2 minute read
Cryptic crossword
Cryptic crossword by Brominicks http://www.brominicks.wordpress.com

To enter:
The first correct entry pulled from a hat wins a £20 voucher for the CAT EcoStore – store.cat.org.uk. Please send your completed crossword entry by 30th March to Clean Slate Crossword, Centre for Alternative Technology, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 9AZ. Solution will be published in the next issue of Clean Slate. Clean Slate 114 Crossword Winner: David Carter, Stockport
Across 4 Albumconcealedbybutterfly expert (4) 6 Reversing long vehicle – arrived outside plant (8) 10 Sing McCartney’s last song andLennon’sfirst(5) 11/2/23/8/18 An LP by chart toppers– blues legends? Not exactly! (3,7,6,6,4,4) 12 European knocking back most of French port (4) 13 Wimpoutoffinalpenaltyshot, it’sallover(5) 16 Outfitthatisbehindmany singles (6) 19 See 30 21 George, he began photographing McCartney before they got together (7) 22 Carry-on in Bangkok reportedly leads to disorder (6) 24 Republican discharged from robustinvestigation(5) 27 See 4 Down 29 Husband gets out of removing stubble avoiding embarrassment (4-6) 30/19 Dialogue from ‘Brief Encounter’ used for Fab Four track?(5,7) 32 Flog hip-hop track about knight retrieving dragon’s teeth? (4,4) 33/31 ArtistfinallyleavesTokyoto work with nothing on! (4,3)
Down 1 See 3 2 See 11 Across 3/1 He arranged merger to gain ground (6,6) 4/27A Change due after cheesy DJ oddly neglected No.1 (3,4)
5 It’s used to distribute balladLennonpenned(5) 7 Perfect kind of theatre production needs direction (7) 8 See 11 Across 9 Yesterday, a hit? Not the live version (1,1,1,1) 12 Group say Pete’s not exactly keeping time (6) 14 abcdefghijklm? (4) 15 Composed and recited 8 (6) 17 Springrangeover25%off(3) 18 See 11 Across 20 Rise in salary – not what you’d expect to hear from cat (3) 21 Pete’s upset with current manager (7) 23 See 11 Across 24 Contract shall not cover McCartney’s latest song (6) 25 Paul and Ringo reformed, every other member of group missed John (6) 26 Supply skilled teacher (4) 27 1 of 4 American gents? (4) 28 Did nothing to secure large organreplacement(5) 31 See 33 Across
Clean Slate 114 Solution

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1 5

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11 13
12 14
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