Studying by Distance MSc modules studied at a distance are typically arranged as a sequence of teaching activities over an eightweek period. Students are able to set their own schedule around seminars and group work, accessing lecture notes, watching lecture recordings and accessing supporting material via an online learning platform, discussion apps, Microsoft Teams and phone.
“During the online group tutorials, the tutors tested and broadened our understanding whilst encouraging us all to discuss and debate the issues, ask questions, voice our opinions and made sure the ‘quiet ones’ were involved as well. My pastoral tutors, thesis supervisor and the support staff were excellent and supported me throughout.” CAT Student
The online platforms help to create and continue a sense of community and allow regular interaction between CAT students, academic tutors and support staff. With studying by distance allowing flexibility to study around current life and work commitments, MSc students can also study from anywhere in the world (with an internet connection!) allowing a very rich mix of cultural and social perspectives to be brought to the online discussions and tutorial groups.