Christmas Newsletter 2015

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Dear Loved Ones,

Many memories were made in 2015. Highlights included a trip to Florida to spend time with Kristin’s cousin, aunt, and grandmother (GiGi to William); celebrating Uncle Ben’s graduation from medical school in Seattle; Billy led a group of students to Nicaragua for an immersion experience; an unexpected trip to Alabama in June for Grandma Alice’s funeral; a relaxing summer stay in the Yak (which included daily pool time to fend off the 100+ heat); many visits to the park, library, Happy Hollow, and CuriOdyssey; a camping trip with friends in Big Basin; and, tons of family time. You can see that William loves selfies, reading, beach time, and getting spoiled by his aunt, uncle, and grandparents. He continues to amaze. Billy looks forward to nightly reading before bed where William will finish the sentences to the books he knows well. Kristin is grateful for her Tuesdays and Fridays with William when they attend swim lessons and story hour at the local library. William loves to sing, dance, and has even perfected a yoga move. Just last week he learned how to sing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. He’s even begun “playing church” at home, when we caught him walking the hallway holding a cross from El Salvador and singing Alleluia! The prophet Isaiah’s words, which echo in the heart during Advent, have become a prayer for us: “On that day the deaf shall hear the words of a book; And out of gloom and darkness, the eyes of the blind shall see. The lowly will ever find joy in the Lord, and the poor rejoice in the Holy One” (Is. 29). We are reminded with all that is going in the world that Jesus and his family were poor and refugees. As the promise of Advent gives way to the joy of Christmas, we are reminded how badly our world needs light to dispel the darkness, hope to stamp out the despair, trust to quell fear, and peace to end the violence. Pope Francis inspired us with his visit to the U.S. His challenge to welcome the stranger assures us that in the faces of others, we see the face of God. In 2016 we hope we can sing alleluia with resounding joy and hope. With Love and Prayers for You, The Byrnes Family

The following are photo descriptions clockwise from top left: 1. Icon of Our Lady of Vladimir; artist unknown; 17th-18th century Russia; taken at the Leland Stanford Junior Museum in February 2. Syrian refugee and child; photo pulled from this website 3. The Flight into Egypt by Vittore Carpaccio, circa 1515; from this website 4. Madonna and Child; taken from a conference room at St. Matthews Catholic Parish in San Mateo, CA. 5. Selfie of William and Billy at the park 6. Selfie of William and Nona at the house 7. Reading before bedtime with Nana and Papa, while sporting Papa’s glasses 8. William with Kristin, Uncle Ben, Aunt Martha, and Aunt Vicky on their trip out to San Francisco for William’s 2nd birthday 9. Selfie with Thitsa (aunt) Steph 10. Celebrating the two Billy’s birthdays at Mission Rock in San Francisco 11. William’s 2nd birthday party at Burton Park 12. William in the fire truck at the San Carlos Fire Department, LOVING IT! 13. Celebrating Ben’s graduation from UW Med School in Seattle 14. Picking out pumpkins in Half Moon Bay 15. First annual friends summer camping trip in Big Basin 16. William and mommy at the beach in Half Moon Bay 17. William and Uncle Ben moments after graduating 18. William and Pouli at the San Carlos Fire Department, where he met Captain Julie

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