A Guide to Residential and Nursing Care for older people June 2012 | 19th Edition
Laura K. Higginbottom
ng r ni be pe m O pte 12 0 Se 2
We aren’t a faceless corporation, we are a family. That’s why our company motto is “Our Family, Caring for Your Family...” Managing Director
Waterside Grange Waterside Park, Redwall Close off Rotherham Road, Dinnington, Sheffield S25 3QA
Tel: 0845 366 5434 Email: info@horizoncare.org Web: www.horizoncare.org
Waterside Grange is a new, purpose built home specifically designed for people living with dementia and for individuals who may or may not require nursing care. Our standards of care are second to none, and we employ highly trained staff who provide 24 hour support to our residents. Each resident is cared for in accordance with their individual care plan under the supervision of our home manager. We take great pride in delivering quality, person centred care. The home is split into luxurious suites of ten and each bedroom has en-suite facilities with a WC, shower and hand basin. All rooms have
nurse call together with a flat screen TV and DVD player as well as wireless internet access. The home also boasts a lovely sensory garden to the rear and fantastic views over Anston Brook and wildlife areas off the Old Mineral Line Trail.
When you are looking for a care home, for yourself or for someone else, it’s very important that you feel happy with your decision. We believe that our company offers something different;
“Our Family, Caring for Your Family...”
Contents A Guide to Residential and Nursing Care June 2012 Contents Who is this booklet for?
What this book will tell you?
How can I get help?
What is a care home?
Nursing and residential care homes – what is the difference?
Which type of care home is best for me?
How much will I have to pay?
How can I get help with the cost of my residential or nursing care?
How do you organise respite?
Paying for your own residential or nursing care
Deciding which care home to go into
How are the care homes rated?
Residential and Nursing Care Homes in Rotherham
What should I do if I have a problem/complaint or want to pay a compliment?
What should I do if I have concerns about adult abuse?
Whilst every care has been taken to make sure the information in this publication is up to date it is not intended to be a complete and authoritative statement of the Law on the issues covered. The publishers and the promoters cannot accept responsibility for any loss arising from the use of information contained in this publication. Designed and published by Octagon Marketing Company Ltd, 01909 478822
Whilst we have taken every care in compiling this booklet, the publishers and promoters cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies. The inclusion of any advertisement in no way endorses the services or products sold.
Who is this booklet for? The information in this booklet will help you if you:
• Need a short break in a residential or nursing care home
• Are thinking of moving into a residential or nursing care home
• Are looking for a residential or nursing care home for a relative or friend
What will this booklet tell you? The information in this booklet will tell you: • Who you should contact if you need help and advice about residential and nursing care • What a care home is • What residential care is • What nursing care is • How you can pay for your care and what support with money is available • How you can organise respite in a residential or nursing home • Some things that you may like to consider when you are thinking about moving into a residential or nursing care home • Some things that you may wish to think about when you have decided to move into a residential or nursing care home
• About the residential and nursing care homes in Rotherham which the Council has contracts with; how you can contact them and what types of care they can offer.
How can I get help? We can help you if you are thinking about residential and nursing care or you think that you may need other care and support services. If you think that you need our help then you can ask for advice and a care assessment by contacting Rothercare Direct. Telephone 01709 822330 Email: rothercaredirect@rotherham.gov.uk A care assessment is when a Social Worker or Social Services Officer talks to you, and your family and friends if you wish, about the kind of help that you
may need and what help and support we may be able to give you. If you choose to arrange and pay for your own residential or nursing care you can still contact Rothercare Direct and ask for a care assessment and we will help and support you to find a care home which meets your needs. Social care is not free for everyone. We give help and support to the people who are most at risk using guidelines set by the government called "Fair Access to Care Services" (FACS). We will offer you a care assessment regardless of whether or not you are able to pay for your own care.
What is a care home? There are two main types of care homes: • Residential care homes which do not provide nursing care • Nursing care homes which provide nursing care A care home is what we call a home that offers accommodation and personal care. Care homes can offer different types of care, such as residential care or nursing care. There are also some care homes which provide specialist care for people
who require extra support, often due to dementia or other mental health. Care homes are owned and run by local authorities, private companies and charities. When we talk about care homes in this book, we are talking about care homes which have been inspected and registered.
Nursing and residential care homes what is the difference? A residential care home is a care home of any size, which offers accommodation, meals and personal care. Residential homes offer care and support throughout the day and night. Staff in a residential care home can help you with washing, dressing, at meal times and going to the toilet. In a residential care home you will be cared for by suitably qualified or experienced staff.
A nursing care home is similar to a residential care home and will also offer accommodation, meals and personal care. The difference between a nursing care home and a residential care home is that a nursing care home also offers 24-hour care by a qualified nurse. Some care homes can offer both residential care and nursing care.
Which type of home is best for me? It is important to choose the right type of care home. It is vital that the care home that you choose can offer you the level of support that you need. If you ask us for advice or an assessment we will talk to you, your carers and your family and friends, about what level of support you need
and what type of care home we think would best meet your needs. We may also involve NHS Rotherham if we think that you may need support with health needs.
How much will I have to pay? You will always need to pay something towards the cost of your residential or nursing care. The amount you will have to pay is worked out using a national set of rules. We will pay the difference between your contribution and the fee for your place in the home, so long as the home doesn’t charge more than we expect to pay. As financial arrangements are complicated and can change, it is difficult to tell you what the cost of your care will be. In Rotherham, the Council decides a price which we think it is reasonable to pay for residential or nursing care. We decide a separate price for residential care, nursing care and dementia care.
You will still need to contribute towards the residential or nursing care costs. Some residential or nursing care homes charge a price which is more than the price which the Council has decided is reasonable to pay for residential or nursing care. If you decide to go into a residential or nursing care home where this is the case then a friend, relative or other person may have to pay the extra amount to meet the price which the care home charges. This is often called a Third Party Contribution or a top up fee. You cannot pay this amount from your own income.
A guide to the prices from April 2012 for care in Rotherham is below: Residential Care
£381 per week
Nursing Care
£397 per week
Residential Care for dementia or other mental health £428 per week Nursing Care for dementia or other mental health £492 per week If you are assessed as needing nursing care then NHS Rotherham will pay for the nursing care costs only.
How can I get help with the cost of my residential or nursing care? The Council can only provide help with the cost of your residential or nursing care if you cannot afford to pay the full cost of your care. If you want us to help to fund your residential or nursing care you will need to have a care assessment. We will only fund your care if we agree after your care assessment that you need residential or nursing care. After your care assessment we will ask you to complete a financial assessment where we will ask you questions about your income, state benefits and savings. We will use this information to decide how much you will need to pay towards the cost of your residential or nursing care. If you have more than £23,250 in savings or investments then you will not be able to receive financial help with your care costs from the Council and you will have to pay for your own residential or nursing care. The value of your former home is included as part of your financial assessment.
It should be disregarded if your spouse or partner lives there, or another relative lives there who is either over 60 years of age or receiving a disability benefit. Your home is also ignored if you enter a care home for a temporary stay. If your property is taken into account, you will usually have more than the limit for getting local authority assistance. The local authority may still assist you under a ‘deferred payment agreement’. The authority pays towards your care on a loan basis and this money will need to be repaid when the property is later sold. There are special rules for the valuation of jointly owned property. In some cases even if your interest in a property is not disregarded, it may be treated as having a low value and so not affect the funding that you qualify for. You will always be left with a weekly amount for your own use called a Personal Allowance. At April 2011 it is £22.60.
How do you organise respite? Organising a break for you, your carers and your family and friends can done direct with a residential or nursing home (subject to availability of beds) if you are funding your care yourself (ie self funder). It can be for any period of time from a couple of days to a couple of weeks.
help with your care needs and also how best your care needs can be met. This assessment will be carried out in your own home. You will also need to have a financial assessment so we can work out how much you can afford to pay towards the cost of your care.
Respite is not provided at all homes in If you want the Council to help to meet Rotherham, however if you find a care the costs of your residential or nursing home you like you are able to book respite break you will need to have a a number of respite stays if beds are social work assessment. This assessment available and alternatively use the respite will enable us to find out if you qualify for for a one-off stay.
Paying for your own residential or nursing care Even if you plan to pay for your own residential or nursing care or think that you may not be able to receive financial help from us, you can still ask us for advice and a care assessment. If you choose to have a care assessment it will help you to decide what kind of care will best meet your needs. We may be able to tell you about other ways of meeting your needs as well as residential and nursing care. If you have a care assessment we may be able to help you quicker if your
savings or investments drop below ÂŁ23,250 and you are able to get help from the Council with the cost of your residential or nursing care. If you have a care assessment we will also be able to provide you with advice and guidance and help you to deal with any concerns you might have about your residential and nursing care. We can also arrange for you to have a welfare benefits check with the Pensions Service to make sure you are receiving the full benefits you are entitled to.
Deciding which care home Choosing a care home is important as it may become your home. Only you can decide which home you’ll like. You should find out as much as possible about a care home as this well help you make the right choice of care home for you. You may wish to think about some of the following questions when you are deciding which care home you like.
Location and building
Day-to-day life • Are you allowed to make choices about your daily routine? • Will you be able to rise and go to bed when you choose? • Can you choose which clothes to wear each day? • Are there any restrictions on visiting times or numbers of visitors? • Where can you spend time with your visitors?
• Where is the home?
• Is the home right for your cultural and religious needs?
• Will visitors be able to get there easily?
• Can the home meet your dietary needs?
• Are there transport links near by?
• Is there a choice of food‚ and when and where it can be eaten?
• Are facilities such as shops‚ pubs‚ parks and places of worship within easy reach? • Will it be easy for you to enter and leave the building‚ and move between rooms and floors? • Can residents have personal possessions in their rooms such as pictures, plants and furniture?
Deciding which care home Continued
Your care needs
What are the home’s fees?
• Is the home registered to provide the level of care I need?
• Is it clear how the fees are structured and calculated?
• Do the other residents seem to have a similar level of need to me?
• How are fees collected?
• What will happen if my needs change or increase?
• Is a top-up fee required for localauthority assisted residents?
• Can I choose how often I have a bath or shower?
• Are extra items not covered by the basic fees clearly identified and accounted for?
• Are toilets available in all parts of the home?
• What arrangements are there for handling your personal money?
• How many staff are employed per resident?
• How will your valuables be kept secure?
• How are they trained?
You should visit the home with your family or friends if possible. Most care home owners would prefer people to visit before they decide and you can visit more than one home before making your choice.
• Is there a manager on duty at all times?
Contracts and fees • Can I see a copy of the home’s brochure? • Can I see copies of recent inspection reports? • Can I see a copy of the home’s contract/written conditions?
When you visit a care home you may want to ask the manager of the care home or the care home staff some of the questions above.
How are the care homes rated? All care homes in the United Kingdom have to be registered with the national regulatory body which is the Care Quality Commission. The registration system requires care homes to meet essential standards of quality and safety that centre on the outcomes of care for people who use services. A new law governing the way Care Quality Commission regulate health and adult social care in England came into force on 1 October 2010.
CQC National Correspondence PO Box 1258 Newcastle upon Tyne NE99 5AU Telephone: 03000 616161 Email: enquiries@cqc.org.uk www.cqc.org.uk You can also ask the care home for a copy of their inspection report when or if you choose to visit the home.
As a result of this change in legislation, they have are moved from periodic assessments and quality (or ‘star’) ratings to a system of continuous monitoring of compliance with the essential standards. In April 2012, a new excellence award scheme was launched for adult social care services in England. Care Quality Commission (CQC) have been working with the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) and other sector representatives, including people who use services, on developing new ways of providing information on the quality of services. Great emphasis is been placed on involving people who use services, their carers and their families. Care Quality Commission have a directory of care services on their website www.cqc.org.uk and they will be adding more features to the directory. 13
How are the care homes rated? Continued
Rotherham Borough Council, in partnership with Age Concern and volunteer Customer Inspectors introduced an assessment scheme over 4 years ago, called 'Home from Home' which sat alongside the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) previous inspection regime. This scheme gives you information about each home to help you make an informed choice. There are currently 37 Residential and Nursing Care Homes across Rotherham to make your choice from. The Council led assessment looks at the below six areas similar to those looked at by CQC
• Involvement and Information • Personalised care, treatment and support • Safeguarding and Safety • Suitability of staffing • Quality and management • Suitability of management Care Homes can be given a rating of Below Standards, Bronze, Silver or Gold. A rating of Bronze demonstrates compliance with the Council’s residential/nursing home contract; a Silver or Gold rating is awarded to homes which have evidenced practices and care standards over and above those required. An action plan is agreed with the home to be completed as a minimum to evidence continual improvement. For the most up-to-date copy of the 'Home from Home' reports giving the individual ratings for each home visit the Council's website www.rotherham.gov.uk and enter Home from Home in the key word search engine.
Residential and Nursing Care Homes in Rotherham Name and Address
The Abbeys Care Home High Street, Rawmarsh, Rotherham S62 6LT
(01709) 719717
www.mimosahealthcare. com
Ackroyd Clinic 183 Moorgate Road, Rotherham S60 3AX
(01709) 364422
Alexandra Care Home Doncaster Road, Thrybergh Rotherham S65 4AD
(01709) 850844
www.orchidcarehomes. co.uk
Athorpe Lodge off Falcon Way, Dinnington, Sheffield S25 2NY
(01909) 568307
www.exemplarhomes. com
The Beeches Residential Care Home Carr Road, Wath-UponDearne, Rotherham S63 7AA
(01709) 761803
www.methodisthomes. org.uk
Broadacres Care Home Naylor Street, Parkgate, Rotherham S62 6BP
(01709) 526455
Broom Lane Care Home 174 Broom Lane Rotherham S60 3NW
(01709) 541333
Byron Lodge Care Home Dryden Road, West Melton, Rotherham S63 6EN
(01709) 761280
www.mimosa healthcare.co.uk
Cambron House 3 Flanderwell Lane, Bramley, Rotherham S66 3QL
(01709) 543197
Cherry Trees Simmonite Road, Kimberworth Rotherham S61 3EQ
(01709) 550025
www.exemplarhomes. com
KEY = RES: Residential NUR: Nursing RES DEM: Residential for Dementia NUR DEM: Nursing for Dementia
Residential and Nursing Care Homes in Rotherham Name and Address
Clifton Meadows Badsley Moor Lane, Rotherham S65 2BA
(01709) 838639
Davies Court Coronation Avenue, Dinnington, Sheffield S25 2AB
(01709) 334442
Eastwood House Doncaster Road Rotherham S65 2BL
(01709) 363093
www.nightingales. co.uk
Egerton House 113 Hill Top Lane Kimberworth Rotherham S61 2ER
(01709) 559643
Emyvale House 29 Brampton Road, West Melton, Rotherham S63 5AR
(01709) 874910
Greasbrough Residential and Nursing Home Potters Hill, Greasbrough Rotherham S61 4NU
(01709) 554644
Ladyfield House Peck Mill View, Ladyfield Road Kiveton Park, Sheffield S26 6UY
(01909) 771571
www.orchardcarehomes. com
Laureate Court Wellgate, Rotherham S60 2NX
(01709) 838278
www.orchardcarehomes. com
KEY = RES: Residential NUR: Nursing RES DEM: Residential for Dementia NUR DEM: Nursing for Dementia
Residential and Nursing Care Homes in Rotherham Name and Address
Layden Court Care Home All Hallows Drive Maltby, Rotherham S66 8NL
(01709) 812808
Lord Hardy Court Green Rise, Rawmarsh, Rotherham S62 7DH
(01709) 336192
Meadow View Care Home Randerson Drive Highthorne, Kilnhurst Rotherham S64 5UW
(01709) 586603
Melton Court Care Centre 62 Blyth Road, Maltby Rotherham S66 7LF
(01709) 812464
Moorgate Croft Care Home Nightingale Close, Moorgate Rotherham S60 2AB
(01709) 838531
www.parklanehealthcare. co.uk
Moorgate Hollow Residential (01709) EMI Home 838531 Nightingale Close, Moorgate Rotherham S60 2AB
www.parklanehealthcare. co.uk
Moorgate Lodge Nursing Home Nightingale Close, Moorgate Rotherham S60 2AB
(01709) 789790
www.parklanehealthcare. co.uk
Queens Care Centre Millard Lane, Maltby Rotherham S66 7NA
(01709) 818181
www.queenshealthcare. co.uk
Rotherwood Residential Home Doncaster Road, Rotherham S65 2DA
(01709) 820025
KEY = RES: Residential NUR: Nursing RES DEM: Residential for Dementia NUR DEM: Nursing for Dementia
Residential and Nursing Care Homes in Rotherham Name and Address
Sandygate Residential Home Sandygate, Wath-UponDearne, Rotherham S63 7LU
(01709) 877463
Silverwood Care Centre Flanderwell Lane, Sunnyside Rotherham S66 3QT
(01709) 532022
Swallownest Care Home (0114) Chesterfield Road, 254 Swallownest, Sheffield S26 4TL 0608
Swinton Grange, 48 Station Street, Swinton, Mexborough S64 8LU
(01709) 590911
Swinton Lodge Wortley Avenue, Swinton Mexborough S64 8PT
(01709) 586704
Treeton Grange Care Home Wood Lane, Treeton Rotherham S60 5QS
(0114) 269 2826
Wentworth Hall Church Drive, Wentworth Rotherham S62 7TW
(01226) 748618
West Melton Lodge Care Home, 2 Brampton Road, West Melton, Rotherham S63 6AW
(01709) 879932
Whiston Hall, Chaff Lane, (01709) Whiston, Rotherham S60 4HE 367337
Woodlands Care Home (01909) Woodsetts Road, North Anston, 566226 Sheffield S25 4EQ
www.carehome woodlands.com
Please check with CQC for the rating at the time you are making your choice.
What should I do if I have a problem/complaint or want to pay a compliment? If you have a problem or complaint about a care home you should try to resolve it by speaking to a member of staff at the care home first. You can also speak to the person in charge of running the home who will usually be called the manager. The care home will have a complaints procedure which you can use to make a complaint if you need to. If you make a complaint about the care home this should not affect the attitude of staff at the care home towards you. If you have a concern or complaint about a care home and prefer to tell someone confidentially you can tell the Care Quality Commission who will deal with your complaint. CQC National Correspondence PO Box 1258 Newcastle upon Tyne NE99 5AU Telephone: 03000 616161 Email: enquiries@cqc.org.uk www.cqc.org.uk
You can do this by contacting the Complaints Team: Telephone: (01709) 822261 Text to tell in confidence: 07554 436538 Email: complaints@rotherham.gov.uk Complaints Team Freepost No RH10, Neighbourhoods & Adults Services Riverside House, Main Street, Rotherham, S601AE Are your details correct? Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council make every effort to ensure that the information which we provide about registered care homes is correct. If you would like to update, amend or add to your listing please contact the Service Quality Team in Neighbourhoods and Adult Services, Tel: (01709) 822670.
You can also tell the Council your views by making a complaint, compliment, comment or suggestion about the care home or the help which you have received from us.
New support route opening soon People who need social care support and their carers will soon have a new route open to them to access the help they need. From this Autumn, people in Rotherham will be able to go online and “Connect to Support”.
providers before buying. It will also include information on free and low cost community based services and activities across Rotherham.
The new Connect to Support Rotherham website will be another way to find out what’s available and for providers to tell the public about what they can offer.
More information will be available when the website launches but as the project is being rolled out across South Yorkshire you can get a taste of what will be available on the Doncaster version of the site which has just launched at www.connecttosupport. org/doncaster
The website will be easy to use, with simple icons to help you find what you’re looking for so you can search for support services and products in Connect to Support’s online stores – and chat with store
Providers wanting more information on how to promote their services through Connect to Support can contact rotherham@shop4support.com or call 01942 614088
Whilst every care has been taken to make sure the information in this publication is up to date it is not intended to be a complete and authoritative statement of the Law on the issues covered. The publishers and the promoters cannot accept responsibility for any loss arising from the use of information contained in this publication. Designed and published by Octagon Marketing Company Ltd, 01909 478822
West Melton Lodge
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Quality care for older people with residential or dementia care needs Visit: www.carehomewoodlands.com Email: info@carehomewoodlands.com Located on Woodsetts Road North Anston, Woodlands care home provides high quality residential and dementia care for older people. The aim of the care home is to provide each resident with care and support in a comfortable environment with a calm, relaxed atmosphere. Staff at the home have been selected for their positive and sensitive attitude.
• Warm & friendly welcome • En-suite rooms available • Comprehensive social and activity programme
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www.rotherhamfunerals.co.uk Caring for those we serve with dignity, care & respect Whilst every care has been taken to make sure the information in this publication is up to date it is not intended to be a complete and authoritative statement of the Law on the issues covered. The publishers and the promoters cannot accept responsibility for any loss arising from the use of information contained in this publication.
Designed and published by Octagon Marketing Company Ltd, 01909 478822
CROSS ROADS CARE FOR PEOPLE NOT PROFIT More people turn to us than any other Social Care Provider We offer high quality personalised services for all ages, disabilities and conditions. We can help with: • Practical Daily Living Support • Maintaining Independence • Social Outings • Companionship • Specialist Dementia Service Delivered in your own home by highly trained staff at a time to suit you For further information call:
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Moorgate Care Village consists of three beautifully presented, purpose built homes offering varying levels of care to accommodate the active elderly, the more frail and those suffering from memory loss or related illnesses. Located just a stone’s throw from Rotherham town centre and very close to Rotherham A & E Hospital, Moorgate Care Village offers the very best care for the elderly and infirm in luxurious surroundings. • 24 hour care and support • Regular activities and entertainment • Single en-suite rooms available • Superb outdoor spaces to enjoy • First class cuisine We offer an open house policy, which means you are assured of a warm welcome at any time. For more information please call
01709 838531
Sandygate Residential Care Home Opened in 2000 and acquired by MHA May 2011, Sandygate is a purpose-built home offering personal care and accommodation for 54 older people. Sandygate is situated within its own grounds in the small town of Wath-upon-Dearne just outside Rotherham. Today the town is known for the Wath Festival of folk music and the famed throwing of buns from the church tower. There are community amenities close by including local shops, a library and post office. The home is built over two floors offering residential and dementia care. All rooms come complete with high quality furnishings with modern en suite facilities, TV and telephone points. Outside there is a safe enclosed garden on the lower floor and a sun terrace on the upper floor. Above all, MHA has developed a strong “person-centred” approach which focuses on the person. The activities programme at Sandygate is tailored specifically to each individual. Members of staff develop a programme of activities and care that takes account of each resident’s personality, abilities, interests and preferences. It helps people to feel valued for who they are now as well as for who they were in the past. Sandygate, Wath-upon-Dearne, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S63 7PN
Tel: 01709 877463
The Beeches Residential Care Home
The Beeches was built in 2004 and acquired by MHA in May 2011. The Home provides residential and dementia care for 44 older people. The Beeches is situated within its own grounds in the small town of Wath-upon-Dearne just outside Rotherham. The town dates back to Norman times, having an entry in the Domesday Book and was described as “the Queen of villages” by poet James Montgomery in the 19th century. The location ensures both quiet surroundings and a relaxed pace of life. There are community amenities close by including shops, a library and post office. The home is built over two floors and designed to accommodate small group living, each area with its own lounge and dining room. All rooms come complete with high quality furnishings with modern en suite facilities, TV and telephone points. Residents enjoy a small, enclosed garden with a patio area. Above all, MHA has developed a strong “person-centred” approach which focuses on the person. The activities programme at The Beeches is tailored specifically to each individual. Members of staff develop a programme of activities and care that takes account of each resident’s personality, abilities, interests and preferences. It helps people to feel valued for who they are now as well as for who they were in the past. The Beeches, Wath-upon-Dearne, Rotherham, South Yorkshire S63 7AA
Tel: 01709 761803
We pride ourselves on providing the highest quality care for the elderly in a warm, relaxed and friendly environment 28
Hallamshire Care Home is a stylish, warm and tastefully converted Victorian building registered to offer residential and EMI care for up to 32 residents. We specialise in high quality dementia care, providing long and short term accommodation with first rate facilities, in beautiful and comfortable surroundings. At Hallamshire, we offer residents a varied and stimulating programme of entertaining activities. Besides the weekly activities plan, there is a collection of books, DVD players, large flat-screen televisions, high quality sound systems and newspapers delivered daily. Nearly all of our bedrooms are single-occupancy and most boast the following features: ❚ En-suite with toilet, hand basin & bath/ shower ❚ Bright, spacious and attractively furnished ❚ Cleaned daily ❚ Outdoor trips ❚ Digital television point ❚ Telephone point ❚ Fitted locks ❚ High-tech nurse call system
Tel: 0114 266 9669 Hallamshire Residential Home, 3 Broomhall Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S10 2DN
info@hallamshirecare.co.uk • www.hallamshirecare.co.uk
Nightingale Care Home is a purpose built care home that offers quality care for elderly and EMI residents. Nightingale can accommodate 40 residents and boasts a range of 38 bedrooms, ally fully equipped and the majority have en-suite facilities. ❚ En-suite ❚ Communal areas ❚ Large dining room ❚ Quiet lounge ❚ Assisted and unassisted bathrooms ❚ Large passenger lift ❚ Laundry room ❚ Beautiful landscaped gardens
Tel: 0114 257 1281 Nightingale EMI Residential Care Home, Nether Lane, Ecclesfield, Sheffield S35 9ZX
www.nightingalecarehome.com 29
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