Gordon Mitchell Outside the Box

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gordon mitchell rsa rsw rgi outsided the box

roger billcliffe gallery

gordon mitchell rsa rsw rgi outside the box april 24th - may 22nd, 2015

roger billcliffe gallery 134 Blythswood Street Glasgow G2 4EL

Ever Ready oil on canvas, 12in x 20in

Although I paint 6 days a week, an artist really never takes time off. Art is a constant. Every situation has potential for the creative.

I don’t paint what I see, I paint what I perceive.

North Atlantic Drift oil on canvas, 30in x 24in

Two D or not 2D oil on canvas, 26in x 24in

Locked Horns oil on canvas, 20in x 12in

Maison de la Danseuse oil on canvas, 60in x 40in

Early Morning oil on canvas, 40in x 36in

Lucky Six oil on canvas, 12in x 16in

Legs Eleven oil on canvas, 48in x 36in

Ball Game oil on canvas, 30in x 36in

Pearl oil on canvas, 24in x 24in

Gable End oil on canvas, 36in x 30in

Name That Tune oil on canvas, 20in x 24in

Stage Door oil on canvas, 24in x 36in

Daddy’s Boys oil on canvas, 10in x 12in

Tipping the Balance oil on canvas, 24in x 24in

Good fortune has always helped my artistic career. I have been recognised by my peers, supported by the best galleries and favoured by collectors and critics alike. My way forward has been to think lucky, take criticism with a pinch of salt, whether good or bad, and above all live life with a good sense of humour.

Lucky oil on canvas, 24in x 36in

Free Range oil on canvas, 16in x 20in

Flying Fish oil on canvas, 12in x 16in

Graze Boy oil on canvas, 30in x 26in

Eggs Eleven oil on canvas, 24in x 30in

Pressing Engagement oil on canvas, 12in x 16in

Variety Pack oil on canvas, 24in x 30in

Brief Encounter oil on canvas, 48in x 54in

Secret Bunker oil on canvas, 16in x 20in

Unfinished Business oil on canvas, 40in x 30in

Dancing Shoes oil on canvas, 36in x 40in

Get me out of here, I’m a .....

Figure of Eight

oil on canvas, 16in x 14in

oil on canvas, 16in x 12in

Score oil on canvas, 10in x 24in

I once overheard the comment “I think Mitchell’s work is contrived.� Well yes, and no. It comes naturally for me to change reality and see things from many angles. Lateral thinking seems normal and the obvious can be dull.

Family Pack oil on canvas, 10in x 12in

Photgraphy by Ken Millen of The Pictures, Glasgow

Designed by Michael Corsar for Roger Billcliffe Gallery

Printed by Core Image, East Kilbride

blind date, oil on canvas, 16in x 12ins

roger billcliffe gallery 134 blythswood street glasgow g2 4el t 0141 332 4027 • info@billcliffegallery.com • www.billcliffegallery.com

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