A new Multi-modal Station near Houston’s Medical Center
Leveraged confluences
Houston in Transit
Part of considering these nodes is the
understandings. The parking and
Parking as Poche
idea of continuity vs. fragmentation. The two distinct parts of the project lend themselves to very different
To go beyond a transit station’s
infrastructural moves can be
traditional prerogative (moving
understood comprehensively and
people and representing a city) and
planometrically. They set up a series
to become a more inclusive, multi-use
of discrete spaces (ie column bays
public space, Leveraged Confluences
or parking spots). The figure within,
embraces Houston’s exemplar of anti-
however, can be understood only
public transportation: the automobile.
in fragments, scenographically and
A symbol of independence from other
sectionally. This understanding of a
people and particularly in Texas,
public social condenser recognizes the
the government, the automobile has
contingency of interaction. The play
strongly imprinted Houston’s urbanism
between these two extremes, their
in the form of ubiquitous and extensive
typical isolation and their occasional
surface parking lots.
collision are the project’s formal interest and framework for a social
This project takes the logic of placing
small buildings in expansive fields of parking and turns it 90 degrees,
Urbanistically, the projects suggests
taking the relationship as a sectional
a block emphasizing the Holcombe
provocation. Thus the project balances
corridor and greater density in
a contextual attitude toward Houston,
response to the presence of the multi-
with a projective one about the
modal station.
possibility of uniting public and private transportation, rather than strongly biasing one or the other. Formally and programmatically the idea of unifying diverse threads is picked up as parts of the programmed figure within the parking deck field extend to the ground level and engage different contexts--whether a busy street, the transportation needs of the neighborhoods to the East, or the ludic whimsy of park-goers to the north.