Vizcaya is an area characterized by heavy industrial and urban development in which agriculture has managed to hold its own thanks to the efforts of a collective of farmers and stock breeders that have worked hard to hold to traditional crops and for recognition of their quality. One of these peculiar and traditional products was – and isa kind of wine, popularly known as TXAKOLI or TXAKOLINA (Pronounced chah-ko-lee or chah-ko-lee-nyah). Our Txakoli wine had a splendid past and had enormous social and economic importance. However, towards the end of the 19th century, there was a slow decline that eventually led to a whole different situation. It was at the beginning of the 80´s when a group of wine producers formed the Txakoli Winemakers´ Association (BIALTXA) and with support from the local Basque administration (the Basque Government and the Biscay Provincial Government), the recovery of this exquisite and unique libation was begun. The result of all this work and collaboration came about in 1994 with the appellation contrôlée entitled “Chacolí de Bizkaia – Bizkaiko Txakolina” (Bizkaia Txakoli). This appellation contrôlée came about to let people know about this ancestral wine and to appreciate and protect this fruit of Atlantic winegrowing that features local varieties of grapes and the know-how of our farms (traditional cultivation of rural Bizkaia where txakoli is produced). This information is taken from Regulating Counsel of the Orig. Designation Bizkaiko Txakolina. More:
VINEYARDS The vines are cultivated on hillside soils at an average height of 50 – 200 m. above sea level, sheltered from the north winds and in areas with maximum exposure to sunlight to help the ripening of the grapes.
PRODUCTION AREA The vineyard is present throughout the entire geography of Vizcaya. It is possible to find plantations in areas very near the coastline, in interior valleys, or in the mountain sides at medium altitude.
WHITE TXAKOLI This represents between 85% and 90% of the total production. Made mainly using two recommended white grape varieties: Ondarrabi Zuri and Ondarrabi Zuri Zerratia.
BARREL-FERMENTED WHITE TXAKOLI The productions of certain vineyards, located on well-exposed plots of land, allow for fermentation in oak wood barrels.
ROSE TXAKOLI Traditionally known as ojo de gallo, it is made with at least 50 % of the recommended Ondarrabi Beltza red grape variety.
RED TXAKOLI Made with the Ondarrabi Beltza variety, this is a young wine with a very marked and distinguished personality.