Logbook Week 1, March 6, 2014!
Studio Task!
Description: Build a tower as high as possible, the tower needs to be able to accommodate the object provided by tutor.!
Process: 1. Our group decided to make the foundation of the tower in square as it can easily provides enough room to fit the object. One side of the wall was left opened for the object to get in. !
We used the larger bricks for the first three levels of the tower, as we think it can provides a more solid foundation. !
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2. We continued to higher the level of the tower. Firstly, we started with the entrance. The idea is to gradually increase the number of bricks in each level in order to form a door shape. !
We added a rock brick on the top of each column, so that it can add pressure on the structure and make it more stable. !
3. The columns are getting closer while we increasing the level. !
! 4. The door of the tower is completed, and as it gets higher the less it fells. Now we are focusing on building the wall and make it as high as possible. !
However the difficulty here is that the bricks we used as foundation is in different size, so sometimes the smaller bricks cannot match the edge of the bigger ones. !
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5. We keep making the wall of the tower higher. However we realized that the foundation we built for the tower is too wide, and it is hard to close the roof at this height. !
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! ! ! 6. The time remain was not enough for us to finish the roof, it became harder to build the wall as the height increases. !
The plan is to try to make each level smaller so that it can close eventually. However it was not successful. I think it is because the wall is too thin and it cannot provide enough support for the roof. Additionally, as we trying to make the roof, the pattern of bricks have become irregular. !
! Comparisons: The following pictures were taken from other groups, their patterns of bricks are similar, which is leaving a certain space between each brick. The advantage I think is that it accelerates the process of constructing and make it easier to be shaped. !
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Week 1 Knowledge Map
Week 2, March 14, 2014!
! Studio Task! !
Description: By using the piece of balsa wood provided, try to build a tower that is high enough to reach the celling.!
Process: 1. The structure we choose is using the triangular shape structure, so that it will not change its shape easily. ! ! The joint between the woods are connected by tapes, we covered the corners with multiple layers in order to strengthen the structure. !
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! 2. We added an extra piece of wood on each side of the structure, so that it can restrict the force from the outside and make it harder to fell.  
3. We continued to higher the level of the tower by repeating the same structure. !
Without the extra wood on the side, the tower is really unstable in this case, so we decided to repeat the process on every level of the tower. !
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! 4. As the process continues, the tower gets too high that we have to lie it on the table. !
We constantly went back to check if the structure is strong enough to stand up. !
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5. Finally, as the tower is high enough to reach the ceiling, we finished the top with a pyramid shaped structure. Then we added the rest of the materials to the top of it in order to maximized the height. !
However the tower could be unstable at this height. For extension, I think we could wider the foundation by adding more footings as images showing below.  
Week 2 Knowledge Map