2022-2023 COD Foundation Annual Report

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Celebrating 40 Years of Funding Student Success
Report 2022-2023

Empowering COD Students to Thrive

When we fund COD students’ basic needs, we empower them to overcome obstacles and pursue their dreams. By investing in their education and well-being, we are not only transforming individual lives but also enriching our communities and creating a more equitable society. Together, we can make a lasting impact and pave the way for a brighter future.

California’s higher cost of living has left students with significant financial barriers to college completion, including tuition, technology, textbooks, childcare and food and housing insecurity. We thank you all for supporting the Fund for Student Success. Because of you, thousands of low-income students can complete their studies because they have their essential needs met, allowing them to begin their climb up the economic ladder.

I personally want to congratulate everyone who has contributed to and been a part of the COD Foundation’s success for the past 40 years. When we provide comprehensive access to education, we produce a professional workforce to strengthen our Valley’s social and economic infrastructure. We believe that no student should miss out on a class or find they are unable to complete an assignment due to a lack of supplies, books or equipment. You, too, can Empower COD Students to Spread Their Wings.



Diane Rubin Chairperson

Christine Anderson, Ed.D. Past Chairperson

Tom Minder


Jake Wuest Treasurer

Barbara Fromm Secretary Directors

Christine Anderson, Ed.D.

Norma Castaneda

Bill Chunowitz

Carol Bell Dean

Marge Dodge

Kim Dozier

Carol Fragen

Barbara Fromm

Martha Garcia, Ed.D.

Jim Greene

Paul Hinkes

Joan R. Lamb

Dale Landon

Connie Lurie

Donna MacMillan

Tom Minder

Barbara Foster


Rob Moon

Marlene O’Sullivan

Diane Rubin

Jane Saltonstall, Ed.D.

Shari Stewart

Charles Townsend Vinci

Jenell VanDenBos

Jim Williams

Jake Wuest


Academic Angels Committee

Marge Dodge

Advancement and Stewardship

Rob Moon

Audit Committee

Barbara Foster


Executive Committee

Diane Rubin

Finance and Investment Committee

Jake Wuest

Legacy Committee

Charles Townsend Vinci

Nominating Committee

Jane Saltonstall, Ed.D.

President’s Circle, Events

Rob Moon

President’s Circle, Membership

Rob Moon

Stepping Out for COD Committee


Norma Castaneda

Jenell VanDenBos

Executive Director

Catherine Abbott

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” | NELSON MANDELA

COD Foundation’s Impact on the Coachella Valley


SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED in the 2022/2023 fiscal year.


INDIVIDUAL GIFTS RECEIVED in the 2022/2023 fiscal year, gifted from 498 donors including new donor gifts.


Supporting Students' Basic Needs: The Difference Between Dropping Out and a Diploma

The COD Foundation manages nearly


IN ENDOWMENTS held in perpetuity to support a variety of scholarships and programs.


STUDENT EMERGENCY GRANTS AWARDED since 2020 fund inception.


PURCHASED GRADUATION REGALIA for graduating seniors from 2019-2023.


of every dollar supported SCHOLARSHIPS AND PROGRAMMING in 2021-2022.

COD students have become the skilled nurses caring for you and your loved ones, the firefighters and EMTs who respond to your 911 calls, the chefs who prepare your meals at your favorite restaurants and the entrepreneurs and business leaders who consistently give back to our community and generate over $300 million annually into our local economy.

Since March of 2020, the COD Foundation has secured more than $470,000 in assistance to 520 students, ensuring critical resources to those impacted by the pandemic. Contributions empower the students to continue learning their trade, preparing for management-level positions and pursuing and completing the quality education that every student deserves.

2022/2023 Fundraising Revenues

• $482K Planned Giving

• $1.145M Other Revenues

• $601K Stepping Out Gala

• $322K Grants

• $113K President’s Circle

Funds Distributed by Areas of Impact

• $894K Scholarships including:

EDGE/plEDGE – $200K

Student Emergency Fund – $28K Internships – $44.5K

• $489K Overall Program Support

College of the Desert Foundation Annual Report 2022-2023
$894K $1.145M $482K $489K $601K $322K

Stepping Out for COD 2023 Raised $600,000 to Support COD Foundation’s Fund for Student Success

Presented by Alan and Helen Greene and James and Jessica Greene, Stepping Out for COD 2023 was an absolute success! The evening was spectacular, with the crowd dancing in McCallum Theatre’s aisles to Motown music performed by Australian pop vocal group, Human Nature!

Co-chairs Bill Chunowitz, Tom Minder and Rob Moon shared the challenges COD students have experienced since 2020, which include navigating multiple jobs, battling inflation and struggling to regain years of lost income – all while juggling family issues and striving to complete their education. The Foundation has continued to focus on providing basic, essential needs to low-income students including food, housing, textbooks, technology, childcare and tuition.

Stepping Out also celebrated COD Foundation’s 40th Anniversary, raising over $100 million in the past four decades to support student programs including the EDGE/plEDGE Tuition Assistance program, Fund for Student Success, Student Scholarships, Internships, our Foster Youth Program and more, making it possible for thousands of students to pursue their education and chosen careers.

Rob Moon, Tom Minder and Bill Chunowitz. Las Vegas headliner HUMAN NATURE, the 27-time platinum award-winning trio, performed Motown’s greatest hits and had the audience singing and dancing in the aisles.
College of the Desert Foundation Annual Report 2022-2023 5
PHOTOS BY LANI GARFIELD Tom Minder, Bill Chunowitz and Rob Moon. Susan Solomon, Hal and Diane Gershowitz and Elliott Solomon. Katherine and Greg Hough. Norma Castaneda and Sergio Rodriguez. Jane Saltonstall, Vicki Ryan, Donna MacMillan, Danielle Palivos and Susan Mascovitch. Karen and Mike Devine. Peggy Jacobs, Judith Allred and Joan Cortopassi. Doug and Tristen Olson, Catherine Abbott, Jessica Greene, James Greene and Jenell VanDenBos. Steven Lind, Patty Newman, Jordan Schnitzer and Diane Rubin. Richard and Debby Lyons, Louise Schulz and Patty Cameron.Kathy, Carol and Dr. Andrew Fragen.

Man of La Mancha Legacy Event

Each spring, the College of the Desert’s Legacy Leaders (donors who have included the COD Foundation in their estate plans) are treated to a reception in the McCallum Theatre’s Founders Room followed by a performance of the College’s annual musical. This year, the Theatre Department produced the multiple-Tony Award-winning musical, Man of La Mancha.

More than 60 Legacy Leaders, their guests and COD Foundation Board members attended the pre-event where new Legacy Leaders Bill Haines and Ed Oehler, Daniel Pelosi, William Rutherford and Jake and Rebecca Wuest were recognized. They also enjoyed a brief presentation by Janet Miller, head of the Theatre Department and director of the play, who gave some background on the production. Judging by the rousing applause and standing ovations, it was a huge success.

PHOTOS BY LANI GARFIELD Janet Miller. Lynn and Alan Hendershot. Bill Haines and Ed Oehler. Marianne and Richard Sanchez. Dr. Steve Acree and Jae Kim. Russ Uthe and Dick Burkett. Maureen and Wayne Johnson. Candice Connell-Morse and Dr. Barry Morse.Shari and Marc Stewart. Gerri Hinkes, Jane Saltonstall, Paul Hinkes and Christine Anderson. Fran Reimer, Gailya Brown, Jane Saltonstall and Marge Dodge. Cynthia and James Williams with Bill Chunowitz. Richard and Debby Lyons with Louise Schulz and Barb Mesher. Cynthia and James Williams.

Legacy Giving: Your Contribution, Our Future

Legacy gifts provide future support for College of the Desert and significantly alter students’ lives using charitable strategies. Contributions by will, trust, other forms of written designation, life-income arrangements and endowment gifts all represent generous forms of legacy giving. These gifts represent powerful and meaningful ways for individuals to create a philanthropic legacy for their community and the organizations they care about. We encourage you to take advantage of the many tax benefits of making a planned gift.

The Benefits of Making Bequests

A bequest is one of the most popular and flexible gifts to make. With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift be made to family, friends and the COD Foundation as part of your estate plan.

• You leave a lasting legacy to be remembered.

• You lessen the burden of taxes on your family.

• You may receive estate tax savings.

A bequest can be made in several ways:

• You can gift a specific dollar amount or asset.

• You can gift a percentage of your estate.

• You can make a gift from the balance or residue of your estate.

• You can make a beneficiary designation of certain assets.

Charitable Gift Annuity

You may be tired of living at the mercy of the fluctuating stock and real estate markets. A charitable gift annuity is a gift made to the COD Foundation that can provide you with a secure source of fixed payments for life.

Benefits include:

• Receive fixed payments to you or another annuitant you designate for life.

• Receive a charitable income tax deduction for the charitable gift portion of the annuity.

• Transfer up to $50,000 directly from your IRA to a Charitable Gift Annuity.

• Benefit from payments that may be partially tax-free.

• Further our mission to enhance the quality of education at College of the Desert.

How a Charitable Gift Annuity works:

• You transfer cash or property to the institution managing the annuity.

• You will receive a charitable income tax deduction for the gift portion of the annuity.

• The benefit to you is a charitable tax deduction and income for your lifetime.

• You also receive the satisfaction of knowing that you will be helping to fur ther our mission of supporting student success.

If you decide to fund your gift annuity with cash, a significant portion of the annuity payment will be tax-free. You may also make a gift of appreciated securities to fund a gift annuity and avoid a portion of the capital gains tax.

IRA Charitable Rollover

If you are 70½ or older, an IRA Charitable Rollover is a way you can help continue our work.

• Avoid taxes on transfers of up to $100,000 from your IRA to the COD Foundation.

• Satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year.

• Reduce your taxable income, even if you do not itemize deductions.

• Make a gift that is not subject to the deduction limits on charitable gifts.

• Transfer up to $50,000 directly from your IRA to a Charitable Gift Annuity.

• Help further the work and mission of the COD Foundation.

How an IRA Charitable Rollover gift works:

• Contact your IRA plan administrator to make a gift from your IRA to us.

• Your IRA funds will be directly transferred to the COD Foundation to help continue our important work.

• Please note that IRA Charitable Rollover gifts do not qualify as a charitable deduc tion.

• Please contact us if you wish for your gift to be used for a specific purpose.

To learn more, please visit www.codlegacy.org or contact Liz Chambers with the COD Foundation at 760.773.2561 or echambers@collegeofthedesert.edu.

“We believe strongly in the community college system. California has one of the best community college systems in the country, and COD ranks high within that system. COD plays an important role in the Valley by educating a large portion of our workforce.”

“I am passionate about COD for two reasons. I believe people must be educated to ensure a prosperous future, and College of the Desert has identified, developed and provides the education programs that meet our community’s needs.”

Bill Haines and Ed Oehler chose to make a difference in students’ lives by including College of the Desert Foundation in their estate plans.

| MAUREEN AND WAYNE JOHNSON Sherrie Clark’s bequest will have an impact on College of the Desert students long after she is gone.
College of the Desert Fo undation Annual Report 2022-2023

2022-2023 Annual Giving

The College of the Desert Foundation holds immense gratitude for donors who support COD students in meeting their most basic needs and providing valuable resources so they can achieve their educational goals. Your generous contributions give students an opportunity to transform their lives and make a significant impact on their future, the future of their families and their communities.

For many community college students, financial challenges hinder their educational pursuits. Juggling work, family responsibilities and the rising costs of tuition, textbooks, childcare and living expenses can create barriers to academic success. Your funding signifies an emotional belief and tremendous potential, Empowering Students to Spread Their Wings.

Attaining an associate degree is a significant milestone that opens doors to numerous opportunities, equips students with essential skills, enhances their employability and increases their earning potential. The ripple effect of your donations extends beyond the individual student. They become role models for their families, serving as beacons of hope, determination and contributions to the betterment of society. Together, through your acts of generosity, donors and the COD Foundation are building a brighter future, one student at a time.

$250,000 +

The Estate of Nancy C. Bonner

$200,000 +

Richard Brooke Foundation

$100,000 +

Alan and Helen Greene & Jessica and James Greene

William Drake Rutherford

Jordan Schnitzer and the Harold and Arlene Schnitzer CARE Foundation

$50,000 +

Edeltraud M. McCarthy Foundation

Friends of the College of the Desert Library

Manilow Fund for Health and Hope McCallum Theatre

The Estate of Joy B. Plein

The Estate of Bob Pollock Schlinger Chrisman Foundation

$25,000 +

Arthur N. Rupe Foundation

Edison International

Eisenhower Health Highland Street Foundation

The William C. Hunter Family DAF at IECF

Connie and Bob Lurie MAAS Companies, Inc.

Harold Matzner

The Estate of Henriette R. Morris

$20,000 +

Mrs. Svanhild Dolin

Lillie and Ken Goto

Louise E. Schulz

Western Wind Foundation

$15,000 +

Wendy and Bob Goodfriend

Tom Minder and Duke Kulas

Riverside County Board of Supervisors

University of California, San Diego

Diane and Gerry Wendel

Music icon and Grammy award winner

Barry Manilow believes in the gift of music and has generously donated $50,000 to enhance COD’s musical education process. The 110 students currently working towards their degree will have access to the tools and resources they need to succeed. Support our talented students by giving at codfoundation.org.

“Our students go on to work at the best hotels, open up their own bakeries and show appreciation for the knowledge they have learned.”

“I can only imagine my mother’s struggles in raising me. Working in the Central Pantry makes me appreciate how hard she worked to provide me with diapers and food. Now, when I see mothers with their babies, I can see my mom’s face reflected in theirs.”

Daysi’s son was born with a rare condition and required an intensive and frightening surgery. A very special nurse stayed with Daysi, comforting her and explaining the procedure. She filled her with hope and taught her how to care for him.

Now, Daysi dreams of becoming an ICU nurse and earning her master’s degree so she can teach nursing.

Sherrill B. Schroeder

The Estate of Jackie Story

“While in the EDGE/plEDGE program, I have been completely devoted to earning my degree and accomplishing my educational goals.”


$10,000 + Annexstad Family Foundation

Bank of America and Cerity Partners

Miles Berger

Barry Berlin and Mary Reisher

The Coeta and Donald Barker Foundation

David Cohan and René Bernard, PeaksCo, LLC

The Dean L. and Rosemarie Buntrock Foundation

LeAnne and Dan Dunlap

Lillie and Ken Goto

Brian and Patricia Herman

Gerri and Dr. Paul Hinkes

Ann and Bill Iwata

Peggy Jacobs

Michael and Lori Meena

John P. Monahan

Rosemary Ortega

Diane Rubin and Lenny Eber

Nancy and Marty Schechtman

Leslie and Dr. Barry Usow

Visit Greater Palm Springs

Cynthia and James Williams

$5,000 + Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians

Bob Archer and Chuck Hilliar

Norma A. Castaneda, HR Advantage and The Competitive Advantage

Joanne and Bill Chunowitz

Patricia Clinton

Marge Dodge

Jeffrey D. Elder and Karla Kjellin-Elder

FirstBank, Jake Wuest

Barbara and Bernie Fromm

Dr. Martha Garcia

Diane and Harold Gershowitz

Louise Kermode

William Kroonen, PhD

Carole and Dale Landon

Barbara and Michael Monachino

Rob Moon and Bob Hammack

Rancho Mirage Woman’s Club

Joseph and Julie Rescigno

Schahet Hotels, Inc.

SGH Architects

Sheilah and Stephen Varon

Charles Townsend Vinci

$2,500 +

Amy’s Purpose Inc.

Christine and Tony Anderson

Anita B. and Howard S. Richmond Foundation

Melissa Austin

Kelly Brower

Lindell Campbell and Mohamed Samir

Chase Bank, Palm Springs

City of Desert Hot Springs

City of Indio

City of Palm Desert

City of Rancho Mirage

Rondi Edwards

Jane Emison and Mike Tierney

Sara Everitt

First Republic Private Wealth Management

Scott and Ella Goldstein

Lynn and Alan Hendershot

Dodi Henry, The Nest

Cathy and Dr. Richard Hirschmann

Suz Hunt

“Going back to school in my forties might be challenging, but everyone here works together and supports one another.”

When Natalie arrived at COD, she was a newly single mother moving away from a bad relationship. Worrying about how she and her one-year-old were going to survive, she knew COD would be the chance to build her future. She shares, “I was excited that COD offered childcare, because I didn’t know how I was going to go to school, work and take care of my baby. Then, all of a sudden, there was this amazing opportunity!”

Candice Connell-Morse and Dr. Barry Morse

CSUSB San Bernardino Campus

Stephen and Linda Dyer, PhD

Steve and Sharon Edelman

“Thanks to the Foundation’s scholarships and programs, I have textbooks, resources and school supplies to support my academic journey. And, thanks to the professors and staff at the Mesa Center, I have found the strength and confidence to take on great challenges, accept meaningful internships and grow as an engineer.”

College of the Desert Foundation Annual Report 2022-2023 9 celebrating 40 years of funding student success

celebrating 40 years of funding student success

Maureen and Wayne Johnson

Marjorie and Stephen Kulp

Mr. and Mrs. Shattuck Lamm

Antonio Guijarro Ledezma

Debbie and Barry Lipsett

Literary Society of the Desert

LPA, Inc.

Marlene Imerzian & Associates Architects

Marcie Maxwell and Rober t Reeder

Ed Oehler and Bill Haines

Renova Energy Corp.

ROI Consulting Group, LLC

Jane Saltonstall, Ed.D.

Gail and Robert Scadron

William H. Schleicher

Linda Selman

Pamela Smallwood

Aviva and Ron Snow

Shari and Marc Stewart

Valley Sanitary District

Mrs. Marjorie Victor

Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Clark, Walter Clark Legal Group

JoAnn Wellner

Aurora Wilson

$2,000 +

Joni R. Beal

Bernal-Smith Group

Mr. Jerry Blatt

Carol and Edward Dean

Rochelle Goodman

Helen P. Herman

Ironwood Country Club

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lindeman Jacobson

J. McLaughlin, Palm Desert

Carolyn Kiser

Learning in Retirement

“I thought my first year would be learning the basics of architecture and design, but we are making a difference already by designing and constructing tiny houses for citizens looking for affordable, energy-efficient options.”

Robert Roblin

William C. Tumelty

Ron and Kay Williams

$1,500 +

Catherine Abbott

Nori Bambusch

Sera and Gary Brill

Patricia and Robert Dant

Eight4Nine Restaurant –Willie Rhine

Thomas A. Emerton

Judith Friedman

Angie Gerber

Dr. Laurence and Suzanne Gorlick

Laura Graff

Greene Broillet & Wheeler, LLP

Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad

Kim and Ken Jones

Caroline Maloney

Nancy and Alvin Siwak

Roz Watkins

“Through the EDGE/plEDGE scholarship program, students have the opportunity to attain their degree quicker so they can make their mark on the industry faster.”


$1,000 +

Ms. Janet Abrams

Steven Acree

Antonio Aguilar

Judith L. and Barbara B. Appelbaum

Angie Banuelos

Mrs. Rebecca Benaroya

Mr. and Mrs. James S. Borax

Jermaine Cathcart

Sandra and Keith Comrie

Peggy Cravens

John and Nicole Criste

Bob and Carole Dent

Desert Horizons Women's Club

Susan and Jim Eichberg

Phyllis Eisenberg

Linda Emerson

Mrs. Barbara Feldman

Mrs. Barbara Fremont

Alvera and Franklin Gaeta

Donna Greene

Ellen Hardy, PhD

Michael Harris

Mark L. Hayek

Katherine and Greg Hough

Kamp-Mor Inc. – DBA Street Bar

Jeffrey Larson

Ken and Barbara Lieberman

Marilyn Malkin

Felix Marhuenda

Carolyn and Clayton Mayes

Molly McGee

J. Anthony Ogden and William R Poulos

Palms Garden Club

PEO Sisterhood, Chapter CL

Jorge Perez

Barbara Platt

Douglas Redman

Dr. Edwin A. Reed

Monroe and Rella Rifkin

“While in foster care, I always wished I had someone there to talk to me and help me. Now, as an adult, I want to encourage others just like the counselors at COD did for me.” |


Dianne Russom

Maria Elena Cruz Santoyo

Jose Simo

Desert Community College District

Trustee Bonnie Stefan, PhD

Marcia and Rick Stein

Mrs. Jacqueline H. Suitt

Brian Thompson

Barbara and William


Lee and Laurie Wielansky

Alvah Wyatt

$500 +

Bert Bitanga

City of Cathedral City

Ruari and Holly Clerkin

Eusebio Cordova

CV Strategies

Ms. Maria Diaz

Craig and Dr. Courtney Doussett

Kim Dozier

Christopher Eloriaga

Kathleen Flora

Clayton France

Eric Hsu and James Chambers

Carole and Ron Johnson

Mr. Shelley Kaplan

Ms. Paula Kennedy

Theresa Maggio

Carlos Maldonado

Cody McCabe

Dr. and Dr. Cameron and Lorri McCune

Davis Meyer

Huitzitzilin Montalvo

Ms. Joyce Montgomery

Juan J. Moreno-Ibarra

Kylan Nakagawa

National League of American Pen Women – PS Branch

One Future Coachella Valley

Ginger Ontiveros

Marlene and Bill O’Sullivan

Jin Suk Park and Kevin Miller

Robert J. and Jean E. Pease


Claude Raffin

Rancho Relaxo

Judy and Theodore Robinson

Sebastian Russell

Adele Ruxton

Judy Sanders

Frederick Sangiorgio

Dr. Alex Sawa

Beth and Steve Steinberg

Augustino V. Suafoa

Sheila Thorton

John Vierra

Ms. Linda Berg Weakley

Dr. Kori Whitener-Fellows

Rita Wood Organizations

Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians


Amy's Purpose Inc.

Anita B. and Howard S. Richmond Foundation

Annexstad Family Foundation

Bank of America and Cerity Partners

Bernal-Smith Group

Chase Bank, Palm Springs

City of Cathedral City

City of Desert Hot Springs

City of Indio

City of Palm Desert

“I had a loss of a family member in 2019, and the way that the first responders were with me and my family definitely inspired me to want to follow a career path where I can bring a feeling of safety and security for someone who’s potentially going through one of the worst days of their life. I can help them by being the light to help them through the dark during their traumatic time.”

City of Rancho Mirage

The Coeta and Donald Barker Foundation

CSUSB San Bernardino Campus

CV Strategies

The Dean L. and Rosemarie

Buntrock Foundation

Desert Horizons Women's Club

Edeltraud M. McCarthy Foundation

Edison International

Eight4Nine Restaurant

Eisenhower Health


First Republic Private Wealth Management

Friends of the College of the Desert Library

Greene Broillet & Wheeler, LLP

Harold and Arlene Schnitzer

CARE Foundation

Highland Street Foundation

HR Advantage and The Competitive Advantage

Ironwood Country Club

J. McLaughlin, Palm Desert

Kamp-Mor Inc. – DBA Street Bar

Learning in Retirement

Literary Society of the Desert

LPA, Inc.

MAAS Companies, Inc.

Manilow Fund for

Health and Hope

Marlene Imerzian & Associates Architects

McCallum Theatre

Merrill Lynch, Edwards, Harris, Clerkin and Suafoa

National League of American Pen Women – PS Branch

The Nest

One Future Coachella Valley

Palms Garden Club

Parker & Covert, LLP

PeaksCo, LLC

PEO Sisterhood, Chapter CL


Rancho Mirage Woman's Club

Rancho Relaxo

Renova Energy Corp.

Riverside County Board of Supervisors

Riverside County Treasurer

ROI Consulting Group, LLC

Schahet Hotels, Inc.

SGH Architects

University of California, San Diego

Valley Sanitary District

Visit Greater Palm Springs

Walter Clark Legal Group

Western Wind Foundation

College of the Desert Foundation Annual Report 2022-2023 11
celebrating 40 years of funding student success

20 COD Students are About to Embark on an "Amazing Race-style" Competition to Win One of 6 Valuable Scholarships!

College of the Desert (COD) students have the incredible opportunity to win valuable scholarships during The Great Alumni Hunt as they hunt for COD alumni throughout the Coachella Valley and beyond. Each student will earn points for the greatest number of alumni that they add to their team between September 29th –October 25th, 2023. Throughout the month, these teams will compete in an “Amazing Race-style" competition where they, their team members and notable alumni mentors will sprint to connect with as many COD alumni as possible!

Points will be awarded for each individual who is found. Extra points may be awarded depending upon certain criteria such as profession, location of where the alumni lives now and years attended.

The Launch Party will take place on Friday, September 29th, where students and their mentors will be introduced and have an opportunity to start collecting team members.

Throughout the month, several Quick-Fire events will provide the chance for more alumni to be found. Those who cannot attend can register at CODFoundation.org/GreatAlumniHunt.

The Finale Celebration will take place on Wednesday, October 25th during a Coachella Valley Firebirds game at Acrisure Arena, where final points will be tallied and valuable scholarships awarded.

“COD is proud to produce a professional workforce to strengthen our Valley’s social and economic infrastructure,” shares Catherine Abbott, Executive Director for COD Foundation. “The Great Alumni Hunt will show the impact of talented COD alumns while supporting students who are putting themselves through school to achieve their educational dreams."

Community volunteers and students who want to join in the fun can contact the COD Foundation office at 760.773.2561 or email cabbott@collegeofthedesert.edu.

To learn more about The Great Alumni Hunt view this QR code.


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