The New SEO Reality Any one working on seo for there website or someone else's can see that it has been changing on a regular basis over the last 18 months. This report talks about what has happened with my sites and how they have or have not lost search engine ranking over the last 12 months. If you are or have ranked your sites in that peroid of time you have seen them go up and down, and many have simply dissappeared so far into the back pages that you will never find them. The most powerful search engines on the planet which goggle may be considered as the big dog. Lets note that during the last year it has been reported that it has had over 189 algorithms updates this year alone. Some very noticable others not as noticable those that were sunk many peoples sites or deindexed others. Was yours one of the latter. Many of us who operate online businesses online felt that link building and anchor text ratios were the
key to good solid rankings putting us on the first page at or near the top. algorithms changes such as panda, penguin, sandbox and most you have never heard of or know what they targeted or what effect they will have on your sites and content. The truth is that you can still rank your site or your clients site on page one at or near the top if you have the info and tools to make it happen lots of work will be needed if you were not following at least some of the webmasters guideline. SEO is not dead it has really opened up a larger number of niches and markets. That's if you know what and what not to do. During the last update which happened about 2 to 3 weeks ago none of my sites were deindexed, three were bumped up first, second, third, and fourth spot on page one for the keywords that i was targeting. one lost first page position and the others remained the same. Well, these sites do not require constant updating but there are certain small things that can be done to make and keep them safe from most updates. It is more work but i do not have to go back and keep updating or changing the way they are setup. A surefire way to keep your sites safe and productive is to work on them and put original content and the right keywords and anchor text in the right places. A word about anchor text be sure you do not excessive anchor text and that it links to an authority site that validate your links If you gotten any useful information from this article like my facebook page and visit one of my sites for some free downloads. No opt in required.
To Your Success Bilco Royers