Byrnes Christmas Newsletter 2013

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Dear Loved Ones,


As we celebrate the Advent season as first-time parents, we are reminded of the joy and reflection this season brings. Before the promise of Christmas, there is a time to reflect on God’s presence in our lives as we prayerfully wait for Jesus to come. With Billy James in our lives we have a new found respect for Mary and Joseph (and our own parents), and how they cared for baby Jesus; middle of the night breastfeeding, constant diaper changing, and lots of time cradling the infant child in your arms as they fall fast asleep. This year Christ has come to us in the form of our son. But as we look at the whole of 2013, Christ has come to us in many ways: in the hospitality of our amigos in San Nicolás, Nicaragua, and those working for solidarity, to whom we said goodbye to in June. Christ came to us in the family and friends that welcomed us home and helped with the transition back to the overdeveloped U.S. Christ has been present in our students and school communities at Serra and Mitty. Christ was revealed in those who brought us dinner to ease our way into life as parents. Christ has come to us in the form of grandparents who have spoiled and loved their new grandchild (and have graciously rocked an awake baby William to sleep in the middle of the night), in his aunt and uncle who seek kisses and allegiance to their favorite football teams (49ers and Seahawks respectively), and in his great-Nona (Billy’s grandmother), with whom we live and laugh. Christ has come to us in the form of each other, especially as we marvel at how the other is growing into our new roles as mother and father. Christ is indeed present near and far, and not just during Advent but all year long. While it may be a struggle to find the presence of Christ amidst the violence and war that rages around the world, we sense Christ’s presence in the suffering. Our prayer is for the crucified people today, those working for peace and justice, and for all of us that we may seek the face of Christ, God incarnate, in one another.


With Love and Prayers for You, The Byrnes Family

The following are photo descriptions clockwise from top left:!


1. Virgin and Child by Jan Gossart (1478-1532); taken at the Chicago Art Museum this summer. ! 2. Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist, Saint Cecilia and Angels by Piero di Cosimo (1461-1521); taken at the Chicago Art Museum this summer.! 3. Virgin and Child with an Angel by Sandro Botticelli (1444-1510); taken at the Chicago Art Museum this summer.! 4. Mother and Child; Kristin and William James taken this November. ! 5. Virgin and Child, artist unknown; Altarpiece from Thuison-les-Abbeville, Picardy, France (1490); taken at the Chicago Art Museum this summer.! 6. A goodbye dinner in San Nicolás with our dear friend Gris and her mother Esperanza. ! 7. Saying goodbye to Doña Celina in San Nicolás. Each day she made over 200 of the tastiest tortillas.! 8. With the Capuchin Corps Volunteers the night before we left Nicaragua at our despedida dinner. ! 9. Our dog Diego. This was taken during our last weekend in San Nicolás.! 10. Uncle Ben with a sleepy Billy J.! 11. A smiling Billy J!! 12. Nana and Papa with Kristin and Billy J moments after his birth.! 13. The Byrnes Family! 14. Nona and Pouli with Billy James.! 15. Our family at Batkid day in San Francisco. Billy James is wearing his Halloween costume, which was Robin. What a great moment for the young Batkid. He saved San Francisco.! 16. Aunt Steph giving tons of kisses.! 17. Kristin and neighborhood girls from San Nicolás showing off their dyed Easter eggs. ! 18. At Little Corn Island in Nicaragua. We visited this gorgeous island with friends from RYLA in April. ! 19. Our first ultrasound appointment with Dr. Martha, our OB/GYN, in Estelí, Nicaragua. ! 20. At the Bahá’í House of Worship in Chicago (one of only seven Bahá’í temples in the world) with Vic Doucette, the Executive Director of our program, Volunteer Missionary Movement.

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