VII DE POESíA PrimerPremio panadería, de SHEILADíp¿MUÑOZ(3oESO-D) La CONTAEN INGLÉS.''HORRORSTORIES'' VIII DE NARRACIÓ¡¡ PrimerPremio1erCiclode ESO de JAIMESALGADOCHACÓN(2oE) The punishment, GORJÓN(2oE) A monsterfromthe forest,de ISABELCORRALIZA PrimerPremio20Ciclode ESO The metallicvoice,de AMANDAGARCíAPÉREZ(3oD) A fearstory,de ANTONIO.MARTíNn¡nnríNEz(3oD) / CiclosFormativos PrimerPremioBachillerato DONOSO(1oBT) Benhid,de EVAHERNÁNDEZ ¡ DE DIBUJO."MIEDOY TERROR* PrimerPremio (4o tápiz de grafito FRíAS ESO-C),Técnica'. DANIELGIL Mención10de ESO Técnica:Témperay rotulador LARAESCOBARGALLARDO, 2ode ESO Menciones y ceras GORJÓN,Técnica:Lápizde color,rotuladores ISABELCORRALIZA y ceras Técnica:Lápizde colo¡ rotuladores ROSAMARíAGUILLÉNPACHÓN, Mención30de ESO: ANTONIO JOSÉ MARTíNMARTíNEZ, T écnica:col|age 40de ESO Menciones SOLJAIMECABEZADE VACA,Técnica:Acuarela Técnica:Acrílico LUCíAMERCHÁN. Mención1ode Bachillerato JAVIERCÓnneZPÉREZ,Técnica:Lápizde Grafito



Yolanda Rodríguez Diestro 3OESO-D

El misterio de "Las Grutas Sagradas"

Natalia era veterinaria,especializadaen Bob,un ancianoque vivíaallí,les guióhastalas promamíferosvoladores,es decir, murciélagos.Había fundas"GrutasSagradas"y les dijo que nadiehabía sido encomendada a una misiónen las llamadas conseguido salirvivode allí,peroningunode los dos "GrutasSagradas"en Transílvania. Se llamabanasí le hizocaso,puesel hombreya eft mayor. porquese decíaquehabíaunaiglesiadentro,conuna Entraronen la cueva,y nadamásentrar,a la grancampana,la cualsonabaa medianoche acompa- derecha,Nataliailuminóconsu linternaunossímbolos ñadade la salidade los murciélagos en buscade san- muyrarosquetraducidos decían: gre. de esta cuevaadoran Todoslos murciélagos con el La mísiónde Nataliaconsistíaen hacerleuna la gran campana,ya que ésta desaparecerá del reyvampirollamadoTEVA,en la noche revisióncompletaa unosde los murciélagos de "Las nacimiento GrutasSagradas",para averiguarsi se alimentaban en queelsol y la lunase haganunosolo.Seráel rey y vampirosde "Las Grutas de sangrecomola gentedecíao, sieran,comoera lo de todoslos murciélagos normal,insectívoros. Despuésdebíallevarlos resulta- Sagradas", pues será todopoderosomordiendoa dos al LaboratorioCientíficode MedicinaAnimalde cuatromujeres,cada una de ellas nacidasen una Madrid,en España,su país. estacióndistintasegún el Gírculodel Zodiaco,y el PeroNataliano ibasola,ellaibaacompañada conjuntode las inicialesde sus signoscoincidirácon de un cazatesorosestadounidense llamadoJack, y el nombredel reyvampiro. que dominabael españolcomo su lenguanatal.La La chica se asustóun poco, pero Jack ya misiónde Jackconsistíaen encontrarla iglesiaoculta estabaacostumbrado a estasespeciesde leyendas y averiguarel misteriode "LasGrutasSagradas". que,después,nuncaeranciertas.Se adentraron en la Llegarona Transilvaniaun calurosodía de cuevay empezarona ver un montónde murciélagos Mayo, y no tardaronen instalarseen un pequeño dormidosbocaabajo.Nataliaintentócogerunoconel peroéste la escuchóy se fue volanhotel.Teníanreservadasdos habitaciones seguidas cazamariposas, para cualquierurgencia.Por la tarde, descansaron do, avisandoa sus hermanos. paraestaren formaal día siguienteperoa medianoDe repente,sonóunaffimpanay Jacksalióa che escucharonsonar la campanay sintieronque correr siguiendoel sonido. Estuvieroncorriendo estabanmuycercade su objetivo. duranteunosdiezminutoscuando,alfinal,vieronuna A la mañanasiguiente, se levantaron tempra- iglesiaconunagrancampanasonando.Jacktomóun no y prepararontodassus cosas:Nataliacogió una parde fotos,pero,a la tercera,la campanaya no estapequeñajaulay un cazamariposas, mientrasqueJack ba.Losdosse quedaronatónítosy miraronalcielopor cogióunacámarade fotosy unamochilaconprovisio- una grangrietaque habíaen el techo¡habíaeclipse nes paralos dos,apartede algunosutensilios. de sol,de maneraque la leyendaera ciertal

Pero lo peor no había empezado,ya que, cuandola lunay el sol se alinearon,un granrayode sol iluminólo que antesera la campanay, de repente, aparecióun gran vampiro,con túnica roja y trale caray ojos rojos,manospunnegro,una horripilante tiagudasy unoscolmillosgigantescapacesde desgarrarla camede unaballena.EsevampiroeraTEVA,el vampirode la leyenda. Nataliay Jacksalierona conery, por casualidad,un murciélago se quedóatrapadoen el cazamariposas.Ellalo entróen lajaula.Lograronsalirde "Las y llegaral hotelsanosy salvos,pero GrutasSagradas" TEVAles habíaseguido.La intrépidaveterinaria cogió su equipode medicinay empezóa hacerlela revisión al murciélago. Eraun ejemplargrandey gris,con unos colmillossemejantes a los de un vampiro.A la media hofa, obtuvolos resultados; los murciélagos de "Las se alimentaban GrutasSagradas" de sangrehumana, sin la cual,no podíanvivir. Estoempezabaa ponersemal.Decidieron ir a la mañana siguientea investigara "Las Grutas perodebíanvolverantesde medianoche y Sagradas", ya que a los vampirosles hace el sol ya no estuviera, daño la luz solar.Cenaronpuertasy ventanas,pero, aún así no lograronconciliarel sueño. A la mañanasiguiente,se fuerona hacerun estudioa fondo. No lograbanaveriguarnada sobre TEVAy tampocosobrelas cuatromujeres,hastaque, sobrelas ochode la tarde.Nataliadio en el clavo: -Mira,Jack -dijo ella-,si descomponemos el Círculo del Zodiacoen estasestaciones, segúndice aquí,y hacemoscoincidirlas inicialesde los signoscon el nombrede TEVA,tal y comodice la leyenda,una de las mujeresdebeserTauro,otraEscorpión, otraVirgo y la últimaAcuario,comoyo. ¡TEVAme podríamorder a mí, ¡Jack!¿Jack? Nataliamiró a su alrededory no vio a Jack. Habíasilencio.Eldedola invadióy echóa correr,pero la cuevaestabacerrada,algo realmenteextraño.Miró el reloj, eran las nueve menos cuarto. Nataliase

escondióen un rincón,rezandoparaque JackaparePerocomovio que allí cieray TEVAno la encontrara. no hacíanada,fue en buscade Jack,máso menos,a las diezmenoscuarto. Estuvo dando muchas vueltas, hasta que encontróla iglesia,algo iluminadapor los últimos rayossolares.Nataliase tranquilizóun poco porque todavíaera de día. No habíaningunacampana,pero sí habíaun ataúd,y al lado del ataúdestabaJack, atado.Éstegritó: -HuyeNatalia,a TEVAno le afectala luzdel sol y está escondido, es unatrampa,vete. Nataliacorrióy conió,TEVAla seguía,diciendo: -Sédondeos refugiáis, sé quenacistebajoel poderde Acuario,y que tu sangreme dará muchopoder.No puedeshuir. Estuvieronconiendo largo rato, hasta que Natalialo despistóo, al menos,eso crefa, porque cuandose giró,TEVAaparecióde repente,la cogió por la cinturay le mordióen el cuello.Nataliamurióal instante.TEVAya teníael podersuficientecomo para transformarseen Nataliay, de esa forma,hacercreer a Jackque él habíamuerto,ir a España,dondeabundan las mujeresjóvenesque le daríanmuchopoder. TEVA,transformado, volvióa la iglesiay liberó a Jack: -¿Le has matado?-preguntóJack,asombrado. -Sí -dijo el enmascaradole he clavadouna estacaen el corazóny ha desaparecido.Deberíamos volver,con los resultadosa España,cuantoantes,y olvidartodolo sucedido. -Tienesrazóndijo Jack y abrazóa la que él creíaque era Natalia. Se pusieronen caminoy sonó la campana desaparecida, otrade las cosasextrañasy, en ese instante,un brillode maldadaparecióen losojosrojosde la falsaNatalia. Fin


Daniel GiI Frlas 4"ESO-A Técnica.Lápiz de grafito


Daniel Gil Frías Técnica Lápiz de grafito

Daniel GiI Frías Técnica:Lápiz de Grafito


Sheila Diaz Muñoz

"La Panaderia"


La señora Marfa, elabora sus pastelestodos los dfas. Yo voy a comprar a su panaderfa: pasteles,roscas, úartas,donetes... ¡y todos ellos están de rechupetel Todas las tardes compro donetes y por un euro ¡me llevo un paquetel Mi madre compra allí las tartas y la señora Marlale enseñala carta: fresa, nata, chocolate,limón... todas ellas me gustan un montónl ¡y Un dfa yo iba a la panadería, todas las tardes a las seis abría. Ese dla no abrió, se lo dije a mi madrey a su casa llamó. lsolda,su sirvienta,el teléfonocogió, y nos dijo que Maríasin saber por qué murió. Cuando paso por la panadería, me acuerdo de María, y me echo a llorar, porqueella nuncavolverá. La panaderÍase subastó, y como nadie la compraba, la policfala cerró. Echo de manos todos sus pasteles, pero todas las semanasle llevo claveles.




Rosa María Guillén Pachón 2OESO Técnica: Lápiz de color, rotuladores y ceras


Eva Hernández Donoso LoBachillerato


(Primer Fremio Bachillerato / Gclos Fonnativo)

Firstlyhe went to his bedroomand left his suitThe bell resoundedin the old, big, ramblinguse like a strangeanimal'sscream.Armand was wai- case.His steps resoundedaround the conidor of ting his aunt to open the door,while he was wat- tall ceiling,on the secondfloor, while he was walching the beautiful and impressive landscape king to his aunt's study. But he didn'tfind her there.However,something which surroundedthe house and nearly made it All was in a mess,and this attractedhis attention. disappearbetweentrees and plants. It was a dark and foggy day, and althoughit was reallystrange,becausethe womanwas increwas summer, a cold breeze blew around that dibly tidy.The desk was full of papers, photos, place lost in the Pyrenees.The branchesof the pens and books, and in one of them, opened,he trees were hittingthe big windows,the crickets... could read: <<Existenceof other ways of life in all was as usual, as last summers,when the tee- this solar system or another one. How can you nager had spent his holidaysthere,with his funny contact them?>> This question was underlined. What was his aunt working in? aunt, who was astronomer. She was taking a long time. Suddenlyit began to rain was getting Suddenlyhe heard the noise of footsteps.He dark.He had always hated that subject,the posturned round thinking it was the woman, but sibility of existenceof somethingmore intelligent 11 nobodywas there.There was only the darkerand than the human being, out there, lying in wait for darker vegetationof the forest and the cold fog. them...itwas terrifying,or even that they could be Armand scannedthe shade patiently,with the right there, next to him, watchinghim, who wasintelligentsparklewhich characterized his eyes.His n't awareof it... he preferredto think it wasn'tposaunt loved joking hiding herself.He took a step sible. forward, to the suspiciousplace, but a noise Then he felt a presencebehind him, and with behind his back made him to startle. a shiver he turned back, wishingto see his aunt. The door was open, The teenagerwas discon- There was not anybody.That wretchedbook had certed, but he took his suitcase,went into the got on his nerves. house and closed it. He took a deep breath,left the study and heaHe didn't notice that, behind him, the fog see- ded for his aunt's bedroom.Althoughthere wasn't med to be concentratedin a strangefigure, and any open window,a kind of white eddy messed slowly it moved forward,arrivedto the door and the contentsof the desk up, throwingsome things went throughit. on the ground.

He knocked at the door. He only heard the It looked incrediblylike himself,it had adopted noise of the exteriorstorm,and it began to smell his image, althoughit had its eyes totally white, of wet soil in there.He knockedagain. it didn't have any hair and in its dry lips he could see a tenifyingsmile. Silence. At last and when he perceived the breath of Somethingstrange was happening.His aunt couldn'tbe sleeping,she knew he was going to 'that' in his nape, the door opened and crashed arrive that night.She had to be waitingfor him. into the wall.Armand tripped while he was going He called her, as he had done in the conidor inside and fell on the ground, in the dark, and severaltimes.He didn't get an answer.A terrible achievedto close the door behind him. idea crossed his mind. Somethingdrove him to rush towards the door. but however much he turned the door-handle,it continuedclosed. There was a strange silence in there, but it just He stopped dead.He had remembered smelt of wet soil too, that made him to have anosomething...his aunt didn't have any bolt in her ther shiver. His inabilityto see anythingand his bedroom.What was happening?The silence was fear of the unknowncloudedhis mind too. He felt getting on his nerves. like a blind in the broad sense of the term, and He regretted having thought that. Suddenly extremelyvulnerable.He didn'twant to think about somethinghad whispered... in his ears?Behindhis what he had seen behind his back. He was scaback?Perhaps...from the ceiling? red. He lookedaround,tremblingwith fear and with Tryingnot to crash into the bed, he felt around his heart beatingfaster and faster. He still could for the window. But in the attempt he ran into hear it, it seemedto be in all the places at the something,lying on the ground.He didn't want to same time. he didn't understandwhat Ă­t was crouch down and touch it. but he couldn't resist saying...but was it saying anything?Were those the urge to do it. words?At least...was that a voice? It was a body. A light and cold breeze blew from the ceiling. He looked upwards again, startled. Nothing, Horrified,he sprangto his feet and avoidedit, He noticedthe corrĂ­dorwas involvedin... fog? feeling drops of a hot liquid falling of his hands. He tried to open the door again, because he Breathingfalteringly,and with his heart in his 1g couldn'tmove the feet.He was paralysed. mouth,he found the windowat last.The moonlight Then he heard it. lt was a kind of blood-cur- would be enoughto see the interior.He had never dling shriek,totallyunknown,which came from the thought that he could be so sorry because his end of the corridor.He was gripped by fear. aunt hadn't wanted to have electriclight. He opened the window,and tumed round. Vvhenhe saw his aunt lying on the ground,lifeHe still took some secondsto turn his head less and bleeding,and next to her, on her knees and look at there. And what he saw, firstly paraly- and with her head towardshim, a 'woman'idensed him completely, during a moment, and tical to her, lookingat him with the spakle of the secondly,gave him a new and enormousstrength, death in her tiny black pupils, and shoutingin a to pounce on the door, with kicks and punches. supernaturalway, he knew it was his end. That door was the best exit to escape from that being,which was gettingcloserto him, floatingon the air, involvedin the cold fog.


|avier Gómez Pérez 1o de Bachillerato Técnica: Lápiz de Grafito

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Antonio fosé Martín Martínez T'




(PrimerPremio2" Ciclo) !-saidthe Wolf-Man,patriot. It was a dark and stormnight,and Joe was Spanish! Thisisn'ttruel-shouted Joe. lost in the Old North Forest,known like the Horror | know-saidWolf Man with a sad voice-but Forest.Nobodyknewhow he arrivedthere,but many peoplethoughtthathe was in a tripwithsomefriends. DaddysaysthatI haveto killpeopleto be a goodWolfThe Old NorthForestwas neara littlevillageknown Man. Ohh...I know...-said Joe. likeForestown,in NorthScotland.Peoplesaidthat in thisnight... And he saidif I don'tkillsomeone thisforestdiedmanypersonsin strainscircumstancesand theysaidthat herelivedmanyunknownscreatu- he didn'tpermitme go to seea bullfightwithmyfriends in Spain-told the Wolf-Manto Joe- becausel'm resat that moment. startedto trembled. Spanish,do you know?-Wolf-Man It was raining,and Joe was cold and hungry. He wasverysad... Ohh...don'tworry-saidtheman-mygrandmoHe had got nothingfor eatingand, how he was tired, he decidedsleepa littleand to try to find his friends theris Spanish,too. nextday.Buttwo hourslater,whenJoewasdreaming, It was twelveo'clock,and Joe was thinkingaboutthe somethingmoved in the underbrush.Joe awakens Wolf-Manproblemduring a long time whereasthe that andlookedabouthimand,behindhim,therewasa big Wolf-Mandriedhis tearswitha rosehandkerchief and verythinwolf-man,withdark hair,red and yellow Joe lendshim (becausehe startedto cry).Tenminueyesand with two hornslikea bull (becauseit was a tes later,it was ten pasttwelve.Soon,Joesaid: 14 | havegotan idea!!! the wolf-mantoke him Spanishwollman).Suddenly, \ /hichone is it? -askedWolf-Manhopelessly. andsaid: You can kill one of my friends and next you Are you alone in this forest?-hisvoice was verygrave,coldand gavea lot of fear. can releaseme! how lt's a good ideal-saidWolf-Man-And... Yes, have you got any problem?-said Joe, canwe findtheir?-heasked. serious. I've got my mobilephonel lt's new, do you No, I haven'tgot. I onlywas asking. know? O K .A n d . . . ? But,are you lost,or not? And... GRRRRRRRRRRRRI!!Growledthe Yes, wolf-man. Ahhhh.... \Mratare you doing?-asked Joe smiling. Ahh... I am the Wolf-Manand I haveto kill peoplelikeyou!ll \rvhy?-asked Joe,calm. I am badl! And Eeee....because...because

Oh, don't mention ¡t, He was a bad Joe phonedhisfriendTomand he said: you Joe. whatshallwedo now?-asked come friend...But, \Ablf-Man and must Tom,I'mwitha you Are hungry? to herebecausehe has killyou,OK? Yes,a lot. OK,thereI will be-saidTom,happily. past one, and Tom came One hour late¡ it was ten Tom and the Wolf-Manate Tom'srests with a lot of there: appetite.The Wolf-Mansaid Joe that he had to take Hi! l'mTom. you, Hello!I'mtheWolf-Man.I haveto kill OK? Tom'sheadto hisfather,likeproofof hiscrime.Thishe painful...? did. Joe and the Wolf-Manwere all night together. OK,butis it Tom couldn'tfinishhis sentence.because\A/olf-Man Nextday,an oddfriend'spairoccupiedhis placein "la de LasVentas".Jesulínde Ubriquewas snatchedaway his headwith a big nibble.Tomdied Monumental immediately,very happy, it's true. Next, \AÁ¡lf-Man one of the bullfighters. to Joe and said: approached The End Thankyou,my friend.

MENCION ESPECIAL 3" DE ESO I PREMIO DE DIBUJO *MIEDO Y TERROR'' ,,,'¡'.t:'¡:',...,t] ¡¡¡.,:,',f,i..t:,,,..'ila,i..I¡,,'.l'....;,:.|::.:i,.,.¡.,,:t..'...]¡it:,,: ..,.::,t,,..:t:'..

Antonio José Martín Martínez Técnica:Collage



Amanda García Pérez il




(Itimer Premio2" Ciclo)

The telephonesounded.Luiswoke up reluctantlyand he lookedat was seveno'clock a.m.,the hourof wakeup. He didn'tget up, because his motheralwaystakesthe telephone.But he was surprisedbecausehe didn'tlistenhis motherget up, "she'ssleeping,l'msure"he thought,Whenhe wentto his mothe/sbedroom,he wasamazedbecauseit was empty.Vl/henhe was lookingfor her, the telephone didn'tsoundmore."Well,-hesaid-l'm surewhatthere is an emergency. I haveto lookafterme on my own,I am fifteenyearsold" He was cookinghis breakfast(somedonuts and somecoffee)whensuddenlythe telephonesoundedagain."mumis phoningme, l'm sure",he said. he didn'tlistenanything, Vtfrten he tookthe telephone, but suddenlyhe listeneda voice: -Goodmorning,Luis,¿Haveyousleptgood?| seeyou seedy,you watchTV very late. It was a metallic,strangeand attractivevoice. Luis becameparalysed. -You'resurprisedwhat I knowthat. Tákegreat care, Luis, l'm watchingoveryou. I knowmorethingswhat youbelieve. Luisdidn'tbelievethis. -Don't keep the guard down, boy -say the voice-, remember,don't underestimate anythingwhat you don'tknow,I havegot something whatyou longfor it. Afterthat,the voicehungup the telephone.Luiswas scared,thiswas the sentencewhathis motheralways saidhim. He continuedhavingbreakfastand he tried him: lt's a joke, a very badjoke",he said.By a calm moment,he believedhe wascalmed,butit wasn'ttrue, becausehe had a sensationwhat somethingvery strangewas beginning.

At school,all lookedwell.But Luisboywasn't therewas somethingwhat capableof concentrate, distractedhim,but he didn'tknowwhat,so Luisforgot the voice. Afier P.E.,the secondlasthour,he was to the WC. to washhim.He waswashinghisfacewhenhis mobile phone sounded.He was scared, because someonephonehimwhit a verystrangenumberwith a lot of numbers.He decidedtakethe mobilephone, he wantedstopthe matte¡ it was very strange.\Mren he tookthe mobilephone,the metallicvoicespoke: -Helloagain,Luis,stillyoudon'tknowwhoam l, true? I followwatchingoveryouand I cancontrolyou.I have yourmothe¡andshe isn'tverywell...Youaregoingto sufferand payall you did me. and he ran. His Luishungup the telephone mobilephonebehavedvery strange,becauseit was 1 6 soundedall the time and theresomestrangemessages.He tookawaythe mobile'sbankand his cardand Afte¡ he threwthetelephoneintothe rubbishcontainer. that, he went out the school,he had to look for his mother...He wentto all the placeswhathis mothers couldwas in, but she didn'tappear. Verysad,Luiswentbackhome.He was openingthedoorwhenhe sawher.Hismotherwas on the floorin the sittingroom.Shewasdead.The boyshouted:"NO"and he cried.His headhurtand he listened you a voice:"...youdid me damageand I avenged... did me damageand I avenged..." Luiswokeup sweating,I had a horriblenightmare.I was tremblingand his heartbeat.Suddenly, the telephonesounded. The End


Isabel CorralizaGorión 2o de ESO Técnica:Lápiz de color, rotuladores y ceras




Isabel Corraliza Gorjón tt 2O ESO


(Itimer Premio 1' Ciclo)

It'sa darknight,theforestis in silence.No animal is moving.Thereis fear in the treeshadows. Suddenly,a strongscreamfrightensthe people of "BrokenTree",a villageneartheforest. Theyknowthat it'sfull moonandtheymustn't leavetheirhouses. Tom is with his parents,his grandfather and hissisterAnnain theirhouse.He is theyoungestin the family.He'ssevenyearsold. He's a happyboy, but little bit fearful.He's dark and short,he has got blackshorthair.His eyes are black,too. He thinksthat the monsterwantsto get in to the housethroughthe windowand he wantsto eat him. His sistersaysthat the monstercan'tenterthe housebecausehe is very big. Tom doesn'tlike the monster.Oncea month,whenthereis full moon,the monsteris screaming angrily,but he nevercomescloto village. But todayhe comesquiteclose. ser the Tom'sgrandfather andhisparentsaregoingto an important meeting.Theywantthe monsterto return to the forest.Tomand his sisterstayat homealone.

- | think the monstercomes to the village becausehe'slookingfor something- saysAnna. Annais tall and thin.Her hair is long,straight and lightbrown.She'sgot greeneyes.She is clever and nice. - LastnightI met my friends,hearthe cemeterywe saw a lightand we ran frightenedto our houses - saysTom. - Followme!We aregoingto findoutwhatthe monsterwants. -Are you mad?We mustn't leavethe house! It'sdangerous! - lf we don'tgive an to he monsterwhat he wants,he destroysthe village- saysAnna. - Ok - saysTom. TomandAnna leavetheirhouseand they go to the cemetery. A blackcat is lookingat them. - Are you surethat it's herewhatwe are loo- 1 8 kingfor? - Asks Tomnervously. - Sh!ListenlThemonsteris hear,we canhear musthidein frontof him. his steps.Quick!\r1/e Annaand her brotherhidethemselves behind the tomb stone,but... they don't see a hole in the ground, and... - Aaaahhhl- Theyfall intoa tunnel. - Are you Ok?- AsksAnna. - Yes.but whereare we? - ldon'tknow

Suddenlythey see two brightyellow lights, anda darkfaceand afterthat... - A monsterl- Screamthe children. Tom and Anna go backwardsfrightenedthey can't stoplookingat thosebig yelloweyes. - That'sthe lightI saw lastnight- saysTom. Thechildrenare lookingat the monster's eyes and...Theysee picturesthere.They see a story it's the monstefsstory.Theysee a smallmonsterthat is with his mum in the forest.Later,the baby monster escapesand he comesto the village.But when he comesto thecemetery, he fallsto the sametunnellike the children. The babymonsterask themfor help. Anna has got an idea, she says to him to stand underthe hole that is in the ceilingand she climbson thetop of him. At the endTomclimbsoverthe babymonster and his sisterand reachesthe exitof the tunnel.Later he helps his sisterto go out and they lift the baby monster.

The littlemonsteris very happyand he calls his mum.AnnaandTomarescaredwhentheyseeher coming,but she'sverythankfuland hugsher son. TomandAnnaaskthe big monsterto go back to theforestandthathe neverroarsor comescloseto the villageagain.The mothermonsteragreesandthe two monstersgo awayand they are very happy. AnnaandTomcomebackhome,theirparents and theirgrandfather anive later. - The monsterhas retumedto the forestand he doesn'troarmorebutwe don'tknowwhy - saysthe father. AnnaandTomlookat eachotherandsmile. The End



Sol laime Cabezade Vaca 4o de ESO Técnica:Acuarela

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]aime Salgado Chacón il,t



(PrimerPremiot- Ciclo)


This is a historyaboutone boy,Jimmy,which likedto hit the animals.He livedin Scotlandin a very prettyhousewithhis parentsandwithonecat,Mickey. Jimmy likedto hit the cat and to make trapsfor it. Jimmywas verybadwiththe animals. One day, Jimmyand his familywent to the countryto havea niceday. - Hey Jimmy!Yourfatherand I are goingto the lake, whataboutyou?- saidher mother. - No mum,I preferto stayhere- answeredJimmy. \Mren his parentswent to the lake,the boy startedto throwstonesto the birdsand then,he run behinda rabbit,untila manwhowas hiddenbetweentwo trees said:

- You mustn'tmaltreatthe animals,this haveserious - exclaimthe man. consequences Late¡ the man disappearedin a cloud of smoke.Jimmydidn'tbelievethat. \Mrenhis parentsand he wenthome,the boy was thinkingaboutthe strangeman. The next day, Jimmy'sparentswent to the supermarket.He wakeup and wentto havebreaKast. He was drinkingthe milk when suddenlyhe scared. His handshad a lot of greyhairs.He wentrunningto the hallto see himselfin the mirror. -Aaaaaahhhhl!!l - screamed Jimmy- My ears...,my nose... and I have a taill! I'm a little mouse. Noooooo!!l!

- What'sthe matterwithyou,Jimmy?- saidhis mother. - | will be goodwith the animals,I don'thurt them neveragain,I promise,but don'teat me, please - saidJimmy. Jimmydidn'twasa mouse,hewas Jimmy,the normalboy. Youknow,don'tplaywiththe animals!!!!

Jimmywas veryscaredand nervous.He walkedthinkingan idea,but he didn'tfind any solution. And the worseof the situationwas that behind Jimmywas Mickey,the cat.The cat chasedJimmyby allthe house.Jimmyranveryfastbutthecat ran more thanthe 'mouse'.The littleanimalleftthe house,but the boysof the streetthrewstonesto the 'rabbit'. Jimmy returned Ă­nto the house. He went acrossa hollowon the wall and he endedup in the pipes. - Oh no, this is honible!- saidJimmy. In this moment,a lot of spidersand ratsappeared. - Noooooo!!!!No more, please!!- shout Jimmy. He ran a lot, until he escapedby an other hollow He anivedat a placereallydaft. He closedhis eyes and he squattedin the corner,becausehe was frightened. Suddenly,his parentsopenedthe wardrobeto hangthe coatsand they foundJimmy.

The End


Lucía Merchán Ramos 4" de ESO Técnica:Acrílico



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Mención especial l' de ESO Lara Escobar Gallardo Técnica: Témpera y rotulador

Las Gorgonas,las Hidras y las Quimeras,las terrorfficasleyendasde Celenoy las pero ya estaban Arpfas, pueden reproducirseen el cerebrode las mentessupersticiosas... estándentro de los arquetipos uUi ¿"rdu mucho Írntes.Son merastranscripciones,tipos; nosotrosy son eternos.De lo conffario, ¿cómopodrla llegar a afectarnosel relato de lo que sabemosa cienciacierta que esfalso? Howard Phitip Lovecraflt

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