March 2021 Newsletter
Working with the CQ Capras 1
Newsletter Editor Notes Hi everyone and welcome to a big March 2021. Lots of partnerships have been forged this month and we acknowledge the importance of working with other organisations, community groups, sporting clubs and allied businesses. Firstly is the partnership that we have forged with the CQ Capras. Our Rockhampton office at times, looks like a football change room with all of these young, fit and determined young men working for us. With a key focus being mental health support, these young men have a positive outlook to life and this attitude is reflected in the changes that they are able to bring into the lives of those living with a mental illness. We will be working together to run a number of AllAbilities sports days and Community programs.
In This Issue
Highfields Lions AFC and again we are supporting all abilities and gender to be involved in sport. We will be working this year on developing a women’s team.
2 Editor Notes
WhatsUp in Disability and BigDog work together on developing the Paul Myatt Community Centre as well as the Queens Park Markets where we promote local people and their business as well as community groups and clubs to promote their activities.
6 Sponsorships
We are working with NGO Training Centre to develop world leading online training programs for the community sector. We are also now a registered provider for the Carer Gateway through Wellways providing Carer Respite services and accommodation.
3 Working with the Capras 5 All Abilities Program 7 Staff Updates 8 NDIS Updates 9 NGO Training Infographic 10 Toowoomba Community 11 Rockhampton Community 12 Safety Updates 13 Staff Updates 14 What’s happening in March 16 Something about Bella
BigDog Newsletter Privacy Notice: Please note that as a subscriber to our BigDog Newsletter which supplies news and events relevant to this organisation, your email address or any other personal information collected will only be used for the purpose for which you gave it to us and will not be disclosed to any other person, body or agency except where you have provided your consent or it is required or authorised by law. 2
BigDog Support Services Magazine
CAPRAS The Central Queensland Capras are the premier rugby league club in Central Queensland. Based in Rockhampton, the Capras represent the whole Central Queensland region from Bundaberg and Gladstone in the south, Emerald, Blackwater and Longreach in the west to Clermont in the north. The Capras compete in the state-wide Intrust Super Cup Competition which is the direct pathway to the NRL and widely regarded as the second-best rugby league competition in Australia. The club also has teams in the state-wide Under 20’s competition and Under 18’s Mal Meninga Cup. The Capras currently provide a true pathway for aspiring junior players to play their junior football in Central Queensland representing the Junior Capras through to the Intrust Super Cup Level and then onto the NRL.
BigDog it was an easy decision to partner with the CQ Capras to coordinate the All-Abilities community game days and to sponsor the Women’s Team and inclusive sports. Both the CQ Capras and BigDog are looking forward to working together in the Rockhampton region. A pre-season game against the Sunshine Coast was held in Gladstone where Gorden Tallis was the key speaker.
The CQ Capras has a rich history steeped in tradition and heritage within Central Queensland. The CQ Capras club has nurtured and developed many young players that have gone on to represent at NRL, State of Origin and International level. Players like Matt Sing, Dave Taylor, PJ Marsh, Steve Bell, Justin Loomans, Corey Oates, Jack Granville, Cameron Munster, Tim Glasby, Kurt Mann & Ben Hunt just to name a few have electrified the local CQ crowds with their amazing rugby league skills and gone on to represent with pride this great region. Having 25 CQ Capras players working at
Capras CEO Peter White, BigDog Steven Paull and Capras Commercial Manager Robert Kearney
Schools Capras Care Program
Community Support Program
Our Schools Capras Care Program spans all secondary school age groups.
The CQ Capras are much more than a Football Club. We strongly believe in supporting our communities and donating as much time and effort as possible to helping others - particularly those less fortunate, or in need of support. Aged Care, Mental Health, Domestic Violence, Children’s Health and Youth Services are just some of the needs we continually support.
It assists with educating and guiding our children in the smart (and nice) way to live, and treat others. By identifying the pending dangers that we know will influence a negative outcome we are able to educate our kids, helping to eradicate these threats from their young lives, and in turn ensuring smart choices. Our Capras School based Community Care Programs intent is to support our kids in identifying and responding positively to imposing social threats that have the potential to prevent them from living a wonderful, happy, long and healthy life. Making Smart Choices based on EDUCATION and ACCEPTING SUPPORT are the foundations for positive change. Drugs, Smoking, Alcohol, Obesity/Diet, Domestic Violence, Bullying, Gambling, Social Media Habits, Personal Hygiene and All Abilities activities are example focus areas of the program. Our children are our future, and at the Capras we are FULLY COMMITTED to seeing our kids GROW and FLOURISH with support and education from positive role models.
FACT NO other sporting club, or not for profit organisations support our communities to the level the CQ Capras. FACT The CQ Capras are the highest profile sporting club throughout the Central Queensland region We will work closely and in partnership with BigDog Support Services to develop tailored based social interactive activities program to achieve positive outcomes.
Game Day Experiences BigDog participants will receive a CQ Capras pack that includes a T-shirt with Capras and BigDog logo, water bottle and a cap. BigDog participants invited to watch the home games at Browne Park in a reserved section of the grandstand.
Football field fun days at Browne Park with the CQ Capras and BigDog participants.
BigDog Support Services Magazine
All Abilities Program
The CQ Capras in partnership with BigDog Support Services offer All Abilities social fun activities tailored to the person’s individual abilities. We embrace the unique skills, capabilities and potential of every young person involved to encourage participation and interaction. Our All Abilities program offers young Central Queenslanders the opportunity to learn new skills, meet new people in a safe, inclusive environment, with the focus on physical activity and, most importantly, fun!
FACT Approximately 18.3% of the Queensland population, or almost 1 in every 5 Queenslanders, are living with a disability FACT 5.7% of all Australians have a profound, or severe, disability. One-third of those, aged 15 years and over, had completed year 12 or equivalent. FACT Almost 10% aged 15 years and over have experienced discrimination in the previous 12 months because of their disability FACT We are proud to say that more than 25 CQ Capras players are currently employed in Rockhampton by BigDog Support Services as support workers and coordinators.
Football field fun days with the CQ Capras playing and coaching staff (both men and women)
The All Abilities Program on-field coaching, basic ball skills and a fun no contact game.
All participants from across all NDIS Providers are invited and will receive a FREE CQ Capras pack including TShirt, football, water bottle, cap, bag, stickers etc.
Game Day experience – includes special invitations for all Endeavour clients to watch the CQ Capras play at Browne Park in a reserved grandstand seating.
Capras player visitations to Special Education Schools and Classes, and Disability Providers, (Gladstone, RockHannah and Courtney at the finishing post. Photo Toowoomba Chronicle hampton and surrounding areas) share a strong message in regards to Health, Wellbeing and the importance of nutrition and fitness. 5
Sponsorships 2021 State-wide BHP Women’s Competition BigDog is both pleased and excited to be part of history and sponsor the inaugural CQ Capras Women’s Team in 2021 and investing in developing a Women’s AFL team at the Highfields Lions for 2022. Surging viewing figures and an array of high-profile success stories means that women’s sport is riding high.
Female participation remains the greatest growing category in Rugby League and BigDog believes that it is more crucial than ever to continue to build a platform to further the role of female athletes, fans and administrators. 180,000 girls and women are playing across Australia with a 32% increase in 2017 and growing.
BigDog Support Services Magazine
Carer Gateway Carer Gateway is a national support service funded by the Australian Government. It provides free support for carers through a network of regional Carer Gateway service providers. Wellways Australia is the chosen service provider of Carer Gateway services throughout Queensland and the New South Wales regions of South West Sydney and Nepean Blue Mountains. BigDog is a registered provider of respite services through Wellways Carer Gateway If you support a family member or friend who has a disability, mental health condition, chronic health condition, terminal illness, or is frail aged you can access free supports via Carer Gateway. You don't need to be a new carer to use Carer Gateway services – any carer can use the services at any time in their caring journey. Emergency Respite Care If something urgent or unforeseen happens that prevents you from being able to be there for the person you support, we can make sure the person you care for will be looked after. How to access Carer Gateway Available 6am-10pm 7 days a week To register for services, call 1800 422 737 or visit for more information. Emergency respite is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 1800 422 737.
WhatsUp in Disability
Mar/Apr Magazine Stories in this issue include: • Jon Crisp • COVID-19 Roll Our • Portable Long Service Leave • Dr Seuss • Provider Guarantee
To obtain a copy of WhatsUp in Disability magazine or to be a sponsor, please contact WhatsUp via: Office
11-15 Alexander Street, Toowoomba
• NDIS Invoices • Let’s (not) talk about sex
Steven Paull President 7
Updates Media Releases Less than 2 business days’ notice to transition / cease support is unrealistic, unfair and in some cases unsafe, resulting in poor continuity of support and diminished outcomes for participants. How will the NDIA manage the influx of requests for 'light touch plan reviews' for participants that were using core funds to flexibly top up inadequate capacity building budgets How will the NDIA manage requests from participants who were not funded for Support Coordination in their original plan, will this be considered a change of circumstance?
On Thursday 25 February the NDIA announced that the ability for participants to use their CORE funds flexibly to engage a Support Coordinator will cease on 28 February, just 2 business days from now. DIA has not been consulted on this significant change of position by the NDIA. The NDIA only confirmed this decision to remove this flexibility upon our enquiries, after DIA requested confirmation that such action was being undertaken by the NDIA. Further, DIA is not aware of any consultation of engagement with participants who have been using their CORE funds to access Support Coordination. The negative impact to participants and Support Coordinators on this change will be profound:
Participants have been told during planning meetings and by LAC’s that Support Coordination has not been funded within a participant’s plan, but not to worry – they can use their CORE funds to purchase this support flexibly should they need extra assistance to navigate the NDIS, connect with supports, establish those supports and ensure those supports continue to deliver outcomes for the participants. For those who hadn’t heard...NDIA later announced that they have extended the flexible use of core funding for Support Coordination until the end of March. This gives participants a bit more time to put in for reviews if they need to include Support Coordination in their plans. And for Support Coordinators who are currently being paid from Core supports, to finalise accounts, reviews, care plans etc. A bit of a breather anyhow….
BigDog Support Services Magazine
Toowoomba Community
Congratulations to the winners! FM 102.7 Big Bucks 50 for 50 As part of our sponsorship of FM 102.7 radio we have obtained 50 tickets in their 50 for 50, 2021 lottery. Toowoomba staff each received one ticket with their Christmas card and with only 100 tickets in this weekly draw each Monday, they have a chance to win $50 cash. As we have half of the tickets each week we would expect an even chance of having a winner. Winning tickets go back into the draw, so you can win again! So listen in to the Tony Wigan breakfast show each Monday morning from 6:00am or follow the FM 102.7 Facebook page to watch the live draw. Winners will also be contacted by phone.
Thanks to Re/Max Real Estate for selecting BigDog as their business of the week
BigDog Day Service Toowoomba Paul Myatt Community Centre 11-15 Alexander Street North Toowoomba 4350 Coordinator Sharon Price Phone: 4512 6020
BigDog Support Services Magazine
Rockhampton Community
Rockhampton day centre has started the year busy and having fun with music in the park, cooking, health and hygiene, science and a lot more fun activities in between. We have also celebrated a couple of birthdays and welcomed some new faces. Today was finished off with a surprise visit from some very special small visitors. Work is progressing well on our new site at East Street and we will be moving as soon as the air conditioning is installed. The walls have been erected for the office area and we are waiting on the office furniture to be delivered and the computers to be connected. Stay tuned for the date of our official opening as we would love everyone to attend and help us celebrate this momentous event.
BigDog Day Service Rockhampton Manderson’s Dance Centre 170 East Street Rockhampton 4700
206 Murray Street, Allenstown 4701 Coordinator Sarah Dillon Phone: 4573 4611
Safety Updates COVID-19 Vaccine roll-out Darling Downs Health registered nurse Casey Zeller rolled up her sleeve on Wednesday morning to be the first phase 1a frontline health worker in the Darling Downs Health region to receive the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Casey works at the Darling Downs Health COVID-19 testing centre at Charlton. “As well as working in theatre here at Toowoomba Hospital I’ve also spent a lot of time over the past year as team leader at our COVID-19 test centre at Charlton and our pop -up testing centre at Baillie Henderson,” Ms Zeller said. “Being vaccinated is one of the easiest things we can all do to keep our communities and loved ones safe. “I feel privileged to be the first.”
Steve Ms Zeller received her vaccination at the region’s new AstraZeneca vaccination hub, located inside the Toowoomba Hospital. Darling Downs Public Health Unit Director Dr Liam Flynn said other phases of the vaccination rollout would also be facilitated by the hub, following the end of phase 1a distribution. “We’re going to start slow and then we’ll ramp up our vaccine process here in Toowoomba and across the Darling Downs, our aim is to vaccinate everybody that wants to be vaccinated,” Dr Flynn said. The vaccine is free, safe, effective and is an important step to reduce the serious effects of COVID-19. BigDog will keep staff and participants updated on the vaccination rollout in our regions.
BigDog Support Services Magazine
Staff Updates
Individual Support, Aging and Disability BigDog has been included in the Industry Reference Committee coordinated by SkillsIQ, a not-for-profit organisation appointed by the Commonwealth Department of Education, Skills and Employment to develop national skills standards in this industry.
The purpose of the committee is to also ensure that skills are relevant for jobs in this industry and to meet critical skills gaps and shortages. The Aged Care Workforce Strategy 2018 found that Certificate III in Individual Support was not meeting the skills needs of workers. The introduction of the NDIS has led to an increased demand for personalisation of care and a diversity of skills to meet the needs of clients. This has led to the review of current qualifications at Certificate III and Certificate IV levels to ensure skills meet client and workforce needs.
Staff Birthdays
March 2021 9th 10th 18th 21st 26th 27th 29th 31st
Deanna N Dylan Polly Brodie C Juliette S Susan Alesha Michael N James S
Have a great day!
Certificate III in Individual Support packaging rules have changed with 13 units in total with 9 core units and 4 electives. Additional Questions •
NDIS Support Coordinator role
Assistive Technology
Restrictive Practices
Responses to Abuse
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Transporting passengers with disabilities
Leadership skills at Certificate IV
Current Certificate III Trainees Congratulations to the 14 support staff who have commenced training through Aurora Training Institute and are now on Permanent Part-Time employment with all of their training and student costs covered by BigDog. Thank you for your commitment. 13
What’s happening in
St Patrick’s Day Wednesday 17th March 2021 Saint Patrick's Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick (Irish: Lá Fhéile Pádraig, "the Day of the Festival of Patrick"), is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17th March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick (c. AD 385–461), the foremost patron saint of Ireland.
Dr. Seuss Books Are Pulled, and a ‘Cancel Culture’ Controversy Erupts The beloved author’s most famous books, like “Green Eggs and Ham,” were untouched, but his estate’s decision nevertheless prompted a backlash and raised questions about what should be preserved as part of the cultural record. “If I Ran the Zoo,” “And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street,” “On Beyond Zebra!” and “McElligot’s Pool” were among the six Dr. Seuss books that his estate said “portray people in ways that are hurtful and wrong.” Christopher Dolan/The Times-Tribune, via Associated Press
Oh dear me! Editor 14
Saint Patrick's Day was made an official Christian feast day in the early 17th century and is observed by the Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion (especially the Church of Ireland), the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Lutheran Church. The day commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland, and celebrates the heritage and culture of the Irish in general. Celebrations generally involve public parades and festivals, céilís, and the wearing of green attire or shamrocks. Christians who belong to liturgical denominations also attend church services and historically the Lenten restrictions on eating and drinking alcohol were lifted for the day, which has encouraged and propagated the holiday's tradition of alcohol consumption. Saint Patrick's Day is a public holiday in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador (for provincial government employees), and the British Overseas Territory of Montserrat. It is also widely celebrated in the United Kingdom, Canada, United States, Brazil, Argentina, Australia and New Zealand, especially amongst Irish diaspora. Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated in more countries than any other national festival.
BigDog Support Services Magazine
Justice of the Peace This service is available at the Paul Myatt Community Centre 11-15 Alexander Street Toowoomba (please call first to make an appointment) The JPs in the Community Program is also available through major shopping centres, libraries, court houses and hospitals.
Contact Us BigDog Support Services 232 Ruthven Street Toowoomba QLD 4350 PO Box 234 Harlaxton QLD 4350
(07) 4632 9559 1800 22 44 32 0427 408 698 (On Call) 15
Join Billy Drury and his family and friends as they celebrate the life and legacy of his daughter Bella who sadly passed away from SIDS due to premature birth. Billy has chosen to make his daughter's birthday party a public event to help raise funds for the Toowoomba Hospital’s Special Care Nursery. Funds raised will be used to purchase life-saving/ life-changing medical equipment that will potentially save and improve lives of babies that need a little extra help. BigDog and WhatsUp in Disability will be opening the Paul Myatt Community Centre and grounds to assist in this great community event. We will also have a sausage sizzle and community marques to provide awareness of community services in the Toowoomba Region. We will need lots of help on the day to man these sites and to also assist in directing cars into the designated place. If you would like to be a volunteer on the day please let Steven or Sharon know so that we can assign you a job to do Tell your friends and family about this event and everyone come along and enjoy a great day in the park.
BigDog Support Services Magazine