Opportunities Fair 2012 Directory of stalls and activities
21 June 2012 New Bingley Hall
Welcome Welcome to the Opportunities Fair Welcome to the second Opportunities Fair to be held in Birmingham, the high point of our celebrations of Carers Week 2012. Birmingham is a vibrant and diverse city and we are proud to be able to showcase some of the many services and opportunities that are available to its citizens. We hope this event mean we reach many more citizens with disabilities, their carers (both voluntary and paid), families and friends. We listened to what people said at last year’s Opportunity Fair and we have made improvements. The Beyond Art Exhibition and the Carers Week Celebration evening are taking place as a direct result of what people said they wanted last year. We welcome your involvement and hope you have a wonderful time at today’s events!
Councillor Steve Bedser Cabinet Member Health and Wellbeing Birmingham City Council
Peter Hay Strategic Director Adults and Communities Birmingham City Council
Our thanks go to Octagon Design & Marketing Ltd, who have produced this directory at no cost to Birmingham City Council.
Thank you to our sponsors We would like to acknowledge the sponsorship from The Co-operative Group and Care First and we would encourage you to visit their stalls. This year’s Opportunities Fair is also taking place during the ‘International Year of Co-operatives’, a celebration of how co-operatives build a better world.
Main sponsor
Supporting sponsors
Using this directory All of the stalls and activities are alphabetically listed in this directory. Each entry gives a brief description of the stall or activity listed and lists contact details should you wish to contact them in the future. If you are looking for a particular stall or activity there is an A-Z index at the back of this directory that lists which page they appear on. There is also a plan on the centre pages (24-25) showing where stalls are located in the main hall.
Beyond Art Exhibition First you see the disability, then you get to know the person, and you may then see the talent. The Beyond Art Exhibition is aiming to turn this around. First you see the talent, then you get to know the person, and you may see the disability. The Beyond Art Exhibition will be exhibiting different pieces of art from community art groups, day centres, colleges, adult education and many other groups and individuals from across Birmingham. The inspiring artwork on display has been produced by people who have learning or physical disabilities, mental health difficulties, autism, visual and hearing impairments and people who are 65 and over. As this event is part of our celebration of Carers Week we are also featuring artwork produced by carers recognising the incredibly valuable work they do. Following the ethos of the Opportunities Fair, there are hands-on art sessions taking place each hour provided by different community art groups. Have a go yourself and see if art is for you! These sessions will be taking place in the ‘Have-A-Go-At-Art Room’ next door to the Beyond Art Exhibition in the Platinum Suite. We share the immense pride and achievement of the talented artists who are exhibiting here today. Together, we are aiming to approach disability in a different way – a way that allows the talent to be the first thing you see. Our plans for the future include working with schools in and around Birmingham, and looking at holding art exhibitions within schools and community centres to further promote disability awareness.
T h e Be yon d A rt Ex hibition Tea m 4
Carers Week evening celebration At 6pm the entertainment begins! This is a tremendous way for carers from across the Birmingham to get together and celebrate the diversity and harmony in our city and the magnificent contribution they make to the lives of the people they care for. There will be food from across the world and a full evening of entertainment to suit all tastes. Magicians will amaze you, as they travel around the hall performing their illusions at every table. There will also be Indian ‘Mehndi’ hand painting for everyone to enjoy, with fantastic and original designs to choose from. While all that is taking place, if you feel the need to slow the pace down, you can enjoy free holistic therapies to help you to relax and feel refreshed before rejoining the festivities. Table performances begin at 6.30 pm, followed by spectacular dance groups and entertainers from 7.30 pm onwards: • Bhangra dance group • Irish dance group • Very talented younger carers band Mother Tongue, with Sammi Mullinger on vocals • Masquerade dance group • The fabulous jazz singer Sandra Ross • Masquerade dance group • Bhangra dance group This is a celebration for all carers, the people they care for and their families. There will be entertainment for the children with traditional Punch and Judy performances and face painting. There is even a sensory play area which is supported by Mencap volunteers. Please come along and enjoy yourselves at this extraordinary celebration for Carers Week. The event is free and there is no need to book. We all look forward to seeing you tonight.
Stall holders and activities Able Access UK Ltd
Stall number or location: 65 • Phone: 0121 382 1814 • Email: Able Access UK Ltd specialise in providing home adaptations for people who have physical disabilities to help them live more independently. All installers are CRB checked. We offer free quotations and assessments. Visit our showroom or book a home visit.
Action for Children Birmingham Young Carers
Stall number or location: 24 • Phone: 0121 456 5010 • Email: • Web: Provides support and breaks for young carers aged 8 to 17 and their families.
Active Learning Support
Stall number or location: 32 • Phone: 0121 718 7050 • Email: • Web: We provide learning support to people that is designed to meet their needs. Our innovative techniques teach new skills and engage people to learn and enjoy positive activities.
Active Leisure UK
Stall number or location: 31 • Phone: 07794 565 527 • Email: • Web: Provides social activities for adults with learning disabilities.
Adullam Housing Association Stall number or location: 83
• Phone: 0121 445 8003 • Email: • Web: A provider of supported accommodation and housing related services across the midlands. The service is for anyone living with HIV and AIDS aged 18 to 65 years old.
Adults and Communities Floating Support Services (Birmingham City Council) Stall number or location: 43 • Phone: 0121 464 1301 • Email: Housing related support service for people with a learning disability.
Advocacy Matters
Stall number or location: 74 • Phone: 0121 321 2377 • Email: • Web: Independent advocacy. To ensure individuals are heard and their rights, concerns and needs are acted upon.
Stall holders and activities Age Concern Birmingham
Stall number or location: 52 • Phone: 0121 236 2197 • Email: • Web: Age Concern Birmingham is a leading local charity providing services and support for older people, carers and those in need.
Art Games
Stall number or location: Outdoor Opportunities Area • Phone: 0121 777 1488 • Email: • Web: Art Games is run by Jim Morris, a freelance art worker who helps people make things. All sorts of things - with all sorts of people, including those with learning disabilities. He has a particular interest in using puppet-making to explore themes and tackle problems in people’s lives.
Asian Women’s Textile Group
Stall number or location: 26 • Phone: 0121 554 9122 • Email: A community art and mental health well being partnership based on therapeutic embroidery and textile related crafts for Southeast Asian women.
Aspects Care Ltd
Stall number or location: 58 • Phone: 0121 554 9246 • Email: • Web: We provide support and care to people with mental health difficulties, learning disabilities, physical disabilities and dementia, to live longer in the community.
Assist Birmingham (Birmingham City Council) Stall number or location: 49
• Phone: 0121 464 4942 • Email: or Assist Birmingham offers private occupational therapy assessments to disabled people to help inform them about equipment they may want to buy themselves to be more independent. Assist Birmingham provides Tai Chi and Extend classes as well as workshops to help disabled people.
Axis Black and Minority Ethnic Carers Group (Birmingham City Council) Stall number or location: 71
• Phone: 0121 464 4133 • Email: • Web: Supporting the needs of South Asia and black and minority ethnic carers who look after people with mental health difficulties.
Stall holders and activities Bell Heath Outdoor Education Centre Stall number or location: Outdoor Opportunities Area • Phone: 01562 710 227 • Email: • Web: We provide short breaks for disabled children and their families. Outdoor activities can be provided such as climbing, archery, bikes, tricycles, high and low ropes, shelter building, camp fires and much more. Facilities can also be hired by community groups.
Beyond Art Exhibition Stall number or location: Platinum Suite, first floor The Beyond Art Exhibition features the artwork of people from across Birmingham. It allows people to look beyond someone’s disability or age and see the talent each individual has.
Birmingham and Solihull Crossroads Stall number or location: 44 and 45 • Phone: 0121 622 0571 • Email: • Web: A local charity that provides practical and emotional support for carers and the people for whom they care living within the community.
Birmingham Care Development Agency Mental Health Adults Learning and Development Team (Birmingham City Council) Stall number or location: 50 • Phone: 0121 675 1466 • Email: We provide learning and development opportunities for service users, carers, staff, people receiving direct payments and for anyone interested in knowing more about mental health and wellbeing.
Birmingham Carers Centre Stall number or location: 101 • Phone: 0121 262 3033 • Email: • Web: Birmingham Carers Centre can offer advice and information on issues affecting you as a carer. Drop in between 9.30am - 4.00pm Monday to Friday. Our address is: 98 Corporation Street, Birmingham B4 6QB
Benefits Advice Team (Birmingham City Council) Stall number or location: 23 • No direct access without referral from a social worker or a partner organisation. • Web: We provide welfare rights advice to carers and the people they support throughout Birmingham up to and including representation at tribunals. We also visit people in their own homes.
Stall holders and activities Customer Care and Citizen Involvement Team (Birmingham City Council)
Stall number or location: 84 and 85 • Phone: 0121 303 5161 • Email: • Web: If you have a comment, compliment or complaint about the council’s adults and communities services, contact the Customer Care and Citizen Involvement team.
Fairer Charging Team (Birmingham City Council)
Stall number or location: Platinum Suite, first floor • Phone: 0121 303 2156 • Email: • Web: The Fairer Charging Team are part of the Adults and Communities directorate at Birmingham City Council. We carry out financial assessments for adults who receive care from Birmingham City Council.
Joint Commissioning Team (Birmingham City Council)
Stall number or location: 21 and 22 • Phone: 07917 171 951 • Email: or • Web: We feel that it is really important to have the quality of services measured by the people that use them. If you want to help us improve services by joining our Quality Board or by becoming a lay assessor, please join us under the ‘Quality Tree’.
Joint Commissioning Team (Birmingham City Council)
Stall number or location: 34
• Phone: 0121 675 6623 • Email: • Web: We are consulting with people with learning disabilities, their carers and professionals about the Learning Disability Health Self Assessment Framework. This national consultation aims to help set country-wide standards for the care and health of people with learning disabilities.
Parks Ranger Service (Birmingham City Council) Stall number or location: Outdoor Opportunities Area • Web: The Parks Ranger Service offer a variety of opportunities for people to access and get involved in their local environment.
Trading Standards (Birmingham City Council) Stall number or location: 15 • Phone: 0121 303 9358 • Email: • Web: We offer advice and assistance on a variety of consumer issues. We also advise and take appropriate enforcement action against businesses in relation to consumer trading laws ensuring a safe, clean, green and fair trading city for residents, business and visitors.
Stall holders and activities Birmingham Community Healthcare Trust
Stall number or location: 59 • Phone: 0121 465 8650 • Web: We offer community psychology, forensic psychology, psychology for older adults with a learning disability and a trauma and abuse service. We support older adults to remain independent in their home and a part of the community.
Birmingham Institute for the Deaf Services (BID)
Stall number or location: 66 • Phone: 0121 246 6100 • Email: • Web: We support people with physical and sensory disabilities along with people who may have additional needs linked to mental health and learning disabilities. We aim to promote independent living and empower people to have more choice and control over their lives.
Birmingham Learning Disabilities Partnership Board (Birmingham City Council)
Stall number or location: 25 • Phone: 0121 675 6631 • Email: • Web: We ensure that the challenges faced by people with learning disabilities remain a high priority in Birmingham and that their rights are respected. We do this by promoting partnership working across all agencies in Birmingham ensuring choice, inclusion and independence.
Birmingham Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-community (LBGT) Stall number or location: 80 and 81 • Phone: 0121 773 0633 • Email: • Web: Our vision is a vibrant, diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans-community in Birmingham in which individuals can realise their full potential and have equal access to all the city has to offer.
Birmingham Local Involvement Network (LINk) Stall number or location: 64
• Phone: 0800 652 5278 • Email: • Web: Birmingham Local Involvement Network (LINk) is an independent body that listens to views and concerns about health and social care and works with you to bring about positive change.
Birmingham Mental Health Carers Service Stall number or location: 87
• Phone: 0121 380 4949 • Web: We offer information and advice to carers of adults with mental health needs which may include access to respite, housing and finance. We also provide supportive and social environments for peer groups, including young carers.
Stall holders and activities Birmingham Mind
Stall number or location: 73 • Phone: 0121 608 8001 • Young People Support Group phone: 0121 237 3761 • Web: We offer high quality recovery based services to adults and older adults in the Midlands. We also provide voluntary opportunities across the organisation.
Birmingham Mind ‘Community Life Connections Service’ Stall number or location: 73 • Phone Becky Nolan on: 0121 377 7407 Community Life Connections service have an exciting and varied timetable of structured activities that aid well-being, promote recovery and build confidence and self-esteem.These activities ranging from arts and crafts to providing support groups.
Birmingham Voluntary Services Council (BVSC)
Stall number or location: 64 • Phone: 0121 643 4343 • General enquiries email: • Volunteering email: • Conferences email: • Web: BVSC supports voluntary action in the city of Birmingham, providing information, advice and guidance to voluntary and community organisations. They also run Volunteer Centre Birmingham. The Centre aims to put people in contact with organisations where they can volunteer and provide advice and information to organisations on involving volunteers.
Bond Holidays
Stall number or location: 99 • Phone: 01253 341 218 • Email: • Web: We specialise in holidays for disabled people, their families and carers. We offer a choice of holidays: partying or quiet and relaxing. We can also arrange accessible transport and specialised care packages.
Care First Limited
Stall number or location: 7 • Phone: 0121 358 8150 • Web: Care First provides practical based exciting learning opportunities for adults with learning difficulties, learning disabilities, challenging behaviour, mental health difficulties and/or autistic spectrum disorder.
Carers Emergency Response service (CERs)
Stall number or location: 55 • Phone: 07837 417 763 • Email: • Web: We are a free government-funded service that provides support to carers in emergencies. CERs is available to all unpaid carers who have signed up to the service.
Carers Support team
Stall number or location: 68 • Phone: 0121 466 4314 • Email: • Web: The Carers Support team are part of the NHS. They offer advice, support and information for carers. They also have carer’s groups that we provide support to, and also produce a bi-monthly newsletter.
Stall holders and activities Carers UK Birmingham branch
Stall number or location: 33 • Phone: 0121 355 1006 • Email: • Web: Information advice and signposting for carers. Access to respite and social activities for carers.
Cerebral Palsy Midlands
Stall number or location: 1 • Phone: 0121 427 3182 • Email: • Web: We are a midlands charity that supports people with cerebral palsy and other related disabilities. We run a community centre for people to get involved in activities such as art, music, drama, education and life skills. We also run an advocacy and advice service called URconnectABLE.
Citizen Advocacy South Birmingham (CASBA)
Stall number or location: 9 • Phone: 0121 475 0777 • Email: • Web: This project offers advocacy support for parents with learning disabilities who are going through periods of crisis which directly affects their children. The aim is to empower parents to access support and services to help prevent crises escalating.
Stall number or location: 39 • Phone: 0121 303 4013 • Email: • Web: A not-for-profit financial organisation that is owned and run by its members.
Claire Hackwood Art
Stall number or location: 56 • Phone: 07971 775 182 A Christian organisation that encourages people to explore faith through art. We run creative workshops and events.
Climbing wall (supplied by Edgbaston Water Sports)
Stall number or location: Outdoor Opportunities Area The climbing wall provides fun for all ages (literally from 5 to 80!), and all abilities, providing each user with an enjoyable and challenging experience.
Commissioning Team (Birmingham City Council)
Stall number or location: 21 • Phone: 0121 303 3893 • Email: Encouraging members of the public to get involved in how adult social care services are provided.
Community Links Service (Birmingham City Council)
Stall number or location: 92 • Phone: 0121 675 5579 • Email: • Web: We provide a range of social and leisure opportunities to people with learning disabilities.
Community Options (Birmingham City Council)
Stall number or location: 89 • Phone: 0121 464 7977 • Email: We offer support to adults with learning disabilities that use our services to make choices on how to access community activities. We provide a service for our clients to access colleges, voluntary work placements, independent travel and leisure.
Stall holders and activities Connexions Birmingham (Birmingham City Council)
Stall number or location: 54 • Phone: 0121 675 6105 • Web: We provide careers information, advice and guidance to young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET), have a disability, or are vulnerable in some way. We also provide a wider careers information, advice and guidance service to some schools in Birmingham.
Disability Employment Solutions Team (Birmingham City Council)
Stall number or location: 40 • Phone: 0121 464 7737 • Email: • Web: Provides life long learning skills for working life and vocational qualifications for people with a disability.
Extra Care Charitable Trust Pannel Croft Village
Stall number or location: 77 and 78 • Phone: 0121 380 1340 • Web: w Support for people over 55. Benefit and welfare advice.
Falls Prevention Team (Birmingham City Council)
Stall number or location: 35 • Phone: 0121 675 5171 • Email: • Web: We aim to prevent falls amongst people in Birmingham over 50 years of age in Birmingham, especially those with mobility problems, visual impairment or those living alone with long-term conditions.
Forward Day Services
Stall number or location: Outdoor Opportunities Area • Phone: 08450 943 875 or 07545 787 489 • Email: • Web: Forward Day Services are an innovative and empowering service for adults with learning difficulties and complex needs. We are raising the standard of day services, developing independence through person centred planning and putting our service users first.
Four Seasons
Stall number or location: Outdoor Opportunities Area • Phone: 0121 449 8775 We offer adults with a learning disability the opportunity to learn about growing and selling plants.
Future Health and Social Care
Stall number or location: 42 • Phone: 0121 265 2650 • Email: • Web: We provide supported housing to vulnerable adults and domiciliary care for people in their own homes.
Have-A-Go-At-Art Room
Stall number or location: Platinum Suite, first floor Hands-on art sessions taking place each hour provided by different community art groups.
Headway (West Midlands)
Stall number or location: 20 • Phone: 0121 457 7541 • Email: • Web: Providing services for people with an acquired brain injury, and their families.
Stall holders and activities Health Exchange
Stall number or location: 72 • Phone: 0800 158 3535 • Email: • Web: Enabling everyone to have the capability and confidence to exercise a positive choice for positive health and well-being.
Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust
Stall number or location: 102 • Phone: 0121 424 1218 • Email: • Web: We are one of the largest NHS trusts in England. Our trust includes Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Solihull Hospital, Good Hope Hospital and Birmingham chest clinic. We also provide community health services across Solihull. We have over 1000 members.
Hereward College
Stall number or location: 82 • Phone: 02476 461 231 • Email: Education and training for young people with disabilities.
Heritage Community Organisation
Stall number or location: 27 and 28 • Phone: 07973 699 332 • Email: We provide support for older people in Sparkbrook and Sparkhill. Lunch and activities are provided for older people one day per week.
Home Care Service and Occupational Therapy/ Rehabilitation and Enablement Service (Birmingham City Council)
Stall number or location: 14 • Phone: 0121 464 8720 • Email: We help people that use services become more able through providing them with a co-ordinated service from several teams. Home Care and the Occupational Therapy service arrange action plans to help service users remain independent at home.
Home from Home Care
Stall number or location: 38 • Phone: 01749 676 724 • Email: • Web: A parent-led provider of specialist residential care and support for adults with learning disabilities and complex needs.
Johnny O’Hanlon Art Projects
Stall number or location: 4 • Phone: 07958 734 986 • Email: • Web: Artist and theatre maker with experience of working in education and community. He has worked with very young children, adults and older people and children and adults with learning difficulties.
Library Services at Home (Birmingham City Council)
Stall number or location: 94 • Phone: 0121 464 1118 • Email: • Web: A free service which delivers books and other items to people who find it hard to get out of their homes without help. Provided by Birmingham libraries, we deliver to all areas of Birmingham.
Stall holders and activities Stall no.
25 35
24 36
61 62
60 63
59 64
58 65
57 66
56 67
55 54 68 69
5 7
89 91
88 92
87 93
86 94
26 34
Cerebral Palsy Midlands............................... 1 Routes Healthcare.......................................... 2 Prospects.............................................................. 3 Johnny O’Hanlon Art Projects................. 4 SpaceKraft Ltd.................................................. 5 Person Centred Planning Team (Birmingham City Council).................................... 6 Care First Limited........................................... 7 Queen Alexandra College........................... 8 Citizen Advocacy South Birmingham (CASBA)................................. 9 Support Time and Recovery (STaR) Mental Health Resource Network ...............................................................10, 17 & 18 Sparkbrook Resource Centre.................11 Release Young Carers......................12 & 13 Home Care Service and Occupational Therapy/Rehabilitation and Enablement Service.....................................14 Trading Standards (Birmingham City Council)..................................15 Nutricia ..............................................................16 Pulp Friction......................................................19 The Co-operative Food..............................19 Headway (West Midlands).......................20 Commissioning Team (Birmingham City Council)..................................21 Joint Commissioning Team (Birmingham City Council)...................... 21 & 22 Benefits Advice Team (Birmingham City Council)..................................23 Action for Children Birmingham Young Carers....................................................24 Birmingham Learning Disabilities Partnership Board.........................................25 Asian Women’s Textile Group................26 Heritage Community Organisation ......................................................................27 & 28 Off Our Trolley Arts......................................29 Teen and Twenty Club.................................30 Active Leisure UK.........................................31 Active Learning Support...........................32 Carers UK Birmingham Branch...........33 Joint Commissioning Team (Birmingham City Council)..................................34 Falls Prevention Team (Birmingham City Council)..................................35 Tunstall Group Ltd............................36 & 37 Home from Home Care............................38 Citysave................................................................39
To Outdoor Oppo
103 102 101 100
Stall no.
Stall no.
Disability Employment Solutions Team ..................................................................................40 Our Payroll Ltd................................................41 Future Health and Social Care..............42 Adults and Communities Floating Support Services (Birmingham City Council) ..................................................................................43 Birmingham and Solihull Crossroads ......................................................................44 & 45 The Ark Centre...............................................46 The Co-operative Group...........................47 The Co-operative Travel............................48 Assist Birmingham (Birmingham City Council)..................................49 Birmingham Care Development Agency Mental Health Adults Learning
and Development Team.............................50 Care Service.....................................................51 Age Concern Birmingham.......................52 Solihull Life Opportunities.......................53 Connexions Birmingham..........................54 Carers Emergency Response service (CERs).................................................55 Claire Hackwood Art...................................56 People First Birmingham..........................57 Aspects Care Ltd...........................................58 Birmingham Community Healthcare Trust.............................................59 Options for Life...................................60 & 61 The Visual Impairment Team (Birmingham City Council)..................................62
Stall no.
9 18
10 17
11 16
12 15
13 14
23 43
22 44
21 45
20 46
19 47
53 70
52 71
51 72
50 73
49 74
48 75
77 95
76 96
ortunities Area
Stairs and lift to Platinum Suite
Main Entrance
Hereward College.........................................82 Adullam Housing Association.................83 Customer Care and Citizen Involvement team (Birmingham City Council).............84 & 85 My Care in Birmingham............................86 Birmingham Mental Health Carers Service.................................................87 Reach for the Stars.......................................88 Community Options (Birmingham City Council)..................................89 Rhythmic Connection.................................90
Reception Area
Linkage College...............................................91 Community Links service (Birmingham City Council)..................................92 Portland College ...........................................93 Library Services at Home (Birmingham City Council)..................................94 UnLtd....................................................................95
Car park
West Midland Fire Service.......................96 Mencap - Inspire Me Project...................97
99 98
Midland Mencap..............................................98 Bond Holidays..................................................99
Sanctuary Housing.....................................100 Birmingham Carers Centre.................101
Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust.........................................102 Key: OOA – Outdoor Opportunities Area PS – Platinum Suite
Trident Reach the People Charity....103 Art Games..................................................OOA Bell Heath Outdoor Education Centre ...........................................................................OOA Climbing Wall............................................OOA Forward Day Services..........................OOA
Stall no.
Stall no.
Four Seasons..............................................OOA
Woodview Community Association Ltd...............................................63
Health Exchange............................................72 Birmingham Mind..........................................73 Birmingham Mind ‘Community Life Connections Service’...................................73 Advocacy Matters..........................................74 The Co-operative Pharmacy .................75 Midlands Co-operative Society Member Relations.........................................76 Extra Care Charitable Trust Pannel Croft Village..........................77 & 78 Social Personal Development Service ..................................................................................79 Moseley Day Centre Social and Personal Development Service.............79 Birmingham Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-community (LBGT)............80 & 81
Macmillan BID Deaf Cancer Martineau Gardens................................OOA
Birmingham Local Involvement Network (LINk)..............................................64 Birmingham Voluntary Services Centre (BVSC)................................................64 Able Access UK Ltd......................................65 Birmingham Institute for the Deaf Services (BID)..................................................66 Penderels Trust................................................67 Carers Support team..................................68 Weatheroak Day Centre...........................69 Weatheroak Outreach team..................70 Axis Black and Minority Ethnic Carers Group...................................................71
Mobile Garden..........................................OOA National Express West Midlands ...........................................................................OOA Park Lane Garden Centre.................OOA Parks Ranger Service (Birmingham City Council)...........................OOA Real Life Options.....................................OOA Ring and Ride Special Needs Transport ...........................................................................OOA Beyond Art Exhibition (Birmingham City Council).................................PS Fairer Charging Team (Birmingham City Council).................................PS Have-A-Go-At-Art Room........................PS
Stall holders and activities Linkage College
Stall number or location: 91 • Phone: 01472 372 310 • Email: • Web: We provide specialist education, care and employment training to adults with learning and other disabilities. We also provide specialist support including speech and language therapy, physiotherapy, art psychotherapy, psychological and psychiatric support.
Macmillan BID Deaf Cancer Care Service
Stall number or location: 51 • Phone: 0121 246 6100 • Text phone: 0121 246 6101 • Email: Sarah is the Macmillan BID deaf cancer care co-ordinator based at BID. If you or someone you care for is deaf and has cancer you can contact Sarah for advice, information and support.
Martineau Gardens
Stall number or location: Outdoor Opportunities Area • Phone: 0121 440 7430 • Email: • Web: A community garden in Edgbaston. Opportunities include outdoor learning activities for children and adults and a volunteering programme for people with mental health difficulties and learning disabilities.
Mencap - Inspire Me Project
Stall number or location: 97 • Phone: 0121 722 5922 • Email: • Web: Inspire Me is a new project designed to provide practical activities and training to young people with learning disabilities.
Midland Mencap
Stall number or location: 98 • Phone: 0121 442 2944 • Email: • Web: We are a user-led organisation supporting the needs and rights of people with learning disabilities and their families and carers. We provide children and young people services, family and community services and housing, care and support services.
Midlands Co-operative Society Member Relations Stall number or location: 76
• Phone: 0121 233 1545 • Email: • Web: We organise activities and learning opportunities for our members including classes, member groups and outings.
Mobile Garden
Stall number or location: Outdoor Opportunities Area • Phone: 07733 983 768 • Email: The Mobile Garden is a creative, versatile solution to the problems of any gardener who has become less able, through age or infirmity, to enjoy their favoured pastime.
Stall holders and activities Moseley Day Centre Social and Personal Development Service (Birmingham City Council)
Stall number or location: 79 • Phone: 0121 303 0249 • Email: Personal and social development and support for people with learning disabilities.
My Care in Birmingham
Stall number or location: 86 • Phone: 0121 303 1234 (in an emergency out of office hours, please call 0121 675 4806) • Web: Birmingham City Council’s Adults and Communities new adult social care and information website.
National Express West Midlands (formerly known as West Midlands Travel)
Stall number or location: Outdoor Opportunities Area • Phone: 0121 254 7272 • Email: • Web: National Express West Midlands are committed to making its scheduled bus services accessible to as many people as possible and ensuring all passengers can travel safely and comfortably.
Stall number or location: 16 • Phone: 0845 250 1011 • Web: We have resources to help with diet and nutrition. We supply high quality feeds, systems and support services to patients and health care professionals.
Off Our Trolley Arts
Stall number or location: 29 • Phone: 07743 075 673 • Email: • Web: We create visual carnival art that can be worn by everybody. We believe that through creative techniques, we can engage with individuals and communities to develop skills, increase self-esteem and confidence.
Options for Life
Stall number or location: 60 and 61 • Phone: 0121 544 6611 • Email: • Web: We support people with learning disabilities in living their lives to the full, enabling them to enjoy the same rights and opportunities as non-disabled people.
Our Payroll Ltd
Stall number or location: 41 • Phone: 0845 689 1134 • Email: • Web: We assist people providing independent living to those who require personal care by taking care of their employment responsibilities.
Park Lane Garden Centre
Stall number or location: Outdoor Opportunities Area • Phone: 0121 359 2020 • Email: • Web: We are a registered charity that provide opportunities for horticultural training to people with mental health difficulties at our commercial garden centre.
Stall holders and activities Penderels Trust
Stall number or location: 67 • Phone: 0121 707 1817 • Email: • Web: Penderels Trust is one of the leading providers of advice and information services to recipients of direct payments and individual budgets. We also offer a range of complimentary services such as support planning and third party supported accounts.
People First Birmingham
Stall number or location: 57 • Phone: 0121 678 8857 • Email: • Web: Self advocacy organisation that promotes the rights of learning disabled people in Birmingham. A person-centred, user-led service that facilitates groups to gather ideas, knowledge and opinions.
Person Centred Planning Team (Birmingham City Council)
Stall number or location: 6 • Phone: 0121 303 2202 • Web: The Person Centred Planning team help people think about how they would like their life to be, create a plan, and bring people together to help them live that life.
Portland College
Stall number or location: 93 • Phone: 01623 499 186 • Web: A specialist independent residential college for people with a wide range of disabilities. Learners are encouraged to meet their goals through personalised programmes to develop independence, gain qualifications and where possible employment.
Stall number or location: 3 • Phone: 0118 950 8781 • Email: • Web: A Christian organisation that supports people with learning disabilities and helps churches to effectively include them.
Pulp Friction
Stall number or location: 19 • Web: Pulp Friction Smoothie Bar is a social enterprise employing and supporting young people with learning disabilities to run our pedal-powered smoothie bars at public events and in public places.
Queen Alexandra College
Stall number or location: 8 • Phone: 0121 428 5041 • Email: • Web: A national college for people with visual impairment and other disabilities.
Reach for the Stars
Stall number or location: 88 • Phone: 07789 271 901 • Email: • Web: Reach for the Stars organise activities for people with learning disabilities and autism in Birmingham. The aim is to encourage people to make friends, meet new people and try lots of interesting and fun activities.
Stall holders and activities Real Life Options
Stall number or location: Outdoor Opportunities Area • Phone: 07887 418 565 • Email: • Web: Our aim is to create sustainable community projects that are run by people with learning disabilities or autism. Through developing their skills, knowledge and experience, people can become more confident in making their own choices and living their own lives.
Release Young Carers
Stall number or location: 12 and 13 • Phone: 0121 354 5614 • Email: • Web: Sutton Coldfield Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA) works to inspire all children and young people to reach their full potential.
Rhythmic Connection Stall number or location: 90 • Phone: 07966 040 681 • Email: We sing, write songs, dance and play lots of musical instruments in our workshops that can be themed for particular groups and circumstances. The workshops can help develop personal, social and emotional skills which can in turn support learning through improving listening skills, concentration, creativity and confidence.
Ring and Ride Special Needs Transport Stall number or location: Outdoor Opportunities Area • Phone: 0121 327 8128 • Email: • Web: The mission of Ring and Ride is to improve the quality of life of people living in the West Midlands, who find it difficult or impossible to use conventional public transport, by providing an effective and efficient door-to-door, fully accessible bus service.
Routes Healthcare Stall number or location: 2 • Phone: 0121 616 5044 • Email: • Web: Specialist domiciliary care and nursing agency. Suppliers of permanent and temporary healthcare professionals.
Stall holders and activities Sanctuary Housing
Stall number or location: 100 • Phone: 0121 569 8820 • Email: • Web: We provide social housing and housing with support.
Social Personal Development Service (Birmingham City Council) Stall number or location: 79
• Phone: 0121 303 0249 • Email: Sexual health information and support.
Solihull Life Opportunities Stall number or location: 53
• Phone: 0121 788 3469 • Email: • Web: We provide support and care to people with mental health difficulties, learning disabilities, physical disabilities and dementia, to live longer in the community.
SpaceKraft Ltd
Stall number or location: 5 • Phone: 01274 581 007 • Email: • Web: SpaceKraft design, manufacture and install multi-sensory environments. We also offer a comprehensive range of resources which can be viewed on our website.
Sparkbrook Resource Centre (Birmingham City Council) Stall number or location: 11 • Phone: 0121 303 0752 • Email: Sparkbrook Resource Centre is part of Birmingham City Council and provides a day service for people with learning disabilities. We provide day care with meaningful activities.
Support Time and Recovery (STaR) Mental Health Resource Network Stall number or location: 10, 17 and 18 • Phone: 0121 303 3316 The STaR team works with people with Mental Health difficulties and supports a service user led group network. Our Physical Disability Community Team also support people with physical disabilities.
Teen and Twenty Club Stall number or location: 30 • Phone: 07526 101 301 • Email: A youth club for young people who have disabilities. Supports members to create a programme of activities which will build up skills and help them develop new ones, enabling them to be part of the community.
Stall holders and activities The Ark Centre
Stall number or location: 46 • Phone: 0121 708 0080 • Email: • Web: A skills and recreational centre for adults with learning disabilities, offering a range of opportunities throughout the week. The centre works with people in a personalised way, ensuring they are empowered to make individual choices, develop independence and life skills.
The Co-operative Food Stall number or location: 19
• Phone: 0800 0686 727 • Email: • Web: The home delivery from The Co-operative operates in a number of our stores. Shop as normal in-store and then we deliver it all to your door at a time to suit you.
The Co-operative Group Stall number or location: 47
• Phone: 0800 068 6727 • Web: The Co-operative Enterprise Hub supports businesses to do business the co-operative way. We offer free, professional advice and training to help your co-operative get off the ground or grow. Also find out more about Co-operative Bank Group, Legal and Motors.
The Co-operative Pharmacy Stall number or location: 75
• Phone: 0844 262 9992 • Email: • Web: We provide a great range of healthcare services in our branches, from blood pressure testing to help with stopping smoking. Our trained pharmacists can give you friendly, reliable advice and support and many of our comprehensive services are free of charge.
The Co-operative Travel Stall number or location: 48
• Phone: 0845 266 9226 • Email: • Web: We work in partnership with tour operators who are leaders in providing accessible travel. The tour operators have decades of experience in tailoring travel arrangements so we can offer you the guarantees and assurance that you need.
The Visual Impairment Team (Birmingham City Council) Stall number or location: 62
• Phone: 0121 464 9455 • Email: If you are blind or partially sighted you can get support from Birmingham City Council’s Visual Impairment Service, which has a social work team and a rehabilitation team. You do not have to be registered as blind or partially sighted to apply for these services.
Stall holders and activities Trident Reach the People Charity Stall number or location: 103
• Phone: 0121 449 3306 • Email: • Web: We are one of the leading social investment charities in the midlands, dedicated to supporting vulnerable individuals and the communities in which we are based.
Tunstall Group Ltd
Stall number or location: 36 and 37 • Phone: 01977 660 278 • Email: • Web: We deliver the Birmingham Telecare Service, a service that enables people to live in their own homes independently for longer through the use of technology.
Stall number or location: 95 • Phone: 0121 766 4570 • Email: / • Web: Reaching out to unleash the energies of people who can transform the world in which they live. We actively support social entrepreneurs with finance and one-to-one advice.
Weatheroak Day Centre (Birmingham City Council) Stall number or location: 69
• Phone: 0121 678 3750 • Email: We provide day care for older adults with mental health, dementia and depression.
Weatheroak Outreach team Stall number or location: 70 • Phone: 0121 678 3752 A service for older adults with mental health difficulties.
West Midland Fire Service Stall number or location: 96
• Phone: 0121 380 7531 • Email: or • Web: Staff from West Midlands Fire Service will be attending with a fire appliance encouraging people to have a home safety check.
Woodview Community Association Ltd Stall number or location: 63
• Phone: 0121 446 3000 • Email: • Web: We can give support on a number of issues from benefits, money and debt advice to information and guidance. We hold regular events and day trips. We also have a number of activities on offer.
A-Z index Page no. Able Access UK Ltd.................................................................................................................................. 6 Action for Children Birmingham Young Carers...................................................................... 6 Active Learning Support....................................................................................................................... 6 Active Leisure UK..................................................................................................................................... 6 Adullam Housing Association............................................................................................................. 7 Adults and Communities Floating Support Services (Birmingham City Council).......... 7 Advocacy Matters...................................................................................................................................... 7 Age Concern Birmingham................................................................................................................... 8 Ark Centre,The........................................................................................................................................36 Art Games..................................................................................................................................................... 8 Asian Women’s Textile Group............................................................................................................ 8 Aspects Care Ltd....................................................................................................................................... 8 Assist Birmingham (Birmingham City Council)................................................................................ 9 Axis Black and Minority Ethnic Carers Group......................................................................... 9 Bell Heath Outdoor Education Centre......................................................................................10 Beyond Art Exhibition (Birmingham City Council).......................................................................10 Birmingham and Solihull Crossroads..........................................................................................10 Birmingham Care Development Agency Mental Health Adults Learning and Development Team..................................................................................11 Birmingham Carers Centre..............................................................................................................11 Benefits Advice Team (Birmingham City Council).........................................................................11 Customer Care and Citizen Involvement team (Birmingham City Council)................12 Fairer Charging Team (Birmingham City Council)........................................................................12
Page no. Joint Commissioning Team (Birmingham City Council).............................................................12 Joint Commissioning Team (Birmingham City Council).............................................................13 Parks Ranger Service (Birmingham City Council).........................................................................13 Trading Standards (Birmingham City Council)................................................................................13 Birmingham Community Healthcare Trust.............................................................................14 Birmingham Institute for the Deaf Services (BID) ............................................................14 Birmingham Learning Disabilities Partnership Board.......................................................14 Birmingham Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans-community (LBGT).........................15 Birmingham Local Involvement Network (LINk)................................................................15 Birmingham Mental Health Carers Service............................................................................15 Birmingham Mind ..................................................................................................................................16 Birmingham Mind ‘Community Life Connections Service’..........................................16 Birmingham Voluntary Services Centre (BVSC)..................................................................16 Bond Holidays............................................................................................................................................17 Care First Limited...................................................................................................................................17 Carers Emergency Response service (CERs)..........................................................................17 Carers Support team............................................................................................................................17 Carers UK Birmingham Branch.....................................................................................................18 Cerebral Palsy Midlands.......................................................................................................................18 Citizen Advocacy South Birmingham (CASBA) .................................................................18 Citysave..........................................................................................................................................................18 Claire Hackwood Art.............................................................................................................................19 Climbing Wall.............................................................................................................................................19
A-Z index Page no. Commissioning Team (Birmingham City Council).........................................................................19 Community Links service (Birmingham City Council)...............................................................19 Community Options (Birmingham City Council)..........................................................................19 Connexions Birmingham....................................................................................................................20 Co-operative Food, The.......................................................................................................................36 Co-operative Group, The....................................................................................................................36 Co-operative Pharmacy, The ..........................................................................................................37 Co-operative Travel, The.....................................................................................................................37 Disability Employment Solutions Team......................................................................................20 Extra Care Charitable Trust Pannel Croft Village.................................................................20 Falls Prevention Team (Birmingham City Council)........................................................................20 Forward Day Services...........................................................................................................................21 Four Seasons...............................................................................................................................................21 Future Health and Social Care........................................................................................................21 Have-A-Go-At-Art Room...................................................................................................................21 Headway (West Midlands).................................................................................................................21 Health Exchange......................................................................................................................................22 Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust..................................................................................22 Hereward College...................................................................................................................................22 Heritage Community Organisation.............................................................................................22 Home Care Service and Occupational Therapy/Rehabilitation and Enablement Service......................................................................................................................23 Home from Home Care......................................................................................................................23
Page no. Johnny O’Hanlon Art Projects.........................................................................................................23 Library Services at Home (Birmingham City Council)...............................................................23 Linkage College.........................................................................................................................................26 Macmillan BID Deaf Cancer Care Service...............................................................................26 Martineau Gardens.................................................................................................................................26 Mencap - Inspire Me Project.............................................................................................................26 Midland Mencap........................................................................................................................................27 Midlands Co-operative Society Member Relations.............................................................27 Mobile Garden...........................................................................................................................................27 Moseley Day Centre Social and Personal Development Service................................28 My Care in Birmingham......................................................................................................................28 National Express West Midlands....................................................................................................28 Nutricia ........................................................................................................................................................28 Off Our Trolley Arts................................................................................................................................29 Options for Life.........................................................................................................................................29 Our Payroll Ltd..........................................................................................................................................29 Park Lane Garden Centre..................................................................................................................29 Penderels Trust..........................................................................................................................................30 People First Birmingham....................................................................................................................30 Person Centred Planning Team (Birmingham City Council)...................................................30 Portland College.......................................................................................................................................30 Prospects......................................................................................................................................................31 Pulp Friction................................................................................................................................................31
A-Z index Page no. Queen Alexandra College...................................................................................................................31 Reach for the Stars.................................................................................................................................31 Real Life Options......................................................................................................................................32 Release Young Carers............................................................................................................................32 Rhythmic Connection...........................................................................................................................33 Ring and Ride Special Needs Transport......................................................................................33 Routes Healthcare..................................................................................................................................33 Sanctuary Housing..................................................................................................................................34 Social Personal Development Service.........................................................................................34 Solihull Life Opportunities.................................................................................................................34 SpaceKraft Ltd..........................................................................................................................................34 Sparkbrook Resource Centre...........................................................................................................35 Support Time and Recovery (STaR) Mental Health Resource Network................35 Teen and Twenty Club...........................................................................................................................35 Trident Reach the People Charity.................................................................................................38 Tunstall Group Ltd..................................................................................................................................38 UnLtd..............................................................................................................................................................38 Visual Impairment Team,The (Birmingham City Council).......................................................37 Weatheroak Day Centre.....................................................................................................................38 Weatheroak Outreach team............................................................................................................39 West Midland Fire Service.................................................................................................................39 Woodview Community Association Ltd....................................................................................39
Every possible care has been taken to ensure that the information given in this publication is accurate. Whilst the publisher would be grateful to learn of any errors, they cannot accept any liability over and above the cost of the advertisement for loss there by caused. No reproduction by any method whatsoever of any part of this publication is permitted without written consent of the copyright owners. Octagon Design & Marketing Ltd. Š2012 Britannic Chambers, 8a Carlton Road, Worksop, Notts. S80 1PH Tel: 01909 478822
Birmingham City Council has not vetted the advertisers in this publication and accepts no liability for work done or goods supplied by any advertiser. Nor does Birmingham City Council endorse any of the products or services.
0121 609 7200 or 01902 482537
The service provides support for adult and young carers (aged 4 – 17 years old). Routes Healthcare offer the highest standards of care to everyone that we come into contact with, whether fellow employees, customers or service users. We offer a full and flexible care and support service in our client’s own home helping them with personal care and practical support to enable them to live at home in their own community with as much independence as possible and maintain their lifestyle. We personalise, review and manage client needs regularly making sure that our support is a success and person centred, exceeding expectations. All of our staff are very carefully vetted and selected and receive ongoing training and support. We offer everything from befriending or light housekeeping duties to a full Personal Care Package. The cost of our service is dependent upon the care package that you receive, some of which may be funded through individual budgets. If you believe that you have the skills and personality to be a Routes Healthcare carer or if you believe that we can help you or your loved ones please do not hesitate to contact us on either of the numbers above.
Information for clients, relatives, carers, referrers and professionals
•Information •One to One Support •Peer Support Groups For carers of people with mental health needs in Birmingham. Birmingham Mental Health Carer Support Service Unit 3, Holt Court North, Heneage Street West, Birmingham Science Park, Aston, Birmingham, B7 4AX. Tel: 0121 380 4949
Enabling, Supporting and Achieving Options for Life is a charity that supports people with learning disabilities in living their lives to the full, with over twenty years of experience in providing opportunities for development, work experience, leisure & support for our service users.
Day Opportunities
offer community based day activities for adults with learning disabilities.
Activities run from Monday to Friday and include:• Sports • Gardening • Local trips • Keep fit • Cookery • Pottery • Art •R oshni – specifically for Asian Women •M aking Tracks – for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities and complex needs.
Stepping Stones
provides relevant and meaningful day opportunities for adults with varying levels of learning
disabilities. Our service users are key to our success as each day opportunity is a ‘social business’ run as a company by the service users with its own profit and loss statement. Catering By running our Stepping Stones Cafés, our service users learn about every aspect of catering and healthy eating. Using fresh ingredients three course meals are prepared for customers from the local community. The cafés offer a real ‘hands on’ work experience. Everyone is involved in the set-up, menu preparation, facility preparation, cooking, taking orders, serving and cleaning up. Creative Arts & Life Skills These sessions offer service users the opportunity to let their creative juices flow. Activities include:• Painting • Drawing • Clay modelling • Card making • Jewellery making • Digital photography
• Music • Drama • Money management There are opportunities for service users to exhibit their artwork in local gallery spaces and craft fayres.
Oak Green Services is a Social Business that provides a range of gardening, landscaping and maintenance services to a broad range of customers. Our dedicated team of workers is made up from a group of adults with learning disabilities. Each team undertakes projects under the careful supervision of a qualified and trained co-ordinator.
HydroZone offers a unique experience for hire by groups and individuals. There is ample space for up to six people in our hydro-therapy pool that boasts a ceiling-track hoist that will take an adult directly from the changing area to the centre of the pool.
To find out about any of Options for Life Services and facilities please call 0121 544 6611 or visit our website Options for Life, Oak Green Lodge, Oak Green Way, Oldbury, West Midlands, B68 8LR
Thank you for coming today! If you would like to attend, exhibit at or sponsor next year’s event please phone Viv Eden on 0121 303 7225 or email her:
Birmingham City Council does not in any way recommend or endorse any of the organisations listed in this directory other than services directly delivered by the council.
Designed & Compiled by Octagon Design & Marketing Ltd., Britannic Chambers, 8a Carlton Road, Worksop, Notts. S80 1PH Tel: 01909 478822