7 minute read
Community Information
Community Gardens
Parkland Gleaning Project
It’s never too early (or too late) to start thinking about your garden. The Billings Parks and Recreation Department has a variety of ways to get involved, including two community gardens and a container garden checkout program. Not an experienced Gardener? We provide workshops and garden mentors to make sure all skill levels are successful. The garden is a great place to get involved in your community, spend time with family, and make new friends! There are a variety of plot sizes available ranging from 3’x6’ to 20’x20’. The Sprouts Container Garden checkout program is great for those who cannot commit to being a part of a community garden but still want to grow those veggies. Registration for the 2021 growing season is now open! Go to BillingsParks.org and register for your plot.
If you are interested in checking out a Sprouts Container Garden for the season, please contact the Community Outreach and Engagement Coordinator at 406-657- 8308 or reinhardtp@billingsmt.gov
Do you enjoy spending time outside? Do you like eating fresh fruit? Are you interested in exploring Billings in a new way? If so, learn about and take part in the Parkland Gleaning Project! The goal of the Parkland Gleaning Project is to increase local access to fresh foods by planting fruit trees in city parks that community members can visit and collect fruit. Recruit your family, invite your friends, or go on a solo adventure! There are 7 main parks included in the Parkland Gleaning Project (Comanche, Highland, Kings Green, Lillis, Optimist, Primrose, and Rose Park), but many other parks and edible trees have been mapped online. For more information, visit billingsparks.org/parklandgleaning. If you are interested in participating in a volunteer gleaning event through which we harvest fruit to donate to local organizations that serve lowincome families, reach out to Paul Reinhardt, the Community Outreach and Engagement Coordinator, at reinhardtp@billingsmt.gov.

Volunteer Information
If you are looking for a way to get involved in your community, the Parks and Recreation Department has a variety of service experiences available. Go to billingsparks.org/ volunteer-opportunities to view volunteer projects available that fits your group or individual needs. Come have fun volunteering with the Parks and Recreation Department and make a difference at the Parks your Community. To view current opportunities visit our updated volunteer pages by clicking on the outreach tab on our website or contact the Community Outreach and Engagement Coordinator, Paul Reinhardt at 406-657- 8308 or reinhardtp@billingsmt.gov
For more information, or to volunteer contact: Paul Reinhardt 406-657-8308 reinhardtp@billingsmt.gov

Arbor Day
Join The Parks and Recreation Department for our award winning Annual Arbor Day Celebration at North Park! Our Parks are home to over 10,000 trees! We understand the many benefits that trees provide to our park users and community as a whole. From providing shade to storm water management, urban temperature regulation to increasing property values, trees have a larger impact on our everyday lives than we often recognize. This year, we will be holding two Arbor Day Celebrations. Our Spring Arbor Day is scheduled for May 12th and will consist of tree planting, volunteer projects, and park beautification projects. Our Fall Arbor Day celebration will be held on September 23rd and consist of educational booths for SD2 fourth graders, the official Arbor Day Ceremony, and planting of the Arbor Day Tree. If you have a group that would like to participate in the event, please contact Paul Reinhardt, Community Outreach and Engagement Coordinator directly at 406-657- 8308 or by email at reinhardtp@billingsmt.gov. Groups and indiciduals are welcome!

Refresh the Rims
The Billings Parks and Recreation Department is proud to announce that the 9th annual Refresh the Rims will be held on Saturday, October 16th from 9:00am to 11:30am. This is the largest organized cleanup on the rims! Come join Billings Parks and Recreation, Montana State University-Billings Outdoor Adventure Leadership Program and community members in an effort to improve one of our defining landmarks. The clean up begins at 9:30am with teams of volunteers fanning out throughout Swords Rimrock Park to clean up litter and debris form the park! Cleanup will conclude on or before 11:30am. To get involved, sign up for one of the event cleanup locations. Volunteers will receive a free event t-shirt as an appreciation of their help. Pre-registration is highly encouraged.
Movies in the Park
Partners for Parks Foundation
Come enjoy Movies in the Park this Summer presented by Billings Parks and Recreation and Firefly Outdoor Movie Co. Movies will take place on Friday nights at various parks throughout the community. Movies will start at Dusk. Movie viewers may bring chairs or blankets.
Check FireflyMovie.com for updated movie listings.
Date Location
June 4thh Pioneer Park
3rd Street West & Parkhill Drive
June 25thh Rose Park
21 Street West & Avenue C
July 17thh Pioneer Park
3rd Street West & Parkhill Drive August 6thhOptimist Park Morgan Avenue & Hallowell Lane
Shakespeare in the Parks
Currently, there are still many details that they are working to iron out regarding our safety protocols while staying in alignment with Montana State University, the Gallatin Valley Health Commission and our friends at Bozeman Deaconess. We are in constant communication with our health constituencies and daily work on fine tuning our safety measures for this upcoming season. Please visit www.shakespeareintheparks.org for any and all updated information.

Billings Community & Senior Center
360 N. 23rd St. Billings MT 59101 406-657-3050 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm The Recreation division provides life-enriching programs to enhance emotional, social, physical, and spiritual wellness, for aging adults in Billings. Many of these programs are held at the Billings Community and Senior Center, however, our programs for 55+ adults in the community transcend the center into our parks. Refer to the for all Senior related activities throughout the Activity Guide!
Fitness Nutrition Music Classes Health Games
Art Classes

Come experience the BENEFITS of EXERCISING in our fitness center!
Due to social distancing we are asking that you call 406-657-3050 to set up a time to exercise!
Senior Scoop Newsletter
Stay in communication with the many senior programs, activities, and services by registering for free with the Billings Community and Senior Center. Registered users will receive a copy of the 55+ Senior Scoop in the mail quarterly. If you’d like to get on the mailing list, please visit the communtiy center to fill out a form.
Mountview Cemetery
Many people are unaware that the Mountview Cemetery is a division of the Billings Parks and Recreation Department. Measuring in at nearly 65 acres, and with over 26,000 burials, Mountview Cemetery is one of the largest cemeteries in the region. Additionally, Mountview is the oldest continually operated cemetery in the area.
Whether you are looking for a peaceful historic place to take a stroll, or you are making end of life arrangements, the cemetery staff invite you to come visit. The grounds are well maintained by dedicated, trained staff. We have a variety of choices ranging from casketed burials to interring cremated remains of loved ones.

Office hours are 8am to noon, Monday through Friday. Our staff are available in the afternoons by appointment only. Call 406-657-8299 for more information.

Par 3 Golf Course
19th St. West & Central 406-652-2553
• Great Practice Facilities with Driving Range and 2 Chip/Putting Greens
• One full round of golf takes 1/2 the time of a regulation course
• The Pro-Shop has ALL of your golf equipment needs; including custom fit clubs. Range Balls - $3 S, $5 M, $8 LG, $10 Jumbo
• Group and individual instruction is available by appointment
Season Pass Green Fees Carts
Senior Single 55+ $450 9 holes
$16 18 Holes $20 Senior Couple 55+ $565 18 holes $18 9 Holes $12 Junior 17 & Under $259 9 hole punch card (10 punches) $125 Single $550 18 Hole Punch Card (10 punches) $175 Couple $625 Family $825
The Clubhouse Grill is a great spot for lunch with sandwiches, drinks, snacks, hotdogs, and hamburgers!