BIDV Highlights
Ha i Van
BIDV waives all transfer fees on digital channels BIDV waives all fees on digital channels from 1 January 2022.
n response to the Government's National Digital Transformation program, especially in the field of finance and banking, from 1 January 2022, BIDV waives all fees on digital channels to encourage cashless payment. The bank also offers VND65 billion (USD2.9 million) as tribute to its customers.
Fee waiver on BIDV SmartBanking From 1 January 2022, individual customers will be exempted from all fees when making transactions on BIDV SmartBanking, including money transfer fees (both interbank and within the BIDV system); service maintenance fee; management fee for 01 account; OTT SMS fee. Earlier, BIDV also waived and reduced money transfer fees many times, launching Bfree service packages which exempts up to 10 types of fees; launching a credit package targeted at medical workers at the lending interest rate of 1 percent per year only. BIDV also implemented the reduction in interest rates, extension in loan repayments and other solutions to support customers to overcome the difficulties caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The interface of BIDV SmartBanking app for individual cutstomers
For 2021 alone, the total fund BIDV supported its customers was up to VND7,900 billion (USD348 million).
Tribute to customers on the bank’s 65th anniversary Towards the 65th anniversary of BIDV (26 April 1957 – 26 April 2022), BIDV is offering all customers the biggest promotion program ever with a total value of up to VND65 billion as the gratitude to customers for their accompanying the bank. In particular, from 1 January to the end of 30 June 2022, all customers newly registering for BIDV SmartBanking and making at least 01 financial transaction during the program period will immediately receive a cash gift worth VND65,000 into their account.
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BIDV will also make special offers to all BIDV SmartBanking users, specifically: Lifetime exemption of nonphysical card issuance fees on BIDV SmartBanking, including issuance fees and annual fees; 10 customers with the highest current account balance in a day will receive 01 mace of SJC 9999 Gold each (with the implementation lasting until the end of the year). With the fee waiver policy for customers on the digital channels, BIDV continues to affirm its position as the leading retail bank in Vietnam, accompanying customers to strongly and effectively implement the national digital transformation policy and cashless payment, helping to prevent, control, and fight against the Covid-19 pandemic in Vietnam.