Art Hub Copenhagen UK

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This booklet is a presentation of the scenario for Art Hub Copenhagen, a new international art institution in Copenhagen. Art Hub Copenhagen launches in 2019 with a number of pilot projects and is expected to operate a full programme by 2020. As the following scenario shows, partnerships form a key element of Art Hub Copenhagen’s activities. If you can identify with the ambitions we have for Art Hub Copenhagen, we would be happy to hear from you and interested to discuss the possibilities of collaboration.

The world needs new imaginaries

An artist views the world like no other

Art Hub Copenhagen creates connections between artists and the world we live in – a space making room for new perspectives

Art Hub Copenhagen We live in a world that is changing dramatically. The changes both confront us with a great number of new challenges and broaden the horizons of new potentials. To accommodate this complex situation the artists’ unique perspective becomes essential. Art Hub Copenhagen has been established to facilitate and encourage this perspective: to advance its deep insight, nuanced reflections and eye-opening knowledge. Therefore, we will establish a new international art institution. A house with outstanding working conditions, professional excellence and a unique network of collaborating partners – a hub for those with distinguished talent and exceptional ambition. Art Hub Copenhagen will create a network of the best artists, curators and researchers. An international platform where artistic careers can be developed and artistic practices stimulated. We wish to inspire and challenge professional artists to create the new imaginaries that the world genuinely needs. In short, a house that provides truly visionary perspectives.

One House, Three Entities

Art Hub Copenhagen is one single house with three focus areas: Centre for Art and Research, Network for Production Facilities and Centre for Emerging Professional Artists. Each area represents a central aspect of professional artistic practice that Art Hub Copenhagen wishes to focus on and strengthen. Art Hub Copenhagen is unique in that it integrates the respective efforts of these three areas.

Centre for Emerging Professional Artists

Centre for Art and Research

Network for Production Facilities

The Spaces of Art Hub Copenhagen

Art Hub Copenhagen consists of multiple spaces where professional artists can work and a number of spaces where the public can engage with this work in various ways. Centre for Art and Research, Network for Production Facilities and Centre for Emerging Professional Artists each have their own defined spaces, while sharing the rooms that make up Art Hub Copenhagen’s common facilities. It is important that the physical layout of the institution remains flexible in relation to the function and activities of different spaces.

Art Hub Team Joint administration (100–200 m2)

Centre for Art and Research

Centre for Professional Development

Network for Production Facilities

Flexible work space (200–300 m2)

Project spaces and classrooms (100–150 m2)

Large production space (300–500 m2) Studio facilities (300–400 m2) Co-working space (150–200 m2)

Shared facilities Event space (200–300 m2)

Social Core (150–250 m2)

Project space (100–150 m2)

Reflection Room (100–150 m2)

Service areas (300–400 m2)

The People of Art Hub Copenhagen The organisational structure of Art Hub Copenhagen is simple, and will be managed by a CEO responsible for operations and strategic development in accordance with the guidelines decided by the Board of Directors. Centre for Art and Research, Centre for Emerging Professional Artists and Network for Production Facilities constitute independent components, each with their own producer, who curates and organises the activities. The CEO and the three producers make up the in-house steering group. They will continuously discuss the state of affairs, plans and perspectives to ensure consistent development and relevance in correspondence with contemporary concerns.


Board of directors

Partnerships are an integrated part of Art Hub Copenhagen, and the institution will enter into different types of collaborations with Danish and international organisations, institutions, companies, and individuals, who share Art Hub Copenhagen’s ambition. The international advisory network of Art Hub Copenhagen is envisioned as a qualified forum for exchanging experiences and knowledge – a space to diversify ideas through dialogue.

Art Hub Copenhagen

Art Hub Copenhagen is founded as an association. The board is composed of people with expertise in areas such as management and development of art institutions; artistic practice; working in international contexts; and knowledge of innovative (commercial) initiatives. Tine Fischer (Chairman of the Board, Director and founder, CPH:DOX) Mikkel Bogh (Director, National Gallery of Denmark) Ann Lislegaard (Artist) Matias Møl Dalsgaard (direktør/stifter, GoMore) Dorte Mandrup (Creative director and founder, Dorte Mandrup Architects) Frederik Hardvendel (Director, Danish Art Workshops)

Advisory international network

Steering group

Centre for Emerging Professional Artists

Centre for Art and Research

Network for Production Facilities

Our Approach




International scope

Who is Art Hub Copenhagen for?

Art Hub Copenhagen is primarily for professional artists – the most talented, progressive and inventive ones. It is these artists, and their work, that the institution wishes to facilitate and advance. Art Hub Copenhagen is secondarily aimed at the partners, with whom the institution will work in close and transdisciplinary collaboration. Finally, Art Hub Copenhagen would like to attract and involve the international art scene and the cultural public for its programmed activities.

Professional artists

International art scene

The Public


An Art Institution for Artists

Art Hub Copenhagen is a house for professional artists and offers its users several ways of engaging. Users can participate in a programme, become a member and use the production facilities, or simply join the activities as part of the general public.

Participate in activities



Partnerships Partnerships form the core of Art Hub Copenhagen’s ambition to meet the challenges and potentials of professional artists. Partnerships are aimed at stakeholders from the field of art as well as other disciplines. They are grounded in the shared ambition of providing truly visionary perspectives. They are dialogue-based, long-term and mutually beneficial; firstly, to ensure a strong and at the same time flexible foundation, secondly, to ensure quality, diversity and novel perspectives in the continued development of the house. Art Hub Copenhagen operates with a diversified partnership model that allows potential partners to collaborate at different levels and in different formats depending on which aspect of the institution that is of interest. Art Hub Copenhagen Strategic partnership. Economic support to implementation and/or operational costs of Art Hub Copenhagen. The strategic partnerships are primarily of interest to foundations and public institutions. Sponsorship. Privileged access to the facilities and resources of the house. Access can be free or function on a rental basis with user payment, depending on the facilities and resources required. Sponsorships may be of interest to private individuals, organisations and companies wishing to become part of the in-house activities. Media Partnership. Facilitating formats and platforms for production and/or distribution of content by/about Art Hub Copenhagen. The partnerships are of interest to Danish as well as international media groups. Centre for Art and Research Investigative Programmes Partnership. Delivering content to the Centres thematic programme in the form of professionally relevant programmes and/or people. The partnerships may be of interest to art and culture institutions, creative organisations and companies, Danish as well as international. Investigative Programmes Sponsorship. Sponsorship of specific programmes or selected researchers for participation in specific programmes. The partnerships may be of interest to Danish and foreign

companies and cultural institutions with an interest in advancing artistic research, and/or have a particular interest in a specific theme and/or programme. Network for Production Facilities External Production Facility Partnership. Facilitating production opportunities outside the Art Hub Copenhagen complex. Partnerships can be characterised by regular courses and/or be project-based. The partnerships may be of interest to specialist artistic workshops as well as commercial companies with special production facilities. Production Expertise Partnership. Providing (hands-on) knowledge about materials, technologies/media and processes that are, or can be, included in artistic production. The partnerships may be of interest to specialist artistic workshops, commercial companies with special production facilities as well as research institutions. Residency and Studio Space Partnership. Facilitating studio places. Partnerships may be characterised by regular courses and/or project-based productions. The partnerships are primarily of interest to Danish and foreign residencies. Centre for Emerging Professional Artists Practice Partnerships. Delivering master classes and mentoring courses directed at one or several artists. The partnerships are primarily of interest to prominent Danish and foreign artists but may also be of interest to prominent individuals from other disciplines, to artistic as well as non-artistic organisations, institutions and companies. Project Partnerships. Collaborating on out-of-house projects, where one or more artists produce a work, a project, or a concept for a specific context. Partnerships can vary in terms of duration and scale and can be more or less directly related to Art Hub Copenhagen’s in-house activities. The partnerships may be of interest to organisations, institutions, and companies that see potential in bringing their expertise into mutual exchange with Art Hub Copenhagen’s resources and ambitions.

Centre for Emerging Professional Artists Centre for Emerging Professional Artists focuses on talented professional artists and the special potential they represent in developing contemporary art, its formats, perspectives and imprints, both within and outside the art world. The Centre for Emerging Professional Artists primarily addresses professional artists, with exceptional and innovative artistic profiles, who have graduated within the past five years.

Centre for Emerging Professional Artists (programme pathway) Centre for Emerging Professional Artists offer three pathways to advance professional artistic practice. The aim is to sharpen and strengthen artists’ organisational practices and to bring their practice to fruition within a larger network and in a variety of contexts. The pathways seek to activate the artist’s potentials and help them cultivate a highly qualified international practice.

artists are given the opportunity to produce a work for a specific context. Throughout the project period the artist will receive guidance and advice from an Art Hub Copenhagen consultant, who also acts as mediator between the artist and the external partner. Projects will typically be advertised as open calls and last for 6-12 months.

The pathways form an integral whole, which each pathway focusing on specific aspects of the individual professional artist’s practice. Masterclasses. The Centre’s master classes focus on the organisational aspects of a professional artistic practice, such as communication, marketing, business development, (self)management, networking, partnerships and plan of action. The classes offer a number of inspiring and useful tools for participants to develop and refine their practices at an international level.


Master Classes are primarily offered in-house and facilitated in collaboration with affiliated experts from various professions. 10-25 participants will be selected for each master class. In the long view the Centre aims to offer 10–15 master classes per year. Mentoring Scheme. The Mentoring Scheme connects individual professional artists with experienced art professionals or other professionally relevant international individuals. The mentoring scheme may include advice on specific projects, studio visits, conversations and internships. Mentoring is offered on an ongoing basis and draws on the professional pool of people that populate the programmes at Art Hub Copenhagen. The mentoring scheme can be of varied length, spanning from a couple of week to a whole year. The Mentoring Scheme is organised by the producer of Centre for Emerging Professional Artists. The producer selects the mentors. The producer, together with the mentors, selects the mentees for the individual schemes. Project-based Courses. Centre for Emerging Professional Artists collaborates with a wide range of external partners (institutions, organisations and companies) on projects, where individual professional

Mentoring Scheme

Project-based Courses

Network for Production Facilities With Network for Production Facilities, Art Hub Copenhagen wishes to create a coordinating network that can provide and compile knowledge about production and workshop facilities for professional artists. Emphasis is placed on international scope and collaboration with key players within, as well as outside, the art field. In this way, Network for Production Facilities seek to improve the working conditions for artistic production, expand possibilities and work processes, and generate transdisciplinary collaborations. In addition to the coordination of external production facilities, Network for Production Facilities must also facilitate a number of production opportunities within the Art Hub Copenhagen building. Whereby, artists are offered a place to work within an inviting and stimulating framework, and the opportunity to be part of a unique professional environment. Network for Production Facilities is open to professional artists. Both artists affiliated with a programme at Art Hub Copenhagen and artists with memberships, can make use of the facilities. Some facilities have limited access in these cases access is administered by Art Hub Copenhagen.

Network for Production Facilities (facilities)

External production facilities

Network for Production Facilities offers both internal and external facilities. Access to the facilities is granted through open calls and Art Hub Copenhagen’s membership scheme for professional artists.

Specialist workshops

Internal production facilities


Large production space. Shared, flexible and modular production space, where it is possible to experiment and work on projects for shorter periods of time. Access to non-specialised equipment. Co-working space. A co-working space for research with a capacity of approximately 20 artists at a time. Various office facilities will be provided. Working spaces cannot be reserved but can be used freely by artists affiliated with the house. A dynamic access system will be developed to ensure that the space is used on a daily basis.

Network for Production Facilities

Studio spaces. 10–15 studio spaces for selected artists. These studio spaces can be rented for specific periods of time, or be part of a sponsorship in connection with a specific project/external partner. External production facilities Specialist workshop facilities meant for large-scale productions for specific projects/exhibitions. The workshops may be associated with professional experts with knowledge of materials, processes and specific equipment. The facilities can be art-specific, but may also be commercial companies, or other non-artistic enterprises, that offer specific professional knowledge and production opportunities. Residencies Residencies for professional artists with access to general workshop facilities, both in Denmark and abroad.

Co-working space

Studio spaces

Internal production facilities

Large production space

Centre for Art and Research The Centre for Art and Research is a catalyst for making connections between art and research. The Centre has a critical and forward-looking agenda in relation to contemporary challenges and potentials. It will provide a transdisciplinary hub for leading artists, researchers, and other �creators�, with a shared interest in examining a world undergoing dramatic change. Centre for Art and Research will produce and present knowledge regarding these challenges at the highest professional level through a diversity of artistic formats. Research at the Centre for Art and Research will be thematically structured. The theme for the next three to five years will be: Life in the Future of Science and Technology. With this theme, the Centre for Art and Research wishes to focus on the challenges and opportunities that the invention of new technologies and new science introduces. Also to be considered is the political and ethical issues as well as the social, cultural and philosophical perspectives that these inventions bring about. The Centre aims to test the boundaries with an unorthodox approach to this theme. It will accumulate unique and diverse knowledge and encourage new connections between contemporary art, technology and science. At the same time, the theme also reflects Art Hub Copenhagen’s Danish context: Denmark has a proud and vibrant scientific tradition, and is recognised as a country with a dynamic environment for inventors. After three to five years Life in the Future of Science and Technology will be replaced by a new theme (e.g. Non-Human Nature or Planetary Habitation), which will also run for a number of years until another theme is introduced.

Centre for Art and Research (programmes) Curated Investigative Programmes. As selected group of artists will, as a team, absorb themselves in the current theme from a specific angle, as conceptualised by an invited curator. The programmes will involve individual/collective research, master classes, workshops and public events and are organised by the curator in collaboration with the producer of the research centre. The programme duration is six months and will involve 8-14 artists. The artists are selected by the producer and curator based on an open call.

Partnership Investigative Programmes. An artist will, over a period, cooperate with either a company, a cultural institution or an organisation in order to contribute to the development of a special concept/examine a particular aspect/produce a work/project for an exhibition. Each programme runs for a period of 6-12 months and targets individual artists. Artists are selected by the producer of the Research Centre and a representative from the partnership, on the basis of an open call.

Curated Investigative Programs

Theme 1

Curated Investigative Programs

Theme 2 Partnership Investigative Programs

Partnership Investigative Programs

3-years period

3-years period

Art Hub Copenhagens grænseflader til offentligheden Det er afgørende, at Art Hub Copenhagen hele tiden har et kunstnerisk, kulturelt og socialt It is crucial that Art Hub Copenhagen, at all times, demonstrates artistic, cultural and social commitment to the surrounding world. Therefore, the institution will promote itself externally as an open and participatory laboratory, where you can get acquainted with leading international artists’ practices and join the latest discussions of important aspects related to the current theme. It will be a platform where artists and the public meet in both formal and informal settings. Art Hub Copenhagen will continuously have the following activities: Public presentations of artists and other specialists. For instance presentation of art works, screenings and performances, talks, seminars and various publications. The presentations are primarily to take place at the premises of Art Hub Copenhagen, but may also occasionally take place elsewhere. Communication of activities. The communication and dissemination of activities at the Centre is conceived as a dynamic extension of the research dimension, which at the same time makes the knowledge produced accessible to interested external parties in both Denmark and abroad. Like Art Hub Copenhagen’s activities in general, the dissemination of activities will be characterised by a forward-looking and experimental approach.

The Financing of Art Hub Copenhagen The financial model of Art Hub Copenhagen has four pillars. The most important of these are the partnerships that the institution establishes with foundations, organisations, institutions, companies and individuals. Commercial operation of the Art Hub Copenhagen building will also be prioritised and include space rentals and customised events. In addition, Art Hub Copenhagen will offer various sponsorship schemes, where interested

parties in exchange for financial support, will receive various benefits in relation to the institution’s activities, expertise and premises. Finally, it is also possible for professional artists, as well as private individuals and companies, to become a member of Art Hub Copenhagen and thereby gain access to the house on favourable terms. The financial plan of Art Hub Copenhagen has been developed in collaboration with KPMG.


Private and corporate membership scheme

Art Hub Copenhagen


Commercial operations drift


Artists participating in an Art Hub Copenhagen programme automatically become members during the period of the programme. Private individuals and companies can also become members of Art Hub Copenhagen and receive a number of benefits in relation to the activities and spaces of the house.

Art Hub Copenhagen offers professional artists (artists trained at recognised art academies or the equivalent) a membership scheme that provides access to a number of facilities in the house, such as production facilities for larger projects, meeting rooms, common workspaces and studio spaces.


Private individuals


Financing models for partnerships


Funding application (DK/ International)


Zero sums

The Success Criteria for Art Hub Copenhagen (annually)

For Art Hub Copenhagen to succeed, a house bustling with activities is key. This sharpens focus in-house and creates strong connections with the outside world. It must attract interest from international artists to its programmes and enter into partnerships with international players from an expanded field of disciplines. Furthermore, Art Hub Copenhagen must be a place where people with an interest in contemporary art can participate through a unique combination of professional activities and informal socialising.

10.000–12.000 engaged visitors

100–125 in-house activities

50–75 international artists Art Hub Copenhagen

10-20 visionary partnership projects in Denmark and aboard

30-40 leading experts in the arts and other disciplines


Art Hub Copenhagen is a strategic initiative that aims to create potentials and bring about positive change in relation to the working conditions and opportunities for professional artists in Denmark. Its impact should both be immediate and persistent, significant and profound. In other words, Art Hub Copenhagen is not a temporary initiative, but a new platform in the field of art institutions with a long-term perspective.

Immediate perspective 1. Greater focus on professional artists as an asset 2. Expanding the role and scope of professional artists 3. Challenge the art scene’s self-understanding

Long-term perspective 1. Ensuring optimised working conditions for professional artists 2. Greater impact for professional artists

4. Challenge the nature and spirit of support for arts

3. Strengthen transdisciplinary culture and knowledge production

5. Renewed attention on Copenhagen as an art city

4. Innovative diversification of support for arts 5. Affirming Copenhagen as a progressive art city

Process For Art Hub Copenhagen to succeed with its long-term perspective, it is crucial that the institution is in continuous development and remains relevant in 5, 10, 15years and longer. Art Hub Copenhagen must be able to incorporate the latest trends to remain at the forefront. This can be achieved by prioritising outreach, maintaining openness and flexibility in the organisational structure and ensuring self-reflectivity in relation to the development of the surrounding world. An initiative of such nature and scale as that of Art Hub Copenhagen also includes risks. As part of the process of implementation, intermediate aims on academic, economic and social parameters will be evaluated continuously to ensure the project is developing in the desired direction. Additionally, Art Hub Copenhagen will conduct regular assessments through dialogue with partners and members of the associated international network.




Study of working conditions in the field of art is initiated


Bikubenfonden launches their Studio Space programme


Art Hub Copenhagen is founded as an association


The report ‘Kunstens Rammer’ (‘Current Conditions of Art’) is published

Art Hub Copenhagen operates a full programme of activities


Art Hub Copenhagen’s activities begin

The Objectives of Art Hub Copenhagen

Art Hub Copenhagen wishes to support professional artists by facilitating and qualifying their practices, and by promoting and involving them in new contexts. This desire stems from a wish to establish new forms of collaboration across disciplines, to challenge the subject divisions and to create new common ground. The aim of these collaborations is to broaden professional horizons and contribute visionary perspectives. Together this shapes the objectives of Art Hub Copenhagen: to create a unique and attractive hub for professional artists in Copenhagen, as well as everyone who appreciates the special contribution that professional artists make in shaping our view of the world.

Advance the perspective of professional artists

Establish a unique international network

Open new transdisciplinary horizons


Image credits Page 3: NASA Page 4: SUPERFLEX Page 5: Marvel Architects/David Sundberg Design Studio Atlant Text by Art Hub Copenhagen Translation Line Ellegaard Contact Art Hub Copenhagen Halmtorvet 27 1700 KBH V +45 8177 5057

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