RailCONNECT Edition 5

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18/02/2013 08:51

Issue 05


1st March - 31st May 2013 MANAGING DIRECTOR Dan Connew Tel: 01937 580400 EDITOR Jade Byrne Tel: 01937 580405 Email: jade.byrne@theconnectseries.co.uk SALES DIRECTOR David Wightman Tel: 01937 580401 Email: david.wightman@theconnectseries.co.uk CLIENT RELATIONSHIP DIRECTOR Angus Woodcock T: 01937 580424 E: angus.woodcock@theconnectseries.co.uk STUDIO MANAGER Andy Bickerdike Tel: 01937 580407 Email: andy.bickerdike@theconnectseries.co.uk GRAPHIC DESIGNER Darren Palmer Tel: 01937 580417 Email: darren.palmer@theconnectseries.co.uk

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Welcome to the 5th edition of RailCONNECT, a quarterly publication available online at www.railconnect.co.uk and in print format. We hope all of our readers are finding this publication a useful industry communication tool, to bridge the gap between buyers and suppliers in the Rail industry. In this edition, we have our regular features from Christian Wolmar; a writer and broadcaster specialising in transport. He has covered the railways since privatisation in the mid-1990s and writes regularly for national newspapers and magazines. In this quarter, he takes a closer look at the biggest construction project in Europe; Crossrail, which is ploughing its way underneath the Capital, on pages 4-6. Christian also discusses with Eurostar their plans for expansion across Europe and their very sophisticated, newly refurbished trains, on pages 20-21. He goes on to investigate how the new train for Britain’s intercity rail network, produced by Hitachi, will impact on Britain’s manufacturing industry and what difference the trains will make to passengers, on pages 22-23. Finally, on pages 24-25, Christian gets to grips with the alliance between Network Rail and South West Trains on services out of Waterloo and discusses how this could have a revolutionary impact on the whole railway, bringing down costs and creating a new partnership between operators and Network Rail. We also have our regular articles covering Law, Finance, Recruitment and Security to keep you abreast of issues within the industry. Flick to pages 36-37 to read this edition’s Q&A’s, which are answered by Director Chairman of Eurostar, Richard Brown, who spoke to RailCONNECT about where he sees UK rail in ten years’ time. In addition to our regular features, Richard Price, CEO at the ORR gives an in-depth break down of the plan for Britain’s railways for 2014-2019, on pages 26-27. RailCONNECT also got in touch with Murlac Ltd., a company who leapt into the industry at a time when the railways were flooded and in urgent need of recovery. We get an exclusive insight into the inflatable dam technology which is now being developed to become a first port of call for Network Rail during a flood risk, on pages 30-31. We also speak to Paul Arnold, Director at Railmet, to get a timely update on the organisation which was specifically created to provide proactive severe weather incident management assistance to train operating companies and infrastructure managers during times of severe weather disruption, on pages 48-49. Do make use of our convenient and up to date directory covering a range of companies and breadth of products and services available to the rail industry starting from page 53. If your company isn’t currently listed, please refer to our inclusion form on pages 79-80 or alternatively e-mail andrew.tepielow@theconnectseries.co.uk. RailCONNECT is about your industry so we welcome your editorial contributions. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch should you have any comments or suggestions as we are always interested to hear your views. We hope our readers enjoy the first edition of RailCONNECT for 2013 and look forward to hearing any feedback you may have throughout the year.

responsibility for the accuracy of the content, or for any errors, omissions or mis-statements, nor can the publisher accept responsibility for the copy supplied by the advertisers. The publisher shall not be liable for any direct or indirect or

Editor: Jade Byrne

consequential loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of relying on any statement in or omission from these articles. Opinions expressed in these articles are not the opinions of the publishers.


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20/02/2013 14:38



Industry News

Industry News


08 09



Woolwich Crossrail station box completed Rail freight charges to better reflect costs - ORR National Express celebrates German rail success

10 11

LOROL secures London Overground contract extension High Speed Rail ‘an engine for growth that will help to drive regional regeneration and invigorate our regional economies’ A £23 million funding boost set to help Tyne and Wear Metro to upgrade and renew

14 16

Rail industry sets out future potential requirements for Rolling Stock Passengers give station improvements the thumbs up London overground introduces five-car trains to meet increasing demand

Diary of Events


National train performance for period 11 is 87.3%


Rail station retailers outperform high street for tenth quarter in a row Sturgeon announces £2million transformation for Commonwealth stations



Essential events to attend in the following months

Crossrail: there’s no stopping it now The scheme is fast gathering momentum and completion of this urban railway, which will set a new standard, is now only a mouthwatering half-decade away.

Getting the Continental drift Eurostar was a much-heralded new service, but it has so far served only a limited number of destinations. Now that could be about to change - and not before time.

Life after the 125 Read how the new train for Britain’s intercity rail network, produced by Hitachi, will impact Britain’s manufacturing industry and what difference the trains will make to passengers



The prime positions advertising opportunity gives you the chance to advertise in 3 of the most prominent spaces within the magazine. Call our sales team for more information regarding availability and prices.

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18/02/2013 15:30







26 30

46 48

Back to the future Network Rail and South West Trains have come together in a new initiative that may well be copied across the industry.

Scrutinising the 2014-2019 plan for Britain’s railways Richard Price, CEO at the ORR gives an in-depth break down of the plan for Britain’s railways for 2014-2019.

UK floods: Exeter railway tracks protected by dams We get an exclusive insight into the inflatable dam technology which is now being developed to become a first port of call for Network Rail during a flood risk.

Ridout’s fundraising total exceeds £7,000! Managing winter rail operations across Europe Railmet was specifically created to provide severe weather incident management assistance to TOCs and infrastructure managers during times of severe weather disruption.


Connecting with consultants



55 Civils, Plant & Equipment 57 Consulting, Recruitment & Professional

The Fourth Railway Package: does Brussels dream of UK rail?

61 Infrastructure & Electrical 65 Rolling Stock



67 Safety & Security Richard Brown Director Chairman at Eurostar



Potential financial consequences of the Brown Review



Category Listings Search for companies you need by their category of services.

Rail Security: Counting the cost or making the cost count


68 Signal, Tele-Communication & IT 69 Tunnelling & Bridges


Alphabetical Supplier Listings. Search for companies you need by their name.

Website For all the latest vacancies Visit the RailCONNECT Website now at






Image: © rob245 - Fotolia.com

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18/02/2013 15:30



For Londoners, it is still just a massive building project causing disruption across the capital. But the scheme is fast gathering momentum and completion of this urban railway, which will set a new standard, is now only a mouth-watering half-decade away.

Words: Christian Wolmar Sub Editor: Deborah Maby



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eep below the streets of London, something quite remarkable is happening: the boring of the first major full-size railway tunnel ever to go right under the centre of the capital. Crossrail is not only the biggest construction project in Europe, but it is also a railway that will set a new standard for urban railways across the world as well as relieve some of the pressure on the London Underground, which is carrying record numbers of people. For many years, decades even, the fate of the Crossrail project, the heart of which is a new railway tunnel linking Liverpool Street and Paddington stations, was in the balance. In the late 1990s, a first attempt to obtain approval for the project was thrown out by a special committee of MPs because of financial uncertainty and it took years of negotiation by the two London mayors, first Ken Livingston and then Boris Johnson, to ensure money for the project was in place. Thanks to a special arrangement,

whereby the business rate for larger firms across the capital will be increased to help pay for the scheme, plus a huge dollop of ÂŁ5 billion from the Department of Transport, along with various other sources of funding, the go-ahead was finally given in 2009. However, even after work started that year, there were concerns that a new government might delay or scrap the scheme. Now, at last, there is no turning back as so much work has been carried out that scrapping the scheme would be unthinkable. In January, it was announced that the first section of tunnelling, between Paddington and Farringdon, will be completed by the end of the year and with no fewer than five tunnel boring machines now creeping their way under London, the momentum is unstoppable. Delays are still possible, and the opening date was set back slightly by the financial crisis, with it now being expected in 2019 rather than the year before. For Londoners, Crossrail is still just a building project on a massive


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scale that is causing disruption across the capital. There are 20 major work sites, 40 in all, scattered across the city, nearly all of which are in very constrained areas that require detailed logistics simply to bring material in and out – as for example, Tottenham Court Road, covered in RailCONNECT edition 1. Everything about the scheme is big and impressive. There will be 21kms of twin bore tunnels with new stations at Paddington, Bond Street, Tottenham Court Road, Farringdon, Liverpool Street, Whitechapel, Canary Wharf, Custom House and Woolwich. It is expected that up to 24 trains an hour will use the line, and connect a wide variety of locations up to 50 miles away from the centre of the city. The scheme will cost £15 billion, although Terry Morgan, its chairman, is hopeful that it will be less than that, though he won’t commit himself to say by how much. Morgan knows a thing or two about tunnels under London. His previous job was as chief executive of Tube Lines, one of the


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two companies responsible for the infrastructure of London Underground under the now defunct Public Private Partnership. He was appointed to the Crossrail job in 2009, just when it seemed finally certain that it would go ahead. Part of the huge cost is because Crossrail is being built to a very high standard - about which Morgan is unapologetic. When I suggested to him that the enormous price tag implied that the industry was more inefficient than in the past, despite all the new technology, he responded: “Standards are simply higher these days. This is going to be the best railway in Britain, with stations built to a very high standard and a huge amount of capacity being added to London’s rail system.” Morgan has firm views about how to run a project as vast as this, which poses almost unprecedented management problems: “There is no way that anyone can keep abreast of all these sites. You have to delegate and hand over responsibility,” he said.


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Interestingly, the responsibility is not only with the full-time managers, but all the members of his board, too. “All the non-execs have oversight of a particular major site for the purpose of board meetings,” he says. There is a determination to avoid the overruns that have led to such controversy on past schemes such as the Jubilee Line Extension. To Morgan, the opportunities afforded by the project are nearly as important as the scheme itself. The legacy, he emphasises, should not just be a new railway. In particular, he wants to use Crossrail as a way of raising the skills of the workforce, something which Britain has been poor at. His emphasis on this aspect of the project undoubtedly lies in his background: “I did not go to university to learn engineering, I was an apprentice and learnt on the job,” he tells me. Consequently, he was shocked when, taking over the chairmanship of Crossrail, he became aware that there were simply not enough tunnel engineers in the country to carry out the work: “I realised it needed 1,300 people with underground construction skills. Yet



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in the whole country there were about half that number – and, worse, their average age was 55.” That is why Crossrail has set up its own training centre in east London – the Tunnelling and Underground Construction Academy, which is, in fact, open to the wider industry and therefore does not carry the Crossrail name. It has so far seen more than 1,000 people through its doors. It is both a training centre and an accreditation centre, and also runs courses for pre-employment, with the aim of getting local people into the workforce, another important aim for Morgan. Improving skills is not, though, just about people on the bottom or middle rungs of the ladder. Morgan believes that managers, too, do not always have the required capabilities: “My other passion is leadership. I feel great companies have great leaders and that the question of leadership skills is underestimated at your peril,” he says. A skilled workforce, however, also needs access to the right tools, and that’s where technology comes in. Morgan is proud that his background is in technology and that he learnt

The legacy, chairman Terry Morgan emphasises, should not just be a new railway. In particular, he wants to use Crossrail as a way of raising the skills of the workforce, something which Britain has been poor at. its importance at a time that Harold Wilson’s slogan the “White Heat of Technology” resonated with the workforce of the day. He is concerned that the focus on technology has somewhat been lost: “At the time, technology was seen as the way to create competitive advantage and the government underpinned that with a lot of money. That’s not so much the case any longer.” Crossrail is a mouth-watering prospect and one that even the most cynical Londoner will get excited about – the only problem being that they will have to wait for more than half a decade to appreciate it. In the meantime, the disruption at all those sites across London continues.

Images: Crossrail


18/02/2013 15:30



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WOOLWICH CROSSRAIL STATION BOX COMPLETED With over 400,000 working hours undertaken on the project, the huge station box at Woolwich, which has been built as part of the Crossrail project, has been completed by developer Berkeley Homes at its landmark Royal Arsenal Riverside development. 200 jobs were created to construct the station box. The new station box is 256 metres long, 26 metres wide and 18 metres deep – equivalent to the size of 32 Olympic swimming pools. It is so long that the tallest building in Canary Wharf, One Canada Square, could easily be laid on its side within it, and still leave plenty of room for a double decker bus at either end. Berkeley Homes has completed the vast station box four months ahead of schedule. The eastern end of the box will be handed over to Crossrail in early March. The Woolwich box will act as an important staging post for the two 1,000

tonne tunnelling machines, Sophia and reduced journey times, direct access to Mary, that are digging twin bore tunnels from London’s major employment centres as Plumstead, underneath the River Thames to well as supporting wider regeneration.” North Woolwich. To celebrate the completion of the When Crossrail opens, up to 12 trains box, Berkeley Homes held an Open per hour during the peak will link Day on Wednesday 27th February, southeast London and the Royal offering a rare opportunity for Docks with Canary Wharf, the public to step inside the central London and beyond cavernous construction allowing residents to get before it is handed over to to and from London’s key Crossrail. The new station box is employment areas much In addition, a charity the size of 32 Olympic more quickly and easily and fun run will be held within swimming pools. boosting regeneration. the box, raising money for Andrew Wolstenholme, Demelza House Children’s Crossrail Chief Executive said: Hospice. “Berkeley Homes has completed the Berkeley Homes will begin the planned station box at Woolwich ahead of schedule, construction of 585 homes on the station allowing Crossrail to get the site ready box site later this year, of which at least for the arrival of our thousand tonne 165 will be affordable homes. Retail and tunnelling machine this spring. The benefits commercial space will also be delivered, of Crossrail for southeast London will be again contributing to the significant significant – new journey opportunities, regeneration of Woolwich.

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18/02/2013 15:31


RAIL FREIGHT CHARGES TO BETTER REFLECT COSTS - ORR A new package of charges for freight operators to access the rail network, to be introduced from 2016, will better reflect costs and give businesses certainty to plan for the future, the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) have announced. In May 2012, ORR launched a consultation seeking views on charges freight operators must pay to use Britain’s rail network, as part of the regulator’s assessment of what Network Rail must achieve during the five years from 2014 to 2019 (Control Period 5), the money it needs to do so, and the incentives needed to encourage delivery and outperformance. Following extensive input from the rail industry and its customers, ORR will: Set a maximum cap of £1.68 per 1000 gross tonne kilometre (kgtkm) on the average variable usage charge that freight operators will pay to access the rail network in Control Period 5 (CP5). ORR expects the final charge to be lower than the maximum cap as part of its final assessment for CP5;


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Introduce a new freight specific charge, payable for the haulage of coal for the electricity supply industry (ESI), spent nuclear fuel, and iron ore – all commodities that cannot easily or economically switch to road. For ESI coal, the charge will be capped at a maximum of £4.04 per 1000 gross tonne mile (kgtm); for nuclear fuel the charge will be capped at £11.64 per kgtm; and for iron ore at £2.96 per kgtm; and Implement the new charges gradually to enable a smooth transition and to enable businesses to plan accordingly. The freight specific charge will not be introduced at all until 2016-17 and will then be phased in gradually over three years so that the full charge will be payable in 2018-19, allowing businesses time to adjust. ORR estimates that on average the overall price increases a customer will pay for the affected products will be between 3% and 5%.

NATIONAL EXPRESS CELEBRATES GERMAN RAIL SUCCESS National Express Group PLC which operates rail franchise, c2c, has been selected to run two 15 year regional commuter rail contracts in Germany. Three German local authorities confirmed that they intended to award the two contracts which serve cities including Cologne and Bonn in Germany’s most populous region, North RhineWestphalia, to National Express. The services are currently run by Deutsche Bahn and carry around 18 million passengers per year. National Express will start operating the 15 year contract in December 2015, after first procuring 36 new electric trains on behalf of the local authorities. The contracts will generate revenues of around €1.6 billion for the 15 years as a whole.


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08/02/2013 15:32

LOROL SECURES LONDON OVERGROUND CONTRACT EXTENSION today the company is recognised as Arriva’s LOROL rail business has starting the contract our people have running the UK’s most punctual secured a two-year extension to worked with Transport for London and right-time rail service holding a its contract with Transport for other industry partners to take London record 89.10 percent. London (TfL) to operate the Overground services to a new level. Managing director at London Overground network Everything from stations, trains and LOROL, Peter Austin, said: until 12 November 2016. performance has been improved. The “I am delighted that we have Following this successful two-year extension is welcome recognition More than 340 million reached agreement with year, and with sustained of our operational expertise, track record passenger journeys Transport for London for a levels of train punctuality of delivering our commitments and the since 2007 two-year extension to our and passenger satisfaction, passion in our business to continue to contract. Everyone at LOROL TfL has taken up the option bring further improvements for our has worked tirelessly of extending its existing contract customers in the future.” over the past five years to which means LOROL will continue TfL chief operating officer for transform the railway and to to be responsible for the operation of rail, Howard Smith, said: “We deliver TfL’s vision for the London Overground train services and are pleased to continue our Overground. The two-year maintenance. successful relationship with extension is recognition of Since its launch in 2007, more than LOROL. The Overground Punctuality reached those efforts and LOROL’s 340 million passenger journeys have has gone from strength an all-time high in excellent operational delivery. been made on the London Overground to strength since the start September 2012 We look forward to a further and around 400,000 passengers are of the concession and successful four years.” now carried each day, up from 90,000. demonstrates what TfL can Steve Murphy, chief operating Punctuality reached an all-time high in achieve, in partnership, when given officer for Arriva Trains, said: “Since September 2012 (98.96 per cent) and responsibility for rail services in London.”





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18/02/2013 15:31


HIGH SPEED RAIL ‘AN ENGINE FOR GROWTH THAT WILL HELP TO DRIVE REGIONAL REGENERATION AND INVIGORATE OUR REGIONAL ECONOMIES’ the confirmation a year ago of HS2’s 140Britain must seize the opportunity mile southern phase one route between presented by high speed 2 (HS2), the London and Birmingham, which starts Prime Minister announced early this year. construction in four years and opens The proposed route and the locations of to passengers in 13 years. The new stations in the West Midlands, routes announced this year, North West, East Midlands running from Birmingham to and Yorkshire were unveiled Manchester and Leeds, will as David Cameron, open six years after that. Mr Deputy Prime Minister McLoughlin also confirmed Nick Clegg, Chancellor that the consultation on of the Exchequer mile northern phase the newly proposed routes George Osborne and two route of HS2 will be brought forward to Transport Secretary Patrick start in 2013 rather than in McLoughlin underlined the 2014. He has also ordered the government’s commitment to Department for Transport to look investing in the infrastructure that into whether the project can be fastthey believe Britain needs to compete in tracked so that the second phase of HS2 the global economy. is completed ahead of the scheduled The publication of the 211-mile completion date of 2032. northern phase two route of HS2 follows


A £23 MILLION FUNDING BOOST SET TO HELP TYNE AND WEAR METRO TO UPGRADE AND RENEW The Tyne and Wear Metro is set to benefit from a £23 million funding boost, Local Transport Minister Norman Baker has confirmed. The Department for Transport has confirmed that it has awarded Nexus, the Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive, a total of £93 million which is the maximum possible funding under the 2010 Funding Agreement for renewing and upgrading the Tyne and Wear Metro for the next 3 years. The funding will allow Nexus to create about 60 new jobs to deliver projects within its Metro: all change modernisation programme – as well as sustaining hundreds more among engineering and transport contractors. The Tyne and Wear Metro is Britain’s busiest light rail network outside London, used by 38 million passengers every year.

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RAIL INDUSTRY SETS OUT FUTURE POTENTIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ROLLING STOCK A report published by the rail industry marks a key step towards a market-led approach for delivering rolling stock which meets passengers’ needs over the next 30 years. The report, welcomed by Rail Minister Simon Burns, sets out a range of scenarios for the future size and makeup of the national passenger rolling stock fleet needed for the next three decades in the context of growing demand, infrastructure enhancements and greater electrification of the network. The high level analysis suggests a possible near doubling of the fleet could be needed by 2042. At the heart of this growth is a potential requirement for between 13,000 to 19,000 new electric



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vehicles by 2042, compared with around 8,500 electric vehicles in Britain today. That would be equivalent to delivering an average of eight to 12 electric vehicles every week, and would increase the proportion of the fleet made up of electric vehicles from around 68% today to over 90% by 2042. This is the first time since privatisation that the industry has joined together to outline a long term, cross-industry strategy on rolling stock. The work was overseen by a group chaired by Richard Brown, Eurostar Chairman, and made up of ATOC, the three main train leasing companies (Angel Trains, Eversholt Rail Group and Porterbrook Leasing), and Network Rail.


18/02/2013 15:31

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18/02/2013 15:31


PASSENGERS GIVE STATION IMPROVEMENTS THE THUMBS UP Passenger satisfaction at seven stations increased by an average of 30 percentage points following improvement works funded by the National Stations Improvement Programme (NSIP). Passengers said visual real-time information, staff and toilets were the most important things to have at the station with waiting rooms, information on arrival times and toilets in most need of improvement. These are the findings from a report published by the independent watchdog, Passenger Focus, which measured passenger satisfaction before and after improvements at Balham, Finsbury Park, Gipsy Hill, Halifax, Smitham, Streatham Hill and Uckfield. This research has been done in partnership with Network Rail. Anthony Smith, Passenger Focus chief executive, said:

“Our research clearly shows that passenger satisfaction with stations increases when the money invested in improvements is targeted at the things that matter most to passengers.”

Many others noticed improvements such as the station buildings (68 per cent), waiting rooms (47 per cent), shelters (34 per cent), platform seating (30 per cent) and station lighting (29 per cent).

Other findings include: Passengers said that shelters and waiting rooms were among the most important facilities to have at stations. Following NSIP improvements works they gave much higher satisfaction scores for facilities such as ticket offices, shelters, waiting rooms and station entrances and exits. More than 70 per cent of passengers said that the overall look and feel of the station had noticeably improved following works.

More than 20 per cent of passengers noticed that the toilets had improved, showing that overall satisfaction with stations would increase significantly if more work was done to improve toilets at stations. Other investment in stations is also paying off. Passenger Focus’s latest National Passenger Survey, published in January 2013, found that following significant investment passenger satisfaction with King’s Cross and Waterloo Station increased by 32 and 11 percentage points respectively.

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your global specialist


18/02/2013 15:31

INDUSTRY PREPARES FOR ELEVENTH RAILTEX SHOW The popular Railtex exhibition returns to Earls Court in London from 30 April to 2 May. This will be the eleventh of these events organised by Mack Brooks Exhibitions, combining suppliers’ stands showcasing the best the railway supply industry has to offer with a wide range of additional features providing visitors with insights into developments in technology and policy.

More than 400 companies are expected to take part in the show. They include some of the most familiar names serving the UK rail market, like Alstom, Bombardier, Hitachi and Siemens, as well as many smaller specialists supplying a wide range of components, niche products and services to the industry. Among the many industry bodies supporting the event are the Rail Industry Association and the Rail Alliance. The regularly updated exhibitor list can be found at www.railtex.co.uk New at Railtex this year will be The Yard, a display area in the exhibition hall for larger items of rail plant such as road-rail

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vehicles. In addition, The Track will enable exhibitors to display rail-related machinery and tools on sections of track in the hall. The show will be opened by Minister of State for Transport the Rt Hon Simon Burns MP on 30 April. On the same day the Minister will deliver a keynote speech as part of an extensive free seminar programme running over all three days of the event. Keynote presentations will also be made by Network Rail Chairman Richard ParryJones and by Crossrail Chief Executive Andrew Wolstenholme. Like many other activities at Railtex, the seminar programme is open to all, free of charge and without prior booking. Further industry insights will be provided by The Platform, staged in partnership with Rail Champions. Here, panels of industry experts will address topical themes, with audience participation welcome. In addition, in the Project Update Theatre, project directors and managers will outline the status of major UK rail schemes, with strong participation by Network Rail. Railtex 2013 will also focus on the industry’s skills needs. An initiative entitled ‘Rail – The Next Generation’ programme will introduce engineering students and graduates to career opportunities in the rail sector. The programme is supported by the National Skills Academy for Railway Engineering and Young Railway Professionals and provides engagement with participating exhibitors. And firms taking part will be making use of the Recruitment Wall to publicise their job vacancies and skills requirements. Also featured will be the opening day’s Networking Reception, while new this year will be the Railtex Awards, a dinner on 1 May celebrating the achievements of companies taking part in the exhibition.

Railtex 2013 has been well received by the industry. Exhibition Manager Heidi Cotsworth said: “The response to this year’s show has been very positive. Our exhibitor list is especially strong, with a good mix of the best known companies, familiar smaller firms and some interesting new names. There has also been a lot of interest from the industry in this year’s innovations, such as The Yard and the Railtex Awards. We are expecting a busy show.” Online registration to visit the show is now open at www.railtex.co.uk. Preregistering guarantees free access to Railtex and its many supporting activities and avoids a £20 entry fee payable on the door for non-registered visitors.

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08/02/2013 15:34

LONDON OVERGROUND INTRODUCES FIVE-CAR TRAINS TO MEET INCREASING DEMAND A programme to introduce five-car trains on all London Overground routes and increase the capacity of the railway by 25%, to meet rapidly increasing demand for the network’s services, has been announced by Transport for London. The £320million programme includes the construction of longer platforms and the delivery of an extra 57 carriages by the end of 2015. Transport for London’s Chief Operating Officer for Rail, Howard Smith, said: ‘Demand for London Overground - the UK’s most punctual rail service - is growing at an incredible pace. ‘By the end of 2012, London Overground carried 120 million passengers - nearly four times the number carried when we launched in 2007. ‘To enable this positive trend to continue and maintain our high levels for safe, reliable and frequent travel, we need to deliver more capacity by adding more carriages.’



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The increased capacity will help London’s transport network accommodate the predicted 810,000 new residents expected to move into London by 2021. To accommodate the longer five-car trains some infrastructure upgrades will be required.

They are: Additional capacity for stabling trains overnight at Silwood Sidings, south east London and also at Willesden depot in north west London Reconfiguration of the New Cross Gate and Willesden depots Platform extensions at some stations on the former North and East London lines and associated signalling and power works

NATIONAL TRAIN PERFORMANCE FOR PERIOD 11 IS 87.3% Punctuality on the railways reached 87.3% during Period 11, according to monthly performance data released by Network Rail. The data for Britain’s train services covers the period from 06 January 2013 - 02 February 2013. This compares to 91.4% for the same period last year. The moving annual average is now at 91.1%. Services were again impacted during this period by severe weather. National train punctuality is measured for all trains across the whole network, including cancelled services and delays caused by external factors (such as vandalism, extreme weather, etc.). Punctuality did not start to be recorded in this vigorous and thorough way until 1997. Before then Railtrack, and BR before, did not measure all services and also excluded external factors and other items from their numbers.


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RAIL STATION RETAILERS OUTPERFORM HIGH STREET FOR TENTH QUARTER IN A ROW Retailers at some of Britain’s biggest and Top performing stations include busiest railway stations have seen like-for-like London Bridge (+23.27%), followed by sales outperform the high street for the London Victoria (+7.32%) and Euston tenth consecutive quarter, new (+5.82%), compared to the same figures released by Network Rail period last year. show. This current set of The latest station retail figures shows growth has results show a 2.54% growth increased slightly on the in like-for-like sales between 2.37% increase reported Over £10m in sales Q3 (1 October-31 December) last period (July to September generated by station 2011 and Q3 2012. Over the 2012). In the same period retailers same period, the British Retail high street sales, as reported Consortium reported sales on the by the BRC, reported growth high street grew by just 0.2%. of just 0.5%. Figures were compiled from the results During the third quarter, station of retailers operating over 500,000 sq ft of retailers generated over £10m in sales, retail space totalling over 500 units at 16 of which represents a 137% increase on Britain’s biggest and busiest stations owned the same period the previous year. All and operated by Network Rail. In total, these profit from Network Rail’s retail activity is restations benefit from a combined annual invested in the railway, helping deliver a better footfall of over a billion. value railway for taxpayers and passengers.



STURGEON ANNOUNCES £2M TRANSFORMATION FOR COMMONWEALTH STATIONS Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced a major investment by ScotRail that will see stations serving the 2014 Commonwealth Games transformed. With thousands of additional passengers expected during the Games, the refurbishments to Queen St low level, Charing Cross and High Street stations will double the £1million programme of improvements already planned at 20 stations across Strathclyde. Transport Sturgeon announces Scotland secured programme the funding boost improvements from First as part of the five-month continuation of the rail franchise announced in December.



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17 17

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Eurostar was a much-heralded new service, but it has so far served only a limited number of destinations. Now that could be about to change – and not before time.

Words: Christian Wolmar Sub Editor: Deborah Maby



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urostar is coming of age. It will be 20 years old next year but for much of its history expansion has been stymied by a combination of complexity and timidity, which has meant that its real potential has so far not been realised. There are still far too few routes, given the potential of the high speed line and the Channel Tunnel, as well as the available rolling stock. Eurostar is very good at its basic task, which has been providing trains between London and two European capitals, Brussels and Paris, and now has close to 10 million passengers a year, nearly all on these two routes. It also runs trains aimed at holidaymakers to Disneyland, Bourg St Maurice for the French Alps and Avignon in the appropriate season. Overall, numbers of passengers have held up in the past year, with reduced numbers in business class being compensated for by leisure travellers. This year it has launched a couple of new routes on a trial basis. Winter saw trains to Swiss Alpine towns such as Aigle, Martigny, Visp and Brig, which give access to a swathe of ski resorts, although the services do entail a change at Lille. Then in the summer, trains will be going directly to Lyon and Aix-enProvence as well as Avignon. But therein lies a problem. While passengers on the outward journey to these new French destinations will be able to travel

all the way in the train without having to get off, on the way back they will be forced to disembark at Lille, go through Borders Agency procedures and get back on a train, a procedure that will take more than an hour. Clearly that will be a great deterrent, given that the journey between London and Avignon is already six hours long and people will in addition have to heave their suitcases on and off. It is this type of issue that has stymied Eurostar’s growth. Because Britain is not in the Schengen agreement, border restrictions are tighter than in the rest of Europe. In the early days of Eurostar, passport checks were carried out on the train, but this was subsequently deemed too expensive by the Borders Agency. So now, oddly, passengers find themselves going through UK passport control at Brussels and Paris, only to have then to wait again to exit St Pancras as their passports are checked for a second time. Privately, Eurostar managers are furious at these restrictions, suggesting the Borders Agency has been particularly unco-operative as regards developing reasonable workable agreements that do not inconvenience passengers. Another obstacle to further development of services from London to the Continent has been the difficulty of negotiating with the European rail operators. Organising through-ticketing arrangements has been a tortuous

For too long, Eurostar trains and the magnificent London terminus at St Pancras, have been underutilised assets process, and even now, two decades later, it is possible to buy through tickets only to a very limited number of European destinations. For many years there has been discussion of other destinations from London, such as Frankfurt, Cologne or Amsterdam, but nothing has ever materialised, even though the rolling stock is available. Now, though, this will have to change because of the prospect of competition on the horizon and the purchase of new rolling stock. Deutsche Bahn has expressed interest


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in running trains, possibly from both Frankfurt and Amsterdam. The idea would be for one unit from each of these cities to link up at Brussels to continue the journey through the Tunnel to London, and similarly split apart on the return. This arrangement has the approval of the Channel Tunnel Safety Authority following a trial run next year, and open-access arrangements on the main routes in the EU mean that there is no barrier to DB running these trains. However, after initially suggesting services might start next year, they appear to have been postponed until 2015 at the earliest. By then, a set of 10 new trains ordered by Eurostar will be in service. These, controversially, are being built by Siemens, rather than the French company Alstom, and will start to come on stream at the end of next year. They will have a capacity of 900 seats each and will provide the impetus to ensure that Eurostar starts developing new routes.


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No decisions, however, have been made so far. Mary Walsh, Eurostar’s head of communications, says that: “The decision on routes will be made on a commercial basis.” She hinted that Amsterdam, which in many ways seems an obvious next destination given its proximity and the construction of a high speed line between Brussels and the Netherlands’ biggest city, might not be Eurostar’s first choice although it has not been ruled out: “There’s a lot of low-cost airline competition on that route, which makes it very difficult for us. We will have to consider that very carefully when deciding where to go,” she says. German destinations are, therefore, the most obvious choice, but only those that are reachable within a four-hour time frame as it is unlikely that business passengers will want to travel any longer than that. That makes Frankfurt, Düsseldorf and Cologne the most likely destinations.

Not only is Eurostar going to start operating new trains, but the existing fleet is being revamped, given that they are showing signs of wear and tear on entering their third decade. The coaches are being entirely stripped out at the SNCF carriage works at Hellemmes near Lille and will be given a new livery and wifi, which is now becoming a requirement for business – and indeed many leisure – travellers. The new trains and the new routes, and the impetus of competition from DB, could signal the real take-off for Eurostar. However, to realise fully its potential, Eurostar needs to galvanise the support of the Government and, in particular, the Borders Agency, as well as cutting deals with European train companies. For too long, Eurostar trains and the magnificent London terminus at St Pancras, have been under-utilised assets. Now there is the opportunity to give Britain much better rail connections with the Continent beyond Paris and Brussels.

Images: (Above left) Eurostar (Above) alveyandtowers.com


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It was as far back as 2005 that the Government announced the procurement exercise for the replacement of the much-loved 125s. Such has been the complexity and long-winded nature of the process that it will be 2017 before they enter service...

Words: Christian Wolmar Sub Editor: Deborah Maby



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ne of the great success stories of the British Rail era was the development of the HST 125 train which provided the backbone of Intercity services – and are still a vital part of the network. Their replacement, however, is long overdue, though some of them are likely to be 40 years old before they are shunted off to the scrapyard. It has been a long, hard road to replace these much-loved trains. The new ones are being procured through the Intercity Express Programme, the most expensive train-purchasing exercise ever conducted in the UK, with an initial headline value of £7.5 billion (although that has now been reduced to £4.5 billion in the first stage of the contract), which includes financing and maintenance over the expected 27.5-year life span of the trains. There are numerous areas of controversy around the project and it has been anything but a smooth ride for either the Government or the train manufacturers. The very complexity of the deal and the changes made to the original concept have attracted widespread criticism both within the industry and beyond. Amazingly, given that the first trains are not likely to start running for another four years, it was as far back as 2005 when the Department for Transport, belatedly realising that the 125s would not last forever, announced the procurement exercise. Two years later, a notice was issued seeking bidders who were not only to manufacture the trains but also provide the financing and maintain them.

The precise number of trains was not announced and it was a very complicated requirement. There were to be three types: electric powered, diesel (or self powered as it was described) and bi-mode, which would enable the trains to use either electric power or an on-board diesel engine. This first specification suggested that the trains would start entering

There was disquiet among some MPs that the deal had not gone to the Bombardier consortium, since the company’s Derby carriage works is the only one remaining in Britain. service by 2013 but the complexity of the project and subsequent changes to the specification mean that 2017 is now the earliest date. There were originally three bidders but the Alstom consortium soon withdrew, leaving teams led by Hitachi and Siemens/Bombardier. In February 2009, the Government announced that the contract would be going to Hitachi, but that only marked the start of further complexity because the Government had changed its view on electrification, being now in favour rather than against, as previously diesel-only trains were no longer required. There was also disquiet among some MPs that the

deal had not gone to the Bombardier consortium, since the company’s Derby carriage works is the only one remaining in Britain. Moreover, there were such widespread doubts within the industry about the viability of the project that in early 2010, Andrew Adonis, who was then the Transport Secretary, announced that a review of the scheme would be undertaken by the former head of the Audit Commission Sir Andrew Foster. In the report published later that year, Sir Andrew was sceptical about the idea of bi-mode trains because, he said, “There are no long-distance high-speed Intercity bi-mode trains operating anywhere in the world and the UK rail industry does not appear to be supportive of the concept.” Foster recommended looking at simpler alternatives, such as adapting existing designs or even using locomotives and carriages, but this was rejected by the new Coalition government, which decided to proceed with a reduced order. In July 2012, the Government finally announced financial closure on the first stage of a contract with the Agility Trains team, led by Hitachi but with backing from a wide variety of lenders. The contract is for £2.4 billion for 21 nine-car electric and 36 five-car bi-mode trains (369 carriages) for use on Great Western routes. Financial closure on the second phase of the contract for 10 five-car and 13 nine-car bi-mode and 12 five-car electric units (227 carriages) for the East Coast is expected later this year. There is, too, an option for a further 30 nine-car electric trains (270 carriages) on the East Coast.


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Images: Hitachi Trains


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Hitachi has promised that much of the assembly work will take place in the UK, at a factory it will be building at Newton Aycliffe, County Durham. This factory is set to create 200 jobs in the construction phase and will be built over the course of the next two years, to be fully operational in 2015. The Japanese company is hoping that further orders will follow, as the factory will have the capability of producing up to 35 vehicles a week, and could employ nearly four times the initial number. Hitachi has also promised new maintenance depots in Bristol, Swansea, west London and Doncaster, and to upgrade several other depots. Overall, it will have taken at least a dozen years between the original announcement to procure the trains and the first ones entering service. That in itself suggests that the Department needs to sharpen up its procurement procedures and there is already a debate taking place within the industry and the Department about how to make the purchase of trains simpler and easier. In the end, though, passengers will probably get a terrific ride, though given the popularity of the 125s, they will be a hard act to follow.


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The landmark McNulty report into the economics of the railways highlighted the separation between infrastructure and operations as the main counter to progress. Now, Network Rail and South West Trains have come together in a new initiative that may well be copied across the industry.

Words: Christian Wolmar Sub Editor: Deborah Maby

Image: © Pink Badger Fotolia.com



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ver since the privatisation of the railways nearly two decades ago, the biggest area of controversy has been the division in the industry between infrastructure and operations. The decision to divide it thus was made in order to encourage competition but it ran against normal railway practice and has led to problems between the two parties. One example is in the case of possessions: when the railway is taken out of use for maintenance it can be a real source of conflict between Network Rail and the train operator. This was recognised in the McNulty report into the economics

of the industry, which found that the separation had caused increased costs and that incentives were often not aligned – in other words, what was good for the operators, which might mean a minimum number of possessions, might make life very difficult for the infrastructure manager, Network Rail. One of the key suggestions to come out of McNulty was, therefore, to bring the two sides in the industry together in a scheme known as ‘alliancing’. This could take several forms, ranging from having a joint committee to discuss common matters to actually uniting the two parties into what would effectively

be a recreation of an integrated railway. At South West Trains (SWT), they have decided to go for that type of deep alliance despite the fact that there are a host of obstacles, both legal and practical. Network Rail and SWT are obviously two separate legal entities and, worse, their incentives are not always aligned, in precisely the way described. Their relationship is governed through what are called Schedule 8 payments. Any delays caused by Network Rail will lead to payments to SWT and, indeed, delays caused by SWT also result in payments to other operators who may be affected.


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This adversarial relationship had to be changed if the alliance was to be effective. There was, too, concern about who would be legally responsible in an accident. And there was the question of who would benefit from any savings and how they would be shared out. SWT and Network Rail decided the only solution to this complex series of issues was to merge their organisations in terms of running the train service out of Waterloo – and that includes the staff. Tim Shoveller, who formerly ran Stagecoach’s East Midlands Trains operation, now heads a joint team of Network Rail and SWT staff and reports


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to two bosses – Robin Gisby, Network Rail’s chief operating officer, and Martin Griffiths, the new chief executive at Stagecoach. Shoveller’s number two is Jim Morgan, a Network Rail man, and throughout the organisation there are people who report to a boss who works for the other company. There are added complexities, such as the fact that the Network Rail route includes part of the network where SWT does not run trains but other operators do, and others where SWT shares the tracks with other rail companies, notably, the freight carriers, Great Western and InterCity. And just to spice things up further, there is an added issue that arises from the complex relationship between the rail companies and the Department for Transport (DfT). Network Rail and SWT have to be careful not to be accused of colluding over the non-payment of the Schedule 8 monies. This is because currently SWT is subject to the cap and collar regime, which limits its losses under the franchise system because revenue has been below levels expected and therefore, the DfT actually receives 80 per cent of the Schedule 8 money. The move towards an alliance between Network Rail and SWT is not some kind of theoretical exercise. According to Morgan, it has a very practical purpose, which is “to improve performance”. There is, too, the expectation that eventually it will save costs. Morgan reckons that so far, the structures have been created and there is the potential to make great improvements. Nevertheless, he warns that: “We cannot wave a magic wand and improve the performance. Nor, so far, have we saved lots of costs.” But, he goes on, “We have already made changes. For example, we have taken on an extra seven people in the possession planning department to ensure they can be made more easily and conveniently.” Morgan also points to the fact that there is now a Network Rail staffer in the Waterloo box whose sole task is to monitor the functioning of points, track circuits and other equipment. According to Morgan, that means that: “If something is not working properly, then we can arrange for a team to be on site much quicker than before, and there will be no arguments about ensuring they can get access.” Morgan reckons there will be a whole change

“Previously, it was almost as if there was a commercial incentive for things to go wrong.” in culture: “Previously, it was almost as if there was a commercial incentive for things to go wrong,” he says. This is because the level of the Schedule 8 payments did not necessarily match the cost that was incurred by a delay. Another indicator of progress is the retiming of the 0400 Guildford to Waterloo to run half-an-hour later. This might seem like a minor matter but actually means that there is a vital extra 30 minutes for overnight possessions. Brian Souter, the founder of Stagecoach, who has recently moved from chief executive to the chairmanship, has been a long-time supporter of this sort of integration but has no doubts about the complexity: “I’ve been working towards this for a long time. I have been a supporter of integration for many years. So alliancing is a fascinating opportunity for us. As a result, the railway is going to become three things. First of all it’s going to become safe, secondly it’s going to become more reliable and thirdly it’s going to become less expensive, but it’s going to be in that order and we are going to have to spend money initially to get the asset up to the required standard. It helps when you are all on the same side and working together. You just want to prioritise work on the asset correctly.” Souter is convinced it will make life easier for both parties: “We are going to give Network Rail more access. Whereas under the old system we didn’t realise what their problems were and so we would just say ‘tough bananas’, it’s not our problem and you can’t have access, you are ruining our railway. Now we see it as all working together.” Souter reckons that this new way of working will spread: “I see it happening everywhere – even on the West Coast [where Stagecoach has a near 50 per cent stake in Virgin Trains], where it will be most difficult.” And according to Morgan, the whole industry is watching: “There’s a lot of peer pressure out there. People in the industry are looking at this very carefully. They want it to work.”


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A Words: Richard Price CEO, ORR

t the beginning of 2013, Network Rail published its Strategic Business Plan (SBP) for Britain’s railways over the five years from 2014 to 2019. It put the cost of running and expanding our railways at around £37.5billion, with the costs shared between taxpayers, passengers and businesses. To put that into context, that’s the cost of around five London 2012 Olympics. This is a huge amount of money, and it is absolutely essential that the plan is rigorously scrutinised so that trains run safely and on time for customers, enabling the railways to deliver value for Britain’s economy and society. This is where the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) steps in.

Building on successes and managing growth Britain’s railway is vital to a modern, competitive economy and quality of life – connecting communities, getting people to work, transporting goods across the country and helping to improve our environment. In recent years, Network Rail, working closely with the rest of the rail industry, supported by successive governments and pushed by the regulator, has helped to deliver significant improvements in Britain’s railway. Britain now has one of the safest railways in Europe. One million more trains run every year than ten years ago. The punctuality of passenger services has improved, with around nine in ten trains running on time today. Overall passenger satisfaction has reached record levels. These improvements have seen demand for rail boom; last year 1.5billion passengers used the railways, which is an 8% increase on the previous year.



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Network Rail’s plan seeks to build on these successes and manage the growth of Britain’s railways, with proposals to boost the capacity on the network and improve the resilience and reliability of the railways.

ORR’s role ORR’s job is to ensure that the plan is in the best interests of customers and taxpayers, delivering real value for money, and making best use of funds at a time when there is little money to go around. We are currently scrutinising the plan on behalf of customers and taxpayers to ensure it is affordable, that every penny is made to count and everyone involved in delivering the plan works together in achieving the highest levels of safety and performance. Our analysis is focusing on some key areas: On efficiency – the company has proposed to achieve efficiencies of around 18% by 2019. ORR’s economists, financial experts and engineering analysts will be probing this target, using the latest data and benchmarking against the most efficient operators in the world, to ensure the company’s target is both achievable and ambitious. On safety – ORR will never allow savings to come at the expense of safety and we have overseen Network Rail’s successful delivery of £15billion efficiency savings since 2004-2005, alongside improvements in safety. As part of our assessment, we want to see a focus on safety integrated into every activity within the organisation. On performance – passengers generally enjoy good punctuality on the railways. However, there

are still too many occasions when passengers suffer poor performance, far below the high standards they have come to expect in recent years. We will be closely reviewing plans to ensure that the company is doing all it can to optimise performance on the line, taking account of the way it plans its maintenance and renewal of the network. ORR is keen to see efficiencies maximised as far as practicable, without compromising service quality. We want to see Network Rail raising its game – as one of the nation’s largest infrastructure managers – on the way it manages the condition of its assets such as bridges and tracks. This lies at the heart of delivering great performance and efficiency. On projects – Network Rail has proposed a number of exciting rail projects to be completed between 2014-2019; such as completing the redevelopment of Birmingham New Street station, reconnecting the border towns of Scotland with Edinburgh by reopening 31 miles of track, and electrifying the Cardiff Valley lines. We need to be sure that they provide real improvement for customers, represent value for money and will be delivered efficiently. On affordability – ORR wants Britain’s railways to improve and expand, but it must do so in a way which is sustainable. Our financial analysis will focus on ensuring that the 2014-19 plan is affordable and particularly assessing whether factors such as its huge cost could become a long-term risk or burden.


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It put the cost of running and expanding our railways at around £37.5billion... To put that into context, that’s the cost of around five London 2012 Olympics.

The punctuality of passenger services has improved, with around nine in ten trains running on time today.

One million more trains run every year than ten years ago.

Maintaining focus on the ‘day job’ On efficiency – the company has proposed to achieve efficiencies of around 18% by 2019.

...reconnecting the border towns of Scotland with Edinburgh by reopening 31 miles of track, and electrifying the Cardiff Valley lines. Network Rail’s successful delivery of £15billion efficiency savings since 2004-2005.

...last year 1.5billion passengers used the railways, which is an 8% increase on the previous year.


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While getting the 2014-2019 plan right is important, Network Rail must not lose sight that it has been funded to run and improve the rail infrastructure for its current operating period, from 2009-2014. Network Rail has played a critical role in the railways’ recent successes. However, we do have concerns about the company’s progress in meeting some of its current targets, particularly for the punctuality of long distance passenger services. Failure to meet current funded targets would not only represent a serious breach of the company’s licence, but would also mean there was catchingup to do from 2014 when the new plan and funding kicks in. We are keeping pressure up on the company to deliver what it promised. For ORR, it is not only about ‘what’ the rail industry must deliver, but ‘how’ it delivers. Greater transparency is key. Customers and taxpayers should be able to see and understand where their money is going and what they are getting for it. Success depends on a whole-industry approach with Network Rail working in partnership with train and freight operators and suppliers and engaged with local communities to deliver better results. At the end of the day, customers want a seamless service and care less about who delivers what bit. Our analysis, informed by public views, will focus on ensuring Network Rail delivers the right plans, in the right ways, at the right cost. ORR publishes its draft determination June 2013. For more information, and to have your say, visit: www.rail-reg.gov.uk/pr13/.


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CONNECTING WITH CONSULTANTS Words: Simon Owen Director at Calibre Search

“Bring in a consultant”; it is a phrase which can be tinged with fear and dread about high fees, lousy results and a poor working relationship. Obviously something is wrong, but where? The common criticisms are about the consultants output; maybe what is described as the problem is merely a symptom with no-one looking at the cause? There are times we all need support in our role, sometimes from internal resources (insiders) such as the HR or accounts team while on others it will be from external consultants. Both groups can be many things; specialists, generalists, mavens* and possibly even mavericks, but should always be someone who has your organisations best interests as their own focus as well as your trust and high levels of integrity. You may need help for a multitude of reasons such as: Being stretched and struggling to make a deadline; Given a task or project which is outside your own sphere of knowledge so it is time to bring in an expert; The need for someone to audit processes, or you see benefit in having a sanity check or second opinion that is not available elsewhere within the organisation while… At the far extreme it could be that something needs saying and you/ the Insider feels it would be easier for others to accept, or add weight, if it came from someone outside the organisation.



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In many respects the role that insiders and external consultants fulfil are remarkably similar, the difference is primarily the closeness of relationship, level of trust and longevity; an external consultant by their nature will not have the intimate knowledge of an organisation that an insider should possess and will probably support several bodies, either simultaneously or over a period of time. This gives the consultant opportunity to do things that an insider may struggle with; bring knowledge from several situations/companies; ask questions which may be politically awkward and also point out facts that could be difficult to hear. A difference that someone pointed out, which made me smile, is ‘an insider brings a notepad to briefing meetings or discussions, while a consultant normally brings a brochure.’ How true that is, I don’t know, but it raises the crucial point of willingness to listen rather merely recycle previous solutions or service offerings. Finding a suitable consultant has a risk which increases with the higher value/greater importance of the project. Similarly, a consultant may be an organisation that you engage to carry out track inspections, or a freelance Design Manager to give a different viewpoint when completing

a scheme. Either way, that risk can be minimised to some extent and I’ve used the Design Manager example to help illustrate points within a selection process that may help minimise that risk. The chances are you probably know, or know of, the right person for the role but have not thought to approach them. Former colleagues, possibly ex-managers are a good place to start. If they can’t help you directly they will be able to put you on the right path; as you are probably aware, the rail industry is essentially a small family where most people are known to each other, or someone within. There is also researching through the likes of Twitter or LinkedIn, either asking your contacts or looking at groups to see who is active and speaking your language. Certain roles, such as design management are high profile, and so the best people will be leaving big footprints behind them in both the real and social media world. The third option is to talk to companies in the field you need assistance with and look for that meeting of minds; that thing that says you can work together. Alternatively, there are also recruitment consultants who are specialists in every field of business who will be keen to assist,

While rail projects are regional, the standards and methodologies used are national, as are the problems which you are looking to address. As such, talking to someone from a different region could be a useful exercise.


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Image: Š denis_pc Fotolia.com

whether that is through provision of advice, asking questions that get you thinking as well as put you in contact with consultants that can help. In fact, by building a relationship with a recruiter, you will be gaining a very strong ally to help you find trusted consultants in the future. As for the here and now, a recruiter will have invested many years and a great deal of money in having knowledge of people both within your geographical area and further afield who can help with your role. While rail projects are regional, the standards and methodologies used are national, as are the problems which you are looking to address. As such, talking to someone from a different region could be a useful exercise.

But how do you find that connection; how do you know? First of all, you need to prepare a brief highlighting what you want to achieve, the parameters you are working to and provide enough information about the situation for them to be able to make an informed decision about their abilities to deliver, their level of interest in working with you, as well as commercial arrangements. It also helps you consolidate your own thoughts while having a framework means everyone knows where they stand. For a single position, it may be a job description and a person specification, while if you are looking at a more far reaching project, the document names will change from those used to brief/


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identify your need for a single person, but the questions remain the same; what do I want to achieve, how, why, when and who, or more specifically, what attributes will my problem solver possess? We all appreciate a proper brief; there is nothing worse than trying to deliver to someone who has used words like possibly, appropriate, circa, maybe and considering as opposed to ones which demonstrate commitment and clarity of thought. You may well be finding it difficult to formulate one as the situation is hard to encapsulate or the issue complex, in which case this is where you will need to invest time and meet with consultants to gather their advice and ask questions to help define the parameters of the brief. Potentially this is a great opportunity for the right consultant to make themselves obvious to you minimising risk of failure further. Do they ask the right questions? Demonstrate insight? Seem to care about you and your objectives primarily, or their own? In order to truly achieve mutual benefit from this, there are also some other questions that need to be asked before this process is started and each could equally apply when bringing in an insider, not just when considering a consultant: Do I have buy in from the appropriate people for sharing the information needed by the consultant, the costs involved and also to hear their answers?

Is someone else going to be the best person to do this task, or should I pass on something that I enjoy more, but possibly am less able to do due to time or knowledge constraints? The third question is the big one and key to it all. Am I ready to let go? While this may seem more appropriate for engaging an organisation and excessive for a relatively straightforward appointment, such as the Design Manager above, it is worth considering; what are the costs of getting wrong? They are bound to be beyond the rate paid to the person and as such you should be as thorough and therefore confident with a commission worth a few thousand pounds as you would be with one valued at several hundred thousand. By applying this methodology, being comfortable answering each of the above questions honestly and working with people you trust, you will be well placed to ensure success while minimising risk; after all, would you want to make an appointment on any other basis? *Maven: A maven (also mavin) is a trusted expert in a particular field, who seeks to pass knowledge on to others. Thank you to Mel Starrs who taught me this word and whose name should also be included in the definition of it.


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Words: Peter O’Dowd



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n late December 2012, with the Environment Agency and the Met Office forecasting that this could be the wettest year on record, Network Rail’s engineers looked at what could be done to eliminate the risk of flooding where possible or at least minimise the damage to the network and disruption to passengers. Cowley Bridge Junction was one such place where, in the past, flooding had caused major damage to the tracks and signalling infrastructure. The risk at this location was that the river Exe would burst its banks, and when this has happened previously the railway had, in effect, become a ‘flood relief channel’ causing damage to a long stretch of signalling infrastructure. Network Rail engineers had to think outside the box and looked for methods of temporary dams or other means of doing their upmost to minimise delay and disruption to passengers. In his search for a solution, Steve Hawkins of Network

Rail contacted Murlac Ltd to enquire about their water filled temporary dams. Murlac’s temporary coffer dams are widely used in the construction industry due to their reliability, speed of installation and flexibility which allows the dam to seal against uneven surfaces. Following discussions between Murlac and Network Rail engineers, it was decided that although this method had never been used for this application before, providing that the dams could divert sufficient flow of water back into the river Exe, the damage to the track would be minimised and the signalling infrastructure would be protected.

Murlac delivered the dams to site on the 21st of December and at that time it was hoped that the rain would ease and the river Exe would not burst its banks. However, following warnings from the Met Office and Environment Agency, Network Rail maintenance crews assisted by local fire brigade crews, worked through the night to install the dams. December 22nd saw the River Exe burst its banks and the pictures shown on national television over the next few days confirmed that the installation of the Murlac Water Dams had indeed minimised track disturbance and most importantly had protected the signalling equipment south of Cowley Bridge.

Railway engineers and maintenance crews worked tirelessly throughout the whole of the Christmas period, maintaining the dams and preparing for the anticipated structural repairs.


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Images: (Left & Above Left) © Keith Bowden by permission (Above Right) © Network Rail

Dams The photos graphically demonstrate the success of the Murlac Water Dams when seen along side the devastation caused by previous uncontained flooding which left onlookers confused as to which was the railway or the river. Railway engineers and maintenance crews worked tirelessly throughout the whole of the Christmas period, maintaining the dams and preparing for the anticipated structural repairs. On Christmas day, the flood waters receded and the Environment Agency and the Met Office were able to give assurances that flooding wasn’t going to occur again in the near future. As soon as it was possible, and with absolute disregard to the fact that they should be at home celebrating the festive period, Network Rail crews sprung into action carrying out repairs to damaged sections of track. Following inspection of the affected

Network Rail engineers had to think outside the box and looked for methods of temporary dams or other means of doing their upmost to minimise delay and disruption to passengers. area, it was found that the innovatory decision by Network Rail engineers to install the Murlac Water Dams had indeed paid dividends. The dams had contained the flow of water back into the river Exe and although the flooding had as anticipated caused ballast wash-out, it was contained to


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a limited area and most importantly S&T equipment had been protected, eliminating the risk of a lengthy repair period. On the 23rd December, Mr Steve Hawkins of Network Rail said that trains between Exeter and Tiverton had to be cancelled due to the flooding at Cowley Bridge Junction. He explained, “Network Rail had the Murlac Water Dams in place to reduce the impact from the flooding and protect the signalling so that when it was determined, with the assistance of the Environment Agency and the Met Office, that the River Exe had reached its maximum height and that the flooding wasn’t going to accrue again in the near future, they would then remove the dams and start work on the structure of the track.” The level of structural repairs required could not be assessed at that moment because the track was still under water, but because the dams were in place this would mean that the problems would only last three to five days, rather than three weeks. When visiting Cowley Bridge Junction on 27th December, Murlac Chairmen Peter O’Dowd and Josh Taylor commented that Murlac were delighted with the results achieved by utilising the water dam system and that they were enormously impressed by the level of commitment and dedication shown by Network Rail staff to getting the lines reopened as soon as possible. Thanks to the indefatigable work of Network Rail team the main lines at Cowley Bridge Junction were reopened at 1315 on the 27th December.

Lessons Leaned A Network Rail spokesperson said: “We have learned some lessons from the flooding in November and done some things differently. “There’s nothing that we could do to prevent the River Exe bursting its banks and causing the track damage - but we have done some things proactively to minimise damage to the signalling.” The proactive stance taken by Network Rail to try the water dams, and the results achieved by their use, has now resulted in the purchase of site specific Water Dams from Murlac Ltd which have been specifically designed for the location and for installation across rail tracks. Network Rail together with Murlac Ltd are also surveying other flood risk locations throughout the rail network where site specific flood response units would be deployed in order to, where possible, eliminate or at least minimise damage to the rail network and delays to its users. We will keep you up-to-date on the progress of this collaboration in future editions of RailCONNECT. Murlac Ltd commented that they were delighted to have been able to assist Network Rail in there efforts to minimise delays to rail users. They felt that their ability to quickly respond, with a specifically designed and manufactured product to match their clients’ needs, had only been made possible by their decision to invest heavily in their West Midlands Design and Manufacturing facility. It’s good to see an innovative UK manufactured product being used by proactive engineers in the rail industry that delivers real results to the passenger.


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Since privatisation, the structure of the UK’s rail industry has been much discussed. As in other areas, the UK has frequently appeared to be out on a limb compared to the rest of the European Union. However, as the European Commission publishes the Fourth Railway Package, lawyers David Rewcastle and Kevin Bell of Dickinson Dees consider the contribution of the European Union (EU) to the railway and whether, in fact, the UK’s railway is just ahead of its time.

Words: David Rewcastle and Kevin Bell



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ince the golden days of the Stockton and Darlington Railway and the rail pioneers of the British Empire, the influence of UK rail has, in global terms, diminished. No one would pretend that everything is rosy in the garden of UK rail. However, after a difficult 12 months (let’s not dwell on them), there are signs of a rebound for the confidence of UK rail and, in particular, the structure of UK railways. This is to be welcomed and would be well-deserved recognition for the many professional, competent and diligent workers on our railway. The most high profile vindication for UK rail has been the recent Brown Review, which has confirmed what most of us already knew: that a human error in calculating financial support levels for the InterCity West Coast franchise competition does not mean that franchising is broken. Less high profile, at least in the UK, but nonetheless extremely significant, are the developments at the EU. Whisper it quietly but these seem to align with the UK’s model for rail.

The EU and Rail The UK has been a member of the EU for decades. Much of our legislation derives from the EU and we continually agonise over our relationship with Europe. Nevertheless, as a nation we pay far more attention to developments in Westminster than to those in Brussels, no more so than in the case of rail. This is perhaps due to the UK being, through privatisation, at the vanguard of rail liberalisation. There is also the more practical constraint of the UK being an island nation with only the Channel Tunnel rail link as a rail connection to mainland Europe. Nevertheless, the impact of the EU on UK rail is, and will continue to be, significant. Procurement law derives from European legislation. The rules on letting rail franchises and rail concessions are subject to EU legislation. The EU has also introduced three specific ‘packages’ of rail legislation which, in our experience, many are only vaguely aware of. Another ‘package’ of rail legislation – the ‘Fourth Railway Package’ has just been published. It seems

timely then to remind ourselves of the previous rail packages whilst briefly considering the Fourth Railway Package.

The First Railway Package The First Railway Package opened up the trans-European rail freight network through the establishment of open access for international freight. It also sought to un-bundle the management of infrastructure from passenger and freight operations and establish nondiscriminatory infrastructure access charges and capacity allocation rules. The First Railway Package was recently recast to allow operators to run services across the whole of the EU on compatible track, using interoperable equipment.

The Second Railway Package The second package was designed to provide for a legally and technically integrated EU railway area. This led to the establishment of the European Railway Agency (ERA) as a steering body and the development of a common approach to safety and interoperability.


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Image: © Anton Balazh Fotolia.com


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The Third Railway Package The third package extended competition to the international rail passenger market and established open access rights for international rail passenger services between Member States. It also sought to introduce minimum quality standards and rights that would have to be guaranteed to all passengers on all lines. There are mandatory and non-mandatory aspects. The non-mandatory aspects include requirements for transferable tickets, payments upon death and injury and compensation/assistance for delay. These could have a significant impact on UK rail but the UK government has granted certain exemptions to domestic rail services which defers their impact until December 2014.

The Fourth Railway Package The fourth package was published on 30th January 2013. The mission of the European Commission (EC) is to remove the barriers to entry which make it difficult for newcomers to set up and compete with existing service providers (which, particularly on the European mainland, are often state-owned). To this end and to help create a real single European railway area to complete the trans-European transport network, the fourth package includes the following proposals: The European Passport for Rolling Stock The fourth package proposes the use of EU standards in the building of rolling stock vehicles, thus moving to a single European approval system. This would reduce the problems faced by operators in obtaining acceptance for rolling stock vehicles to run in different countries. It has even been suggested that the ERA may, in time, issue single European certificates for safety and authorisation (although still relying on national authorities to do most of the technical work). This could create a European ‘passport’ to allow rolling stock to move freely in all national networks, provided there is technical compatibility. This in turn would help



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The mission of the European Commission (EC) is to remove the barriers to entry which make it difficult for newcomers to set up and compete with existing service providers (which, particularly on the European mainland, are often state-owned). newcomers enter the market to compete with existing operators and significantly reduce costs. Separation of Infrastructure Management and Operations The EC suggests that newcomers still face discrimination in obtaining access to infrastructure and rail-related services which are often owned and operated by an existing company with an effective national monopoly. The EC argues that any integrated structure restricts competition. The fourth package therefore proposes separation of managing tracks and running trains, as in the UK. Encouraging Competition in Domestic Passenger Markets. The EC has identified the requirement to open domestic passenger markets to more competition from 2019 with the aim of bringing innovation and investment into the European rail sector which may lead to improvements in services and efficiency. Competition is regarded by many as the best way to deliver better services to customers. It provides incentives to invest and to improve efficiency and service quality. The fourth package therefore proposes the amendment of existing directives, to make competitive award of public service contracts for rail mandatory, and to allow general access to run domestic passenger services but with the possibility to limit access when the economic viability of the public service contract is compromised.

So…? The Fourth Railway Package will now be considered by the Council and the European Parliament. It is still some way off becoming legislation and the influence of some of the state-owned railways and trade unions in certain Member States should not be under-

estimated. The outcome and timetable for the package is therefore far from certain. However, much of the Fourth Railway Package will be familiar to participants in UK rail industry. The package should not require a major overhaul of the already liberalised UK rail structure. The same cannot be said for many other Member States. Indeed, the Fourth Railway Package could require the structure of the railways in other Member States to move to something closer to that in the UK. This would be flattering to UK rail, but more importantly, it could perhaps represent an opportunity. Within the UK we have extensive experience of a liberalised railway with: Highly developed rail franchise bidding skills within owning groups that are looking to expand; Train operators with commercially driven marketing and timetabling techniques and success at growing passenger patronage; Engineers, within both train and infrastructure operators, with over 20 years’ experience of managing the split between the wheel and the track; and Exposure to different approaches and culture through the success of foreign companies such as Keolis, Deutsche Bahn and Abellio. That’s a lot of knowledge and experience to ‘export’ if the Fourth Railway Package truly liberalises the rail market in other Member States. Now, wouldn’t that be something?

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Project Planning

Build and Installation RailCONNECT


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RICHARD BROWN DIRECTOR CHAIRMAN AT EUROSTAR What brought you into the industry/your position? I started in the industry 35 years ago - it was then British Rail of course. I joined as a management trainee after university for three reasons really; in a way it was the most interesting job available, potentially a lot more variety and I could see myself making a career in the industry, which has proved to be the case! But as well as that, it was the most worthwhile job because railways and transport are something that actually touches everybody’s lives and is really important in everyday life, whether its commuters, travellers going on holiday or logistics and carrying goods. I joined Eurostar 10 years ago as Chief Executive and took a step back from that over two years ago because my Deputy, Nicolas Petrovic, was ready to step up to the position. I thought it was the right time to let him take over as seven and a half years is long enough as Chief Executive! I’m a firm believer that when you know it is your sell by date, it is already too late. So I wanted to move on to something new before I got stale! So now I chair the board and manage the shareholders and leave Nicolas to run Eurostar.



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What developments do you expect to see in the next five years at Eurostar International? The next five years are going to be really exciting at Eurostar as we’ve got a new fleet of trains being built at the moment - ten new high speed trains being built by Siemens, with the first one due to come into service next year and the entire fleet by 2015.

“I am quite confident in saying we will have the best railway in Europe in ten years’ time.” As well as that, we are refurbishing all of our existing train sets and the spec for the designers, who design Ferrari, is to make the old trains look like new. The first refurbished train will come out later this year, so we are excited about that. And because we have new trains, we will have more capacity in the fleet. So we are looking at how we can extend Eurostar’s footprint to new destinations, as the whole idea really is

to make Eurostar attractive to people who want to travel further afield than Paris or Brussels or coming from other towns and cities than London or the South East.

What is your greatest career achievement to date? What I’m most proud of is our move from Waterloo to St. Pancras, which was around four years ago now, in November 2007. This was when we moved the whole operation overnight pretty seamlessly. We achieved 94% punctuality on the first day of running, which included not only a new timetable, but a new route, a new station and a new maintenance facility. I think that any railway person will know that achieving good punctuality on the first day of just a new timetable is ambitious enough, so considering all of the other brand new factors involved as well, I’m pretty proud of that.

What do you enjoy most about your job? The people. The people I work with, within Eurostar and some of our suppliers and partners, but I get the biggest kick out of talking to


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passengers; hearing their feedback, comments and suggestions whether they are good or bad. It is just as important and stimulating for me to hear people’s concerns and criticisms, because it is only when you understand what your passengers think needs to be put right, can you actually put it right. And if it weren’t for these people, I wouldn’t be here.

If you could change anything about the rail industry, what would it be and why? I would like to see the rail industry change the way it communicates with its public to be more articulate and include more everyday language. When you hear some of the PA announcements on board the trains they are not delivered in a way in which people would normally talk to each other. We use jargon in a way that actually doesn’t help people’s understanding or appreciation of the railways. I think a more personal touch is required.

What is the best advice you’ve been given? One thing that has stood me in quite good stead from when I was a management trainee, someone told me, ‘Richard, you never know when you might need friends.’ So I’ve always had a policy of being in a position where other people might owe me the favour, as you never know when you might want to call it in! Never make an enemy of somebody needlessly, cultivate friends and supporters because you don’t know when you might need them.

What advice would you give to someone starting out in the industry? The best advice I could give to someone branching into the industry


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would be to get the most broad experience possible; particularly customer facing experience and sharp end operations.

What inspires you? Passengers and customers. The thing that inspires me is when I see that more and more people are using the service, because if more people are using it, then we must be getting something right. Having happy passengers inspires us to do even better.

“…we moved the whole operation overnight pretty seamlessly. We achieved 94% punctuality on the first day of running, which included not only a new timetable, but a new route, a new station and a new maintenance facility.” What law/legislation would you like to see introduced? None. I think the law is seldom a solution to anything! I think we have too many!

Where do you see the UK rail industry in 10 years? I think potentially in a very exciting place. There is a massive level of investment going into the industry over the next ten years with Themeslink, Crossrail, electrification, the Northern Hub, Reading and Birmingham remodelling. It is quite extraordinary and one thing that disappoints me is that the industry does not seem to appreciate the scale of it. I see it as a bigger, more successful and popular industry by a significant margin by ten years’ time. I am quite confident in saying we will have the best railway in Europe in ten years’ time.

Images: Eurostar


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POTENTIAL FINANCIAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE BROWN REVIEW Words: Taylor Ferguson Director in the Government & Infrastructure Advisory team at Grant Thornton UK LLP, with a particular expertise in transport.


he Brown Review of the Rail Franchising Programme was issued on 10th January, the recommendations proposed are being considered by the Department for Transport (DfT) or HM Treasury and could be accepted in full or in part with Brown setting the DfT a deadline of April 2013 to confirm its franchising programme in full. One of the primary findings of the review was that the franchising system is not fundamentally flawed, however, there are a number of recommendations that will have a direct impact on the financial propositions put forward by the Train Operating Companies (TOCs) and the level of subsidy or premium payable under the franchises if the recommendations are accepted. A number of these are highlighted below.


Image: (Left) © pressmaster - Fotolia.com


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It is proposed that there should be a simplified pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ), which is backward looking only and would not require a bidder to articulate its vision for the franchise. This should be a straightforward change and should reduce the initial bidding costs. More problematic will be ensuring that the other key bidding documents including the Invitation to Tender (ITT) and the Franchise Agreement are fully developed to take account of Brown’s proposals. The changes will take time to be fully and consistently incorporated into the relevant documents, indeed Brown suggests that the changes will occur iteratively over a number of franchises. However, it will be important that the first franchise that comes to market, is

clear in terms of evaluation, revenue risk, capital requirements, specification options and timetable to ensure unsuccessful bidders are not able to challenge inconsistencies within the documents as this may lead to higher priced bids and further delays. An additional proposal within the Brown review is that each franchise should be assessed individually and is expected to have a 24-month procurement cycle, which will involve more time from both the DfT, and bidders to develop their proposals. Bidders will appreciate the enhanced clarity of the documents and this should improve the bids received by the DfT although it may not in itself have any direct cost impact on proposals put forward.

Evaluation Previously the evaluation of the winning franchise bids was focused on the net present value (NPV) of the franchise payment or subsidy line of the bidders’ financial proposals. The review states that the evaluation criteria should take account of bidders proposals for improving service quality for passengers, their approach to management, proposals for non- commercial investment (i.e. station facilities) and deliverability of the proposals. The weighting of this quality and deliverability score will be dependent on the nature of the franchise and is recommended to account for between 20-40% in the final evaluation. It is proposed that the quality and deliverability score is translated into a NPV amount on a pound per point basis and then combined with the NPV from the financial assessment.

While the financial evaluation may be more transparent it would take a brave bidder, at least in the initial franchises, to trade quality against price. While the financial evaluation may be more transparent it would take a brave bidder, at least in the initial franchises, to trade quality against price. The ability to create benefit from a quality score will depend on how the NPV of the financial payments are evaluated. In certain public private partnership (PPP) projects bidders are able to calculate their financial score prior to submission based on their NPV and the guidance within the evaluation methodology. In this case when the maximum score for finance is achieved (within a certain band of premium or subsidy payments), any surplus funds are then invested into the project to increase the quality. It will be interesting to see the level of quality bidders are prepared to put forward as a trade off against a lower subsidy / higher premium. This has the potential to increase the price of bids from the TOCs in return for a higher quality service relative to the current baseline.

Revenue risk The risk associated with exogenous factors within franchises has always been difficult to deal with. The cap and collar mechanism had the potential to create perverse incentives for bidders


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as soon as they were past the initial four-year period from when the collar would have been applied. Once in the revenue support mechanism there was little incentive on bidders to increase revenues within the support band, as they would only receive 20% of the additional revenue generated. Following criticism from both the National Audit Office (NAO) and Public Accounts Committee (PAC) for the financial failure of the East Coast Main Line, the DfT moved to a GDP (gross domestic product) mechanism, which aimed to address the points raised in these reports. The GDP mechanism was linked to reducing the probability of failure by requesting potentially large backed subordinated loan facilities (SLFs) from the parent companies to support bidders’ proposals. The SLF was based on adjusting bidders’ revenue forecasts against a baseline, taking into account the margin, to calculate the probability of failure. The SLF was then increased to reduce the probability of failure to the predetermined failure rate. The proposals put forward by Brown would create substantial cost savings for the TOCs as they will no longer require to price for exogenous risk (compared to the cap and collar regime) and will no longer require to provide a large SLF (compared to the GDP mechanism). Under the Brown proposals, bidders will not be required to take any exogenous risk, other than the timing of the cash flow’s adjustments, which will be one year in arrears. Overall this change should generate savings on the proposals put forward by bidders, however the price of this reduction will need to be considered against the additional exogenous risks that are proposed to be transferred to the DfT, who will have to pick up additional costs under poor economic conditions. Clearly separating exogenous and endogenous risk within a bid proposition will be a critical step in the evaluation process.

Capital requirements As noted above, the first iteration of the GDP mechanism focused on the desire to ensure that there was a low risk of TOC failure. This resulted in a requirement for high value SLFs to ensure that the risk of failure was at an acceptable level. The review takes a softer stance against financial failure



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and states that the government should accept that there could be failure. If the proposals are accepted the capital requirements are likely to be reduced in quantum from the previous mechanism. This reduction in capital requirements is based on a calculated ‘default indemnity’ to the DfT of which between a third and a half should be bonded with a financial institution. The default indemnity would be calculated by using a pre-arranged band, likely to be in the range of 10-15% of the revenue growth proposed by bidder initiatives. These proposals should allow the financial assessment to be undertaken without the requirement to make any revenue risk adjustments to bidders proposals. Franchise bidders, especially the thinly capitalised ones, will be encouraged by these proposals and should create an opportunity to reduce the costs included within their franchise bids. However, these changes will focus the evaluation of risk and deliverability of the bidders’ revenue enhancing proposals to ensure that the appropriate parental support is obtained.

Franchise length Until the cancellation of the West Coast competition, government policy had focused on longer franchises to incentivise investment. Brown’s recommendation is that franchises should be reduced in length, as forecasting patronage accurately over longer periods is extremely difficult. As a result, the proposal is for franchises with a seven to ten year initial term and a pre-contracted performance-related continuation for three to five years. This proposal has been put forward on the basis that the current residual value mechanisms are more actively used to allow TOCs to invest in assets that have a commercial return beyond their franchise term. These proposals will add cost through investment but reduce on-going revenue costs by more, assuming each investment has a positive payback. Therefore these proposals should reduce the overall cost of TOC bids. Critical in any residual value assessment for the bidders will be the weighting allocated to the NVP of the future benefits.

Costs Bidders are to be given more freedom to enter into alliancing agreements with

Network Rail to reduce overall industry costs. The residual value mechanism highlighted above would also give an incentive for investment to reduce ongoing costs beyond the initial franchise expiry. The proposals seem to allow an increasing scope for bidders to specify what franchise outcomes are required to allow bidders the opportunity to reduce costs through, for example, more resource efficient timetables, which should allow for the optimisation of staff and rolling stock. The one area not covered explicitly by Brown is the ability for bidders to use technology to reduce costs and where this may have a knock-on impact to revenue in the short term.

It is proposed that there should be a simplified pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ), which is backward looking only and would not require a bidder to articulate its vision for the franchise. It appears the proposals should reduce the costs that TOCs will bid. This part of the review could have gone further but may yet be developed through the proposed dialogue period with bidders prior to finalisation of the ITT.

Conclusion In summary, the proposals should reduce the costs of TOCs and therefore the DfT, through bidders having to price less risk, however, the quid pro quo is that DfT will take on extra risk. Furthermore, the final evaluation of quality-versus-price will be a difficult one to value unless there is a high level of transparency around the subjective evaluation of quality and deliverability. That is not to say it cannot be achieved, as many public sector procurement exercises already incorporate quality and price into their evaluation. The driver for the next round of franchises is to reduce the costs to the public purse, while trying to limit fare increases as far as possible; the Brown proposals appear to be another stepping stone in achieving this objective.

C Te


18/02/2013 15:31

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18/02/2013 15:31



When people think of rail security, in the forefront of their minds is often the well-publicised issue of cable theft; however, theft, vandalism and trespass on or near the infrastructure also have a major impact on the safe and effective operation and cost within the rail industry.

Words: Michael McGranaghan


hese costs are not new and will not change in the foreseeable future; in the current economic climate, copper, power tools, ‘hand carry’ machinery and even hand tools can fetch a good price and are a real temptation for the petty criminal or opportunistic crime. It is still considered within some of the work force that the weigh-in is the ‘Christmas bonus’. The infrastructure, by its very nature, provides large areas with plenty of secluded places, plus the offer of danger will attract attention ranging from Taggers and drug addicts/dealers, through to the criminal element and those people who may wish to commit suicide. All these elements have a direct or indirect effect on the operation of rail, however, the cost effect is ever present. These threats and incidents primarily affect two areas: Permanent infrastructure - stations, yards, depots etc. Temporary maintenance compounds adjacent to, or within, the fence line of the track often in remote areas next to or near access points. Unfortunately, as in many other industries and sectors, security is the ‘nice to have’ not the ‘need to



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have’, with little recognition or clear understanding that a robust and effective security operation can assist in both the security and safety in the above areas. Budget pressures are prevalent in all areas of business these days; procurement departments are tasked to source security without having an understanding of what is really required, or indeed, what the security profession can offer. This ‘budget driven solution’ often leads to ineffective use of resources, and results in a reaction based decision, that is neither cost effective or fit for purpose. Anecdotally, there are scenarios where accountability is disputed between different organisations within the industry that leads, inevitably, to a less effective security plan being adopted. Furthermore, there is an understandable unwillingness to acknowledge that the theft of tools (and cable) can often be attributed to staff employed within the industry - some maintenance sites can lose thousands of pounds worth of equipment (not considering the inconvenience and time lost due to ‘missing’ equipment or materials). This cost ultimately is passed back to the taxpayer. The question is: how can this situation be addressed? Firstly, don’t ‘broadcast’ details relating to the security operation. The relationship between the security operation and the site should be

independent and totally confidential; preferably with only one point of contact from the client and one point of contact from the security company. Simply put, this minimises the opportunity to compromise the security operation and maximises efficiency, cost management and safeguards the integrity of the security plan. Rail and related organisations can further reduce the risk by being proactive with the staff and sub-contractors by prosecuting those found to be guilty of criminal acts. Information on staff and/or contractors committing offences should be shared; not named-and-shamed, but a list of known offenders made available to avoid individuals leaving one site only to be recruited at another. The security industry has changed significantly over the last six years with the introduction of the Security Industry Association (SIA) with regard to the individual officers licencing, but particularly the Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS), which is the only government approved registration within the BS standards set for the industry. The field of security has also changed, and continues to change, with technology that can be used in conjunction with, or to support, the security personnel on the ground. At this stage it must be remembered that ultimately a security problem can be solved by security on the


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The real question is how do we work together to make security effective and ensure that looking after the pennies doesn’t allow the loss of pounds. Engaging with an ACS security company at the earliest stage of planning can both reduce the risk AND reduce the cost. ground, whereas technology can only deter, inform of a problem and/or aid a response. Also, there is no ‘one size fits all’ - each site, permanent or temporary, is different in use, location, risk or duration. It is vital that the procuring of security services encompasses a full understanding of the requirement and ‘real life’ experience of the circumstances and tasks faced by security in such hostile and challenging environments. Maybe it would be a good idea for the people involved in such decisions to have an induction course and experience ‘modern day’ security within the rail industry, so as to ensure these decisions are based on knowledge, rather than the position of a decimal point? Even though these changes in the security industry (SIA and ACS) have been introduced, it is important to note that to operate any form of security you must hold an SIA licence by law. There remain organisations that repeatedly


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use and deploy non-SIA/ACS work or agency staff to fulfil security roles which, in the short term, seem cost affective but when something goes wrong – what then? Is this best practice? If we put to one side the Network Rail Framework Agreement, the tender process within the rail industry does not have the flexibility and adaptability required to deliver a 21st Century security solution: not allowing for ‘thinking outside the box’. Security companies with the ACS qualification have the knowledge, experience and capability to supply technical, manned and PTS guarding that is cost effective, integrated and successful, but only when provided the opportunity to survey the project and collaborate in producing a workable security plan from which the tender document is then drawn. If this was the template then the client would then get an enhanced security operation at the optimum cost.

What needs to be considered:Is the cheapest solution the best security solution? How can procurement work with ACS security providers to ensure the best security provision? Security is a people and people management service, working in an ever changing environment with levels of risk and real risk of conflict. A report made by an ACS security officer at 0300 can have a direct effect on a court case or insurance claim six months down the line. Security services operate 24 hours per day, often in lone worker situations. What is the real cost factor versus safety, corporate responsibilities, accountabilities and/or liabilities? The tool box of a security company working in the rail sector needs to have a good mixture of the old, the new and the different, with the ability and trust to deploy these ‘tools’ quickly, to be proactive and reactive to the ever changing security threat.


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The new… CCTV Systems, both permanent and temporary, with the ability to remote monitor. Security alarms (permanent, temporary and cable) with the facility to monitor and react to activations. Introduction and evaluation of emerging technology contributes to successful security operations - such as detection devices (e.g.Bull Finch), permanent and temporary lighting, thermal imaging equipment and GPS tracking.

The old… The Mark 1 eyeball - Manned security service with SIA licensed personnel plus PTS, IWA and COSS qualified teams. Access to core planning staff is key for the production of SSWP, lone worker support and the ability to produce and monitor security and patrol programs. Continuity of staff is essential, strong management and good communications, backed-up by training and duty-of-care provision such as Samaritan trained staff.

The different… To coordinate, develop and implement a search policy. To utilise the staff time in assisting the client in areas of environmental, traffic management, stores control, Banks man, community liaison and gathering of local intelligence and information. To plan accordingly, for example; plan and mount covert or high visibility deterrent operations. The key is one point of contact that



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It is vital that the procuring of security services encompasses a full understanding of the requirement and ‘real life’ experience of the circumstances and tasks faced by security in such hostile and challenging environments. understands and can best use all the above elements to maintain a safe, secure environment, allowing the client and their staff to do their work. The real differential would be a cultural shift to embrace the value-added benefits of a security operation, valued as a strategic asset utilised to secure people, property and the safe, uninterrupted running of the railway and related infrastructure. A security company’s biggest problem is that the result is not always visible. You have security, nothing happens, therefore do I /did we need security? The answer is yes. The real question is how do we work together to make security effective and ensure that looking after the pennies doesn’t allow the loss of pounds. Engaging with an ACS security company at the earliest stage of planning can both reduce the risk AND reduce the cost. It is a fact of life that due to the layout and location of the infrastructure, it is always going to be a target for various forms of criminality. In the current and foreseeable future the economic climate has two effects; more

Images: Senator Security

incentive to steal and fewer resources from the Police and BTP to tackle the problem BEFORE it happens. However, with information, intelligence, ‘real life’ experience and forward planning the effects on the rail operation (and the on-going cost) can be reduced by proactively engaging with an ACS security company at an early stage. Security is vital for the safe and secure operations of the UK’s passenger and freight rail infrastructure and ACS security companies are the only option, but maybe the real difference would be a change in the process of selection. When the perceived value of security is measured in the secure knowledge that your security provider is a peer to your tier one suppliers and that securing your people and property is not a gamble; an ACS security company is an investment in your project, not an unnecessary cost that delivers little value. Whoever would consider employing an unqualified, part time and inexperienced project manager, civil engineer or architect?


18/02/2013 15:31

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18/02/2013 15:31


RIDOUT’S FUNDRAISING TOTAL EXCEEDS £7,000! Words: Victoria Turner Marketing Director for advance-TRS

Background image: © lassedesignen Fotolia.com



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he man everyone’s talking about, Andy Ridout, Managing Director of advance Training and Recruitment Services (advance-TRS), is storming towards his fundraising target of £10,000. As previously reported, the driven Recruitment guru will be embarking on his second Ironman challenge this September, in honour of the charity Railway Children. Having already raised a staggering £7,221 Andy looks set to make a big difference to the cause that improves the lives of thousands of young people each year. In the UK, 100,000 children run away annually; their disappearance often goes unreported. William, aged 14, was one such child. Having been subjected to neglect by his mother, a drug addict, William had no bedroom, had never been to school and was surrounded by substance abusers on a daily basis. Three weeks after he left home he was noticed by a concierge who put him in touch with Aberlour, the young runaway service supported by Railway Children. Homeless, hungry and withdrawn, William was given a place to stay and began to reveal himself as an articulate and kind young man. William began attending school and is now training as an apprentice. There are thousands more children like William across the UK; many run

away in an attempt to escape violence, physical or sexual abuse and neglect at home. They are forced to sleep rough on the streets, unnoticed and uncared for, often ‘dropping out’ of society all together. Railway Children helps to provide safe places for these young people. Children’s Services Manager, Laura Irvine has been working closely with the charity for the past 10 years.

In the UK 100,000 children run away annually; their disappearance often goes unreported. She commented, “So many young people are overlooked; children must feel safe, loved and secure in order to become the adults we need in our society. If we ignore our young people, it is us who will be responsible for the adults they become. Children are our future and must be nurtured.” Clare was 14 when her mum told her she didn’t want her anymore. “It all started to go wrong when my mum and dad split up,” she explained. “Mum was out all the time, leaving me alone with me younger brother. She

would arrive home drunk and play music really loud. We usually had to stay up at night to look after her.” Despite being kept up late, Clare and her brother were expected to get up for school, her mum would get angry and hit them when they said they were tired. At school they were usually in no fit state to learn, would fight and get into trouble. The day her mum told her to leave, Clare went to school as usual, and then to her dad’s house. “I got a phone call from my mum saying to come and pick my clothes up. When we got to the house all my clothes were in bags outside.” Clare’s dad was supportive but worked long hours and had to leave the house early. Gradually she began associating with the wrong people, not going to school, and staying out at night. “Sometimes I’d come home in the early hours of the morning and sometimes I wouldn’t come back at all.” Eventually Clare’s dad became worried and reported her missing to the police. As a result, she was referred to the local runaway project and was allocated a key worker funded by Railway Children. The key worker built up a relationship with Clare and worked on her self-esteem and coping strategies


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Image caption: (Above) Andy and his bike at the annual Railway Children ball, the man on his left is David Maidment, Chair and Founder of Railway Children.

Andy is doing all he can to help the Railway Children and is training hard to ensure that his target is reached. through getting her involved with positive activities. As a result, Clare’s self-esteem has increased. Her attendance at school has risen from 60% to 92%, she no longer runs away or gets into trouble with the police and she wants to work with young people as a career. In a society that claims to offer equal opportunity, it is ironic that so many children are ignored, forgotten and allowed to slip through the net into


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poverty and abuse. According to Laura the economic downturn has without doubt seen the situation become worse. Many families are breaking down due to financial stresses, resulting in a higher percentage of ‘at risk’ children. A spokesperson for Railway Children commented, “There are many things that can be done to ease the pressure for families. People need safe places across the country that can offer support free of judgement” Andy is doing all he can to help the Railway Children and is training hard to ensure that his target is reached. “I have been running 6 miles to work and home every day” he explained. “I will be entering the Reading Half Marathon in March, The London Marathon in April, The Windsor Triathlon in June and other smaller

events in between. It is my aim to get everybody involved in what I’m doing, whether it be by coming along to offer support, donating, or entering yourself!” “All children are innocent, just like yours and mine and their vulnerability is very real. I believe that we as individuals, the rail industry and society all have a responsibility to help young people reach their potential.” You can follow Andy’s progress in the race to beat child neglect and poverty by visiting his fundraising page at www.advance-TRS.com, contacting him directly on 01483 361 061 or donate to the cause at www.uk.virginmoneygiving.com/ AndyRidout.

“Together we can put an end to the exploitation of innocence.” RailCONNECT

47 47

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Railmet is an organisation specifically created to provide proactive severe weather incident management assistance to train operating companies and infrastructure managers during times of severe weather disruption. It consists of independent specialists with a proven knowledge of operations, engineering, maintenance and communications specific to rail systems throughout Europe.

Words: Paul Arnold 0117 230 1426 07812 031426 paul.arnold@railmet.eu

Concept The Railmet concept was originally inspired through individual weather forecasting sites adopted by operators within Great Britain, The Netherlands, Sweden and Austria. The concept was ratified via structured “Winter & Railways” reviews held in Helsinki, Paris and Stockholm by the UIC – Union of International Railways (Paris), following the severe weather experienced across central and northern Europe during the winters of 2009 and 2010. Europe-wide traffic disruption and complex communication issues were experienced during this time and the lessons learned from these events have assisted the development of Railmet, providing a unique location for the rail industry to learn of successful countryspecific strategies adopted in times of severe weather disruption. (Links to documents relating to the UIC Winter & Railways review can be found at

organisations located in Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Brazil, Canada, USA and Australia. (Latest member list: www.railmet.eu/ about/current-members)

Personal Railmet registration is obtained at no charge via the Railmet web site at www.railmet.eu and provides access to the following tools:Library: Read a selection of reports and reviews from all transport modes. Gallery: View images of autumn and winter mitigation equipment. Euro Forum: Communicate with likeminded professionals. Live Radar: Monitor local weather conditions via a variety of high-level rain, lightning and satellite imagery.


Content The Railmet Community currently consists of members from 87



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Live Weather: See snapshot weather pages of Europe, Middle East and Australia, plus note the latest weather data from 100 weather stations in the

following 24 European countries: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands and United Kingdom. Flood Warning System: Updated every 15 minutes across England & Wales. Suppliers: Showcases a number of suppliers with substantial experience in the provision of equipment, materials, and maintenance and services relevant to autumn and winter mitigation.

Corporate Railmet also provides a number of additional services via corporate client accounts. These accounts are also accessible via the Railmet portal, but are restricted to members affiliated with the relevant corporation. For example, a corporate client account may be enhanced with the following additional features:


18/02/2013 15:32

FEATURE: PAUL ARNOLD Automated 6 hourly weather forecasts for strategic locations. Weather forecasts tailored to specific client needs, such as shortterm track renewal work or longterm engineering and operational obligations. 6 hourly forecasts are also invaluable when monitoring the impending weather conditions at key operating locations such as stations, driver depots and fleet maintenance locations.

Biography Paul Arnold

Live hourly weather data - from over 6,000 locations worldwide. Associated notification systems for key personnel. As an impartial provider, Railmet has the ability to gather data from a number of corporate sources. These live data streams can then be harnessed for particular client benefit during a severe weather event.

In recent years it has become increasingly important to find safe, alternative methods to ensure the operating integrity of equipment on or around the track. Many weather stations now report live data every 15 minutes. The capability to harness this information, in conjunction with colour-coded thresholds set by the client, allows automated alerts to be sent to personnel via a subscription database. The power of this instant knowledge enables the immediate implementation of alternative operating processes or restrictions, which ultimately assist in reducing the safety and performance impact caused by severe weather which has been experienced in recent months. Asset management control via remote performance monitoring. In recent years it has become increasingly important to find safe alternative methods to ensure the operating integrity of equipment on or around the track. Remote performance monitoring is one such method. This particular


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solution enables the removal of manual audits in favour of a constant data flow, alerting asset managers only when required. Railmet is currently hosting a RPM trial with industry partners, following the universal recognition that the removal of regular manual audits on the trackside, will help reduce the risk of safety incidents and also allow for personnel to be engaged in other operating and engineering activities. Asset and incident mapping. In conjunction with the development of remote performance monitoring, a separate mapping program has been created to visualise the live data streams on a regional basis. This alternative communications platform has recently been enhanced to facilitate the viewing of incident data via specific latitude / longitude location sets. Adoption of live incident mapping techniques during any severe weather event gives local and national managers first sight of any emerging trends and therefore the knowledge required to target specific mitigation processes in the most appropriate locations. Paul Arnold, Director at Railmet explains, “The provision of accurate weather forecasts, live weather data and appropriate mitigation processes relevant to both infrastructure and traction / rolling stock in times of severe weather is a recognised necessity. “What is also as important though is the means of communications adopted, together with the subsequent target audience. In short - the right information must be given to the right people at the right time, in order for those experts to implement the right mitigation techniques that will ultimately help in reducing the safety and performance impact of any severe weather incident.”

Image Captions: (Above) Railmet homepage www.railmet.eu (Below) Live weather data from 100 locations in 24 countries

Railmet is directed by Paul Arnold – a recognised rail industry expert in the field of severe weather incident management. Paul has been instrumental in coordinating autumn and winter mitigation plans on a regional and national level in Great Britain for over a decade. Prior to the creation of Railmet, Paul was the Professional Head of the GB Seasons Management Team; Deputy Chair of the Adhesion Working Group, a European rail industry collective established in 1992 to address low adhesion issues at the wheel / rail interface; and a Member of the National Task Force Operators Group, uniting national rail Operations, Safety, & Performance Directors. He has detailed rail infrastructure knowledge of over 30 countries within Europe, and has delivered presentations in Ireland, France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Germany and Hungary. Paul has designed and delivered 10 national rail industry conferences to a total delegation of over 2,000 – including suppliers, forecasters, governmental organisations, and front line operational staff. In recent years he created an industry dedicated national weather forecasting web site that is now an embedded process utilised by over 70,000 personnel in more than 30 rail companies.


49 49

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RC Category Listings p53-66



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RC Category Listings p53-66



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General Civils, Plant & Equipment............p55 Architects & Surveyancy ................................ Brickwork / Concrete ...................................... Bridges & Tunnels .......................................... Buildings Refurbishment & Property Services ........................................ Cable .............................................................. Chemicals & Lubricants .................................. Civil Engineering; Earthworks / General / Clothing & Boots ......................................p56 Demolition & Recycling .................................. Drainage & Culverts ........................................ Drilling ............................................................ Equipment Maintenance / Repair / Calibration ........................................ Land Clearance / Reclamation / Landscaping ............................ Lifting & Jacking ............................................ Marine & River ................................................ Mechanical Engineering.................................. Minor Civil ...................................................... Miscellaneous & Specialist ......................p57 Plant ................................................................ Projected Developments ................................ Resurfacing .................................................... Structural & Construction .............................. Surveying ........................................................ Test Equipment .............................................. Tools................................................................ Utility supplies ................................................ Welding Miscellaneous & Specialist .............. Welding Railway / Tram & Light Rail ..............

General Infrastructure & Electrical ............p61 ATM Services / Cash Machines...................... Brake Systems................................................ Buildings & Property Construction / Refurbishment / Materials .............................. Cable Products / Management ...................... Car Parking ..............................................p62 Catenary & Overhead...................................... Catering .......................................................... Cleaning .......................................................... Components .................................................. Control Systems ............................................ Corrosion Protection ...................................... Design ............................................................ Door Systems ................................................ Electrical Engineering .................................... Electrification / Power Supply ........................ Electromagnetic ........................................p63 Freight Terminals & Services .......................... Graffiti Removal .............................................. Infrastructure Installation & Maintenance .................................................. Lighting ....................................................p64 Metallurigical Testing / Support Services ...... Miscellaneous & Specialist ............................ Office Equipment & Services .......................... Permanent Way .............................................. Pest Control .................................................... Platforms ........................................................ Power Supply............................................p65 Switches & Crossings .................................... Switchgear ...................................................... Test Facilities .................................................. Track Components & Installation.................... Track Products & Maintenance ...................... Weighing & Lifting .......................................... Workshop Equipment ....................................

General Safety & Security ........................p67 Alarms ............................................................ Batteries & Power Supplies ............................ CCTV .............................................................. Clothing .......................................................... Fencing .......................................................... Fire Detection / Protection / Prevention ........ First Aid & Medical Equipment ...................... Health & Safety .............................................. Lighting .......................................................... Medical Services ......................................p68 Miscellaneous & Specialist ............................ Personal Protective Equipment ...................... Quality & Safety Consultants .......................... Safety & Security Equipment .......................... Security Personnel ..........................................

CONSULTING, RECRUITMENT & PROFESSIONAL General Consulting, Recruitment & Professional ......................p57 Accounting & Financial .................................. Accreditation & Compliance .......................... Advertising, Design & Marketing .................... Architectural & Surveyancy ......................p58 Assessment .................................................... Business Management .................................. Condition Monitoring ...................................... Education, Training & Assesment .................. Employment Services .................................... Engineering .................................................... Environmental ................................................ Geotechnical .................................................. Industry Bodies .............................................. Industry Reporting .......................................... Insurance ........................................................ Labour Supply ................................................ Legal Services ..........................................p59 Medical, Drug & Alcohol Screening ................ Miscellaneous & Specialist ............................ Occupational Health ...................................... Operation / Planning ...................................... Photography & Film production...................... Planning & research ........................................ Presentation & Communication Skills ............ Print & Publishing............................................ Procurement.................................................... Project Management ...................................... Property Services & Advisory ........................ Quantity Surveying.......................................... Recruitment Services / Consultancy .............. Risk Management & Assessment ............p61 Solutions & Turnkey Providers........................ Test & Development ........................................ Verification & Validation ..................................



ROLLING STOCK Batteries....................................................p65 Carriage Washing............................................ Chartering ...................................................... Cleaning & Disposal........................................ Component Supply ........................................ Decals & Transfers ....................................p66 De-Icing .......................................................... Disc Springs.................................................... Equipment & Protection.................................. Heavy Haulage................................................ Leasing Companies ........................................ Lighting & Cabling .......................................... Maintenance & Repair .................................... Manufacturing ................................................ Miscellaneous & Specialist ............................ Refurbishment ................................................ Sanding .......................................................... Textiles & Carpeting ..................................p67 Train Protection .............................................. Train / Carriage, Supply / Design / Manufacture .................................... Upholstery ...................................................... Vehicle Hire / Maintenance ............................ Weighing Systems ..........................................

SIGNAL, TELE-COMMUNICATION & IT General Signal, Tele-Communication & IT............................................................p68 Cable Supply / Jointing / Installation.............. Customer Information .................................... Data Management .......................................... Datacoms........................................................ In-Train Entertainment .................................... Internet Services ............................................ IT Consultancy / Equipment / Maintenance .. IT Systems / Software / Hardware.................. Journey Planning ......................................p69 Mass Transit Ticketing .................................... Miscellaneous & Specialist ............................ Radio Communications .................................. Signal Post Telephone Supply / Installation .. Signalling Installation / Equipment / Testing .. Switching Systems & Equipment.................... Telecoms Cabling / Engineering .................... Ticketing / Validation Systems........................ Transmission .................................................. Wireless Technology ...................................... TUNNELLING & BRIDGES Bridge Beams ..........................................p69 Bridge Construction & Repair ........................ Concrete / Foam Injection ........................p70 Grouting .......................................................... Manual Tunnelling .......................................... Mechanical Tunnelling .................................... Miscellaneous & Specialist ............................ Open-face Tunnelling ...................................... Pipejacking / Segmented Tunnelling .............. Shaft Sinking .................................................. Sheet Piling ....................................................

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RC Category Listings p53-66



Page 55

Category Listings

3D Laser Mapping ........................................................................................0870 442 9400 Fuchs Lubricant (UK) Plc ..........................................................................01782 203700

Architects & Surveyancy PPIY Chartered Architects Ltd

01904 623034


T P Bennett ........................................................................................................0207 208 2000

Brickwork/Concrete Aggregate Industries UK Ltd

01530 510066


Ainscough Crane Hire Ltd ........................................................................01257 478524 Ancon Building Products Ltd ................................................................0114 2755224 Anderton Concrete Products Limited ................................................01606 79436 Bluebay Building Products Ltd ............................................................02920 495555 Hy-Ten Ltd ..........................................................................................................0800 037 1507 IDAC Ltd

0844 212 5900


Metropex Group Ltd

01435 867755


Oxford Hydrotechnics Ltd ........................................................................01869 346001

Bridges & Tunnels Ainscough Crane Hire Ltd ........................................................................01257 478524 Ancon Building Products Ltd ................................................................0114 2755224 Barhale ....................................................................................................................01922 726731 Bluebay Building Products Ltd ............................................................02920 495555 Construction Marine Ltd ..........................................................................0113 262 4444 Cubis Industries ................................................................................................02838 313100 F.P. McCann Ltd ..............................................................................................02879 642558 Metropex Group Ltd

01435 867755


Oxford Hydrotechnics Ltd ........................................................................01869 346001 Strainstall UK Ltd ............................................................................................01983 203600 Tayban Concrete Products Ltd ............................................................01204 691313

UK CABLES LTD Unit C1/C2, Frogmore Industrial Estate, Motherwell Way, West Thurrock, Grays, RM20 3XD Contact: E: T: F: W:

Chris Harris chris.harris@ukcables.co.uk 07903 184143 01708 865385 http://ukcables.co.uk/

Chemicals & Lubricants Autodrain ..............................................................................................................0113 288 0022 Buck & Hickman ..............................................................................................01293 561651 Chemsearch ........................................................................................................01902 510202 Crown Oil UK Ltd ..........................................................................................0845 130 9777 Fuchs Lubricant (UK) Plc ..........................................................................01782 203700 Lee Brothers ......................................................................................................0870 850 7773 PortecRail ............................................................................................................0114 256 2225 RS Clare + Co Ltd ........................................................................................0151 702 5262 TAM International UK Limited ..............................................................0333 240 9966

Civil Engineering; Earthworks/General/Contractors Aggregate Industries UK Ltd

01530 510066


Ainscough Crane Hire Ltd ........................................................................01257 478524 Amalgamated Construction Co Ltd ................................................01226 243413 Ancon Building Products Ltd ................................................................0114 2755224 APB Group Ltd..................................................................................................01538 755377 Aqua Geocomposites ....................................................................................01695 51933 BAM Nuttall Ltd ................................................................................................01606 350350 Bardon Contracting ................................................01530 510066/07740 934341 Barhale ....................................................................................................................01922 726731 Bluebay Building Products Ltd ............................................................02920 495555 Bridgeway Consulting Ltd ......................................................................0115 919 1111

Buildings Refurbishment & Property Services

C Spencer Ltd

Ancon Building Products Ltd ................................................................0114 2755224

Cairn Cross Civil Engineering Ltd ....................................................0113 284 2415

Anixter Ltd ............................................................................................................01925 848019

Construction Marine Ltd ..........................................................................0113 262 4444

Concrete Repairs Ltd ................................................................................0208 288 4848

CPR-Resurfacing ........................................................................................01389 751797

02392 466416

Danny Sullivan & Sons Ltd ....................................................................0208 961 1900

Lindapter International ................................................................................01274 521444

DCT Civil Engineering ................................................................................0161 344 8555

01435 867755

Hy-Ram Engineering Ltd ..........................................................................01623 422982

Robinson Kenning & Gallagher ..........................................................0208 684 8125

Hy-Ten Ltd ..........................................................................................................0800 037 1507

Steelway ..................................................................................................................01902 834911

J Murphy & Sons Ltd ................................................................................0207 267 4366

TAM International UK Limited ..............................................................0333 240 9966

Keytech Systems ..........................................................................................0115 900 5600

Gable (UK) Ltd


Metropex Group Ltd


WYG ........................................................................................................................0113 278 7111

01469 532266


Kier Construction Ltd ................................................................................0207 922 6905


Mass Contracts Ltd ......................................................................................07956 246843

BATT CABLES Plc..........................................................................................01322 441165

Omega Red Group Ltd ............................................................................0115 877 4444

BEW Ltd..................................................................................................................01245 496064

Oxford Hydrotechnics Ltd ........................................................................01869 346001

Celtic Recycling Ltd ......................................................................................01633 274700

Sangwin ..................................................................................................................01482 329921

Elmbridge Cables Ltd ..................................................................................01273 391810

Story Contracting Ltd ..................................................................................01228 590444

FB Taylor (Cable Contractors) Ltd ....................................................01765 600261

The Clancy Group ..........................................................................................01895 823711

The Clancy Group ..........................................................................................01895 823711

Thorntask Ltd....................................................................................................0208 801 1203

If your entry is incorrect please complete and return the amendment form on page 79/80



Civils, Plant & Equipment CIVILS, PLANT & EQUIPMENT


RC Category Listings p53-66



Page 56

Category Listings Turmin Ltd..............................................................................................................01782 272823


Walker Construction ......................................................................................01303 851111

Barcol ........................................................................................................................01268 764642

Welfare Cabins UK ........................................................................................01206 233720

Celtic Recycling Ltd ......................................................................................01633 274700

WYG ........................................................................................................................0113 278 7111

Drilling and Sawing Association ........................................................0844 879 3452

YJL Infrastructure ..........................................................................................0207 522 3220

Perco Engineering Services Ltd ........................................................0115 933 5000 Screwfast Ltd......................................................................................................01727 827375

Clothing & Boots All Clothing & Protection Ltd ..................................................................02380 428003 Arco ............................................................................................................................01482 222522 Badgemaster Ltd ......................................................01623 723112/07976 277067 Buck & Hickman ..............................................................................................01293 561651

Budenberg Gauge Co. Ltd ....................................................................0844 372 8900 Conair (UK) Ltd ..................................................................................................01702 544344 Edmiston Brown & Co ltd ......................................................................0141 554 2891



Sir John Brown Building, Davy Industrial Park, Prince of Wales Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire, S9 4EX

Union House, Hempshaw Lane, Stockport, Cheshire, SK1 4LG E: T: F: W:

Equipment Maintenance/Repair/Calibration

Contact: E: T: W:

maggie.shaw@cosalt.com 07801 597802 0844 493 2805 www.cosalt.com

Lee Pitts info@mechan.co.uk 0114 257 0563 www.mechan.co.uk

Torrent Trackside Limited ..........................................................................01543 421900 Lee Brothers ......................................................................................................0870 850 7773 Radius Systems Ltd ......................................................................................01773 582312 Safe Aid Supplies ............................................................................................02392 254442


United Hygiene Services..........................................................................0845 450 2024


WORLifts - Rail ................................................................................................0121 460 1113

Land Clearance/Reclamation/Landscaping CAJ Services Ltd ........................................................................................01933 355001 Thomson Ecology ..........................................................................................01462 675559

Demolition & Recycling

WYG ........................................................................................................................0113 278 7111

Ainscough Crane Hire Ltd ........................................................................01257 478524

Lifting & Jacking

C A J Services Ltd ....................................................................................01933 355001

Camlok Lifting Clamps ................................................................................01244 375375 Commend UK Ltd ..........................................................................................01279 872020


Mechan Ltd......................................................................................................0114 257 0563

Unit K, Higham Business Park, Bury Close, Higham Ferrers, Northants, NN10 8HQ Contact: E: T: F: W:

UNIC Cranes ......................................................................................................01844 202071 WORLifts - Rail ................................................................................................0121 460 1113

Sean Mallon sean.mallon@cajservices.co.uk 01933 355001 01933 355009 www.cajservices.co.uk

Marine & River Construction Marine Ltd ..........................................................................0113 262 4444 Deepdale Engineering Company Ltd ..............................................01384 480022

Celtic Recycling Ltd ......................................................................................01633 274700 Drilling and Sawing Association ........................................................0844 879 3452 IDAC Ltd

PPG Protective & Marine Coatings ..................................................01773 814520 Radius Systems Ltd ......................................................................................01773 582312 Thomson Ecology ..........................................................................................01462 675559

0844 212 5900


Mechanical Engineering Drainage & Culverts

Brixwoth Engineering Co Ltd ................................................................01604 880338

ACO Technologies Plc ................................................................................01462 816666

Conair (UK) Ltd ..................................................................................................01702 544344

Chemsearch ........................................................................................................01902 510202

Deepdale Engineering Company Ltd ..............................................01384 480022

Complete Drain Clearance ......................................................................01785 665909

Hayley Group Plc ..........................................................................................0870 850 3526

Construction Marine Ltd ..........................................................................0113 262 4444 Cubis Industries ................................................................................................02838 313100 F.P. McCann Ltd ..............................................................................................02879 642558

Minor Civil Aggregate Industries UK Ltd

01530 510066


Bardon Contracting ................................................01530 510066/07740 934341

Lanes Group PLC Rail Division ..........................................................0113 385 8400

Construction Marine Ltd ..........................................................................0113 262 4444

MGS Demco........................................................................................................02476 602323

CPR-Resurfacing ........................................................................................01389 751797

Radius Systems Ltd ......................................................................................01773 582312

Oxford Hydrotechnics Ltd ........................................................................01869 346001

The Clancy Group ..........................................................................................01895 823711

The Clancy Group ..........................................................................................01895 823711


Thorntask Ltd....................................................................................................0208 801 1203

01753 810999



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Page 57

Category Listings Miscellaneous & Specialist

Lindapter International ................................................................................01274 521444

Augean plc ............................................................................................................01780 444900

Oxford Hydrotechnics Ltd ........................................................................01869 346001

Badgemaster Ltd ......................................................01623 723112/07976 277067

Screwfast Ltd......................................................................................................01727 827375



3D Laser Mapping ........................................................................................0870 442 9400

Millburn Roads Depot, Main Street, Renton, West Dunbartonshire, G82 4PZ

ABA Surveying ..................................................................................................01483 797111

William Black enquiries@cpr-resurfacing.co.uk 01389 751797 01389 754 294 www.cpr-resurfacing.co.uk

Adien Ltd ................................................................................................................01302 802200 Blom ..........................................................................................................................01934 745820 Mike Worby Survey Consultancy Speedy Rail

01707 333677


01942 277000/07843 645243


Cubis Industries ................................................................................................02838 313100

TES 2000 Ltd

Exel Composites ..............................................................................................01928 701515

Thomson Ecology ..........................................................................................01462 675559

Kobelco Cranes Europe Ltd ............................01342 301122/07887 856191

Test Equipment

KONE Plc ..............................................................................................................01535 662841 Lindapter International ................................................................................01274 521444

01206 799111


Radius Systems Ltd ......................................................................................01773 582312 Wolseley UK ........................................................................................................01926 705000

Mechan Ltd......................................................................................................0114 257 0563 Speedy Rail

01942 277000/07843 645243


Steelway..................................................................................................................01902 834911 Thetford International

01842 890500


Tools Ballast Tools (UK) Ltd ..................................................................................01793 697800 Buck & Hickman ..............................................................................................01293 561651 Cembre ....................................................................................................................01675 470440

Plant ArcGen Hilta ........................................................................................................01902 790824 Fuchs Lubricant (UK) Plc ..........................................................................01782 203700 G F Gordon (Plant Hire) Ltd ....................................................................01245 471917 Garic ..........................................................................................................................01206 233720 L&W Contractors ......................................................01403 784286/07715 813240 Maxim Power Tools Ltd ............................................................................0141 552 5591 Quattro Group ..................................................................................................0845 900 2999

Cromwell Tools Ltd ......................................................................................0116 288 8000 Gedore......................................................................................................................01756 798625 Lee Brothers ......................................................................................................0870 850 7773 Maxim Power Tools Ltd ............................................................................0141 552 5591 Speedy Rail

01942 277000/07843 645243


VI Distribution Ltd ............................................................................................01270 750520 WORLifts - Rail ................................................................................................0121 460 1113

Story Contracting Ltd ..................................................................................01228 590444

Utility supplies

Thetford International

01842 890500

The Clancy Group ..........................................................................................01895 823711

01698 831111

Welding Miscellaneous & Specialist




Welfare Cabins UK ........................................................................................01206 233720

Projected Developments Thetford International

ArcGen Hilta ........................................................................................................01902 790824 Deepdale Engineering Company Ltd ..............................................01384 480022

01842 890500


Welding Alloys Ltd ....................................................................................01763 207568

Consulting, Recruitment & Professional CONSULTING, RECRUITMENT & PROFESSIONAL


Flowfront Ltd

WELDING ALLOYS LTD The Way, Fowlmere, Nr. Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 7QS Contact: E: T: W:

01978 355770


Passengerfocus ................................................................................................0300 1232140 SGS CORREL Rail Ltd ..............................................................................0121 326 3672

Iain Pickles iain.pickles@welding-alloys.com 01763 207568 www.welding-alloys.com

Accounting & Financial Futurelink ..............................................................................................................0845 620 9255 Intelenet UK Ltd ..............................................................................................0207 872 5541

Accreditation & Compliance

Structural & Construction Ainscough Crane Hire Ltd ........................................................................01257 478524 Ancon Building Products Ltd ................................................................0114 2755224 Barhale ....................................................................................................................01922 726731

Direct Enquiries Ltd

01344 360101


LRQA - Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd ..................0800 783 2179 SGS CORREL Rail Ltd ..............................................................................0121 326 3672

BCM Construction Ltd ..............................................................................0208 640 7887

Advertising, Design & Marketing

Bluebay Building Products Ltd ............................................................02920 495555

Allen Design Group ........................................................................................01226 292921

Hy-Ten Ltd ..........................................................................................................0800 037 1507

Badgemaster Ltd ......................................................01623 723112/07976 277067

KONE Plc ..............................................................................................................01535 662841

Best Impressions

0208 740 6443


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Contact: E: T: F: W:


RC Category Listings p53-66



Page 58


Category Listings


CBS Outdoor Ltd ..........................................................................................0207 482 3000


Market Force Business Media ............................................................0207 760 8699

Bakerail Services Ltd ....................................................................................01480 471349

Optimedia ............................................................................................................0207 961 1000

BMT Reliability Consultants

Radius Systems Ltd ......................................................................................01773 582312

Brixwoth Engineering Co Ltd ................................................................01604 880338

Traction & Rolling Stock Advertiser ..................................................01379 651683

Budenberg Gauge Co. Ltd ....................................................................0844 372 8900

Architectural & Surveyancy

Burns Carlton plc ..........................................................................................0113 367 2850

Frankham Consultancy ............................................................................0208 309 7777

Collis Engineering Ltd ..................................................................................01773 833255

GVA Grimley Ltd ............................................................................................0844 902 0304

D.R.B Power Transmission Ltd ............................................................01244 280280

Jones Lang LaSalle Ltd ............................................................................0207 399 5864

Derby Engineering Unit Ltd ....................................................................01332 660364

Robinson Kenning & Gallagher ..........................................................0208 684 8125

Fowler & Holden Ltd ....................................................................................01472 355316

The Trevor Patrick Partnership ....................0207 940 6500/07989 587161

Frankham Consultancy ............................................................................0208 309 7777


Houghton International..............................................................................0191 234 3000

Achilles Information Ltd ..............................................................................01235 861118


SGS CORREL Rail Ltd ..............................................................................0121 326 3672

Interfleet Technology Ltd ..........................................................................01332 223000

Steer Davies Gleave ....................................................................................0207 910 5000

Lundy Projects Ltd

Business Management

NuAspect Ltd ....................................................................................................0207 101 0800

ACAS ........................................................................................................................01892 273555

St. Leonards Railway Engineering Ltd ..........................................01233 617001

01489 553100/07831 312534

Steer Davies Gleave ....................................................................................0207 910 5000

0118 907 1341

Strand 7 UK Ltd ..............................................................................................01480 211011

Futurelink ..............................................................................................................0845 620 9255

TEW Engineering Ltd ..................................................................................0115 935 4354

NuAspect Ltd ....................................................................................................0207 101 0800

The Institution of Engineering and Technology ....................................................................01438 767224/01438 765654

BMT Reliability Consultants Byroc Railway Support



Radius Systems Ltd ......................................................................................01773 582312

0844 212 5900


0161 476 2996


Wago Ltd ................................................................................................................01788 568008

Condition Monitoring BMT Reliability Consultants

01489 553100/07831 312534


01489 553100/07831 312534



Radius Systems Ltd ......................................................................................01773 582312

CAJ Services Ltd ........................................................................................01933 355001

Strainstall UK Ltd ............................................................................................01983 203600

Frankham Consultancy ............................................................................0208 309 7777 Safeguard Pest Control ..............................................................................01959 565777

Education, Training & Assessment Abbeydale Training Ltd ..............................................................................01226 321250 ACAS ........................................................................................................................01892 273555 Amtrain (Midlands) Ltd ..............................................................................01283 792 633 Anzio Ltd ................................................................................................................01752 840251

Scientifics Ltd....................................................................................................0845 603 2112 Stuart Slatter Training ..................................................................................01565 750557 Thetford International

01842 890500


Thomson Ecology ..........................................................................................01462 675559

Bywater Training ..............................................................................................01784 480936


Drilling and Sawing Association ........................................................0844 879 3452

Scientifics Ltd....................................................................................................0845 603 2112

Intertrain ..................................................................................................................01302 815530

Strainstall UK Ltd ............................................................................................01983 203600

Keltbray Aspire Rail Ltd ............................................................................0207 643 1000

WYG ........................................................................................................................0113 278 7111

LRQA - Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd ..................0800 783 2179 Speedy Hire Ltd................................................................................................01942 720000 Stokes Associates Ltd ................................................................................07846 561370 TES 2000 Ltd

01206 799111


The Institution of Engineering and Technology ....................................................................01438 767224/01438 765654

Industry Bodies The Institution of Railway Operators

01444 248931


Industry Reporting Esmerk Ltd ..........................................................................................................0118 956 5820

Trackline Training Limited ........................................................................0161 872 2400


Trackwork Ltd ....................................................................................................01302 888666

Belmont International Ltd

West Coast Training ....................................................................................0208 834 9151

Personal Group of Companies ............................................................01908 605000

01732 744700


Travelers Insurance Company Ltd ....................................................01737 787787

Employment Services ACAS ........................................................................................................................01892 273555

Labour Supply

Calibre Search ..................................................................................................0113 274 3039

AzteQ Solutions Ltd ......................................................................................01442 244444

Personal Group of Companies ............................................................01908 605000

CAJ Services Ltd ........................................................................................01933 355001


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Page 59

Category Listings 01978 355770


Konica Minolta ..................................................................................................01268 644416

Mainline Resourcing Ltd ..........................................................................0845 083 0245

Local Transport Today

STM Security UK Ltd..................................................................................0208 518 9682

Magnadata International Ltd ..................................................................01205 312600

0208 519 9142

Novacroft ..............................................................................................................0845 330 0601

01698 831111

OCÉ (UK) Ltd ......................................................................................................01277 846120

Wetton Cleaning Services Ltd ............................................................0207 237 2007

Stamps Direct ....................................................................................................01603 624407

Legal Services

The Institution of Engineering and Technology ....................................................................01438 767224/01438 765654

Suretrack Rail Services Limited TRAC



ACAS ........................................................................................................................01892 273555 Ashurst

0207 638 1111


Dickinson Dees Solicitors

0191 279 9245


Radius Systems Ltd ......................................................................................01773 582312 Watmores Solicitors ....................................................................................0207 430 1512

Medical, Drug & Alcohol Screening

0845 270 7861


Witherby’s ............................................................................................................0207 253 5413

Procurement Byroc Railway Support

0118 907 1341


FPA Consulting ..................................................................................................01332 604300 GVA Grimley Ltd ............................................................................................0844 902 0304 Hambleton Risk Management Ltd ....................................................01904 728995

Concateno South ..........................................................................................0207 712 8000 Radius Systems Ltd ......................................................................................01773 582312 ScreenSafe UK Ltd ......................................................................................0845 050 5590

Project Management Appleyards Consulting ................................................................................01732 471520 AzteQ Solutions Ltd ......................................................................................01442 244444

Miscellaneous & Specialist

BMT Reliability Consultants

Associated Train Crew Union ................................................................01226 716417

CPC Project Services ................................................................................0207 539 4750

Association of Community Rail Partnerships (ACORP) ..........01484 847790

FPA Consulting ..................................................................................................01332 604300

Bemrose Booth ................................................................................................01482 826343

Frankham Consultancy ............................................................................0208 309 7777

Campaign for Better Transport ..........................................................0207 566 6480

Hambleton Risk Management Ltd ....................................................01904 728995

Inntel ........................................................................................................................0844 847 5533

Jones Lang LaSalle Ltd ............................................................................0207 399 5864

Personal Group of Companies ............................................................01908 605000

Steer Davies Gleave ....................................................................................0207 910 5000

Prestige Couriers............................................................................................0207 384 2300


Strand 7 UK Ltd ..............................................................................................01480 211011

Turner & Townsend ......................................................................................0207 544 4000

Techno Rail

01938 555511


The Russell Group ........................................................................................0141 810 8200

01489 553100/07831 312534


01388 451111


Property Services & Advisory BCM Construction Ltd ..............................................................................0208 640 7887

Occupational Health

Frankham Consultancy ............................................................................0208 309 7777

Express Medicals Ltd ................................................................................0207 500 6900

GVA Grimley Ltd ............................................................................................0844 902 0304

Scientifics Ltd....................................................................................................0845 603 2112

Jones Lang LaSalle Ltd ............................................................................0207 399 5864

Operation / Planning

Robinson Kenning & Gallagher ..........................................................0208 684 8125

Arriva Trains Wales

02920 720516


Quantity Surveying

Steer Davies Gleave ....................................................................................0207 910 5000

Frankham Consultancy ............................................................................0208 309 7777

Photography & Film production

GVA Grimley Ltd ............................................................................................0844 902 0304

Alvey & Towers ..................................................................................................01949 861894

Turner & Townsend ......................................................................................0207 544 4000

Rail Images ..........................................................................................................01702 525059

Recruitment Services/Consultancy

Planning & research

Anders Elite Ltd

GVA Grimley Ltd ............................................................................................0844 902 0304 Jones Lang LaSalle Ltd ............................................................................0207 399 5864 Steer Davies Gleave ....................................................................................0207 910 5000

0207 680 3100


Antal International Network ..................................................................0870 428 1745 ARM Engineering ............................................................................................02392 228266 ATA Rail Recruitment ....................................................................................01332 752792 Burns Carlton plc ..........................................................................................0113 367 2850

Presentation & Communication Skills Bell Amethyst ......................................................................................................01844 238844

Calibre Search ..................................................................................................0113 274 3039 Clements Technical Recruitment Ltd ............................................0845 223 5303

Print & Publishing

Evolution Recruitment ................................................................................0208 673 2211

Badgemaster Ltd ......................................................01623 723112/07976 277067

Flowfront Ltd

Esmerk Ltd ..........................................................................................................0118 956 5820

Hambleton Risk Management Ltd ....................................................01904 728995

01978 355770


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Flowfront Ltd


RC Category Listings p53-66



Page 60

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to showcase your company in the next issue of RailCONNECT

Forthcoming issues

June 2013 September 2013 December 2013 March 2014

The information powerhouse Group Information Services, 2 Highcliffe Court, Greenfold Lane, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS22 6RG Tel: (01937) 580400 Fax: (01937) 580488 E-mail: david.wightman@theconnectseries.co.uk Internet: www.gisltd.co.uk

RC Category Listings p53-66



Page 61

Category Listings Intec (UK) Ltd ......................................................................................................01524 865555 LRQA - Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd ..................0800 783 2179 McGinley Support Services Limited ..............................................0845 543 5953 Morgan Hunt

0207 419 8968


Ptarmigan Transport Solutions ............................................................01738 493962 SkyBlue Rail Recruitment........................................................................0121 654 6985

Buildings & Property Construction/Refurbishment/Materials Aggregate Industries UK Ltd

01530 510066


Alfred Bagnall & Son ..............................................01274 714800/01302 853259 Axis Automatic Entrance Systems Ltd ........................................0844 504 6545 Balfour Beatty Plc..........................................................................................0207 216 6883 BAM Nuttall Ltd ................................................................................................01606 350350


Bardon Contracting ................................................01530 510066/07740 934341

270 Petershill Road, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G21 4AY

Berry Systems ....................................................................................................01902 491100

Contact: E: T: W:

Conair (UK) Ltd ..................................................................................................01702 544344

Maciej Siembiga admin@sw-gr.com 0141 557 6133 www.sw-gr.com

Concrete Repairs Ltd ................................................................................0208 288 4848 CPR-Resurfacing ........................................................................................01389 751797

0141 557 6133

John Sisk Rail Ltd t/a Sisk Rail ..........................................................0117 916 3800

Technology Resourcing ..............................................................................01483 302211

Keyline Nationals ............................................................................................0141 420 3333

01388 451111

Kier Construction Ltd ................................................................................0207 922 6905





KONE Plc ..............................................................................................................01535 662841

Risk Management & Assessment Abbott Risk Consulting Ltd ....................................................................0133 2886045 Achilles Information Ltd ..............................................................................01235 861118 Appleyards Consulting ................................................................................01732 471520 BMT Reliability Consultants

01489 553100/07831 312534


Inntel ........................................................................................................................0844 847 5533 Scientifics Ltd....................................................................................................0845 603 2112 Turner & Townsend ......................................................................................0207 544 4000

Bemrose Booth ................................................................................................01482 826343 Rex Bousfield Ltd ....................................................01883 717033/07787 558878 01527 512400


Test & Development Calmet Laboratory Services

Lindapter International ................................................................................01274 521444 Mansell Construction Services ..........................................................0207 490 1220 Mass Contracts Ltd ......................................................................................07956 246843 Metropex Group Ltd Morgan Sindall Plc

01435 867755


01788 534500


Steelway ..................................................................................................................01902 834911 Taylor Maxwell ..................................................................................................0131 448 2020

Solutions & Turnkey Providers

Steatite Ltd

Lend Lease ........................................................................................................0208 271 8000

Thorntask Ltd....................................................................................................0208 801 1203 Timbmet Ltd ........................................................................................................01865 862223 TopDeck Parking..............................................................................................01902 499400 Turmin Ltd..............................................................................................................01782 272823 Universal Sealants (UK) Ltd ..................................................................0191 416 1530

0208 977 8455


Faiveley Transport Ltd ................................................................................0151 649 5000 Hawkgrove Technologies Limited ......................................................01373 837900

Walker Construction ......................................................................................01303 851111 WYG ........................................................................................................................0113 278 7111 YJL Infrastructure ..........................................................................................0207 522 3220

LRQA - Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd ..................0800 783 2179 Omega Red Group Ltd ............................................................................0115 877 4444

Cable Products/Management

Tüv Süd ..................................................................................................................01489 558100

Anixter Ltd ............................................................................................................01925 848019

Zircon Software ................................................................................................01225 764444

BEW Ltd..................................................................................................................01245 496064

Verification & Validation

Cable Management Products Ltd – Thomas & Betts Ltd ......................................................................................01675 468200

Hambleton Risk Management Ltd ....................................................01904 728995

Cubis Industries ................................................................................................02838 313100

Hawkgrove Technologies Limited ......................................................01373 837900

Elmbridge Cables Ltd ..................................................................................01273 391810

SGS CORREL Rail Ltd ..............................................................................0121 326 3672 Strand 7 UK Ltd ..............................................................................................01480 211011

Express Electrical & Engineering Supplies Ltd ................................................................0141 941 3689/07884 312207

Zircon Software ................................................................................................01225 764444

F.P. McCann Ltd ..............................................................................................02879 642558

INFRASTRUCTURE Infrastructure & Electrical & ELECTRICAL Metropex Group Ltd

01435 867755


Habia Cable

01454 412522


Harting Ltd ............................................................................................................01604 827500 LML Products Ltd ..........................................................................................01249 814271

Brake Systems

Mainframe Communications Ltd ........................................................01702 443800

Faiveley Transport Ltd ................................................................................0151 649 5000

PMA UK Ltd - Thomas & Betts Ltd ................................................01264 333527

Semperit ..................................................................................................................01327 313140

UK Cables Ltd ................................................................................................07903 184143

Stromag Ltd ........................................................................................................01933 350407

Wolseley UK ........................................................................................................01926 705000

If your entry is incorrect please complete and return the amendment form on page 79/80



J Murphy & Sons Ltd ................................................................................0207 267 4366


RC Category Listings p53-66



Page 62

Category Listings Car Parking

Corrosion Protection

Axis Automatic Entrance Systems Ltd ........................................0844 504 6545

3M CPPD ..............................................................................................................01609 780170

Bardon Contracting ................................................01530 510066/07740 934341

3M Rail Solutions ............................................................................................01344 858704

Bemrose Booth ................................................................................................01482 826343

Arrow Cleaning & Hygiene Solutions ..............................................01283 221044

Berry Systems ....................................................................................................01902 491100


Magnadata International Ltd ..................................................................01205 312600

Application Solutions (Safety and Security) Ltd

TopDeck Parking..............................................................................................01902 499442

Best Impressions

TopDeck Parking..............................................................................................01902 499400

Eurocom Ltd ......................................................................................................0207 820 8344

C A J Services Ltd ....................................................................................01933 355001


01206 799111


01388 451111


Jacobs ....................................................................................................................0141 243 8000 Merson Signs Ltd ............................................................................................01355 243021 Termate ..................................................................................................................0115 978 4652 Urban Initiatives ..............................................................................................0207 380 4545

Momentum Services Ltd ........................................................................0207 843 5619

Door Systems


Axis Automatic Entrance Systems Ltd ........................................0844 504 6545

Arrow Cleaning & Hygiene Solutions ..............................................01283 221044 Autoglym PSV ....................................................................................................01462 687416 LIGHTbridge Support Services Ltd ..................................................02920 706111 Sasse Ltd ..............................................................................................................01332 362425 STM Security UK Ltd..................................................................................0208 518 9682 Thetford International

01842 890500


United Eco Services ....................................................................................0845 450 2024 Voucher Systems Ltd ................................................................................0845 601 6020


Harting Ltd ............................................................................................................01604 827500


3M CPPD ..............................................................................................................01609 780170


0208 740 6443

Glentworth Rail Ltd ........................................................................................01628 639823

Catenary & Overhead TES 2000 Ltd

01273 405435



Wetton Cleaning Services Ltd ............................................................0207 237 2007

Faiveley Transport Ltd

01827 308430


Jewers Doors Ltd ............................................................................................01767 317090 KONE Plc ..............................................................................................................01535 662841 Leyland and Birmingham Rubber Ltd ..........................................0161 655 0300 Rex Bousfield Ltd ....................................................01883 717033/07787 558878 Techno Rail

01938 555511


Westcode (UK) Ltd ........................................................................................01249 822283

Electrical Engineering Amalgamated Construction Co Ltd ................................................01226 243413 Antagrade Electrical Ltd ............................................................................01606 833299 Application Solutions (Safety and Security) Ltd

01273 405435



Arrowvale Electronics ..................................................................................01527 514151

Aerco Ltd................................................................................................................01403 260206

Beejay Rail Ltd ................................................................................................0141 553 1133

Express Electrical & Engineering Supplies Ltd ................................................................0141 941 3689/07884 312207

Burns Carlton plc ..........................................................................................0113 367 2850

Faiveley Transport Ltd ................................................................................0151 649 5000

Eurocom Ltd ......................................................................................................0207 820 8344

Faiveley Transport Ltd

01827 308430

Harting Ltd ............................................................................................................01604 827500

Harting Ltd ............................................................................................................01604 827500

Kraus Elektrotechnik ....................................................................................01749 840889

ITT Interconnect Solutions - Cannon & Veam ........................01256 311200

LML Products Ltd ..........................................................................................01249 814271

Kraus Elektrotechnik ....................................................................................01749 840889

PEI Genesis UK Ltd ....................................................................................0844 871 6060


LML Products Ltd ..........................................................................................01249 814271 PortecRail ............................................................................................................0114 256 2225 Termate ..................................................................................................................0115 978 4652

EDM Ltd ................................................................................................................0161 203 3150

Thorntask Ltd....................................................................................................0208 801 1203 TNE Ltd

01388 451111


Weidmuller Ltd ..................................................................................................01732 877000

VI Distribution Ltd ............................................................................................01270 750520

Electrification/Power Supply

Weidmuller Ltd ..................................................................................................01732 877000

Babcock Rail ......................................................................................................01698 203005

Wolseley UK ........................................................................................................01926 705000

Brecknell Willis Co Eltek Valere

Control Systems

01460 64941


01442 219355


Harting Ltd ............................................................................................................01604 827500

Airquick (Newark) Ltd ..................................................................................01636 640480

Hollywell Building Services ....................................................................01727 810 555

Application Solutions (Safety and Security) Ltd

01273 405435

J Murphy & Sons Ltd ................................................................................0207 267 4366

Baldwin Boxall Communications ........................................................01892 664422

Kraus Elektrotechnik ....................................................................................01749 840889

Captec Ltd ............................................................................................................01489 866066

LML Products Ltd ..........................................................................................01249 814271

Weidmuller Ltd ..................................................................................................01732 877000

Riker Ltd..................................................................................................................01249 814271

Zircon Software ................................................................................................01225 764444




01388 451111


If your entry is incorrect please complete and return the amendment form on page 79/80

RC Category Listings p53-66



Page 63

Category Listings Electromagnetic

Miscellaneous & Specialist

York EMC Services Ltd ..............................................................................01904 434440

Crossrail ....................................................................................................................0207 150 845

Freight Terminals & Services

Express Electrical & Engineering Supplies Ltd ................................................................0141 941 3689/07884 312207

ABP Hams Hall Rail Freight Terminal ..............................................01675 461300 Glasgow Freight Park ................................................................................0141 810 8200 Russell Railfreight Terminal - Barking ............................................0208 517 6490 Telford International Railfreight Park ................................................01952 608410

Faiveley Transport Ltd ................................................................................0151 649 5000 Garic ..........................................................................................................................01206 233720 Hy-Ram Engineering Ltd ..........................................................................01623 422982 Inntel ........................................................................................................................0844 847 5533

Graffiti Removal

Maxim Power Tools Ltd ............................................................................0141 552 5591

3M CPPD ..............................................................................................................01609 780170

Mechan Ltd......................................................................................................0114 257 0563

Arrow Cleaning & Hygiene Solutions ..............................................01283 221044 Autoglym PSV ....................................................................................................01462 687416 Sasse Ltd ..............................................................................................................01332 362425 Wetton Cleaning Services Ltd ............................................................0207 237 2007

Infrastructure Installation & Maintenance 3M CPPD ..............................................................................................................01609 780170 AB Hoses & Fittings Ltd ............................................................................01246 208831

NOTEMACHINE UK LTD Elvicta Business Park, Crickhowell, Powys, NP8 1DF Contact: John Calvert or Zoe Thomas E: jcalvert@notemachine.com/ zthomas@notemachine.com T: 01873 811634 or free phone 0800 068 9368 F: 01873 811552 W: www.notemachine.com

ABET Ltd ..............................................................................................................0207 473 6910

Alstom Transport ............................................................................................0207 438 9231

Oil Analysis Services ....................................................................................01474 854450 Omega Red Group Ltd ............................................................................0115 877 4444

Amalgamated Construction Co Ltd ................................................01226 243413

RT Training Solutions Ltd ..........................................................................01473 242344

Amey OW Ltd ....................................................................................................01865 713100

Sasse Ltd ..............................................................................................................01332 362425

Burns Carlton plc ..........................................................................................0113 367 2850

Steelway ..................................................................................................................01902 834911

Conair (UK) Ltd ..................................................................................................01702 544344

Train Chartering Company Ltd, The ................................................01249 890176

Craig & Derricott Ltd ....................................................................................01543 375541

Trox (UK) Ltd........................................................................................................01842 754545

Fone-Alarm Installations Ltd ..................................................................01737 223673

Welfare Cabins UK ........................................................................................01206 233720

Jewers Doors Ltd ............................................................................................01767 317090

Office Equipment & Services

KONE Plc ..............................................................................................................01535 662841

EFG Office Furniture Ltd ..........................................................................0845 608 4100

Lindapter International ................................................................................01274 521444

Garic ..........................................................................................................................01206 233720

Rittal Ltd ..................................................................................................................01709 704000

Inntel ........................................................................................................................0844 847 5533

Timbmet Ltd ........................................................................................................01865 862223

Konica Minolta ..................................................................................................01268 644416

Visul Systems ..........................................................0191 416 1530/0191 402 1960

Trox (UK) Ltd........................................................................................................01842 754545

Weidmuller Ltd ..................................................................................................01732 877000

United Hygiene Services..........................................................................0845 450 2024


Welfare Cabins UK ........................................................................................01206 233720

Adaptaflex ..............................................................................................................01675 468222

Permanent Way

ArcGen Hilta ........................................................................................................01902 790824 BEW Ltd..................................................................................................................01245 496064 Emergi-Lite – Thomas & Betts Ltd..................................................0113 281 0600 Fone-Alarm Installations Ltd ..................................................................01737 223673 Mallatite ..................................................................................................................01246 593 280

Metallurgical Testing / Support Services KEIGHLEY LABORATORIES LTD Croft House, South Street, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD21 1EG Contact: E: T: F: W:

Leonard Stott lstott@keighleylabs.co.uk 01535 664211 01535 680604 www.keighleylabs.co.uk

Aggregate Industries UK Ltd

01530 510066


Ballast Tools (UK) Ltd ..................................................................................01793 697800 Keltbray Aspire Rail Ltd ............................................................................0207 643 1000 Maxim Power Tools Ltd ............................................................................0141 552 5591 Story Contracting Ltd ..................................................................................01228 590444

Pest Control Balcombe Pest Control ..............................................................................01444 811916 Safeguard Pest Control ..............................................................................01959 565777

Platforms Amalgamated Construction Co Ltd ................................................01226 243413 Bardon Contracting ................................................01530 510066/07740 934341 F.P. McCann Ltd ..............................................................................................02879 642558 Ferrograph Ltd ................................................................................................0191 280 8800 If your entry is incorrect please complete and return the amendment form on page 79/80



Airquick (Newark) Ltd ..................................................................................01636 640480


RC Category Listings p53-66



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RC Category Listings p53-66



Page 65

Category Listings Ilecsys

01442 828387


Workshop Equipment

J Murphy & Sons Ltd ................................................................................0207 267 4366

Autodrain ..............................................................................................................0113 288 0022

Robinson Kenning & Gallagher ..........................................................0208 684 8125

Buck & Hickman ..............................................................................................01293 561651

Semmco Ltd ........................................................................................................01483 757200

Mechan Ltd......................................................................................................0114 257 0563

Story Contracting Ltd ..................................................................................01228 590444

Premier Pits ..........................................................................................................01775 821222

Techno Rail

WORLifts - Rail ................................................................................................0121 460 1113

01938 555511


Universal Sealants (UK) Ltd ..................................................................0191 416 1530

Rolling Stock


Visul Systems ..........................................................0191 416 1530/0191 402 1960 Walker Construction ......................................................................................01303 851111 01288 354 512



Power Supply ArcGen Hilta ........................................................................................................01902 790824 Campbell Collins Ltd ....................................................................................01438 369466 Eltek Valere

01442 219355


Enersys Ltd ........................................................................................................0161 794 4611 Exide Technologies ......................................................................................0845 606 4111

Carriage Washing

Emerson Network Power ........................................................................0114 247 8369

Airquick (Newark) Ltd ..................................................................................01636 640480

Peak Oil

01246 450242

Arrow Cleaning & Hygiene Solutions ..............................................01283 221044

Townscape Products Limited ................................................................01623 513355

Autoglym PSV ....................................................................................................01462 687416

Weidmuller Ltd ..................................................................................................01732 877000

Bingham Rail/Bingham Cotech..........................................................0870 774 2341


Garrandale Ltd ..................................................................................................01332 291100

Switches & Crossings Trackwork Ltd ....................................................................................................01302 888666

Switchgear Celtic Recycling Ltd ......................................................................................01633 274700 Express Electrical & Engineering Supplies Ltd ................................................................0141 941 3689/07884 312207

Smith Bros & Webb Ltd ............................................................................01789 400096 STM Security UK Ltd..................................................................................0208 518 9682

Chartering Train Chartering Company Ltd, The ................................................01249 890176

Cleaning & Disposal

Hawker Siddeley Switchgear ................................................................01495 223001

Autoglym PSV ....................................................................................................01462 687416

Kraus Elektrotechnik ....................................................................................01749 840889

Celtic Recycling Ltd ......................................................................................01633 274700

Termate ..................................................................................................................0115 978 4652

Smith Bros & Webb Ltd ............................................................................01789 400096 Wetton Cleaning Services Ltd ............................................................0207 237 2007

Test Facilities Calmet Laboratory Services

0208 977 8455


Component Supply

Faiveley Transport Ltd ................................................................................0151 649 5000

Aerco Ltd................................................................................................................01403 260206

Oil Analysis Services ....................................................................................01474 854450

Bauer Springs Ltd ..........................................................................................01527 594900

Tüv Süd ..................................................................................................................01489 558100

Cable Management Products Ltd – Thomas & Betts Ltd ......................................................................................01675 468200

Track Components & Installation

Campbell Collins Ltd ....................................................................................01438 369466

Babcock Rail ......................................................................................................01698 203005

EAO Ltd ..................................................................................................................01444 236000

PortecRail ............................................................................................................0114 256 2225

East Midlands Trains ....................................................................................01332 867026

RS Clare + Co Ltd ........................................................................................0151 702 5262

Faiveley Transport Ltd

TES 2000 Ltd

01206 799111


PortecRail ............................................................................................................0114 256 2225 Speedy Rail

01942 277000/07843 645243


TES 2000 Ltd Tiflex Ltd

01206 799111


01579 320808


Unipart Rail

Hayley Group Plc ..........................................................................................0870 850 3526 Ilecsys

Track Products & Maintenance

01302 731400


01827 308430


01442 828387


ILME UK Ltd ......................................................................................................0151 336 9321 ITT Interconnect Solutions - Cannon & Veam ........................01256 311200 Kraus Elektrotechnik ....................................................................................01749 840889 Leyland and Birmingham Rubber Ltd ..........................................0161 655 0300 Lucchini UK Ltd ..............................................................................................0161 886 0300 PMA UK Ltd - Thomas & Betts Ltd ................................................01264 333527

Weighing & Lifting

PortecRail ............................................................................................................0114 256 2225

Arbil Ltd ..................................................................................................................01384 424007

Rex Bousfield Ltd ....................................................01883 717033/07787 558878

Lloyds Somers ..................................................................................................01792 656951

Termate ..................................................................................................................0115 978 4652

Mechan Ltd......................................................................................................0114 257 0563

Transec (UK) Ltd ..............................................................................................01306 743355

01302 321313

Treadmaster Transport Flooring ..........................................................01579 320808

Schenck Process UK Limited


If your entry is incorrect please complete and return the amendment form on page 79/80



Zoeftig Ltd

East Midlands Trains ....................................................................................01332 867026 Semperit ..................................................................................................................01327 313140


RC Category Listings p53-66



Page 66

Category Listings Unipart Rail

01302 731400


Universal Boltforgers Ltd ........................................................................0121 522 5950 Westcode (UK) Ltd ........................................................................................01249 822283

Unipart Rail

01302 731400


ZF Great Britain ..............................................................................................0844 257 0555


Decals & Transfers

Adaptaflex ..............................................................................................................01675 468222

3M Rail Solutions ............................................................................................01344 858704

Alstom Transport ............................................................................................0207 438 9231

Archer Signs & Panels Ltd ....................................................................0115 927 3100

Arrowvale Electronics ..................................................................................01527 514151 Asset International ..........................................................................................01633 273081

De-Icing Airquick (Newark) Ltd ..................................................................................01636 640480 Arrow Cleaning & Hygiene Solutions ..............................................01283 221044 Arrowvale Electronics ..................................................................................01527 514151 Autoglym PSV ....................................................................................................01462 687416

Burns Carlton plc ..........................................................................................0113 367 2850 Cembre ....................................................................................................................01675 470440 GMT Rubber-Metal-Technic Ltd

01943 870670


Houghton International..............................................................................0191 234 3000 ICEE ............................................................................................................................02392 230604

Disc Springs

ILME UK Ltd ......................................................................................................0151 336 9321

Bauer Springs Ltd ..........................................................................................01527 594900

Leyland and Birmingham Rubber Ltd ..........................................0161 655 0300

Radius Systems Ltd ......................................................................................01773 582312

Lucchini UK Ltd ..............................................................................................0161 886 0300

Equipment & Protection

Measurement Devices Ltd (MDL) ......................................................01904 791139 01925 281000

Morganite Electrical Carbon Ltd ........................................................01792 763000

Albatros UK ..........................................................................................................01908 305740

Plascoat Systems Ltd ..................................................................................01252 733777

Speedy Hire Ltd................................................................................................01942 720000

PPG Protective & Marine Coatings ..................................................01773 814520

A Plant Rail


Rex Bousfield Ltd ....................................................01883 717033/07787 558878

Heavy Haulage Allelys Heavy Haulage

01527 857621


Garic ..........................................................................................................................01206 233720


Welfare Cabins UK ........................................................................................01206 233720


RS Clare + Co Ltd ........................................................................................0151 702 5262 Timbmet Ltd ........................................................................................................01865 862223 Transec (UK) Ltd ..............................................................................................01306 743355 Tuffa UK Ltd ........................................................................................................01889 567700

Leasing Companies

Unipart Rail

Angel Trains Ltd ..............................................................................................0207 592 0500

ZF Great Britain ..............................................................................................0844 257 0555

Lighting & Cabling

Miscellaneous & Specialist

Elmbridge Cables Ltd ..................................................................................01273 391810

Albatros UK ..........................................................................................................01908 305740

Emergi-Lite – Thomas & Betts Ltd..................................................0113 281 0600

Atlas Copco Compressors Ltd ............................................................01442 261201

Translec Ltd ..........................................................................................................01457 878888

Augean plc ............................................................................................................01780 444900 Treadmaster Transport Flooring ..........................................................01579 320808

Maintenance & Repair Airquick (Newark) Ltd ..................................................................................01636 640480 Albatros UK ..........................................................................................................01908 305740 Archer Signs & Panels Ltd ....................................................................0115 927 3100 Autodrain ..............................................................................................................0113 288 0022 Axminster Carpets Ltd ................................................................................01297 630686 Bingham Rail/Bingham Cotech..........................................................0870 774 2341 East Midlands Trains ....................................................................................01332 867026 Faiveley Transport Ltd

01827 308430


Garrandale Ltd ..................................................................................................01332 291100 Glentworth Rail Ltd ........................................................................................01628 639823 Hollywell Building Services ....................................................................01727 810 555 Houghton International..............................................................................0191 234 3000 Ilecsys

01302 731400


01442 828387


Watermark Ltd

0208 606 2000


ZF Great Britain ..............................................................................................0844 257 0555

Refurbishment Archer Signs & Panels Ltd ....................................................................0115 927 3100 East Midlands Trains ....................................................................................01332 867026 Faiveley Transport Ltd

01827 308430


Glentworth Rail Ltd ........................................................................................01628 639823 Leyland and Birmingham Rubber Ltd ..........................................0161 655 0300 Railcare Ltd ..........................................................................................................01908 574400 Rex Bousfield Ltd ....................................................01883 717033/07787 558878 Wabtec ....................................................................................................................01302 340700 ZF Great Britain ..............................................................................................0844 257 0555


Lucchini UK Ltd ..............................................................................................0161 886 0300

3M Rail Solutions ............................................................................................01344 858704

Sabre Rail Services Ltd ..............................................................................01325 300505

Mechan Ltd......................................................................................................0114 257 0563

Smith Bros & Webb Ltd ............................................................................01789 400096

Schenck Process UK Limited

Timbmet Ltd ........................................................................................................01865 862223

Wetton Cleaning Services Ltd ............................................................0207 237 2007


If your entry is incorrect please complete and return the amendment form on page 79/80

01302 321313


RC Category Listings p53-66



Page 67

Category Listings Textiles & Carpeting

Eurocom Ltd ......................................................................................................0207 820 8344

Axminster Carpets Ltd ................................................................................01297 630686

Fone-Alarm Installations Ltd ..................................................................01737 223673

Bonar Floors Ltd ..............................................................................................01773 740615

Lanes Group PLC Rail Division ..........................................................0113 385 8400

Replin Fabrics Ltd ..........................................................................................01721 724311

Melford Electronics Ltd ..............................................................................01494 638069

Treadmaster Transport Flooring ..........................................................01579 320808

Optyma Security Systems Ltd ............................................................0208 304 8635 Petards ..................................................................................................................0845 002 0123

Train Protection STM Security UK Ltd..................................................................................0208 518 9682

Train/Carriage, Supply/Design/Manufacture Axminster Carpets Ltd ................................................................................01297 630686 Semperit ..................................................................................................................01327 313140

Senator Security Services Ltd ..............................................................01543 411811 Taylor Technology Systems ..................................................................0208 331 5888 UK Cables Ltd ................................................................................................07903 184143

Clothing Jermyn Street Design ................................................................................0208 563 5002


Safe Aid Supplies ............................................................................................02392 254442

Andrew Muirhead & Son Limited......................................................0141 554 3724

United Hygiene Services..........................................................................0845 450 2024

Be-Ge Seating UK Ltd ..............................................................................0115 989 8750 Replin Fabrics Ltd ..........................................................................................01721 724311 Transcal Ltd ..........................................................................................................01506 440111

Fencing Abloy UK ................................................................................................................01902 364500 Alltype Fencing Specialists Ltd ............................................................01268 545192

Vehicle Hire /Maintenance

Berry Systems ....................................................................................................01902 491100

Aquarius Railroad Technologies Ltd ................................................01765 635021

Lochrin Steel Palisade Fencing............................................................01236 457333

East Midlands Trains ....................................................................................01332 867026 European Metal Recycling Ltd, TMA..............01793 863202/07970 082804 Premier Pits ..........................................................................................................01775 821222 TravelMaster ........................................................................................................01795 660066

Weighing Systems

Asco Extinguishers Ltd ............................................................................0141 427 1144 Baldwin Boxall Communications ........................................................01892 664422 Emergi-Lite – Thomas & Betts Ltd..................................................0113 281 0600 Wolseley UK ........................................................................................................01926 705000

01302 321313


Weighwell Engineering Ltd ....................................................................0114 269 9955

First Aid & Medical Equipment Crest Medical ..................................................................................................0845 230 2090

Safety & Security SAFETY & SECURITY

Lee Brothers ......................................................................................................0870 850 7773

Abloy UK ................................................................................................................01902 364500

RT Training Solutions Ltd ..........................................................................01473 242344

Austin Reynolds Ltd ......................................................................................01932 568888

Safe Aid Supplies ............................................................................................02392 254442

Semperit ..................................................................................................................01327 313140

SP Services ..........................................................................................................01952 288999


Health & Safety

Baldwin Boxall Communications ........................................................01892 664422

Achilles Information Ltd ..............................................................................01235 861118

Optyma Security Systems Ltd ............................................................0208 304 8635

Archer Signs & Panels Ltd ....................................................................0115 927 3100

Senator Security Services Ltd ..............................................................01543 411811

Austin Reynolds Ltd ......................................................................................01932 568888 Axis Automatic Entrance Systems Ltd ........................................0844 504 6545

Batteries & Power Supplies

Berry Systems ....................................................................................................01902 491100

DMS Technologies/Rectifier Technologies (UK) T/A Duvine ............................................................................................................01794 525400

Buck & Hickman ..............................................................................................01293 561651

Enersys Ltd ........................................................................................................0161 794 4611

Derma Shield ......................................................................................................01633 877569

Hoppecke Industrial Batteries Limited ..........................................01782 667305

Donseed Ltd ......................................................................................................0207 240 3007

Martek ......................................................................................................................01954 267726

RT Training Solutions Ltd ..........................................................................01473 242344

UK Cables Ltd ................................................................................................07903 184143

Safeguard Pest Control ..............................................................................01959 565777 Scientifics Ltd....................................................................................................0845 603 2112

CCTV AMG Systems UK Ltd ................................................................................01767 600777 Anixter Ltd ............................................................................................................01925 848019

Speedy Hire Ltd................................................................................................01942 720000


Axis Communications Ltd ........................................................................01923 211417

ArcGen Hilta ........................................................................................................01902 790824

Bridgeway Consulting Ltd ......................................................................0115 919 1111

Emergi-Lite – Thomas & Betts Ltd..................................................0113 281 0600

Camwatch Ltd


0114 281 9999

Fone-Alarm Installations Ltd ..................................................................01737 223673

Concept Security (UK) Ltd ....................................................................0845 061 4613

Peli Products (UK) Ltd ................................................................................01457 869999

Digital Barriers Plc ........................................................................................0207 940 4740

Wolseley UK ........................................................................................................01926 705000

If your entry is incorrect please complete and return the amendment form on page 79/80



Schenck Process UK Limited

Fire Detection/Protection/Prevention


RC Category Listings p53-66



Page 68

Category Listings Medical Services

Elmbridge Cables Ltd ..................................................................................01273 391810

ABC Medical Services Ltd.....................................................................0845 230 0999

Express Electrical & Engineering Supplies Ltd ................................................................0141 941 3689/07884 312207

Premier Medical Group ............................................................................0844 5611 681

Fone-Alarm Installations Ltd ..................................................................01737 223673

Miscellaneous & Specialist

Select Cables Ltd ............................................................................................02392 652552

AB Hoses & Fittings Ltd ............................................................................01246 208831 Abloy UK ................................................................................................................01902 364500 Badgemaster Ltd ......................................................01623 723112/07976 277067 Baldwin Boxall Communications ........................................................01892 664422 Furse – Thomas & Betts Ltd ................................................................0115 964 3700

3M Rail Solutions ............................................................................................01344 858704 Alexandra Plc ....................................................................................................0845 155 2288

Baldwin Boxall Communications ........................................................01892 664422 Captec Ltd ............................................................................................................01489 866066 01530 560600


Intelenet UK Ltd ..............................................................................................0207 872 5541 Nexus Alpha Limited ............................................0207 622 6816/07971 025445

Arco ............................................................................................................................01482 222522

Data Management

Lee Brothers ......................................................................................................0870 850 7773

Achilles Information Ltd ..............................................................................01235 861118

Safe Aid Supplies ............................................................................................02392 254442

Captec Ltd ............................................................................................................01489 866066

VI Distribution Ltd ............................................................................................01270 750520

Intelenet UK Ltd ..............................................................................................0207 872 5541 Konica Minolta ..................................................................................................01268 644416

Quality & Safety Consultants LRQA - Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd ..................0800 783 2179 Senator Security Services Ltd ..............................................................01543 411811

SELEX Elsag ........................................................................................................01268 823510

Datacoms AMG Systems UK Ltd ................................................................................01767 600777

Safety & Security Equipment Abloy UK ................................................................................................................01902 364500 Alert Safety Technologies..........................................................................01355 272828 Arrowvale Electronics ..................................................................................01527 514151 Axis Automatic Entrance Systems Ltd ........................................0844 504 6545 Berry Systems ....................................................................................................01902 491100


Achilles Information Ltd ..............................................................................01235 861118

Infotec Ltd

Personal Protective Equipment


Customer Information

AzteQ Solutions Ltd ......................................................................................01442 244444 Captec Ltd ............................................................................................................01489 866066 Hawkgrove Technologies Limited ......................................................01373 837900 SELEX Elsag ........................................................................................................01268 823510 UK Cables

01708 680786


Capital Safety......................................................................................................01527 548000

In-Train Entertainment

Commend UK Ltd ..........................................................................................01279 872020

Steatite Ltd

Donseed Ltd ......................................................................................................0207 240 3007

Volo TV & Media Limited

Firecrest UK Ltd................................................................................................01623 861331 Keytech Systems ..........................................................................................0115 900 5600 Safe Aid Supplies ............................................................................................02392 254442 Senator Security Services Ltd ..............................................................01543 411811 Techno Rail

01527 512400


0207 193 0997


Internet Services Nexus Alpha Limited ............................................0207 622 6816/07971 025445 Speedy Rail Steatite Ltd

01942 277000/07843 645243


01527 512400


01938 555511


IT Consultancy/Equipment/Maintenance

Security Personnel

DeltaRail Group Ltd ......................................................................................01332 221000

Assured Facilities ......................................................01903 500999/07769 717472 G4S Cash services Ltd ............................................................................0191 265 3366 Senator Security Services Ltd ..............................................................01543 411811 STM Security UK Ltd..................................................................................0208 518 9682

Detica Ltd ..............................................................................................................01483 816000 Donseed Ltd ......................................................................................................0207 240 3007 Hawkgrove Technologies Limited ......................................................01373 837900 iBlocks LTd..........................................................................................................0207 234 9060

Signal, Tele-Communication & IT SIGNAL, TELE-COMMUNICATION & IT

Konica Minolta ..................................................................................................01268 644416

Fone-Alarm Installations Ltd ..................................................................01737 223673

SELEX Elsag ........................................................................................................01268 823510

NuAspect Ltd ....................................................................................................0207 101 0800

IT Systems/Software/Hardware

Telent Technology Services Ltd ..................01926 693000/0800 783 7761

Achilles Information Ltd ..............................................................................01235 861118

Cable Supply/Jointing/Installation

Advanced New Technology ....................................................................01825 713058

Anixter Ltd ............................................................................................................01925 848019

Assured Facilities ......................................................01903 500999/07769 717472

AzteQ Solutions Ltd ......................................................................................01442 244444

BAE Systems ......................................................................................................01935 443000

B3 Cable Solutions ......................................................................................0161 741 2359

Captec Ltd ............................................................................................................01489 866066


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Page 69

Category Listings DeltaRail Group Ltd ......................................................................................01332 221000

Telecoms Cabling/Engineering

Hawkgrove Technologies Limited ......................................................01373 837900

AzteQ Solutions Ltd ......................................................................................01442 244444

iBlocks LTd..........................................................................................................0207 234 9060

Cubis Industries ................................................................................................02838 313100


Elmbridge Cables Ltd ..................................................................................01273 391810

0844 212 5900


01442 219355

Konica Minolta ..................................................................................................01268 644416

Eltek Valere

Nexus Alpha Limited ............................................0207 622 6816/07971 025445

Eurocom Ltd ......................................................................................................0207 820 8344

Steatite Ltd

01527 512400

Fone-Alarm Installations Ltd ..................................................................01737 223673

Zircon Software ................................................................................................01225 764444

RT Training Solutions Ltd ..........................................................................01473 242344



UK Cables Ltd ................................................................................................07903 184143

Journey Planning iBlocks LTd..........................................................................................................0207 234 9060 Intelenet UK Ltd ..............................................................................................0207 872 5541 Nexus Alpha Limited ............................................0207 622 6816/07971 025445

Telephones & Accessories Fone-Alarm Installations Ltd ..................................................................01737 223673

Ticketing/Validation Systems Bemrose Booth ................................................................................................01482 826343

Mass Transit Ticketing Bemrose Booth ................................................................................................01482 826343

Convert Ltd ..........................................................................................................01732 868131

Magnadata International Ltd ..................................................................01205 312600

AMG Systems UK Ltd ................................................................................01767 600777

Masabi Ltd ..........................................................................................................0207 089 8860

Conair (UK) Ltd ..................................................................................................01702 544344

Novacroft ..............................................................................................................0845 330 0601

Convert Ltd ..........................................................................................................01732 868131

Turmin Ltd..............................................................................................................01782 272823

iBlocks LTd..........................................................................................................0207 234 9060 Intelenet UK Ltd ..............................................................................................0207 872 5541 NuAspect Ltd ....................................................................................................0207 101 0800 Richo UK ltd. ....................................................................................................0207 253 4545 Techno Rail

Transmission AMG Systems UK Ltd ................................................................................01767 600777 Bilfinger ....................................................................................................................01942 868900 Zircon Software ................................................................................................01225 764444

01938 555511


Turnkey IT Solutions Radio Communications

Steatite Ltd

Bilfinger ....................................................................................................................01942 868900 Eurocom Ltd ......................................................................................................0207 820 8344 SELEX Elsag ........................................................................................................01268 823510

01527 512400


Wireless Technology AMG Systems UK Ltd ................................................................................01767 600777 Anixter Ltd ............................................................................................................01925 848019

Signal Post Telephone Supply/Installation

Axille Wireless ....................................................................................................01494 777000

DAC ............................................................................................................................01282 447000

Donseed Ltd ......................................................................................................0207 240 3007

Fone-Alarm Installations Ltd ..................................................................01737 223673

SELEX Elsag ........................................................................................................01268 823510

Melford Electronics Ltd ..............................................................................01494 638069

& BRIDGES Tunnelling &TUNNELLING Bridges

Signalling Solutions Ltd ............................................................................0208 953 9922

Signalling Installation/Equipment/Testing Eltek Valere

01442 219355


NuAspect Ltd ....................................................................................................0207 101 0800 RT Training Solutions Ltd ..........................................................................01473 242344 Schroff UK Ltd ..................................................................................................01442 240471 Signalling Solutions Ltd ............................................................................0208 953 9922 STS Rail Ltd (formerly STS Signals) ................................................01384 567755 TEW Engineering Ltd ..................................................................................0115 935 4354 Variable Message Signs Ltd

0191 423 7070


Switching Systems & Equipment Colas Rail

Amalgamated Construction Co Ltd ................................................01226 243413

Bridge Beams Sangwin ..................................................................................................................01482 329921 Tayban Concrete Products Ltd ............................................................01204 691313

Bridge Construction & Repair Bluebay Building Products Ltd ............................................................02920 495555 Concrete Repairs Ltd ................................................................................0208 288 4848 DCT Civil Engineering ................................................................................0161 344 8555 J Murphy & Sons Ltd ................................................................................0207 267 4366 Story Contracting Ltd ..................................................................................01228 590444 TAM International UK Limited ..............................................................0333 240 9966

0207 593 5350

Tayban Concrete Products Ltd ............................................................01204 691313

Signalling Solutions Ltd ............................................................................0208 953 9922

Timbmet Ltd ........................................................................................................01865 862223

Termate ..................................................................................................................0115 978 4652

WYG ........................................................................................................................0113 278 7111


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iBlocks LTd..........................................................................................................0207 234 9060

Miscellaneous & Specialist


RC Category Listings p53-66



Page 70

Category Listings Concrete/Foam Injection

Pipejacking/Segmented Tunnelling

TAM International UK Limited ..............................................................0333 240 9966

Barhale ....................................................................................................................01922 726731 DCT Civil Engineering ................................................................................0161 344 8555

Grouting Barcol ........................................................................................................................01268 764642 Concrete Repairs Ltd ................................................................................0208 288 4848 TAM International UK Limited ..............................................................0333 240 9966

F.P. McCann Ltd ..............................................................................................02879 642558 HB Tunnelling Ltd ..........................................................................................0845 388 3325 Herrenknecht International Ltd ..........................................................0191 548 9191

Shaft Sinking

Manual Tunnelling Tayban Concrete Products Ltd ............................................................01204 691313

DCT Civil Engineering ................................................................................0161 344 8555 HB Tunnelling Ltd ..........................................................................................0845 388 3325

Mechanical Tunnelling

Herrenknecht International Ltd ..........................................................0191 548 9191

Barhale ....................................................................................................................01922 726731

Perco Engineering Services Ltd ........................................................0115 933 5000

DCT Civil Engineering ................................................................................0161 344 8555 Herrenknecht International Ltd ..........................................................0191 548 9191 IDAC Ltd

0844 212 5900


Sheet Piling Deepdale Engineering Company Ltd ..............................................01384 480022 HB Tunnelling Ltd ..........................................................................................0845 388 3325

Miscellaneous & Specialist Concrete Repairs Ltd ................................................................................0208 288 4848 DCT Civil Engineering ................................................................................0161 344 8555 Deepdale Engineering Company Ltd ..............................................01384 480022 Factair Ltd

01473 746400


Omega Red Group Ltd ............................................................................0115 877 4444 TAM International UK Limited ..............................................................0333 240 9966


Open-Face Tunnelling


Herrenknecht International Ltd ..........................................................0191 548 9191 Tayban Concrete Products Ltd ............................................................01204 691313


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RC Listing A-Z p67-76



Page 72

Alphabetical Supplier Listing 3D Laser Mapping ........................................................................................0870 442 9400

Ansys UK Ltd ....................................................................................................0114 281 8888

3M CPPD ..............................................................................................................01609 780170

Antagrade Electrical Ltd ............................................................................01606 833299

3M Rail Solutions ............................................................................................01344 858704

Antal International Network ..................................................................0870 428 1745

A Plant Rail

01925 281000

Anzio Ltd ................................................................................................................01752 840251

AB Connectors Ltd ........................................................................................01670 822181

APB Group Ltd..................................................................................................01538 755377

AB Hoses & Fittings Ltd ............................................................................01246 208831

Apex Wiring Solutions................................................................................0191 378 7900

ABA Surveying ..................................................................................................01483 797111

Appleyards Consulting ................................................................................01732 471520

Abbeydale Training Ltd ..............................................................................01226 321250

Application Solutions (Safety and Security) Ltd

Abbott Risk Consulting Ltd ....................................................................0133 2886045

Aqua Geocomposites ....................................................................................01695 51933

ABC Medical Services Ltd.....................................................................0845 230 0999

Aquarius Railroad Technologies Ltd ................................................01765 635021

ABET Ltd ..............................................................................................................0207 473 6910

Arbil Ltd

Abloy UK ................................................................................................................01902 364500

ArcGen Hilta ........................................................................................................01902 790824

ABP Hams Hall Rail Freight Terminal ..............................................01675 461300

Archer Signs & Panels Ltd ....................................................................0115 927 3100

ACAS ........................................................................................................................01892 273555

Arco ............................................................................................................................01482 222522

Achilles Information Ltd ..............................................................................01235 861118

ARM Engineering ............................................................................................02392 228266

ACO Technologies Plc ................................................................................01462 816666

Arriva Trains Wales

Acumen Design Associates Ltd ........................................................0207 107 2912

Arrow Cleaning & Hygiene Solutions ..............................................01283 221044

Adaptaflex ..............................................................................................................01675 468222

Arrowvale Electronics ..................................................................................01527 514151

Adien Ltd ................................................................................................................01302 802200

Asco Extinguishers Ltd ............................................................................0141 427 1144

Advanced New Technology ....................................................................01825 713058

Ashby & Croft Ltd

Advante Strategic Site Services ..........................................................01268 280500


AEA Technology Rail ..................................................................................0870 190 1000

Aslef ..........................................................................................................................0207 324 2400

Aerco Ltd................................................................................................................01403 260206

Asset International ..........................................................................................01633 273081

Aggregate Industries UK Ltd

01530 510066

Associated British Ports ..........................................................................0207 430 1177

01257 478524

Associated Rewinds (Ireland) Ltd........................................+00 353 1 452 0033

Airquick (Newark) Ltd ..................................................................................01636 640480

Associated Train Crew Union ................................................................01226 716417

Albatros UK ..........................................................................................................01908 305740

Associated Utility Supplies (AUS) Ltd

Alert Safety Technologies..........................................................................01355 272828

Association for European Transport ..............................................0207 348 1970

Alexandra Plc ....................................................................................................0845 155 2288

Association of Community Rail Partnerships (ACORP) ..........01484 847790

Alfred Bagnall & Son ..............................................01274 714800/01302 853259

Assured Facilities ......................................................01903 500999/07769 717472

All Clothing & Protection Ltd ..................................................................02380 428003

ATA Rail Recruitment


Ainscough Crane Hire Ltd


02920 720516


01375 391955


0207 638 1111


01484 860575


01332 752792


Atlas Copco Compressors Ltd ............................................................01442 261201

Allen Design Group ........................................................................................01226 292921

Atmosair Ltd ......................................................................................................0208 605 1370

Alltype Fencing Specialists Ltd ............................................................01268 545192

Auckland Construction Ltd......................................................................01462 733755

Alstom Transport ............................................................................................0207 438 9231

Augean plc ............................................................................................................01780 444900

Alvey & Towers ..................................................................................................01949 861894

Austin Reynolds Ltd ......................................................................................01932 568888

Amalgamated Construction Co Ltd ................................................01226 243413

Autodrain ..............................................................................................................0113 288 0022

Ametek Airtechology Group

01932 765822

Autoglym PSV ....................................................................................................01462 687416

01865 713100

Avondale Environment Services Ltd

Amey OW Ltd



01384 424007


01527 857621

Allelys Heavy Haulage



01273 405435





01634 823207


AMG Systems UK Ltd ................................................................................01767 600777

Axille Wireless ....................................................................................................01494 777000

Amtrain (Midlands) Ltd ..............................................................................01283 792 633

Axis Automatic Entrance Systems Ltd ........................................0844 504 6545

Ancon Building Products Ltd ................................................................0114 2755224

Axis Communications Ltd ........................................................................01923 211417

Anders Elite Ltd


0207 680 3100

Axminster Carpets Ltd ................................................................................01297 630686

Anderton Concrete Products Limited ................................................01606 79436

Aztec Chemicals ..............................................................................................01270 655500

Andrew Muirhead & Son Limited

0141 554 3724

AzteQ Solutions Ltd ......................................................................................01442 244444

Angel Trains Ltd ..............................................................................................0207 592 0500

B3 Cable Solutions ......................................................................................0161 741 2359

Anixter Ltd ............................................................................................................01925 848019

Babcock Rail ......................................................................................................01698 203005

Ansaldo STS UK Ltd ..................................................................................0207 841 6850

Badgemaster Ltd ......................................................01623 723112/07976 277067



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Page 73

Alphabetical Supplier Listing BAE Systems ......................................................................................................01935 443000 Bakerail Services Ltd ....................................................................................01480 471349 Balcombe Pest Control ..............................................................................01444 811916 Baldwin Boxall Communications

01892 664422


Balfour Beatty Plc..........................................................................................0207 216 6883 Ballast Tools (UK) Ltd ..................................................................................01793 697800 BAM Nuttall Ltd ................................................................................................01606 350350 Barcol ........................................................................................................................01268 764642 Bardon Contracting ................................................01530 510066/07740 934341 Barhale ....................................................................................................................01922 726731 BATT CABLES Plc..........................................................................................01322 441165 Bauer Springs Ltd ..........................................................................................01527 594900 BCM Construction Ltd ..............................................................................0208 640 7887 Bechtel Ltd ..........................................................................................................0208 846 5111 Beejay Rail Ltd ................................................................................................0141 553 1133 Be-Ge Seating UK Ltd

0115 989 8750


Bell Amethyst ......................................................................................................01844 238844 Belmont International Ltd

01732 744700


Bemrose Booth ................................................................................................01482 826343 Berry Systems ....................................................................................................01902 491100 Best Impressions BEW Ltd

0208 740 6443


01245 496064


Bilfinger ....................................................................................................................01942 868900 Bingham Rail/Bingham Cotech..........................................................0870 774 2341 Birse Rail ........................................................................0121 456 4200/07970 235391 Blom ..........................................................................................................................01934 745820 Bluebay Building Products Ltd ............................................................02920 495555 BMT Reliability Consultants

01489 553100/07831 312534


BOC Gases ..................................................................0800 111 333/0208 591 5777 Bonar Floors Ltd ..............................................................................................01773 740615 Border Rail & Plant Ltd ..............................................................................01236 424666 Bosch Rexroth ..................................................................................................01480 223200 Boxwood Ltd ....................................................................................................0203 170 7240 Bradgate Containers ....................................................................................01509 508678 Brecknell Willis Co

01460 64941


Bridgeway Consulting Ltd ......................................................................0115 919 1111 British Transport Police (Crime Reporting) ....................................................0800 405 040/0300 123 2211

Cable Management Products Ltd – Thomas & Betts Ltd ......................................................................................01675 468200 Cabline UK ..........................................................................................................0115 922 5229 Cairn Cross Civil Engineering Ltd ....................................................0113 284 2415

CAJ SERVICES LTD Unit K, Higham Business Park, Bury Close, Higham Ferrers, Northants, NN10 8HQ Contact: E: T: F: W:

Sean Mallon sean.mallon@cajservices.co.uk 01933 355001 01933 355009 www.cajservices.co.uk

Calco ........................................................................................................................0208 655 1600 Calders & Grandidge ....................................................................................01205 358866 Calibre Search ..................................................................................................0113 274 3039 Calmet Laboratory Services

0208 977 8455


Camira Fabrics Ltd ........................................................................................01924 490591 Camlok Lifting Clamps ................................................................................01244 375375 Campaign for Better Transport ..........................................................0207 566 6480 Campbell Collins Ltd ....................................................................................01438 369466 Camwatch Ltd

0114 281 9999


Capital Safety......................................................................................................01527 548000 Captec Ltd ............................................................................................................01489 866066 CBS Outdoor Ltd ..........................................................................................0207 482 3000 Celtic Recycling Ltd ......................................................................................01633 274700 Cembre ....................................................................................................................01675 470440 Chemsearch ........................................................................................................01902 510202 Civils and Lintels (Grafton Merchanting GB) ............................01865 871700 Clements Technical Recruitment Ltd ............................................0845 223 5303 Colas Rail

0207 593 5350


Collis Engineering Ltd ..................................................................................01773 833255 Commend UK Ltd

01279 872020


Commercial Property Maintenance Services (CPMS) ............01505 382333 Complete Drain Clearance ......................................................................01785 665909 Conair (UK) Ltd ..................................................................................................01702 544344 Concateno South ..........................................................................................0207 712 8000 Concept Security (UK) Ltd ....................................................................0845 061 4613 Concrete Repairs Ltd ................................................................................0208 288 4848

Brixwoth Engineering Co Ltd ................................................................01604 880338

Construction Marine Ltd ..........................................................................0113 262 4444

Buck & Hickman ..............................................................................................01293 561651

Convert Ltd ..........................................................................................................01732 868131

Budenberg Gauge Co. Ltd

0844 372 8900


Cooper and Turner Ltd

0114 256 0057


Building Design Partnership..................................................................0161 828 2200 Burns Carlton plc ..........................................................................................0113 367 2850 Business Systems UK Ltd Byroc Railway Support

0800 458 2988


0118 907 1341


Bywater Training ..............................................................................................01784 480936 C A J Services Ltd C Spencer Ltd

01933 355001


COSALT Union House, Hempshaw Lane, Stockport, Cheshire, SK1 4LG E: T: F: W:

maggie.shaw@cosalt.com 07801 597802 0844 493 2805 www.cosalt.com


01469 532266


C2E Consulting ................................................................................................07789 902012


Cabfind ..................................................................................................................0870 170 0777

CPC Project Services ................................................................................0207 539 4750

0161 910 3444


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RC Listing A-Z p67-76



Page 74

Alphabetical Supplier Listing Eltek Valere


Emergi-Lite – Thomas & Betts Ltd..................................................0113 281 0600

Millburn Roads Depot, Main Street, Renton, West Dunbartonshire, G82 4PZ Contact: E: T: F: W:

01442 219355


Emerson Network Power ........................................................................0114 247 8369

William Black enquiries@cpr-resurfacing.co.uk 01389 751797 01389 754 294 www.cpr-resurfacing.co.uk

Enersys Ltd ........................................................................................................0161 794 4611 Era Technology Ltd

01372 367007/01372 367030


Esmerk Ltd ..........................................................................................................0118 956 5820 Eurocom Ltd ......................................................................................................0207 820 8344

Craig & Derricott Ltd

01543 375541


Evolution Recruitment ................................................................................0208 673 2211

Cromwell Tools Ltd ......................................................................................0116 288 8000

Exel Composites ..............................................................................................01928 701515

Crown Oil UK Ltd ..........................................................................................0845 130 9777 CSRE Ltd

0207 193 7351


Cubis Industries ................................................................................................02838 313100 Cundall....................................................................................................................0191 213 1515 D.R.B Power Transmission Ltd ............................................................01244 280280 DAC ............................................................................................................................01282 447000

Express Electrical & Engineering Supplies Ltd ......................0141 941 3689 Express Electrical & Engineering Supplies Ltd ................................................................0141 941 3689/07884 312207 Express Medicals Ltd ................................................................................0207 500 6900 F.P. McCann Ltd ..............................................................................................02879 642558 Factair Ltd

01473 746400


Faiveley Transport Ltd ................................................................................0151 649 5000 Faiveley Transport Ltd

Danzer Ltd ..........................................................................................................0161 337 3511

FB Taylor (Cable Contractors) Ltd ....................................................01765 600261

Dartford Composites ....................................................................................01322 350097

Ferrograph Ltd ................................................................................................0191 280 8800

Data Display UK Ltd

02392 247500

Fiberweb GO Synthetics ....................................01621 874200/07974 357770

David Stanley Transport ............................................................................01530 510550

Fi-Glass Developments ..............................................................................01732 863465

DCT Civil Engineering ................................................................................0161 344 8555

Firecrest UK Ltd

Deepdale Engineering Company Ltd ..............................................01384 480022

Flexicon Ltd ..........................................................................................................01675 466900

DeltaRail Group Ltd ......................................................................................01332 221000

FLI Structures

Derby Engineering Unit Ltd ....................................................................01332 660364

Flowfront Ltd

Derma Shield ......................................................................................................01633 877569

Fluke (UK) Ltd

Detica Ltd ..............................................................................................................01483 816000

Fone-Alarm Installations Ltd ..................................................................01737 223673

Dickinson Dees Solicitors

0191 279 9245

Fowler & Holden Ltd ....................................................................................01472 355316

Digital Barriers Plc ........................................................................................0207 940 4740

FPA Consulting ..................................................................................................01332 604300

Direct Enquiries Ltd

Frankham Consultancy



01344 360101


01827 308430


01623 861331


01452 722200


01978 355770


0207 942 0700


0208 309 7777


Direct Track Solutions Ltd ........................................................................01246 810198

Fuchs Lubricant (UK) Plc ..........................................................................01782 203700

DMS Technologies/Rectifier Technologies (UK) T/A Duvine ............................................................................................................01794 525400

Furse – Thomas & Betts Ltd ................................................................0115 964 3700

0207 240 3007


Dorman Traffic Products Ltd ..................................................................01704 518000


Exide Technologies ......................................................................................0845 606 4111

Danny Sullivan & Sons Ltd ....................................................................0208 961 1900

Donseed Ltd


01793 863202/07970 082804


Crest Medical ..................................................................................................0845 230 2090

Crossrail ....................................................................................................................0207 150 845


European Metal Recycling Ltd, TMA

Futurelink ..............................................................................................................0845 620 9255 G F Gordon (Plant Hire) Ltd

01245 471917


G4S Cash services Ltd ............................................................................0191 265 3366

Drallim Industries Ltd ....................................................................................01424 205140

Gable (UK) Ltd

Drilling and Sawing Association ........................................................0844 879 3452

Garic ..........................................................................................................................01206 233720

Dron & Wright ..................................................................................................0207 891 2345

Garrandale Ltd

E Dyer Engineering Ltd ............................................................................0208 681 0588

GD Rectifiers Ltd

EAO Ltd ..................................................................................................................01444 236000

Gedore......................................................................................................................01756 798625

East Midlands Trains ....................................................................................01332 867026

General Information Systems Ltd ......................................................01223 873333

EDM Ltd ................................................................................................................0161 203 3150

Glasgow Freight Park ................................................................................0141 810 8200

Edmiston Brown & Co ltd ......................................................................0141 554 2891

Glentworth Rail Ltd ........................................................................................01628 639823

EFG Office Furniture Ltd ..........................................................................0845 608 4100

GMT Manufacturing Ltd ..........................................................................0151 630 1545

Eldapoint Ltd

GMT Rubber-Metal-Technic Ltd

0151 548 9838


02392 466416


01332 291100


01444 243452


01943 870670


Electric Traction Ltd ......................................................................................01467 624366

GVA Grimley Ltd ............................................................................................0844 902 0304

Elmbridge Cables Ltd ..................................................................................01273 391810

Habia Cable


01454 412522


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Page 75

Alphabetical Supplier Listing Hambleton Risk Management Ltd ....................................................01904 728995

Keyline Nationals ............................................................................................0141 420 3333

Hardy Aggregates ..........................................................................................01749 880735

Keytech Systems

Harmill Systems Ltd ......................................................................................01525 851133

Keytech Systems Ltd ..................................................................................01772 706330

Harp Visual Communications Ltd ......................................................01329 844005

Kier Construction Ltd ................................................................................0207 922 6905

Harting Ltd ............................................................................................................01604 827500

Kobelco Cranes Europe Ltd ............................01342 301122/07887 856191

Hawker Siddeley Switchgear ................................................................01495 223001

KONE Plc ..............................................................................................................01535 662841

Hawkgrove Technologies Limited ......................................................01373 837900

Konica Minolta ..................................................................................................01268 644416

0870 850 3526

Kraus Elektrotechnik ....................................................................................01749 840889

HB Tunnelling Ltd ..........................................................................................0845 388 3325

Kroy (Europe) Ltd ..........................................................................................01189 865 200

Hayley Group Plc


0115 900 5600


Henkel Ltd - Loctite ......................................................................................01442 278000

L&W Contractors

Herrenknecht International Ltd ..........................................................0191 548 9191

Lanes Group PLC Rail Division ..........................................................0113 385 8400

Hitachi Europe Ltd ........................................................................................0207 970 2700

Lee Brothers ......................................................................................................0870 850 7773

Hollywell Building Services ....................................................................01727 810 555

Lend Lease ........................................................................................................0208 271 8000

Homegrown Timber (Rail) Ltd ..............................................................01293 821321

Leyland and Birmingham Rubber Ltd ..........................................0161 655 0300

Hoppecke Industrial Batteries Limited

01782 667305


Houghton International..............................................................................0191 234 3000 Huber & Suhner (UK) Ltd ..........................................................................01869 364100 Hy-Ram Engineering Ltd ..........................................................................01623 422982 Hy-Ten Ltd

0800 037 1507


iBlocks LTd..........................................................................................................0207 234 9060 ICEE ............................................................................................................................02392 230604 IDAC Ltd Ilecsys

0844 212 5900


01442 828387


ILME UK Ltd ......................................................................................................0151 336 9321 IMS (Impact Marketing Solutions Ltd) ............................................01923 277828 Infotec Ltd

01530 560600


Inntel ........................................................................................................................0844 847 5533 Intec (UK) Ltd ......................................................................................................01524 865555 Intelenet UK Ltd ..............................................................................................0207 872 5541 Interfleet Technology Ltd ..........................................................................01332 223000 Intertrain

01302 815530


Invest In Cumbria ............................................................................................01768 895350 ITT Interconnect Solutions - Cannon & Veam ........................01256 311200 J B Corrie & Co. Ltd ....................................................................................01730 237100 J Murphy & Sons Ltd ................................................................................0207 267 4366 Jacobs

0141 243 8000


Jermyn Street Design ................................................................................0208 563 5002 Jewers Doors Ltd ............................................................................................01767 317090 John Sisk Rail Ltd t/a Sisk Rail ..........................................................0117 916 3800 Jones Lang LaSalle Ltd ............................................................................0207 399 5864

KEIGHLEY LABORATORIES LTD Croft House, South Street, Keighley, West Yorkshire, BD21 1EG Contact: E: T: F: W:

Leonard Stott lstott@keighleylabs.co.uk 01535 664211 01535 680604 www.keighleylabs.co.uk

01403 784286/07715 813240


LIGHTbridge Support Services Ltd Lindapter International

02920 706111


01274 521444


Lloyds Somers ..................................................................................................01792 656951 LML Products Ltd ..........................................................................................01249 814271 Local Transport Today

0845 270 7861


Lochrin Steel Palisade Fencing............................................................01236 457333 Lokring Central (UK) ......................................................................................01928 564640 LRQA - Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Ltd ..................0800 783 2179 Lucchini UK Ltd ..............................................................................................0161 886 0300 Lundy Projects Ltd

0161 476 2996


Magnadata International Ltd ..................................................................01205 312600 Mainframe Communications Ltd ........................................................01702 443800 Mainline Resourcing Ltd ..........................................................................0845 083 0245 Mallatite ..................................................................................................................01246 593 280 Mansell Construction Services

0207 490 1220


Market Force Business Media ............................................................0207 760 8699 Martek ......................................................................................................................01954 267726 Masabi Ltd

0207 089 8860


Mass Contracts Ltd ......................................................................................07956 246843 Maxim Power Tools Ltd

0141 552 5591


McGinley Support Services Limited

0845 543 5953


Measurement Devices Ltd (MDL) ......................................................01904 791139

MECHAN LTD Sir John Brown Building, Davy Industrial Park, Prince of Wales Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire, S9 4EX Contact: E: T: W:

Lee Pitts info@mechan.co.uk 0114 257 0563 www.mechan.co.uk

Melford Electronics Ltd ..............................................................................01494 638069 Merson Signs Ltd ............................................................................................01355 243021 Met Systems Ltd ............................................................................................0203 246 1000 Metropex Group Ltd

01435 867755


Keltbray Aspire Rail Ltd ............................................................................0207 643 1000

MGS Demco........................................................................................................02476 602323

Keltbray Ltd ........................................................................................................0207 643 1000

Mike Worby Survey Consultancy

If your entry is incorrect please complete and return the amendment form on page 79/80


01707 333677




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Page 76

Alphabetical Supplier Listing Momentum Services Ltd ........................................................................0207 843 5619

Quattro Group ..................................................................................................0845 900 2999

Morgan Hunt

0207 419 8968

Radius Systems Ltd ......................................................................................01773 582312

01788 534500

Rail Images ..........................................................................................................01702 525059


Morgan Sindall Plc


Morganite Electrical Carbon Ltd ........................................................01792 763000 Nelson Stud Welding Uk ..........................................................................01296 435092 Nexus Alpha Limited ..........................................0207 622 6816/07971 025445 Norgren Ltd ..........................................................................................................01543 265000

RAIL RESOURCES INC 82 Vista Lane, Barrington, IL 60010 U.S Contact: Michael A. Teruggi E: mike.teruggi@gmail.com T: +001 847 347 2695


Elvicta Business Park, Crickhowell, Powys, NP8 1DF

Railcare Ltd

Contact: John Calvert or Zoe Thomas E: jcalvert@notemachine.com/ zthomas@notemachine.com T: 01873 811634 or free phone 0800 068 9368 F: 01873 811552 W: www.notemachine.com

Replin Fabrics Ltd ..........................................................................................01721 724311


Rex Bousfield Ltd ....................................................01883 717033/07787 558878 Richo UK ltd. ....................................................................................................0207 253 4545 Riker Ltd..................................................................................................................01249 814271 Risktec Solutions Ltd

01925 611200


Rittal Ltd ..................................................................................................................01709 704000 Novacroft ..............................................................................................................0845 330 0601 NSG U.K. Ltd......................................................................................................01244 833100 NuAspect Ltd ....................................................................................................0207 101 0800 Nuire ..........................................................................................................................02920 858200 OCÉ (UK) Ltd ......................................................................................................01277 846120 Oil Analysis Services ....................................................................................01474 854450 Omega Red Group Ltd ............................................................................0115 877 4444 Optimedia ............................................................................................................0207 961 1000 Optyma Security Systems Ltd ............................................................0208 304 8635 Oxford Hydrotechnics Ltd ........................................................................01869 346001 Parex ..........................................................................................................................01827 711755 Partex Marking Systems (UK) Ltd

01675 463670


Passengerfocus ................................................................................................0300 1232140


RT Training Solutions Ltd ..........................................................................01473 242344 Russell Railfreight Terminal - Barking ........................................0208 517 6490 Sabre Rail Services Ltd ..............................................................................01325 300505 Safe Aid Supplies ............................................................................................02392 254442 Safeguard Pest Control ..............................................................................01959 565777 Sangwin ..................................................................................................................01482 329921 Sasse Ltd ..............................................................................................................01332 362425 Schenck Process UK Limited

01302 321313


Schneider Electric ..................................................0870 608 8608/01952 209164 Schroff UK Ltd ..................................................................................................01442 240471 Scientifics Ltd....................................................................................................0845 603 2112 ScreenSafe UK Ltd ......................................................................................0845 050 5590

PEI Genesis UK Ltd ....................................................................................0844 871 6060

Screwfast Ltd......................................................................................................01727 827375

Peli Products (UK) Ltd ................................................................................01457 869999

Select Cables Ltd ............................................................................................02392 652552


Perco Engineering Services Ltd


RS Clare + Co Ltd ........................................................................................0151 702 5262

01246 450242

Peak Oil


Robinson Kenning & Gallagher ..........................................................0208 684 8125

0115 933 5000


Selectequip Ltd

01543 416641


Personal Group of Companies ............................................................01908 605000

SELEX Elsag ........................................................................................................01268 823510

Petards ..................................................................................................................0845 002 0123

Semmco Ltd

Pitchmastic ASL Contracts (Visul Systems) ............................0191 402 1912

Semperit ..................................................................................................................01327 313140

Plascoat Systems Ltd ..................................................................................01252 733777

Senator Security Services Ltd ..............................................................01543 411811

PMA UK Ltd - Thomas & Betts Ltd ................................................01264 333527

SGS CORREL Rail Ltd ..............................................................................0121 326 3672

Polydeck Ltd

01934 863678

Signalling Solutions Ltd ............................................................................0208 953 9922

PortecRail ............................................................................................................0114 256 2225

Sitec............................................................................................................................01252 341999

PPG Protective & Marine Coatings ..................................................01773 814520

SkyBlue Rail Recruitment........................................................................0121 654 6985

PPIY Chartered Architects Ltd

Smith Bros & Webb Ltd ............................................................................01789 400096


01904 623034


01483 757200


Premier Medical Group ............................................................................0844 5611 681

Solo Fabrications Ltd

Premier Pits

01775 821222

SP Services ..........................................................................................................01952 288999

Prestige Couriers............................................................................................0207 384 2300

Speedy Hire Ltd................................................................................................01942 720000

Primat Recruitment ......................................................................................0161 975 4332

Speedy Rail

Probst Handling & Laying Systems ..........01939 235325/07979 906261

St. Leonards Railway Engineering Ltd ..........................................01233 617001

Ptarmigan Transport Solutions

01738 493962

Stamps Direct ....................................................................................................01603 624407

PTM Design..........................................................................................................01858 463777

Stanton Bonna Concrete Ltd........................0115 944 1448/07817 647433




0121 327 3378


01942 277000/07843 645243


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Page 77

Alphabetical Supplier Listing Steatite Ltd

01527 512400

TNT UK Ltd ..........................................................................................................01827 303030

01902 834911

TopDeck Parking


Steer Davies Gleave ....................................................................................0207 910 5000

TopDeck Parking


STM Security UK Ltd

0208 518 9682

Torrent Trackside Limited ..........................................................................01543 421900

Stokes Associates Ltd ................................................................................07846 561370

Townscape Products Limited ................................................................01623 513355

Story Contracting Ltd ..................................................................................01228 590444


Story Rail Ltd ......................................................................................................01228 640880

Trackline Training Limited ........................................................................0161 872 2400

Strainstall UK Ltd ............................................................................................01983 203600

Trackwork Ltd ....................................................................................................01302 888666

Strand 7 UK Ltd ..............................................................................................01480 211011

Traction & Rolling Stock Advertiser ..................................................01379 651683

Stromag Ltd ........................................................................................................01933 350407

Train Chartering Company Ltd, The ................................................01249 890176

STS Rail Ltd (formerly STS Signals) ................................................01384 567755

Trane UK Ltd

Stuart Slatter Training ..................................................................................01565 750557

Transcal Ltd

Suretrack Rail Services Limited

Transec (UK) Ltd ..............................................................................................01306 743355





0208 519 9142


01902 499400 01902 499442

01698 831111


0845 716 5162


01506 440111


Translec Ltd ..........................................................................................................01457 878888


Travelers Insurance Company Ltd ....................................................01737 787787

270 Petershill Road, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, G21 4AY Contact: E: T: W:

TravelMaster ........................................................................................................01795 660066

Maciej Siembiga admin@sw-gr.com 0141 557 6133 www.sw-gr.com

Treadmaster Transport Flooring

01579 320808


Trox (UK) Ltd........................................................................................................01842 754545 TT UK Ltd ..............................................................................................................01234 342566 Tuffa UK Ltd ........................................................................................................01889 567700


0141 557 6133


System Store Solutions Ltd ....................................................................01622 859522 T P Bennett ........................................................................................................0207 208 2000 TAC (UK) Ltd ................................................................01628 741050/01952 209230

Turmin Ltd..............................................................................................................01782 272823 Turner & Townsend ......................................................................................0207 544 4000 T端v S端d ..................................................................................................................01489 558100 UK Cables

01708 680786


TAM International UK Limited ..............................................................0333 240 9966 Tata Steel................................................................................................................01724 403398


Tayban Concrete Products Ltd ............................................................01204 691313

Unit C1/C2, Frogmore Industrial Estate, Motherwell Way, West Thurrock, Grays, RM20 3XD

Taylor Maxwell ..................................................................................................0131 448 2020 Taylor Technology Systems ..................................................................0208 331 5888 Techno Rail

01938 555511


Technology Resourcing ..............................................................................01483 302211

Contact: E: T: F: W:

Chris Harris chris.harris@ukcables.co.uk 07903 184143 01708 865385 ukcables.co.uk/

Telent Technology Services Ltd ..................01926 693000/0800 783 7761 Telford International Railfreight Park ................................................01952 608410 Ten 47 Ltd

01592 655725


Termate ..................................................................................................................0115 978 4652 TES 2000 Ltd

01206 799111


TEW Engineering Ltd

0115 935 4354


The Clancy Group ..........................................................................................01895 823711

UNIC Cranes ......................................................................................................01844 202071 Unipart Rail

01302 731400


United Eco Services

0845 450 2024


0845 450 2024

United Hygiene Services


Universal Boltforgers Ltd


0121 522 5950

Universal Sealants (UK) Ltd

0191 416 1530


Universal Services Ltd ................................................................................01594 560555

The Institution of Engineering and Technology ....................................................................01438 767224/01438 765654

Urban Initiatives ..............................................................................................0207 380 4545

The Institution of Railway Operators

Variable Message Signs Ltd

01444 248931


0191 423 7070


The Russell Group ........................................................................................0141 810 8200

VI Distribution Ltd ............................................................................................01270 750520

The Trevor Patrick Partnership ....................0207 940 6500/07989 587161

Visul Systems ..........................................................0191 416 1530/0191 402 1960

Thetford International

Voith Turbo Ltd

01842 890500


0208 436 1051


Thomson Ecology ..........................................................................................01462 675559

Volo TV & Media Limited

Thorntask Ltd....................................................................................................0208 801 1203

Voucher Systems Ltd ................................................................................0845 601 6020

Tiflex Ltd

01579 320808

WA Products ......................................................................................................01621 786654

Timbmet Ltd ........................................................................................................01865 862223

Wabtec ......................................................................................................................01302340700


Wago Ltd


01388 451111


0207 193 0997



01788 568008


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Page 78

Alphabetical Supplier Listing Walker Construction ......................................................................................01303 851111 Waterflow

01753 810999


Watermark Ltd

0208 606 2000


Watmores Solicitors ....................................................................................0207 430 1512 Weidmuller Ltd

01732 877000


Weighwell Engineering Ltd

0114 269 9955


WELDING ALLOYS LTD The Way, Fowlmere, Nr. Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 7QS Contact: E: T: W:

Iain Pickles iain.pickles@welding-alloys.com 01763 207568 www.welding-alloys.com

Welfare Cabins UK ........................................................................................01206 233720 West Coast Training ....................................................................................0208 834 9151 Westcode (UK) Ltd ........................................................................................01249 822283 Westermo Data Communications ..............01489 580585/07767 880215 Wetton Cleaning Services Ltd

0207 237 2007


Witherby’s ............................................................................................................0207 253 5413 Wolseley UK

01926 705000


Wood & Wood Signs ....................................................................................01392 444501 WORLifts - Rail ................................................................................................0121 460 1113 WYG ........................................................................................................................0113 278 7111 YJL Infrastructure ..........................................................................................0207 522 3220 York EMC Services Ltd ..............................................................................01904 434440 Zarges (UK) Ltd ................................................................................................01908 641118 ZF Great Britain ..............................................................................................0844 257 0555 Zircon Software ................................................................................................01225 764444 Zoeftig Ltd


01288 354 512


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Page 79

Amendment Form In order to ensure that your Entry is up to date, please check your company details in this edition are correct. If your entry is new or incorrect please e-mail the details outlined below to: andrew.tepielow@theconnectseries.co.uk. Or, remove this page, complete the information below and post to: Andrew Tepielow, Group Information Services Ltd, 2 Highcliffe Court, Greenfold Lane, Wetherby LS22 6RG

Company Name: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Company Address: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Contact Name to be listed: .................................................................................................................................................................................................... Email: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Telephone: .............................................................................................................................................. Fax number:................................................................ Website: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Please select your relevant services CIVILS, PLANT & EQUIPMENT ❑ A00 ❑ A01 ❑ A02 ❑ A03 ❑ A04 ❑ A05 ❑ A06 ❑ A07 ❑ A08 ❑ A09 ❑ A10 ❑ A11 ❑ A12 ❑ A13 ❑ A14 ❑ A15 ❑ A16 ❑ A17 ❑ A18 ❑ A19 ❑ A20 ❑ A21 ❑ A22 ❑ A23 ❑ A24 ❑ A25 ❑ A26 ❑ A27 ❑ A28

General Civils, Plant & Equipment Architects & Surveyancy Brickwork / Concrete Bridges & Tunnels Buildings Refurbishment & Property Services Cable Chemicals & Lubricants Civil Engineering; Earthworks / General / Contractors Clothing & Boots Demolition & Recycling Drainage & Culverts Drilling Equipment Maintenance / Repair / Calibration Land Clearance / Reclamation / Landscaping Lifting & Jacking Marine & River Mechanical Engineering Minor Civil Plant Projected Developments Structural & Construction Surveying Test Equipment Tools Utility supplies Welding Miscellaneous & Specialist Miscellaneous & Specialist Resurfacing Welding Railway / Tram & Light Rail

CONSULTING, RECRUITMENT & PROFESSIONAL ❑ B00 ❑ B01 ❑ B02 ❑ B03 ❑ B04 ❑ B05 ❑ B06 ❑ B07 ❑ B08

General Consulting, Recruitment & Professional Accounting & Financial Accreditation & Compliance Advertising, Design & Marketing Architectural & Surveyancy Assessment Business Management Condition Monitoring Economists

❑ B09 ❑ B10 ❑ B11 ❑ B12 ❑ B13 ❑ B14 ❑ B15 ❑ B16 ❑ B17 ❑ B18 ❑ B19 ❑ B20 ❑ B21 ❑ B22 ❑ B23 ❑ B24 ❑ B25 ❑ B26 ❑ B27 ❑ B28 ❑ B29 ❑ B30 ❑ B31 ❑ B32 ❑ B33 ❑ B34 ❑ B35

Select up to five categories

Education, Training & Assesment Employment Services Engineering Environmental Geotechnical Industry Reporting Insurance Labour Supply Legal Services Medical, Drug & Alcohol Screening Occupational Health Operation / Planning Photography & Film production Planning & research Print & Publishing Procurement Project Management Quantity Surveying Recruitment Services / Consultancy Risk Management & Assessment Solutions & Turnkey Providers Test & Development Verification & Validation Miscellaneous & Specialist Industry Bodies Presentation & Communication Skills Property Services & Advisory

INFRASTRUCTURE & ELECTRICAL ❑ C00 General Infrastructure & Electrical ❑ C01 Brake Systems ❑ C02 Buildings & Property Construction / Refurbishment / Materials ❑ C03 Cable Products / Management ❑ C04 Car Parking ❑ C05 Catenary & Overhead ❑ C06 Catering ❑ C07 Cleaning ❑ C08 Components ❑ C09 Control Systems

continued p80 RailCONNECT


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❑ C10 Corrosion Protection ❑ C11 Design ❑ C12 Door Systems ❑ C13 ❑ C14 ❑ C15 ❑ C16 ❑ C17 ❑ C18 ❑ C19 ❑ C20 ❑ C21 ❑ C22 ❑ C23 ❑ C24 ❑ C25 ❑ C26 ❑ C27 ❑ C28 ❑ C29 ❑ C30 ❑ C31 ❑ C32 ❑ C33 ❑ C34 ❑ C35

Electrical Engineering Electrification / Power Supply Electromagnetic Fares & Collection Freight Terminals & Services Graffiti Removal Infrastructure Installation & Maintenance Lighting Office Equipment & Services Permanent Way Pest Control Platforms Power Supply Switchgear Switches & Crossings Test Facilities Track Components & Installation Track Products & Maintenance Weighing & Lifting Workshop Equipment Miscellaneous & Specialist ATM Services / Cash Machines Metallurgical Testing / Support Services

ROLLING STOCK ❑ D00 ❑ D01 ❑ D02 ❑ D03 ❑ D04 ❑ D05 ❑ D06 ❑ D07 ❑ D08 ❑ D09 ❑ D10 ❑ D11 ❑ D12 ❑ D13 ❑ D14 ❑ D15 ❑ D16 ❑ D17 ❑ D18 ❑ D19 ❑ D20 ❑ D21 ❑ D22 ❑ D23 ❑ D24

General Rolling Stock Carriage Washing Chartering Cleaning & Disposal Component Supply Decals & Transfers De-Icing Equipment & Protection Heavy Haulage Leasing Companies Lighting & Cabling Maintenance & Repair Manufacturing Refurbishment Replacement Buses Sanding Textiles & Carpeting Train Protection Train / Carriage, Supply / Design / Manufacture Upholstery Vehicle Hire / Maintenance Weighing Systems Miscellaneous & Specialist Batteries Disc Springs

❑ E09 ❑ E10 ❑ E11 ❑ E12 ❑ E13 ❑ E14 ❑ E15

Lighting Medical Services Personal Protective Equipment Quality & Safety Consultants Safety & Security Equipment Security Personnel Miscellaneous & Specialist

SIGNAL, TELE-COMMUNICATION & IT ❑ F00 ❑ F01 ❑ F02 ❑ F03 ❑ F04 ❑ F05 ❑ F06 ❑ F07 ❑ F08 ❑ F09 ❑ F10 ❑ F11 ❑ F12 ❑ F13 ❑ F14 ❑ F15 ❑ F16 ❑ F17 ❑ F18 ❑ F19 ❑ F20 ❑ F21

General Signal, Tele-Communication & IT Cable Supply / Jointing / Installation Customer Information Data Management Datacoms Internet Services In-Train Entertainment IT Consultancy / Equipment / Maintenance IT Systems / Software / Hardware Journey Planning Radio Communications Signal Post Telephone Supply / Installation Signalling Installation / Equipment / Testing Switching Systems & Equipment Telecoms Cabling / Engineering Telephones & Accessories Ticketing / Validation Systems Transmission Turnkey IT Solutions Wireless Technology Miscellaneous & Specialist Mass Transit Ticketing

TUNNELLING & BRIDGES ❑ G00 ❑ G01 ❑ G02 ❑ G03 ❑ G04 ❑ G05 ❑ G06 ❑ G07 ❑ G08 ❑ G09 ❑ G10 ❑ G11 ❑ G12

General Tunnelling & Bridges Bridge Beams Bridge Construction & Repair Concrete / Foam Injection Grouting Manual Tunnelling Mechanical Tunnelling Open-face Tunnelling Pipejacking / Segmented Tunnelling Sheet Piling Shaft Sinking Underwater Cutting Miscellaneous & Specialist

❑ E00 ❑ E01 ❑ E02 ❑ E03 ❑ E04 ❑ E05 ❑ E06 ❑ E07 ❑ E08



General Safety & Security Alarms Batteries & Power Supplies CCTV Clothing Fencing Fire Detection / Protection / Prevention First Aid & Medical Equipment Health & Safety


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