1998 - 34th Billingham Festival Programme

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Enrolling IUOW for Part-time courses

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Tel: (01 642) 360205 for further deta ils



15.22 AUGUIT 1998

Festiva! President:


The Worshipful the Mayor of the Borough of

Chair: Councillor Mrs. M. Taylor M.B.E., J.P. Vice-Chair: H. L. Davies M.B.E. Co-ordinator: Mr. J. Maloney Councillor M. Stoker Mrs. J. Bennington Miss E. Croot Mr. M. Hodgson Mrs. S. Lawson Mr. B. Lightfoot Mr. B. Padgett Mr. l. Russell Mr. P. Surtees Mr. J. Snowball Mr. P. F. Wardell Mrs. A. Watson Mr. G. Watson Mr. N. Welch Mr. J. Warbrook - Head of Leisure Services S.B.C. Hon. Treasurer: Mr. D. Otter


Councillor Ann McCoy

Organised by the FESTIVAL COMMTTTEE in conjunction with STOCKTON-ON-TEES BOROUGH COUNCIL, who give a substantial cash grant and provide considerable services. Affiliated to the lnternational Council of Folklore Festivals and Fotk Art (C.|.O.F.F)

Other main sponsors: I.C.I. ON TEESSIDE NORTHERN ARTS

Opening the Festival


this yearu

Air Products (Chemicals) Teesside,

DR. FRANK KING Chair of the Board of Stockton & Billingham

Billingham Community Centre, Boyes Stores, Castlegate Centre, Cleveland Centre, Fine Organlcs, Terra U.K., Tioxide, The Welding

College of Further

lnstitute North, Walkers Crisps. 34th Billingham International Folklore Festival

S we begin the 34th Billingham lnternational Folk Festival, communities across the world are ready once again to join together in a spirit of friendship and peace to enjoy a feast of music and dance. Here in Billingham we are all looking forward to the lively, colourful and exciting spectacles offered by performers from all over the world. They, in their turn, are looking forward to giving us the best of international folklore.

ln addition, of course, and reflecting the true spirit of the Billingham lnternational Folk Festival, we all know that we will not only be renewing old friendships, but creating new ones.

You will see from the programme that this year we have introduced one or two new ideas, while retaining the basic traditional format. We hope that you will all enjoy these new features. ln particular, we are introducing on Wednesday, 19th June, a Youth Day. There will be all sorts of interesting things for children and

young people to do during the day. These activities will culminate in a concert at the Forum Theatre, performed by young people both from the local area and from abroad. ln welcoming everybody to this year's Festival, I know that we all have a splendid and happy week, and I look forward to meeting you all again. The Organisers would like to thank the "Be not afeard; the isle is full of following for their support: nolses, sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt nof' H (William Shakespeare -'The Tempest') STOCKTON-ON-TEES BOROUGH COUNCIL O^, TEESS'DE Vl WokinsTosether intheConmunitv ptuPlc *ilcc. tur fiff





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Stockton "P" Billinsham




Chairperson of the Festival:


pflttrtps \ -/ prrRor \ EUM /

Councillor Mrs. M. Taylor M:6.E., J.P.



34th Billingham lnternational Folklore Festival


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(Sponsored by Castlegate Centre)

The Children's Club will meet on the Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday of Festival Week in the College Theatre. On Wednesday it will be part of Youth Day and meet in the Town Centre Arena. A well known children's entertainer, will host the club and the following international groups will


Monday Tuesday -

Thursday Friday Wednesday


Annual fees : Single t5 : Duo-membership t7.50 : Children (Under 16) t2. BENEFITS:



. .

concerts and Monday evening Forum Theatre concert). Ztree tickets for the Monday afternoon concert. Bi-annual newsletter keeping you in touch with festival preparations. Free Souvenir Programme for adult friends.

Spain France & N.Y.F.T.E. (lnTownCentre)

lvory Coast

Box Office or at College Theatre on the mornings the club meets.



Wed., 19th August

There will be events and activities all day, in the Town Centre, Sponsored by Air products (Chemicals) Teesside.

Babboushka, an original street entertainer at intervals all over the centre : Punch & Judy : a Mini Fair outside the Forum : Face painting.

a great prize in the Air products

"Balloon Race" at the Town Centre Kioskll

11.00 a.m.-12.00 noon The National youth Folkdance Troupe of England will perform and hold a "Learn to Dance" session for children.

2.30 p.m. Town Centre Arena - Concert with youth groups from Bulgaria, lreland, France, N.Y.F.T.E. and "Burning Bridges".

Bulgaria, lreland, lndia,France and N.y.F.T.E.

off ticket prices (except Gala Night

lnvitation to the Sunday evening Festival Social in the College Theatre.

Free Children's Club membership for under 16's.

INTERNATIONAL CRAFT FAIR Once again this popular event will be held in the Forum featuring craftpersons working in various media - paint, ceramics, glass, jewellery, fabric, precious metals.

It is a must for those seeking the unique or original gift, an early chance for Christmas shopping or birthday presents. The Festival is again indebted to Northern Arts for sponsorship of a craftsperson, who, throughout the festival, will be here to produce work reflecting the festival's unique flavour and atmosphere. Opening at 10.30 a.m. on Saturday, 15th August

the fair continues daily 10.30 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.

10.00 a.m.-11.00 a.m. in the Town Centre Arena - the Children's Club - free to all children under 14 years.

7.30 p.m. Youth Concert in Forum featuring

. . .


Membership fee is t1 .50, including badge and membership card available from Forum Theatre


Membership is open to single adults, couples and their children.


until Saturday, 22nd August when it finally closes

that day at 4.30 p.m.

Dates of 1999 Festival Next year's Festival will commence on Saturday, 14th August and end on Saturday, 2lst August.

Adull Dance Gourse 6 Day lnternational Dance course for adults, primarily aimed at teachers of dance. Organised

by Stockton Council's Education Department through the William Newton Education Centre, Junction Road, Norton, Stockton-on-Tees. For more information ring 01642 397320. 34th Billingham International Folklore Festival



Sat. 1Sth, Sun. 16th & Sat.22nd

All seats


Mon. 17th

All seats


Tues. 18th, Wed. 19th, Thurs. 20th and Fri. 21st

All seats



Concert All seats



Sat. 22nd Farewell Evening


Season Ticket for ALL Town Centre concerts



Sat. 15th Sun. 16th, & Tues. 18th, Thurs.


All seats


All seats


Mon. 17th

All seats 2 tor

Wed. 19th (Youth Concert)

All seats

1 t6.00 t3.00 per child (1 adult per child free)


t8.00 All Fri. 21st (Gala Night) concert & Gala Night Forum Saturday Purchase Opening get any other pertormance and plus Forum one other Night concert ticket Forum concert FREE!

. Special Offer . -


- Midnight Ceili Mon. 17th - "Carnival Cabaret" (France) Tues. 18th - Line Dancing (Cabaret Germany & France) Wed. 19th - Richard Wood in Concert Thurs. 20th - "Fiesta Cabaret" with Spain Sat. 1Sth



Tickets All Tickets All Tickets All Tickets


All All

t2.50 t4.00 t3.00

All above events with licensed bar, Monday, Wednesday & Thursday in Cabaret style

All Tickets t6.50 "Gala Night" (All groups in concert) wood in concert Richard Night and Book college Gala the Monday either and Wood in Concert together for t8.50! OR Book Richard for t5!! iust .,!Fiesta" or Thursday "Carnival" night Fri. 2'tst


. special offers , -

34th Billingham International Folklore Festival


Tng Festivalwillcontinue to be I presented at our three venues -

the Town Centre Arena, Forum Theatre and College Theatre. Regulars will note that we have changed the Town Centre Arena. The two stands "A" & "B" will both give excellent front views of the performers and allow us to lower the stage too. The arena capacity stays the same. ln the Forum and Town Centre the concerts follow traditional lines. We have introduced the "Youth Ddy", which means that both the afternoon concert in the arena and the evening concert in the Forum will be performed by youth dance groups.

The biggest changes occur


the College Theatre programme. Here we are building on last year's experiment with the "Wild Cats". The

theatre will be set out in cabaret style with tables and chairs. There will be a disco and bar but the main focus on the Monday and Thursday nights will be on the cabaret by the group from the lvory Coast. On Wednesday night we are presenting Richard Wood an 18 year old Canadian folk musician, dancer and singer, who has electrified the English folk scene. This is one concert not to be missed. The main aim of these innovations is to attract a new andyounger audience.

This, too, is the purpose of the "Youth Day". We know we have a faithful band of festival fanatics, whose support we really appreciate,

but we do need to capture the imaginations of the younger generation, who will be our future audience.

The other massive change has been forced on the Festival by the retirement of Rita Conroy. Since its inception in 1995 first Philip Conroy then, on his untimely death, Rita, have directed the Festival and made it an event with a worldwide reputation from very humble beginnings. We owe them a deep debt of gratitude for they were both talented and hard working Directors.

The work still has to go on and we are fortunate that within our own ranks of volunteers we have been able to put together a team to ensure the Festival continues and maintains the high standards for which it is rightly famous.

We acknowledge, too, the assistance and support we receive from Stockton Borough Council. After some teething problems last year, which was the first in which the Stockton Events Team had been so involved with us, we have now built up a partnership that bodes well for the future of the Festival. The stage is set. All we want now is good weather!! 34th Billingham International Folklore Festival

was the title chosen by the Billingham THAT publicity

U.D.C. for one of its brochures. From a small rural village Billingham had seen a rapid expansion with the arrival of l.C.l. in the 1920's. lts population was drawn from all parts of the United Kingdom yet it managed to produce a real community based on a forward looking Council ably led by its inspirational Town Clerk, Freddy Dawson. A novel traffic free shopping centre was just a part of that vision, which also saw the inclusion of the first public sports centre, a district heating system and


estates that were well planned and contained their own centre with shops, churches and community halls. By tradition the residents of Billingham had always shopped in Stock-

ton, Middlesbrough, Newcastle and even Leeds. What could Billingham do to attract shoppers to a new centre, which at first was nothing more than an "L" shaped street of shops in the midst of fields formerly used for soccer? Firstly the Council closed the road to vehicles making the precinct safe for pedestrians and expanded it to make it not just the shopping centre but the entertainment and Civic centre too. Finally to attract shoppers the Council started to put on street entertainment on Saturdays. Brass bands, pop groups, dancers and others entertained

the crowds. It was the appearance of an lrish Folk Dance Troupe from Sunderland that was to prove the key to the beginning of the Folklore Festival. Its leader was a certain Philip Conroy, a Sunderland headteacher, who, in casual conversation after his group had finished performing, remarked that they had just returned from a week's performance at a European Folklore Festival. He also remarked what an ideal place this traffic free precinct would be for staging such a festival. As the crowd watching that day had been large and enthusiastic the Town Clerk asked Mr. Conroy to try to find the Council a festival director, who could organise such an event. ln the December of 1965 Philip reported that he had failed to find

anyone interested in the job. Never acknowledging defeat Freddy Dawson then persuaded Philip Conroy himself to take on the role of Director.

The rest is history. From the damp beginnings of a very wet opening Saturday in John Whitehead Park by the end of the four day festival the people of Billingham had caught festival fever. This was built on in its second year by the very popular "Roque Nublo" from Las Palmas in the Canary lslands, who took the town by storm and helped to establish the festival as an annual event. Supported by an army of volunteers the festival went from strength to strength. On Philip's death Rita, his wife, took the helm and now she too has retired. Billingham Festival owes both Philip and Rita a great debt of gratitude for their vision and organisational abilities. We owe it to them and all the other festival workers pasland present, to make sure the festival lives on. 34th Billingham International Folklore Festival

THE Folk Dance Ensembre "Lozenska Mladost" was founded in 1965 and named after Lozenets, a suburb of Sofia. lts founders July Stoitchkova and pervan Stoev are gifted choreographers who created the Gioup from young and talented dancers at the community centre ,,pench Slaveikovi,. During the years of its existence it has won awards of

lnternational Folklore Festivals and concerts in

Bulgaria, ltaly, Spain, poland, etc.

The Ensemble repertoire consists of original

compositions, authentic folk dances, songs and customs from every ethnographic region of Bulgaria. Dancers and Singers dance anO ptay in colourful folk costumes. Dance and vocai compositions last from 10 to 90 minutes, with up to 40 dancers on stage at one time. The typical characteristics of the dances for the girls are wisdom, grace and dignity, while, for the men - strength, masculinity and pride.


children's folklore en-s_emble "Hop-Trop', fras a versatile programme. Along_ side the "Lozenska Mradost" the ritfle chirdren do theii best to reach the professionalism of the adults. 34th Billingham tnternationat Fotklore Festival


"DANZLUD UT WISMER" was originally founded as a Folklore Group by Hans Draempaehl in 1950. Later the Group received a lot of sponsorship and support from a Shipyard in Winsor, which enabled them to achieve acknowledgement and success.

ln 1964 the Group was granted artistic independence, and two years later The Ballet Director Mrs. Rosemary Ehm-Shulz from the State Folklore Ensemble of the GDR has joined the Group as choreographer. ln the years to

follow she successfully modelled the her emotionally-bound choreography. profile through Ensemble of the artistic Before the reunification of Germany, the Ensemble became one of the most successful folklore dance Groups in the GDR. Today under the name "Danslud ut Wismer e.V. the Folklore Ensemble of the Heanseatic Town of Wismar, is the prizewinner of the "Harmony Festival" held in Lindenholzhausen, Baden Wurttemberg in 1993, from among 3,000 international participants.

Since 1972, the ensemble has taken part in numerous lnternational Folklore Festivals in Europe. lt has been awarded numerous prizes for choreography and interpretation and thanks to its professionalism and above all to its ability to foster the dances, songs, customs and traditions of Germany, especially those of its homeland Mecklenburg, it has been able to win many friends at home and abroad. "Danzlud ut Wismer" has got 85 active members.


so,r, Billingham lnternational Folklore Festival

THE Song and Dance Ensemble "Lublin" was founded in 1948 by Maria Wanda Kaniorowa, its first Manager and Artistic Director as one of the very first Folklore Ensembles to emerge in Poland after World War ll. After her death in 1980 untilthe end of 1996 the Ensemble was directed by one of her students, a talented choreographer, lgnacy Wachowiak. "Lublin" is the biggest Polish amateur folk Group. lt has about 800 members - school children, students and youth - working in 12 Groups.

"Lublin" troupe draws on the treasures of Polish Folklore with its uniqueness, diversity and power of expression, the values that allowed the Group to achieve indisputable artistic distinction in European dimension. The repertoire of the Ensemble includes folk dances, melodies and songs from almost all regions of Poland: the lands between the Baltic and the Tatras, and between the Oder and the Bug.

During almosl 50 years of existence, "Lublin" has been admired by the audiences of the continents of Europe, Asia, Africa and

America. lt has performed in major concert auditoriums of the World, including Broadway, and for the TV Stations in New York, Moscow, Paris, London, Vienna, Prague, Rome, Berlin, Amsterdam, Ulan-Bator and Ankara.

The Group has won numerous lnternational Folklore Festival awards, and has received several awards from the regional and national government authorities in Poland. Approaching its 50th Jubilee, "Lublin" is still young and vigorous as ever, ready to entertain its audiences with skilfully performed traditional music, songs and



34th Billingham International Folklore Festival



1.45 p.m, Parade Ieaves Telstar


Town Centre

Concert sponsored bY Cleveland Shopping Centre. Hungary, Adlington, Bulgaria (.), Russia, Poland.

2.30 p.m. Opening Concert and Ceremony. Sponsored by l.C.l. on Teesside. All groups.

7.30 p.m.




Ceili with Waggoners Folk Dance Band. Caller Brian Padgett. Hungary, Poland & Adlington. Licensed Bar. Admission t2.50.

7.30 p.m. FORUM THEATRE "A Taste of the Festival" Sponsored by Phillips Petroleum UK Ltd. France, Bulgaria, lvory Coast (-), Germany, SPain, Russia.

I 2.30 p.m. TOWN CENTRE Germany, Poland, SPain, Hungary.

7.30 p.m. COLLEGE THEATRE Line Dancing Evening with "Martin & Grove" and lnternational grouPs Germany and Russia. Bar. 7.30 p.m. FORUM THEATRE Concert sponsored bY Castlegate Shopping Centre. HungarY, Poland, lvory Coast.

"Youth Day" in Town Centre.

Sponsored by Air Products (Chemicals) Teesside.

Events and activities all daY for

2.30 p.m. Parade of GrouPs


3.00 p.m. TOWN CENTRE

2.30 p.m. TOWN CENTRE

Sponsored by T.W.l. North. All groups. Totally different programme of dances and music.

7.30 p.m FORUM THEATRE Concert sponsored by B.A.S.F France, Germany, lvorY Coast (-).

10.00 a.m. COLLEGE THEATRE Opening of Children's Club sponsored by the Castlegate Centre. Daily Monday to Friday lnternational

group plus famous children's enter-

"Youth Concert" with France, Bulgaria, National Youth Folk Troupe of England and "Burning Bridges". 7.30 p.m. COLLEGE THEATRE Richard Wood in Concert. Bar.

7.30 p.m. FORUM THEATRE "Youih Concert". SPonsored bY Air Products (Chemicals) Teesside. Bulgaria, lreland, lndia (.), France, National Youth Folk Troupe of England.

2.30 p.m. TOWN CENTRE


Hungary, Spain, Bulgaria, NYFTE,

Membership 81.50 including badge from Forum Theatre. 2.30 p.m. TOWN CENTRE


7.30 p.m. COLLEGE THEATRE "Cabaret Fiesta" with lvory Coast and

Russia, France, Poland, lvorY Coast'

Spain. Bar. Disco.

7.30 p.m. COLLEGE THEATRE "Carnival Cabaret" with lvory Coast and France. Bar. Disco.


34th Billingham lnternational Folklore Festival

Concert sponsored bY BoYes. Poland, Hungary (.), Russia.


2.30 p.m. TOWN CENTRE France, Spain, Poland, lvory Coast.

7.30 p.m. COLLEGE THEATRE GALA CONCERT with ail groups. Sponsored by Terra U.K. .The philip Conroy Memorial Gala Concert,,.

7.30 p.m. FORUM THEATRE Gala Concert all groups. Sponsored by Fine Organics.

2.00 p.m. Parade to Town Centre 2.30 p.m. TOWN CENTRE Farewell Concert. Sponsored by l.C.l. on Teesside. All groups. presentation of pennants. lnternational Farandole.

7.30 p.m. TOWN CENTRE Closing Concert


Line Dancing



Dancing with the Robson School of lrish Dance - Billingham Silver Band. 8.45 p.m. Torchlight Procession starts

from College led by Newton Aycliffe Pipe Band.

9.15 p.m. Closlng ceremony with Billingham Silver Band.

10.00 p.m. Firework Display in John Whitehead Park. N.B. (*) denotes interval.

34th Bittingham Internationat rollrore Festrvat



.EMPI E RIAUME" is part of the Regional Folklore society Dauphine and Vivaraisthe name of in France. lt was from this "Shout" ot tfte Mariners of the Rhone that the Regional Folklore Society originated, since its activities take place both on the left side of the Rhone (Dauphine - the territory of the Holy Roman Empire) and on the right side (Vivarais - the territory of the Realm in France). For this reason

the SocietY's reach and


programme combines dances and songs from the Alps, the Rhone Valley and the mountains of Cevennes.

to hold the The Folklore Group "Empi e Riaume" has a vast repertoire and is able they dances The stage for almost 2 hours with a great variety of regional dances' p.rio6 vary from ritual, sacrifrcial ano exorcism dances to seasonal, wedding and festivity dances. During such performances the dancers have 3 main costume changes, which correspond to the various

regions and traditions: Gostumes of Vivarios, Coltume of the Harvesting Time and Costumes of Dauphine. One of the dances, the traditional dance

of dacred Sword is performed only by


dancers wearing special costumes.

The following musical instruments are used by the orchestra which accompanies the dancers: accordions, clarinets, violins, hurdy-gurdy, shepherd's pipes and drums. Since its creation in 1934, "Empie Riaume" has concerts all over the World, 2, performed over 2.500 iaking part in over 50 various lnternational Festivals and Events.

34th Billingham lnternational Folklore Festival

"GALGAHEVIZ" is a small traditional Hungarian village with 2,600 inhabitants, who are very proud of their well preserved traditions.lnis village is situated 45 kilometres east of Budapest. The Folklore Group .GALGAHEVIZ,, was founded in 1930 as a part of the folklore movement called "Bouquet of the Lilly,s of the Valley". The Folklore Group represents the Galgaheviz village in allits generations: from children to old people. But in its lnternational travels the Group is usually represented by the adult members.

The programme of the Folklore Group "Galgaheviz" mainly reflects the rich music and dance traditions of the Galga Valley, which were preserved from generation to generation. The authentic dances performed by the Group, such as "Ring Dance", ,,Recruiting ll, Dance,, vgl lvv , "Fresh Stumble", and the famous Hungarian 'czardas,,, are typicil originai dances for this part of Hungary. The Group also performs a few dances

which originated from other parts of Hungary. Among them are "Jumping Dance of the Swineherds" from the South-West of Hungary, the "Stick Dance" and a different interpretation of "Czardas" from Szatmar County and the most virtuous dance of the whole Central and eastern Europe "Transylvanian Dance of Bachelor".

The basis principle of the choreography is to preserve the original, individual and full of improvisation character of each Hungarian dance, wh-ile creating the special frame of each dance in a way which will offer to the audience a u,iique feeling of experiencing an authentic show.

34th Billingham International Folklore Festival

THE repertoire of the Folklore Cossack's Ensemble "Native Land" is based on the music and dance traditions of the Kuban River region of Russia. The games, customs and folklore rituals are all choreographed and staged in a frame of modern artistic interpretation, by the Artistic Director and Chief Choreographer of "Native Land" Victor ( : Virchenko.

In their routines the young performers create a picturesque image of Cossack's old traditions, their life-style and everyday humour. ln their dances they reproduce various pictures from the past in extremely colourful and entertaining spectacular. The members of the Ensemble travel around the region collecting authentic artistic material which helps them to reflect the characters of these brave and courageous people who devoted their lives to the protection of their motherland from invaders.

The ensemble is very young, the majority of its members are students, young workers, teachers and schoolchildren.

The Group leads a very active performing life. They have participated in numerous international folklore festivals all over the World, including Canada, USA, France, Spain, and China.


S+,f, Billingham lnternationat Fotktore Festivat

THE "Tuna de Medicina" of BADAJOZ UNIVERSITY was founded in 1974 and the oldest Tuna Group in the University. It consists of a Group of 20 young men who parade around the college campus serenading all the beautiful Spanish senoritas.

This is a very old tradition in Spain. The costume design dates back to XVI Century. The capes of these young men are decorated with colourful flowing ribbons, and according to the tradition the ribbons on the cape relate to the number of ladies they have wooed. Almost all the Tuna songs are based on the romantic love stories of young people.

As well as visiting other countries, "Tune de Medicina" of Badajoz regularly participate in all the Tuna Festivals which take place in Spain each year.

= -t'!I :--d i i t**

34th Billingham lnternational Folklore Festival

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ARTS' is a cultural group established by Daksha Asher in November 1994 with the primary aim of promoting lndian Art and Culture to the Youth of North East England.

ln its short existence to date, Navrang Arts performances have covered the length and breadth of the UK already with frequent requests from various institutions. The two annual lndian Dance Festivals -"Payakizankaar" in 1996 and "UTSAV" in 1997 have brought regional and national recognition of Navrang Arts through a wide coverage in the local press and national broadcast on "Zee" Ty.

The Richard Wood Band is featured in concert at the College on Wednesday evening. Richard is an eighteen year old from

Canada's smallest province Prince Edward lsland and has already recorded four albums. Having been a champion step dancer from the age of eight he began playing the fiddle in 1


ln 1998 he made a successful tour of Europe returning to Canada to win the East Coast Music Awards for Best lnstrumentalist and Best Traditional Musician. His programme consists of jigs, reels, strathspeys, slow airs, the occasional song, some are traditionally arranged by Richard and many are written by him. He usually closes his sets with an awesome display of dancing while fiddling at the same time.

The Scotsman described his performance as an, "...explosive mix of instrumentalwizardry, step dance and song", while Time Out wrote of him, 'All the balls and fire of a rock god but all the talent of a master musician". ln his band are Gordie Belsher (guitar, bodhran, vocals) and Brad Fremlin (O1gno, percussion, accordion). 34th Billingham lnternational Folklore Festival

NYFTE ('nifty') was formed in 1990 and aims to reach a high standard of performance ln as many aspects of English Folk Heritage as possible. The 40 members of the group are aged between 10 and 18, they come f rom all over the country, all are either youth members of the English Folk Dance & Song Society or of the Hobby Horse Club - the Society's youth section' Each year the group meets at Easter for a week of workshops and rehearsals with various guest specialists culminating in a concert at the end of the week. A number of folk festivals are then visited during the Spring and Summer this year (1998) we are performing at Chippenham Festival (again running the caravan site;, visiting Billingham lnternational for the first time, we also have a number of other invitations to festivals which are to be finalised.


We also hold a fun-raising/publicity dance each year in various parts of the country. This year it is to be held in Padiham, Lancashire on 1Oth October. Our repertoire comprises mostly traditional material, mainly collected at the beginning of this century, complemented by some modern items in keeping with thJ tradition. Social Dance, Clog, Broom and Stepping; Cotswold, Border and North-West Morris; Rapper and Longsword all feature. Music and song are also vital aspects of our programme. Members meet general expenses including the cost of their food, travel and keep.

Financial help is always welcome. We invite you to contribute general support or donations to benefit the development of the team and be included on our 'Friends of Nyfte' list. Selection for the troupe takes place in October each year - application forms are always available.


34th Billingham International Folklore Festival

ASSAFFO is a group of Dancers and Drummers from the lvory Coast in West Africa.

They each contribute traditional dances and rhythms f

rom the


erent ethnic

groups that populate this immense, equatorial country, situated between Ghana and Liberia. There are more than 60 different ethnic groups, resulting in a wonderful source of rich inspiration which is captured and presented in a unique way by Assaffo.

The group has been performing together since the late 1980's. The original artists first worked together in the lvory Coast and then were joined by others in Paris. Rose Zanlou is known internationally, since she represented her country as the lvory Coast's representative of traditional dance at an international folk festival in Japan in 1977.

The founding master drummer, Gaobi Tra is a former member of the lvorian National Ballet. He now leads the drummers in Assaffo. For the moment the group is touring in Europe.

Our Full AutumnMinter Season is now on sale. Why not pick up a current brochure when collecting your festival tickets or call our Box Office on 01642 552663 and we will gladly post you details. 34th Billingham International Folklore Festivd


THE small village of Adlington, Cheshire, in the North West of England, has enjoyed English country dancing since 1955. Started as a social activity for the local people, the club soon became popular, attracting members from a wide area. Over the years club members have given dance performances at many events in England and in Europe. ln addition to the smaller village and town festivals, they have performed at large events, like the Europeade in Antwerp and the World Folk Festival in Majorca.

ln 1993 "The Adlington Folk Dancers" team, was formed as a separate section, to enable

it's members to specialise in traditional English dances for performance. The existing club continued as a social meeting, enjoying varied country dances.

Until 1997 a special festival costume was worn for display, which included the head of a Unicorn. The Unicorn is from the crest of the manor house in Adlington. Wearing this costume the dancers performed English Country dances which originated from the 17th to the 20th century. During 1995, the BBC produced a costume drama of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice,

for television, which included many 18th century English country dances. The series became very popular, and the great house of Pemberley was based on Lyme Hall, less than 5 miles from our regular meeting place. With the interest generated by the drama, the team decided the costume of that period would be ideal for our dance displays. ln 1997 we obtained costumes based on the English Regency Period, also adding a number

of late 18th century dances to our repertoire, especially those used in the television production.

Billingham Silver Band

Waggoners Folk Dance Band

Billingham Silver Band

The Band will make its annual contribution to the festival during the Ceiliwhich will be held in the College Theatre on Saturday, gth August. Jack Keane will lead this popular

will be

making its

34th appearance at the Festival, having performed




Mr. D. V. Evans,


former, instrumentalist,

has conducted


Band for 22 years.



The Robson School of lrish Dancing (Guisborough)

The dancers travel throughout the UK and lreland, participating in

major competitions, such as 'The Great

local folk orchestra and Brian Padgett will

Britain' British Nationals and World Cham-

call the dances.


ao,n Billingham International Folklore Festival

South Durham Pipes & Drums Observant Festival sup-

porters will notice


change in the colour of

the bandsmen's kilts. The colour is Red Rose

and is a start to


planned refurbishment ol the uniform for the newly formed South

Durham Pipes Drums.


BOYESi ,1. 6

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