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Safety Updates - Zero Tolerance
Safety Updates
Supporting safe and enjoyable meals
The NDIS Commission is creating new elearning training modules for NDIS workers. These short online courses will be on the topics of communication and mealtime management. This module will explain the vital role of mealtime assistance for NDIS workers, and the risks and considerations when supporting someone with swallowing disability.
Real voices, stories, and perspectives of people with disability are an important part of this training. There are opportunities for participants to feature in the 'Supporting safe and enjoyable meals' module. The producers of the module are looking for people with disability who have meal time support needs and are willing to present, act in scenarios, and feature in the voice segments. Participants may be asked about their experiences with mealtimes that can be included in the training for NDIS workers. If you have a participant who wants to be involved, please email education@ndiscommission.gov.au to receive further information. Zero Tolerance is an initiative led by NDS in partnership with the disability sector. It assists disability service providers to understand, implement and improve practices which safeguard the rights of people they support.

The Zero Tolerance commitment is a commitment to recognise, raise and respond to any deviation from the human rights of people using disability services. It is a personal and organisational commitment to always have our eyes open and always be doing better to support rights.