Together, we are bringing the Bible to life – thank you.
Bringing the Bible to life Our mission and impact 2015-2016 Bible Society, Stonehill Green, Westlea, Swindon SN5 7DG, Tel: 01793 418100 Fax: 01793 418118 Registered charity 232759 Patron: Her Majesty the Queen *names changed to protect identities
Photography by Bible Society
We would like to thank every individual and organisation who supported our work in the past year. We would particularly like to thank all those who support us regularly, enabling us to plan ahead with confidence. We also remember with gratitude the generosity of donors who left gifts to us in their wills.
From the Interim Chief Executive
I would like to thank you, our supporters and volunteers, for standing with us through prayer, hard work and financial support. It’s a joy to be in partnership as, together, we bring the Bible to life.
We are living in exciting times. The past year at Bible Society has been a significant one, and we embark on the next chapter in our story with a great sense of anticipation, acutely conscious of God’s faithfulness.
At Bible Society we are passionate about seeing a world where everyone has access to the Bible and can recognise its value for them, their families and communities. God’s revelation through the Bible is of vital importance for every generation and society. The Bible is more than a book – it can feed our spiritual health, provide life-giving wisdom for societies, and help us all live in fruitful relationship with the environment we share. In a rapidly changing world, the needs and opportunities for Bible mission are almost limitless, and we are excited about the possibilities. We see a growing unity in the body of Christ around the value of the Bible, and a growing need for the Bible’s message of reconciliation and peace in a divided world. I believe we can rise to the challenge, building on our global connections, and a long history of valuing the diverse spiritual approaches within the Church. Thank you again for standing with us. James Featherby Chair of the Board of Trustees
‘Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.’ Isaiah 43.19 (ESV) 2
Photography by Bible Society
Photography by Bible Society
From the Chair
We have a renewed clarity about our mission to offer the Bible to the world. We are driven by a conviction that when people engage with the Bible, lives can change, for good. In the years ahead, we expect to increase our work in China, the Middle East and Africa. At home we’re working to be more effective in producing Bible resources, engaging with young people, and using the power of digital technology. Bible Society is a great organisation with an extraordinary mission and a remarkable history. We are conscious that we are stewards of the mission God has entrusted to us, and we commit ourselves afresh to this work in the coming year. Paul Woolley Interim Chief Executive
Page 4 6 8 10 12 14
Contents A global snapshot Our work in Africa Our work in the Middle East Our work in China Our work in England and Wales Financial information
From the Interim Chief Executive
I would like to thank you, our supporters and volunteers, for standing with us through prayer, hard work and financial support. It’s a joy to be in partnership as, together, we bring the Bible to life.
We are living in exciting times. The past year at Bible Society has been a significant one, and we embark on the next chapter in our story with a great sense of anticipation, acutely conscious of God’s faithfulness.
At Bible Society we are passionate about seeing a world where everyone has access to the Bible and can recognise its value for them, their families and communities. God’s revelation through the Bible is of vital importance for every generation and society. The Bible is more than a book – it can feed our spiritual health, provide life-giving wisdom for societies, and help us all live in fruitful relationship with the environment we share. In a rapidly changing world, the needs and opportunities for Bible mission are almost limitless, and we are excited about the possibilities. We see a growing unity in the body of Christ around the value of the Bible, and a growing need for the Bible’s message of reconciliation and peace in a divided world. I believe we can rise to the challenge, building on our global connections, and a long history of valuing the diverse spiritual approaches within the Church. Thank you again for standing with us. James Featherby Chair of the Board of Trustees
‘Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.’ Isaiah 43.19 (ESV) 2
Photography by Bible Society
Photography by Bible Society
From the Chair
We have a renewed clarity about our mission to offer the Bible to the world. We are driven by a conviction that when people engage with the Bible, lives can change, for good. In the years ahead, we expect to increase our work in China, the Middle East and Africa. At home we’re working to be more effective in producing Bible resources, engaging with young people, and using the power of digital technology. Bible Society is a great organisation with an extraordinary mission and a remarkable history. We are conscious that we are stewards of the mission God has entrusted to us, and we commit ourselves afresh to this work in the coming year. Paul Woolley Interim Chief Executive
Page 4 6 8 10 12 14
Contents A global snapshot Our work in Africa Our work in the Middle East Our work in China Our work in England and Wales Financial information
The Bible changing lives, for good
Salma* received help from our team in Jordan after fleeing her hometown in Syria. After a while, Salma chose to engage with the Bible – and 12 months later, became a Christian. ‘The belief in Jesus makes life worth living, even though I own nothing,’ she said. ‘The Bible is everything in my life. I believe God brought me here from Syria, to go from dark to light.’ 4
Photography by Bible Society
Photography by Bible Society
globally in 2015
Tang: Fourteen years ago, Tang Xinnian’s husband ripped up her Bible because he didn’t like her going to church. When she received a Bible from our team in China, Xinnian said, ‘Today I am so happy to get a Bible! I’ve been a Christian for 20 years and was baptised last year. I have God in my heart all the time, but I haven’t had a Bible for 14 years.’
Offering the Bible to the world for
212 years
Photography by Bible Society
More than 27,000 regular donors now supporting this mission
Elizabeth: God’s word is helping 72-year-old Elizabeth, in Ghana, following the deaths of her husband and son. She said, ‘If you don’t have a Bible, how can you know God? Through reading this Bible of my own, I will have peace and comfort.’
than schools in England & Wales
Photography by Bible Society
34 million Bibles distributed
Working in more
Alfie: In his morning assembly, at a primary school in Cheshire, nine-year-old Alfie heard the story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den for the first time. Our Open the Book storytellers re-enacted the drama and Alfie took part. ‘Sometimes when you read a book, you go off it because there are too many words. Open the Book brings the stories to life,’ he said.
The Bible changing lives, for good
Salma* received help from our team in Jordan after fleeing her hometown in Syria. After a while, Salma chose to engage with the Bible – and 12 months later, became a Christian. ‘The belief in Jesus makes life worth living, even though I own nothing,’ she said. ‘The Bible is everything in my life. I believe God brought me here from Syria, to go from dark to light.’ 4
Photography by Bible Society
Photography by Bible Society
globally in 2015
Tang: Fourteen years ago, Tang Xinnian’s husband ripped up her Bible because he didn’t like her going to church. When she received a Bible from our team in China, Xinnian said, ‘Today I am so happy to get a Bible! I’ve been a Christian for 20 years and was baptised last year. I have God in my heart all the time, but I haven’t had a Bible for 14 years.’
Offering the Bible to the world for
212 years
Photography by Bible Society
More than 27,000 regular donors now supporting this mission
Elizabeth: God’s word is helping 72-year-old Elizabeth, in Ghana, following the deaths of her husband and son. She said, ‘If you don’t have a Bible, how can you know God? Through reading this Bible of my own, I will have peace and comfort.’
than schools in England & Wales
Photography by Bible Society
34 million Bibles distributed
Working in more
Alfie: In his morning assembly, at a primary school in Cheshire, nine-year-old Alfie heard the story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den for the first time. Our Open the Book storytellers re-enacted the drama and Alfie took part. ‘Sometimes when you read a book, you go off it because there are too many words. Open the Book brings the stories to life,’ he said.
Christianity is growing fast in Africa, faster than anywhere in the world. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s rising. But the continent has deep-rooted challenges. Two in five people live in extreme poverty. Communities are at war. Corruption and inequality is widespread. We’re working in the toughest, hardest places to reach the poorest, most marginalised men, women and children. With your generous support, we’re investing more than ever before – and we’re seeing the Bible being brought to life.
Photography by Bible Society
Our work in Africa
South Sudan: As civil unrest continues, our team are meeting the great demand for God’s word among displaced people. In 2015 we provided a new 4x4 vehicle. It’s already completed more than 11,000 miles and delivered almost 42,000 Bibles to refugee camps and churches. Edward Kajivora, who leads the work in South Sudan, said, ‘Trouble brings people closer to God. We want to give people the Scriptures to remind them that, whatever happens, God is always with them.’
Congo Brazzaville: More than 4,000 children and parents attended our Good Samaritan programme, which teaches health, hygiene and citizenship using Jesus’ parable as the inspiration. Meanwhile our team working on the translation of the Beembé Old Testament have started on 32 new books in the last year. Swaziland: This country has the highest HIV prevalence in the world, and large numbers of children are born deaf as a result of contracting HIV in the womb. So we’ve been translating the Bible into sign language for the first time. The first stories are due to be released in 2016. We’ve also distributed 500 Bibles to people living with albinism – a marginalised community that’s often victim of violent attacks.
Politics and Governance: 500 political and civic leaders, including the President of Malawi, were equipped to govern biblically when they attended our African Biblical Leadership Initiative (ABLI) conference. South Sudanese MPs from opposing sides came together at this year’s event, and received prayer and support from delegates as they discussed options for peace.
Christianity is growing fast in Africa, faster than anywhere in the world. Demand for the Bible is already unprecedented – and it’s rising. But the continent has deep-rooted challenges. Two in five people live in extreme poverty. Communities are at war. Corruption and inequality is widespread. We’re working in the toughest, hardest places to reach the poorest, most marginalised men, women and children. With your generous support, we’re investing more than ever before – and we’re seeing the Bible being brought to life.
Photography by Bible Society
Our work in Africa
South Sudan: As civil unrest continues, our team are meeting the great demand for God’s word among displaced people. In 2015 we provided a new 4x4 vehicle. It’s already completed more than 11,000 miles and delivered almost 42,000 Bibles to refugee camps and churches. Edward Kajivora, who leads the work in South Sudan, said, ‘Trouble brings people closer to God. We want to give people the Scriptures to remind them that, whatever happens, God is always with them.’
Congo Brazzaville: More than 4,000 children and parents attended our Good Samaritan programme, which teaches health, hygiene and citizenship using Jesus’ parable as the inspiration. Meanwhile our team working on the translation of the Beembé Old Testament have started on 32 new books in the last year. Swaziland: This country has the highest HIV prevalence in the world, and large numbers of children are born deaf as a result of contracting HIV in the womb. So we’ve been translating the Bible into sign language for the first time. The first stories are due to be released in 2016. We’ve also distributed 500 Bibles to people living with albinism – a marginalised community that’s often victim of violent attacks.
Politics and Governance: 500 political and civic leaders, including the President of Malawi, were equipped to govern biblically when they attended our African Biblical Leadership Initiative (ABLI) conference. South Sudanese MPs from opposing sides came together at this year’s event, and received prayer and support from delegates as they discussed options for peace.
Our work in the Middle East
This is a region in crisis. Extremism has taken hold in parts of the Middle East, violence has become brutal, and millions of people have fled their homes seeking refuge. In these extraordinary times, demand for the Bible has never been higher. Christians are relying on God, and many Muslims are looking for an alternative to the extreme expression of Islam around them. The Bible can be a catalyst for change in the Middle East – and we’re using our expertise and good standing in many countries to ramp up our efforts. Already, it’s having an impact. Your partnership has enabled us to bring the Bible to life throughout the region.
55,000 Scripture
500 refugees
items distributed in Syria in a year
every month receive practical help and Bibles in Jordan
Syria: We run a bookshop in Aleppo, just 150 metres from the frontline of the war, and last year distributed almost 55,000 Bibles, New Testaments and children’s Bibles, despite immense challenges. Our member of staff Gaith* said, ‘There is a thirst for the Scriptures. More important than food and shelter, is hope. People find hope in the word of God.’
Jordan: Thousands of refugee families have attended our Bible-based trauma-healing groups. We’ve also trained people to run the groups in places like Lebanon and Syria. A public campaign to promote democracy is underway too, and is expected to reach 650,000 Jordanians with an alternative to extremist ideologies.
Iraq: Our team visit refugees at camps in Erbil to make the Bible available, and offer prayer alongside practical aid. One colleague, Simon*, said, ‘Under pressure, people turn to God. This is the right time to show people that Jesus Christ is Lord, and he is alive.’
Across Europe: We distributed more Bibles than ever to refugees in Austria, as we saw a 20-fold increase in the number of requests for Scripture. In places like Hungary we provided emergency grants to meet the demand for Bibles, and a team from our Swindon office visited the ‘Jungle’ camp in Calais to distribute Scripture.
250,000 Bibles in Arabic produced for Christians in Israel and Muslim-majority countries
Our work in the Middle East
This is a region in crisis. Extremism has taken hold in parts of the Middle East, violence has become brutal, and millions of people have fled their homes seeking refuge. In these extraordinary times, demand for the Bible has never been higher. Christians are relying on God, and many Muslims are looking for an alternative to the extreme expression of Islam around them. The Bible can be a catalyst for change in the Middle East – and we’re using our expertise and good standing in many countries to ramp up our efforts. Already, it’s having an impact. Your partnership has enabled us to bring the Bible to life throughout the region.
55,000 Scripture
500 refugees
items distributed in Syria in a year
every month receive practical help and Bibles in Jordan
Syria: We run a bookshop in Aleppo, just 150 metres from the frontline of the war, and last year distributed almost 55,000 Bibles, New Testaments and children’s Bibles, despite immense challenges. Our member of staff Gaith* said, ‘There is a thirst for the Scriptures. More important than food and shelter, is hope. People find hope in the word of God.’
Jordan: Thousands of refugee families have attended our Bible-based trauma-healing groups. We’ve also trained people to run the groups in places like Lebanon and Syria. A public campaign to promote democracy is underway too, and is expected to reach 650,000 Jordanians with an alternative to extremist ideologies.
Iraq: Our team visit refugees at camps in Erbil to make the Bible available, and offer prayer alongside practical aid. One colleague, Simon*, said, ‘Under pressure, people turn to God. This is the right time to show people that Jesus Christ is Lord, and he is alive.’
Across Europe: We distributed more Bibles than ever to refugees in Austria, as we saw a 20-fold increase in the number of requests for Scripture. In places like Hungary we provided emergency grants to meet the demand for Bibles, and a team from our Swindon office visited the ‘Jungle’ camp in Calais to distribute Scripture.
250,000 Bibles in Arabic produced for Christians in Israel and Muslim-majority countries
Bible distribution: This year we distributed almost 750,000 Bibles in China. Literacy: We taught more than 16,000 people to read using our Bible-based literacy programme, and each person received a Bible.
We distribute Scriptures via 55,000 churches and 77 distribution centres, using 48 Bible vans
Strengthening the Church: Almost 3,000 trainee pastors received Bibles and study books during 2015, and 13 motorbikes were bought for pastors to travel more easily in mountainous regions. We’re also publishing a Chinese Study Bible which will support the 150,000 people a year who attend seminaries and Bible schools.
Photography by Bible Society
Photography by Bible Society
Officially there are 30 million Christians in China, but unofficial figures put the number at 100 million. It’s estimated the Church in China could double in size in the next decade, making it the most populous Christian nation on earth. For every new Christian to have a Bible, we need to print five million copies a year. We’ve been working in China for decades, and Bible distribution remains our number one priority. We’re also seeking to strengthen the Church and advocate for God’s word in government. Your support has enabled us to make amazing progress in the past year.
There’s one trained pastor for every 6,000 Christians, such is the shortage of ministers
150 million Bibles have been produced at our printing centre in Nanjing. Almost half of these have been distributed to Christians in China
Photography by Bible Society
Our work in China
Engaging with Leaders: Our annual ‘Bible in China’ seminar, for government and business leaders and academics, affirmed the place of the Bible in society and demonstrated that the Bible can be a force for positive change in today’s world.
Bible distribution: This year we distributed almost 750,000 Bibles in China. Literacy: We taught more than 16,000 people to read using our Bible-based literacy programme, and each person received a Bible.
We distribute Scriptures via 55,000 churches and 77 distribution centres, using 48 Bible vans
Strengthening the Church: Almost 3,000 trainee pastors received Bibles and study books during 2015, and 13 motorbikes were bought for pastors to travel more easily in mountainous regions. We’re also publishing a Chinese Study Bible which will support the 150,000 people a year who attend seminaries and Bible schools.
Photography by Bible Society
Photography by Bible Society
Officially there are 30 million Christians in China, but unofficial figures put the number at 100 million. It’s estimated the Church in China could double in size in the next decade, making it the most populous Christian nation on earth. For every new Christian to have a Bible, we need to print five million copies a year. We’ve been working in China for decades, and Bible distribution remains our number one priority. We’re also seeking to strengthen the Church and advocate for God’s word in government. Your support has enabled us to make amazing progress in the past year.
There’s one trained pastor for every 6,000 Christians, such is the shortage of ministers
150 million Bibles have been produced at our printing centre in Nanjing. Almost half of these have been distributed to Christians in China
Photography by Bible Society
Our work in China
Engaging with Leaders: Our annual ‘Bible in China’ seminar, for government and business leaders and academics, affirmed the place of the Bible in society and demonstrated that the Bible can be a force for positive change in today’s world.
Our work in England and Wales 4,000 Bibles
But openness towards spiritual experiences means there are tremendous opportunities to share the Bible in England and Wales – and we’re seeing the Bible come to life for our key audiences.
Children and families: Almost one in seven primary school children in England and Wales now hear the Bible at school, thanks to our storytelling project, Open the Book. That’s more than 620,000 children in 2,400 schools. Our 13,500 dedicated volunteer storytellers make this possible.
Wider public: We used actors to test out a real-life Good Samaritan story on the streets of Reading. The film and research generated widespread media coverage, including Good Morning Britain, Mail online, Telegraph online and Mirror online. Our video was viewed 83,000 times. Meanwhile, during Christmas 2015 we distributed 865,000 booklets telling the nativity story to children and families.
Photography by Bible Society
Across western Europe, the number of people who identify themselves as Christians is declining and 9 out of 10 people in the UK have no regular engagement with the Bible. Familiarity with the stories of Scripture is falling through the generations. Even among churchgoers, many have lost confidence in the Bible or question its relevance.
Photography by Bible Society
9 out of 10 adults have no regular engagement with the Bible
Photography by Bible Society
700 Parliamentarians and church leaders attended the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast
distributed free in England and Wales to refugees, asylum seekers and prisoners
Politics and Culture: More than 700 people attended our National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast. We ran seven chapel services for MPs and staff in Westminster, and our two weekly Bibles studies for MPs continued throughout the year. Meanwhile, our film competition, The Pitch, was won by film graduate Vanessa Perdriau. She’s now making a film based on the story of Elijah and the widow (1 Kings 17), called The Widow’s Last. 13
Our work in England and Wales 4,000 Bibles
But openness towards spiritual experiences means there are tremendous opportunities to share the Bible in England and Wales – and we’re seeing the Bible come to life for our key audiences.
Children and families: Almost one in seven primary school children in England and Wales now hear the Bible at school, thanks to our storytelling project, Open the Book. That’s more than 620,000 children in 2,400 schools. Our 13,500 dedicated volunteer storytellers make this possible.
Wider public: We used actors to test out a real-life Good Samaritan story on the streets of Reading. The film and research generated widespread media coverage, including Good Morning Britain, Mail online, Telegraph online and Mirror online. Our video was viewed 83,000 times. Meanwhile, during Christmas 2015 we distributed 865,000 booklets telling the nativity story to children and families.
Photography by Bible Society
Across western Europe, the number of people who identify themselves as Christians is declining and 9 out of 10 people in the UK have no regular engagement with the Bible. Familiarity with the stories of Scripture is falling through the generations. Even among churchgoers, many have lost confidence in the Bible or question its relevance.
Photography by Bible Society
9 out of 10 adults have no regular engagement with the Bible
Photography by Bible Society
700 Parliamentarians and church leaders attended the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast
distributed free in England and Wales to refugees, asylum seekers and prisoners
Politics and Culture: More than 700 people attended our National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast. We ran seven chapel services for MPs and staff in Westminster, and our two weekly Bibles studies for MPs continued throughout the year. Meanwhile, our film competition, The Pitch, was won by film graduate Vanessa Perdriau. She’s now making a film based on the story of Elijah and the widow (1 Kings 17), called The Widow’s Last. 13
‘We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks to you! We proclaim how great you are and tell of the wonderful things you have done.’ Psalm 75.1 (GNB)
Our finances
Our income We’re grateful for the faithful generosity of so many supporters. Our donated income has increased by 17.5% over the past year, which means the Bible can be brought to life for more people around the world. We are particularly thankful to those supporters who left legacies to Bible Society. Our donation and legacy income rose from £9.7m in 2015 to £11.4m in 2016. Half of that growth (£850,000) came from 2,706 new regular donors, who signed up to our Bible a Month programme during the year. The other half came from legacy gifts. Income from publishing and exhibitions declined from £6.6m in 2015 to £5.7m. This was due to the scaling back of one major customer, and a slow start to our project to support stock management within smaller Bible Societies. 14
From investments and events (6%) From legacies (14%) From publishing and exhibitions (31%) From donations (49%)
Total income £18.1 million
Our expenditure Our full accounts can be found at
Your prayers, gifts and legacies are bringing the Bible to life all over the world. Thank you for standing with us. We deeply appreciate your partnership in this extraordinary mission.
Generating funds (18%)
Mission to offer the Bible to the world, at home and internationally (82%)
Total expenditure £16.9 million 15
‘We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks to you! We proclaim how great you are and tell of the wonderful things you have done.’ Psalm 75.1 (GNB)
Our finances
Our income We’re grateful for the faithful generosity of so many supporters. Our donated income has increased by 17.5% over the past year, which means the Bible can be brought to life for more people around the world. We are particularly thankful to those supporters who left legacies to Bible Society. Our donation and legacy income rose from £9.7m in 2015 to £11.4m in 2016. Half of that growth (£850,000) came from 2,706 new regular donors, who signed up to our Bible a Month programme during the year. The other half came from legacy gifts. Income from publishing and exhibitions declined from £6.6m in 2015 to £5.7m. This was due to the scaling back of one major customer, and a slow start to our project to support stock management within smaller Bible Societies. 14
From investments and events (6%) From legacies (14%) From publishing and exhibitions (31%) From donations (49%)
Total income £18.1 million
Our expenditure Our full accounts can be found at
Your prayers, gifts and legacies are bringing the Bible to life all over the world. Thank you for standing with us. We deeply appreciate your partnership in this extraordinary mission.
Generating funds (18%)
Mission to offer the Bible to the world, at home and internationally (82%)
Total expenditure £16.9 million 15
Together, we are bringing the Bible to life – thank you.
Bringing the Bible to life Our mission and impact 2015-2016 Bible Society, Stonehill Green, Westlea, Swindon SN5 7DG, Tel: 01793 418100 Fax: 01793 418118 Registered charity 232759 Patron: Her Majesty the Queen *names changed to protect identities
Photography by Bible Society
We would like to thank every individual and organisation who supported our work in the past year. We would particularly like to thank all those who support us regularly, enabling us to plan ahead with confidence. We also remember with gratitude the generosity of donors who left gifts to us in their wills.