It’s a new year! Was 2022 so bad?

Some good things from 2022.
} US renewables generated more power than coal and nuclear
} Wild mammals made a comeback in Europe
} DART proved we can protect Earth from asteroids
} Alzheimer’s became partially treatable
} Doctors performed the first pig-to-human heart transplant
} Women’s sports surged in popularity
} The Ethiopian civil war ended
} A successful mission takes the United States one step closer to returning to the moon
} A fusion breakthrough could advance clean energy
} Researchers in Switzerland created an AIpowered spinal implant that enabled three paralysed patients to walk, swim, and cycle almost instantly.

} Swedish and Chinese scientists built a battery that can store solar energy in liquid form for as long as 18 years.
What incredible advances will we see in 2023? BigDog

only be used for the purpose for which you gave it to us

January - Wilbur Smith
From the moment I read 'When the Lion Feeds' I was a lifelong devotee of Wilbur Smith's storytelling. The experience was like no other. I loved the character so much that I promised myself that when I had children that the first born son would be called Sean or the first born girl would be called Courtney.
February - Dylan Alcott OAM Australian of the year 2022.
Russia invades Ukraine (David v Goliath)
March - Neighbours Cancelled
After 37 years this iconic show is axed. Oscars return after being cancelled for 2 years
Ash Barty calls it quits and Buddy kicks 1,000 April - Johnny and Amber (Johnny wins)
Federal Budget provides 20 weeks paid parental leave to be shared between parents
May - Labor wins Federal Election
Anthony Albanese was elected as prime minister in a bloodbath for the Coalition.
Interest Rates finally increase Monkeypox spreads across the world
June - Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Roe v Wade overturned. No longer a US Constitutional right to an abortion.
July - Cameron Smith Australian Golfer
Wins British Open Tournament of Champions
Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated.
Underdog Maroons claim State of Origin
August - Commonwealth Games
The Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games
kick off and the Australian line-up features Olympic champions and fresh faces repping Australia for the first time in the Games. There will be 435 Aussie athletes all vying for medals in 20 sports.
September - The Carnival is Over
It was sad with the passing of 2 of Australia’s music icons in Judith Durham (79) and Olivia Newton-John.(73) Both entertainers had incredibly unique and powerful voices, their music was iconic and memorable and they both called Australia home.
Optus suffers major data breach of 10 million Cats beat Swans in AFL Grand Final October“Kiloon House” Toowoomba
We are very proud to announce that we have purchased this house of historic significance to operate as our new administration office. Elon Musk buys Twitter for $44 billion. Mandatory COVID-19 isolation ends November - Sins of Our Fathers Netball Australia - A sorry state of affairs for all involved. Australian sport, the players, sponsors, supporters, the media and social commentators. Woke is broke.
The world’s population reached 8 billion people
December - Loads of Love
The appeal has become a trusted way for thousands of Queenslanders to show their generosity to those that need it most Argentina wins the World Cup against France Six people, including two police officers, were killed in an ambush-style shooting and subsequent siege at a rural Queensland property.
January - 2022 Price Guide
0.25% increase to the price limits for community participation supports and supports with activities of daily living replacing the previous pricing for workers’ PPE.
April - New LAC Contracts
Existing contracts were to finish in 2022 and there is nothing in this release to explain why. Can COVID-19 be blamed for this as well?
May -
Crackdown on Cowboys
Shadow NDIS Minister Bill Shorten announced Labor's proposal to invest $10 million over four years to support disability advocates and "keep people safe in the scheme" in his 6 Point Plan.
June - Are NDIS Plans being cut?
The NDIA is keen to hammer home the message that the average amount paid on behalf of participants is going up each year, feeding fears about Scheme costs.
July - NDIS Updates
The NDIA is releasing monthly summary reports as part of their promise to make the data easier to see. To May there was $25.37bn paid supports with an average of $54,800.
August - What is the Cost of Quality
The sheer increase in the number of quality standards under the NDIS Commission and the minuscule timeframes in which providers have been expected to conform to amendments to the standards are overwhelming
September - Organised Crime in the NDIS
Australians have been extorted, threatened
with violence or even involuntarily admitted to a psychiatric ward by crime syndicates seeking to steal their NDIS entitlements.
October - Kurt Fearnley NDIA Chair
Mr Fearnley says he is excited by the role and looks forward to providing a fresh take on the NDIA and the NDIS.
November - NDIS 2.0: A New Hope

Independent Review into the NDIS to improve the wellbeing of Australians with disability and ensure the Scheme’s sustainability so that future generations receive the benefit of the NDIS.
December - Federal Court Decisions Matter
The Federal Court clarified the meaning of two words –“available” and “remedy” as they relate to accessing the NDIS as this decision widens the threshold of people eligible.
January - Changes to the NDIS Board
Four new members have been appointed to the Board with effect from 1 January 2022; Ms Leah van Poppel; Dr Peta Seaton AM; Ms Meredith Allan and Dr Denis Napthine.
February - Free Rapid Antigen Tests
The Australian Government has commenced distributing 1.2 million rapid antigen tests to high risk residential disability care settings, with five million test kits to be delivered by June this year.
March - International Women’s Day
Toowoomba has selected the top 100 influential women and they include a number who are closely associated with BigDog including Kim Stokes, Alyse Nelligan and Sharon Boyce.
Disability Employment
Recruitment agency Randstad has partnered with Get Skilled Access, founded by disability advocate Dylan Alcott, to launch RecruitAble, said to be a ground-breaking recruitment program for people with disability. Supported by $2.43 million in funding from the Federal Government, the national pilot and new website will allow the estimated 2.1 million people with disability of working age, gain more employment opportunities.
May - Partners in the Community
The Australian Government is seeking suitable community based organisations to help deliver the NDIS partners in the community (PITC) program. Services will be delivered in 74 service areas across Australia for a 5 year period from July 2023. This will further improve participant access to support in their local communities. (This was later cancelled by Labor)
June - What were the original intentions?
The NDIS was intended to bring specialist disability services under a single umbrella, moving away from the previous fragmented and ineffective disability system and to serve three communities:
1. For every Australian
2. For all people with disability and carers
3. People with significant disabilities
July - Special Schools
The disability royal commission is looking at the experiences of children and young people with disability in different schools across Australia. This includes mainstream schools as well as so-called “special schools”.
August - NDIS and NDIS Commission
The requirements of the NDIS Commission were not well aligned with the NDIA’s planning processes or with the pricing arrangements.
September - Get the Cowboys
The Federal Government is reviewing a loophole that has allowed 90% of NDID Providers to be unregistered.
October - Practice Alerts
12 new Practice Alerts have been released by the NDIA including Polypharmacy and Dysphagia. NGO Training Modules are available
November -
Federal Budget
An additional $11.2m for Disability Representative Organisations. There is also an extra $21.2m to be provided over 3 years for individual advocacy support during NDIS appeals.
December - NDIA v Davis
The impact of this should not be underestimated, as it has the potential to significantly expand the population eligible for NDIS support.
January - #myjobishumans
BigDog offers opportunities within our organisation for students to be exposed to the industry through classroom student engagement. Providing real life examples of working in the sector.
February - Capras All Abilities Clinic

Come and join the players and support workers in an inclusive environment that is also full of fun activities.
March - Something Unreal Football Festival
The day was a get together for local young aspiring footballers
April - In loving

To Cora's family we are sending our love and sharing memories of the moments we had together. She touched our lives and hearts.
May - Toowoomba Mayoral Prayer Breakfast
Winter Shelter Toowoomba, a charity offering accommodation and support services to the city’s homeless people, is the beneficiary of the 28th Toowoomba Mayoral Prayer Breakfast

June - Black Dog Institute Healthy Mind
Empowers people to take charge of their mental health
July - Toowoomba Showgrounds Jobs Fair
Disability Support Worker Conference Southbank Brisbane
August - Cost of delivering group-based core supports
Increased costs cited include activity-specific risk assessments, program-specific training, assistive tech, and building modifications.
September - Dom Dances Ahead
D Dance Academy is a great example of inclusion and having fun
- Business DisABILITY Awards
The event was attended by 368 guests at the Wellcamp Airport Passenger Terminal, with keynote speaker Tom Nash.
December - Capras Club Shirts with BigDog Sponsorship

Rockhampton management and support staff, as well Toowoomba management staff will have a choice of being provided with either the Capras Club Champion Polo or the Capras Indigenous Champion Polo for 2023 at no cost to themselves as part of our sponsorship.

January - February
Wendy Adams Spinal Education Awareness Team (1999 – 2021) educating students from Prep to Year 12
Wendy will be greatly missed.
March - April
Bronwyn Herbertson Amazing
Dylan Alcott

January - Face Masks
Now masks everywhere, even in the pubs when just last week ...Oh dear!
February - Effective Communication
Effective communication is essential to providing quality and safe services, and contributes to the rights of people with disabilities to have choice and control.
March - Charter of Rights
Child Safety is responsible for monitoring care arrangements to ensure the care provided is consistent with the statement of standards (Child Protection Act 1999, section 122)
A number of training modules are now available on our NGO Training Portal and compulsory for those working in Child Safety.
April - Maintaining Family Connections
Family contact is primarily about the child’s needs and their right to have opportunities to develop and maintain an attachment and connection with family members and significant others when they are in care.
Connecting with family is much more than just meetings between the child in care and their parents.
May - Safe and Supported
The National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2021-2031.
Our shared vision is that children and young people in Australia have the right to grow up safe, connected and supported in their family, community and culture.
June - Circle of Relationships
Purple Private Circle
Blue Hug Circle
Green Faraway Circle
Yellow Handshake Circle
Orange –Wave Circle
Red Stranger Circle
July - Care and Support to 21
Young Queenslanders with an out-of-home care experience received life-changing news from the Palaszczuk Government’s announcing the option to remain in their current care placements till 21 years of age.
August - Playing IT Safe
Playing IT Safe is an early learning initiative, developed in partnership by the Australian Federal Police, the Alannah and Madeline Foundation and the eSafety Commissioner.
September - Invalidation
Invalidation is one of the most painful forms of abuse. It destroys confidence and individuality
October - Child Protection Act 1999
The Department of Children, Youth Justice and Multicultural Affairs (Child Safety) has a legislative responsibility to respond to information received about harm or risk to a child
November - Blue Card Services
How to renew your Blue Card through Portal. Steven, Leanne and Maree are the Nominated Portal Users and manage blue card records and obligations for BigDog.
December - Queensland Disability Plan
Queensland’s state disability plan launched during Disability Action Week 2022 represents a new phase in action towards an accessible and inclusive state for people with disability.

January - Tastes of Brazil
Queensland is subject to mandatory face masks. This has severely restricted our ability to attend some of our favourite community venues including 10 Pin Bowling, Gyms, Coffee Shops, the Library and swimming.
February - Full of Fun
Silly sock day on the 4th Friday of the month. St Patricks day on Thursday 17th and the worlds greatest shave or colour your hair.
March - Go Purple
National Epilepsy Awareness Month Dig out the best of your purple garb National Epilepsy Awareness Month. BigDog
Easter is Here
Wear your pyjamas for a movie and popcorn
May - The Big Cow
This iconic statue has been moved from the Sunshine Coast to the Highfields Pioneer Village and we were one of the first visitors.
June - Sponsoring Inclusive Sports
Thanks to Mal and the NRL for hosting our all abilities day with the Western Clydesdales RLFC. Everyone had a great time!
We are very excited to have the use of this unique mobile BBQ Buddy and the wonderful support of WhatsUp in Disability and the Limembers to ensure that the transfer ocs satisfaction. All proceeds from the BBQ go directly to the Paul Myatt Community Centre and our

Thank you to Alan and his team at the Commonwealth Bank at Clifford Gardens for their very generous Community Donation
October - Spooktober
Scary costumes and people
November - Jondaryan Woolshed Heritage, History, Arts and Crafts
December - Christmas Parties
There will be games and presents from the big man himself as well as a table full of delicious food and drinks.
January - Australia Day Theme
All of our Capra Support Workers did the big run up Mt Archer ready for the reopening.
February - Work Shirts
Employees will be able to order one of the new Capra shirts in either the standard maroon colour or the unique indigenous version.
March - World’s Greatest Shave
Either the hair comes off or funky colours go on in our fundraising day for the Leukaemia Foundation.
April - I’m going Blue for Autism
BigDog sponsored an All Inclusion day in Gladstone through the Capras. Wayne Bennet was one of the guest coaches and took the opportunity to meet with lots of local people with disability and fans.

learning about the importance of recycling, they are saving up for their end of year trip.
July - Browns Park Sports Day
Open to all providers, a day of tunnel ball, obstacle courses, ring toss, soccer, egg and spoon race, sack race, 3 legged races and ARL football. Lots of prizes and awards.
August - Aggressive Behaviour Training
This training is conducted by 2 previous members of the Australian Defense Force who were deployed overseas and is the best training session you will ever get to attend.
September - All Abilities Clinic
BigDog special shirt for those who attended October - Beach Day Out Event
Our tent with games and prizes November - Congratulations Radean
We are all very proud of you being selected to play for Italy in the Rugby League World Cup and especially with a win over Scotland 28-4. December - Christmas Parties Community Centre and Stoney Creek.
BigDog Day Service Rockhampton
BigDog Community Centre
- Star Wars “May the 4th be
with you
Mother’s Day & International Day of Families
Biggest Morning Tea for the Cancer Council
- Containers for Change
Every week we collect our recyclable bottles and cans and head off the our local Containers for Change depot. Not only are the guys
170 East Street Rockhampton 4700
Macka & Carli
Phone: 4573 4611
January - Face Masks
Masks must be worn indoors everywhere in Queensland, except in your own home or accommodation, and where it is unsafe, such as while doing strenuous exercise.
February - Emergencies
BigDog has effective planning processes to prepare, prevent, manage and respond to emergency and disaster situations whilst mitigating risks to and ensuring continuity of supports that are critical to the health, safety and wellbeing of NDIS participants.
March - Unleashing the potential
A remarkable characteristic of the COVID-19 response has been the sheer pace of reform, with major changes in medical practices.
April - Booster Vaccination
The AHPPC had previously recommended mandatory vaccinations (two doses) for disability support workers who provide intensive support services to NDIS participants but in view of the changed ATAGI advice, this recommendation is now three vaccine doses. Greyfleet includes personal vehicles, client vehicles, and all forms of leases, whether or not workers are reimbursed for expenses.
WHS law applies to all Greyfleet vehicles.
May - Increased Fines Driving Offences
The Queensland Government says “every cent” collected from the fines will be reinvested into road safety, (Sure it will)
June - Aggressive Behaviour Training
The training is conducted by 2 qualified Australian Army trainers who have conducted a previous session with us this year and was
considered to have been the best training of its type by all who attended.
When a person is unlawfully assaulted, and has not provoked the assault, it is lawful for the person to use such force to the assailant as is reasonably necessary to make effectual defence against the assault, if the force used is not intended, and is not such as is likely, to cause death or grievous bodily harm.
July - Worker Screening Cards
It is the responsibility of all disability worker screening clearance card holders and applicants to keep BigDog updated about any changes to their details or circumstances.
August - Footwear and Safety at Work
Enclosed shoes must be worn. In client showering where floors can’t always be kept dry or clean, the right footwear is especially important, so a slip resistant shoe will be required
- First Aid
Any support worker who is found not to have a current and valid certificate will be removed from all shifts until a certificate is provided.
October -
COVID-19 Updates
Health service employees, and workers in aged care and disability care must be up-to-date with their COVID-19 vaccinations,
- Lifestyle Risk Factors
People with disability are more likely to have poor physical and mental health.
December - Fraud Awareness
It is important for participants to know how to protect their plan from criminals and other dishonest people. Report any suspects.
January - Travel Allowanced
Travel Allowances for employees authorised to use their own vehicles for a shift will now be re-imbursed by KM rate
February - SCHADS changes ahead
A broken shift is defined as a shift with one or more breaks (that aren’t meal breaks) within a 12 hour period.
March - Rockhampton beginnings
With an original group of 3 and operating 3 days a week look where we are now. Thank you for your successes.
April - Toowoomba Winter Uniforms
BigDog is providing winter vests for those cold days.
May - CareMaster Updates

User can start or end supports and breaks and add case notes and signatures while the app is not connected to the internet and are added when next online.
June - Superannuation
Have increased to the rate of 10.5% of ordinary wages
Performance appraisals have reached 75% completed
July - Shift Notes
Shift Notes are being monitored as they are a requirement of the job, help with report writing and provide evidence.
August - CareMaster
Ready to go from Saturday 13 August. YouTube training.

September - CareMaster is live for Payroll
Monique graduates Law and Steph becomes a mum
October - A Day at the Beach
Emu Park Beach Day Out meet the Capra’s Players
November - Fair Work Legislation Amendment Bill
Secure Jobs, Better Pay moves to Collective Agreements
December - Move to Clifford Street
With all of our dogs in a row, we should be up and running by late Monday 12 December.

16th Vivian D
19th Emily M
20th Courtney C 21st Clarissa B 28th Gustavo 29th Bodie M 31st Wayne S Have
January - Face Masks
Masks must be worn indoors everywhere in Queensland, except in your own home or accommodation, and where it is unsafe, such as while doing strenuous exercise.
February - Capras Sponsorship
BigDog logo appears on the club shirt sleeve so rather than issuing a new batch of standard work shirts, Rockhampton employees will be able to order one of the new club shirts in either the standard maroon colour or the unique indigenous version.
March - No Masks but floods a plenty
For the second time in 8 weeks the Paul Myatt Community Centre was flooded with a river of water that comes from Alexander Street where there is no curb and channelling and Queensland Rail have this great drainage ditch that was covered over so that trucks can access the rails and directs the water directly towards the building. Council have been and are looking into some ways to reduce this flow of water that occurs every time we had heavy rain. My heart felt thanks goes to our team of workers who provided their time in cold and wet conditions to lay sandbags, mop and squeegee the water, dig trenches to divert the rivers of water, to move furniture and electrical equipment out of the path of the water.
April - Harmony Day
Picnic in the Park, cultural music, dance and inspirational speakers.
Brisbane Disability Connection Expo.
May - All Inclusion Day
Hunters vs Devils meet the Clydesdales play-
ers at Clive Berghofer Stadium. We also had special shirts made for the day.
Groom will field eight candidates at the May 21 election, the largest number since 2013.
5 of the 7 candidates for Groom at the election are either women or non-binary, which is an endorsement of changing demographics and public sentiment and it’s fantastic to see more women stepping up and taking action and wanting to make a difference.
June - Wear White to Work
End of financial year celebrations as well
July - Christmas in July
Crazy Hair Day and 4th July Independence
August - Jeans for Genes
Homeless for a Night. Join Nat for his 1st night sleeping rough to raise awareness of homelessness and raise funds for the Basement Soup Kitchen to continue to provide support to people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. 100% of the funds raised will go towards providing lunchtime meals, swags, food packs, hygiene packs, and other essential services.
September - Carnival of Flowers
Wear your Footy Colours and in one of the most one-sided wins in AFL history Geelong Cats absolutely destroyed the Sydney Swans
October - Spooktober Edition
International Street Festival and DOGTOBER
November - Movember
Remembrance Day event attendance at by BigDog staff at Martin Square Sydney
December - Holidays and Family Time
Uncle Jack Charles (aged 79)
Aboriginal elder, author and activist
Sir Sidney Poitier (aged 94)
Oscar winner To Sir with Love, Lilies of the Field
Rod Marsh (aged 74)
Australian wicketkeeper and cricketing icon
Shane Warne (aged 52)
Greatest Cricket spin bowler of all time
Dennis Waterman (aged 74)
Star of Minder, The Sweeney and New Tricks
Andrew Symonds (aged 46) Car crash
Australian Cricket Legend
Archie Roach (aged 66)
Gunditjmara Elder, song man and storyteller
Judith Durham AO (aged 79)
Lead singer and songwriter of the Seekers
Olivia Newton-John AC DBE (aged 73)
Singer, actress and Foundation for Breast Cancer research
Hopelessly Devoted to You, Grease and Xanadu
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (aged 96)
The longest-reigning monarch in British history.
Dame Angela Lansbury (aged 96)
Actress of stage and screen. “Murder She Wrote”
Robbie Coltrane OBE (aged 72)
Actor and comedian in Cracker and James Bond films
Paul Green (aged 49)
NRL Premiership winning coach for the Cowboys
Kirsty Alley (aged 71)
Emmy winning actress from Cheers and Look who’s talking
Pele (aged 82)
Brazilian Soccer Legend and winner of 3 World Cups
Justice of the Peace
This service is available at the Historic BigDog House
3 Clifford Street Toowoomba (please call first to make an appointment)

The JPs in the Community Program is also available through major shopping centres, libraries, court houses and hospitals.