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Biography WhatsUp


With Sarah Rossiter

Preparing for Emergencies

The Toowoomba Region is one of Australia’s most picturesque and productive areas. We are blessed with moderate climatic conditions, rich soil and beautiful landscapes. However, just like any region, from time to time we are faced with adverse weather events and natural disasters. We can never be too prepared for times of nature’s destructive force.

In the event of an emergency or disaster there is often little time to act, however, there are vital preparations that can be completed ahead of time to ensure the best possible mitigation against injury and loss of life.

Severe storms are often unpredictable and can occur at any time, involving lightning, thunder, hail, wind gusts and flash flooding. These storms can cause major damage to property, injury and loss of life.

Pay attention to severe storm warnings issued by the Bureau of Meteorology and visit www.bom.com.au to find out if your area may be impacted. Always wait for storm activity to pass completely before going outdoors.

The Get ready website provides useful, simple information to help you organise your home, business and pets.

Clean Up Australia Day

Sunday 5 March 2023.

Get your friends, family, neighbours and local community group together to make an impact that improves your environment.

Clean Up Australia Day will send you a free starter kit that contains bags, gloves and everything you need to create a safe, fun and effective Clean Up.

Their kits are available for individuals, families of four and groups of 10 - nominate which size you need as part of the registration process and please make sure you leave two weeks between registering and your event day, so Amazon has time to deliver it to your door!

Parks Week 2023

We're ready to celebrate all our great parks!

Parks Week will run from 4 to 12 March 2023 with a wide range of activities designed to encourage residents to enjoy their neighbourhood parks and open recreation spaces. Activities offered in parks across the Region will include fitness classes for adults and kids, walking groups, parkrun and much more.

Bookings are required to participate in most Parks Week activities.


ANZAC Day is a very special day on 25 April each year. It marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.

We are proud to support the various community committees that organise related events. The ANZAC Day organising committees announce and publish details for each event in various locations.

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