Care home directory and guide

Page 1

Care home directory and guide January 2012


Vicarage Court Care Home Care, Comfort & Companionship

A premier care home providing the finest care for elderly residents and EMI. Front view

• Established 30 years. • Highest Rating - “EXCELLENT” by Care Quality Commission. • Care Manager with 25 years experience who lives on site 24 hours a day. • Purpose built home with beautiful large 2 acre garden, set in beautiful English countryside. • Majority of staff have worked here for 10 years+. All staff are NVQ trained. • New wing open with 9 luxury lounges, 11 selfcontained apartments, 40 luxury bedrooms, spa bath and state-of-the-art facilities. • 5 star hygiene rating by WMDC.

• Flat screen HD TVs and portable computers in all rooms with free wi-fi access. • Families welcome 24 hours a day. • Activities everyday for residents. Regular parties and entertainers. • Quality food from a chef with 15 years experience. All diets catered for. • Physiotherapy, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Reiki & Massage available onsite. • A warm, homely, caring yet fun atmosphere to enjoy. • Regular visits by GP, district nurses, dentist, opticians, etc. • Day Care available from 8am - 10pm everyday.

For more information & testimonials, please visit our website: Contact Care Manager Jean Chilton on 01977 708368 or email:

Rear garden


Elegant & Informal Residential Care

Walton Manor Ltd. 187 Shay Lane, Walton, Wakefield WF2 6NW

Tel: 01924 249777

Highest Government inspection rated “Excellent” in Care and Provision



....................................................................................................................................Page Introduction..................................................................................................................5 Helping you to stay independent...................................................................................6 Self Directed Support....................................................................................................8 What is a Care Home?..................................................................................................8 How do I know which care home to choose?................................................................8 How do I get an assessment of my care needs?...........................................................8 Once I have been assessed as needing residential care, how much do I have to pay?..........................................................................................................10 Can someone help me to choose?................................................................................10 Who monitors the care I receive?.................................................................................10 What if I have a complaint?..........................................................................................11 Checklist for choosing a Care Home.............................................................................12


List of Care Homes.......................................................................................................13


To advertise in this publication please call the sales team on 01909 478822 Britannic Chambers, 8A Carlton Road, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S80 1PH 01909 478822 | |

While we have taken every care in compiling this booklet, the publishers and promoters cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of any advertisement in no way endorses the services or products sold. Every possible care has been taken to ensure that the information given in this publication is accurate. Whilst the publisher would be grateful to learn of any errors, they cannot accept any liability over and above the cost of the advertisement for loss there by caused. No reproduction by any method whatsoever of any part of this publication is permitted without written consent of the copyright owners. Octagon Design & Marketing Ltd. Š2012 Britannic Chambers, 8a Carlton Road, Worksop, Notts. S80 1PH Tel: 01909 478822






This guide has been produced to help you in selecting a Care Home and it contains: • Information and advice about what you need to consider when choosing a home and • Provides a list of homes available within the Wakefield District. We have tried to answer as many questions as possible and also tell you about what other services may be available to you that you may not be aware of. We hope that you find this information useful and if you can think of ways we can improve this guide please let us know. In reading this guide, please note that: • The information given was correct at the time of printing. • Inclusion in the guide is not in any way a recommendation of any particular home or agency by Wakefield District Council. • The guide only includes Care Homes that have entered into a contractual agreement with Wakefield District Council Family Services. For homes located outside the boundaries of Wakefield District, information on these can be obtained from the Care Quality Commission, or by contacting the relevant local authority. A section on useful numbers that you may need can be found at the back.


Helping you to stay independent Wakefield Council’s Family Services, and the NHS are working closely together to provide advice, services and support to help people stay independent. There are many different services available that may help you to stay independent or become more independent which may mean that you do not need to go in a care home. These include: • Home Care services – personal assistance at home with washing, bathing, using the toilet, dressing and undressing, getting up and going to bed, laundry, shopping etc. You can expect that the person who comes to your home to help you with your personal care will be trained to do these tasks. You will be asked how you would prefer to be helped with very personal matters and your wishes will be noted and respected. • Rapid response service provision in a crisis – This is a temporary service for around six weeks where a higher level of home care and support will be delivered to you to allow you to recover from a temporary illness. • Day care and day time activities – Here you will receive a meal and be able to socialise or carry out activities away from your home. • Short break provision and respite care – This service allows the person who would normally take care of you a chance to have a break from their caring role. • Provision of meals at home – The Community Meals Service can provide you with fresh and frozen meals delivered to your door seven days a week. • Rehabilitation services - includes services called ‘intermediate care services’ which helps to support people when they leave hospital and help to prevent inappropriate hospital or long stay admissions. • Equipment or adaptations to your home - If you need your home altering to make it easier for you to manage daily tasks and personal care we may be able to help. Our Occupational Therapists can visit you to carry out an assessment of your needs and discuss with you ways to meet those needs by the use of specially adapted equipment.


• Care Link Emergency Alarm System - Care Link is an emergency alarm system that provides peace of mind and promotes independence for anyone living in Wakefield. Care Link has a range of community alarms and equipment that can help you keep your independence and stay in your own home. • Community health services, support from District Nurses, Community Psychiatric Nurses, your GP, etc. • Sheltered Housing and Extra Care Sheltered Housing services – These consist of a group of homes that have been specially designed with the needs of older people in mind. A sheltered scheme may be a group of flats or bungalows, or sometimes a mixture of both. Every flat or bungalow has modern facilities and is smaller and easier to maintain than normal housing. In sheltered housing you will also have the reassurance of knowing that the Scheme Manager is on hand in an emergency. All sheltered schemes have a communal lounge and social activities organised by the Scheme Manager. You can join in the activities or enjoy the company of friends in the communal lounge - and of course you can retreat to the privacy of your own flat or bungalow whenever you wish. • Community transport/bus passes/car badges – This allows you the opportunity to get out of your home and to go shopping or visit a friend. (Please note that this is not a complete list of services available). Services may be provided directly by Wakefield Council’s Family Services, Housing, local NHS services or by an independent organisation under contractual agreement. There may also be a charge for some of these services but you will always be informed how much you will have to pay on your assessment. To see if you qualify for any of these you will need an assessment of your care needs. If you think any of these services may help you please contact Social Care Direct on telephone number 0845 8503503.


Moving into a care home? For care fees advice call 0800 998833


Self Directed Support Self-Directed Support is a new system of social care. It enables people to be in control of their own lives by giving more choice, control and independence about how support is organised. Self-Directed Support is for anyone who gets help that is paid for by the Council. Self- Directed Support will be explained and offered following an assessment of needs. Following an assessment, you will be allocated a Personal Budget based on your needs. If you would like to request an assessment, contact Social Care Direct on 0845 8 503 503.

What is a Care Home? A care home can be a residential or nursing home or both. These homes can provide the personal help that people need 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Nursing homes also employ nurses to look after people’s medical needs. Some homes cater for people with different needs, for example older people over 65, people with dementia, older and younger people with physical disabilities and people with learning disabilities.

How do I know which home to choose? The best way to choose a home is to go and have a look round and talk to the people who live there. A list of homes that Wakefield Council Family Services contracts with and the different needs they cater for is at the back of this directory. You are welcome to arrange to visit them. We have included a checklist that you can use when you visit the homes. It outlines the sort of things you should be looking for and the questions that you might ask. All homes are inspected every year by the Care Quality Commission to make sure that they provide the care that people need. When you visit a home ask to see their annual inspection report. However, before you start to do this, you or the person you care for needs to have been assessed as needing to move into a care home.


How do I get an assessment of my care needs? If you think you or someone you care for needs care in a Care Home you can contact Family Services for help. You can do this by telephoning Social Care Direct which is the first point of contact for all Social Care Services on telephone number 0845 8503503. If you or the person you care for are in hospital, ask to see the Hospital Social Work Team. A Social Worker or Care Co-ordinator will arrange a visit to discuss your situation and possible care needs. With your help and the person who cares for you, an assessment of needs will be carried out. This will determine exactly what your care needs are, set against criteria, called eligibility criteria which Family Services has established. This criteria is not the same for the NHS and they will use their own criteria when they carry out a nursing care assessment. A number of professionals could be involved in your assessment for example, social worker, nurse, doctor, physiotherapist, housing worker or occupational therapist. Your carer or family can be there if you want. Within Wakefield, all organisations are working together to develop a single process for assessments. These different organisations will often need the same information about you. Allowing the different agencies that provide care to share information will also help you, because you will not have to repeat the same information many times to different people. Any information you give, and decisions made about your care will be accurately recorded and you have a right to both see what it says and say who can read it. If you do not meet the Council’s Family Services criteria we would tell you where else you might go for help. Social Care Direct is a dedicated social work telephone service who will be your first point of contact if you think that you may need social care services. Social Care Direct deals with new requests for social care services within the Wakefield District. Tel No 0845 8503503



Once I have been Can someone help assessed as needing me to choose? You are free to choose any Care Home that will meet residential care, how your assessed needs. Alternatively, you can ask the to make a decision on your behalf. much do I have to pay? Council As this is a very important decision to make, you There are rules and regulations with regard to how much you will have to pay towards the cost of your care. The amount will be based on how much money you have coming in each week and any property or savings you may have. With your help the Council will work out and inform you of how much you will need to pay. Your Social Worker or Care Co-ordinator will arrange for an Assessment Advisor to complete a ‘Statement of Financial Circumstances’ form to help calculate the amount. If you own property or land, we will tell you about the ‘Council’s Deferred Payments Scheme’ and how this affects the amount you will have to pay and how the cost of your care may be secured against your property or land until it is sold. If the cost of living in the home you choose is more than the allowance the Council in your circumstances would normally pay towards your care, then your relative or another person will be required to pay the additional amount. Where the Council feels that someone has given away an asset (e.g. cash, savings, or property) with the intention of paying less towards their care costs, the Council will treat that person as still having that asset when working out what they must pay towards their care. If you also need nursing care you will be given additional information by your local NHS about the payment of these costs. You are allowed to keep a small amount of your weekly income to pay for your personal requirements, such as magazines, hairdressers, etc. This is known as your personal allowance and is a specific amount set by the Department of Health in April of each year. You will be given details of the current rate at your assessment. For more information please also see the Council’s leaflet ‘Guide to Entering a Care Home’ and ‘Paying for Services’.


should not feel rushed, take time and discuss it with the important people in your life before making your choice.

Who monitors the care I receive? The Council has entered into contractual arrangements with Care Homes within the Wakefield District and with certain Care Homes within neighbouring Council’s areas. This contract sets out the principles and standards upon which the provision of care is to be based. After six weeks in the Care Home your Social Worker or Care Co-ordinator will carry out a review of your care, your family or the person who was caring for you can be involved if you wish. Following this, your care needs will then be reviewed after six months and annually thereafter. If you are receiving nursing care, a nursing review will be carried out by a NHS Registered Nurse after you have been in the Care Home for twelve weeks. Thereafter you will have a nursing review on an annual basis. If your care needs change at any time then either you or the Homeowner can contact a Social Worker or a Care Co-ordinator to arrange a reassessment of your needs. If, following reassessment, it is decided that you need registered nursing care you may have to move to another Care Home where nursing care can be provided unless your Care Home is registered to provide nursing care. The Care Quality Commission normally inspects Homes twice a year to ensure that they have passed certain standards. A summary of the inspection reports of the Care Homes within Wakefield can be found on the Care Quality Commission Internet web site. Also you can ask for a copy from the Care Home.

What if I have a complaint?


If you have a complaint about the service provided by the Council you should contact the Complaints and Representations Manager in Family Services on 01924 302840. If you have a complaint about a Care Home and you do not wish to discuss it with the Homeowner, you should contact the Contracts Section in Family Services or your local office of the Care Quality Commission. You should contact the relevant Primary Care Trust’s Patient Advisory and Liaison Service if you have a complaint about the nursing care that you receive. All the relevant addresses and telephone numbers can be found at the end of this guide.



Checklist for Choosing a Care Home A suggested list of questions to ask and things to look for when choosing a care home Section 1: Transport, Fees and Conditions 1.1 Will your family and friends find the home easy to get to? 1.2 How much are the fees? 1.3 Can you have a short stay in the home to see if you like it? 1.4 Will you be given a written statement of what the home will do for you if you live there?

Yes / No £ Yes / No Yes / No

Section 2: Accommodation 2.1 Are there communal sitting rooms both with and without TV? 2.2 Do you like the furniture and decoration of the home? 2.3 Is there a separate dining room? 2.4 Are doors and corridors wide enough for wheelchairs, right through the home and to the outside? 2.5 Are handrails provided in hallways, corridors and stairs? 2.6 Is a lift or stair lift provided to the upper floors? Could you use it? 2.7 Are the bathrooms near to the rooms? 2.8 Are the bathrooms adapted to help people in and out of the bath? 2.9 Will you have to share a bedroom? 2.10 Are there both showers and baths available for you to choose from? 2.11 Is the call-bell system easy for you to use whenever you might need it? 2.12 Do all residents have a bedside light that is easy to use? 2.13 Can you adjust the heating in the bedroom easily? 2.14 Can you open the window if you want to?

Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No

Section 3: Catering 3.1 What are the mealtimes? ❏ Breakfast ❏ Lunch / Dinner ❏ Dinner / Tea 3.2 What happens if you want a meal, a drink or a snack at another time? 3.3 How wide is the choice of menu at each meal? ❏ Set meal ❏ Choice of two meals ❏ Choice of three meals ❏ More than three choices 3.4 Do you like the meals that are on offer? Yes / No Section 4: Visitors 4.1 Are your visitors provided with a drink? 4.2 Are your visitors welcome to join you for a meal? Section 5: Daily Living 5.1 Can you choose when you get up and when you go to bed each day? 5.2 What are the variety of activities and outings offered each week? 5.3 Is the home equipped for people who cannot see or hear very well, for example with loop systems and good lighting? 5.4 Do the residents appear active, sociable and happy? 5.5 Will the home charge extra for accompanied visits to the doctor or the hospital? 5.6 Are the laundry and room cleaning arrangements to your liking? 5.7 Are there smoking and non-smoking areas? Section 6: Staff 6.1 Are the staff clean, tidy, cheerful and helpful? 6.2 Do people such as chiropodists, hairdressers, opticians and dentists visit the home regularly? 6.3 Is there a resident’s committee which meets regularly? 6.4 Is there a resident’s notice board with up-to-date and interesting information on it?


Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No

List of Care Homes

Wakefield MDC Area

This list only includes Care Homes that have entered into a contractual agreement with Wakefield District Council Family Services. For homes located outside the boundaries of Wakefield District, information on these can be obtained from the Care Quality Commission or by contacting the relevant Council where they are located. The homes are listed by the town, city or village that they are located in and include the age and category of care they are able to support. We have also included a list of homes that are located on the boundary with Wakefield.

Name, Address Telephone & Contact Castleford Breadalbane 01977 518794 2 Park Avenue, Castleford, WF10 4JT Jacinto Fernandes

Type of Home


Needs Catered

Care Home


Old Age, Dementia over 65 years, Mental Disorder over 65 years, Physical Disability over 65 years

Brookfield 4 Brookfield Avenue, Castleford, WF10 4BJ Claire Barker

01977 559229

Care Home


Learning Disability

Cymar House 113 Pontefract Road, Glasshoughton, Castleford, WF10 4BW Jillian Gill Fairburn Chase Wheldon Road, Castleford, WF10 2PY

01977 552018

Care Home


Old Age, Dementia over 65 years, Mental Disorder over 65 years

01977 559703

Care Home with Nursing


Langtree Park Oxford Street, Castleford, WF10 5DF Jackie Sykes

01977 668448

Care Home with Nursing


Old Age, Terminally ill, Sensory Impairment, Mental Disorder, Physical Disability Over Pension Age, Physical Disability Under Pension Age Old Age, Dementia over 65 years, Mental Disorder over 65 years

Manor Park Care Home Leeds Road, Cutsyke, Castleford, WF10 5HA Amanda Bennet

01977 604242

Care Home with Nursing


Newbrook 14 Carlton Avenue, Castleford, WF10 4BZ Claire Barker

01977 559233

Care Home


Old Age, Terminally Ill, Sensory Impairment, Dementia over 65 years, Mental Disorder over 65 years, Physical Disability over 65 years Learning Disabilities

Rosedene 019214 98 Churchfield Lane, 383388 Castleford, WF10 4DB Kim Rae (Acting Manager)

Care Home


Learning Disability

The Beeches 59 Ferrybridge Road, Castleford, WF10 4JW Heather McGrath

Care Home with Nursing


Old Age, Dementia, Physical Disability

01977 517685


Dentures by Dominic Helping you smile with confidence!

FREE initial consultation Home visits Personal consultations with dental technician accompanied by dental practitioner Friendly relaxed atmosphere No time restrictions Appointments to suit Wheelchair access Residential home visits catered for CRB checked Rapident Dental Laboratory, 11 Andrew street, Featherstone, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF7 5NS Mob: 07789 488994 Tel: 01977 793193

Shared Lives 24 Hour dedicated residential care in a nice homely atmosphere • Home cooked meals • 5 star hygiene certificate •S pecial diets catered for • Facilities for elderly & dementia • Fun activity schedule • Visits welcome, no appointments necessary •R egular visits from local GP’s chiropodist, hair dresser and dentist

Tel: 01924 262 420

Do you want to stay with an ordinary family in an ordinary family home? With Shared Lives you can live with an ordinary family permanently or you can have short breaks with an ordinary family. We will try and find the right family for you and ensure you are treated with respect and dignity. Our families will aim to give you choice, independence, ordinary life opportunities and the right to take risks and to be listened to. Contact us on 01924 302681 or go to

Stella House & Millfields

Cluntergate, Horbury, Wakefield WF4 5DB 



To advertise in this publication please call the sales team on 01909 478822 Britannic Chambers, 8A Carlton Road, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S80 1PH 01909 478822 | |

Residential person centred care for the elderly.

STELLA HOUSE Cobblers Lane, Pontefract Tel: 01977 600247 MILLFIELDS Mill Lane, Nevison Tel: 01977 690606 Every possible care has been taken to ensure that the information given in this publication is accurate. Whilst the publisher would be grateful to learn of any errors, they cannot accept any liability over and above the cost of the advertisement for loss there by caused. No reproduction by any method whatsoever of any part of this publication is permitted without written consent of the copyright owners. Octagon Design & Marketing Ltd. ©2012 Britannic Chambers, 8a Carlton Road, Worksop, Notts. S80 1PH Tel: 01909 478822

6 Weavers Road, Pontefract,WF8 1QR Tel/Fax: 01977 704068

e have been accredited with Investors in People December 08 W 22 beds - all single on two floors with passenger lift to first floor ■ 2 large comfortable lounges ■ Attractive, spacious dining room ■ Pleasant private gardens (opportunities for growing, planting and potting for the discerning gardener) ■ Comprehensive activity calendar, including monthly excursions ■ ■

Our team of fully trained carers will welcome you into our home from home. Here you will receive the warmth, care and compassion from our dedicated staff as though you were their own family.

AT OAKFOSS HOUSE WE ARE VERY PROUD OF OUR VERY LOW STAFF TURNOVER - ENSURING CONTINUITY OF EXCELLENT CARE ACCREDITED WITH INVESTORS IN PEOPLE DEC 08 Why not come over and see for yourself what a wonderful time our family here enjoy? You are welcome anytime, no appointments necessary.

Tel: 01977 704068 ❚ Residential and Dementia Care, Respite and Day Care ❚ Single and double rooms for people who want to share or married couples ❚ Telephone, TV, DAB radio, Internet and Sky points in each room

Tel: 01924 404122 Fax: 01924 409938 Directors: David and Gillian Bolland

While we have taken every care in compiling this booklet, the publishers and promoters cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of any advertisement in no way endorses the services or products sold.

List of Care Homes Name, Address & Contact Featherstone Lyndale 60 Green Lane, Featherstone, Pontefract, WF7 6JX Mr Jim Hunt The Coppice Tall Trees Drive, Featherstone, Pontefract, WF7 6BP Mrs J Mitchell Vicarage Court Care Home Vicarage Gardens, North Featherstone, Pontefract, WF7 6NH Jean Chilton (See our advert on the inside front cover) Whiteley House 5 Whiteley Street, Featherstone, Pontefract, WF7 6BH Ann Mangham Hemsworth Hemsworth Park Care Centre Wakefield Road, Kinsley, Pontefract, WF9 5EA Sheena Matthews

Mount Avenue 1 Mount Avenue, Hemsworth, Pontefract, WF9 4QE Christine Gatley Roop Cottage Nursing Home Wakefield Road, Fitzwilliam, Pontefract WF9 5AN Mrs Anne Egley

Victoria House 2 Nostell Lane, Ryhill, Wakefield, WF4 2DB Mrs T Rowley


Wakefield MDC Area


Type of Home


Needs Catered

01977 792433

Care Home


Learning Disability

01977 790729

Care Home


Old Age

01977 708368

Care Home


01977 695425

Care Home


Old Age, Dementia, Terminally Ill, Sensory Impairment, Mental Disorder, Learning Disabilities, Physical Disability all over 65 years Mental Disorder, Mental Disorder over 65 years

01977 617374

Care Home with Nursing


01977 616809 615994

Care Home


01977 610918

Care Home with Nursing


01226 727179

Care Home with Nursing


Old Age, Physical Disability, Physical Disability over 65 years, Terminal Illness over 65 years, Terminal Illness, Dementia, Dementia over 65 years Learning Disability

Old Age, Dementia, Terminally Ill, Sensory Impairment, Learning Disabilities, Physical Disability over 65 & under 65 Old Age, Dementia over 65 years, Terminal Illness over 65 years, Physical Disabilities over 65

List of Care Homes Name, Address & Contact Horbury Elm Lodge Residential Home Cluntergate, Horbury, Wakefield, WF4 5DB Amanda Machin Inwood House 142 Wakefield Road, Horbury, Wakefield, WF4 5HG Deborah Nightingale Jenkin House 68-70 Jenkin Road, Horbury, Wakefield, WF4 6DT Glenys Rhodes Knottingley Riverside Court The Croft, Knottingley, WF11 9EP Pauline Downs The Grove Marine Villa Road, Knottingley, WF11 8ER – Sylvia Clark The Manse Ropewalk, Knottingley, WF11 9AL – Debbie Milton Normanton Attlee Court Attlee Street, Normanton, Wakefield, WF6 1DL Alvin Cranmer


Type of Home


Needs Catered

01924 262420

Care Home


01924 272159

Care Home


01924 275143

Care Home


Old Age, Physical Disability over 65 years, Dementia Over 65 years Old Age, Dementia over 65 years, Mental Disorder over 65 years, Physical Disability over 65 years Old Age, Dementia over 65 years Mental Disorder

01977 673233

Care Home with Nursing


01977 674918

Care Home with Nursing


01977 677955

Care Home


Old Age, Dementia over 65 years

01924 891144

Care Home with Nursing


Care Home


Old Age, Dementia over 65 years, Terminally Ill, Mental Disorder over 65 years Learning Disability

Care Home Only


Old Age

Care Home with Nursing


Care Home


Old Age, Terminal illness, Sensory Impairment, over 65 years, Physical Disability under 65 Old Age, Dementia Over 65 years, Sensory Impairment, Physical Difficulties over 65

Carlton Lodge 01924 223652 28 Carlton Street, Normanton, Wakefield, WF6 2EH – Donna Carroll Haven Lodge 01924 220013 Wakefield Road, Normanton, WF6 1BP – Joanne Cartwright The Chestnuts 01924 220019 72 Church Road, Altofts, Normanton, WF6 2QG Mrs Anne Bradley The Croft 17 Snydale Road, Normanton, Wakefield, WF6 1NT Catherine Garner

Wakefield MDC Area

01924 223453

Old Age, Dementia over 65 years, Mental Disorder over 65 years Old Age, Terminally Ill over 65


List of Care Homes Name, Address & Contact Ossett Croft House 52A High Street, Gawthorpe, Ossett, WF5 9RL Sue Smith

York House New Street, Ossett, WF5 8BW Helen Holt Pontefract Carleton Court 108 Carleton Road, Carleton, Pontefract, WF8 3NQ Rodney Walker Eden Place Pontefract Road, Ackworth, Pontefract, WF7 7EE Rita Jackson 1 Hill Close Pontefract, WF8 2SF Mr J Hunt 2 Hill Close Pontefract, WF8 2SF Mr J Hunt Hillcrest 35 Carleton Road, Pontefract, WF8 3ND Lynn Binns Millfields Residential Home Mill Lane, Nevison, Pontefract, WF8 2LS Jenny Tucker


Oakfoss House Weavers Road, Pontefract, WF8 1QR Adele Talon Priory Gardens Ladybalk Lane, Pontefract, WF8 1JQ Chrissie Sweet Snydale Nursing Home New Road, Old Snydale, Pontefract, WF7 6HD Tracy Miller


Wakefield MDC Area

Type of Home


01924 273372 Care Home with 68 Nursing

Needs Catered Dementia over 65 years, Mental Disorder over 65 years, Old Age can accommodate 1 x male person under 65 DE Physical Disability under 65 years

01924 271403 Carer Home


01977 702635 Care Home


Old Age

01977 780278 Care Home


Learning Disability, Learning Disability over 65 years

01977 702343 Care Home


Learning Disability

01977 702343 Care Home


Learning Disability

01977 702343 Care Home


Learning Disability

01977 690606 Care Home


01977 704068 Care Home


Old Age, Mental Disorder over 65 years, Physical Disability over 65 years, Dementia Over 65 years Old Age, Dementia over 65 years

01977 602111 Care Home with Nursing


01924 895517 Care Home with Nursing


Old Age , Terminal Illness, Terminal Illness over 65 years, Dementia over 65 years Old Age, Terminally Ill, Physical Disability over 65, Dementia, Mental Disorder

List of Care Homes Name, Address & Contact Pontefract Stella House Cobbler's Lane, Pontefract, WF8 2SS Jill Fieldhouse


Needs Catered


Old Age, Dementia, Mental Disorder, Physical Disability

Stockingate Nursing Home 01977 648683 Care Home 61 Stockingate, South Kirkby, South with Nursing Kirkby, Pontefract, WF9 3QX Rose Whittaker


Dementia over 65 years, Mental Disorder over 65 years

Vicarage Court Care Home Vicarage Gardens, North Featherstone, Pontefract, WF7 6NH Jean Chilton (See our advert on the inside front cover) Willow Park Care Home Baghill Lane, Pontefract, WF8 2HB Pat Green

01977 708368 Care Home


01977 877680 Care Home with Nursing


Old Age, Dementia, Terminally Ill, Sensory Impairment, Mental Disorder, Learning Disabilities, Physical Disability all over 65 years Old Age, Dementia, Mental Disorder, Physical Disability, Sensory Impairment, Terminally Ill

01977 643592 Care Home


Learning Disability

Cherry Tree House 1 Vickers Avenue, South Elmsall, Pontefract, WF9 2LL Janet Varga

01977 609884 Care Home


Learning Disability

Springfields 5 Clayton View, South Kirkby, Pontefract, WF9 3RE Lorraine Kingston

01977 647932 Care Home


Mental Disorder

The Laurels Residential Home Bull Lane, South Kirkby, Pontefract, WF9 3QD Jessie Stringer

01977 640721 Care Home


Old Age

Warde Aldam Christian Nursing Home Westfield Lane, South Elmsall, Pontefract, WF9 2JX Maureen McKechnie

01977 643697 Care Home with Nursing


Old Age, Dementia over 65 years, Mental Disorder over 65 years, Physical Disability, Physical Disability over 65 years

South Elmsall Cartref Residential Care Home 1a Church Mount, South Kirkby, Pontefract, WF9 3QT Joy Hall


Wakefield MDC Area

Type of Home

01977 600247 Care Home


List of Care Homes Name, Address & Contact Wakefield Ashgrove House 116 Manygates Lane, Wakefield, WF2 7DP Julie Thompson


Wakefield MDC Area


Type of Home


Needs Catered

01924 255540

Care Home


Dementia, Old Age, Mental Disorder, Physical Disability

Brantwood Hall Care Complex 10-14 North Avenue, Wakefield, WF1 3RX Dawn Wood

01924 364718

Care Home


Old Age, Mental Disorder over 65 years, Physical Disability over 65 years

Broxbourne House 57 Barnsley Road, Wakefield, WF1 5LE Marissa Jardenico

01924 370004

Care Home


Old Age, Dementia over 65 years

Carr Gate Nursing Home Lawns Lane, Carr Gate, Wakefield, WF2 0QX Julie Banks

01924 828105

Care Home with Nursing


Castle Mount Residential Home 54 Manygates Lane, Sandal, Wakefield, WF2 7DG Lisa Howarth

01924 251127

Care Home


Old Age, Dementia over 65 years, Mental Disorder over 65 years, Physical Disability over 65 years Old Age

Earls Lodge Care Home Queen Elizabeth Road, Wakefield, WF1 4AA Tracy O'Hagan

01924 372005

Care Home with Nursing


Old Age

Goodwins Residential Care Home 01924 299678 31 Bromley Mount, Wakefield, WF1 5LB Penelope Saltmer

Care Home


Old Age

Snapethorpe Hall Snapethorpe Gate, Lupset, Wakefield, WF2 8AY Barbara Hudson (Acting Manager)

01924 332488

Care Home with Nursing


Old Age, Dementia

The Glynn Residential Home 167-171 Bradford Road, Wakefield, WF1 2AS Rosemary Blick

01924 386004

Care Home


Old Age, Mental Disorder over 65 years

List of Care Homes Name, Address & Contact Wakefield The Hollies 11-15 Eastmoor Road, Wakefield, WF1 3RZ Kim Storey

Wakefield MDC Area


Type of Home


Needs Catered

01924 364462

Care Home


The Lawrence 316-318 Bradford Road, Wrenthorpe, Wakefield, WF2 0QH Angela Gallaway

01924 369164

Care Home


Dementia over 65 years, Old Age, Mental Disorder over 65 years, Physical Disability over 65 years Learning Disability, Physical Disability

The Sycamores Norton Road, Wakefield, WF1 3QB Sharon Yelland

01924 379994

Care Home


Old Age

Thomas House 70 - 72 Grove Park, Calder Grove, Wakefield, WF4 3BZ Katherine Barrick

01924 283445

Care Home


Learning Disability

Walton Manor Shay Lane, Walton, Wakefield, WF2 6NW Janet Sanderson

01924 249777

Care Home


Old Age

West Ridings Lingwell Gate Lane, Lofthouse, Wakefield, WF3 3JX Sandra Parry

01924 826806

Care Home with Nursing


West Villa 73 Batley Road, Alverthorpe, Wakefield, WF2 0AB Judith Jones

01924 377328

Care Home


Old Age, Dementia over 65 years, Mental Disorder over 65 years, Physical Disability over 65 years Old Age, Dementia Over 65 years

Woodlands Woolley Moor House, Low Moor Lane, Woolley, WF4 2LW Sandra Goodall

01924 830234

Care Home


Old Age, Dementia over 65 years, Mental Disorder over 65 years, Physical Disability over 65 years


List of Care Homes Name, Address & Contact Aden House Long Lane, Clayton West Huddersfield, HD8 9PR Carl Stevenson

Telephone 01484 866486

Type of Home Care Home with Nursing

Beds 60

Aden Lodge Nursing Home Long Lane, Clayton West, Huddersfield, HD8 9PR – Steve Hague Amber Lodge 21 Thornhill Road, Armley, Leeds, LS12 4LL – Susan Barber Ardsley House 55A Royston Hill, East Ardsley, Wakefield, WF3 2HN – Linda Gander Ashlands Care Home 41 Main Street, Methley, Leeds, LS26 9JE Julie Jones (Acting Manager)

01484 866602

Care Home with Nursing


0113 2633231

Care Home


Old Age, dementia and mental disorder

01294 835220

Care Home


Learning Disability

01977 515823

Care Home with Nursing


01924 472063

Care Home with Nursing


Dementia, Mental Disorder, Mental Disorder Over 65 years, Terminal Illness Old Age

01226 712409

Care Home


Old Age

01924 456653

Care Home


Old Age

01226 780222

Care Home


Old Age, Dementia over 65 years

01302 872147

Care Home



01226 388181

Care Home with Nursing


Old Age

01302 724815

Care Home with Nursing


Old Age, Terminally Ill, Sensory Impairment, Physical Disability over 65, Physical Disability under 65

Batley Hall Nursing Home Old Hall Road, Batley, WF17 0AX Alison Sowden (Deputy) Bollingbroke House Common Road, Brierley, Barnsley, S72 9EA – Paul Barrott (New) Burking Banks 69 - 73 Moorlands Road, Dewsbury, WF13 2LF – Lesley Lord Burntwood Hall Moor Lane, Brierley Common, Barnsley, S72 9HB – Angela Lowrey Chapel Garth EMI Residential Home Central Avenue, Bentley, Doncaster, DN5 0AR – Elaine Lindsay Chapel View Care Home Spark Lane, Mapplewell, Barnsley S75 6AA – Amanda Wyatt China Cottage Nursing Home 154 Owston Road, Carcroft, Doncaster, DN6 8EA Mary Machina 22

Extended Boundary Needs Catered Old Age, Physical Disabilities over & under 65, Dementia over 65 years, Terminally Ill, Sensory Impairment, Mental Disorder, Drug/Alcohol Dependance Old Age

List of Care Homes

Extended Boundary

Name, Address & Contact Copper Hill Nursing Home Church Street, Hunslet, Leeds, LS10 2AY – Verity Taylor

Telephone 0113 2771042

Type of Home Care Home with Nursing

Beds 180

Needs Catered Old Age & Dementia over 65 years

Daisy Vale House Daisy Vale Terrace, Thorpe, Wakefield, WF3 3DS Diane Crawley Deangate Towngate, Mapplewell, Barnsley, S75 6AT – Mary Ackroyd

01924 822209

Care Home


Learning Disability

01226 383441

Care Home with Nursing


Old Age & Dementia

01924 459000

Care Home with Nursing


Old Age, Sensory Impairment, Mental Disorder

01226 390131

Care Home


Old Age

Hall Steads Stacey Crescent, Grimethorpe, Barnsley, S72 7DP – Jennifer Firth

01226 781525

Care Home with Nursing


Old Age, Dementia over 65 years, Terminally Ill

Holly Tree Lodge ( Formerly Hawthorne House) Sceptone Grove, Shafton, Barnsley, S72 8NP – Mrs L George Linson Court Nursing Home Dark Lane, Batley, WF17 5RU Barbara Crossland

01226 712399

Care Home with Nursing


Dementia over 65 years

01924 445253

Care Home with Nursing


Old Age

Lofthouse Grange and Lodge 340 Leeds Road, Lofthouse, WF3 3QQ – Janet Richards

08456 006435

Care Home


Old Age & Dementia

Lydgate Lodge Soothill Lane, Batley, WF17 6EZ Jean Brown

01924 355020

Care Home


Old Age & Dementia over 65 years

Manorcroft Nursing Home Old Bank Road, Dewsbury, WF12 7AH – Helen Gill

01924 467521

Care Home with Nursing


Old Age

Meadow Lodge Residential Home 01977 662899 Broach Lane, Kellington, Goole, DN14 0ND – Karen Shann

Care Home


Old Age, Dementia over 65 years

Mayfield House Woodhouse Lane, East Ardsley, Wakefield, WF3 2JS Heather Warner

Care Home


Learning Disability, Learning Disability over 65 years, Physical Disability, Physical Disability over 65 years

Fieldhead Court Nursing Home Rectory Park, Church Lane, Thornhill, Dewsbury, WF12 0JZ Kath Tanner Field View Spark Lane, Mapplewell, Barnsley, S75 6AE – Kay Littledyke

01924 828181


List of Care Homes


Extended Boundary

Name, Address & Contact Moorleigh Nursing Home 278 Gibson Lane, Kippax, Leeds, LS25 7JN – Beverley McHale

Telephone 0113 2863247

Type of Home Care Home with Nursing

Beds 36

Needs Catered Dementia & Terminally Ill

Neville Court Nursing Home Neville Avenue, Kendray, Barnsley, S70 3HF – Dawn Oakes

01226 737470

Care Home with Nursing


Mental Disorder & Physical Disabilities

Newlands Hall High Street, Heckmondwike, WF16 0AL – Heather Middleton

01924 407247

Care Home


Old Age

Oaklands Residential Home 14 Pinfold Lane, Methley, Leeds, LS26 9AB – Kathleen Foley

01977 515451

Care Home


Old Age & Dementia over 65 years

Oakwood Grange Oakwood Road, Royston, Barnsley, S71 4EZ – Susan Dooler

01226 709075

Care Home


Old Age & Dementia over 65 years

Oxford Grange 30 Oxford Road, Dewsbury, WF13 4LL – Rachel Bedford

01924 463336

Care Home


Dementia over 65 years

Park Cottages Neville Avenue, Kendray, Barnsley, S70 3HF – Maggie Roberts

01226 771891

Care Home


Learning Disabilities

Priestley Care Home Market Street, Birstall, Batley, WF17 9EN – Many Evans

01924 440265

Care Home


Old Age

Riverside Camborne Way, Monk Bretton, Barnsley, S71 2NR – Julie Cross

01226 296416

Care Home


Old Age & Dementia

Soothill Manor Soothill Lane, Batley, WF17 6EU Joanne Clegg

0845 603 2551

Care Home


Old Age

St Annes Rest Home Grange Lane, Burghwallis, Doncaster, DN6 9JL – James Kelly

01302 700319

Care Home


Old Age

St Armands Court 25 Church Lane, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1NW – Jaqueline Hobman

01132 874505

Care Home


Old Age

Sunnyview House Manorfield, Beeston, Leeds, LS11 8QB – Jackie Foxton

0113 277160

Care Home


Old Age & Dementia

The Cedars Churchside, Methley, Leeds, LS26 9BH – Kathleen Morgan

01977 512993

Care Home


Old Age, Dementia, Mental Disorder

List of Care Homes Name, Address & Contact The Laurels Care Home High Street, Norton, Doncaster, DN6 9EU – Anne Godwin The Laurels Nursing Home High Street, Norton, Doncaster, DN6 9EU – Julie Riley The Maples Residential Home 66 Bence Lane, Darton, Barnsley, S75 5PE – Vicki Brook Thomas Owen House Lees House Road, Thornhill Lees, Dewsbury, WF12 9BP Eileen Fitzsimmons Valley View 36 Walefield Road, Lepton, Huddersfield, HD8 0BG Dawn Hunter Water Royd Nursing Home Locke Road, Gilroyd, Dodworth, Barnsley, S75 3QH Catherine Smith Willow House 396 Halifax Road, Hightown, Liversedge, WF15 6NG Susan Morgan

Extended Boundary

Telephone 01302 709691

Type of Home Care Home

Beds 30

Needs Catered Old Age and Physical Disability over 65 years Old Age and Physical Disability over 65 years Old Age

01302 709691

Care Home with Nursing


01226 382688

Care Home


01924 458017

Care Home with Nursing


Old Age, Mental Disorder, Dementia

01484 539304

Care Home


Old Age and Dementia

01226 281389

Care Home with Nursing


Old Age, Dementia, Terminally Ill

01274 872624

Care Home


Willoughby House St Johns Road, Cudworth, Barnsley, S72 8DE Chris Nicholson (new)

01226 717152

Care Home


Woodlands Sands Lane, Mirfield, WF14 8HJ Jenny Westwood York House Old Bank Road, Dewsbury, WF12 7AH – Sarah Armitage

01924 491570

Care Home with Nursing


01924 459574

Care Home


Old Age, Dementia, Terminally Ill, Sensory Impairment, Physical Disability over 65 Old Age, Dementia, Terminally Ill, Sensory Impairment, Mental Disorder, Physical Disability over 65 Dementia & Mental Disorder, over 65 years Old Age

* We have made every effort to make sure that these details are correct. If there are any amendments or omissions please notify the WMDC, Contracts Section on telephone number 01924 307766.


Useful telephone numbers and contact details Social Care Direct (Your first point of contact for Family Services) Telephone no 0845 8503503 Fax 01924 303455 Minicom: 01924 303450 Email: Family Services – Welfare Rights & Assessment Team (Contact these if you want to know more about paying for your care) Advice line numbers 01924 307771 / 307797 / 307786 Address: Wakefield Council, Family Services, PO Box 190, Wakefield, WF1 1ZE Family Services - Contracts Section (Contact these if you want to know more information about the contractual arrangements with Care Homes) General Office Number 01924 307766 Address: Wakefield Council, Family Services, Calder Vale, 1st Floor, Unit 21, Green's Industrial Estate, Calderval Road, Wakefield, WF1 5PH Family Services - Complaints & Representations Section (Contact these if you are not happy about a service that you have received from Family Services) Complaints Manager 01924 302840

Care Quality Commission (Contact these if you would like a copy of the inspection report or if you have a complaint or query) Telephone number 03000 616161 Email: Address: Yorkshire & Humberside Region, City Gate, Gallowgate, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 4PA NHS Wakefield District – Patient Advice and Liaison Service (Contact these if you have a query with regard to the cost of nursing care or a complaint /query about the nursing care you receive) Telephone number 0845 602 4832 Wakefield West Primary Care Trust – Patient Advice and Liaison Service (Contact these if you have a query with regard to the cost of nursing care or a complaint /query about the nursing care you receive) Telephone number 0800 953 0361 This document has been produced by Wakefield Family Services and is a statement of the Council’s Policy regarding the procedures for entering a Care Home. It is not intended to be an explanation of the law. Entering a Care Home is an important step for you to take and this document aims to provide you with the information you need. While we have taken every care in compiling this booklet, the publishers and promoters cannot accept responsibility for any inaccuracies. Inclusion of any advertisement in no way endorses the services or products sold. Every possible care has been taken to ensure that the information given in this publication is accurate. Whilst the publisher would be grateful to learn of any errors, they cannot accept any liability over and above the cost of the advertisement for loss there by caused. No reproduction by any method whatsoever of any part of this publication is permitted without written consent of the copyright owners. Octagon Design & Marketing Ltd. ©2012 Britannic Chambers, 8a Carlton Road, Worksop, Notts. S80 1PH Tel: 01909 478822




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Attlee Court Care Home has been designed to provide the latest and most effective services and resources for caring for the elderly. •Attlee Court provides Nursing Residential and dementia care in a comfortable homely environment

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•Care is provided by highly qualified trained nurses and health care assistants

•Each resident is provided with a person centred individual plan of care accordingly to their specific needs

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•a wide range of diverse activities are available each day

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Attlee Street, Normanton, Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF6 1DL Contact Manager

Tel: 01924 891144 Fax: 01924 897755

email: Designed & Compiled by Octagon Design & Marketing Ltd., Britannic Chambers, 8a Carlton Road, Worksop, Notts. S80 1PH Tel: 01909 478822

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