1 minute read
Rockhampton Community
August is here and day centre has been traveling the world! Every two weeks we choose a new destination, picking six topics to learn and explore.
First stop, Russia!
Day Service has been using all sorts of recourses to find information, one that we have been using is the library for the use of books to research and gathering any useful information about Russian’s foods, clothing, native flowers, population, language and money. In the two weeks of learning about Russia we researched what the Russian traditions are and cooked two Russian dishes, made art and learnt how to speak Russian, that was a very interesting and funny day. Stay turned for our next destination. Don’t forget about our next pie drive that has been sent home, orders needing to be in by the end of the month, if you have not already got your orders in or your needing a new form please come in and grab one from the office. We are very pleased with the results from converting one of the spare offices into our sensory room. With an ‘Under the Sea’ theme, it includes calming music and soft lighting.

BigDog Day Service Rockhampton
BigDog Community Centre 170 East Street Rockhampton 4700
Sarah Dillon Phone: 4573 4611 rockhampton@bigdogsupport.com.au