T E r r o r
No. 31
10 ¢
I don’t know when I lost the spirit of Halloween exactly…
…but I don’t get excited by it anymore.
Not even being constantly surrounded by reminders…
…makes any difference to me.
Why don’t I care about Halloween anymore?
i used to.
When I was a boy, my dad and I would carve a pumpkin together...
‌and decorate the house to make it scary.
Now, even the sight of a kid dressed up doesn’t get me in the spirit.
The older I got…
…the less I cared…
…about Halloween.
Today’s kids don’t put any effort into Halloween.
Halloween is a DEAD holiday!
trick ‘r’ treat.
you need to do a trick for a treat.
screw you. what?
now get ready...
f o t i r i n p e s e e ow h t ll ha
t es u a t g llit t s o o sc llav rge • o a s rd JP F ny b o W t • en Ar • d ink
for a big surprise.
Maybe this will put me back into the Halloween spirit.