New Wave 2022

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NewWave RESPONSIBLY SAILING OUR OCEANS & RIVERS CALL OF THE WILD The cruise industry pledges action for the planet The A–Z of sustainable sailing on our oceans

20/ Field trip Ponant’s polar explorer doubles as a science lab. 22/ The ripple effect Re-greening inland waterways. 24/ Signing up to sustainability Brisbane’s new cruise terminal. 26/ Grow your own dinner Oceania Cruises leads the way on plant-based cuisine. 27/ Sustainability insight CLIA’s European initiatives. 28/ What’s on your ship? Green technologies abound. 30/ It’s a shore thing Sydney’s White Bay Terminal. New Wave is published by Big Splash Media Pty Ltd on behalf of Cruise Lines International Association Australasia. All rights are reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Opinions expressed are those of the individual contributors and are not necessarily shared by the publisher. All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure information is correct at time of going to press. Any advice is of a general nature and information should be checked with a CLIA travel agent before booking cruise holidays. © Big Splash Media Pty Ltd This magazine is printed on sustainable paper stock using inks created from natural substances.


A round the world, cruise lines are investing billions of dollars in new ships and new technologies that will make a huge difference when it comes to achieving a more sustainable cruise industry.

This is now the most critical topic of discussion in cruising, and there’s an enormous amount of innovation underway to help achieve our goals. This has been building for some time, and there are already many fantastic developments pioneered by the cruise sector. New alternative fuels, new sources of clean energy and new ways to protect our marine environments are already a reality and delivering results.

Efforts to achieve greater sustainability also extend into social and economic areas, where the cruise industry is working closely with communities to develop responsible tourism management practices that maximise economic benefits while minimising other impacts of visitation, as well as supporting charitable efforts.


But there is still more to achieve. That’s why cruise lines have united around new emissions targets that will set the standard for cruising in the future. Ocean-going members of Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) are now pursuing net zero carbon cruising by 2050 and are putting in a huge effort to make this happen.

18/ Slowly does it Regent Seven Seas highlights the plight of the sloth. 19/ Animal attraction Ensuring protection of wildlife.

8 / “Our

Across the globe we’re seeing increasing use of low-emission transitional fuels such as LNG and technologies like exhaust gas cleaning systems to make big reductions in cruise ship emissions. We’re also seeing investment in future alternative fuels and power sources like biofuel, methanol, ammonia, hydrogen, hybrid propulsion and electric batteries.

Sailing towards zero carbon

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On the following pages you can find out more about what is happening to achieve greater sustainability in cruising. Although our industry represents less than one per cent of global shipping, we aim to be leaders internationally when it comes to reducing emissions, protecting the environment, and delivering lasting benefits to communities around the world.

Joel Katz Managing Director Australasia, Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) the cruise industry partners with aid and conservation agencies. you know? the numbers on sustainable cruising. team loves cruise guests” How Indigenous tourism operators benefit from cruise. 3 10/ The A-Z of sustainability Cruise operators are doing their bit to preserve the planet. 14/ NCLH supports the path to net zero One of the world’s biggest cruise operators has pledged to become carbon neutral. 16/ Science at sea Cruise ships with a science twist bring a fresh perspective.

Contents 4 / Helping hands How


Carnival Corporation has strong sustainability goals: it’s aiming to achieve a 20 per cent carbon reduction by 2030, looking into the use of alternative fuels, and researching technologies such as advanced air quality systems. By the end of 2021, 46 per cent of the company’s fleet was equipped with shore power capabilities and there are now six ships in the fleet that can be powered by LNG. Carnival is also in the process of investing in a lithium-ion battery storage system, among other innovations such as hull air lubrication systems.


Carnival on track for 2030 sustainability goals

When the Ukraine crisis began, help came from all corners of the world, including cruise. Holland America Line sent the liner Volendam to dock in Rotterdam, taking on board refugees then staying in hotels. The ship provided three meals a day, private rooms, housekeeping services, a fitness centre and internet access to those on board, with 650 crew members to service them.



Passenger sailings were cancelled in order to help the refugees, as humanity triumphed over profits in a heartfelt gesture by the line.


MSC’s first turtle hatchings

MSC’s private island Ocean Cay saw its first loggerhead turtle hatchings in late 2021. The island in the Bahamas has not only become a haven for cruise guests but also for indigenous flora and fauna. So far, six nests have been identified on Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve. Since it first welcomed guests in late 2019, the island has progressively transformed into a lush tropical paradise with a rich marine ecosystem. Another priority is to restore fringing coral reefs off the island, an integral part of the marine ecosystem.

Silversea galvanises the Galapagos Luxury line Silversea has played its part in ensuring the Galapagos Islands are as beautiful and biodiverse for future generations as they are now. The Silversea Fund aims to strengthen the connection between humans and nature in the Galapagos, funding a wide range of conservation projects each year. Johannah Barry, founder and president of Galapagos Conservancy, said: “The Silversea Fund will help to protect the natural environment, as well as the fauna that inhabits the archipelago, for generations to come.”


Holland America Line lends a hand to Ukrainians

Cruise lines are joining forces with aid and conservation agencies to support sustainability and humanitarian efforts in many of the amazing destinations their ships visit.

Citizen science on the Great Barrier Reef Coral Expeditions has revealed a new edition of its Citizen Science On The Great Barrier Reef cruise in partnership with Australian Geographic. The special return voyage from Cairns will take 66 guests on an immersive scientific expedition that explores the outer reefs and unique marine systems of the Great Barrier Reef. Passengers will also learn about marine conservation work at the Turtle Rehabilitation Centre on Fitzroy Island and meet with resident scientists taking care of these beloved animals.

A cleaner planet is the best reward


Avalon Waterways has been honoured with Europe’s Green Award for its Suite Ship fleet’s high safety and environmental standards. This prestigious award is given to river cruise ships that best minimise the environmental impact of engines, reduce fuel consumption and waste, and prevent pollution. Alongside working with a large number of charities involving children and wildlife around the world, Avalon also supports the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital on the Sunshine Coast and the Kangaroo Sanctuary in Alice Springs. 5 NEW WAVE: GIVING BACK TOGETHER WE CAN HELP OTHER CHILDREN LIKE AICHA STAND TALL YES! I WANT TO HELP TRANSFORM MORE LIVES LIKE AICHA’S! Please donate HELP CHANGE LIVES! ofCharityChoice TOGETHER WE CAN HELP OTHER CHILDREN LIKE AICHA STAND TALL YES! I WANT TO HELP TRANSFORM MORE LIVES LIKE AICHA’S! Please donate HELP CHANGE LIVES! ofCharityChoice 2207_MS_NewWave_AD_210x275.indd 1 29/7/22 11:40 am

All of this and more is confirmation that our global company remains deeply committed to the markets it serves throughout the world. Ultimately, sustainability is about partnerships working together to achieve the best for our communities and for the planet.

It has to – because we hope to again cruise to pristine places in our region that are among the most perfect on the planet. Protecting the marine environment is central to everything we do. It’s fundamental to our business. Our guests expect it and we demand it of ourselves. But sustainability is also all about the communities with whom we come in contact. And for us, that means sustaining relationships built on trust and shared values. These relationships have been built over 90 years of cruising from Australia and they have continued even through the two-year pause in cruising.


The big picture of sustainability also involves the way we have helped communities to achieve their full potential, and will again. It has involved supporting the development of sustainable enterprises that can share the economic value of cruising. It has also involved helping communities in Vanuatu and New Caledonia to develop destination management plans so that cruise tourism leaves a small environmental footprint. And extends to the guest-funded P&O Pacific Partnership that has helped save the lives of thousands of newborn babies in Papua New Guinea. Our sister brands are just as active. Princess Cruises®, for example, is proud of its ‘Princess Local Partnerships’ that supports conservation and culture in New Zealand focused initially on safeguarding kiwis and other native birds in the Bay of Islands. We know what it means to work at many levels to achieve a sustainable future – a dream we share with our guests. And that means acting on a wide front including eliminating the use of plastic on our ships wherever we can. Around the world, our company adopts new ways to reduce waste and create a better tomorrow by using the latest breakthroughs in new green technologies including trialling advances in bio-fuels and supporting innovative approaches such as supporting ports in Seattle, Vancouver and Juneau to establish the world’s first ‘green shipping corridor’.

111 cruise ships have been fitted with exhaust gas cleaning systems, with another 42 due to be retrofitted and a further 27 new-build ships to adopt them.

Did you know?

Conservation of the Great Barrier Reef is partly paid for by cruise passengers. Guests transiting through the Marine Park pay a fee to protect the UNESCO World Heritage-listed site.

Cruise ships recycle 60 per cent more waste than the average person on land. And the industry recycles more than 72,000 tonnes of plastic, aluminium and glass every year.

Condensation from airconditioning units is often reclaimed and reused to wash the decks, saving millions of litres of water every year.


More than one third of new-build ships will operate on LNG as their primary propulsion fuel. Lines like Princess have LNG ships launching in 2023 and 2025.

The industry invests in researching ways it can reduce the quantity of plastic initially brought onboard, via sourcing and product choices.

“Our team love the guests. They meet lots of different people from all over Australia and the world.

Communications are tricky, but such is her enthusiasm for showing off her culture and Country that she manages to make contact with New Wave Many of her clients come from vessels run by Ponant, APT, Coral Expeditions and Abercrombie & Kent.

“Our culture respects old people, so we love having older guests too. We have made many good friends with tour ship guides.

“Our close relation supports Neil and Naomi and smokes guests to ensure a safe journey, and is also our artist-in-residence, painting on canvas works inspired by our culture. We also sell paintings from other I

PETER LYNCH REPORTS. “It’s good that people are coming to learn about us, our history, our culture and what we are doing in this time and how we are protecting the wilderness and our heritage places.” Times were tough through the pandemic. Ponant’s Asia-Pacific chair Sarina Bratton highlighted the plight of Aboriginal guides, saying the loss of cruise business had cost as much as $6 million to communities in Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

“Guests can walk to a rock art site and receive stories of the art and my clan and my tribe. Rock art stories are told by my eldest son, Neil Maru Jnr. Guests are welcomed to Country by my eldest daughter, Naomi Peters, and told the story of the Country and our clan connection to it by Gideon Mowaljarlai.

Peters’s Wijingarra Tours is five years old, a 100 per cent Aboriginal-owned business with five guides and members of her family involved. The company runs land tours showcasing rock art from her clan areas in the Kimberley.


“It was tough,” Peters said. “In 2020 we had no work, but still mobilised because we did not really know what was going to happen with COVID. In 2021 we managed a few tours, which was good. “It was not just the loss of money: it was hard for our guides not working after starting up a new business and losing our momentum. We are happy to be back and having a good season with companies like APT, Ponant and Abercrombie & Kent and Coral Expeditions.”

“Our teamlovesguestscruise”

sobel Peters and her guides are leading a tour group in the outback.


“Tourism NT is working with Developing East Arnhem Limited to articulate the unique selling points of multiple anchorages along the Arnhem Land coast, including cultural experiences.”

A NT Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade spokesperson told New Wave Aboriginal cultural tourism is a key priority, and research shows that the NT is considered the preferred destination for Aboriginal cultural tourism experiences.

Opposite: Isobel Peters (left) and her daughter Naomi of Wijingarra Tours explain rock art to cruise passengers near Freshwater Cove on the Kimberley coast. This page, from top: Ngadju Cultural Tours dancers in Norseman in southern Western Australia; Naomi Peters greets cruise ship visitors to her land.

Hopefully we can bemoblikeforCountryour staffkeeponcaringmyareas,Aboriginalshoulddoing.” members of my tribes, such as Gordon and Gabriella Barunga and Chloe Nulgit. “Guests who do not walk to the cave enjoy beach walks, where they see birds and other wildlife, including humpback whales during migration months of late June to VerniceSeptember.”Gillies,of Kurrah Mia in Albany, said that before the pandemic she took cruise passengers out on tours, including the Quaranup Aboriginal Walking Tour, which lasts for two hours and follows paths travelled by the Menang people.

With the number of cruise ships allowed into local waters growing, Peters is now confident things are getting better.

“Hopefully it continues, so we can make back the ground we lost and keep our staff happy and employed and on Country caring for my areas, like Aboriginal mob should be doing.”


“The Territory has a number of regional ports located alongside Aboriginal communities. As Aboriginal cultural tourism is a key preference for visitors to the Territory, developments in this space will benefit the cruise industry as a whole and provide outcomes to Aboriginal Territorians.

James Schultz, of Norseman-based Ngadju Cultural Tours, is thinking about expanding to Fremantle to support the cruise industry. His tour company’s dancers have been extremely popular with cruise operators, receiving standing ovations. The group also serves traditional Indigenous food, such as damper and kangaroo meat.

Biofuels. Among the potential alternatives to oil is biofuel or biodiesel, which is a renewable fuel sourced from natural oils.


Coatings. Cruise ship operators can apply special paint coatings that reduce fuel consumption by up to 5 per cent. Donations. Many cruise lines have partnerships with sustainability-focused charities to donate proceeds that support the foundations to make change. For example, river cruise line Avalon Waterways has recently formed a partnership with The Ocean Cleanup and Trees4Travel. Expedition cruising. A likely key step towards long-term sustainability is



Antarctica. No destination signifies the importance of sustainable cruising more than unspoiled Antarctica. Tourism in Antarctica is regulated by the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO), which counts numerous CLIA cruise lines among its members.

Animal Kingdom. The chance to spot wildlife is so often a highlight of cruising, and many cruise companies are doing their bit to ensure it stays this way. To Opposite, from top: SouthAntarctica’slandingpassengersExpeditionsAurorainGeorgia –expedition cruising is a key step to a hasRoyalseas.pollutiontoOceanpartneredWaterwayscruiseindustry;sustainableriverlineAvalonhasTheCleanupreduceriverenteringThispage:Caribbeanswitchedto energy-efficient LED lighting on its ships.

Plastic. Single-use plastics are becoming a thing of the past on some a sustainability innovator, says this will cut greenhouse gas emissions in half.

HVAC. Heat, ventilation and airconditioning systems are a critical piece of the puzzle in cruise sustainability.

Giant sails. New cruise liners are being built with giant solar panels on their sails, allowing the ships to power themselves. French shipyard Chantiers de L’Atlantique, promote nature-based climate solutions, Disney Cruise Line's parent company has planted over 9 million trees.


Fincantieri shipyard. Italy's Fincantieri Shipyard, responsible for producing many of the world’s best and biggest cruise ships, has recently signed a near billiondollar construction deal for future building of ships. The deal has built-in strict sustainability measures required to be met for construction to take place.

L … LED. Many cruise lines have taken to using energy-efficient LED lighting onboard. This lasts 25 times longer than normal lighting and uses 80 per cent less energy. Marine life. Cruises ships must be operated responsibly to avoid harm to marine life and habitats. MSC’s partnership with conservation organization Marevivo and Norwegian’s restoration of coral reefs in the Cayman Islands are just two lines working to protect marine life.

Net zero. Cruise Lines International Association has committed to pursuing net-zero carbon cruising, the ultimate sustainability goal, by 2050.

A 2022 study by GF Piping Systems confirmed that better HVAC systems on cruise ships can decrease fuel consumption, reduce emissions and lower costs. Itineraries. One of CLIA’s sustainability guidelines is the optimising of itineraries. Through adjusting routes, ship speed and distance travelled, ships can significantly reduce their fuel consumption.

Joint effort. One of the keys to promoting sustainability in cruise is the formation of effective working partnerships between lines, industry and governments. For example, the Cruise Baltic network is a group of 32 member ports and regional destinations that have signed the Cruise Baltic Sustainability Manifesto, working towards a sustainable future for cruise in the area.

expedition cruising, with smaller ships lessening impact on the environment. Expedition cruise lines like Ponant and Aurora are also striving to innovate in sustainability.

Oceans. Cruise lines make up less than one per cent of total marine traffic, but are developing key sustainable designs that will be able to be implemented by other ocean carriers. The industry has invested more than $30 billion into sustainable cruising.

Universities. Through partnering with universities and research teams, cruise lines can improve their sustainability research and programs, as well as ensure the next generation of sustainable cruise is in safe hands.

cruise lines, with other cruise lines taking steps towards this goal.


Recycle. Some ships have repurposed 100 per cent of the waste they generate, converting it into energy. Cruise lines are currently recycling about 72,000 tonnes of paper, plastic, aluminium and glass each year.

Xploring. At the heart of cruising is the chance to explore, and at the heart of sustainability is the preservation of the world to be explored. Sustainable cruising is critical both to the natural world and future generations who wish to explore it.

Youth. When you take the kids on a cruise, you might not just be giving them a handful of memories, but also critical foundational learning of sustainability. For example, Disney Cruise Line’s Oceaneer lab is not just designed for kids to have fun, but also offers guided science labs and workshops that begin to teach kids about taking care of the ocean and environment.

port waters, cutting pollutants by nearly 90 per cent and greenhouse gas emissions by 50 per cent. The environmental benefits are magnified when the shoreside power is generated from renewable sources.

Volunteers. Many cruise lines give you the chance to volunteer at certain ports around the world. For example, passengers on Carnival Cruise Line and Holland America Line sailings can sign up for various shore volunteering activities, such as teaching English to local schoolchildren, cleaning up beaches, planting trees and more.

Questioning. found 83 per cent of global travellers think sustainable travel is vital, and almost half think there aren’t enough options for sustainable travelling. The questioning consumer is a key cog in making cruise take action.

Shore-side power. Many ships are moving towards shoreside power, plugging into land power at ports of call. This greatly reduces ship emissions in Top, from left: Reducing OceansonRoyalteamedTarongaLeft:cruiseonlocalconnectingafromtoeliminatingandharmmarinelifecruisingiscrucialgoal;withcommunitiesaPaulGauguininTahiti.Sydney’sZoohasupwithCaribbeantheLitterFreeinitiative.

Z oos. As good cruise lines will fight for sustainability, zoos fight for conservation. Sometimes the goals can be reached together. Royal Caribbean International and New South Wales's Taronga Zoo have collaborated on the Litter Free Oceans campaign to raise awareness about the devastating effect of pollution on the oceans.


Water waste. One hundred percent of new cruise ships currently on order will use advanced wastewater treatment when they launch in the coming years, building on the current 74 per cent of CLIA ships with these systems.

Transparency. Critical to progress in sustainability is transparency from cruise lines and industry bodies. CLIA’s environmental policy includes thorough third-party and internal auditing that means cruise lines have to openly disclose their practices.


BEYOND LUXURY BECAUSE MAKING OUR MARK MEANS LEAVING LESS OF A FOOTPRINT CELEBRITY.COM/AU NET ZERO EMISSIONS BY 2050 Using every tool at our disposal to advance our path, including a net zero emissions cruise ship by 2035. MOST EFFICIENT SHIPS YET Our Edge Series ships sail with 20% more energy efficiency, as well as 40+ other sustainability initiatives on board. WORKING TOWARDS ZERO WASTE Our “Green Hub” waste vendor program means 85% of our waste is recycled or re-purposed. REDUCING CONSUMPTIONPLASTICBY90% By eliminating single-use plastic water bottles, straws, condiment packages and more.



ne of the world’s biggest cruise operators has pledged to work towards net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 across its operations and value chain. Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings, which operates Norwegian Cruise Line, Oceania Cruises and Regent Seven Seas Cruises, announced its commitment earlier this year as part of its efforts to drive a positive impact on society and the environment through its global sustainability program, Sail & Sustain.


Norwegian Prima features

“The health of our environment is intrinsic to our business success, but protecting it is simply the right thing to do. We’ve recently announced our commitment to net zero emissions by 2050 – just one facet of our comprehensive Sail & Sustain program that is focused on five key pillars: reducing our environmental impact, sailing

NCLHsupports thepath to net zero

“The path to net zero will be complex, but we are committed to doing our part in this shared global effort. Our climate action strategy focuses on reducing carbon intensity and investing in technology, including exploring alternative fuels,” said Angell.

The takeaway from the ESG Report is how the company is activating a network of 35,000 team members, 20,000 partners and suppliers as well as the lines’ three million guests to drive sustainability.

Q: Were you environmentally aware as a young person?

A: Every NCL ship has a dedicated environmental officer, and there are a number of different pathways to the role – usually a university degree in a relevant area or a course at a dedicated maritime college. I attended Texas A&M at Galveston, where I received a bachelor’s degree in ocean and coastal resources and a master’s in maritime administration and logistics. NCL provided me with comprehensive training both on shore and onboard, and I’m encouraged to continually refresh my knowledge by attending educational events such as NCLH’s Environmental Summit in Miami. Aspiring students in the marine environmental protection sector should also consider our competitive internships. Our interns come from both maritime colleges and safely, empowering people, strengthening our communities and operating with integrity and accountability,” said Ben Angell, vice-president and managing director of NCL Asia Pacific, and chairman of CLIA Australasia.

“There’s no doubt this will be the most transformative journey of our era, touching every part of our business, including our extended value chain of nearly 20,000 global suppliers. It’s incredibly rewarding to represent a company that is stepping up to the plate when it comes to combatting climate change and reducing our environmental impact,” said Steve Odell, Oceania Cruises and Regent Seven Seas Cruises senior vice-president and managing director, Asia Pacific.

“Andcapabilities.inthemeantime, we’ve committed to offset three million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2e) over a three-year period from 2021–2023 to help bridge the gap in our decarbonisation efforts,” Angell told New Wave.

Q: What does a typical day look like? What’s your main focus in your daily work?

From animal welfare targets to USD$12 million in community donations, the company recognises its position to influence meaningful transformation throughout its network, ensuring partners, team members and communities are coming along in the journey. graduate universities, and many have gone on to work for us, both on our ships and shoreside.

ALYSSA ADAMS Norwegian Getaway

A: All of the above! I love the ocean and I’ve always known I’d working near it one day. Protecting it for future generations is vital for the health of our planet, and it’s so rewarding to hold a position that can truly influence sustainability within cruise operations.

A: Absolutely. As a little girl, I was always fascinated by marine documentaries; today, I’m dedicated to protecting these pristine environments. 15 NEW WAVE: COLLABORATION


“The path to net zero be complex,will but we are committed to doing our part in this globalsharedeffort.”

“For example, by 2025, we’re aiming for 70 per cent of the NCLH fleet to be equipped with shore power

Q: What kind of training do you need to be an environmental officer on a cruise ship?

The company’s 2021 Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) Report highlights the advancements and accomplishments to date, providing the critical transparency to its stakeholders.

Q: Why did you take this job?  Was it about preserving the oceans, wildlife, saving the for future generations?planet

Q: Do you find your colleagues are aware of their responsibilities towards stewardship and guarding the oceans?

Q: Share one thing in your work that makes you particularly proud.

A: Knowledge is power – it’s so rewarding to spend the time with colleagues to really help them understand why these environmental processes and practices are so important, and then, in turn, they fly the flag for our environment in their day-to-day roles.


A: My job is really varied and I get to work with so many different people from all the different areas of our business, both on-shore and onboard our ships. When I’m onboard, each day is different! But my core focuses are implementing and overseeing our environmental practices throughout each shipboard department to support our regulatory compliance. I also provide hands-on training for my fellow crew members on the ship, so they feel empowered and understand why our Sail & Sustain program is so important. And finally, I’m on hand for any guests who might have questions about our environmental practices.

A: Before they start working with us, every crew member learns the basics of our environmental processes, which is followed by specialised training that’s relevant for their individual job and responsibilities. Once onboard, a big part of my job involves additional training for my fellow crew members, and I’m grateful to have so much support from my team on Norwegian Getaway and the wider NCL family.


“By involving guests in collecting data, it demystifies science,” says Dr John Kirkwood, marine biologist and coordinator of Aurora’s citizen science program. Science is at the heart of Aurora Expeditions. Named in honour of Dr Sylvia Earle, marine biologist, oceanographer and explorer, its latest vessel, the Sylvia Earle, pays homage to female scientists, with each deck dedicated to a pioneer of conservation, while a stunning glass lounge sprawling over two levels incorporates a dedicated science lab designed to support scientist’s research and on-board projects.


Ponant is another company embracing science, with its flagship luxury polar expedition vessel Le Commandant Charcot decked out with an innovative research area featuring wet and dry labs, sonar, A spoon, a bucket and a piece of rope may not seem like sophisticated scientific equipment, however, working beside a scientist in Antarctica, it’s a simple way to help reduce one of the biggest threats to the health of our waterways. Collecting sand samples to test for microplastics is one of several opt-in

“For us, putting our technical and human resources at the service of science to create opportunities for research is a logical extension to raising our guests’ awareness of issues related to protecting the planet,” said Ponant CEO Hervé Gastinel.

CRUISE SHIPS WITH A SCIENCE TWIST BRING A FRESH PERSPECTIVE TO GUEST EXPERIENCES, REPORTS JOCELYN PRIDE. projects Aurora Expeditions offers guests as part of their citizen science program.

beacon-buoys, a salinometer, not to mention the ship’s drone.

Warmer waters Rules surrounding any vessel sailing in the Galapagos Islands, let alone a new one, are thankfully stringent. Since Celebrity Cruises launched its game-

And like Aurora, guests onboard Le Commandant Charcot, can participate in a range of projects such as cloud surveys, studying sea ice, whale identification and phytoplankton sampling designed to provide data to organisations like NASA or individual research scientists.

Intimate environment-focused cruises are also a signature of Coral Expeditions.

“In recent years, we have seen a desire from more guests to be involved in travel experiences that are hands-on in the participation elements of science and where a cause or a greater good is the outcome. In response, we developed, in partnership with the team at Australian Geographic and others, a citizen-science series of voyages.” says Jeff Gillies, commercial director of Coral Expeditions.

In April 2023, a hybrid eclipse, the rarest of all eclipses when the moon passes between the sun and Earth, will occur, and be visible in Australia for the first time in almost 1,000 years.

By data,collectingguestsinvolvinginit demystifies science.”

Coral Expeditions also have a special 13-night Solar Eclipse Expedition, departing from Darwin and sailing along the top end of the Western Australian coast and out to the gloriously remote Australian Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands. Guest presenters from the Australian Geographic Society, Professor Fred Watson AM, a pioneer of the use of fibre optics in astronomy, and Marnie Ogg, founder of the Australian Dark Sky Alliance, will bring another dimension to what will be an incredible expedition. The sky really is the limit when it comes to science-based cruising.

Le CharcotCommandant ; on the Great Barrier Reef with Expeditions.Coral changing Celebrity Flora a couple of years ago, it’s continued to send a buzz through expedition cruising circles.


Opposite, from top: withonHanusseResearcherspage,Expeditions.withthesamplesmicroplasticcollectingCoralBarrieronscienceCitizeninactiontheGreatReefwithExpeditions;inFalklandsAuroraThisfromtop:inBayajourneyPonant’s

Partnering with the Astronomical Society of Australia, P&O’s five-night Ningaloo King of Eclipses cruise will give seasoned or novice umbraphiles (people who love eclipses) the best possible chance to experience this incredible moment in time and be immersed in stories and presentations surrounding the eclipse.

The next citizen-science voyage with Australian Geographic, scheduled for October 2023, will combine having positive environmental impacts with an expedition holiday to explore the outer reefs of the Great Barrier Reef. Limited to 66 guests and researchers, it’s an opportunity for people to work beside scientists on projects such as helping log species of marine creatures and conservation of sea turtles at a rehab centre on Fitzroy Island.

The science of the night sky holds a fascination for many people, and over the past few years there has been a number of cruise lines coordinating itineraries to enable guests to jag a view of the aurora borealis – those dancing lights that dazzle the skies deep in the northern hemisphere.

In addition to being the most energyefficient vessel of its kind cruising the islands, the 100-guest luxury-meets-naturehead-on floating masterpiece is also the first in the region to house oceanographic research equipment installed by non-profit organisation OceanScope. With the capability to measure sea-surface temperatures these cutting-edge technologies can help scientists make predictions of weather patterns such as El Niño and La Niña. Life onboard Celebrity Flora revolves around the environment. From presentations and activities led by marine scientists to ‘glamping’ under the stars (a first for Galapagos), guests immerse in thought-provoking experiences.

Aquatic to astronomic

For more than 35 years, this Australian company has stayed close to home and developed a niche market for curious minds.

Quark Expeditions offers a wonderful Under the Northern Lights cruise each September, taking in Iceland and East Greenland; Cunard sails from Southampton to explore the pictureperfect Norwegian coastline on its Norway and Northern Lights 12-night voyage; and Aurora Expeditions has a jewel-in-the-crown 22-day Northern Lights Explorer itinerary in September each year covering the Norwegian coastline as well as East Greenland, Iceland and even the Faroe Islands – all northern lights hot spots. When it comes to a phenomenon like a solar eclipse, advance planning to position a ship in the perfect spot takes ingenuity.

“They are also one of the world’s slowest animals, so they sadly become more vulnerable to dog attacks, car strikes or poaching.

treetops for sloths to steal. These calm, gentle animals are snatched from their habitats and passed around from tourist to tourist.

P op onto YouTube and type in “sloth” and you will discover the incredibly sad plight of one of the world’s cutest creatures.

As a result, World Animal Protection launched a wildlife selfie code, and Instagram created a warning page that pops up when you search selfie hashtags.

“We can all help to prevent deforestation by saving energy, planting trees, and recycling as much as possible, as well as donating or sponsoring projects that look after the wildlife. Educating the next generation and empowering them will really make a difference to the planet.”

In Puntarenas, Costa Rica, Regent offers visits to a sanctuary for sloths that have been orphaned or injured or have lost their habitat due to deforestation. Guests can get a close-up look at these fascinating animals as they are rehabilitated.

The sloth has another problem – it looks as if it is constantly smiling and contented. So it has become popular for selfies, even though this may upset the animal. Many people offering Amazon wildlife selfies search

Slowlydoes it


“Due to an increase in deforestation and urbanisation, sloths are being forced out of their natural habitat and need to take more risks to survive,” said Christine Manjencic, vice-president of destination services, Regent Seven Seas Cruises.

REGENT’S ECO-TOURS HIGHLIGHT THE PLIGHT OF ENDANGERED SPECIES, SUCH AS ONE OF THE WORLD’S SLOWEST ANIMALS, THE SLOTH. Educating the next generation and empowering them will really make a difference to the planet.”

In a fast-paced world, the sloth is world’s slowest mammal. And that comes with a lot of dangerous disadvantages. Just crossing the road is a problem when you travel at no more than 38 meters in a single day, and on the rare occasion that they find themselves at ground level, they crawl only 30 centimetres per minute.


answerscentrewildlifeTheATTRACTIONANIMALprotectionofisfrontandasguestsseektohowtheir holiday will affect the animals of our planet, writes Jocelyn Pride guests are briefed on upcoming adventures.

In partnership Two private islands in the Caribbean are the focus of Norwegian Cruise Line’s pledge to continue to protect and preserve animals and their ecosystems in port destinations. On Harvest Caye in Belize, NCL helps support the protection of a local population of threatened scarlet macaws and keel billed toucans. And at the company’s Bahamian island, Great Stirrup Cay, NCL partners with experts in marine biology to help guests understand the fragility of coral ecosystems in the surrounding reefs. When Royal Caribbean joined forces with WWF Australia and Sydney’s Australian Museum to launch Surrender Your Shell, a project to help stop the illegal trade of critically endangered hawkbill turtles, the response was amazing. And as marine turtles return to the same place each year to lay eggs, scientists can extract DNA from donated ‘tortoiseshell’ items and pinpoint where the turtle was seized, enabling authorities to crack down on poaching hot spots. Happy whales An interactive website called Happywhale is making a huge splash in polar tourism. The brainchild of marine biologist Ted Cheeseman, who has been involved in eco-tourism for the past three decades, the platform is used to identify and track whales, providing data for scientists to understand whale migration and the role they play in the marine foodPonantchain.and Aurora Expeditions are leading the way by adopting the Happywhale project as part of their citizen science programs. Donations help support the studies, and guests can even name their whale, if it hasn’t already got one.

Left: A gentle sloth in the jungles of the Amazon. This page, from top: Celebrity Flora guests encounter giant tortoises in the acrosshumpbackwebsitethe HappywhaleGalapagos;trackswhalestheglobe.

Looking to the future Purpose-built for the Galapagos, Celebrity Flora is the only cruiser in the region with dynamic positioning technology to maintain the ship’s position, protecting the sea floor (and marine life) from damage caused by traditional anchors. On board Celebrity Flora guests are fully submersed in the beauty of the Galapagos and encouraged to help out with restorative activities. In the past few years, Celebrity guests, in collaboration with Galapagos National Park and Celebrity naturalists, have planted more than 50,000 native scalesia trees in a reforestation effort to help wildlife species who rely on them for survival. Onboard naturalists lead small groups of no more than 12 explorers. Activities are curated by science advisor Ellen Prager, an acclaimed marine biologist and author, and each night

“The research, published in the scientific journal PLoS One, says that sloth hairs contain compounds that can be used against bacteria, breast cancer cells and the parasites that cause malaria and Chagas disease.”

“By promoting the tour to our guests and taking them to visit the sanctuary, we can help in the education of the dangers that sloths face in the near future. Every time the tour is conducted, a tree is also planted in a nearby forest reserve to help with the reforestation efforts,” said Steve Odell, Oceania Cruises and Regent Seven Seas Cruises senior vice-president and managing director, Asia Pacific.

“To save sloths, we must first save their ecosystem, and when we do, we help every other species that depends upon it,” said Manjencic.

“It all starts with the trees. Saving sloths could save people too, thanks to a veritable ecosystem of fungi living in their coats.


The scientific community thinks so, too.

“This is a great opportunity,” says Dr JeanPhilippe Savy, a marine chemist from the University of Bordeaux, who is on board measuring ocean deoxygenation. “You could apply for a grant to go on a research vessel, with 40 or 50 other scientists, and collect data sets from the same places annually, but we need data from everywhere. Le Commandant Charcot can give us new data on different locations.”


hile some expedition ships have a glossy science lab with microscopes for passengers to play with, the set-up on Ponant’s new icebreaker, Le Commandant Charcot, is different. The two labs here are industrial-looking, windowless, filled with whirring machinery. Test tubes, beakers of seawater, pumps and plankton collection nets are strewn around.


The science labs are unique, believes Daniel Cron, the ship’s science coordinator. “We did a benchmark study to see what was on other ships,” he says. “There were ‘citizen science’ projects but nothing academic. We were the first to develop academic science projects. This isn’t greenwashing: we’d like it if as many ships as possible would offer labs for academic research.”

A fridge can store samples at –80°C, while a device called FerryBox measures seawater quality. In the ‘wet lab’, there’s a purposebuilt hole in the hull called a moon pool, from which seawater samples can be taken. Outside, an antenna protrudes from the bow of the ship with a sensor that determines the thickness of the sea ice. What’s unique about this ship is that these are working labs, designed for four scientists at a time to carry out academic research. The labs were part of the specifications at the ship’s design stage, as Ponant pioneered a relationship between expedition cruising and academia.

Most nights, while the passengers are asleep, the captain stops the ship and the four head out in a Zodiac to take water samples –not a problem in the bright, 24-hour light of the polar summer. Although they’ve never met, they work as a team – essential when there’s virtually no internet and no hotline to your support network at base if a piece of equipment goes wrong.

With four scientists arriving and departing each voyage, Cron has his work cut out. One challenge is to coordinate all the scientists’ equipment: a room off one of the labs is piled high with boxes, sent in advance for the next voyage. “For each expedition we have to totally change the subject of study,” he says. “You have to remove everything except the FerryBox and the freezer and add new equipment.”

“We learn from one another. For me, this is not only an opportunity to collect data but to learn how to do field work.”

How do you encourage interaction between guests and communities in remote destinations? Upon arrival in places in Indonesia and Melanesia, it is important that we follow local protocol and be officially welcomed into the village. Once the formalities are complete, guest are encouraged to interact with the local people. These unstructured interactions are often the most rewarding, with guests gaining an insight into the traditional way of life. How does Ponant connect with the Indigenous people of the Kimberley? We have been working for several years with the major Aboriginal corporations along the Kimberley coast. At present our guests are able to engage with First Nations peoples at Wijingarra Bard Bard (Freshwater Cove). Guests experience a Welcome to Country and hear stories of the Lalai (creation time) from a Traditional Owner of the land. 21 NEW WAVE: COLLABORATION

While the scientists are not obliged to make formal presentations to passengers, they’re happy to sit and chat, and to show visitors around the labs. “As climate scientists, we live in a bubble,” says Julia Ruiz Girona, a PhD student from French research institute LEGOS. “Our colleagues are aware of the big issues. The general public is aware of things like plastics, but they don’t understand other issues like ocean acidification, which are very important. Projects like this are a chance for us to communicate.”

So far, then, a win all round. As climate scientists, we live in a bubble. Projects like this are a chance for us to communicate.”

“It’s interesting that we have different levels of expertise – a post doctorate, a researcher, a PhD student and a bachelor student,” says Deborah Stoll, an undergraduate from German marine research institute GEOMAR, who is collecting water samples to study microplastics.

Mick Fogg, Director of Expeditions and Destination Development, Asia Pacific for Ponant, has led more than 300 expeditions through the subAntarctic, south-east Asia and Oceania regions in a 15-year career. He speaks to New Wave about the process of creating a harmonious relationship between remote communities and Ponant’s guests.

How does Ponant consult with locals before visiting remote destinations? It is important to have an understanding and respect for the customs and traditions of the people that we wish to visit in the Asia Pacific region. There can be certain times of the year, or even days of the week, that are not appropriate for ships to visit. Once we’ve ascertained that the destination is suitable, I will travel to the location many months in advance of the first ship visit. This allows me to meet with the local people and ensure there is a desire to have the ship visit and that the visit can be beneficial to the community.

The application process is quick, too, with no grants required, as the scientists don’t pay to be on board. Researchers can apply for ship time via the scientific body ARICE (Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium). A selection committee recommends the most appropriate projects to Ponant, with Le Commandant Charcot already booked up with science projects for the next 12 months.

I’m on an expedition to icy, remote Nordaustlandet, east of Svalbard in Norway, which only an icebreaker can reach. In addition to Savy, there are scientists studying climate change, microplastics and marine plankton.

Left, from top: Taking in the scenery from a deck of CharcotCommandantLe ; expeditionkayakinga off Storo in Greenland.Island


In design

Uniworld’sOpposite: Ganges Explorer – the liner is working to page,itineraries.experiencesmeaningfulincorporatelocalinitsThisfromtop: Off to meet the locals in Europe on an e-bike with Avalon Waterways; The acrosstourismsustainableFoundationTreadRightCorporation’sTravelfundsinitiativestheworld.

Unveiled in 2019, the revolutionary AmaMagna boasts a 10-engine configuration designed to reduce overall fuel consumption by up to 20 per cent. There is a herb garden on the sundeck to help minimise food miles. The introduction of culinary stations in 2021, where chefs prepare your meals to order, and two-person share plates has also contributed to reducing food waste. Through a partnership with Quietvox, personal audio devices are packaged in biodegradable rice paper bags and fitted with rechargeable batteries for guests to use during shore activities.

Going green

In addition to a goal to launch the first fully electric river cruise vessel by 2027, Avalon Waterways’ current green blueprint also promises more local food production and sustainable shore excursions, partnering with more destinations to generate sustainable energy when docked, and reducing paper waste to 1 per cent by the end of 2023.

Celebrating 20 years in business and 26 vessels later, APT partner AmaWaterways is using thoughtful design such as LED lighting, insulated windows that reduce energy needs for heating and cooling, power locks to plug into the port’s power supply instead of using fuelled generators, solar heating systems, and water treatment plants.

Launched in 2019, the OneTomorrow program is an initiative by the APT Travel Group where guest donations can be made to a selection of carefully researched grassroot charities. Projects include those run by Living Water Myanmar, which is aimed at providing access to clean water to schools and villages in the dry zone of Myanmar, and Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation, which helps to give Vietnamese children suffering from poverty, disability and human trafficking a better future. And for every guest dollar donated, APT matches it, doubling the impact.

O ver the past 10 years, many river cruise lines pioneered sustainability efforts. Companies are now digging even deeper to find news ways of reducing environmental impacts. Here are just some of their initiatives.

In partnership with sister company Globus, Avalon is committed to conserve and protect people, places and the planet through the Lighthouse Project. This initiative supports around 50 non-profit organisations, such as Trees4Travel, where Avalon offsets the carbon footprint of every guest by donating tens of thousands of trees each year, and The Ocean Cleanup, which is dedicated to removing plastics from river waterways and oceans.


Since introducing its Active & Discovery cruises in 2017, the company has expanded this concept to meet consumer demand for activities that tap into, and help support, local communities.

Treading right

In 2020, The Travel Corporation established How We Tread Right, a five-year sustainability strategy across its brands. In less than two years, Uniworld is already making significant progress in tackling food wastage. With a target of a 50 per cent reduction across the entire fleet by 2025, through working with Leanpath, a food management system, Uniworld was able to reduce food waste by 15 per cent in the first three months.

The cruise line has also increased its use of local and organic products, defining ‘local’ as a product sourced within a 50 to 80 kilometre radius of the riverbank along the route of the itinerary.

One tomorrow Family-owned and -operated for over 90 years, APT has always fostered social integrity, striving to deliver guests exceptional journeys while providing meaningful connections and strategic philanthropic investment within the communities they visit.

Uniworld is also aiming to include at least one significant local experience on 50 per cent of its itineraries by 2025 through its Make Travel Matter program, designed to give back to local communities, wildlife and land. One example of an experience is a visit to the Iraq Al-Amir Women’s Cooperative in Jordan, where women create and sell exquisite traditional handcrafted paper bowls. Another is in India, where guests can gain an insight into the humbling work of Calcutta Rescue, which provides free services to people in need.

“Designed and developed in close consultation with our cruise line customers, the new terminal was required

“Natural ventilation and ‘living greenery’ provide shade, cool public spaces and help reduce the ‘heat island’ effect of the terminal area.’’


The terminal incorporated sustainable design principles (developed collaboratively with the client’s lead designer, Arup, and its architect, Arkhefield) that embrace Brisbane’s subtropical climate and lifestyle and improve sustainability.

Over the next 20 years, the terminal, facilitated in partnership with Carnival Australia, has the potential to triple the size of the city’s cruise industry to support 3,750 jobs, bring more than 760,000 visitors annually and contribute $1.3 billion in net expenditure into the Brisbane economy.

“PBPL’s dredge vessel, the TSHD Brisbane, was utilised to place 300,000m3

Located at the mouth of the Brisbane River, next to the Port of Brisbane’s main cargo port at Fisherman Island, the BICT can access existing marine infrastructure, including naturally occurring deep water, swing basin and navigational channels.


Left and opposite: P&O’s Pacific Explorer was the first ship to dock at the new Fitzgerald.presidentandCarnivalPalaszczukpremierbelow:Terminal.InternationalBrisbaneCruiseOpposite,QueenslandAnnastaciawithAustraliaP&OCruisesMarguerite

“Sustainability underpinned many aspects of the new $177 million Brisbane International Cruise Terminal, funded and delivered by Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd,’’ Port of Brisbane CEO Neil Stephens said.


“This included the site’s preparation to ensure resilience to sea level rise and flooding, as well as the building’s orientation, natural lighting and shading, which all work to maximise natural light and temperature moderation and improve user experience while reducing reliance on artificial energy sources and reducing pollution,’’ Mr Stephens said.

The chosen site negated the need for capital dredging during construction.

The BICT project also focused on material re-use during construction.

W hen P&O’s Pacific Explorer tied up at the brand-new Brisbane International Cruise Terminal (BICT) in June, it marked a new phase of Queensland’s push to grow its tourism industry.

Signing up sustainabilityto to support the cruise industry’s future growth, including cruise vessels larger than 270 metres, which could not access existing upstream facilities.’’

“The location can access existing marine infrastructure, including naturally occurring deep water, swing basin and navigational channels. Port of Brisbane already undertakes routine maintenance dredging of its 90-kilometre navigational channel and swing basin to ensure safe access for commercial vessels. As the BICT shares the swing basin with the cargo port, there is no additional maintenance dredging required.”

“As a tourism gateway, we understand first impressions are important, which is why we established a partnership with local organisation Ocean Crusaders to remove litter that deposits along the BICT seawall.’’

“As part of the BICT’s construction and to support its ongoing operations, an 800kW solar system provides shaded car parking for passengers, while generating 1300MWh power annually and reducing the energy draw from the grid,’’ Stephens said.

Currently, the BICT does not include shore power, however, it is actively investigating opportunities with cruise line partners and supports them in their sustainability initiatives, such as reducing their own emissions.

“Once the BICT is fully operational, it will provide all daytime power demand for the BICT’s operations while supporting other PBPL-managed buildings. We have also installed four electric vehicle charging stations within one of the public car parks.’’

BICT is also ticking boxes when it comes to technology infrastructure that supports growth, flexibility and cyber security.

“The development of the site included rehabilitation and enhancement of nearby marine vegetation, with results demonstrating significant biodiversity improvement in these habitats. The BICT is supported by PBPL’s existing extensive Environmental Management Plan which is certified to ISO 14001 – every year we undertake 20 environmental programs, of which 15 are voluntary. This includes monitoring for air and water quality as well as seagrass and mangrove health.” 25 of clean sand from existing channel maintenance dredging for BICT surcharging requirements. This surcharge was removed and re-used on other PBPL development projects. We also used dredge material as fill at the BICT site, elevating the site to achieve appropriate levels and creating a stable base for the development,’’ Stephens said.

“The greenfield site enabled PBPL to consider digital trends, including software defined networking, digital sensors, building information modelling and data automation, while the technology infrastructure in place considers current and future requirements of cruise lines and border agencies systems and processes,’’ Stephens said.

From an energy perspective, future energy integration has been incorporated into the base design, such as photovoltaic panels and battery storage, as has possible solar harvesting integration.

B efore his involvement in cruise cuisine, Bernhard Klotz ran the luxe restaurant Caviar Russe in New York. As you can imagine, he knows a thing or two about fine dining. Now he is in charge of the culinary delights aboard Oceania Cruises. One of the line’s most remarkable achievements is launching a huge array of plant-based meals, the ultimate in sustainable eating. Chef Bernhard told New Wave about the new menus and his personal favourite dishes. What is plant-based food? These are foods that can be found in nature, are unrefined or minimally processed, come from a plant, and contain no animal products. This includes foods like vegetables, whole grains, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, and plant-based oils.

What has been the reaction from guests? Nothing short of overwhelming. On a 10-day sailing, for example, we have over 200 plant-based choices at breakfast, lunch and dinner. And on our newest ship, Vista, new dining concept Aquamar Kitchen will offer a nutritious and healthy menu loaded with plant-based options. What’s your favourite dish? Right now it would be avocado toast for breakfast, a healthy power bowl for lunch and a delicious potato and vegetable curry with basmati rice and freshly baked papadam for dinner. And not forgetting the plant-based ice-cream, which I could eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

How does it help the planet? Animal agriculture accounts for a significant proportion of global greenhouse gases, so removing or reducing animal foods from your diet is a great way to help the environment and advocate for animal welfare.

What made you change to plant-based food? I joined the cruise industry in 1985 and, most recently, I was appointed as vice-president of culinary operations for Oceania Cruises and sister brand Regent Seven Seas Cruises. My focus is to present guests with unprecedented gastronomic experiences. For us, plant-based menus were a natural evolution to address the changing tastes of our guests.

Grow yourown dinner


From left, from top: The cuisine berryplant-basedBernhard;bowl;Persiandishesplant-basedcanCruiseson OceaniasailingsincludelikethispowerChefapudding.

What are your plant-based dishes? On our small, stylish ships we serve up a range of cuisines, from Italian and Greek, to Middle Eastern, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Mexican, Italian, Malaysian and more. There are healthy and light meals like poké bowls and even a variety of downright surprisingly decadent items to choose from, including an ‘impossible cheeseburger’, truffle mac and cheese and coco-vanilla cashew crème brûlée.

Some of the most fascinating advances made on cruise ships recently are through advanced software and digital tools. Cruise ships are very complex machines, like small cities, so cruise lines have been deploying increasingly sophisticated software systems that can monitor the various functions on board and improve their efficiency. Computers can now gather extensive amounts of data using onboard automation systems and sensors, and then optimise energy use so that everything runs efficiently and uses less fuel.

We are also seeing further advances in areas like advanced wastewater treatment systems that are already used on 74 per cent of global cruise capacity and which will be fitted on 100 per cent of future capacity on order. These systems treat wastewater to a higher standard than those used in many coastal cities, to protect the marine environment. Other new technologies include onboard food digesters, which utilise microbiology to safely convert food waste into liquid.

How is the industry ensuring it makes a positive impact on local communities? Over recent years, CLIA and cruise lines have been working more closely with partners at ports and in government. For example, in Dubrovnik, Croatia, we have collaborated on a destination stewardship roadmap for the city based on UN sustainable tourism criteria. More recently, CLIA has embarked on new partnerships in other locations such as Corfu and Heraklion in Greece, working with local authorities to jointly fund tourism management assessments in partnership with the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.


What are the biggest changes cruise lines have made on their ships in the past two years to lower their environmental footprint?

What part are new fuels playing in ensuring good stewardship of the oceans? Cruise lines are investing in pilot projects and joint ventures aimed at developing alternatives like biofuels and synthetic fuels, which will be more sustainable than current

Sustainabilityinsight options. There is also a lot of research and development focussed on other alternative fuels, like methanol, ammonia and hydrogen, often in collaboration with ship builders, fuels suppliers and other partners. What innovations are working in terms of saving energy and protecting our seas?

What are the biggest strides in waste management in recent years?   Cruise ships have complex systems for reducing waste and sorting materials for

Marie-Caroline Laurent is the European head of Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA). As CLIA’s director general in Europe, she works with governments across a region that is heavily focussed on achieving emission reduction targets and improving sustainability.


recycling. Some cruise operators can repurpose up to 100 per cent of waste generated onboard by removing, reusing, recycling and converting waste to energy. The extent of recycling onboard is often superior to that of many cities that ships visit.

CLIA has worked with the Croatian city of Dubrovnik to create a destination stewardship roadmap based on UN sustainable tourism criteria.

Importantly, LNG is also a transitional fuel. This means it provides real benefits now, but also allows LNG-ready ships to adapt to a future generation of fuels that will bring even further benefits in coming years.

Undoubtedly one of the biggest areas of advancement in recent years has been the growth in new ships powered by liquid natural gas, which produces zero sulphur emissions, 85 per cent lower nitrogen oxide emissions, almost 100 per cent fewer particulate emissions and a 20 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Waste disposal system


Royal Caribbean’s Symphony of the Seas has a zero-to-landfill policy and even has its own incinerator on board, as well as a compactor for processing plastic waste. Under the sea

Some vessels like MSC’s World Europa will be fitted with an underwater managementradiated-noisesystem,with hull and engine-room designs that minimise acoustic impact, reducing their potential effects on marine fauna, most particularly on marine mammals in the surrounding waters.

Shore power

Science onboard Your cruise ship has also become a laboratory. Ponant, Celebrity Cruises, Quark Expeditions and Aurora Expeditions provide floating labs for scientists researching places like Antarctica, the Arctic and the Galapagos Islands. Responsible sourcing Companies like Norwegian Cruise Lines and P&O Cruises work with diverse partners across the supply chain network to source highquality and ethically responsible products for their guests. P&O Cruises in Australia, for instance, puts a big emphasis on using local producers to source ingredients used in the line’s onboard restaurants. NCL works with nearly 20,000 suppliers across the world and supports small businesses. And it also works with businesses owned by diverse and/or economically disadvantaged populations.

The Celebrity Apex, one of the ships in the Royal Caribbean group, which has developed the Blue Green Promise to oceansustainablesupportandresilientcommunities.

Efficient energy Cruise lines have installed a wide range of energy-efficient equipment that helps reduce and optimised engine use. MSC has included smart ventilation and advanced air-conditioning systems with automated energy recovery loops that redistribute heat and cold to reduce demand.

Increasingly more cruise ships will be fitted with a custom-built electrical connection cabinet that allows the ship to plug into shoreside power. This technology allows cruise ships to turn off their diesel engines and use a power supply in port to run onboard services during the day-long calls.

Ships like the new Seabourn Venture will have a waste disposal system that can create selfsustained heating without generating harmful emissions.

Shore power is currently available in Juneau in Alaska; Seattle in Washington; Vancouver in British Columbia; San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, New York and Halifax, Nova Scotia. And it’s coming to Sydney’s White Bay Cruise Terminal soon.

Crew education In order to protect whales from shipping traffic, lines like Oceania Cruises have developed policies and procedures for crews to follow when cruising through areas frequented by these marine mammals. Measures include reducing speed and training ship officers and crew to identify and properly report whale sightings while keeping ships a safe distance from the mammals.

The cruise industry is making huge strides to switch to liquefied natural gas power. This type of transitional fuel is one of the cleanest-burning marine fuels, with sulphur emissions reduced by 99 per cent and nitrogen oxide emissions reduced by 85 per cent. Lines like MSC, Princess Cruises, Carnival Cruises and Royal Caribbean are all slated to have LNG-powered ships built over the next few years.


What’s onyour ship?



Carnival Australia senior CruisetheHollidayexecutiveAuthority(centre)DavidTransportLittlepresidentvice-Peter(left),MinisterElliottandPortchiefPhilip(right)atWhiteBayTerminal.

ou can do it in a Tesla. And just like the increasingly common EVs, you’ll soon be able to do it with a cruise ship: plug in to power.



Shore power is coming to White Bay Cruise Terminal in Sydney, in a move that will bring a smile of relief to residents of surrounding areas.

“That’s equivalent of taking 4,000 passenger vehicles off the road, or planting more than 70,000

In order to keep the lights – and a lot more – on cruise ships, vessels have had to keep their engines running, so generators are charged.

Now the Port Authority of NSW’s concerted plan to introduce shore power in Sydney will cut 14,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions every year, with Carnival Australia, Royal Caribbean Group and MSC Cruises all committed to the project.


“By 2040, Port Authority plans to reach net zero in our scope 1 and 2 emissions, meaning an overall balance between greenhouse gas emissions produced and greenhouse gas emissions taken out of the atmosphere. 31 NEW WAVE: RENEWABLE ENERGY

trees,” says Philip Holliday, CEO of Port Authority of NSW, in an interview with New Wave. The Port Authority plans to install five shore connection points within the Bays Port precinct – four for bulk ships at Glebe Island, and one for cruise ships at White Bay Cruise Terminal.

“This retrofitting is done during dry docking, which is often planned years in advance,” he said.

The Port Authority has plans to install shore power at other locations as well, and is already undertaking studies to deliver this major infrastructure to other port

“Thelocations.decision as to whether to install shore power also considers, for example, the impact on amenity, availability of electrical supply and disruption that could be caused during construction.

“Introducing shore power also sees us work closely with our industry partners. Ship operators need time to modify their vessels to connect to shore power.

He stressed that shore power is one way of creating a port of the future, as it minimises the impacts on its neighbours while ensuring the economic and logistical importance of the port is retained.

“As well as the significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, the introduction of shore power could see a reduction in noise from cruise ships of up to “Powering10dB.down the ships’ engines, which normally burn diesel fuel, will also reduce the effects of local air emissions. It also further demonstrates our commitment in delivering a sustainable and innovative port in the Bays West Precinct.”

Introducing shore power is integral to our ambitious net zero targets.”

“Introducing shore power is integral to our ambitious net zero targets,” said Holliday.

“For bulk and other cargo ships, shore power will also enable onboard cargo handling equipment to continue to be used,” Holliday said.

He explained this is one way in which the Port Authority will contribute positively to addressing climate change and at the same time reduce the impact on the local community.

Sydney’s White Bay everyemissionstonneswillshoretoTerminal’sCruiseplanintroducepowercut14,000ofCO2year.

“By this time next year – July 2023 – we will have defined, measured and made commitments to the reduction of our Scope 3 emissions.

“Shore power is fuel-efficient, as the vessel will not need to generate any of its own power to meet its demand for power while in port to keep equipment such as lighting, air conditioning, refrigeration and communication systems operating.

He added that shore power is not only fuel-efficient, it can be generated by renewable sources to further reduce the impact.“It will enable the vessel to continue to operate using energy supplied from 100 per cent renewable resources, rather than fossil fuels.

“We are leading by example and demonstrating our strong commitment to addressing climate change through our net zero targets,” he said.

A sustainable future is our DESTINATION Read about environmentalourcommitments cruise company in the world to abandon heavy fuel oil 1st of waste and wastewater sorted and treated on board 100% electricity savings thanks to LED bulbs on board 75% of nitrogen oxide produced is eliminated on board using Selective Catalytic Reduction 85% BlaudPONANT-Olivier©/ErnstPONANT-Daniel©/StephenPONANT-Allan©LouagiePONANT-Mike©Credits:Photo/

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