Tips on How to Deal with Baby Tantrums

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What Are Baby Tantrums? Do you have a baby at home? Are you trying to understand why your little one behaves discourteously at times? Well, if so, then welcome to the world of baby tantrums. You will get to experience them from about the time when your

baby will be 1 year old, till about the time they reach to the age of 5.

Baby tantrums are nothing but the common behaviour problems that toddlers, or preschool children may depict, while expressing their anger. These are natural and are more common with those children who find it difficult to

express their frustrations in other manner, or through words and upright conduct. These tantrums include crying out loud, shouting, arching backs, lying on the floor, kicking, holding breath, running away, stiffening limbs, turning the head down, banging head, breaking things, and so on. Baby Tantrum – The Pattern Involved Studies by some famous child behaviour experts have revealed a typical behaviour pattern that leads to baby tantrums. The various stages of this pattern are as follows: Stage 1: Action

The kid is criticized or rebuked by an infuriated parent, sibling, teacher, or others. Stage 2: Reaction The kid reacts in a hostile way. Stage 3: Reward By looking at the kid’s aggressive behaviour, the other person backs out, letting the child win. This makes it easier for the little one to use such tactics that make them win such as bawling, screaming and throwing temper tantrums.

Sure Shot Ways That Tell You how to deal with baby tantrums effectively. Listed below are some great ways that act as effective tantrum stoppers. Learn about them to put an end to your little one’s tantrum issues in an easy manner!

Communicate well – Being open about the various rules of the house and how things are meant to be is important for you. Ensure that you set clear cut rules of conduct for your little one to

follow. By regularly and firmly enforcing rules and communicating clearly about even the littlest things will help you win your baby’s confidence, and make them much more obedient.

Find out the cause of the tantrums – Find out what is it that your child needs and is unable to get. Whether your little one is hungry, tired, or just seeks your attention. Try to figure out the cause and make them understand that the behaviour that they are showing is inappropriate.

Don’t ignore the fact that comfortable babies are happy babies. So, make your baby feel comfortable by finding a solution to their problem.

Distract your child – When a little baby acts out or throws tantrum and figuring out how to handle baby tantrums seems difficult to you, then try distraction to neutralise the bad behaviour. Be calm and redirect your adamant child’s behaviour. For example, if they ask for a

chocolate bar and you have said no and then play one of their favourite songs on your mobile and sing along, so as to distract their mind from the chocolate.

Keep a check on your anger level too – Always remember that your child will learn behaving in a certain way by placing you as an example. So, whenever you get angry or frustrated over something, don’t ever react in a bad way. Try to cool down and act sensibly, in order to set

a good example of managing anger well, in

front of your child.

Appreciate good behaviour – Just like adults, children also love attention, care and appreciation! So, don’t forget


praise the good deeds of your little one, to reinforce the positive behaviour that they depict. As a matter of fact, praising

them in

front of others will give a real ego boost and they will try to win your attention by showing only the good behaviour and not the bad one!

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