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OUIL502 LIFES A PITCH STUDIO BREIF 2 EVALUATION There are many news skills I have developed within this brief. I have adapted how to work in a group efficiently. Within our group we found it successful giving each group member each individual tasks to complete. This way the workload was equally divided so no group member was doing more work than the other. However I am independent worker and found it difficult. I set my own deadlines, which I stick to, so I found it difficult when these little deadlines went wrong. I felt the group couldn't progress. This is something I had to learn to adapt to and think part of a group. Due to the fact that I wasn't present for the presentation, I felt I had more of a responsibility to help the group prepare for the presentation. I tried to get the work done quickly for it so there wasn't much left to do. However due to other deadlines around at this point, I was the only group member able to work on the presentation which meant it was difficult get work done. A Facebook chat was valuable during this stage when trying to communicate between the groups. I feel that my communication skills have developed as a whole as I had to listen to group member’s ideas and then discuss these. I am normally a quite person but felt my confidence developed when talking in a group and discussing. Another valuable skill I learnt was the SWOT analysis. This was a rally valuable skill I learnt during this module and I have fond that I have been applying it to won my own practice when considering my work. It really makes you consider your idea and critically analyse your work. In terms of the business I felt I leaner a lot to do with the business industries. Learning about the different industries I found myself considering about the distribution and the target audience of our project. The target audience was a critical thing but I found it challenging to address. It made me critically think about the effectiveness of our business proposal. Strengths in this module were being a good team member. I felt I didn't want to let the other members down so took charge of my own responsibilities with the group. I felt I also produced a lot of research that benefited our

group. However following feedback it was obvious that we needed to consider a lot more regarding the research of a business proposal. I felt all of our research helped the development of out idea. I have adapted to work in a different way by listening and communicating as a group. I felt I did let the group down within the module due to being absent for the presentation. I felt I put other group members under more pressure as it was only them presenting as a duo. Presenting is a daunting thing and I feel if I presented as well then there would've been less pressure. However I felt I did put a lot of effort learning up to the presentation, trying to get as much work as possible done. For example the logo and the website mock-ups. I think out idea was good but there was still a lot more that needed to be developed. We aren't expected to have a finalised proposal done, but I think we could've pushed our research more as we didn't consider every question. Overall I enjoyed working in a group partly because it was small. It allowed us to discuss ides more quickly and efficiently. Â

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