Catholic BIGMAG Issue 3

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Are you ready to answer the call? BIG Content Editor’s Message

"Heeding the Call" 1 Ayan Abela

Living The word

"Centering Prayer" Fr Frank Bird, SM

A Priest’s Sermon "The One Thing" Fr. Paul Uwemedimo



Theology Corner "Listen Lord, Your Servant is Speaking" Brendan Roberts

Saint’s Life

"Saint Martin de Porres" Paul Gibbes

UP-Close & Personal With Fr Christopher Denham



"My Two Cents" Carmela Caquica


Dear Mr BIG


The Crazy Fisherman "Pursuing my Greatest Dream" Lorraine Loyola


"God's call to a Passion in Answering the Cry of the Poor" Ysabel Elepano


Healing & Faith 8


God Features "Heeding God's call to lead?" Ayen Guevarra


"Keep On Keeping On" Apple Valencia


"I For God" Irish De la Cruz


"Yes! God Called Me Through Footwear" Nirva’ana Ella Delacruz


"The Time that was Remembering the Old Days" Dr. Ronaldo Tan


"My journey of Hopes & Miracles" Mheng Torres


"God's Plan is greater than our Plan" Rowwena Casil


Life Is Like A Box Of Chocolate "A Choco Miracle Sharing" Maimai Forteo


"The Lesson I Learned with my Fuschia Slippers at the Islands of Fire & MysticSiquijor" Chassy Tesoro


Food For Thought "Faith Develop Perseverance" Ayan Abela

And few more...




Heeding the Call by Ayan Abela

Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119:105

Everyday in our house, we would hear my grandpa do a roll-call of each and every one in the family until someone rose up to attend to him. If I wasn’t in the mood I wouldn’t answer. So I’d pretend not to hear, or point at someone and insist it was their name that has been called. I remember back in school when I was a kid my teacher told us to wait in the classroom and not do anything foolish. A while later a classmate urged us to play outside, and threatened that if I didn’t follow I’d be kicked out of the group, and be called a looser or a scaredy-cat. A friend once sent me a message asking me if we could meet up somewhere, because she needed someone to talk to. “Yes! I’ll be there soon, wait for me”, was my answer. In life, a lot of situations may arise where we are being called upon to perform something – called to be a friend and give counsel in times of sorrow, called to military duty, to be a social worker, to care for the sick, to be a parent of a special child with disabilities, etc. We perform our duties to the best of our abilities but we often tend to lose the essence of our works. Why have I been called to this, and why do I need to answer this call? Is this not just a slow senseless wasting away? A calling can be quite modest or it can be a big thing that shakes the world, but just the same, we need to be answering the essential questions. Am I meant to do this thing or is it just mere guilt and responsibility that keeps me here? How do I answer this call and how do I express it through my life?

The first step to knowing our calling is to get to know God personally and intimately, let Him speak to us through his Word and guide us by the leading of His spirit. Last night I thought I heard my Lolo’s (grandfather) voice call my name. I remember when he was alive he would call out our names until one of us came around to help him out. He had poor eyesight and was very weak. He could no longer support himself and always needed someone to guide him around. So he was someone who demanded a lot of attention.

Like me you probably have a few barriers standing in your way and preventing you from doing something. We put too much thought and energy into unknown things that can go wrong. We shut ourselves off from pain. We don’t open ourselves up to be hurt. We avoid difficult and painful truths and try to free ourselves from any form of struggle and hardship. But when we are caught up in worries, we may overlook the very solution to what we are looking for. You don’t need to look too hard, maybe you already know what it is, you just need to open up to it. I walked into my grandpa’s bedroom to answer his calling of my name. I helped him get up and assisted him with his daily struggles. I noticed every time I came to his room, he would always ask the same questions to

2 me – “How are you?”, “How are your studies?”, “Has my pension arrived already.” I thought he just wanted to make a conversation, but honestly I wasn’t totally at ease talking to him because we didn’t really have a close relationship. I didn’t want him to know that I was not a very good student as he probably thought I was. He’d probably mind my stuttering so I didn’t bother talking much. But later on I realised, the more I answered my grandpa’s calling the more I had the chance to know him personally, and the more he accepted me even if I stuttered a lot. He would tell a lot of amazing stories about his life from which I learned a lot with incredible accuracy. I realised he was a very smart man and very down to earth. If my mom got her character from anyone, it was from him. The more we answer someone’s call, the closer we become to them. I’ll never forget that incident when I joined my classmate to play outside. I tripped and hit my face on a concrete block. I felt a cut on my upper right cheek as I wiped blood off my face. I went inside the classroom with tears rolling down my cheeks and fresh blood oozing from cut. My classmates made a fool out of me, laughing about my weak feet. Some drew a drawing of my face with nasty markings on the drawing. Inside my mind, inner voices argued with each other. “Why did you listen to your classmate? Why did you play outside when you’re supposed to be inside the classroom just waiting? Why didn’t you follow what your teacher said?” I guess I’ve learned the hard way to obey my teachers and follow what they say because they obviously know what’s right, and ignore people who don’t know what they are doing. You have to use wisdom to know what’s right and wrong, not every place is a good place. One thing that won’t make me forget this episode in my life is the scar against my cheek for disobeying my teacher. I came immediately when my friend summoned me, although deep in my heart was the question, “Why me?” Is it really part of my responsibility as friend to listen and encourage her and make her feel great again? There were so many questions rolling through my mind. “Why do I need to fix other people’s problems? Why do I need to comfort people who seem lost within themselves?” I can’t help but wonder sometimes if this is the right path I need to walk and if I will learn something valuable from every trip I take. It has certainly helped me cope with difficult situations, develop a positive outlook towards life and learn the right attitude when dealing with other people. Some people may spend a lifetime wandering aimlessly trying to find their calling because that’s what they read they had to do. But it’s in these everyday situations and accidental events of calling where you might discover something amazing. The trip down the road to answering someone’s simple call may lead you to

something bigger than you could have thought it would. We are all called to be fishers of men. We are all called to serve others using the gifts that we have been given. But only a few people walk this path, because only a few people know what it means as we only listen to words. We are not always in the condition to understand what we have to do and not have the eloquent wisdom to know when to apply it in our daily lives. A lot of times we just don’t care. God gave us free will to do what we think is best, but we are answerable for what we choose to do. We need to begin by being open to our call. We ought to pay close attention, and to move forward unafraid in our task if we recognise that God is calling. Sometimes we are called to fulfill a very specific task, and when that happens, He will make sure that we do not miss what He has planned for us. My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus. Acts 20:24 When God gives us a specific calling, it fills our thoughts and energies, so that we pursue it wholeheartedly. Don’t give up if you think you are having difficulty understanding your calling for God has given each of us special aptitudes and abilities that will help us to see the kinds of things that we should be doing. God wants us all to rise up and discover this great plan that He has for our lives. Whether it’s a small task or a Big project. He is calling us to take part in His work. If you hear God’s voice and believe in your heart He is calling you to do something, I encourage you to say, “Yes Lord“, take a step forward, get moving and make it happen! Pray that God will direct and show you what you need to do. As you move forward to fulfill your task gladly and without fear He will make even clearer the path before you. Discover the awesome power God could bestow upon you when you heed His call and let things be done according to His will. On behalf of all the contributors, we hope you will enjoy reading the magazine and be guided in finding your true calling. We hope you will be challenged to learn more about your faith as we walk your spiritual journey along with you. Stay blessed and be inspired of His goodness and the greatness He has shown to us. Don’t give up when you feel you’re not hearing your true calling; you have plenty of opportunity to find your true path and do something great. Remember, always think BIG! n




A prayer method which uses a simple phrase or word to ‘centre’ the mind so that our ‘head’ and our ‘thoughts’ can be stilled and focussed on God Quietly being ‘present’ with God is at the heart of prayer. Sometimes when we try and pray and be focussed upon God, we find distractions come our way. One prayer approach shared by many in the christian prayer journey is the use of a particular phrase that can bring the mind to the heart—so that we do not experience that feeling of being ‘divided’ and distracted—but rather ‘centered’. Hence the origin of the phrase ‘centering prayer’. We allow our minds to be used and occupied—giving it a word or phrase— and with its gentle repetition allow ourselves to focus and become still and centered again. • Place yourself in a relaxed position • Breathe in and out slowly—consciously bringing yourself to a point of readiness to be with God • When the stillness and silence begins, the mind begins to want to do something. Choose a meaningful word that leads you to God (Love, peace, healing, courage, Jesus) or a scriptural phrase (“Jesus, have mercy on me” Mark 10:48), “for God, everything is possible” (Mark 10:27) or some favourite phrase that may be especially meaningful for you... try and find some!) • When you find yourself in the presence of God, still, sitting in his presence, and aware, you may just remain in silence, or begin speaking with God. When distractions begin, center yourself back in prayer with your word or phrase—and begin again!

GIVING IT A GO • Try centering praying for a week to get used to it. • Don’t be confused or worried if distractions keep popping up in prayer. Gently responding to distractions and training your mind to ‘be still’ is the first and great step in the prayer journey inward. • With perseverance your body and mind become adapted to times of prayer and stillness. It becomes easier. Finding a centering prayer or phrase: • Has a word of scripture been special for you lately? • Is there a special grace or need that you have in your life at the moment?

You may like to write down scripture phrases or words that you find helpful. n web: email:


A Priest’s Sermon

The one thing By Fr. Paul Uwemedimo

What really matters in life? This is a question that I think we must continually ask ourselves...again and again and again. The psalmist shows us one important answer in today’s responsorial psalm. “There is one thing I ask of the Lord,” he says. ”For this I long, to live in the house of the Lord, all the days of my life, to savour the sweetness of the Lord”. We are made for God, to know God, to see God, and to experience God. We are made for a deep and intimate relationship of love with God, to be united to God through love, to have fellowship with God, to be in communion with God. On paper, or on the computer screen, this can sound very academic – especially if we use words like “communion” and “beatific vision”. But the reality is far from academic. The reality is explosive, as those who have experienced even just a taste of it are impelled to declare. Without experiencing this reality there will always be something vital missing in our lives: a hunger that cannot be satisfied, a thirst that cannot be quenched, or an emptiness that cannot be filled. How can we experience this reality? Actually, in its fullness we will not, we cannot, experience this

reality in the present world. We cannot experience it this side of heaven. That is reserved for when we see God face to face in the heavenly kingdom. In this world we will inevitably experience suffering. In this world, there will always be something missing. However, we can, and we should, right here and now experience a foretaste of this reality. But how? The short answer is that this can only happen through God’s grace. As today’s first reading reminds us “It is God, for his own loving purpose, who puts both the will and the action into us”. From beginning to end, our desire for God and our response to God’s love is a matter of grace. It is God’s work. It is only by the grace of God, which comes through Jesus Christ by the working of the Holy Spirit, that we can be brought into a relationship of love. However, through God’s grace we also need to be active in responding to God’s love and in deepening our love relationship through Christ. The response we need to make is costly. God’s grace is free and, by definition, it is a gift. But as Dietrich Bonhoffer famously said, the grace

5 that Christ brings though free is most certainly not cheap. We want cheap grace. We want grace without the Cross, grace without repentance, grace without self denial. But that is not the grace of Christ! If we want to experience the great treasure that Christ brings, we will need, as he says in today’s gospel, to carry his Cross and come after him. If we are not willing to do this, says Christ, then we cannot be his disciples. And so as we consider what matters in life, and whether we will live for what matters, we need to count the cost. This is the challenge Christ gives us in today’s Gospel. Coming to Jesus and being his disciple is the way to God. It is the way, even now, to experience a foretaste of heaven. It is the way to God the Father, who alone brings life. Christ is calling us to receive this life, to receive God’s love. But first we need to count the cost, the cost of giving up our possessions, the cost of giving up our families, so that they no longer take first place in our lives. It is the cost of repentance and faith. Repenting of anything that we put before God and turning away from sin and towards God. It is the cost of faith, believing faith, obedient faith, a faith that works itself out in love. It is worth it, really is worth it. What really matters in life is that, through grace, we respond and deepen our union with God, that we grow in our relationship of love with God and so grow in holiness. If we do this, if we respond in repentance and faith it will be costly and it will need to be shown in our love for others and especially in our love for the poor. It will need to be shown in loving and costly actions. We tend to shrink away from this in fear. But why should we fear this? Do we not know that God is all-loving and wants the very best for us? Let us trust in him, it is this way that we will receive what our hearts truly desire. As the psalmist says in today’s psalm “The Lord is my light and my help; whom shall I fear?...Hope in Him, hold firm and take heart. Hope in the Lord!” n


you ready to


the call?




“Listen Lord, your servant is speaking.” By Brendan Roberts

Are these the words we tend to speak to God when it comes to our call? Do we tend to tell God what to do rather than listening to what He is trying to say to us? Are we prepared to submit to His will whatever it is? When it comes to the call of God in our lives we must first of all listen. God can speak to us in a variety of ways. He speaks to us through His living word, Sacred Scripture. He also speaks to us through liturgy, especially the sermon given by the priest if we are awake. Other ways we can hear Him is through other people and through stillness or silence. God longs for us to spend time with Him, including in silence. Jesus waits for us to come to him in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament which Cardinal Arinze says is the continuation of the mass. It is the continuation because Christ is really and substantially present in the Eucharist which is reserved for adoration. Are we afraid of silence? Are we afraid to pray in silence because we may have to face ourselves? Or are we afraid because we think we will get bored? Practice adoring the Lord in periods of silence. Start with five minutes and build it up. In this technological age where we want everything to be given instantly, now, we hate waiting. But God calls us to have patience. As you know patience is a virtue. Let us practice this virtue through prayer. First say to God, “Come Holy Spirit” or Veni Sancte Spiritus. Then silence your heart and thoughts. Don’t worry if you are distracted. God delights that you want to spend time with Him and have given Him time. After a period of silence open up your bible and start reading. You can ask God to speak to you and then Scripture dip, whereby you open the Bible and choose a random part of Scripture to read. Or you can read one or two chapters a day. Also search the internet for quotes from Saints (google saint quotes) that you could reflect on

or listen to the wisdom from the talks of Archbishop Fulton Sheen (see We need to feed our souls with good things and so become more attuned to the voice of God. St. Mary McKillop said that we should listen to the voice of God whispering to our hearts. So we need to be unafraid of silence. We need to welcome silence at times. We might be driving to work, and turn off the radio and say hello to the Lord. Or maybe we are on the bus going to study and we have the time to say hi to Jesus. It’s also a great opportunity to read His living Word. When we make ourselves vulnerable by reading His word publicly we can be a witness to others even if it might embarrass us. Do we really mind being embarrassed by admitting that we love our Lord? So put some time into your spiritual fitness and you will undoubtedly be delighted by the results. Practice the virtues of prudence (wisdom), humility, kindness, chastity, fortitude (not giving up), charity (self-sacrifice for others) and patience. The more we practice those virtues the more we become like Christ. In fact we become who we are called to be and are more fully human as a result. Thus guys, you are more fully a man by being the image of Christ; and ladies you are more fully a woman by being the image of Christ. In being the image of Christ we are also called to be salt and light to the world. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) succinctly explains these virtues. The Cardinal virtues are: prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. These are called cardinal because they are hinges on which the other virtues hang. Prudence is the “virtue that disposes practical reason to discern our true good in every circumstance and to choose the right means of achieving it.” (CCC 1806) In other words as “the prudent person looks where he or she is going.” Prov 14:15. St. Thomas Aquinas calls it “right reason in action.” Through this virtue “we apply moral principals to particular cases without error and overcome doubts about the good to achieve and the

7 evil to avoid.” (CCC 1806)

Justice is the moral virtue through which one has the “firm will to give their due to God and neighbour.” (CCC 1807) It means one should respect the rights of people and “to establish in human relationships the harmony that promotes equity with regard to persons and the common good.” (CCC 1807) Thus one must have uprightness of conduct towards one’s neighbour. Fortitude is the moral virtue that “ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in the pursuit of good.” (CCC1808) It strengthens one’s resolve to resist temptations and overcome struggles in the moral life. Temperance is the moral virtue that “moderates the attraction of pleasures and provides balance in the use of created goods.” (CCC1809) It ensures that one’s will masters “instincts and keeps desires within the limits of what is honorable. The temperate person directs the sensitive appetites toward what is good and maintains a healthy discretion. “ (CCC 1809) The Old Testament depicts this through the passage, “Do not follow your base desires, but restrain your appetites.” (Sirach 18:30) Yes we will miss the mark when it comes to the virtues. But no athlete succeeds without failure. Every athlete needs to taste defeat before he or she tastes success. Jesus’ closest friends failed him, all but one ran away when he needed them the most. So, when we fail we must admit what we did was wrong, go to the Sacrament that Our Lord gave us, Reconciliation and humbly ask Him to forgive us through the priest who has the authority of Christ, in persona Christi. Therefore the priest does not forgive us but Christ does so as he operates through the priest. After being battered and sought the Lord’s forgiveness we are to get back to our feet and continue the race to heaven. But this race does not mean we leave others behind, but that we all get there together and simultaneously. How would our Church look like if we had the attitude of the US military? Well, what I’ve seen on some war movies is, “We leave no one behind!” Would we not be more patient, understanding, charitable, kind, chaste, strong – not give up and self-sacrifice our time, money and talents for others? Would we not seek to be the image of Christ? Let us seek to transform our lives through the grace of Christ. First let us savour silence. Let us learn to welcome and embrace silence through the stillness

of our hearts. In the Old Testament God was not in the noise but in the stillness. So practice with patience stilling yourself in the Lord’s presence. Let Him speak to you by saying “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” Then listen to the whisper of God’s love to your heart. For God longs for you to delight yourself in His presence: “Call to me and I will tell you of wonderful things I have in store for you.” Jeremiah n 33:3



Saint Martin de Porres

By Paul Gibbes

It’s hard to describe all the charisms of St. Martin de Porres. Every time we read a new account of the Saint the more we realise that there is more to him than we first thought. He was a powerful instrument of God. He had incredible spiritual gifts of bi-location, healing, multiplication of food, reading of people’s minds, raising the dead, levitation, ecstasy, visions, inner locution and the list goes on. Martin de Porres was one of the most powerful and yet one of the gentlest Saints in the history of our Church. Without a doubt he was a true disciple of the Lord in the New World. Apart from all the above, what made him so special? His love of God first and foremost: Jesus’ presence in the Mass, his devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, the love of our Holy Mother, Mary and the Rosary, and his love of the poor. There are a lot of mushy books written about Saints and one gets the impression that they all walked around with their hands clasped in prayer and uttering praise to God every second of the day, never doubting nor having a bad day. I do not believe they never had bad days. Living in a community where one is subjected to all sorts of superiors and going about your daily work with brethren that do not always see eye to eye with you is not easy unless you are well grounded in the love of God and the giving of your whole self to Him.

Saint Martin de Porres has been given many titles over the years including Apostle of Charity, Saint of the Slaves, Patron of the Negroes, Patron of Social Justice, and others. All are true, all describe one or more of his attributes, but none actually goes to the heart of who this Saint really was. He was love; he was Christian; and he was truly son of the Father, brother of the Son, and vessel of the Holy Spirit.

Martin spent hours before the Blessed Sacrament, before the crucifix above the altar or before the statue of Our Lady. He never neglected his duties as a Brother nor to his Brothers. He had a tremendous love of the poor and the sick. He was an ordinary man doing extraordinary things well. This I believe was the basis of the charisma of St Martin. We see many pictures of him; the most popular is with a broom in his hand and at his feet are animals including a rat. Unfortunately, he is pictured with the Rosary around his neck instead of hanging from his belt like all normal Dominicans. When he was growing up often his mother became furious with him. She would send Martin shopping for food, entrusting to him the meagre pennies the family had, just enough to get some bread and a few necessities to see them through their meals. Martin inevitably gave the money to the poor. When he returned home with nothing in his basket, his mother would let him have it. “How can you give it to the poor? We are the poor! It’s bad enough that you will not eat today, but what of your sister and me? We didn’t volunteer to starve!”

9 Let us look at his background according to the writings of Bob and Penny Lord. Martin de Porres was born in 1579, in Lima, Peru.

mother who seems not to want him. What would you make of the situation? Child, Youth and Family would have much to say.

In 1535 the city of Lima was founded, and in 1551 the Dominicans were the first religious order to preach the Gospel in Peru.

Later, Martin became an apprentice barber surgeon and due to his charity and his skill in medical care he quickly acquired patrons of his own. After several years he followed the calling to enter the Dominicans. He did not aspire to be a friar priest nor a Brother but asked only for the lowliest position as a helper. But God had other ideas, after nine years Martin made his solemn vows as a Brother.

Martin de Porres was born of John de Porres, a Spanish nobleman and Knight of the Order of Alcantara and Anna Velazquez, a black free woman. Martin’s father was not very happy that his child was black. He did not want to be connected with the child in any way. As a matter of fact, on the baptismal record there was no mention of the father at all. The Baptismal Certificate reads only “Martin, son of an unknown father.” But some years later, he officially acknowledged Martin as being his son. We’re not sure if John ever married Anna Velazquez. If he did, he didn’t treat her very well. He spent most of his time in other countries, leaving Anna and little Martin and his sister Joan to fend for themselves. Though Martin was not from a poor background, you would not have known it by the way he and his family lived: his family never had much. Although John de Porres only came to Lima on very rare occasions, he must have been shamed by his relatives or neighbours who could see the way Anna and the two children were living. They needed some kind of home, education, food and clothes. Anna also had needs, but John had never cared much about her well-being, so he did not consider spending any amount of time and money, taking care of her or her children. Never mind that he was the father. Although he had finally recognised them as his own, his behaviour towards them was the same as towards a slave. However, when Martin was about eight years old, his father came and took him and his sister back to Ecuador with him, which was where he was living at that time. The children went to school; they were fed and clothed properly. The father actually admitted to being the parent of both children to his various relatives whom they met in the few years they lived in Ecuador. Just imagine this scenario happening today in New Zealand: Imagine a social worker’s case that goes something like this: two mixed-race chil¬dren are abandoned by their father. The children’s food and clothing are inade¬quate. The older child, a boy, is made to go out and do the shopping and the household chores. The mother, distraught with grief at being abandoned, subjects the boy in particular to verbal and physi¬cal abuse, telling him that he is responsi¬ble for his father’s leaving. Yet the child is found to be sweet-natured, intelligent and obliging, tirelessly eager to please the

Martin was put to work doing menial chores, work that he welcomed and never complained of doing. On the contrary, he regarded his chores as if they were the highest honours. The community also used Martin’s previous training as a barber and a surgeon, eventually assigning him to the infirmary due to his remarkable expertise in healing. Stories abound of his cures: of his coaxing a sick friar’s appetite by miraculously producing out-ofseason fruit; and of life-threatening fevers and infections instantly abating at the mere touch of Martin’s hand. It is said that he knew ahead of time whether a friar would recuperate or die. St. Martin could well be called the “St. Francis of Assisi” of the Dominican Order for his love of animals. The story of his relocation of a large number of destructive mice, while incredible, is regarded as true. Recognising the havoc the rodents were causing, Martin was seen escorting an orderly line-up of several hundred mice out of the convent and into the garden where they were promised a daily feeding by their kind-hearted benefactor. Perhaps with his own childhood in mind, Martin had a great love for street urchins, orphans and unwanted babies in Lima. It became known that Martin would accept unwanted children born out of wedlock. At first he placed them with his sister Juana, but numbers grew so great that a separate home became necessary. By his own efforts, Martin built the Orphanage of the Holy Cross from the ground up. The orphanage still exists in Lima today as the Colegio de Santa Cruz. Martin literally lived the Last Will and Testament of St. Dominic: “Have charity, guard humility, make your treasure out of voluntary poverty.” His love of poverty was unaffected; he had been poor all his life, and would have nothing to do with what he considered “luxuries.” Martin wore the most ancient habit in the convent, yet never allowed it to look shabby. He preferred old shoes to new ones. Martin died a holy death surrounded by the friars of the Continue to Page 20




Fr Christopher Denham

Can you tell us little about yourself and the always encouraged me. I have been very grateful for this because sadly for many seminarians today that is not religious order/seminary you belong to? I was born in Rome, Italy and I’m 42 years old. I’m the son of a diplomat and so I spent quite a lot of my childhood outside New Zealand. I have only just been ordained a transitional deacon for the diocese of Auckland, which means I will hopefully be ordained a priest for the diocese next year.

I’ve heard you started out in Dominican Seminary, what made you decide to join your current diocese? I should start by saying that I have very fond memories of my time in the Dominicans and a number of friends there. However I discovered during my time in the Order that there is difference between having a Dominican spirituality and being called to live a Dominican life. In the end it became clear that I was more called to a life as a secular priest rather than the community life that is the core of the Dominican vocation.

necessarily the case.

How would you describe seminary life?

Well, I have been out of the seminary for over a year now, but I would call the seminary something of a crucible. It is above all a place where you come to terms with what you are meant to do with your life. It may not always be comfortable but it is where you come to terms with who you are and what God wants for you – which is more important than any academic subjects you study, although those are important as well.

What do you think as a new deacon is your biggest challenge? For me the challenge is to make the adjustment from someone who is studying to do something to being responsible for actually doing it. I’m not just assisting at things any more or watching how to do it. I am called to do things at the service of the people – celebrating sacraments like baptism for instance – there is an element of awe in this. There is great joy as well.

Tell us how you decided to enter this vocation and why? When did you feel God’s call to His What do you think are some of the challenges service? I first thought about the priestly vocation when I was that confront the church today? first at university, but I didn’t follow through seriously with it. It was later on, when I turned thirty and was at the point of making decisions that would commit me for the future that I realized there were some unanswered questions about what I was supposed to use my life for. I hadn’t been particularly good about practicing my faith in my twenties but had begun to be more serious about it and that brought back all the possibilities I thought I had rejected – if God want you he will usually keep chasing you!

Indifference. There are many people, including some who have been raised Catholic, for whom faith and religion are not something they hate but something they just don’t think matters. Reaching out to evangelise people like that is one of the most difficult tasks we face. Hardcore atheists are usually interested, they may reject the faith, but they will argue, they will engage. But it is very difficult to reach people who simply don’t think it is important.

Was there anyone who helped you or inspired What do you look forward to the most when you are finally ordained a priest? you to join the vocation? Several priests helped me to find my way, especially Fr Brian O’Connell SM, but one of the strongest influences was a great-uncle of mine, Denis Reilly, who inspired me and always kept my vocation in mind, even when I didn’t. It was a great joy to me that my ordination occurred on what would have been his 99th birthday.

Definitely celebrating the Eucharist. There are a lot of things a priest is called to do but the Eucharist is the source and summit of our Christian life and the heart of my own faith. To be able to celebrate it will be a profound privilege and joy.

They have been very supportive. Both my parents have always been devoted, practicing, Christians and have

to him frequently you will never be a means of helping others to know him. And one is ordained a priest for

What do you think are the qualities of being a What does your family feel about your decision good priest? to become a seminarian and do they support you Loving God and neighbour and speaking to both of them. Prayer is critical. If you do not love God and speak in your efforts?

others, not for oneself. God does not call priests because he wants professional cheerleaders, but because he wants all people to know and love him, and the ministry of the priest, particularly the sacramental ministry is ordered to that.

What do you think would be the most challenging aspect becoming a priest?

Being available to others, serving them, without judging them; to remember that I am called to serve others, not because I like them, but because God loves them.

What preparation do you do to continue in the formation of your faith?

Prayer and study – the Dominican influence is still there. If you stop learning you have stopped caring and the greatest learning will come when you put yourself into the presence of God.

If you haven’t heard or didn’t answer God’s call on your life, where do you imagine you would be right now? Probably working as a securities analyst in one of the world’s financial centres.

What is your favourite Scripture Passage and why?

John 20: 11-18, Mary Magdalene meeting the Risen Lord in the garden. JRR Tolkien coined a term eucatastrophe ‘a good catastrophe (overturning of everything). You find it in fairy tales when at the last minute everything turns out well. Mary Magdalene experienced the greatest example of this that any human has, I believe, and it is a foretaste of what awaits each of us if we come to the Risen Lord as well. It was also a passage that studying in a retreat led me to start the process of entering religious life.

Finally, what is it that you hope to impart to the young ones aspiring to enter religious life, aspiring to become a priest? To encourage anyone who thinks they might have a vocation to priesthood or to religious life to give it a try – until you do you will not really be able to judge. And also to remember that, whatever God desires you to do, following that path will be the source of the greatest joy you will know. There will be hardship as well but God gives gifts with open hands and can always be trusted. n



GOD FEATURES Heeding God’s call to lead By Ayhen Guevarra

“It is not that I have already taken hold of it or have already attained perfect maturity but I continue my pursuit in the hope that I may possess it, since I have indeed been taken possession of by Christ.” –Philippians 3:12 Being a member of the CFC - Couples for Christ community is one of the highlights of my journey in this lifetime. I became a member of the CFC-Youth for Christ community when I was in second year high school. Since then, my faith in God has grown deeper. Then five years ago, my faith was strengthened unfathomably when I joined the CFC-Singles for Christ community. I could say that this community is one of God’s greatest blessings to me---- a gift that I will surely treasure for the rest of my life. Joining this community has helped me become a better person or should I say a better servant of God in my own little way. Through SFC, I was able to serve God through my brothers and sisters in the community. I remember when I had the chance to be one of the service team of our Christian Life Program (CLP). My household head asked if I would be one of the facilitators of our CLP. At first, I was really hesitant thinking that I might not be able to function well as a facilitator. I know that a facilitator has a big role to play in the entire program. I was afraid that I might not be able to answer participant’s questions during the group discussions. I was even afraid that I might not be able to schedule their one-to-one sessions because of conflict with my work schedule. But after talking and praying with my household head, I accepted the big task that God had given me. I accepted the task wholeheartedly. It was not an easy task but then with God’s grace and guidance, I was able to do it. God made it all happen. I felt so

blessed when the participants that were assigned to me finally graduated from the CLP. It was a very fulfilling experience—to be an instrument of God’s love to other people. After the Lord’s Day (the culmination of the CLP), I thought it was the end of my task as a facilitator not knowing that a bigger task was just about to unfold. I was tasked to be the household head of the participants that were assigned to me whom now became my household members. My task as a household head started after the CLP. I thought I would not be able to do my responsibilities as a household head because of my work and other personal reasons. But with God’s abiding grace and with the support of my household members whom I also call my “angels”, I was able to get through it. I have six “angels”. But one of them recently went abroad for work. Working abroad was an answered prayer for her ---one of our prayers during our househoId prayer meeting. I feel very grateful because of the continuous answered prayers of our household. I’ve realised that I have made the right choice in accepting this task even if at first I felt unworthy for this service. With God all things are possible.- Matthew 19:26 Recently, I was again called by God for another big task. I was asked to echo one of the talks during the latest SFC Metro Manila Conference which was held in Silang, Cavite. I was tasked to echo the talk during our Chapter Prayer Assembly (CPA). And without hesitation, I responded, “Okay, sure”. Honestly speaking, I was not able to prepare well for that talk. I just prayed to God and asked for His intercession. I prayed to Him and said, “Lord, please

SFC Metro Manila Conference, Silang, Cavite.

hold my hand as I give my talk and please use me to spread your words. Speak through me my Lord”. I can still remember how nervous I was hours before our Chapter Prayer Assembly. I was very uneasy during that day. I’m afraid that I might not be able to say what I needed to say. But when the CPA started, I felt God’s presence holding my hands. I never knew that I would be able to do it because of my soft voice and my shyness. But He made it happen again. I felt so elated when my brothers and sisters in our Chapter clapped their hands after I gave the talk. I was really overjoyed thinking that God [had] made me an instrument in spreading His Good News. The Singles for Christ Community is like my second family. I feel a distinctive sense of belonging every time I’m with my SFC family. The household meetings, chapter prayer assemblies and conferences have given me strength to continue pressing on with my life’s journey with Him. Joining the SFC Community has made me realized that there is more to life than what we can imagine…..that there is more to life than what we expect…..and that there is more to life than what we can give. Life is a constant battle. We all have our ups and downs. We all have our own triumphs and defeats. Most of the time, our faith is shaken because of the trying moments that we experience in our everyday life. We all need a shoulder to cry on in these trying moments. “No man is an island” .Based from my own experience, I strongly believe that a group or a community will surely help us surmount all the burdens and trials that come our way. We don’t have to deal with our problems all by ourselves. After all, we have a GREAT GOD. He will always send us someone aside from our family with whom we can lean on-----with whom we can share our laughter and even our tribulations. Just like what He did to me----God gave me my SFC family not only to help me grow spiritually but most all, to make me realise that I can also be a blessing to others through my service in the community. Let us be reminded that amidst the trials and hardships that come our way, God will never leave us and He will never forsake us. We are not supposed to always understand why certain things happen. We don’t always have to know the reasons why God allows certain things to take place. All that is asked from us is to trust Him completely and let Him be in control. God will never fail us……not now…..not ever. n

Keep on keeping on By Apple Valencia Is there yet any seed left in the barn? Until now, the vine and the fig tree, the pomegranate and the olive tree have not borne fruit. “‘From this day on I will bless you.’” There are so many things in life that we worry for.. Haggai 2: 19 When we are in High School, we worry and really get stressed on deciding what course to take. After college, we worry about where to apply for work. When we are hired for work, we worry about how we can get promoted…and the list becomes endless. When I was younger, I told myself I wanted to have my own family before I turned 30. I have fallen in love with the idea of having a family and raising my own children. That’s why I really was so excited to find my one true love…one that will give me the best ride in the awesome boat of love. That’s what I wanted for myself. But that wasn’t exactly God’s plan. He called me at a very young age. I started as a member of the children’s choir in our parish. Spending my tender years preparing for every church event. Then came Singles for Christ after college where I have served for more than a decade until now. I felt closer to God, because here I was surrounded with people who worship God and shares His goodness to the world who has yet to know him. Then later on, I became like them; I served God and shared His goodness through the community. I knew then that I was on the right track. “I am where God wants me to be. I am good and I can handle anything that will come to me.” I thought I was that strong. But then the time came when I grew tired of everything: of being good; of being different to those people outside my community; of being an ear to other people’s problems; and of not having someone to comfort me and assure me that no matter what happens



I have someone beside me holding my hand. So I started my quest for love on my own. Since I had served God for a long time I thought that was enough. Because I listened to so many problems of others, I said it’s time to take a break and try to see what’s on the other side. Then I met someone who wasn’t exactly what I had in mind. He showered me with affection, making my heart skip a beat and so made me feel special. Growing up, I have tried to be the best like my siblings. I was always being compared with them and I have always thought I was second best. So when this guy came I thought love has already found me. Finally I felt that I was the center of a person’s attention. But as the days passed, the wheel turned. I was actually intoxicated with the love I had which eventually blinded me on the many wrongs of it; he wasn’t the guy many girls would dream of having as he was a happy go lucky type of person with no sense of responsibility. He separated from a live in partner where he had 2 kids (not really my dream guy). He was an expert in getting his way with women and sad to say I didn’t really see that. I gave him everything I could, my whole self. I was so blinded even to the point of lying to my parents and my friends and staying away from my community. It was so foolish of me! But God really loves me that He used my community and my friends to open my eyes and my heart. He allowed me to see that I don’t need to do anything to keep someone beside me. I came to realise that if it is love that we share, we simply have to trust in that love to keep us together. Most of all that love has to be supported by one Eternal and divine love, GOD’s love. It was then that I realised that during my quest for love I forgot to include God in it. In those times that I was tempted, I had nothing else to do but to just cling on what I thought was the one for me. It was when I had forgotten to pray that I used all worldly sources of

love just to make that person happy, even if I knew it was wrong. I didn’t mind because I didn’t think I was guilty at all. “Every single person who’s in love and in a relationship is doing it, so why should I be different” I said to myself. But God has His ways. Slowly He unfolded His plan and allowed me to go back serving Him. That was 7 years ago but whenever I remember those times, I can’t help but feel bad about myself and find it hard to trust and fall in love again. I have tried to snap out of it but somehow one failed attempt to a relationship leads me back to it. Although I am aware of God’s love and the love of the people around me. being single even up to this time gives me so much frustration and doubts. I ask myself, “Am I not good enough or will I ever be good enough?” God answered me with a resounding YES…because I am His child... His princess...His favored one… as we all are… Apart from my sins in the past, I am still and will forever be God’s favorite as God loves us unconditionally. As I forget about the pressures and stress of my quest for love God continues to give me assurance that whatever happens to me, that no matter how uncertain my future can be, He will bless me because He loves me. I may not have all that I wanted but I have all that I need at this time…my loving family, my job, my friends, and my community. I know that in my quest for love God is with me and that I can never outdo God in generosity as long as I stay connected to Him, aslong as I keep my heart and mind open to His calling. So that all I have to do is allow God to use me until the right time will come if it is His holy will. I have recently turned 35 (ooopppssss so that’s it! Oh I have revealed my age) and yes I am still single. But you know what? I am happy to say that I am no longer afraid to be single. I have decided to just enjoy this part of my life and do my best to stay happy and make


I for God By Irish De la Cruz “Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) “Lead me Lord, lead me by the hand and make me face the rising sun, comfort me through all the pain that life may bring. Lead me Lord, lead me all my life.” These striking lines from the song, “Lead me Lord”, really gives a pinch in my heart whenever I hear it. It is so touching that I just find myself crying making me realise that at the end of the day and in whatever I do, I always look for God, His guidance, protection and love especially through my trying times. Have you really felt God with you or in your heart? Were there intangible instances when you can prove to everyone that we don’t have to see to believe that God exists? Have you found yourself sitting, quietly praying and communicating with God about your concerns in life? I can say that I have. I may not have seen God in person but I believe that God is everywhere. He sees, He hears and He knows

everyone around me happy. I know that even if I’m single or not God has blessed me and will continue to bless me because that is His promise from the very beginning. The reason why we get hurt and frustrated is because we do not allow Him to speak through our heart, in our pains, in our frustrations, in our unanswered prayers He is blessing us. We are still special and beautiful in His eyes. We should expect great things to happen amidst all these problems. All we need to do is trust Him and keep on keeping on. Thus one day, He will reveal His awesome plan, one that you have never expected because God is the God of love. He knows the best time for you to receive all that you have been praying for according to his holy will. Because you are His favorite and He only wants what is best for you. So will you heed his call? n

every single thing that happens to us. Many times I have prayed and He answered my prayers at the right time when He knows it’s the best time to reveal it to me. I have learned these three things that one should keep in mind when one prays: 1. Trust. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do and He will show you the right way. (Proverbs 3:5-6) •

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Trusting God completely means having faith that He knows what is best for your life. You expect Him to keep His promises, help you with problems and do the impossible when necessary. (Purpose Driven Life) We walk by faith and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7) I know that I will live to see the Lord’s goodness in this present life. Trust in the Lord. Have faith, do not despair. Trust in the Lord. (Psalms 27:13-14)

Trust in the Lord and He will never fail you. Always keep that faith which makes your relationship with Him stronger. Do not doubt God’s capability to listen to your prayers no matter how many billion people around the world ask for His time. He has time for everyone. He is never early or late because He is always right on time. 2. Be Patient • Be patient and wait for the Lord to act. (Psalms 37:7) • I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry. (Psalm 40:1) • May you be made strong with all the strength which comes from His glorious power, so that you may be able to endure everything with patience. (Colossians 1:11)

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When God’s timing differs from your own, patience keeps you from trying to control something that is out of your hands. ( Simple Living for You)

As they say, patience is a virtue. Learn how to wait but not only waiting for nothing but waiting for the right time as how God planned it to be. Most people have problems with waiting, sometimes we get impatient waiting [for] what’s next. We tend to overlook the reason behind the processing time of the situation and that there are things which cannot be resolved in one click. We forget that there are lessons to be learned and valued from those experiences. We need to reflect and give ourselves time to understand what God wants us to know. 3. Be contented and give thanks • I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:12-13) • Don’t worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking Him with a thankful heart. (Philippians 4:6) • For God has said, “I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.” (Hebrews 13:5) • Giving thanks blesses God and makes contentment a reality in your life. (Simple living for You) • Give praise to the Lord; He has heard my cry for help. (Psalms 28:6) Free yourself from any worries after praying. After all it is the main reason why we pray, it’s because we leave it all up to God (surrender) and give Him the permission

to do His will. Let us all be contented with the answers God has [given] us. We may not understand it at first but try to accept it and in the long run, you will then realise that it is for the best. Be happy and contented with what God has given you in order to survive life’s challenges. There’s no easy way to solve a problem but for sure God has the best solution. When you have prayed and asked for His help, let Him do His part in keeping His promises to you. Be thankful that you are precious to Him and for sure He knows the desires of your heart. Life is what we make it. We are blessed with freewill but under God’s will and teachings. We may not understand things that happen in our lives but we were not created to always understand things but to serve our purpose with God’s supervision in this lifetime. He allows us to recognise or feel His presence and action in our daily lives grace anywhere we are and in whatever we do because of His deep love for us as one of His greatest creations. With all the blessing He gives us everyday, we don’t have any reason to doubt that everything will be fine at the right time. We just have to Trust God, Be Patient in waiting for God’s perfect time, Be Contented with what we have now and lastly to Give thanks with everything He has provided for us. May God be with us every step of the way in this journey called LIFE. n

Our first printed T-shirt.. this was given by Irish to us. Thank you for your generosity.


Yes! God Called Me through Footwear By Nirva’ana Ella Delacruz

To this day, I cannot get over how God chose to call me for mission eight years ago. He continues to call me in a way that I can only describe as irresistible. Another college stress day I was still in college. I had had little sleep that day and had been cramming like crazy for mid-term exams. Though I was an active CFC – Youth for Christ leader, God seemed to be the farthest thing from my mind. To add to the stress, I was worrying about my photos due for Film. Suddenly, I saw my sandals talking to me. Yes, the soles were right about coming off. In the numbness of my brain, I had the bright idea of using paste to plaster the soles back on. (Don’t ask about this particular insanity. Up to now, this “bright” idea remains a mystery and a personal highlight.) I bought a huge tube of paste and seemed a little disappointed that it didn’t work! So I headed to a little shop at the university shopping center that repaired shoes. The old man who ran the shop smiled as he took my sandals. He then gave me what had to be the sorriest pair of slippers I’ve ever seen. Looking at them, I almost considered going barefoot rather than wear the sorry slippers. Reluctantly, I slipped them on. They felt even worse on my feet; they had grooves where maybe a couple of thousand other feet have ventured into. To say that the slippers looked and smelled ancient and very, very used would be an unwelcome understatement.

This was during an overnight sharing I had with the Youth for Christ leaders of Dili, East Timor. I’m the one on the far right.

How God talked through terrible footwear I cringed and decided to go to mass at the nearby chapel. Just as I was about to cross the street, a voice so clear and strong said to me, “I want you to walk in My shoes.” The words gripped me and seemed to physically shake me. I thought, “Whaa? I will never go without sleep again. This is not good!” But as I walked towards the chapel, I began to be literally submerged in the most real feeling of peace and ecstasy intertwined. I knew without a doubt that the God of the Universe had chosen to talk to me, despite my being who I was. Since finding faith again three years before, I realized I had just been “using” God. I was fascinated by Him, but I had never concretely entrusted the realities of my life to Him. It was always me informing Him about my plans, expecting Him to “get on it”. The following year 2003, God broke my plans of working for CNN or Time magazine and set me on a course that only He could handcraft; I went on mission to Indonesia and subsequently, to East Timor. Only when I said “yes” to God did I truly start living. To call the life that followed just an adventure would not do justice to what God has done for me. It is, all at once, a discovery, a love story, a transformation, a sprint of faith. n


The Time That Was -

Remembering the Old Days By Dr. Ronaldo A. Tan

I never had the time to write though there are a lot of things I want to share to others who one way or another shared their time and moments with me. It would have been a blast to reminisce the good and bad times that helped me to become who I am today. I made a promise to one of my good friends who were one of my student assistants during his college year. He became successful working abroad and is now the editor of an online magazine – Catholic BIGMAG – with a good number of readers worldwide which he regularly publishes from New Zealand. The promise that I made was to contribute to the magazine by writing some of the experiences I had particularly during the time he was with me together with the hundreds of student assistants working hard to earn their degrees. I made a few attempts to start writing but unfortunately it ended up only with a few words, sometimes a few sentences and then because I was preoccupied with work I could not continue anymore. But I made a promise that I would like to keep so here I am fulfilling that promise. In 1991 I joined Adamson University after serving three years at a public university, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila. It was the time that the Bachelor of Computer Science Program needed someone to head the program and get the government required recognition to operate the course program. Coming from a public university and joining a private institution was not a walk in the park. A lot of adjustment was needed for me to blend to the group and learning how to work with other people was a must.

I started handling the department on my own when we transferred to the new office on the third floor of the Saint Therese Building along San Marcelino. During those times the department struggled to maintain the quality of students with thousands of students enrolled in the program. It was the year that computer science was at its peak and everybody wanted to be a part of it. It was also during the early years of the department that we started getting student assistance to help the department in its operation. I still remember some of the student assistants we had that time – Nestor– a very hardworking fellow who likes to tinker with just about anything that runs mechanically. He was one of those students who needed financial assistance to get through college and was fortunate enough to be included in the program. He was a little difficult to handle according to some of his professors because he had so much talent stored in his brain and wanted to accomplish a lot of things just to accelerate his dream of becoming successful in life. Yes, he is now very much successful. Unfortunately, however, he was not able to get his diploma; the price you pay for success. There was another – Floremil – she was also in hurry to finish her studies. Wanting to help her family she would do everything to finish college and provide for her family. She was one of the “Terror” student assistant during her time that even the faculty fear her. She would do everything by the book and as instructed by me. She will never bend nor favor anyone for anything. She is straight and would do everything to follow the rules. Yes, she finished college and now she has her own family and was able to send her sisters to college. I know she is now stable and happy with her family. I was with the department for almost ten years and when my time came to leave the department and turn it over for others to run, it was a sad and happy moment for me.


I was sad that I had to leave the department I helped build for ten years. But I was also happy knowing that I had done a good job nurturing the department to become the best it can be and helped prepare others to handle the challenges of running the department. After turning over the department I was appointed to the Information Technology Research Department where I faced a more challenging task of running the entire university computer system. I called it the time of innovation and technological maturity. This was the time I came across with so many student assistants since we operated and maintained a lot of computer laboratories and facilities that needed their help. Though I had hundreds coming in and graduating, I still remember a few names I would not forget like Ryan who is now very much successful, who, though with a degree in management was able to adapt to the need of the times and learned how to develop graphical images he later used to design and develop websites. They say when one grows old it is the time they start thinking of the days that passed by. Well, I think this is true – how could you think of something that has not happened yet? Kidding aside this made me realise how time flies and memories start filling up and occupying our daily struggles in life. I just hope this is not the effect of getting older, since one thing I know about getting

old is you gain more experience and knowledge in life which you can either put to good use or otherwise. I choose to share my experience and knowledge for the good and betterment of others. There is nothing good in doing wrong or bad things especially to those who have less in life and could not possible cope with even the smallest problem everyday life brings. You can only harvest what you sow and definitely sowing good things brings only good harvest which you can enjoy later in life. It is good to know that I was able to help and be part of the sacrifices of other people. I rejoice every time I hear that other people became successful and were able to make a difference in other people’s lives. I have nothing more to ask the Our Lord for He was good to me giving me the strength to become a light to others so that they would know the right direction to take and be able to improve their lives. “Never promise something you cannot do” were always the words I kept telling others. Promise Said. n Promise Kept.

20 Continuation from to Page



Holy Rosary Convent chanting the Salve Regina (Hail Holy Queen). His symptoms were the same as those that defined St. Dominic’s last moments. In fact, toward the end, when asked, Martin indicated that his holy father was actually present along with St. Vincent Ferrer.

There is but one Church in which men find salvation, just as outside the ark of Noah it was not possible for anyone to be saved. St. Thomas Aquinas

At the same time in Lima was another Dominican Brother, Saint Juan Macias (John) who was at the other Dominican Priory. Juan Macias is well-known for his close friendship with Martin de Porres. The two saints often met on their daily rounds of the city and became close spiritual friends as well. They were a constant source of encouragement and ideas for one another. The two were beatified together in a single ceremony by Pope Gregory XVI in 1837.

Just as in one man there is one soul and one body, yet many members; even so the Catholic Church is one body, having many members. The soul that quickens this body is the Holy Spirit; and therefore in the Creed after confessing our belief in the Holy Spirit, we are bid to believe in the Holy Catholic Church. St. Thomas Aquinas

When Martin was canonised in 1962 by Pope John XXIII, the Pope observed in the canonisation ceremony, “Martin was not an academic but possessed ‘the true science that ennobles the spirit,’ the ‘light of discretion’ of which St. Catherine of Siena speaks.”

I will go peaceably and firmly to the Catholic Church: for if Faith is so important to our salvation, I will seek it where true Faith first began, seek it among those who received it from God Himself. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Guy Bedouelle adds that “the Church...has need of authentic intellectuals [but] looks first for holiness of attitude, the fruit of humility.” St. Martin preached Christ through his charity, humility and poverty. He stands as a holy reminder that, in a religious order known for glorifying God by intellectual achievement, “the greatest of these is love.” n and%20Penny-Lord-6016/catholic-saints-128192.php

The Church has ever proved indestructible. Her persecutors have failed to destroy her; in fact, it was during times of persecution that the Church grew more and more; while the persecutors themselves, and those whom the Church would destroy, are the very ones who came to nothing. . . .Again, errors have assailed her; but in fact, the greater the number of errors that have arisen, the more has the truth been made manifest. . . . Nor has the Church failed before the assaults of demons: for she is like a tower of refuge to all who fight against the Devil. St. Thomas Aquinas Hold firmly that our faith is identical with that of the ancients. Deny this, and you dissolve the unity of the Church. St. Thomas Aquinas The more we are afflicted in this world, the greater is our assurance in the next; the more sorrow in the present, the greater will be our joy in the future. St. Isadore of Seville


My Two Cents By Carmela Caguicla

One of the greatest privileges of being human is having the gift of free will. Everyday is filled with a myriad of choices and the best part is that we get to make decisions as we please. As human beings too, I am inclined to believe that our choices and decisions are influenced immensely by what we trust will make us happy. Happiness after all is what every person strives to achieve in this lifetime. Not everyone succeeds. Life is a constant struggle and wheels turn, sometimes towards our favor and sometimes totally against it. That is why we sometimes find ourselves indulging in pleasurable things for that much needed lift. We create our own happiness by ways that provide immediate gratification. But while these things create a sense of joy, it can only do so much. This brings me to ask myself, “Is constant happiness achievable or is it simply overstated?” I have pondered over this and it led me to another question, “What makes me happy?” Here is my list: 1. 2. 3.

Family Friends God

Although everything in life is fleeting, I know that my family will always be there. True friends to me, is only a derivative of family and what differentiates them is blood. Nevertheless, they are both sources of companionship, support, inspiration and unconditional love. Finally there is God, the giver of everything I have, Creator of this world, and the only source of grace including my family and friends. How can I recognise what is wonderful and yet give him third priority – shame on me. Looking back at everything, the happiest moments in my life are those I had with family and friends, but how can these even be possible without Him?

I guess, the things that matter the most is always the one that gets overlooked. I apologise, but now I am aware, therefore I am not hopeless. In hindsight, I conclude that constant happiness is not overstated. It is achievable only when we pursue that which is real and meaningful. God’s love and His grace is an eternal source of joy and I trust that it is only when we listen to our hearts that we can hear God’s voice. His invitation to experience His grace is always present if only we pay enough attention and heed his call. As Christians, it is our calling to be recipients of God’s grace and be a source of grace to others. For we are not complete by ourselves, we give meaning to our existence when we share ourselves to our brothers and sisters. God calls us to give. Sometimes even giving until it hurts. Surprisingly enough we often find that the more that we give, so much more is given back. We are the captains of our own ships and we direct our journey toward shores we wish to sail. Regardless of what direction we go let us be guided by his voice, because when we learn to listen we don’t even have to struggle– we surrender. It is in this sweet surrender that God reveals his purpose. The great philosopher Plato characterized the highest form of happiness as something synonymous to a state of enlightenment. I have a feeling that this state is congruent to Godcenteredness. I may be wrong but I have no doubt that when we recognise God as the core of our lives, we are enlightened… and happiness is achieved in its highest form. “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27) May God be praised. n


DEAR MR BIG Dear Lord, It has been a long and winding journey. But then, you have never failed to make me feel how much you loved me. I praise and thank you dear Lord for the countless blessings that you have given me and my family. You have visibly manifested your love for me through the people that you have brought into my life –these are the people who have inspired me and had made me feel so blessed. I will forever be grateful for your unconditional love Lord. You were there through it all. You have been my strength every time I want to give up. You have been my companion whenever I feel so alone. You have been my comfort whenever I feel so down. You have been my shield from all sorts of danger. You have been my loving brother. You have been my ever loyal friend. Without You…..I will be nothing Lord. I will never be complete without You. You have called me by name Lord. You know the deepest desires of my heart. I offer you my heart…..I offer you my soul….. I lay down to your arms the rest of my life Lord. Amen.

Ayhen Love,


Prayer of an Aspirant to the Daughters of Charity (Adapted from the “Prayer of an Elderly”)



Almighty and most Loving God, in Your love and mercy, I thank You because I have been given the opportunity to observe and be with a wonderful community of your Daughters of Charity. Most of the Daughters of Charity here in Hospicio de San Jose , [Philippines] are old and I do not know until when Your gift of earthly existence for them will last. I thank You for their gift of persons and loving presence for surely I have learned a lot from them and their warmth and friendship emboldens my spirit to face the challenges that lies ahead in my vocation. I adore Your most holy designs for them. Your design of making them, daughters of Your own and in giving them the grace that they need to be true Daughters of Charity. I humbly ask You to please extend their lives as long as a hundred years or over, if You will it so, and please grant them health of mind and body for there are still many poor people in need of their love and service.Though their hairs have turned gray and their sight, have grown dim, they never lose sight and focus on your Son Jesus. Though their limbs have become weak and their joints are starting to ache still their commitment in serving your beloved poor has not been neglected. Though their hearing starts to become faint, still they listen with eagerness to every story of pains, hurts and sentiments of the poor. Though their strength and agility have become limited they have always drawn their strength from You. The strength of Your love and compassion for the poor is the same fire that is keeps on burning in their hearts and keeps them moving. With the light of Your grace and the warmth of Your love that I felt through the Daughters of Charity of Hospicio de San Jose, I can see clearly now a new and an exciting path that I am about to take. And I am now more resolved to take heed of Your calling to be a daughter of Your own- a Daughter of Charity dedicated solely for the love of your Son Jesus and for the love of the poor. Loving Father, I beg You to please shower on me the same grace that you have bestowed on them, that I may be like them in their humility, simplicity, and charity towards the poor. I ask you this through Jesus Christ our Lord with the intercession of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, and with St. Joseph. AMEN. n



HEEDING THE Call: Pursuing my greatest dream By Lorraine Loyola

are my strengths as well as my weaknesses. 27 years living wonderful world with God’s love as He entrusted this life to me – I’ve discovered that I am a kind of person who is ambitious, amiable, attentive, bossy sometimes, busy, calm, candid, capable of handling tasks, careful, cheerful, clumsy, compassionate, confident, confused (sort of), considerate, courageous and curious, determined, diligent, easy going and energetic, enthusiastic, excited (especially going out… my so-called “camping day”), fair, faithful, frank, friendly, generous even I don’t have everything and giving, grateful for everything for the gifts, helpful, honest, hopeful every day and will be forever, humble as I always pray to be a blessing to others, imaginative, independent but absolutely dependent to our God, industrious, innocent, loving and lucky having my family, noisy most of the time for I love sharing stories to inspire others at the same time I love listening to others life stories, I am obedient, observant, optimistic, peaceful as peace-maker, preserving and persistent, polite, a bit popular, positive thinker, proud, rational, reliable, religious, respectful and responsible, scared sometimes for unknown reasons, sensitive, skillful, sincere, tenacious, thankful, trustworthy and warmhearted. In short, I am God’s beautiful artifact! Oh my God!

Believes with certitude, “I STAND” as I pray with joy and peace - for He is with me and I am with Him. I am Lorraine Matibag Loyola, 27 years old and currently working at ActiveOne Health, Inc. as Occupational Health Nurse, Site Lead Nurse assigned at Teleperformance Philippines (MOA Site). I am a fun loving person who enjoys everything – worry free most of the time and always looking more on the positive side of life. Before doing my actions on a certain things I do always seek, pray and ask our dear Lord God Jesus Christ approval; most of the time I am asking Him what do I need – my do and don’ts. I love Him and I love my family too and I don’t want to see them in pain. They

How many days left to count and I’m turning 28 and then additional days for me to enter to the convent. I’m so excited and I can’t hide it for this is real, this is me. I knew that God was calling and talking to me when I was young and was having the same and/or alike dreams over and over (up to present). I wished that I could remember the entire messages. As I go back reminiscing the past, I can’t help but to cry. I love to share my dreams but before that I will describe some portion of myself for you to understand. When I was a child I really dreamed to be in heaven because I want to be with Him – I want to help Him…to look around and to protect everyone. I prayed casual for I don’t have any patterns to follow, I just tell Him what I want. I usually pray for my family and to all the people in this world excluding myself. My prayers are long, I prayed that all my wishes may come true especially the time that we are all in one place (in the paradise, His wonderful

24 place indeed); knowing that all of us are differ from each other – many barriers maybe the problem but I know that everything will be well because of LOVE. I don’t usually asking for material things (Wow! Even I wonder why… why? My way of thinking doesn’t fit to my age). In addition, my dream is to be a Nun (I really enjoy telling everything to Him). I also want to be a Doctor or Teacher. The reason behind was – if I will be a (1) NUN I will always be with Him – to His side and to help Him as long as I can, (2) DOCTOR so I can help other people – to take good care and to save life as well and (3) TEACHER for I just want the idea of receiving many gifts but really I want to teach and help the young ones. Because of my dreams and love for our dear God let me tour you to my extraordinary astonishing journey – HEEDING THE CALL. I love watching movies especially about religious films or series. Funny because I always do cry…I feel that I’m one of them. Sometimes I hate to cry especially when other notices it, but when I’m home its fine because I have lots of excuses…but they already used to it. In other side, I enjoyed when I was alone because no one will tease me. Sharing this one; I was watching a true to life story of St. Faustina. It’s so amazing; I really felt the love that she has for our Lord God Jesus Christ. Seeing her praying most of her time/life inside the church and to her cell room gave me an idea what will be my future because of my dream to be a nun. And then, I start talking to Him (Papa Jesus) I ask questions: “Ay walang T.V.” and “Ay magdadasal lagi,” its funny right? But I really did, the reason was how I will live if I don’t have a television and electric fan…its hard right? With all of this, I really want to serve our Lord God Jesus Christ and I will do everything to Him. I also told Him to place/in plant His cross to my heart so that I can help Him in everything (feel what He feels). I always enjoy spending my time praying – simply talking to Him and updating Him about everything as in NO SECRETS. I always found myself inside the church and my favorite spot is at the Blessed Sacrament. I know inside of me that I have something to do…God wanted me to work under His supervisions. He always speaking to my mind, heart and to my dreams as He continuously revealing many things to me – but I am sorry for myself for I don’t know what does it means for my life or maybe I am afraid? Or overwhelmed for am I used to it since then. Which is which for me? I have many dreams in life but not for myself but for others as I will be a worker for Christ. with His loving grace I discovered my true passion in life and that is thru service (Nurse by profession, CFCSFC, GK-Gkal Volunteer Nurse, IMO, YP and simply being His child ready to do thy will. Lord, send me and I will go). 

Deeply as I prayer,

One day, crying I pray to our dearest Father – I want to see you again to hug and kiss you… to be with you and to listens in every word from your mouth as I also want to tell you a story…updates on my life’s happenings at the same time wishes to tell. Crying as I slept – and as I woke up, I remember my dreams. I saw a monstrance again go bigger and bigger as I look up to heaven. I know I read a passage (Bible passage) but I don’t remember it except for the word COME. I also heard a voice calling me and telling me something… “Do not be feared…come…masaya dito’ and then I saw Fr. Pio. As I was looking at the big monstrance I felt joy and peace and then I saw a book. Afterwards, I saw my Mom at my side and she was smiling to me (it seems that my Mom will support me and will understand me with my decision). I keep wondering about these dreams of mine as I was flashing back and trying to connect it with my other dreams (childhood days up to present). As I went to McDO to buy foods for my Mom and for my Lolo as “pasalubong” after a while I found myself at St. Therese Shrine looking at the bulletin board to check the mass schedules and then I saw this – “COME, Join Us” this is the invitations for a search in seminar by the RVM Sisters. As I write the contact info., I felt a bit strange but totally ignoring it for I have assignments to do as I promised kamz (Myla Malagueño, a SFC member; truly a friend indeed). All about mesmerized! Thinking to include her dream to be a nun someday same as mine but concreting my composition in general terms to keep the readers go deeper as they will be reading my works the soonest. As I finished my works, I sent it right away via SMS and I am glad to know that she like and love it! And it all started here “As I pray, I lifting everything to our dear Lord, I want him to write my love story; I know he already prepared the man I need… so why worry that much? Starting today, I will live and continue to love my loved ones and treasure every moment when I’m with Him. So in love, indeed I am and will be forever,” with this we discover our heart desires – the deepest one and that is letting God to be the author of our life. Within the week I texted Sr. Sheila for my query; confused and disturbed as I am discerning more

25 deeply – am I ready? Assessing myself I know I can do extra miles to serve and please our God… ready to follow Him.

We must be willing to leave all things at Christ’s calling. During my SEARCH-IN day…from the start I can’t hide my tears. I was happy for I realized many things; it brings back all the memories…my dreams indeed on what I really want to do in life as the music plays… Do you know where you’re going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where you are going to? Do you know? Do you get what you’re hoping for? When you look behind you there’s no open door What are you hoping for? Do you know? Once we were standing still in time Chasing the fantasies that filled our minds You knew i loved you, but my spirit was free

Laughing at the question that you once ask me Do you know where you’re going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to? do you know? Now, looking back in all we pass We’ve let so many dreams just slip through our hands Why must we wait so long before we see How sad the answers to those questions can be? Do you know where you’re going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you? Where are you going to? do you know? Do you get what you’re hoping for? When you look behind you there’s no open door

Days go by, though I know the answer I still looking for more signs. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit it leads me to seek more and pray more as I eagerly want to go to the next stage. PRAY-IN, will I say my big YES to our Lord? During this time all we need to do is to pray and pray.

Listening to the beauty of SILENCE. 1 O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. 2 You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. 3 You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. 4 Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD. 5 You hem me in--behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. 7 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? 8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. 9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, 10 even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. 11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” 12 even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you. 13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, 16 your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. 17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 18 Were I to count them; they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with you. 19 If only you would slay the wicked, O God! Away from me, you bloodthirsty men! 20 They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name. 21 Do I not hate those who hate you, O LORD, and abhor those who rise up against you? 22 I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies. 23 Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

As I say YES to the call, I submit my application letter - I know that our Lord God Jesus Christ is calling me since then (childhood); I’ve seen everything’s on my dreams as He reveals and show Himself to me at the Blessed Sacraments (Monstrance) and most of the times in the Eucharistic Celebration.  With all the blessings I am thankful for – all I want is to praise and give thanks to thee. I have a wonderful family who supports me achieving all my dreams in life. I don’t have any problems with them as I asked for their blessings (answering my call) but it seems that they are also excited for me. I know God already prepared them for this. Last February 14, 2011 at 7:05 o’clock in the morning I received a text message from my Mom – “d2 kami hospital ni dade naaksidente kami” after reading this message I don’t know how to react…I want to cry as I was praying in silence while on duty. I need to be strong and I don’t want to cry and think what happened? As heading to the hospital to check them I pray to God…asking for my advance birthday gift. I wish that nothing serious happened to my parents; as I saw them – no questions asked for I just want to transfer my energy to them while praying. Yes, I was hurt but I don’t ask God why me because I am at peace and I hold to His promises. Clock goes tictac as we’re waiting for the results. My Mom has many bruises but my Dad is critical that needs observation. Praying deeply telling God to save and heal them because I want my parents together with my siblings to

26 To see Christ more clearly, To love Him more dearly and To follow Him more closely As you read it all, have you heard SILENCE – the voice off truth says,

“Do not be afraid!”

I am Lorraine Matibag Loyola, 27 years old and working as a professional nurse. I am a dreamer, who dreams big for others. I love praying and writing love letters to our Lord God n Jesus Christ.

accompany me as they will hand over me to the care of the RVM Sisters. I want them to witness my happiness as I will profess my vows.  Praise God for he is good! Thankful am I to all who pray for us, at the same time for making things possible for me to attend to our 18th ICON at Cam Sur. God allow me to attend this big event, a time for me to meditate and pray more. A wonderful feeling that I saw the monstrance – He is truly in me and I am with Him.

Lorraine already pursuing her dream.. to be a nun.



These past few years had made me realise that all the things that had happened to me were all part of God’s plan for me. I have been studying in university for five years where the majority of those years were spent searching what I really wanted to study. I was previously studying Bachelor of Business, changing from one major to another as I couldn’t find my interest in them. As a result I lost the motivation to study as well. While in this search, I joined my community parish’s youth group in order to serve God. It was during my time there that I realised what I wanted to study after organising a talent showcase for our parish. I found a passion for organizing events. What I didn’t know was that my service to the youth would lead to a call in serving God through the poor. Three years ago, I was invited by my aunt to attend an introductory meeting about ANCOP – ANswering the Cry Of the Poor. It is a program founded by Couples for Christ to help BUILD THE CHURCH OF THE POOR. Its vision is to bring Christ’s transforming love to the poor and its mission is to simply answer the cry of the poor. The programs offered by ANCOP start from providing Education to the children (Child Sponsorship Program), Health & Nutrition and finally Community Development. We wanted people to be aware of the poverty not only in the Philippines but in the whole world. We wanted the youth to be especially aware about this issue and so Youth ANCOP was created. ANCOP Tour was then introduced to us youths where we could immerse ourselves in ANCOP sites in the Philippines and experience poverty first hand, whilst helping build homes.

To spread the word about ANCOP and about poverty, we organised a fundraising concert and a band competition. Proceeds from both events have gone

towards the funding of Youth ANCOP’s immersion in the Philippines. These events have also helped our youth group grow, proving that our events have helped them be aware of poverty and that they wanted to help those who are in need. Last month, my friend & I who are both members of Youth ANCOP were given the opportunity to attend

the ANCOP Congress in the Philippines. We also took this chance to immerse ourselves in one of the ANCOP sites in Manila, namely Villa Monique in Las Pinas. Our time there will be unforgettable and was a true blessing from God. We saw that ANCOP’s programs truly worked and that it has transformed their lives for the good. A place that used to be avoided by the public can now be passed through


God’s love for us and that He will never abandon anyone. When I first started serving God through Youth ANCOP, I couldn’t fully evangelize about my work with ANCOP as I hadn’t experienced it yet first hand. I wasn’t sure if what I was doing actually helps those in need. Now that I have experienced ANCOP, I realised that sometimes helping those in need doesn’t mean materialistic things (like donating money or other possessions). Sometimes, all they need is your time – time to get to know them and time to make other people know about them. In the end, you’ll also realise that the time you have spent with them has made you grow spiritually.

safely without being harmed. You won’t be able to find children playing or loitering in the streets as they are now all attending school. A slum full of problems has been turned into a normal neighbourhood. We helped build a house as well as socialised with the children by playing games with them. We thought we’d see frowns on their faces because of their past life but all we could see were smiles. You could really see that they have God in their lives and have learned to love and trust in Christ for they know that they have brothers and sisters in the wider community and even world helping them. “For the needy shall not always be forgotten, and the hope of the poor shall not perish forever.” – Psalm 9:18 It wasn’t the people living in the site who were moved by our visit but me. They themselves have inspired me as their transformation were proof of

With this experience, it made my passion to serve God through the poor stronger. I want to keep on creating events which will raise the youth’s awareness about ANCOP and the poor. I want to continue fundraising so that my fellow youth will have the chance to immerse themselves and experience what I have experienced, so they too may be transformed and be inspired. I don’t have material possessions which I can give to the poor therefore I will give them what I have most; time. My name is Ysabel Elepano and I am a Youth Answering the Cry of the Poor as well as a Youth for Christ (YFC). I am currently studying Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Events Management and a minor in Accounting. I will continue to serve God passionately with the talents he has given me and I believe that God’s calling for me is to serve the poor. n

healing and faith

“... your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.” Luke 8:24-34

my journey of hopes and miracles (Walking my Faith with Jesus) By Mheng Torres “All the days of my life I will serve You my Lord, I will follow You to the ends of the earth, with You I shall go till the end of my life.“ Now I know the meaning of this phrase. Until the time I rise up to meet the Lord in the next life, I will not stop glorifying him. My name is Rommel, Mheng as everyone calls me in Singles for Christ (SFC), a family ministry of Couples for Christ (CFC). My ministry started soon after sharing my story of hope during the International Leaders Conference held in Lanao del Norte, Philippines in February 2007.


30 My story of hope started in June 2002 when I began my therapy sessions for what started as numbness on my left foot. This eventually turned to lower extremity paralysis anad by the end of the first week I had to stay on crutches. By my third week of therapy I was already depending on a wheelchair. Luckily, a specialised doctor who came from the United States was studying similar cases and visited me in the hospital. After the series of physical tests and laboratory exams I was shocked to hear that I had a tumor lying on my spinal cord. He told us to have an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scan to confirm his diagnosis and to consider getting a second opinion to prove the results. The MRI scan confirmed I was positive in having an intra-spinal solid mass stretching from the thoracic level 11 to lumbar level 1. The doctor said an emergency surgery was necessary or I could die. The saddest part was that it was not certain if I would be able to walk again after the operation. The worst that can happen is I could come out of the operation and become a vegetable for the rest of my life. That day I asked my father to bring me to the nearest chapel. Whatever may happen, the one last thing I want to do is to be quiet and alone with God and praise Him with all my heart. I was so scared, tears were pouring down my face and I was trembling in fear. Since I was a child I had been obedient to God. There are so many evil-doers out there that deserve to be punished, so asked, “Why me God?”. I asked Him “Lord, please don’t take my life from me right now”. I kept asking Him to spare my life. All of a sudden I felt a tremendous surge of inner strength and all my fears left me. I knew it was the Lord casting all my fears away and that moment all I felt was a great transforming energy entering into my spirit. That day I made the biggest decision in my life. “Oh Lord on this day I will not make any promise but I will make a vow, I will make a covenant with you. Dear Lord please spare my life so I can serve you and I will serve your people all the rest of my life.”

I asked my father to tell the doctors I am now ready for my operation. A few days later I underwent surgery. I looked at the overhead lights of the operating room feeling a wave of dizziness hit me after injecting anesthesia and putting a mask on my face. That’s how much I can remember. I woke up in the recovery room and I waved my hand at my father to let him know I was alright while I was being wheeled into the ICU ward. The next day true pain in my back kicked in, so severe and unbearable like a big rock was dropped on my back. I couldn’t move. I passed out in so much pain that day in July. When I regained consciousness the first thing I wanted to do was to go home. My father asked me if could remember anything. I saw my face looking malnourished on the mirror and I could hardly speak from an NG tube inserted into my nose. He told me that Christmas had already passed and very soon will be New Year’s Eve. I had been in a coma for 5 months and had undergone not one but seven operations! I had four surgeries on my spinal cord and three brain (shunt revision) surgeries because I was diagnosed with meningitis-hydrocephalus, and worst of all, I almost acquired tuberculosis of the bones. Among the four of us in the ICU reserved for the “worst-of-the-worst”, I was the only one who survived, so I believe with great conviction that God has a great mission for me. Life after my discharge from the hospital has been very difficult and costly. For the first three months we are spending almost P7,000 ($233 NZ) a day for the vials of medicine I needed. Things got worse for us financially when on Christmas of 2005 we were evicted from our house. The house we called our home for two decades of our lives was suddenly taken away from us. For a month we were living on the road using materials from our old garage as temporary shelter, asking favours from neighbours to use their toilets or using a hole in a sewer line. We built a small shanty in a vacant lot nearby and tried to live in that cramped place as normally as we could. We experienced so many hardships along the way. We were financially helpless because my father’s retirement money was used up to pay for my hospital bills. I was supposed to have a monthly check-up but even spending money on a cab to get to the hospital was a struggle. I got infected with UTI and my bowel movement became very abnormal. I even had to “recycle” my disposable diaper, launder them and hang them out to dry for reuse. We were only relying on pension money which wasn’t even enough to cover our basic needs. My brothers could not help us either – two of them were in the seminary, my elder brother literally sacrificed his own career and life to take care


of me, while my younger brother has just started a job. It’s very painful watching my family having almost nothing to eat but I never lost hope. God has restored my life and I am very happy and grateful for that. After five years of living in desperate conditions, the Lord responded to our sacrifices in a special way. In February 2007 I was asked to share my story in our ILC (international Leaders Conference) at Lanao del Norte and that marked the beginning of the accomplishment of the great plans for me by our Lord. At first I thought I will just disgrace myself telling my story to those 6,000 delegates who attended. But being recognised as a League of eXtraordinary Singles, having my name called out and going up that stage, I knew that was the start of my journey of HOPE. For a long time I was red and inflamed all over because of infection under the skin but when I went home after that conference, all of my infections started to miraculously heal and my bowel movement became regular again. My brother Rainier eventually gave up seminary and graduated cum laude in Philosophy. Empoy who sacrificed his law enforcement career for me has become a licensed criminologist and has married Heidi, an

optometrist. My brother Ronald has started working in a bank, and our youngest decided to pursue law school after graduating Magna Cum Laude in Philosopy. I am very proud of my brothers’ achievements. They vowed to support and take care of me when they became successful. To me we are already successful as a family and there is an unbreakable bond between us, our unconditional love for each other. I continue to do God’s work everyday traveling under God’s direction to as far as where my wheelchair can bring me. When people ask me how I live my day, I tell them each day I strive for life with great struggle but with joyful spirit. Life is never easy from a wheelchair and I am faced with difficult challenges everyday but my faith in God allows me to remain steadfast. I vow to walk the path of the Lord, follow Him and keep my eyes on Him, while I carry my cross as Jesus did. But there is a deeper story to my life as I serve the Lord. On the 26th of January 2009, I was again rushed to have emergency surgery because there was fluid accumulating inside my head. The night before the surgery I prayed and during my prayer something happened deep in my being that was incredibly uplifting. I opened my eyes and there standing on a

32 garden were two people that spoke to me. They were in front of me telling me the reasons why I was there. Jesus and Mother Mary were talking to me telling me how they love me because of my obedience. Ever since the day I made my covenant almost seven years ago that I will serve Him and serve our people, I never broke that vow that is why they too are pouring out the heavens to bless me. Their last words were that it is time for them to remove the “clog” inside me. I didn’t know what those words meant but I always put my trust in our Lord. In the days that followed, the Lord revealed to me what He meant. The first day after my surgery, my hearing impairment which I had since 1995 was gone. Seven days after, I noticed that I could freely move my right leg without any effort. For seven years I was wheelchair bound and half paralyzed and that day was the first time that I felt like I was going to be normal. I felt all the more blessed when I heard the news from my doctor that there was a big possibility that if I underwent intensive therapy, I would walk again soon and not need my support braces any longer. During the following months of physical recovery, our Lord continued to bless me with wisdom. In my prayers the Lord told me of my new mission. He told me that my life is a life of Kerygma proclaiming our Catholic faith and proclaiming Jesus who is loved by the poor, the blind, the oppressed and the captives. I will continue to fulfill my vow to Him to show the world how He is a GOD of miracles. He wants me to show that even during the most trying times we should serve the Lord joyfully in the greatest way we possibly can, and this should be our greatest ideal. It is my greatest privilege to serve my neighbours with or without money or material things to offer. I know God will provide a way and allow me to have even more. I am thankful to all of the people God has put in my life, people who are angels in disguise who are always helping and supporting me with open arms. My Couples For Christ community, my loved ones and my family who complete my life. My thanks to everyone who has prayed for and supported me on this journey and made these things possible. Words can’t express how grateful I am. I know that the Lord is holding me since the time I was born and until now I am feeling his love in every way of my life. I know that soon, I will walk again and proclaim the Love of the Lord to all nations but right now, I know that our Lord provides and he will always send his angels through our community to help me for my therapy until I walk and proclaim my mission. I still have the fund for my therapy for two months but still needing for the next months. I’m excited to see what God has planned for me if permitted to walk again. Hoping by God’s grace I will be able to continue

my mission and the light of His favour to shine upon my ways. n

------------Rommel Torres or Mheng as everyone calls him, is a member of Singles for Christ (SFC). He serves in the ministry as the Chapter Pastoral Volunteer for Mission Works and currently spends his weekends inside the Medium Security Compound of Camp Sampaguita at the Muntinlupa Bilibid Prison. “Journey of Miracles”, Mheng’s first book is a depiction of his trials, struggles, pains, fears and brokenness. The book is due to be released in January 2011. To support his service and help pay for the cost of his intensive medical therapy Mheng designs his own handcraft rosary bracelets made of semi precious stones and sells other innovated items. Let us support Mheng’s will to walk again! Email him at or facebook/mheng torres.


gods plan is greater than our plans By Rowwena Casil

medication. I’m just so lucky that my host was very supportive and so were the doctors. I only had 7months remaining for my visa. And they were so worried about my condition The doctor said that if I could not really afford my medication at home, why not try to apply for humanitarian support in Denmark while I still had a remaining visa.

Way back in January 2005 I was planning to return to Taiwan where I had been working as a production operator for 2yrs. But then Randy my boyfriend told me that it is better for me to work in Denmark as aupair. Because his sister was working in Denmark she would be able to help me find a host family. Thinking about the salary being higher than what I got in Taiwan, I said ok I will try. The plan was for me to replace his sister in October 2005. I also prayed to God that if it’s His will that I work in Denmark He will help me find a host family for me. And God really is a great God. Cathy, Randy’s sister called telling me to prepare all my papers so I could process my application ASAP as my host needed to see me. April 6,2005 I arrived in Denmark.

My host family was very worried about me so they really tried to find ways for me to stay. As for myself I too was really anxious not just for my health but because I didn’t have any relatives with me and I didn’t want to be a burden to my host family too.

Until now I’m still with them and they are also one of God’s blessing for me. Why? Here is the full story.

14 January 14, 2010 I had my kidney transplant. While recovering from the operation, I was healing too with all the pain Randy had cost me. It was not easy because he was my boyfriend for 9yrs. But I have forgiven him already, because to forgive someone who really hurt you the most is one way of forgiving and healing yourself in the first place.

That time the aupair visa was 2yrs, but by mistake I got a 2 yrs and 7months visa. But I felt a bit sad about it, because I had only wanted to finish my 2yrs contract. Randy and I were planning to get married after that contract. Time went so slowly for someone like me who was so excited to go home. But of course in any relationship there are always trials. Just one year following my leaving for Denmark Randy began going out with another girl. It wasn’t the first time either. We managed to fix those things by the help of our families. Another trial came, right after 2yrs into my contract, in April, 2007. I was diagnosed with CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE. I didn’t really know what to do. And yes I did ask God, why me? I was really worried because way back home I was the one supporting my parents who have been separated since I was 4 yrs old. My siblings have their own family and they are not doing so well too at home. If I decided to go home it would be so hard for me to support my

But prayer is the best guide when we are so confused. I know in my heart He is always at my side, even if I’m in doubt to His love for me at that time. God is really amazing! One night a friend sent me a text, Jeremiah 29:11 “I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.” After reading that text I just started to cry and I surrendered to Him all my worries. Everything works in His ways. Randy had a chance to work here as well. The government allowed me to stay for my free medication. December 2009 Randy and I broke up; due to my condition he was afraid and I couldn’t do anything but I knew I had to let him go even if it hurt.

Sometimes bad things happen for a good reason. God has a lot of good plans in our life. But most of the time we ask Him what we WANT, that is why sometimes He wont give it to us. Because He knows what is the best for us, what we really NEED. I’m an active member of SFL too here in Denmark. I may not have any relatives here but God used someone to look after me. God really is a loving God! I don’t have the right to question Him at all because He provides everything I need. I hope I shared something uplifting from my story. Thank you and may God be praised always. n


A chocomiracle sharing: by Maimai Forteo

I am having my apostolate with the grandmas of Hospicio de San Jose, Manila, Philippines for the past two weeks. One of my tasks is to accompany them to the SM Mall of Asia (the seventh largest mall in the world according to SM) and have them tour around and view the setting of the sun near the shore in culmination to the long week celebration for the elderly. We left Hospicio de san Jose with fine weather despite the upcoming typhoon. But when we arrived heavy rains started to pour. We opted to bring the “lolas” (Grand Mother) inside the mall and tour them around instead of viewing the setting sun for surely it is impossible to see that marvelous thing for heavy rains [had] not stopped and the clouds were still dark. Some of the “lolas” who brought their own money asked us to accompany them to the food court, so we split into groups. Other caregivers assisted the lolas to the nearest food court and a social worker assisted some back to the bus. When it was time to call the “lolas” to go home some of them seemed to be uneasy over something. We found out that a certain “lola” suffering from dementia was lost. I returned back to the place where they had been eating and searched for her. I tried to search the whole place but I hadn’t seen the lola. I started to

worry when at the second attempt I hadn’t found her. I whispered a prayer to Saint Joseph that the we would be able to find the lola before we got home to Hospicio. After another ten minutes of having the description of the lola paged on the information booth of the mall nobody had noticed the lola. The social worker in-charge of the program decided then to look for her and allowed us to go home. On our way home all of the lolas were praying for the safety of their companion. When we arrived at the place the certain lost lola was in Hospicio sleeping soundly in the dormitory. Three people were still left out in the mall searching for her. We then called up the people searching for her that lola was now safe home and was sleeping, relating with them that the lola went home on a cab for she cannot find her way back to the foodcourt. Thinking that she has been left out, she opted to ride in the cab instructing the driver to conduct her to Hospicio. Luckily St. Joseph made her remember where she lives. How can she forget the place she considered home for the past 40 years or over of her life? Thank you St. Joseph, that night I slept soundly and my worrying was gone, replaced by the peace of Christ. n

The lesson I learned with my fuschia slippers at the island of Fire & MysticSiquijor: by Chassy Tesoro

35 should go and just charge it to experience. I refused to give up, for I cling strongest that my great God hears my plea.When 2 young men I believe to be locals arrived at the falls, I begged one of them to check from the fall’s drop area if my slipper might have been lodged on a rock. After a few dive he made and checked the rocks around, I decided to give it up and climb the mountain back to our bus since I am already delaying the tour of the entire group and it will not be fair to everybody. With each step made of prickly rough rock same as in the picture, I felt so much pain and I was already complaining in my mind. We had just started the tour, how am I gonna walk now without my right slipper? Putting on most of my weight on my left slipper I kept looking back even with the warning of rp that I might

We were playing around in the Cambugahay Falls while

slip and fall down. With every ounce of my strength

having a group photo shoot when I decided to climb up

I kept looking back thinking the local boy might find

the falls so my pic will be taken at the highest point. Rp

it. When I reached the main road I could not care less

scolded me fearing for my safety to which I ignored....

from the cold drinks being sold to us since my right

sutil ever at mahilig sa adventure. Then due to the strong

foot already burns from the asphalt road and the bus

water current my right slipper which is still on my foot

is parked at about 10meters away from where I was.

fell along with the falls to the water. I was not worried at all thinking the slipper is made of rubber and that it

But at the middle of the road I released all my pain

will naturally float and flow towards the direction of mi

and offered it to God. I kept repeating at each painful

cherub who’s taking the photo. The bright color of the

step on the hot road my right foot makes, “Praise

slippers boosted my confidence all the more coz it stands

God!, Praise God, Praise God!”

out in our surroundings. Much to my amazement, not a single slipper emerged from the water even with leaves

And just as I was about to reach the bus, everybody

and coconut husks fell from the falls and resurfaces

on board shouted with excitement as they could

seconds after! I stopped enjoying myself so I can be on

see behind my back the answer to my prayers! The

the look out for that missing slipper. You see, I did not

boy whom I begged to check the rocks was running

bring any extra shoe or slipper with my concept

towards me with the other slipper on his hand. I could

of traveling light I relied on my crocs slipper only. What

not contain my happiness when I saw him running.

added salt to the wound was Bebe’s sharing of the tour

In my eyes he seemed like an

bus driver’s always have our belongings in

angel God sent to my rescue!

our line of sight even when nobody else was around

An answer to my prayers

us. He claimed some entities on this famed water falls

that indeed HE is mightier

might play tricks on us or covet some of our belongings

than any entity the locals of

making it lost forever. I refused to put that thought in

Siquijor fears.

mind and I was praying all the time while staring at the location of the falls where the missing slipper should

What a great God we have!

float. A friend said I should let go of the other slipper as

and I LIKE!

a gift to the entity who favored it, my husband said we




Faith Develops PERSEVERANCE By Ayan Abela

“…the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” (James 1:3) Have you ever felt that your life was meant to be more than just eating, sleeping, working, and having children? Have you ever felt this kind of inner push to do something more personally meaningful, but you just can’t figure out how to start? I have vivid memories of my journey from finding how to “make a living” into searching how to “make a life”. It all started when my father asked me if I could accompany him to a two-day seminar. I got interested when I found out that we were the only men in the group. The rest were mothers, grandmothers, and single but old ladies. I was also the youngest among the participants. The seminar was about one of the ministries founded by Blessed James Alberione, the Association of Pauline Cooperators (APC). They are lay persons across six continents of the world who work together in evangelization using modern tools of media and social communication such as press, cinema, radio and television. My father was invited by one of the Pauline nuns who had helped and prayed for him during his heart bypass surgery. Being truly grateful for having surpassed one of the greatest trials of his life, he promised to help return the blessings that God has poured upon our family. For the first time, I saw him becoming interested in religious activities. I could not forget my father’s face on our way to the seminar. He looked livelier, his eyes lit up—I can’t describe it exactly, but I know for sure that I was very happy for him that time. I did not expect that this two-day affair would be one of the most treasured experiences of my life. It was two days filled with inspiring and fun-filled learning. It was two days of precious moments between father and son as APC aspirants. Due to my involvement in many other extracurricular activities, only my father became a full-fledged member of APC. However, this unfinished formation gave birth to a BIG dream. Was there ever a time when you felt that you are being

called to do something special, to make a difference, to soar high? You may not be the best at all things, but you can be the best at what you are called to do. I remember when I felt this kind of inner drive to do something big. After learning from the APC about media evangelization, a link connected all the gaps that I had been thinking all the time. From my desire to serve God, I didn’t know that a little inspiration from Him could turn into something BIG—“Being In God” was brought into life. Very excited and in high spirits, I immediately made a logo for BIG. But somewhere along the way, I got stuck. How can I do it? When shall I start? Am I talented enough? I felt incapable, unprepared, unworthy. Discovering and living your calling involves risks. Facing unfamiliar and risky challenges could be truly difficult for many. I was not able to take my mission on board because I didn’t have the courage to do it. I was carrying a heavy baggage of insecurities and fear of criticism. But while drowning in the ocean of worries and uncertainties, the only thing that I held onto was “hope”. Amidst the ravaging waters of difficulties, I discovered strengths I didn’t know I possessed. “We also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.” (Roman 5:3-4) I never gave up. I did not stop believing and walking into the path of responding to my call. It took me ages before deciding I would do it. But my faith gave me courage to accept the opportunity to make a difference, to make my dream into reality. I started by posting Bible verses on Friendster, which was a popular networking site at that time before Facebook. No one commented on any of my posts. I tried to post encouraging words. The comments could be counted only on one hand’s fingers. Then I posted some of photos that I took in the past and incorporated the Bible verses. Lo and behold, my friends finally noticed my posts. They made comments about the photos and/or the verses, shared their thoughts, thanked me for posting, and prayed with me in spirit. However, there were still those who raised their eyebrows and

37 wondered what the heck I was doing. There were those who ignored my sharing and posts. There was even a friend who challenged me ‘to walk the talk’. It hurts to receive indifference, hostility and rejection. But isn’t it that The Beatles were also turned down by a recording company because they didn’t like their sound? Isn’t it that Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor because “he lacked imagination and had no good ideas”? Isn’t it that Sigmund Freud was booed from the podium when he first presented his ideas to the scientific community of Europe? Whenever you try to do something new, you will get resistance. Successful people take risks. They use failure positively to persevere and achieve their goals. “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” (James 1:2-4) I may fail many times, but I would never stop trying. I held on to my desire to do something fruitful that would bring other people closer to the Lord. Aside from sharing through social networking sites, I included God in my day-to-day conversations with my friends and with other people. I may not touch the whole world, but I believe that God could use me to touch the particular lives of one or two persons at a particular place and a particular time. In my own small way, I continued to do something good with my talents and my skills. With all He has blessed me with, I would always proclaim the greatness of the Lord. “May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.” (2 Thessalonians 3:5) Little by little I was learning to understand my personal calling. Through constant prayer, I was beginning to make sense of how God was directing my path through His presence in my life. We cannot underestimate the power of prayer. Since prayer allows us to touch God, it strengthens us and empowers us. Prayer broadens our horizons and opens our eyes. One of the things I like most is––prayers are answered in the perfect time. One morning I woke up with a strong urge to write a story on one experience that I had. I knew in myself that I was not a good writer and that my grammar was bad, but I still gave myself a chance to write

on anyway. I even made a short video to let readers visualise the beauty of my experience. Then without hesitation I posted it on my Friendster account. I got good feedback. And although there were several grammatical errors, my friends never told me maybe because they did not want to embarrass me. But most importantly, I was very happy. I felt blessed and I finally found the fulfilment that I have long been waiting. I found light on the path I have been walking. But was there a time in your life when even if you’re all set and ready for something, you’re still stuck and unable to do something? There would always be obstacles, difficulties, fears, worries and resistance from the outside and from within. They could be stumbling blocks to our goals or stepping stones depending on how we align our perspective. To be honest, I was scared to push forward with writing because of my poor grammar skills. But not too long after that, a friend told me to just continue writing and I could ask someone to edit my stories. This sent chills down my spine because I was reminded of Moses who made excuses when God told him to free his people from the slavery of Egypt. Moses confessed to God that he was not good at public speaking, but God solved his problem by using his brother Aaron to speak for him. “…let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9)

38 The story of Moses deeply inspired me to share God’s goodness in my life through writing. In spite of my own inadequacies, I asked for the Holy Spirit to empower me to further His ministry, to walk in faith and walk in victory. Overflowing with joy and intensity of God’s presence in my life, I decided to look for more ways to share to others God’s gifts to me. I lifted up to Him a dream to create an online Catholic magazine.

TOUCH POINTS “it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, butrejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13:6-7

“The good soil represents honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s message, cling to it, and steadily produce a huge harvest.” (Luke 8:15)

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12

God’s guidance to this small project was overwhelming. Friends, acquaintances, strangers from across nations came together to collectively share their invaluable time and God-given talents to use modern media to bring Christ into people’s lives. It’s amazing to witness how God worked through the Holy Spirit to produce something much bigger than us––Catholic BIGMAG came into life.

“I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false.” Revelation 2:2

“You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.” (Hebrews 10:36) Do not be afraid to respond to your calling because when God asks you to do something, He will provide everything else that you need. Do not be afraid to face new challenges along the way, do not lose hope when things get tough, and do not take your eyes off God. If you can’t run, walk. Taking consistent little steps at a time can make a big difference. Even the turtle could reach its destination if it won’t give up. Walking into the path to reaching your dreams may take time and effort, just continue walking. Remember, you are walking with Christ. I know in my heart that the journey where I am now is not an easy. Time and again there would be new obstacles and new trials. But time and again I also know that there would be new learning and new found strength. And wherever this path leads me, I will hold on my faith and live my calling to make my life meaningful. I will continue to inspire other people to follow their dream to serve the Lord and to share their experiences with Him to other people. With God nothing is impossible. And with perseverance anything is possible. n

“I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is. Yet you hold fast my name, and you did not deny my faith even in the days of Antipas my faithful witness, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells.” Revelation 2:13 “Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful.” James 5:11 “Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.” 1 Timothy 4:16 “For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.” 2 Peter 1:5-7

God Given



The Rainbow of Hope by Brendan Roberts

When life is battering you With storms on every side Life itself seems to choke And there is no one to abide Your friends don’t understand Or they are too wrapped in themselves Your anxiety is crushing you Despair is choking Do not be afraid For help is close at hand When you see a rainbow in the sky Remember it is a promise A promise of hope God promised never to leave you As there is a rainbow after rain Joy will come after your pain.

The Sculpture -


We meet somewhere inbetween, but what we become is up to you... it always has been.

Whispers of leaves. Gentle breeze. Rhapsodic swaying Of the nothingness in-between

Brought together by circumstance...nothing more.

Acres of quiet. Curtsy of the sun. Atmosphere soaked with magnificence exile the mundane

by Brian Quinn Fugaban

Not in my heart... and not what I had in mind, but it will suffice for now. You could become everything I imagined, everyone I had ever wanted to meet, but you hold me at a distance, purposely, safely... choosing only to view me... as if I were in a glass case. Time will pass... I will remain here for you to see, and things will come to pass. Wounds will heal... and you will grow tired of looking at me. You will become like everyone else... just another passer-by, who once came to see me. Your face will fade... into the blur that is my memory, always smiling, always distant... ever inspiring, beautiful... and I will keep my word. I will stay as still as I can for you, should you ever pass by again.

by Ogonna Kanu

Heaven’s breath. Scent of the Divine. Ssh….hh Listen, You might hear Him speak.

True Friendship is God’s Gift

by Elcel Christine Nerida Oh my dearest fellow, Why are you far away? Wish I could let you know, How much I miss you everyday. I miss the times we had, I miss the times we shared; The way you made me laugh, And let me feel you cared. My body might have left you, But my heart will always stay; Another chance to be with you, I would not give away. I may not see or touch you, The way I...


To All Single Men & Women

Inviting you to come and join with us... Share your faith with other like-minded young men and women, use your gifts to help others, and grow as a disciple of God. Our vibrant community is one of the largest International Catholic & Christian fellowship groups. If you’re between 21 to 40 years old, we’d love for you to come! For more information, just visit us @ and look for CFC-Singles For Christ Community.

If you’d like to share your stories, experiences and article about God, here is your chance. Give us your comments on the articles in this issue and send us your stories. We’d love to hear from you. Please help us by sending any ideas for the improvement of this magazine to


Catholic BIGMAG


CFC- Singles For Christ [NEW ZEALAND]

If you would like to print this in hardcopy, form please contact BIGMAG. We would love to see this printed worldwide and would love parishes to do so for free. If you would like to support this ministry, please contact us. We really look forward to bringing you more great articles. Please forward the link of BIGMAG and help us touch many hearts for our awesome and loving God!


Are you an artist for God? If YES! Draw now and create a comic script, as long it’s a God centered.. submit it to us.. Can’t wait to see your drawing... : ) The Editor


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