Tips for webinar attendees

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Tips for webinar attendees Tips on how to go about conducting a successful webinar from the host’s perspective are a common sight. A large number of industry experts have laid down guidelines, etiquettes and best practices for hosting a webinar, and ensuring its success. But what can webinar attendees do to enhance their webinar experience, and make it a more fruitful one?

Here are a few tips for webinar attendees —  Sign in early — sign in 10 minutes early, log in and ensure that you have a strong connection. Make sure that you have a notebook and pen at hand, and mentally prepare the questions you are going to ask. Signing in late will result in you missing out on the ever-so-important introduction. What follows might not make sense to you either! Punctuality is key.

 Participate actively — interactive webinars are a great means of learning, and play a major role in making a webinar interesting. Share your thoughts and opinions during polls, and questions during the Q&A session. This will not only help you enhance your knowledge and attaining further clarity on a subject, but will also motivate you to engage actively with the audience.

 Provide feedback — since the host cannot judge the body language of the audience, the only way of gauging the success of their webinar would be the feedback provided by the audience. There are a large number of webinar software enabled with the feature of audience feedback. Providing feedback lets the presenters know where there was room for improvement, and how they could cater to the audience’s specific needs better. This will result in a better webinar the next time around, which ultimately is beneficial to the audience. Attendees can let the presenters know about the quality of their content, technical glitches if any and also provide ideas for future topics to cover in the webinar.

 Maintain decorum — a large number of webinar software allow publiclyvisible chat, so keep your contributions helpful and constructive. Unproductive arguments and belittling others opinions is not the best practice. It’s also poor etiquette to counter-advertise your products and services as an audience member; your host has paid money and put effort into gathering the audience and preparing his content, it’s unethical to hijack his/her audience to promote your own brand.

 Mute audio lines if open — if your host is using a free webinar softwarethat enables him to open up the audio lines to let the audience speak, keep your phone muted whenever you are not speaking. This helps avoid unwanted background noise that might disturb other audience members as they speak.

Adhering to these tips for webinar attendees will not only prove to be a more productive experience for you, but also for other audience members and even the host himself.

To know more about "free webinar software" click here : Webinar software

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