The Vigorous Imagination
roger billcliffe gallery
thevigorousimaginationrevisited october 28th - november 18th, 2017
roger billcliffe gallery 134 Blythswood Street Glasgow G2 4EL
Adrian Wiszniewski Collars and Cuffs, oil on canvas, 122 x 152cm
Sam Ainsley Lady Macbeth’s Cloak, oil on canvas, 60cm diameter
Ken Currie FB  Variations, monotype, 35 x 50cm
Kate Whiteford untitled drawing, mixed media, 59 x 84cm
Peter Howson Judgement and Mercy, oil on canvas, 180 x 240cm
June Redfern Maple Time, oil on canvas, 91 x 96cm
Ron O’Donnell Tonights Star Prize, photograph, 160 x 127cm
Keith McIntyre Berneray Thistles, ink on paper, 101 x 101cm
Stephen Conroy Man and his Shadow, oil on canvas, 182 x 121cm
Joseph Urie The Rainbow Hunters, oil on board, 96 x 115cm
Philip Braham Morning of the Autumn Equinox, oil on canvas, 61 x 92cm
Gwen Hardie Body 05.14.17, oil on board, 104cm diameter
Steven Campbell A Life in Letters : Idealised Portrait of the Wig’ed Foucault, oil on canvas, 182 x 150cm
Mario Rossi Unsafe Practices, ink and paper on canvas, 70 x 100cm
Ron O’Donnell Poppies, photograph, 160 x 60cm
roger billcliffe gallery 134 blythswood street glasgow g2 4el t 0141 332 4027 • •