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AMERICAN BICYCLIST • WINTER 2022 he Road to a Bicycle Friendly 4 TAmerica for Everyone Goes Through Washington
Members of Congress who share our vision of a Bicycle Friendly America for all, like Representative Mike Thompson, help us make bikeforward policy possible. Through a bike side chat we got to learn more why he advocates for bikes—the thing that unites us all.
8 Better Biking Fits the Bill
Since its beginnings, the League has continuously urged leaders on the Hill to place safer, more accessible biking at the forefront of change-making policy. Now, with historical infrastructure investments two decades of advocacy work in the making, we are finally pedaling in the right direction for better biking.
heers to Increasing 18 An Ode to Great Bike Parking 32 CRepresentation Through hundreds of Bicycle Friendly America applications, we have seen just about every kind of bike parking—everything between a bicyclist’s dream and a bicyclist’s nightmare. Read what bike parking we’re still dreaming about and take away best practices for your business, community or university.
Representation matters, and through our partnerships, we’re building a network of League Cycling Instructors across the country who reflect America’s diversity. See the faces and hear the stories of BIPOC cyclists leading the bike education movement in their communities.
2 Viewpoint: Onwards and Upwards with Gratitude
40 Member Highlight: Giving Back to the World Through Bicycling
12 The People Behind Bicycle Friendly States: DOT Staffers
42 National Bike Summit 2022: Let's Build Our Vision of Better Biking Together
Bill Nesper, Executive Director
16 How We Get More People on Bikes 26 Updating What it Takes to be a Bicycle Friendly Community 28 Big Wins for the League in 2021 Editors: Lauren Jenkins, Communications Director Raven Wells, Communications Coordinator
44 Meet Our New and Re-elected Board Members 46 League SAG Wagon: Indispensable Winter Gear Edition Creative Direction & Design: Paul Halupka � Tara Sears � Production Design
HIS IS THE SE ASON of thanksgiving, hope, and looking forward to a new year, so I will share why I am grateful and looking forward with optimism at the opportunities we together have to improve lives, strengthen communities by making bicycling safe, comfortable, and accessible for all. I am thankful to be working to accomplish a mission that the vast majority of Americans agree on. We are bike-partisan and in agreement with more than three-quarters of Americans, across political, social, and racial spectrums, who say that their communities would be better places to live if bicycling were safer and more comfortable.
I’m thankful to work with such an incredible network of changemakers, individual advocates, and LCIs, organizations, businesses, and professionals, during this once-in-a-lifetime period of opportunity to turn the funding and policy changes we advocated for together, into investments that make bicycling possible for more people. These next few years will be the time for implementation, where the rubber meets the road.
That’s why the theme of our Summit in 2022 is “Choosing Our Future”—because we will have the resources to build the environment we want for the next generation. And when we say environment, we mean the built environment of infrastructure and the natural environment. We are at a critical moment in time to address climate change and public health. Part of “Choosing Our Future” is not only recognizing bicycling as the common-sense, climate-friendly and healthy solution that it is—but also investing in making it easier for people to do more often. Thankfully, how to do that isn’t rocket science. However, it will take political will at all levels to make it happen. In order to make the most of this moment, together we must speak up, united for great biking networks and safer streets for all, reach more people with bicycling and driver education, create and promote opportunities to bicycle with others, showcase best practices, and celebrate leaders in our movement, and to ensure that everyone is being served and represented in and through these initiatives. You will see that work, and the people making a difference today and ensuring a brighter future, throughout the pages of this American Bicyclist. Thanks for riding with us and powering this work for the future.
In an era of seemingly increasing division on Capitol Hill, biking continues to unite people.
League deputy executive director Caron Whitaker on a ride through D.C. with Representative Mike Thompson.
for connected, safer bike routes in 2021 looks a lot different than it did in the late 19th century when the League of American Wheelmen was just getting started. Back then, early League members rolled a 10-foot tall wheel with 150,000 signatures up to Congress in 1894 to demand paved roads, among other improvements, for better biking. Today, our demands are similar in some ways, and vastly different in others. And the way we connect with Members of Congress differs, too. DVO C ATING ON C A P I TO L H I LL
Recently, we got on Zoom with Rep. Mike Thompson who represents California’s 5th congressional district to talk bikes. Thompson is not only a fierce advocate for biking in Congress, not just chairman of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Select Revenue Measures—he’s also someone who shares a lifelong love of bicycling like so many of us. “I got into biking like every kid gets into biking,” Rep. Thompson told us. He grew up in the Napa Valley of California, a wellknown and rural part of the state that he represents today. “I grew up in the country, and I remember riding my bicycle down to the river to go duck hunting.”
“I got back into cycling as a young adult, for exercise and for pleasure,” he said. It helped that bicycling was an experience he and his wife could share together. Early in their marriage, the two of them hopped on the train to Seattle with their bikes and rode back home to Napa. “In our 30 days of biking home, we only had two days where we didn’t get rained on,” Thompson recalled with a laugh. Fond memories of hard days sometimes only seem possible by the seat of a bike—and we know the bike is the best cure for most tough days.
For Thompson, those childhood memories of being on a bike are still vivid in his mind today. Like so many kids, a bike for Thompson meant exploring the farthest reaches of a child’s world and the independence of earning an income with a paper route. In short, his bicycle was freedom.
“If you’re riding your bicycle everyday, your body is healthier and your mind is clearer,” Thompson said. It’s more than that, for him, though. “But number one, it’s still a lot of fun. There’s camaraderie involved, I’ve got a regular group that I ride with in Napa and if I have to stay in Washington, I always try to put a ride together on the weekend. In DC, we’ve got a pretty good group going. We get 8, 10, 15 people that’ll come out and ride.”
What came next happened to a lot of us. “I lost interest in biking when a lot of kids do,” Thompson said. As a teenager and college student, the car was king. But it wasn’t long until his childhood joy returned, once again thanks to the bicycle’s unsurpassed reputation as a vehicle for exploration.
He’s underselling his weekend rides that often bring together other Members of Congress and Senators, plus officials from the Department of Transportation, and journalists. And the League is lucky to have been on a few of these rides with the congressman and his colleagues, too!
League communications director Lauren Jenkins on one of Thompson's many Congressional weekend bike rides.
In an era of seemingly increasing division on Capitol Hill, biking continues to unite people. Biking initiatives in the infrastructure bill and the reconciliation bill garnered bipartisan support. One of Thompson’s legislative priorities for the past several years has been bikingrelated, too. “The Green Act is legislation that I’ve carried for a couple of Congresses now, and it’s in the Build Back Better bill in this Congress. It provides tax incentives to move towards renewable energy. There are a number of provisions. One of those is a refundable tax credit for people who purchase e-bikes. It’s capped so you don’t get back everything, but you get an incentive. It’s better for the environment, it keeps cars off the road, and it keeps people healthy,” he said. The League has been pushing for the e-bike rebate and were pleased to see it remain in the final version of the Build Back Better bill.
As bike advocates, we are grateful for Members of Congress like Rep. Thompson who share our vision of a future where biking is safer for all, where routes are more connected, and where everyone can easily choose to go by bike. Because we all know, there is nothing quite like seeing the world from your saddle. “I took a picture of a wild turkey just the other day,” Thompson said of his typical morning bike route up the Anacostia river. You don’t normally think of Washington, DC, as filled with nature until you explore the city and neighboring regions by bike. “Just about every time we ride you see eagles, and it’s just beautiful out there.” Consider joining the League online or inperson at the 2022 National Bike Summit to meet with your representatives in Congress and make the case for bikes.
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Save the planet one ride at a time.
In early November, Congress passed and the president signed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, which includes over a billion new dollars for bicycling and walking projects, plus important new allocations of highway safety funds. This bill is a big win for biking and walking and is the culmination of two decades of advocacy on the part of the League and our members like you.
This bill is a big win for biking and walking and is the culmination of two decades of advocacy on the part of the League and our members like you. In the early 2000s, the League of American Bicyclists worked with other bicycle and pedestrian organizations advocating for ‘a fair share for safety’. We argued that if bicycling and walking accounted for 12 percent of traffic fatalities, then 12 percent of highway safety funding should be spent on bicycling and walking. This was our ask of Congress while they debated transportation reauthorization from 2003 to 2005, and then again from 2009 to 2012. When both efforts were unsuccessful, the League commissioned a study of congressional staff, administration officials and other Washington stakeholders to understand why our messaging on safety, as well as other issues, didn’t work.
While our messaging made sense to our membership, for members of Congress the message fell flat. Their belief was that because bicyclists didn’t pay into the Highway Trust Fund (which pays for transportation) our ‘fair share’ was zero. They saw it as a money grab, and their advice was to ask for solutions, not for a dollar amount. As bicyclists ourselves, that was hard to hear. At the moment I got the phone call to go over these results, I was literally reviewing a fact sheet for the National Bike Summit that had “FAIR SHARE FOR SAFETY” blazoned across the top! (We tore it up and started again.) It wasn’t all bad news though. Congressional offices and decision-makers did see safety as a federal issue. They just saw bicycling as a local issue. (See how we tackled this in our graphic on Page 10.)
Congressional offices and decision-makers saw safety as a federal issue, but considered bicycling a local issue. So we took their advice and started asking for solutions to reduce fatalities:
The League spearheaded a major campaign calling on the United States Department of Transportation (US DOT) to create a non-motorized safety performance measure, requiring states to set a goal to reduce bicycling and walking fatalities. Over 10,000 bike advocates sent emails to the US DOT in response to their call for comments. This was an unprecedented number of citizen comments1 and contradicted the comments of state DOTs, road builders, and manufacturers. Bike advocates won and in 2014 the US DOT required each state to report on the number of non-motorized fatalities and serious injuries, plus set a goal to reduce future fatalities and serious injuries.
I n the 2015 transportation reauthorization bill, the FAST Act, we were successful in including new data requirements for states to study bicycling and walking fatalities, and to identify road features and elements that create a risk for bicycle and pedestrian fatalities.
We won new funding for education around bicycling and walking safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Highway Safety Grants, although this funding was only available for states where bicycling and walking fatalities were 15 percent or more of overall road fatalities.
F rom 2009 on we successfully advocated each US DOT Administration to get more and more research and promotion for bicycling and walking safety, including safety countermeasures for pedestrians, promotion of road diets, bicycle safety summits, pedestrian priority projects and better guidance on how and when to build bicycle facilities. Much of this research is valuable and helpful, but we haven’t seen as much uptake from State DOTs as we would like.
Read more about what’s in the IIJA on our blog:
W H AT D I D N ’ T W O R K Despite increased awareness of the growing problem—both Trump and Biden DOT nominees discussed the need to address bicycling and walking safety—the safety numbers didn’t get better. In 2012 and 2015, during the passage of the last two Transportation reauthorization bills, US DOT and congressional leaders advocated for giving states the data and tools to improve safety, but also insisted on preserving flexibility for state DOTs over how they spent their safety dollars, expecting states to do the right thing.
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act requires states where bicyclist and pedestrian fatalities make up 15 percent or more of their overall traffic fatalities now have to spend 15 percent or more of their highway safety dollars on bicycle and pedestrian improvements. Sounds a little like “A Fair Share for Safety”—but we don’t call it that! WE’RE NOT DONE. In addition to acting as a watchdog and providing guidance as provisions from the IIJA are enacted, the League continues to:
This not only hasn’t resulted in safer streets, it has resulted in states setting regressive safety performance measures! For instance in 2017, New Jersey had a fiveyear annual average of 380 bicycling and walking fatalities and serious injuries. When setting their safety performance measures, they set their five-year goal to 588 annual average bicycling and walking fatalities and serious injuries.2 Their GOAL is for an additional 200 bicyclists and pedestrians to die each year. We also found that the NHTSA funds were hard to access. States prioritize enforcement over education, and because these funds flow through the Governor’s Highway Safety Office, most state and local advocacy organizations didn’t know how to access the funds. T H E B I PA RT I S A N D E A L As we started to advocate for the next Transportation Bill in 2019, we argued that we needed deeper investments in safer bicycling and walking infrastructure; infrastructure retrofits on dangerous roads, arterials and intersections; and a focus on building infrastructure right the first time around. We were able to defend the argument for more funding because we could show how we had tried everything else.
• Advocate to increase the number of states required to increase funding on bicycling and walking safety. • Advocate for automated vehicles and advanced safety technologies to be tested for their ability to reduce crashes with bicyclists and pedestrians of all races and ethnicities. • Promote making funding for safety and behavior change activities available for state and local bicycle advocacy organizations, including for bike education. • Promote the importance of better infrastructure and reducing speed to make streets safer. Your support and your voice has enabled us to be so successful on the Hill. We're hope we can count on your continued membership as we keep up the fight for better biking in Washington. As a comparison, the DOT was also asking for comments on the use of cell phones on airplanes that only received 3,000 comments. Our successful campaign started a trend of advocacy organizations sending action alerts to the Administration, much to the chagrin of the US DOT, state DOTs and other traditional stakeholders like the road builders. 1
You can see your state’s goal at
Since 2008, the League of American Bicyclists has been asking “which state is the most Bicycle Friendly State?” To help us answer that question, we rely on public data and surveys distributed to every state Department of Transportation. Those surveys are completed by state transportation agency staff and in the spirit of gratefulness, we’d like to recognize the employees who help us understand what state DOTs are doing to improve bicycling.
Staff at Caltrans HQ, a Silver-level Bicycle Friendly Business, grabbing breakfast at an energizer station on Bike to Work Day. Photo: Caltrans BFB application
Most of our questions to the state Department of Transportation (DOT) are about how the agency considers people who bike in their work and how they support improvements for people biking in the state. We focus on state DOTs for several reasons:
1 Roadways owned by state DOTs tend to account for a disproportionately high number of people killed while bicycling. In 19 states, more than 50% of people killed while biking since 2015 were killed on stateowned roadways.
Dive into our Bicycle Friendly State rankings:
2 State DOTs receive tens of millions of dollars in federal transportation funding each year. The largest federal source of funding for bicycling and walking—the Transportation Alternatives Program— requires each state DOT to administer a competitive grant process, making state DOTs essential to the successful use of federal funds to improve bicycling.
3 Even the smallest state DOT dwarfs most city transportation agencies and their size and capacity can greatly influence the culture of transportation planning, roadway design, research, and grant administration in each state. (A 2016 review of state DOTs identified small DOTs as those with 2,500 staff or less.)
Staff at Caltrans HQ, a Silver-level Bicycle Friendly Business, grabbing breakfast at an energizer station on Bike to Work Day. Photo: Caltrans BFB application
Since the passage of the federal transportation bill in 1991, each state has been required to have a bicycle and pedestrian coordinator. In many states, bicycle and pedestrian coordinators face significant obstacles to making bicycling better. It is relatively rare for state DOTs to have a large bicycle and pedestrian staff or to have bicycle and pedestrian staff within each of their regional offices. According to our 2021 survey data, state DOTs were nearly four times more likely to have no regional bicycle and pedestrian staff at all than to have a full-time bicycle and pedestrian staff in all regions.
Indoor bike rack on the main floor of Washington State Department of Transportation Eastern Region’s office. Photo courtesy of WSDOT’s BFB application.
Trike supplied for campus mobility by Washington State Department of Transportation Eastern Region, a Silver-level Bicycle Friendly Business. Photo shared through WSDOT’s BFB application.
In some states, significant advances have been made to support their staff and bicycling as a mode of transportation. Eight state DOT offices have been recognized by our Bicycle Friendly Business program, with Minnesota leading the way with three recognized offices. By promoting biking to work, providing bike parking, and ensuring that offices are accessible by safe bike infrastructure these offices are helping their employees—whether assigned to work on bicycling or not—understand the needs of people who bike. Despite the challenges that some state DOT bicycle staff face, they do incredible work. Every time we do the Bicycle Friendly State ranking we’re impressed by their initiative and resolve to improve bicycling. While state DOTs and the roadways they design, build, and operate can be barriers to better biking, we are grateful for the staff at each who are dedicated to working with state and local advocates to change that and hope to see more state DOT offices recognize the value of investing in bicycling.
C H E C K O U T T H E S E S TAT E D O Ts W H O H AV E E A R N E D B I C YC L E F R I E N D LY B U S I N E S S AWA R D S : While state DOTs and the roadways they design, build, and operate can be barriers to better biking, they can also become allies. Many of our DOT Bicycle Friendly Businesses are helping their state climb the ranks in being better for those who bike.
GOLD • Minnesota DOT District 4 • Minnesota DOT Central Office
SILVER • Caltrans HQ • Delaware DOT, Dover Administration Building • Minnesota DOT District 6 • Washington State DOT Eastern Region
BRONZE • New Hampshire DOT • Pennsylvania DOT
HOW WE GET MORE PEOPLE ON BIKES The CDC’s Active People, Healthy NationSM initiative has a stated goal of getting 27 million people more physically active. In support of this goal, the League monitors progress on increasing rates of bicycling and walking in America. In 2021, this has led directly to several reports we produced on specific groups of people and topics. We hope you will check out the full reports at
Bike Networks
The New Majority
Buffer Separated Bike Lane.
Source: Dylan Passmore
BENCHMARKING INSIGHTS O N O L D E R A D U LT S Approximately 45 million Americans are 65 or older, and that number is expected to grow to 73 million Americans by 2030. In partnership with AARP’s Livable Communities program, the League dove into federal data on how much older adults are biking and walking, why they do it, and how safe they are when biking and walking. We found that available data show increases in biking and walking among older adults, that older adults have some of the highest rates of biking and walking for exercise, the highest percentage of trips for shopping and errands of any age group, and that increases in bicyclist and pedestrian fatalities over the last decade have been falling particularly hard on older adults. Better infrastructure, better street lighting, lower vehicle speeds, and the use of e-bikes were identified as solutions that meet the needs of older adults for safer biking and walking. RECONNECTING WITH THE NEW MAJORITY In this report, the League revisits its landmark 2013 New Majority Report, which articulated the challenges faced by young adults and people of color that keep them from biking more. In the eight years since the New Majority Report, the League and bicycling movement have made strides to be more inclusive and address those challenges, but more work needs to be done. Using polling data and a focus group, we reconnect with what it takes to help the new majority and how we are situated to work with others to help everyone bike more safely and more often.
BENCHMARKING BIKE N E T WO R KS The last decade has seen a rapid change in best practices for bicycle infrastructure. In this report, the League looks at some of the history about why the United States was slow to embrace bicycle infrastructure and provides an overview of current best practices. By profiling cities with higher than average rates of bike commuting and consistent growth in bike commuting over the last decade, this report provides insight on the evolving nature of bike networks and how bike networks are key to meeting the needs of people who bike. S TAT E & C I T Y F A C T S H E E T S There is a lot of data on data.bikeleague. org because we compile diverse data sources from throughout the federal government, surveys, and original research. To make that data more accessible, we will be publishing state and city fact sheets with some of the most important statistics about biking and walking. These fact sheets are meant for easy reference and for pointing people towards solutions that help more people bike and walk and do so safely.
Boise State University’s uncovered U racks - a perfect option for short-term bike parking (anything under 2 hours).
When most people think of bike infrastructure, they think of bike lanes or trails—the infrastructure we ride on. But bike parking is also an essential component of bike infrastructure that is too often overlooked, despite how cost effective and easy it can be to provide.
We know from polling data and personal experience that high-quality bike parking helps more people ride more often, and that the lack of secure bike parking and concerns about bike theft are a barrier for many potential bicyclists. Whether it’s biking to work or running an errand, knowing that your bike will be safe and secure when you’re ready to head home is critical.
What bicyclist isn’t grateful to find businesses and daily destinations that make it easy and obvious to lock their bike safely and securely? Through our Bicycle Friendly America award applications, we see so many examples from communities, businesses, and campuses that have made this essential piece of bike infrastructure a priority. So, in this issue of things we are grateful for, here is our round-up of some favorite bike parking examples from across the country: An Ode to Great Bike Parking.
S H O R T - T E R M B I K E PA R K I N G Short-term bike parking should always be easy to find and visible to “eyes on the street.” If it isn’t visible from your main entrance, there should be obvious and visible wayfinding signage to help bicyclists find it, and security cameras can be used to help keep a watchful eye if needed.
Bike racks should be intuitive to use—or provide guidance for first-time users if needed.
Covered, double-decker outdoor bike parking at Boise State University (Gold-level BFU Boise, ID) provides even better short-term bike parking that is protected from the elements and safe, secure, and convenient for a large number of bikes in a relatively small footprint.
These covered vertical racks at Boise State University have visual instructions on how to securely lock a bike to them.
LO N G -T E R M B I K E PA R K I N G For long-term bike parking (anything more than 2 hours), bicyclists tend to prioritize security over immediate convenience. While it doesn’t need to be visible from your front door, it should still be easily accessible for all ages and abilities, and well-marked for first-time visitors. This indoor bike room (left) features high-density double-decker parking to accommodate the many bike commuters who work at NPR (Gold-level BFB Washington, DC). NPR’s indoor bike room is secured by key card access and is easily accessible with automatic opening doors at street level. If your bike room isn’t at street level, make sure there are ramps and/or elevators. 19
Language Dept’s indoor bike racks. Photo shared through Language Dept’s BFB application.
B I K E PA R K I N G F O R B U S I N E S S E S Businesses that have both full-time employees as well as higher-turnover customers or visitors should provide both long-term and short-term bike parking. Smaller offices can offer indoor bike racks in common areas of the business for employees and visitors, like Language Dept (Gold-level BFB - New York, NY) headquarters and flagship store shown above. KEEN Corporate Headquarters (Gold-level BFB - Portland, OR) provides both longterm and short-term bike parking with standard staple racks in front for customers and visitors (below left), and a secure indoor bike room for employees (below right). And yes, those are spare rubber soles from KEEN footwear used as extra wheel padding for the vertical racks.
Inset: KEEN’s bike staples in front of corporate headquarters and flagship store. Above: KEEN’s secure indoor bike parking for employees. Photos shared through KEEN’s BFB application.
Target's cargo bike parking in Arlington, VA. Photo courtesy of BikeArlington via Twitter.
Indoor bike rooms are also a wonderful opportunity to provide other end-of-trip facilities: storage lockers, repair tools and supplies, and educational/encouragement resources such as bike maps, Smart Cycling Quick Guides, and flyers or event calendars. Target Corporation (Platinum-level BFB - Minneapolis, MN) headquarters provides multiple indoor bike rooms for employees, equipped with professional-grade tools, a vending machine for spare parts and bike accessories, and air compressor. There are also subsidized mechanical services offered through Freewheel Bike Shop (Gold-level BFB) in the employee bike room for bikes to be serviced during the work day. Individual Target stores across the country, like this one (above) in Arlington, VA, are also prioritizing bikes for customers, by providing clearly marked cargo bike parking in their parking garage.
This room at 655 New York LLC-Brookfield (Silver-level BFB - Washington, DC) provides a variety of rack types with ample spacing, to accommodate a wide variety of bike sizes and types.
O U T D O O R B I C YC L E L O C K E R S & S I M P L E B I C YC L E G A R A G E S At colleges and universities, as well as larger corporate campuses, we frequently see outdoor bicycle lockers and simple bicycle garages distributed across the campus, offering protection from the elements and from bike theft, while still offering convenience and accessibility to a more fluid biking population. Note that in all four examples below, additional short-term racks are provided nearby to provide overflow capacity and to accommodate short-term visitors who may not have access to the bike cages or lockers.
MIT (Silver-level BFU - Cambridge, MA) bike cage gets lots of use. Photo shared through MIT’s BFU application.
Facebook Headquarters (Platinum-level BFB - Menlo Park, CA) bike cage. Photo shared through Facebook headquarters BFB application.
PayPal Headquarters (Gold-level BFB La Vista, NE) bike lockers. Photo shared through PayPal’s BFB application.
Northern Arizona University (Gold-level BFU - Flagstaff, AZ) bike locker wraps. Photo shared through Northern Arizona University’s BFU application.
Double-decker parking on one side can accommodate a higher volume, while simple U-racks on the other side can accommodate a wider variety of cycle types and sizes.
Simple bike garages like this one can be found across the campus at Portland State University (Platinum-level BFU - Portland, OR).
In urban areas, we’re starting to see similar bike parking models become publicly available such as the innovative modular Oonee pods (below) in New York City, which provide safe, secure, and convenient public bike parking that can be located on almost any city street.
Oonee pods in New York City. Photos courtesy of Oonee via
PEACE OF MIND One of our favorite bike parking details from a recent BFB application is Brokerage Brewery Co (Bronzelevel BFB West Lafayette, IN). Their beer tap themed racks (above) can be monitored by customers inside through a live stream on the brewery’s website:
E A S Y WAY F I N D I N G Wayfinding signage should be clear and specific, like this example at left from the City and County of Denver (Silver BFB and Silver BFC - Denver, CO) which uses wayfinding signage to point to their overflow bike parking. If you’re a business or destination providing bike parking to customers, visitors, or the general public, there should always be a map, photo, and description of your bike parking location(s) readily available on your website, even if that bike parking is right out front, so that anyone deciding whether or how to get to your destination knows exactly what to expect if they arrive on a bike.
When bike parking isn’t visible from your front entrance, it is important to make sure bicyclists know exactly where to find it. 24
B I K E VA L E T Another incredible bike parking solution we’ve seen is valet bike parking services at campuses and urban areas with high bike commuter rates. At Oregon Health & Science University (Platinum-level BFB and Gold-level BFU - Portland, OR), free bike valet services are offered by partner organization Go By Bike, Monday-Friday from 6am-7:30pm (below, inset). Bike commuters can rent bike parking spaces and storage lockers during the workday at Santa Monica Bike Center (Platinum-level BFB - Santa Monica, CA) and there is even free 2-hour valet bike parking available to residents and visitors (below).
PUTTING IT INTO PRACTICE Want to learn the basics of long or short-term bike parking so your community, business, or university can be more accommodating to all bicyclists? This Fall we hosted two great webinars on exactly these topics in partnership with bike parking experts Dero. Find the webinar recordings at the links below: LO N G -T E R M B I K E PA R K I N G W E B I N A R
S H O RT-T E R M B I K E PA R K I N G W E B I N A R 25
UPDATING WHAT IT TAKES TO BE A BICYCLE FRIENDLY COMMUNITY The Bicycle Friendly Community application is currently offline while we make updates to our BFC application and related materials. Among the changes advocates and communities can expect to see after these updates will be a stronger 5th E: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI), to better guide communities on policies, programs, and infrastructure that will bring about safe, equitable and just transportation options for all. There will also be updates to the Engineering section that ask about on- and off-road bike infrastructure, to better capture the quality, reach, and distribution of a community’s entire bikeway network, rather than just a simple sum of facility mileage that the application previously asked for.
The BFC application will be offline through Summer 2022 to give the BFA team time to lay work with local advocates, partners, and program users on these changes. We recognize that many aspiring Bicycle Friendly Communities would normally be using the BFC application right now to get ideas for activities, plans, programs, and facilities to improve bicycling in their community. While the BFC application itself is offline, the BFC Resource Library will continue to provide a wealth of information, case studies, examples, and ideas for current and aspiring Bicycle Friendly Communities.
2021 LCI Seminar in Washington, D.C. Photo Credit: Shalia Watts.
Father and son participants in 2019 Bike East Bay Bike to Work Day at the pancake energizer station.
The City of Orlando’s Former Mayor Buddy Dyer on a Bike to Work Day ride.
T E N K E Y S T R AT E G I E S F O R N E W B I C YC L E F R I E N D LY C O M M U N I T I E S BFC journey, For communities at the start of their energy on 10 their s we’re encouraging them to focu ger BFC stron a for n datio key strategies to the foun re: futu application in the Adopt the BFC Action Plan Charter ee Form a Bicycle Advisory Committ ntown or across Conduct a Bike Parking Audit dow the community dly Business Have City Hall apply for Bicycle Frien r loye emp an designation as to become BFBs Encourage other local businesses Seminar Host a League Cycling Instructor of on-road Create or improve the inventory bike infrastructure Conduct a manual bike count as a Organize a local bicycling event such o Rode Bike or Day k Bike to Wor the mayor Host a community bike ride with or city council
BIG WINS FOR THE LEAGUE IN 2021 With the year quickly coming to a close, we would like to thank our 20,000 members and supporters, our 200,000 followers and political action-takers, our partners on Capitol Hill, and the communities, businesses and universities helping us advance our work to build a Bicycle Friendly America for Everyone.
2021 National Bike Summit Wins More than 1,200 attendees from all 50 states made our fully-remote 2021 National Bike Summit our biggest Summit yet. Be sure to attend our 2022 Summit, held both virtually as well as in-person in a brand-new Capitol Hill location by registering at
All-Online Summit
Feb. 28–Mar 3
Cyclists riding alongside a river near downtown Portland, Oregon.
Newly certified LCIs at a Chicago, IL seminar hosted by Chicago Bicycle. Photo Courtesy of Chicago Bicycle.
Smart Cycling Wins
BIPOC scholarships to individuals and League member groups
Hosted LCI Seminars
155 New Certified LCIs
of respondents said the class was Helpful or Very Helpful
“ I think anyone that rides a bike, even a very seasoned rider, would learn something new in this course. I really appreciated the infrastructure information Cynthia included during our city ride.”
“ I learned a lot about traffic rules that I did not know and he was able to point out safety concerns I’d never considered before. I hope that the organization will continue to offer other bike classes.”
of respondents would recommend the Smart Cycling class to a friend
Bicycle Friendly America Wins
302 13,200
BFA Applications received in 2021
Total BFA Public Survey Responses received as part of our review process
Bronze-level Bicycle Friendly Business Lane Shift in Bentonville, AR. Photo: Lane Shift’s BFB application.
Federal Advocacy Wins Making major strides to include policy and funding advancement in legislation In the Infrastructure Bill 60% increase in Transportation Alternatives, the top source of funding for bicycling and walking infrastructure—a major influx for local projects Requires an increase in states spending on biking and walking safety, up from $20 million per year to $300 million per year $6 billion for safety plans and implementation (over 5 years) new requirement Every state must identify dangerous areas for biking and walking fatalities, including arterials, and identify solutions First-ever Climate section in a transportation bill Requires every state to have complete street standards
In the Reconciliation Bill Bicycle Commuter Benefit E-bike tax rebate $4 billion for reconnecting communities (measured, in part, as safe biking and walking access networks) A new Greenhouse Gas (GHG) performance measure with teeth, meaning the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has the necessary authority to make people obey it, and $4 billion to help states and local governments meet those goals
League Communications The League was mentioned in The Washington Post, The New York Times, StreetsBlog USA, Bicycle Retailer, Fortune, Forbes, MarketWatch, PEW and The American Prospect Our Campaign to Drive Less, Bike More reached over 1,000,000 miles of car trips turned bike trips More than 300,000 people are following our social media updates and email newsletters
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) 2012 Including Revision 1 dated May and Revision 2 dated May 2012
Nearly 2,500 comments were submitted in support of our comments developed with our representatives to the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NCUTCD) The update to the MUTCD is our once-a-decade opportunity to improve the manual on issues like official support and guidance for better bicycle networks that make protected bike lanes a standard part of American roadways
Research and Data
Bike Networks
The New Majority
Added new resources to, including five new reports: Benchmarking Insights on Older Adults Reconnecting with the New Majority Benchmarking Bike Networks
Buffer Separated
State Fact Sheets
Passmore. Bike Lane. Source: Dylan
City Fact Sheets
Policy Development: Ensuring Protection for All Riders On automated vehicles, worked with Argo, a leading automated vehicle developer, to create Technical Guidelines for how automated vehicles should interact with people cycling Supporting “Idaho Stop” laws in Delaware and New York
Putting a spotlight on the Section 1906, the Racial Profiling Prohibition Grant Funding in the federal transportation bill Highlighting how National Highway Traffic Safety Administration grant funds are used for traffic law enforcement without any requirements for demographic data collection that would provide insight into racial impacts of traffic law enforcement Enacting safe passing laws in North Dakota and New Jersey and strengthening passing laws in Florida, Georgia, Rhode Island, and Virginia, and New Jersey adopted a four-foot passing law 31
In order to meet the promise of a nation where bicycling
is safe, comfortable, and open to all, we must build a more diverse community of both those learning to ride and those who teach how to ride safely. That’s why we were so happy to see many safe, outdoor, in-person League Cycling Instructor seminars return to communities in 2021, especially after a year that presented such few opportunities to do so.
BikeDFW’s 2021 LCI Seminar in Plano, TX. Photo Courtesy of BikeDFW.
Each LCI Seminar features student presentations on preassigned cycling topics. Photo Courtesy of Deltrece Daniels.
Even better, through the generosity of the Rebecca Rusch’s Be Good Foundation and Quality Bicycle Products (QBP), we were able to offer LCI Seminar Equity Scholarships in our effort to ensure more BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) educators have the opportunity to join these spaces and become cycling instructors. The scholarships cover the cost of seminar registration and the League also partners with QBP to host LCI Seminars specifically for BIPOC educators in select communities. Back in July, our friends at Bike Cleveland hosted one of many League Cycling Instructor seminars featuring recipients of our LCI Seminar Equity Scholarship. Instructed under the leadership of League Cycling Coach Neil Walker and site facilitator (and LCI) Deltrece Daniels, 14 participants spent three days in Cleveland, Ohio, learning about how to teach bicycle safety using the League’s Smart Cycling curriculum. “Many of the people who were signed up in the class were already very much involved in their community and that made for even more interesting discussions,” Neil Walker told the League. “People build connections through these conversations and are even able to reach audiences they’ve never been able to reach before.”
Many seminar participants, including Neil, recalled moving conversations over the course of the weekend where advocates, those working in transportation, and neighborhood cycling enthusiasts learned from one another and discussed how to be better educators. Learning from one another is a part of LCI training and participants must put together presentations on pre-assigned cycling topics to share with the class, which is site facilitator Deltrece’s favorite part of the seminar. “As a Cleveland resident, I knew most of the participants prior to the seminar but it was nice to see them in a different light beyond bike rides,” said Deltrece. “During a seminar, students get the opportunity to share with others what they’ve learned and we can all usually walk away having learned something new.” It brings us such joy to see the faces and hear the stories of BIPOC cyclists leading the bike education movement in their communities. Representation matters, and through our partnerships with the Be Good Foundation, QBP, and our advocacy organization hosts, we’re building a network of League Cycling Instructors across the country who reflect America’s diversity.
READ ON to learn more about the scholarship
recipients and find out how you or someone you know can apply at 33
Dayna Chandler I am a current Board Member of The Street Collective, Iowa Interscholastic Mountain Bike League, M.E.P (Multicultural Education Programs), WellMark YMCA, and The 3 Principles Network. Educating youth, serving my community and teaching bike education is what I do. I am committed to helping individuals lead healthy and productive lives, with strong emphasis on brown and black communities in and around Des Moines, IA.
What inspired you to become an LCI? My thoughts of becoming the first African American LCI in my state who would share the love of cycling with women in the Des Moines chapter of Black Girls do Bike, as well as youth and other cycling/biking enthusiasts who are interested in learning more about riding safe while having fun.
What was your favorite part of the seminar? My favorite part about the seminar was our instructor Vanessa Beard, meeting the participants and building lasting bonds with everyone in those few days. We laughed, we practiced, we helped each other through each area and celebrated ours successes. The experience, though tough, was awesome! Super grateful to have had the experience and earn my LCI.
What do you hope to achieve with your LCI certification? Increase engagement of diverse riders in cycling. More youth bike camps within our city to introduce and encourage young riders to take up cycling safely for recreation and sport. Hold more bike rodeos for youth. Increase the number of diverse LCI’s in Iowa. Increase cycling education in the community, e.g., safe routes to school, bike legislation, trails and trail design, health and wellness benefits, and more!
Ebony Hood Ebony Hood is a Cleveland native with over 20 years of experience in grassroots community organizing and is dedicated to changing the narrative by creating culturally relevant and evidencebased programming for transformative education and learning in urban communities. She works at Syatt, a Mother-Daughter led organization advocating for nature equity. Ebony holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology/Sustainability and a Master’s in Education which drives her desire to advocate for environmental justice and her passion to connect others to the natural world.
What inspired you to become an LCI? SAFETY! As a child, I was taught to ride a bike and to either stay out of the street or be careful crossing it. Ha! Today, it is so rewarding to teach adults and youth about safely navigating our busy city and heavily used trails.
What was your favorite part of the seminar? When we all gave a standing ovation to Coach Neil. There was a STRONG synergy in the room and we were all excited to celebrate as a cohort with Neil leading the charge! It was truly a feel-good moment and such a notable pleasure to have so many people of color represented in the room with the help of Bike Cleveland staff (Deltrece and Jacob) and fellow LCI Diana bringing it all together.
What do you hope to achieve with your LCI certification? I run a grassroots org with my mom and sister, Syatt, and plan to include the knowledge and skills learned in class in everything that we do, including hosting rodeos and learn-to-ride sessions. I’ve always considered myself the bike-whisperer (lol), teaching never-evers how to ride bikes! Our long-term goal is to host distant overnight bike excursions with youth.
“ During a seminar, students get the opportunity to share with others what they’ve learned and we can all usually walk away having learned something new.”
BikeDFW’s 2021 LCI Seminar in Plano, TX. Photo Courtesy of BikeDFW.
Deidre McPherson Deidre McPherson is a community advocate and creative producer that loves to ride with cyclists of all skill levels. She serves on the board of Bike Cleveland as co-chair of their Race, Equity, and Inclusion committee, and she volunteers as a Squad member of Slow Roll Cleveland and with DevahD Cycling.
What inspired you to become an LCI? I decided to become an LCI because I want to share the joy of cycling with people of all ages, backgrounds, and identities. As an LCI, I have the credentials to help cyclists ride confidently and safely. I can also help drivers learn how to share the road with cyclists, which is important to me. I especially want to help change the perception that a cyclist is someone who rides a bike in spandex. A cyclist is anyone who rides a bike!
What was your favorite part of the seminar? My favorite part of the seminar was the instructor, Neil Walker. He was incredibly knowledgeable and he shared lots of inspiring stories with us.
What do you hope to achieve with your LCI certification? I’d like to help Greater Cleveland. There are many people who need help getting into cycling as a sport, alternative mode of transportation, or fun activity, and I am excited to offer that support as a member of the community.
Ilyana Walker My name is Ilyana Walker and I reside in Cleveland, Ohio. I enjoyed riding bikes as a kid like most people. After a long hiatus, I started back riding consistently around 2006 for the sole purpose of fitness. One night, I saw a large group of people riding at night with their bikes lit up and immediately knew I needed to find that group. After connecting with them, I began to connect with other bike groups. In 2016, I bought my first road bike and that was when I transitioned from riding just for fun to riding for pure and unadulterated enjoyment.
What inspired you to become an LCI? I found myself talking a lot about bikes and wanting others to experience the joy of riding. I co-founded a group five years ago that commemorates the now national holiday of Juneteenth through bike tours. I also joined a community group that is now a chapter of Bike Cleveland whose mission is to educate and promote safe cycling in the community. I decided that I wanted to become an LCI in order to provide proper education and develop the skills to assist others to become more confident with riding.
What was your favorite part of the seminar? My favorite part of the seminar was the hands-on skills tests. I did not realize that I would be so excited about getting my LCI certification. After receiving my certificate, it was at that moment that I knew that I was equipped to promote safe and enjoyable riding. I am very proud of the fact that I am now an LCI.
What do you hope to achieve with your LCI certification? I want to encourage new riders as well as encourage those who have not been on a bike in a while to get back on the saddle.
Raymond Weeden
Deidre McPherson with League Cycling Instructor coach Neil Walker.
I’m happily retired from fulltime work and now consider myself a full-time avid bicyclist. In addition to cycling, I currently serve as a Councilman in the Village of Walton Hills Ohio, and lead a three-generation cycling family.
What inspired you to become an LCI? In the community where I live, I’m known as the cycling guy. On occasion, I am asked for cycling and safety advice. I decided I needed to be able to answer intelligently and decided to take the training to become an LCI. I’m looking forward to providing training for all age groups of bicyclists in my community.
What was your favorite part of the seminar? My favorite part of the training was the camaraderie and team-building I experienced amongst the LCI candidates. Preparation for the joint presentation assignments really pulled people out of their comfort zones and built community!
What do you hope to achieve with your LCI certification? With my certification, I hope to be able to establish a safe Seniors Cycling group in my community and provide the skills for the seniors to roll on into our Golden Years!
To learn more and apply for the LCI Equity Scholarship, visit: bipoc-LCIs
LCI Seminar hosted by San Diego County Bicycle Coalition. Photo Courtesy of San Diego County Bicycle Coalition.
Coach Neil Walker at BIPOC LCI seminar in Lancaster, PA. Photo Courtesy of Common Wheel.
Organizations of all kinds can host LCI seminars, bringing LCIs to their community, promoting safe cycling anywhere. League Cycling Instructor Seminars, the weekend-long class that trains and certifies LCIs, can be hosted by advocacy groups, municipalities, groups of existing instructors, and even bike clubs! Adding LCIs to your club ranks comes with some built-in benefits. For one, your ride leaders will be equipped with the power of expert knowledge in group riding, lane positioning, bike handling skills and other helpful tips. If your club offers educational services you’ll even see a valuable discount on your club’s insurance premiums with a trained professional in leadership. More than anything, aligning your club with the expert knowledge of an LCI fosters a culture of safe cycling. To learn more about hosting an LCI seminar for your bike club, contact
LEAVE A LEGACY OF BETTER BIKING! Make a tax-advantaged gift to the League with your IRA Recent changes to the tax code require traditional IRA holders to begin annual withdrawals, or Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), after they turn 70½ years old. The amount that you have to withdraw is determined by your age, the amount you have saved in your IRA, and your life expectancy. These distributions must be made each subsequent year, and failing to make a withdrawal may result in penalties on the amount that should have been withdrawn. While IRA distributions are usually considered taxable income, you can provide tax-advantaged gifts to qualifying 501(c)3 non-profit organizations like the League by making a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), a direct transfer from your IRA trustee. You can leave a lasting legacy of better biking to generations of Americans to come while maintaining your RMDs. Simply tell your IRA trustee that you wish to support the League of American Bicyclists, EIN 36-6206225. For more information, contact Director of Membership and Development Kevin Dekkinga at or 202.621.5449. 38
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hen you work in bike advocacy for many years, you meet so many inspiring, dedicated, determined people. Tim Oey, a lifetime member of the League, is one of them. As a League Cycling Instructor, Event Manager with the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition, instructor for Bicycle Solutions and Wheel Kids, commissioner on the Sunnyvale Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Commission, member of the VTA Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, and all-weather transportation cyclist— Tim wears many hats in the active transportation field. Tim has always been ‘into bikes,’ riding cross-country in his college days in support of Oxfam and later riding with local clubs such as the Charles River Wheelers in Boston. He was instrumental in establishing one of the bike world’s early online presences, BikeNet on AOL, with the League, Adventure Cycling, IMBA and other partners.
A few years ago, after an extensive career in the tech industry, Tim turned his life-long passion for bicycling and all things Zero Waste into a full-time endeavor. Drawing inspiration from an exhibit at the Monterey Bay Aquarium chronicling plastics pollution, as well as his own lived experience, Tim dug into the notion of ecological balance in the world, striving to live as close to Zero Waste as possible, while inspiring others to do the same. “I knew I had to leave the corporate world and establish a new balance. Humankind is currently over budget and consuming about twice as much as our planet can provide sustainably. In order for me to consume and dispose of less, it helped to earn less and reduce my own budget,” Tim said. From there, he decided to dedicate his professional life full time to bicycling as a tool for sustainability.
“ The biggest win for the earth is to get as many people as possible to bike— it is all about balance, just like riding a bike.”
Tim Oey at Sunnyvale Bike Repair. Photo Credit: Tim Oey
Shortly thereafter, Tim bicycled crosscountry in support of Climate Ride, naming the League and other bicycling and environmental groups as beneficiaries. Riding from town to town, Tim shared ideas and inspiration with thousands at aquariums, schools, libraries, and other venues en route from his home in Silicon Valley all the way to Boston. Tim shared with us a quote he recently read from Dahr Jamail discussing his book “The End of Ice”, which Tim said captured the challenge and mindset change he feels Americans need to take to heart: “The single biggest thing I learned was from an indigenous elder of Cherokee descent, Stan Rushworth, who reminded me of the difference between a Western settler mindset of “I have rights” and an indigenous mindset of “I have obligations.” Instead of thinking that I am born with rights, I choose to think that I am born with obligations to serve past, present, and future generations, and the planet herself.”
Bicycling, Tim said, is more than just a simple strategy for living Zero Waste. When you consider the amount of material and energy it takes to propel humans over distance, there’s no more efficient machine than the bicycle for transportation on the planet. Tim relishes in what he’s able to move by bike and cargo trailer. “Simply using my Trek 520 and trailers, I can move 1,000 lbs at one time burning no fossil fuels at all.” These days, Tim spends as much time on two wheels as he can, while organizing events for the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition and teaching adults and kids how to ride and ride safely. “The biggest win for the earth is to get as many people as possible to bike,” Tim said. For Tim, “it is all about balance, just like riding a bike.”
Learn more about Tim’s journey and philosophy at
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FUTURE We’re back, baby! With virtual content accessible by any bike advocate, anywhere, and the return of in-person content, the Summit offers a host of opportunities to get more involved in making biking better for everyone now and into the future.
“ Hybrid makes so much sense! I’d never want to give up the in person opportunity but the virtual opportunity will allow so many more bicycle advocates to participate.”
“ It gave me an opportunity to meet with other people that are as passionate about biking as I am. Everyone was friendly and welcoming. I was able to learn about bills at the federal level that will make biking better.”
What 2021 attendees had to say about our virtual program
“ One might think that yet another virtual event means tired and overplayed antics. However, the Bike Summit was anything but that with its interactive platform, lower price point, and concurrent sessions.”
N AT I O N A L B I K E S U M M I T 2 0 2 2
“ I loved the interaction not only on Whova, but within each session. It really helped with the virtual aspect of things.”
NVISIO N A WO RLD where enjoying a bicycle is impossible to no one. A life that’s better for everyone because going by bicycle is not only safe for all, but everyone recognizes the benefits of being on wheels. Imagine the next generation growing up in a nation that’s healthier, economically stronger, environmentally cleaner and more connected through people-oriented streets.
Every year the League unites the voices of people like you, who know the importance of getting more people on bikes, on Capitol Hill through the National Bike Summit. In 2021, our most well-attended Summit yet, we explored bicycles as our vehicle for change. Because 2021 has presented many transformational opportunities for bicyclists to change the narrative, we want to use the next biggest gathering of bike advocates in 2022 as a time to think about how the bike movement can shape the future for the next generation. That is why in 2022, Summit attendees will convene under the theme of Choosing Our Future.
To continue providing the chance for bike enthusiasts across the country to join in on the conversation, the summit will now be a hybrid event with attendees having the choice to attend in person in Washington, D.C., or online from anywhere between March 27-30, 2022. All keynote speeches, plenary sessions, and panels will be hosted online for all attendees through the virtual platform Whova. Those who can join us in person in D.C. will be able to participate in additional mobile workshops, bike rides, and other networking events. As always we will cap off the Summit with Hill Day, holding Senate meetings in person and House meetings virtually. The advocacy wins of the bike movement have always relied on the grassroots efforts of local advocates joining our efforts here in Washington to reach leaders on Capitol Hill. To continue the investments, innovations, and improvements at the federal level, we need every voice possible to be involved in the movement for better biking now and into the future. Learn more about the 2022 National Bike Summit and register to be a part of choosing our future at summit.
N AT I O N A L B I K E S U M M I T 2 0 2 2
Our 16 member Board of Directors leads the League in our mission to build a Bicycle Friendly America for Everyone. In August, you helped us elect five Board members, two new and three returning. Now, meet the faces of those volunteering their time and skills to rally the resources we need to make this vision a reality.
Melissa Lee Melissa considers herself as an urban planner, community organizer, social alchemist, and reformed public servant, steeped in the certainty that anything is possible when radical imagination pairs with action. As Director of Planning and Community Engagement at Concordia LLC, Melissa leads a team of seasoned experts to work collaboratively and think holistically to create unique human-centered places and spaces around the world. She also serves as the Board President of Bike Easy, the regional bicycling education and advocacy organization dedicated to making bicycling easy, safe, and fun for everyone in Greater New Orleans.
Cadesha Prawl Since becoming an LCI, Cadesha has dedicated her volunteer efforts to better local and national bicycling. She currently serves on the board of the New Haven Coalition for Active Transportation (NHCAT), whose mission is to offer free bicycle education that is accessible to all and provides strategic input as well as oversees the organization’s technology needs. Cadesha also serves as a Shero on the New Haven chapter of Black Girls Do Bike (BGDB). As a BGDB Shero, she finds great joy in introducing women to the joy of cycling, coordinating local group rides and the fellowship.
Mike Sewell Mike serves as Gresham Smith’s active transportation service line leader bringing more than 20 years of experience in the planning, design and implementation of transportation projects. A daily bike commuter himself, Mike has lead projects ranging from rural roadways to major multimodal planning initiatives and his advocacy efforts for bicyclists and pedestrians have helped forge many important relationships within the local communities he serves and the broader transportation industry. Mike believes transportation is the lifeblood of our communities and, as an avid bicyclist, has focused his career on walking and bicycling as the great equalizer.
Ralph Monti As the immediate past chair of the League board, Ralph served during the initiation of new equity measures—including adding a new “E” for Equity into the League’s guiding “E” principles. As past president of a bicycling club, he worked closely with League staff in creating and presenting a robust menu of club sessions at the National Bike Summit. Also an active League Cycling Instructor (LCI), he helped launch a series of bicycle safety education workshops for children and adults throughout the Sarasota, Florida area and created a “Ride a Pedicab” program developed for mobility-challenged people.
New Board Member
Karin Weisburgh Karin uses her passion for bicycling to teach others to ride as a League Cycling Instructor. Karin worked for Consumer Reports for 32 years as a market analyst and was selected as Westchester’s Bike Commuter of the Year, commuting 10 miles each way through rain, snow, and all weather conditions every day by bike. She also served as Vice-Chair for Consumers Union Newspaper Guild and acted as grievance chairperson for six years. Beyond cycling and studying, her hobbies include tennis, bridge and travel (often by bike, such as a ride she took across the country in 2000).
Did you know you can apply to be on the League’s board? Our Board candidates come from backgrounds of all kinds but one thing they share in common is the desire to help build an America where everyone recognizes and enjoys the many benefits and opportunities of bicycling. Find out how to apply to be on the League’s board by visiting electionprocess.
Re-Elected in 2021/22
INDISPENSABLE WINTER GEAR Put up the bikes for a season? No way! We like to keep the pedals moving all year round—with a little help of course. In this issue’s SAG Staff Wagon we asked the team, “What’s your piece of indispensable winter gear?”
BAR MITTS Okay, I had my suspicions before using these myself—would I have enough room to shift and hand signal? Not only was my range of motion not inhibited, but I felt even more in control of the bike wearing thinner gloves inside the Bar Mitts instead of thick winter gloves alone. Do my road racing friends make fun of the mitts? Yes. Are they extremely jealous of the mitts a couple hours into a long winter ride? Also yes. If your hands are a pain point for your winter rides, I highly recommend Bar Mitts (and similar products)! I love mine so much that I wish they made a foot version—and I wouldn’t care how some people would think they look dorky either.
G LOV E S ! Along with a scarf and a THICK pair of socks—a must, whether walking or biking. 46
THE PERFECT WINTER G LOV E FO R B I K I N G I am obsessed with my old Eddie Bauer winter gloves. My hands run hot, and not only are these gloves the perfect weight, but they easily convert from fingerless gloves to mittens and back thanks to small magnets discreetly sewn into the fabric. When I first got them over a decade ago, I outfitted them with retroreflective fabric stickers placed in the shape of arrows so that when I’m biking after dark, drivers and cyclists behind me can see my hand signals.
DARN TOUGH SOCKS I’m not a fan of the winter, so for me it is all about comfort and warmth. When it comes to socks I love the Darn Tough socks. My brother lives near their outlet, and their once a year massive sale on military grade socks (the place is a madhouse!). So I can get some good socks cheap. They aren’t made for cycling, but without them I’m not sure I’d make it out the door.
E X T R A V I TA M I N C I can’t get through Winter without a good vitamin C booster! Tossing some Emergen-C in my orange juice is my go-to for an extra shot of energy in the morning and helps when I’m trying to ward off dreaded colds (or at least I’ve tricked my brain into thinking it does).
MISSION WO R KS H O P O R I O N JACKET As a year-round cyclist, it’s the wet that brings me down more than the cold. Keeping dry on the outside and the inside (I can get impressively sweaty) is a constant struggle. The best (albeit expensive) item I’ve added to my collection is my Mission Workshop Orion Jacket, my sweetest secondhand find ever. Having a light, breathable, waterproof jacket has upped my winter biking game and made me ready to hop on my ride regardless of what it looks like outside.
S T E A LT H I LY REFLECTIVE BIKE GEAR & GOOD LIGHTS My indispensable winter gear is things that make me visible. I’m a big fan of stealthily reflective gear and appreciate the reflective hits on my commuter jeans, a jean jacket I found that shines in direct light, and shoes that have good reflective elements. Good, bright, lights are also indispensable. Having several lights helps me rotate them so that they’re always charged.
S C H WA L B E STUDDED TIRES Here in the Midwest, if you want to truly commit to year-round bike commuting, you’ll want to consider a winter tire. My pick is Schwalbe’s Marathon Winter Plus studded tires. They’re on the pricey side, at around $80 per-tire, but the Winter Plus comes with replaceable metal studs for gripping ice and snow, with plenty of tread in-between and flat protection to boot. They come in a variety of sizes, which is great for our new E-Bullitt Cargo Bike, which has a 26” wheel on the rear and a 20” wheel in front. ALISON
D E TA C H A B L E C AT E A R S When the cold weather hits, I put my Cat Ears on my helmet. They fit snugly over the straps of my helmet and I don’t have to worry about taking them on or off or adjust my helmet. They just stay velcroed on for the cold months. With my Cat Ears, my ears are warm and I can still hear what’s around me. I love them. The League gave away a lot of Cat Ears in the 2014 National Bike Challenge as a prize to participants. That’s when I discovered them! BILL
NECK GAITER The neck gaiter has become my indispensable piece of winter gear. I was surprised by how much warmer I feel thanks to this small tube of fabric. It can also stretch to be a face covering when it’s really cold or as a headband in the warmer months. Speaking of neck gaiters, you can buy this I BIKE I VOTE themed piece at the League store:
Proudly supporting advocacy and a data-driven approach to bike and pedestrian planning for more than 20 years Learn more about bike and pedestrian counters at
THROUGH PLANNED GIVING Many of our members express
their commitment to our longterm sustainability by naming the League in their wills or trusts. Reach out today to learn how your estate can help further the League’s mission—and build a prosperous future for American bicycling.
Contact Kevin Dekkinga
Director of Membership and Development | 202.621.5449
YOUR AD HERE Sponsor the League and connect your brand with our passionate and enthusiastic members while supporting our work to make biking better. Contact
OUR MISSION is to lead the movement to create a Bicycle Friendly America for everyone. As leaders, our commitment is to listen and learn, define standards and share best practices to engage diverse communities and build a powerful, unified voice for change.
STAFF Christian Damiana Federal Policy Intern
Kevin Dekkinga
Director of Membership & Development
Lauren Jenkins
Communications Director
Ken McLeod
Policy Director
Amelia Neptune
Education Director
Alison Dewey
Bicycle Friendly America Director
Lorna Green
Bill Nesper
Operations Director
Executive Director
Alyssa Proudfoot
Membership and Program Assistant
Raven Wells
Communications Coordinator
Caron Whitaker Deputy Executive Director
Karin Weisburgh Vice Chair
Max Hepp-Buchanan Secretary
Torrance Strong Treasurer
Danielle Arigoni Jim Baross Maria Boustead At Large
Melissa Lee Jackie Martin Kecia McCullough
Ralph Monti Vivian Ortiz Cadesha Prawl Beth St. John Mike Sewell At Large
Chuck Smith
American Bicyclist magazine (ISSN 0747-0371) is published by the League of American Bicyclists, Inc. to help the organization achieve its mission to educate the public and promote awareness of bicycling issues. ©2022 League of American Bicyclists. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Article queries should be addressed to Your submission of manuscripts, photographs or artwork is your warranty that the material in no way infringes on the rights of others and that the material may be published without additional approval. Opinions expressed by writers are their own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of the League.
1612 K Street NW, Suite 1102 Washington, D.C. 20006
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MARCH 27-30