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The timeless practice of Yoga is endlessly beneficial to everyone. Continuing with your Yoga practice during pregnancy is absolutely recommended as long as you pay close attention to your limits and body! Prenatal yoga is safe enough to start if you have not practiced yoga before, yet in an ideal world it is of course better to prepare by practicing some yoga before getting pregnant. However, the sequences and postures used in prenatal yoga are soft and suitable for those that have and those that have not. During pregnancy your body is changing rapidly and Prenatal Yoga is a wonderful way to slow down and appreciate what your body is actually going through! After all, you are making a whole new person in there! Prenatal yoga calms your mind and softens your breathing which is so valuable during times of anxiety and stress, which are well known to cause unwelcome and unwanted problems. I would recommend that you do discuss with your doctor first your desire to practice prenatal Yoga, and any other forms of exercise during pregnancy, whether it be only once a week or more regularly. All forms of exercise during pregnancy are advised to be under an experts supervision for yours and your baby's safety. I recommend that you take it really easy and gently during the first trimester. Wait until your pregnancy has settled before you continue or start with more energized fitness and activity programs. Keep fit and well with activities such as walking, swimming and very gentle relaxing yoga that can encourage your pregnancy to settle and ground itself safely. Once you become more energized during your second trimester higher activity levels can commence. The third trimester will be slower again as you are much heavier and that makes you tired! The breathing in prenatal yoga is slower than normal and more often than not is linked to a movement. These deeper and slower breaths will fill the lungs completely allowing vital oxygen and goodness to reach you and your baby. Deep breathing is a great way to calm down and relieve tension and anxiety from the body and mind, also excellent when in the middle of a row or crisis! Total exhalation and letting go of the breath allows you to feel calmer, more relaxed and afterwards more energized. Learning how to master this slower and more controlled way of breathing during prenatal yoga will help you to prepare yourself for labor, childbirth and being a new mum. Breathing will train you to stay calm when you need it most, especially during the contractions in labor, helping you to relax and let go. Pregnant women need to practice yoga at a slower pace than usual. It is easy to get caught up in