February 2012 FitnessX Magazine

Page 1


Dr. Sara Solomon Soaring to New Heights

4 Key Foods

for Beautiful & Healthy Skin


Fat-Blasting WORKOUTS!

Clean Eating

Recipes for Success

Need More Fun & Motivation? Partner Up!

More Energy More Muscle = Less Fat!


ABS in just 30 days!

Body Fitness


Valentine's DAY C hoco l a t e

i s i t really a b o u t l o v e ?




HEALTH 9. 14.

keep your mouth healthy beautiful skin inside & out


Happiness lies in the chili pepper


valentine's day Chocolate


Good fats vs. bad fats






more core movements



need motivaton?


life's little reminders


Ask the Dentist


the dreaded plateau travel, tighten & tone











Fitness or fad

Cover Model: dR. sARA sOLOMON



Cover Photographer: eva sIMON

fitnessX.com youtube.com/fitnessXtv facebook.com/fitnessXmag fitnessxisbodyproud.com

februa RY 2012 Publishers: Kat Painter and BillyBow Editor-In-Chief Kat Painter


Assistant Editor /Copy Editor April Branton Pregnancy Fitness Specialist: Laura Mak Quist Creative Director: BillyBow Senior Designer: Taylor Anne Kinkade Senior Staff Photographer: Natalie Lynn Lichtenbert Photographers:

BillyBow Photography, Kat Painter, Eva Simon, Satio Photography, Noel Daganta, Mike Byerly Photography, James Patrick, Chaz Photographics, LHGFX Photography, Rick Taylor Photography, James Cooper of Static Photography, Dan Ray, Olga Schleicher, Derek Heisler Photography and Pink Elephant Photograhy. com

Staff Writers:

Kat Painter, Leha Long, Laura Mak Quist, Sherry Goggin, Ingrid Romero, Jodi Tiarht and Summer Taylor

Contributing Writers:

Dr. Sara Solomon, Dr. Natalie Pennington, Obi Obadike, Vince Del Monte, Natalie Lynn Lichtenbert, Jen Jewell, Mary Simmons, Holly Bricken, Caithleen Hefferman, Keri Lynn Ford, Monique Kabel, Dennis Mason, Kaytee Weaver, Stacie Schneider, Jenna Lobos, Katherine Caneiro, Lauren Lee, Joel Mosely, Leonela Wartrick, Kimberly Miller and Noora Kuusivuori


Photo by: Mike



My life started when I was thirty. Yup, thirty. Up until then? Just a mere nymph in a cocoon. Struggling, lost, just fighting to keep some sense of peace in my life. Literally. Growing up was great of course; I couldn’t have had a better childhood. Starting at age 16 though, life started getting weird. Getting home from high school and being apprehended by the police was the start of a very complicated time in my life. Accused of crimes I didn’t commit, merely because of my age, my frustration. My college years were the worst in my life. Living with a parent who was suffering what was then diagnosed as Munchausen Syndrome and dating an alcoholic. Munchausen Syndrome, by the way, is when someone says they are sick to get attention. When police got involved in the drama, it was me who “didn’t care” about my parent, it was me who was deviant. Oftentimes, I would find myself on the weekends so depressed that I didn’t want to get out of bed the whole time, anxiously awaiting Monday just so that I could go to work and have something to take my mind of my problems! The climax of the most horrible time in my life was when I found my parent, drugged up on tranquilizers, on the couch with my alcoholic boyfriend whom was drunk. I had a test the next day in college. I did get an A. That was my first awakening moment when I learned that no matter what was going on in my life, I could act and respond in a way which was separate and independent from what was going on around me. In other words, my environment didn’t dictate the path of my life. Finally, by age 30, I had finally extracted myself out of these horrendous, heart-wrenching situations. This was great, but I was alone. During that time, my parents had found healing; I was able to reconnect with them at a deeper level then I had previously. Thank God for that because I needed someone to comfort me. I had no boyfriend after being with someone for 12 years, no friends outside of work acquaintances and desperate to find my “calling”. I loved to dance, but at age 30, how do you continue to perform onstage? Striking out on my own and searching for a pathway to grow my wings on, I discovered the sport of fitness. Making the decision to compete in 2001, I had suddenly opened the door to great friends, positivity and increased self-confidence. I was feeling amazing! I started to see myself as a beautiful woman who could attract anything she wanted in her life!


Jodi Tiarht, Sara Solomon, Kat Painter and Kelsy Byers


Laura Mak, www.makattackfitness.com Sherry Goggin, www.fitgirlwear.com


Looking back, I am still friends with even the first acquaintances I have through fitness and have a ton of new ones all over the world! If it wasn’t for doing that first show, I don’t know if I would have made it out of the heaviness of my heart. My life is so much more different now! Competing, writing, training and moving forward with my life’s ambition of working to preserve the environment and the wildlife with my new network, Environmentally Fashionable/Globally Healthy! Thank God for New Beginnings!!

FitnessX Magazine strives to inspire women by making a difference in empowering and encouraging them to live a healthier lifestyle. We take pride in sharing inspiring articles and facts on health, fitness and wellness.

ABOUT THE WRITER: Born a dancer, Natalie Lynn Lichtenbert started her active career in ballet, tap, jazz,

Our readers vary in age, body composition, ethnic background, economic status, and professional background, but have the common goal of improving themselves through health, fitness, and wellness. FitnessX Magazine readers are health-conscious, discovering or already adopting healthy lifestyle practices, and interested in bettering themselves.

environmental endeavors. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology with extended studies in

modern and hip hop dance styles. Also, being very active in sports, she participated in cheer, swimming and soccer. She currently keeps up her health and mental attitude while being a nationally recognized model, personal training, working as a photographer, continuing her fitness career, acting and following her Molecular Pathology. She currently resides in Chicago, Illinois.

FitnessX Magazine features athletes in all sports, professionals who work in the health/fitness/wellness industry, everyday women who have made remarkable strides in motivating others to live a healthier lifestyle, and includes articles on the latest and most popular topics of interest. At FitnessX Magazine, our tag line says it all— “Inspiring YOU to Live Well…NATURALLY!" Kat Painter & BillyBow,

Publishers: Kat Painter and BillyBow Sara Solomon & Tosca Reno, the author of The Eat-Clean Diet®.


Photo By: Billybow Photography

In the Pursuit of Health & Happiness Hi Readers, Yes! It’s another New Year! For many Americans, it’s time for the New Year resolutions. Well, ditch the resolutions! Yes, you heard right! Did you know that less than 10% of Americans successfully achieve their New Year's resolutions? In fact, more than 45% quit by the end of January! I admit that there was a time (14 years ago to be exact), when I was also pressured to do the New Year’s resolution thing. For me, I wanted to lose nearly 30 pounds (or 5 dress sizes) and kick my bad eating habits, but it didn’t work. Why? Well, I failed to set myself for success…I was lacking the commitment and, most of all, confidence in myself! I had high expectations of myself and wanted results fast! Sound familiar? A majority of Americans feel guilty when there are obstacles in their fitness and nutrition. They tend to possess the “all or nothing” attitude. When goals are not met to our expectations, we often give up. My piece of advice --- Make a commitment! Assess where you are now, and then break it into small, achievable goals. You have to do things that are realistic to your own lifestyle. First things first -- What are you trying to accomplish, and what are you willing to do or give up in return in order to achieve it? When do you want to achieve it by? We must know the "why" in order to succeed with our commitment. It is much more powerful to set good intentions and goals for what you DO want, rather than what you don't want. Do you really want to improve your health? Ok, then you will need to challenge the way the majority of Americans live their lives -- Being sedentary, eating large portions and instant gratification. Of course, this isn’t easy; otherwise everyone would be doing it. Most people are concerned about what others think of them. They do not want to veer away from the “norm” and, as a result, they are doomed to fail. There is nothing wrong with having the courage to be radically different; to do whatever it takes to be healthy regardless of what others think or say about you. Remember when we were kids, we would believe that anything was possible and we did exactly what we said we were going to do? We saw the world in a positive light! So, why not apply that same enthusiasm to our own goals? Imagine how wonderful it will feel when your goals become reality. The quicker you shorten the distance between where you are and where you want to be, the more empowered you become. Setting a goal is nothing without a plan. Make sure you have the proper plan to execute your goal in a reasonable timeframe. Keeping yourself accountable is key -- Make sure people you trust know what your goals are and support you in your journey, especially during those hard times! Jotting down your daily progress also plays a big role in achieving your goals. I also suggest finding a support group who are going through similar goals. A professional in the field of health and fitness are excellent sources to help you with your goals, such as a certified personal trainer and a certified sports nutritionist. Reading inspiring fitness magazines and websites is another excellent way to stay motivated.

I highly recommend that you start your healthier lifestyle knowing that you may not always exercise and eat healthy. Life is full of unplanned obstacles, distractions, and temptations. Your best approach is to prepare for them, keeping an open mind and maintaining a positive attitude. Remind yourself that no matter what happens that you will never quit, even when you get sidetracked. No one is perfect, we all make mistakes. Pick yourself back up and keep on going! It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop. You’ve heard the expression, “Slow and steady wins the race!” Well, it’s true! It takes time and patience when it comes to achieving your goals. Anything worth something is worth working for! There will always be times of temptation and obstacles. Don’t let your guilt or feeling discouraged stop you from moving forward to a new improved way of life! No better time than the present to start on your goals! Your health is important, so start now and reap the full benefits of your life! Don’t settle for less. Believe in yourself…YOU ARE WORTH IT!!! So, here’s to your health! Let’s welcome 2012 to a healthier and happier YOU!!!

Inspiring YOU to Live Well…Naturally!

Kat Painter

Editor-In-Chief/Publisher of FitnessX Magazine


Submissions: For all Submissions, email submission@fitnessX.com and for rules & guidelines, go to fitnessX.com. Click on Guidelines for Submissions.


WELLNESS WRITTEN BY: Stacie Schneider Photo By: Kat Painter

W r i t t e n B y: S h erry G o gg i n

As we start the New Year, let's take care of our body and spirit to stay ready for ministry. The gym is our primary tool for getting in shape and the Bible is our primary tool to develop our faith. The gym supplies with all the different equipment necessary to get results - free weights, preloaded selectorized machines, cardio equipment, and functional training modalities. We need the gym and all the equipment it supplies to workout with in order for us to get results; gain muscle, lose body fat, tone up and attain cardiovascular endurance. We need the Bible, God's word, to make us wise as the Bible clearly gives us the will of God. The revelation can encourage us (Romans 15:4). In order to get the best results, whether it is in the gym or reading the bible, one must be disciplined - disciplined training and disciplined reading.


Fo r ever y th in g that was wr i tten i n the p as t was w r it ten to tea c h u s, s o th at th ro ugh en dura n ce a n d en co uragement of the scr i p ture s we m ig ht have ho pe. R om a n s 15:4 (NIV ). I t is im po r ta nt fo r ever y person of f ai th to s t u d y as t h e B ibl e a s it is im po r ta nt fo r ever y dis c ipl e o f Ch r is t to k now G od and hi s wi ll.

THE BIBLE IS THE FINAL AUTHORITY IN FAITH & LIFE. Our own opinions and ideas, if not based on Scriptures, cannot be the final basis of what we believe in and of how we should live. Only God's word is our ultimate standards of doctrine, ethics and lifestyle. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

THE BIBLE IS OUR PRIMARY TOOL OF MINISTRY. The Holy Scriptures are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All scriptures is ‘God-breathed’ and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:14-17 (NIV) You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:22-24 (NIV)

CONCLUSION. "Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come." 1 Timothy 4:8 (NLT) ABOUT THE WRITER: Sherry Goggin, Ms. Fitness America, reigns as The Most Photographed

Fitness model in history. She shines as author, producer and role model for women everywhere. Bright, articulate and full of energy, Goggin has broken the stereotype of the fitness model to become an author, producer, fitness guru, clothes designer and just about anything else she puts her mind to. Sherry Goggin is the definitive version of a 'renaissance woman' and once she sets her mind to something, nothing gets in her way. And right now, she has her mind set on being a success. While Goggin is a fitness expert, her real strengths may lie in the area of being a top-notch business entrepreneur. She also acts as VP and director of the women's fitness division of the Private Trainers association, www.propta.com. Sherry also has a new clothing line, "Fit Girl Wear" that is available for purchase now. All of Sherry's merchandise is available for purchase at any of her websites including www.SherryGoggin.com, facebook.com/sherrygoggin and modelmayhem.com/sherrygoggin.


E xercise should be a stress release, leaving you feeling re-

laxed and refreshed. However, with all the weight loss New Year’s resolutions, crowded g yms can become frustrating, over whelming and, in some cases, even causing you to cut your workout short. Here are some tips for beating the crowds, losing the holiday pounds and staying motivated to keep the weight off.

1. Have a Plan - Decide what you want to accomplish before starting your workout. Tell yourself you will stay until you reach that goal. Then reward yourself for your accomplishment! Sorr y- I'm not talking about junk food or anything that will compromise your hard work….but possibly a massage, warm bath or just relaxing at home. 2. Be Flexible - Don't be attached to the order of your planned exercises. Instead of waiting 10 minutes for an elliptical, tr y starting with abs or weights. 3. Positive Mu sic - Load your iPod with positive and/or calming music. This will help you stay calm when frustration would other wise set in. Though the lyrics may be slow, there is always a faster beat in the background to keep you energized. S ongs I listen to are “Other Ways” by Trevor Hall, “S end Me on My Way” by Rusted Root and “Love Generation” by B ob Sinclair. 4. D itch the Gy m - Grab your jacket and enjoy an outdoor workout. If the sun is down, find a lit basketball court or baseball field. Get creative and have fun! Take hand weights or simply use your own bodyweight for fatburning inter vals, sprints, etc. Staying positive and dedicated to your goal is key-- Picture the end result and don’t give up until you get there! ABOUT THE WRITER: Stacie Schneider is a Certified Fitness Trainer and Nutrition Consultant with over 17 years of industry experience. Her ultimate goal is to teach people the tools they need to be fit for life. At the age of thirteen, Stacie joined her first gym and began creating meal plans for family members. Her passion for helping others through fitness and nutrition became even greater when she developed severe adult food allergies 8 years ago. Through hard work and research, Stacie overcame her food allergies and is nearly allergy free. She is dedicated to educating others to prevent and overcome health issues in order to achieve an overall better quality of life. She developed her guaranteed program, Total Health Solutions by Stacie Schneider, which combines Max Interval Training, Clean-eating Meal Plans and constant support and encouragement. Photo By: Kat Painter

FEBRUARY 2012 • FitnessX Magazine


Getting Past the Grim Reaper of Exercise Programs:


Dreaded Plateau Written by

Summer Taylor

It is proven that nearly everyone experiences significant, measurable improvement in fat loss when they first begin their fitness endeavor and then somewhere along that road, the progress stalls. You’ll often hear this individual say, “I am doing the exact same routine, but now I’m not seeing any results.” The secret to their lack of continued success lies in that statement.

» Homeostasis (ho" me-o-sta'sis)

Homeostasis is the internal process charged with the task to maintain balance within the body. It is self-regulated by the endocrine and nervous system in response to external stimuli. It is constantly changing and adjusting in order to maintain equilibrium. I often think of this process like a duck on the water, he appears calm and serene while floating on top of the water. But if you looked underneath the water, you’d see his feet are rapidly paddling and responding to the water currents. A physiological example of homeostasis is our body’s ability to maintain the relatively stable 98.6 degree Fahrenheit temperatuRe. When our body temperature rises, a signal is sent out to dilate our blood vessels, filling our capillaries with warm blood and activating sweat glands. These internal responses cause evaporative cooling or what we commonly call sweating. Not only is homeostasis responsible for making your treadmill a cesspool after an intense cardio session, it is also what causes you to reach an exercise plateau.

» Homeostasis and Plateaus

Homeostasis is a fat hoarder. It wants to ensure that you have enough fat on reserve, just in case there is a point of famine and it needs to tap into that fat for energy. This is why most people have a weight that their body regularly and somewhat easily maintains no matter what, or how much, they eat or don’t eat. Thus, when you first start working out, homeostasis is thrown off-balance. It freaks out and starts throwing fat onto the fire to maintain your normal body function. But homeostasis is not happy with this because homeostasis’s single job is balance and there is nothing balanced about giving up the fat that is has worked hard to store. Ultimately, homeostasis learns how to maintain equilibrium with the added exercise and decreased calories and it is at this point that you reach your plateau.

» Faking out Homeostasis

In order to prevent or go beyond the plateau, you must fake-out homeostasis. You can trick homeostasis by following these two strategies: • Maintain a stable, clean-eating diet • Constantly mix up your exercise routine

» Homeostasis and Diet

When your body reaches a plateau, homeostasis has lost trust in you. It still remembers how you made it freak out and use up a portion of the fat it had on reserve and it has vowed to not let you do that again. It doesn’t trust that you’ll keep feeding it regularly enough to do its job. Thus, you’ve got to build some trust between you and homeostasis again. You can do this by eating 5-6 clean, healthy meals per day. You need to ensure that you have adequate healthy fats in your diet and if you still want to lose weight, a minimal calorie deficit. Any excessive calorie deficit is going to cause homeostasis to hoard even more feverishly than before. This is generally the situation a person encounters that has yo-yo dieted all their life. Homeostasis has lost all trust in that person and won’t let go of its fat stores. Think of the frequent clean, healthy meals as the reassurance homeostasis needs to allow you to lose additional fat.

» Homeostasis and Exercise

Once you have assured homeostasis that it will receive a steady, clean diet, it will no longer need to hoard fat cells, however, you must still keep it guessing as to how much fat to store. You can do this by varying your exercise routine. If you typically do an hour on the elliptical at a moderate pace, alternate 2 minutes at your hardest setting and then 2 minutes at an easy setting for 30 minutes and then get off the treadmill and do 30 minutes of plyometrics (see our June issue for a fantastic article written by Leha Long on “The Power of Plyometrics”). The next time you workout, try alternating lunges on the treadmill with sprints. The idea is to shake things up and make training different every time. Another important factor is that it must also feel at least as intense as when you were still seeing results. If you perceive the activity as easy, you’re still working within the plateau.

» Make Homeostasis Work for You

Ensure that homeostasis is appeased by a consistently clean diet and a varied exercise program. It is through these two principles you can make homeostasis work for you to avoid experiencing the grim reaper of exercise programs; the dreaded plateau. ABOUT THE WRITER: Summer Taylor is a graduate of Purdue with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biology, high school Biology, Anatomy and Physiology teacher, published fitness model and author, national-level NPC athlete, certified personal trainer. She is deeply passionate about fitness and motivating others to be the best they can be inside and out. She accredits this intrinsic desire for self-growth as the driving force behind her success in education and the fitness industry. She has developed a love for human psychology and she is very intrigued by human motivation. She writes to educate, inspire, motivate and light a fire within the reader. Photo Credit: Dan Ray

FEBRUARY 2012 • FitnessX Magazine




I am trying something unconventional when it comes to diets, especially

for female competitors. Being a competitor and a fitness model, always having to be in shape, I found myself doing the same diet for a year and a half straight. You can guess that my metabolism wasn't at its peak after that long of a time on a diet with the same small portions of the same foods day in and day out. My body had adapted to the diet, so all that I was doing by dieting was maintaining. I needed new ammo. I am currently prepping for an Oxygen Magazine shoot and am working with a diet mastermind, Ken "Skip" Hill. Skip is known for getting competitors show ready with exceptional conditioning via unconventional methods. I knew the basics of “Skip Loading” and had tried the concept with great results in the past, so I decided to see what would happen if I really follow the idea. The gist of the diet is to deplete the body of carbs for several days first, then re-feed with enough carbohydrates to fill glycogen stores back up. The re-feed or high carb meal or day depending on the person jumps the metabolism and keeps the fire burning for several days. It takes 5-6 days of being back on a normal depletion diet for the metabolism to slow back down. This is why it's optimal to do it about once a week. The amount of carbohydrates that a person needs for the maximal effect varies, so it takes some practical testing to find out what your body responds to. Learning the body's ability to fill out and how long it takes to both retain water and then shed it is important when you are using this method to lean down for a show or a shoot. Controlling sodium and water levels are key components of the diet. So what kinds of carbs work the best? My first re-feed meal was my favorite food sushi with unlimited rice. Rice, pasta, pancakes with syrup, anything with a relatively high Glycemic Index (GI) will work well. The reason why higher GI foods work well is the high insulin spike that follows allowing you to store more of the carbs as glycogen in the muscles. It is important to keep the load meals fairly low in fat though as fat slows down digestion and will make it harder to fill up on carbs. The effect that these re-feed or loading days have on the metabolism is insane. Skip has worked with thousands of clients with this diet and says that there are times where absolutely no diet changes are needed week after week, due to the impact that the loading days have on the metabolism. He compares it to pouring gas on a fire in relation to carbs and the metabolism. Most of the time you can actually feel your body temperature go up either as you eat, shortly after you eat, or even all day on these loading days. It is common to sweat while eating these meals due to the metabolism gaining momentum. Also, the insulin response from high GI carbs once a week takes advantage of the body's own insulin production. When in a glycogen depleted state there is no concern with body fat being stored on these days due to the very high intake of high GI carbs. You come off of these days very full and can take advantage of added strength for a couple days in the gym as well. That deserves a big woohoo! The toughest part of the diet for me (as a lot of women I'm sure) is getting over the thinking that if you're not starving the whole time, you're not dieting. In reality, that couldn't be further from the truth. Getting lean takes discipline for sure but just like a good exercise program will keep your body guessing and stimulated, an effective diet will also keep your metabolism guessing. I encourage you to give it a try in practice and you might never go back to a diet without your favorite carbs in the plan. I am loving the results in the mirror so far and you will too. For more info on Skip Loading go to: www.teamskip.net ABOUT THE WRITER: She is a fitness model and figure competitor who enjoys intense workouts, pushing herself way past the comfort zone everyday. Noora placed in the top 10 at the biggest NPC show in history, USA's Championships in 2011, made the finals at the Arnold Classic in 2011 and has just gotten started in the sport. Born and raised in Finland, Noora is a true Viking girl with a 'never give up' attitude. She has had the competitive drive from an early age, swimming and playing baseball on the national team. She has a true passion for fitness and health and enjoys breaking her own limits and helping others do the same. She loves proving the undoable to be doable. Besides living the fit life, competing and doing fitness modeling, Noora is a busy Medical Sales Executive during the day, has an MBA, speaks multiple languages and is a mother of a little boy. She believes that there is no such thing as "too busy to get your sweat on!"


FitnessX Magazine • FEBRUARY 2012


More Core MOVEMENTS WRITTEN BY: BillyBow, CEO/Publisher

Cover Model Jodi Tiahrt demonstrating

GET on the BOSU



Mouth HEALTHY! WRITTEN BY: Dr. Natalie Pennington


Get more from your workout! The BOSU ball is where you can start. I workout on the Bosu ball 3 t o 4 times a week ave you ever heard the saying, to build a strong core. It will help you build balance and "Ignore your teeth and they'll go strength. If you are beginner, you may not know how to away"? Believe it or not, this stateget on the Bosu. Ladies, let's learn how to do it. ment is a fact. The result of longterm, poor hygiene is gum disease. Gum disease is caused by mouth bacteria that are not properly removed on a regular basis. Without our teeth, we can't eat the way we need to, our beautiful smiles aren't worth showing and you may start getting bad breath. No one wants to wear a denture and smell bad! Another tragic result of gum disease may be a heart attack or stroke. All of these outcomes are unwanted and may be avoided by keeping our mouths healthy daily.


This first step entails that you arrange your BOSU ball on the floor correctly. Choose a place where you will have free range of motion and no one near you to interfere with your exercise. Take your BOSU ball and place it on the floor with its dome-side facing down; then, stand facing it.

Eventually, with prolonged gum disease, infection and tooth loss can happen. Some people only see a dentist when there is an issue or a toothache, but it's important you have a dental visit twice a year. Brushing at least twice a day and flossing daily is a must to protecting your pearly whites. If not, you’re opening the door to dental probA. Place your right foot on the right side (Flat side up) of the BOSU lems you really don't want to deal with. Take care of your teeth and they will, in turn, take care of you in the long run. ball. Now balance yourself.


Most people are unaware that there is a link between gum disease, heart disease, and strokes. The bacteria from our mouths can travel through the blood and enter into the heart increasing the risk of a heart attack or stroke. When the immune system reacts to oral infection, it also attacks host proteins, causing arterial disease and stroke. Another great reason to make sure our mouths stay healthy and clean. Cleaner mouths mean a healthier body overall. Good oral hygiene can prevent disease in all sorts of shapes and forms. A good habit of brushing and flossing daily along with seeing your dentist at least twice a year for checkups can do wonders and prevent disease. Taking good care of your mouth ultimately leads to a healthier, happier you!

B. Place your left feet on the left side of the BOSU ball. Now balance yourself. Then like the picture below, bring yourself to the middle balancing on the flatside.

C. C. Now that you're up on the BOSU ball and balancing, you can do squats on BOSU ball and build a strong core!

ABOUT THE WRITER: Dr. Natalie Pennington is a dentist and IFBB pro. She resides in San Francisco, CA and grew up near Seattle, WA. She is half-Korean and French and speaks Korean fluently. Her hobbies include playing the piano, reading, and finding creative ways to living a fit and healthy life. Recently, she qualified for her 3rd Olympia and will be competing next year in Olympia 2012. Photo credit: Mike Byerly

Note: It's an advanced move when you use weights. Photos By: BillyBow Photography

FEBRUARY 2012 • FitnessX Magazine




ure you have days like me where you don’t feel like going to the gym. However, I always feel better after a good workout. One thing I have learned is having a workout partner keeps me motivated and holds me accountable. Having a workout buddy forces me to go to the gym, and I can lift heavier weights. You don’t have to have a partner everyday. Try partnering up with someone you can rely on once or twice a week for days you want to lift heavier weights. Try switching up your workouts and body parts you train. I am here with my friend WBFF Pro, Jen Jewell. We are going to show you a chest, shoulder, and abdominal workout that you can do with a partner. I recommend doing about 10-15 lbs. heavier weight than you would do by yourself. Complete 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps. Make sure your spot your partner every step of the way when it’s your turn. So grab the phone, and call your friends and get going!


Need Motivation?

Partner Up!!! Chest, Shoulders, & Core


Leha Long personal trainer, Team Bombshell athlete Workout Partner

Jen Jewell

Lay on a flat bench with dumbbells in each hand. Stretch each arm out keeping a slight bend in your elbow. Your partner should place his/her hands underneath your elbows and help guide your arms up as you squeeze up. Make sure you contract your chest on your way up. Return to the beginning position and repeat 2-3 more times.

personal trainer PHOTOS by





Sit on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Hold each dumbbell at your shoulders bending your elbows. As you press up your partner should place his/her hands underneath your elbows for support. Return to the beginning position and repeat 2-3 more times.



A 3. BARBELL CHEST PRESS Lay on a flat bench with your hands gripped on a barbell about shoulder width apart. Keep your back flat on the bench. Raise the barbell up until your arms are straight. Keep a slight bend in your elbows to prevent injury. Your partner should place his/her hands underneath the barbell and go up and down for support. Return to the beginning position and repeat 2-3 more times.


FitnessX Magazine • FEBRUARY 2012




ABOUT THE WRITER: Jen Jewell is a WBFF Pro Fitness Diva. She graduated from California State UniversitySacramento with a degree in Marketing & Public Relations. Jen is a certified personal trainer, certified sports nutritionist, fitness model and published writer. You can find out more about Jen at www.fitnessjewelltraining.com. Photo Credit: Noel Daganta.




4. LATERAL RAISES Stand with feet about shoulder width apart. Arms should be by your side with a dumbbell in each hand. Raise your arms to your shoulders keeping a slight bend in your elbows. Your partner should place his/her hands underneath your arms for support. Return to beginning position and repeat 2-3 more times.




You and your partner will lay on your backs with your legs bent and feet on the floor facing each other. Hold a small medicine ball and raise up squeezing your abs and toss the medicine ball to your partner. When your partner catches the ball go back to the beginning position. Raise up again to catch the ball as your partner tosses it back to you. This should be a quick movement. Repeat for approximately 2 minutes.






Facing each other get into a plank position with your forearms on the ground and toes touching the floor. Make sure you don’t arch your back. You and your partner will hold up opposite arms and slap hands repeating with the other arm. Repeat this for approximately 2 minutes.





ABOUT THE WRITER: Leha Long lives in Atlanta, GA. She is a fitness model, NPC competitor, writer, trainer, and nutritionist. Leha is also a Team Bombshell Member for Bikini. Please check out her website at www.fitnessX.com/lehalong/ for more information. Photo Credit: BillyBow Photography

FEBRUARY 2012 • FitnessX Magazine




Little Reminders

Written BY: Tabitha Thelin Photo By: Rick Taylor Photography

What does one do when going strong, all things unfolding better than imagined, just to suddenly be halted by one or several of life’s challenges? You can feel overwhelmed, and forced back to a place that seems way too familiar. No matter how strong of a positive mentality you have, you find yourself secretly fighting with those defeatist thought processes. Is there a quick and definitive way to win this battle? Unfortunately, the answer is no. However, you can set yourself up to win and have success each and every time. As the cliché saying goes, “It's mind over matter.”

Not So Easy I know many of us can attest to the fact that a path of being healthy and fit is not always easy. After weeks of hard core training, we can get tired and often weary. The excitement and initial motivations are now being overtaken by fatigue, irritation and even hunger. We can begin to slip up here and there. “A little cheat Tuesday won’t mess me up too much,” you say. Then Friday rolls around and you are thinking about another cheat on the old routine. Before you know it, that so-called “cheating” becomes easily excused and your actions equally dismissed without much guilt. Have you ever been there before? Maybe you are even at this point right now!

Here We Go Again Whatever the reasons - life, health related, burn out, here are some suggestions that may help re-direct you. First, ask yourself a series of important questions. What were your original motivational factors? Have they changed? Do they need to change? What is interfering? What is in your control to get back to where you want to be? Think these question's over and formulate the ABOUT THE WRITER: Tabitha Thelin has been actively involved in the health and nutrition industry since 1998. She answer, draw up a new routine for yourself. Some feel slightly off track while others may feel like they have embarked on an entirely new highway, heading the opposite direction. While it may seem that way, we really never are that “far “off. I often say, “it is the small steps along the way that make the most difference.” Start by ensuring you are on a good diet. Set yourself up for success in this area because diet is most important. If you have been cheating, give yourself a little bit of break and some time to re-adjust. The human body is a miraculous thing, capable of adjusting quickly to new habits once the mind is set. Keep those healthy alternatives on hand for the desperate times. If there have been negative influences keeping you from your desired routine get rid of them. Simply put, if they are not helping you they are hindering you! So my advice is that your best bet is to minimize or eliminate the influence. This road is tough enough without the negatives along the way. For all other contributing factors such as health and other unforeseen life challenges do what you can, when you can. Even if you can’t do your usual two a day or a hellacious strength workout. Go anyway! Do a lighter, scaled down workout. Shake up the routine and go on a hike, try a new class or use an alternative like bands or lighter weights with higher reps. The fact alone that you made the effort is worth being proud of. Twenty active, asserted effort minutes in the gym is twenty minutes closer to reaching your goals. It is far better than the guilt and defeat you feel when choosing to do otherwise. When trying to self-motivate, I always ask myself how I will feel with the outcome after each choice. Using this technique always gets me to where I need to be, tried and true. Remember, you control where you are going, nobody and nothing else can do it for you. Do not let what is thrown at you or those temporary down times knock you off your path. The key word is “temporary.” Difficult times will pass, but what you build within yourself carries you through and will be ever-lasting. You can do it!


delves into various aspects of the industry in order to have a very well rounded, total fit mind, spirit and body. She is a 31-year-old C.P.T and the Facility Director of C.H.A.M.P. Performance Training in Madison, Alabama. Website: http://www.fitnessx.com/ tabithathelin/. You can contact her at tthelin@fitnessx.com


with a Medicine Ball

HEALTH by Kat Painter


WRITTEN BY: Caithleen


Happiness Lies in the Chili Pepper!


A few months ago my girlfriend told me about a book she’s reading called “The Happiness


Project”. The book is about this woman (the author) who is on a search for what makes people happy and trying it for herself. This got the wheels turning in my own mind. I could use more happiness! My first step was booking a trip to Thailand. I always wanted to go experience the Thai culture and, more especially, to travel there and eat! In preparation for my trip, I cooked only Thai food around the house using a bunch of Thai Chili Peppers. On some strange level, I started to become happier doing it! What I’ve found out is there is actually science behind the happiness the chili pepper brings. Chili peppers release endorphins-- in other words, just by eating them, they make you hap-

Stand with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent holding the medicine ball in front of your chest. 1.) Go into a full squat with the medicine ball between your legs. 2.) Immediately extend your legs, and at the same time, swing the medicine ball above your head making sure your arms are straight. Return to start position and repeat.

metabolism. All the more reason to throw a few more chilies into your dish!

Hot & Sweet Pineapple Chicken: This dish is simply amazing! If you want a lower-carb meal, this is it! It also works perfectly over brown or jasmine rice. Modify the heat (spiciness) if you know you are sensitive to it. I used 2 chilies in mine; try it with 1 or ½ of one for a milder heat. 53 oz = 3.3 lbs chicken breast, fresh 4 tsp. pure organic coconut oil



pier, almost instantly! They are also very high in vitamin C and they naturally increase your

4 garlic cloves, chopped 1 small red onion, chopped Black pepper to taste 1 tbsp. fish sauce 1 red pepper, sliced


½ of an English cucumber, chopped and quartered 2 tomatoes, halved, then quartered 1 cup fresh pineapple, chopped ¼ cup bamboo shoots, canned ½ cup baby corn, canned 2 Thai chili peppers, chopped (optional) ¼ cup green onions, chopped, to garnish ¼ cup cilantro, chopped, to garnish 1. Slice the chicken into strips. Heat the coconut oil in a non-stick frying pan. 2. Add the chicken through to black pepper. Season as desired and cook for about 5 minutes. 3. Add the fish sauce through to chili peppers. Continue to cook for another 4-5 minutes.

1.) Lunge down and bring the medicine ball down in a wood chop-

*Serve hot, as is, or over rice. Garnish with green onions and cilantro.

ping motion towards your right ankle.

Makes 4 servings: Serving size about 1.5 cups

2.) During this motion, rotate your trunk using your core to lift your

Calorie per serving: Cals: 273.1 Protein: 34.3g Carbohydrates: 18.9g Fat: 6.7g

arms with the medicine ball above your head on the left side. Repeat this motion, then repeat in the opposite direction. Photos By billybow Photography

Reference: Medical Author: Melissa Conrad Stoppler, MD “Certain foods, such as chocolate or chili peppers, can also lead to enhanced secretion of endorphins. In the case of chili peppers, the spicier the pepper, the more endorphins are secreted”. 13. http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=55001



SKIN in s id e OUT

By Jenna Lobos

Holiday feasting is over, thank goodness, but not for long as there is only a couple

of months to reflect, refresh and renew, just in time for Valentine’s Day. In January, while there is mental preparation for new beginnings and new goals, it’s a great time to give our body a clean new slate as well. Primarily, our internal organs have a direct effect on the skin. The skin is always communicating with us, as it tells so much of what is going on internally. If the skin is breaking out, inflamed, burning or itching, this should set off a signal that somewhere in the body there needs some balancing and extra attention. There are a variety of reasons that can cause the skin to inflame or become sensitive, but diet and the digestive system are always at the root of most.

Here is the naked truth to achieve healthy beautiful skin-- the internal issues need to be addressed, while adding core nutrients to the diet. First, make sure the digestive system is working properly, as the liver (the largest internal organ in the body) acts as a filter system, which eliminates toxins that may build up daily. With the liver working at high capacity, the body will not only have more energy, but will be able to digest efficiently and naturally crave more nutritious foods. Start with the basics; Add more dark leafy greens, fresh fruits,

S l o w ly a d d s o m e k e y b e a u t y f o o d s . Coconut Oil:

This improves absorption of calcium and magnesium, helps stabilize blood sugar and hypoglycemia, and can also be combined with Body Butter for topical use which will provide soothing relief for dry skin all year long.

Raw Cocoa:

Has the highest concentration of antioxidants, also can be used topically as oil and will leave the skin vibrant, soft and supple.

Raw Mac a Powder: Bee Pollen:

Anti-aging benefits, hormone balance, muscle building and stamina.

Over 15 vitamins, including many B vitamins, essential minerals, iron and magnesium. Great for increased energy!

Looking and feeling good can be seen visually by the appearance of the skin. Get a jumpstart to a new year, enjoy these small yet significant changes, and bask in the results of new found energy and radiant looking skin. To your Beauty! Jenna Lobos

ABOUT THE WRITER: Jenna Lobos has a significant quality of having the drive to be successful and happy simultaneously. After a prosperous 10+ years as a Realtor, she was yearning for something different and personally satisfying, something more than a career, but rather a pursuit, one which would define her goals and ambition as well as being able to experience her passions combined with her life’s work. An Entrepreneur, she started her own small business, BEAUTYMARK, in May of 2009, which is an organic airbrush tanning business based out of Corona Del Mar, CA. Jenna was inspired to diversify with the launch of her new Organic, Paraben-Free Skin Care line. As a Natural Health Practitioner, she consults in the areas of Health and Wellbeing. Jenna knows finding balance and purpose has led her to her true m bission, which is to encourage beauty from within, a passion that fulfills her life. Photo Credit: Olga Schleicher


FitnessX Magazine • FEBRUARY 2012


Lucky Sin 562.832.0345


Committing to your

Commitment WRITTEN BY: Monique


PHOTO BY: Derek Heisler Photography

The Commitment Every New Year, millions of people around the world set new goals for themselves. They purchase gym memberships, gym bags and new gym attire. January is the start of a year-long commitment to changing the way they live. The unfortunate thing is that few New Year’s resolutions regarding getting into shape are ever actually met. In fact, most are completely given up by mid-March.

The Passion Initially, it’s frustrating, as a steady gym goer to be in a jam-packed gym every January, fighting for the equipment settling for the stationary bike when you really want the treadmill. However, over time, it dampens my spirit that so many people start out with this incredible drive only to diminish so quickly. It brings me back to the days when I started training; I had no idea what I was doing, and more often than not, wanted to give up because no one was there to motivate me. Somehow, I found the drive within myself to keep the momentum going, and I wanted to inject this self-motivation to others. I watched the overweight middle-age person, battling their stubborn belly fat, and as the months go on, I silently cheered them on every day that I see them show up and execute their workout. I actually grew proud of them for showing up and doing what a lot of people cannot do. This is where I found my passion to helping people achieve their fitness and nutrition goals.

The Problem I have always been aware that we set incredibly high standards for ourselves. We live in a society where we want what we want, and we want it now. I believe a huge reason why weight loss products are a multi-million dollar industry is because people truly believe that there is a “magic” pill. Or that there is some secret to looking like the men and women on the covers of fitness magazines. When we don’t achieve these kinds of results in a compressed time frame, we become discouraged, and throw in the towel. Using every excuse in the book to convince ourselves, we just cannot accomplish this goal.

The Truth Truth is that meeting goals takes TIME, PATIENCE and HARD WORK. I have never met a fitness competitor who did not pour blood, sweat and tears into getting their physique stage ready-- and it is no different for anyone else. Dieting is not easy, but it is necessary. Training is time-consuming, and more often than not, painful, but it brings the results. I recently had a client who has lost a total of 100 pounds since starting her journey. She has worked so hard to get to where she envisions herself and still gets frustrated and discouraged, when she should be proud of her accomplishments. We discuss how next month can be different, and where she will commit a little more. There is no miraculous way to get into shape, it is truly all about taking those baby steps, and one baby step can lead to a thousand steps in the right direction. The end result will not be disappointing if you remain committed.



1.) Lie on the floor with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and with your arms extended above your head holding a medicine ball.


2.) As you crunch toward your knees, bring the ball over your head. Slowly lower back down to the floor barely touching your shoulder blades, and repeat the exercise.






Ingrid Romero


iving in sunny Southern California, I get to reap the benefits of being able to exercise outdoors almost year round. There are so many ways to get a great workout in outside of the gym. Being only 15 minutes from the beach, I have spent many days running on the beach, doing plyometrics in the sand and I can’t forget my favorite "the sand dune workout". A great hike in the local mountains is another great form of exercise, not to mention you get to enjoy the beautiful nature. Lifting weights inside the gym is only one form of exercise. There are many ways to get a great workout without stepping foot in a gym. Get creative and get outside!!! Recent studies have shown that outdoor activities may lead to greater mental and emotional benefits than indoor exercise. Those who exercised outside also stated that when compared to working out indoors, they found greater enjoyment and satisfaction with outdoor activity and were more likely to continue with their outdoor workouts.

Here are some tips to take into consideration when training outdoors. > Train early, The later it gets in the day the more excuses we tend to have to skip your workout. > We tend to have more energy in the mornings. > The air is much cleaner early in the morning.

> Try to avoid training in extreme cold or hot temprature. > Try to avoid training in extreme cold or hot temprature. > Make sure to drink water and stay hydrated. Even if it is cold outside you still need to keep hydrated during exercise.

Photo by: www.pinkelephantphotography.com

> And most importantly it will make you feel better throughout the day!!

DUMBBELL SQUAT PRESS Stand with both feet hip-width apart with knees slightly bent and arms overhead parallel to each other with a slight bend in your elbows. Simultaneously lower both arms down to a 90-degree angle with palms facing forward as you squat down until thighs are parallel to the ground. Return back to the starting position in a controlled manner and repeat. ABOUT THE WRITER: Ingrid Romero is a full time fitness model and a IFBB Bikini Pro currently living in Los Angeles, California. She is originally from Barcelona, Spain. Ingrid has been competing for a year and loving every minute of it! In March 2011, she competed in the Arnold Classic and won the overall. A lot of doors have opened for her after that, and she is so excited for the future. For more information, visit Ingrid at: ingridromero.com, Twitter: twitter.com/ ingridromero1 and Facebook: facebook.com/ingrideromero1985 Photo Credit: Chaz Photographics


FitnessX Magazine • FEBRUARY 2012



Kat Painter demonstrating the workouts

BEGINNER BENCH DIPS Position your hands shoulder width apart on a secured bench. A) Place your feet flat in front of you until your knees are at a 90-degree angle. Straighten out your arms and keep a little bend in your elbows in order to always keep tension on your triceps and off your elbow joints. B) Slowly lower your upper body down towards the floor and keep your elbows tucked into your sides. Once you reach 90 degrees in your elbows, slowly press off with your hands and push yourself back up to the starting position with your triceps.






Same as above, except feet will be further in front of you on heels with legs straight.

BEGINNER V-SITS A) Lean back about 45-degrees with knees bent and chin off your chest. B) In a controlled manner, simultaneously lift your knees toward your chest making sure to focus your eyes above the knees. Return to the start position.


ADVANCED V-SITS Same as above, except legs are straight.



DUMBBELL ADVANCED T-PUSHUP Grab a pair of hex dumbbells and assume a pushup position, your arms straight and feet close together with core tight. A) Bend your elbows and lower your body until your chest nearly touches the ground. B) As you push yourself back up, lift your right hand and rotate the right side of your body as you raise the dumbbell straight up over your shoulder until your body forms a T. Add a leg lift toward your dumbbell for more challenge.






Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart, holding dumbbells to your side. A) Step forward and lower hips to the floor by bending the front knee without letting the back leg touch the ground. B) Return to the starting position by pushing back with the front leg. Alternate legs and repeat. Photography by BillyBow of FitnessX Magazine

FEBRUARY 2012 • FitnessX Magazine



Dr. Sara Solomon A Health & Fitness Phenom

P h oto by :

E va s i m o n

Dr. Sara Solomon was born on January 25, 1978 and raised in Belleville, Ontario, Canada. Sara completed her undergraduate training at McGill University in Montreal, Canada where she received her Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy in 2001. During her physiotherapy training, Sara became captivated by fitness, and earned her personal training certification in 1999. Sara’s desire to interlace science and artistry resulted in her pursuit of dentistry. After obtaining her dental degree (DMD) from McGill University in 2005, she moved to Toronto, Ontario, where she currently practices dentistry. After 8 years of studying at the university, Sara had gained weight. She longed for a toned athletic look, but despite regular exercising, was unable to achieve any visible results. She decided to join a gym where she met PRO fitness model, Lyzabeth Lopez. Lyzabeth taught Sara the principles of clean eating, and within a few months, her body completely transformed. Sara’s transformation was featured as one of Oxygen Magazine’s Success Stories in 2011. Sara became so enamored with fitness, not only did she enroll in gymnastics and ballroom dancing, but she also became a certified spinning instructor. Shortly thereafter, she decided to pursue jump rope, and became a certified jump rope instructor with the Jump Rope Institute under the tutelage of Olympian and world-renowned jump rope expert, Buddy Lee. Lyzabeth encouraged Sara to enter a fitness competition, and in 2009, Sara entered and won her first fitness competition at 31 years of age. In 2010, Sara began actively competing with the World Body Building and Fitness Federation (WBFF). In the fall of 2010, Sara welcomed 3X WBFF PRO Figure World Champion, Emily Stirling to her training team. On July 2, 2011, Sara was awarded her PRO Status at the Alberta WBFF Championships and has been proudly competing on the WBFF PRO stage since.

Sara’s goal is to motivate others to become healthier, happier and more productive through the adoption of a healthy lifestyle. Sara teaches evidence-based lectures addressing prevention and treatment of work-related musculoskeletal injuries, proper exercise prescription, as well as high-energy nutritional strategies to ensure long and healthy careers. Sara has also been selected by Buddy Lee’s Jump Rope Technology Inc. to serve on the 2012 Official US Army Get Fit…Be Strong...World Team Fit Tour to motivate, educate and encourage children and adults to get fit and stay fit for life! Sara is also a Team True Star Athlete and proudly adheres to and educates others on the Truestar philosophy on the five key areas of health: Nutrition, Exercise, Vitamins, Attitude and Sleep. Not only has Sara been featured on numerous fitness magazine covers, but she is also the author for Oxygen Magazine’s “Work Train Compete” blog where she creatively imparts tips for balancing a busy career with competing and a healthy lifestyle. Sara’s motivational strategies, recipes, fitness regimes and educational articles have been published in numerous international magazines, including FitnessX Magazine, Oxygen Magazine, Inside Fitness, Natural Muscle Magazine, Status Fitness Magazine, World Physique Magazine, Urban Male Magazine, Ontario Dentist and WBFF’s Fit and Firm Magazine. Sara also studied piano to the grade 10 level with Toronto’s Royal Conservatory of Music and has recently taken up photography and acting as a hobby. Sara lives by the motto, “Do it Now!” and prides herself in being an athlete, a dentist, a writer, an educator and a role model. Stay tuned for the 2012 release of Sara’s evidence-based book which will reveal the precise recipes, training regime and supplementation program she used to shed her stubborn fat and become an Oxygen Magazine success story.

Contest History: •

Fitness Star Montreal Nov. 28, 2009: 1st place Athletic Tall Female & Best Stage Presence Award • WBFF World Championships Sept 18, 2010: did not place WBFF Quebec April 30, 2011: 2nd place Fitness Model Tall and 4th place Bikini Model • • NPC Atlantic States June 4, 2011: Bikini - 10th place WBFF Calgary July 2, 2011: Fitness Model - 2nd place and awarded PRO card • WBFF World Championships Aug 27, 2011: PRO Fitness Model: - 2nd call out •

For more information about Sara, please visit her website at www.drsarasolomon.com 18.

FitnessX Magazine • FEBRUARY 2012




Valentine’s Day Chocolate:

What’s Love Got To Do W With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, it has left me pondering what’s the big deal about Valentine’s Day and chocolate candy? According to The Nielsen Company, consumers are expected to purchase more than 345 million dollars in chocolate candy during Valentine’s week!


Dr. Sara Solomon

I will be honest. I was originally going to write an article about healthy Valentine’s Day meals & desserts. But then I started thinking, why do we associate chocolate and food with love?

Food is not love! Yet it has become a tool we use to express love. From an early age, we learn to associate food with love and nurturing. As adults, we continue searching for love and acceptance through the same means…food. This explains why so many of us are guilty of confusing our hunger for food with a hunger for emotional fulfillment. Since we are often unaware of the connection with food and feelings, we often eat unconsciously. Perhaps you are single, lonely or bored during Valentine’s Day and will use food inappropriately to fill an emotional hunger? Food should not be used to feed your soul. Food is merely fuel and should be used to feed the body. If you must indulge your sweet tooth this Valentine’s Day, then dark chocolate covered strawberries are your healthiest option. Dark chocolate and strawberries both contain antioxidants, which improve immune function and lower the risk for infection and cancer. Dark chocolate’s heart-healthy benefits stem from its rich flavonol content. Flavonoids reduce blood pressure by increasing the production of nitric oxide, a substance that causes blood vessels to widen and relax.1 But why dark chocolate and not milk or white chocolate you ask? Dark chocolate is less refined, allowing a higher flavonol content.2 Be sure to purchase dark chocolate that has at least 70% cocoa solids.1 The benefits of eating dark chocolate are small when compared to the sugar and fat content in this high calorie treat. Remember that portion control is important. Just because something is healthy does not mean you can eat more of it and magically not pack on the pounds. The serving recommendation is 1 ounce of dark chocolate 2-3 times a week.2 Do not consume dark chocolate with milk because the health benefits of dark chocolate are negated when consumed with milk.2 Another option, which is great for children, is using heart-shaped cookie cutters to cut fruit into heart shapes. You can also cut whole-grain pancakes after they are cooked with a heart-shaped cookie cutter and serve it with a pink protein shake made with vanilla whey protein powder and strawberries and raspberries. I have presented to you some healthier low-calorie food options. But keep in mind that eating low-calorie healthy foods to fill an emotional hunger is still using food inappropriately. Reflect for a few minutes before eating to generate awareness about your eating patterns. Are you eating because a holiday dictates you should? Are you eating to stifle your emotions with food? Or are you eating because you are fuelling your body? Remember that fulfillment in life comes from accepting and loving ourselves and others, not from a box of chocolates on Valentine’s Day. My eating habits were instilled in me as a child: My family has a very unhealthy relationship with food, consuming excessive portions of unhealthy foods everyday out of pleasure, boredom, instant gratification and celebration. I confess that the hardest relationship in my life is the one I have with the most intimate part of everyday of my life-- my food! I made the decision to take control and change this relationship by “breaking up” with unhealthy food and emotional eating. I achieved this by throwing away all unhealthy food in my house and by keeping a food diary. I downloaded a free application called “lose it” onto my iPhone that allows me to track my daily food intake. Before I make the decision to eat something, I always enter the item into my food diary before I actually eat it. This gives me a moment to reflect and prevents impulsive emotional eating. I have to ask myself the following: “Is this food intended to fuel my body, or am I eating it for the wrong reasons? What is this instant gratification going to cost me in the long run? Is eating this food going to cause me more pleasure or more pain?” I make an effort to focus on how being healthy and fit makes me feel. When I shift my thoughts to long-term gratification, it makes is easier for me to make more intelligent short-term choices. This is how I find the inner motivation not to eat the “treat”. It is still okay to treat ourselves once in the blue moon, but in moderation. This year, let’s make an effort not to make Valentine’s Day all about the treats. You can enjoy the holiday with your loved one by focusing on sweet activities you can do together. If you really want to celebrate your love on Valentine’s Day, consider a bouquet of calorie-free flowers, go to the movies, start working out together and make a vow to eat and prepare the same healthy meals together. Remember the true reason for the celebration…love…and it has nothing to do with food.


FitnessX Magazine • FEBRUARY 2012

Leha Long‘s Recipes C h o co l at e Pr ot e i n Pa n ca k e s w i t h C h o co l at e Syru p / S p rea d

With It? Did someone say pancakes? I love pancakes! I can eat them while dieting and training for a competition, and so can you! There's so many things you can add to pancakes to make it fun. Here's one of my all time favorites!

Pancake Ingredients: P hoto by :

E va s i m o n

· 2 egg whites · 1/2 cup of dr y oats · 1 t b s p. o f u n s we e t e n e d c o c o a · 1 t s p. o f f l a x m e a l · 1 t s p. o f c i n n a m o n ( o p t i o n a l ) · 1 / 3 s c o o p o f c h o c o l a t e p ro t e i n p o wd e r · Wa t e r

Chocolate Syrup/ Spread Ingredients: · 1 packet of Stevia · 1 t b s p. o f u n s we e t e n e d c o c o a · 1 t b s p. o f u n s we e t e n e d c o c o a · 1 t s p. o f c i n n a m o n · Wa t e r

Pancake Directions: M i x a l l o f t h e pa n ca k e i n gre d i e n t s i n a b l e n d er u n t i l s m o ot h . P o ur a l l o f t h e m i x t ure to m a k e o n e b i g pa n ca k e i n a p re - h eat e d co o k i n g pa n t h at h a s bee n s p raye d w i t h co o k i n g s p ray, o r yo u ca n d i v i d e t h e m i x i n to t w o f o r t w o pa n ca k e s . W h e n t h e m i x bubb l e s f l i p to t h e ot h er s i d e . Co o k u n t i l eac h s i d e i s br o w n .

References: 1. http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/CanadaAM/20070704/dark_chocolate_070704/ 2. http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/health/fitness/2011/02/dark_chocolate_its_sweet_for_y.html

ABOUT THE WRITER: Dr. Sara Solomon received her BSc in Physical Therapy and her DMD from McGill University in 2001 and 2005 respectively. She is a general dentist in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Sara is also a WBFF PRO Fitness Model, a writer, a cover girl, a certified personal trainer, a SPINNING® instructor, a physiotherapist, a certified jump rope specialist with the Jump Rope Institute, a university and continuing education lecturer and a photographer. To learn more about Sara, please visit her website at www.drsarasolomon.com.

Chocolate Syrup/ Spread Directions: M i x t h e i n gre d i e n t s to ge t h er i n a h ot pa n w i t h a l i t t l e wat er . If yo u wa n t s yru p t h e n u s e m o re wat er w i t h t h e m i x . If yo u wa n t yo ur m i x to be t h i c k l i k e a s p rea d t h e n d o n ' t u s e a s m uc h wat er . T h e m i x w i l l bubb l e . Kee p s t i r r i n g u n t i l i t ' s to t h e t h i c k n e s s yo u d e s i re . P o ur o r s p rea d o n to p o f yo ur pa n ca k e ( s ) w h e n i t ' s rea dy.








LaURA MAK QUIST, MS, Pregnancy Fitness Specialist PHOTOS by



You are finally in the last stages of your pregnancy and for some of you it may feel as if the process has flown by, and many of you may feel as if you are absolutely ready for your baby to come out and play. Wherever you are mentally, these four stretches I have selected will help you with delivery, birth, and recovery afterwards. These movements are even considered safe if you are a high risk pregnancy or instructed on bed rest. (Be sure to consult with your physician first, but likely you will have clearance to practice these stretches.) Speaking of bed rest, there have been studies shown from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland that although bed rest can provide benefits, it can also have some overlooked side effects such as muscle atrophy, cardiovascular deconditioning, potential bone loss, and even depression. If you are prescribed bed rest, listen to your doctor, but prepare yourself for post birth. Once you are cleared for exercise, you can line yourself up with a certified post-natal personal trainer to help deal with muscle weakness and fatigue. In addition, you may consider lining up postpartum support such as help with baby care, household chores and meals often needed. Accept the help. In the meantime, the movements selected below will strengthen the pelvic-floor muscles. It is especially important at this phase of your pregnancy to keep your pelvis, spine and hips mobile. This will also aid in relieving discomfort and increase preparations for your labor.



1. Butterfly Pose

Sitting cross-legged, slide the soles of your feet together. If you feel your lower back rounding, sit on the edge of a blanket. Press your feet together, tuck your tailbone under and let your knees drop open. Cup your hands around your feet; don’t pull. Press your feet together and continue to let your knees fall open; lean slightly forward to increase the stretch. Hold for 5–8 complete breaths.


2.Upper Back Cross-Legged Side Twist

Seated on the ground, begin by crossing your ankles in the front of your body. Breathe in and raise the chest and upper back while gently adding a simultaneous twist. Place the opposite hand on the knee giving support and a little more twist motion. Exhale and return to the start position. Repeat on the other side. Practice this stretch according to your breath alternating sides for 10 reps on each side.


FitnessX Magazine • FEBRUARY 2012


3. Seated Side Stretch on Fit Ball

Leha Long‘s Recipes

This is a wonderful opening stretch that increases the blood flow in the body. Begin sitting on the ball with the spine straight and the feet wider that hip width. On the inhale, place the left hand on the ball. Extend the right arm above the head reaching and stretching over to the right. On the exhale, lower the arm slowly back to the start position. Continue alternating sides, letting your breathe lead the movement. Repeat for 8-10 breaths (stretches) on each side.



C arr ot C a k e

3C. T h i s re c i p e c a n b e m a d e i n t o a s m a l l c a k e, p a n c a k e s, m u f f i n s, c u p c a k e s o r w a f f l e s. ( a d d 1 t s p. v a n i l l a , h o we ve r m u c h c i n n a m o n yo u p re fe r, 1 t s p. b a k i n g p o wd e r a n d b a k i n g p o wd e r ) ( 1 - 3 1 0 C a l o r i e s )


4. Hip and Pelvis Opener – Straddle Stretch

Begin in a wide but comfortable straddle stretch. Take a breath in and lift the arms above the head. Repeat this a few times before going into the stretch.




• Next, lift the arms above the head on the inhale and as you exhale, place the hands on the mat in front of you, walking the hands out stretching them as far as they can comfortably reach. Hold this position for 5 breaths. Walk the hands back in and raise the body to the start position. • Inhale and lift both arms up, but this time on the exhale, reach the right arm down towards the right leg, while keeping the left arm above the head extending long over the body. Hold this position for 5 breaths. On an exhale, lift the body up and return to the start position. Repeat this on the other side. • Repeat all three of these movements 5-10 times on each side. Be sure the movement follows the breath. Take each one slowly so you body can sink comfortably and relax into each stretch position.

· 4 t b s p. A p p l e S a u c e - " N o S u g a r Ad d e d " · 6 t b s p. 1 0 0 % L i q u i d E g g W h i t e s · 4 t b s p. S h re d d e d C a r ro t s · 1 s l i c e. S l i c e d Pi n e a p p l e ( I n Pi n e a p p l e J u i c e ) · 4 t b s p. O a t m e a l O l d Fa s h i o n e d ( D r y ) · 5 t b s p. Fa t Fre e Co o l W h i p

Directions: M i x t h e ab o v e i n gre d i e n t s i n a b o w l , exce p t f o r t h e co o l w h i p. P o ur t h e m i x i n to a s p raye d ca k e pa n , m uff i n pa n w i t h m uff i n cu p s , waff l e m a k er , o r i f yo u are m a k i n g pa n ca k e s , p o ur i t o n to a gr i d d l e o r a pa n . Co o k u n t i l g o l d e n br o w n o r u n t i l d o n e . To p w i t h fat - free co o l w h i p, n u t s a n d c i n n a m o n .

These stretches should be pleasurable to practice and leave you feeling lengthened and strengthened afterward. This routine can be performed on a daily basis when you wake up in the morning, before bed in the evening, or for an afternoon pick me up. I am wishing you well on the rest of your pregnancy and a smooth healthy delivery! ABOUT THE WRITER: Over the past 19 years Laura Mak has made it part of her career in fitness to be a leader, a forward thinker, and a positive role model in every way when she undertakes a new project. Since her early days in training as an elite athlete and then on to the top ranks as an IFBB Fitness Pro, Laura Mak has taken her passion for Lifestyle Fitness Coaching to a level only reached by the top echelon in the fitness industry.

Photo By: billybow Photography







Do you know the difference between Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats? What they are and what they do? We will be addressing all of these foods within the next three articles. However, today let’s talk about the fats! There are 3 basic kinds that most of us have heard of: Saturated, mono-unsaturated & polyunsaturated fats. What’s the difference between these and what are some of the benefits of eating them!

Fats Fats are organic compounds that are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They are a source of energy in foods. Fats belong to a group of substances called lipids, and come in liquid or solid form. All fats are combinations of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Fat is one of the 3 nutrients (along with protein and carbohydrates) that supply calories to the body. Fat provides 9 calories per gram, more than twice the number provided by carbohydrates or protein. Fat is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Fats provide essential fatty acids, which are not made by the body and must be obtained from food. The essential fatty acids are linoleic and linolenic acid. They are important for controlling inflammation, blood clotting, and brain development. Fat serves as the storage substance for the body's extra calories. It fills the fat cells (adipose tissue) that help insulate the body. Fats are also an important energy source. When the body has used up the calories from carbohydrates, which occurs after the first 20 minutes of exercise, it begins to depend on the calories from fat. Healthy skin and hair are maintained by fat. Fat helps the body absorb and move the vitamins A, D, E, and K through the bloodstream.

Saturated Fat "Bad" fat is often found in animal food products and processed foods which utilize oils that are high in saturated fat. Studies show that too much saturated fat in a person's diet increases heart disease risk by increasing total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Saturated fat are found in animal products such as butter, cheese, whole milk, ice cream, cream, and fatty meats, and such oils as coconut and palm oils. "Bad" fat that is formed during the process of hydrogenation helps keep oils solid and stable at room temperature for use in foods. It naturally occurs in small amounts in meat and milk. It increases the risk in heart disease, but is thought to be even more harmful because not only does it increase total and LDL cholesterol, but it decreases HDL cholesterol as well. When consuming animal products, choose lean beef, chicken, and turkey. Eat eggs in moderation.

Monounsaturated Fat (MUFAs) "Good" fat can be found in oils and plants. It has been shown to decrease total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol and maintain HDL cholesterol. Found in: Mid-oleic sunflower oil (NuSun), canola oil, olive oil, peanut oil, olives, nuts, seeds, avocados, healthier cooking oils for food preparation at home, and snack chips cooked in healthier oils high in MUFAs, such as sunflower oil used in Frito-Lay snack chips.

Polyunsaturated Fats (PUFAs) "Good" is in oils, nuts, fish and plants. Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) have been shown to decrease risk for heart disease by decreasing total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Omega-3 PUFA fats from fish have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiac arrhythmia and sudden death. The modes of action are not fully understood, but are due in large part to anti-inflammatory/anti-thrombotic capacity. Found in: Sunflower oil, soybean oil, sorn oil, soybean, nuts, fish, snack chips cooked in healthier oils high in PUFAs, such as corn oil used in FritoLay snack chips, and prepared foods and packaged goods made with soybean oil.

ABOUT THE WRITER: Joel Mosley & Leonela Waltrick are known experts on weight loss, muscle gain, nutrition and supplements education. Mosley, who has BA in Kinesiology, has been a professional heavy weight boxer, emergency medical technician and sports/fitness coach for the last 20 years. Waltrick is a sports and fitness model, fitness trainer, CPR/ First Aid, Health Sciences certified; Originally from Brazil, as a pro volleyball athlete, she conquered many sports medals and has been in the fitness industry for the past 10 years.


FitnessX Magazine • FEBRUARY 2012


GEO Dark Chocolate Dipped Touchdowns Toss almonds into a food processor or blender and process until you reach the consistency of a medium-grain meal. Mix almond meal and all remaining ingredients, except dark chocolate chips, in a medium bowl with a spoon. The dough will be thick, and a little crumbly until it is well blended. Divide into equal portions rolling into 1" balls then mold into your desired mini football shape (rounder for a "cake" pop or flatter like a cookie). Place on a parchment or wax paper-lined baking sheet. Refrigerate or freeze dough footballs until firm (a couple hours). In a separate small bowl, microwave about a 1/2 cup of the chocolate chips on medium, stirring every 20 seconds until melted, 1 to 2 minutes. Dip the footballs one at a time in the melted chocolate rotating to make sure it is covered entirely. With two spoons or two toothpicks on either side, remove dough football from the melted chocolate allowing the excess to drip back into the bowl. Place dipped footballs on a lined baking sheet and refrigerate

about 15 minutes until the chocolate has set. With white decorating icing and a small plain tip, pipe laces onto each football pop. Refrigerate or freeze until ready to serve. To make "Cake" Pops: If you want to make these fabulous footballs into "cake" pops, simply dip the tip of a lollipop stick in a little of the melted chocolate and insert into the football a little less than halfway. Place back in the freezer on lined baking sheet for several minutes to firm up. Remove from freezer and carefully dip each football in the melted chocolate, rotating until covered and allowing the excess to drip back into the bowl. Once all footballs are dipped, stick into a styrofoam block to dry, stick side in. Refrigerate about 20 minutes until the chocolate has set. With white decorating icing and a small plain tip, pipe laces onto each football pop. Refrigerate or freeze until ready to serve. *Makes about 10-12 mini footballs.


• 2 scoops GEO Vibrant Vanilla Protein Powder • 1/4 cup raw, unsalted almonds • 1/4 cup agave nectar • 2 tablespoons natural almond butter • 1 teaspoon dark cacao powder • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt • 2 tablespoon rolled oats • about 1/2 - 3/4 cup dark chocolate (for melting and dipping) • white decorating icing with narrow piping tip (for drawing laces on football) • Optional: lollipop sticks

www.giftedearthoriginals.com FEBRUARY 2012 • FitnessX Magazine




Katherine Carneiro – NPC National Level Bikini Competitor

James Cooper of Static Photography

BALANCING WORK and COMPETING This topic is such an interesting subject for me to talk about, as I am a full time Office Manager at an International Real Estate company, putting in at least 45 hours of work in a week. I found my love for competing a little over a year ago, and have since found a way to make work and competing fit in my life. Many people have asked me how I can do both, work full time and train for a show, and it really is quite simple… it is something that I want to do. If you want to do something you will find a way. Here are a few tips that I have learned in the last year to help balance out my professional and competing life.

1) Plan, Plan, Plan. I can’t say this enough. Yes, it can be a pain, but it allows you to keep your sanity, especially during those carb cycle days or when you are rushing around in the morning. I prep all of my food the night before for the following day, as well as packing my gym bag and making sure my mp3 player is fully charged. Getting into work and realizing you forgot your post workout shake is so frustrating, at the same time putting a huge roadblock into your progress…there are no excuses, so be proactive and take the extra hour at night to prep and pack!

2) Keep your mind clear of negative. This is obviously easier said than done, but you have to keep a positive mindset. Having been guilty of letting negative thoughts take over, thus creating a snowball effect in your head and getting you to the point of being overwhelmed. Come up with a plan B, so if your boss makes you stay late at work, you are not stressing out about missing the gym. Invest in some cables and lighter weights at home and have a go-to work out for those late nights. I have a treadmill in my living room, while it might not be the nicest looking thing to look at; it makes a ‘zero excuse’ atmosphere to miss a cardio session.

3) Make getting to the gym easy. At one point, I had three gym memberships because I did not want to be any farther than 10 minutes from a gym. Making the gym accessible allows your mind to not worry and to just focus on your training.

4) Remember you are doing this because you WANT to. Too many times I have talked with women who complain and whine about training and prepping for a show. Yes, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns, but if it was an easy sport then what would the satisfaction be when you step on stage? No one is making you do this, you want to do this. Keep that mentality when you begin to feel over- challenged and burnt out.

5) Focus on your career while you are at work, focus on training while you are at the gym. Listen, I know that most of us would LOVE to be paid to work out; while that may happen to some of us, it will not be reality for many of us. I have a full-time job which allows me to compete and still pay the bills. Put in 110% at your job like you would in the gym, keeping your colleagues happy will do wonders for you, especially when you get close to your show. Most co-workers will not ever understand why we compete and do what we do, but when they see you putting in complete effort at work, they will not question if you need to take a personal day or two the week of your show. I hope this gives you a few pieces of advice you can apply to your own life. Remember, take a deep breath, try to plan and prepare as much as possible, and do not get overwhelmed! This is a journey and nothing is ever perfect, but with the right mindset and attitude you will be able to enjoy even the setbacks that come your way.


FitnessX Magazine • FEBRUARY 2012


ASK the Dentist Dear Dr. Solomon,


Is it safe to have mercury fillings in my mouth or should I have them replaced with white fillings?"

As a pure element, mercury is poisonous and we are all exposed to mercury in air, water, soil and food. The mercury in a dental amalgam; however, is chemically BOUND in a stable ALLOY of silver, copper and tin. That being said, amalgam fillings still do release minute amounts of mercury vapor with chewing. This mercury vapor can be absorbed by the body (where it accumulates mostly in the kidneys) and can even cross the placenta. But this is also true of mercury absorbed from food such as tuna. Keep in mind that mercury’s toxicity is related to the amount that is actually absorbed. Health Canada estimates that the average Canadian adult aged 20-59, absorbs 9 millionths of a gram per day from all mercury sources.1 Of this amount, it is estimated that dental amalgam contributes to 3 millionths of a gram per day.1 Amalgam is the most durable and affordable restorative material, and has been used for 150 years. For the majority of people, no harmful effects have been caused by mercury exposure from amalgam fillings.1 “Current scientific consensus supports the position that amalgam does not contribute to illness”.2 Alternative restorative materials; however, should be considered for the 3% of the population who are sensitive to the components of amalgam3, as well as for patients with neurological conditions, impaired kidney function or those who are immunologically compromised1. Note that dental amalgam itself is not linked to these conditions, but should be avoided to minimize the total body mercury burden with this particular compromised patient population. It should also be avoided with patients with known occupational mercury exposure and those who eat a seafood-only diet.1 Health Canada also released the following statement concluding that while “the research evidence did not support excluding children, pregnant or lactating women…from receiving amalgam fillings… common sense dictated that pregnant women should avoid any elective medical or dental intervention until after delivery.”1 Health Canada has also taken the position that “new amalgam fillings should not be placed in contact with existing metal devices in the mouth, such as braces”1 because of the risk of a galvanic effect, which is the potential for electric current to be generated when 2 different metals are in close proximity. Recent evidence suggests that galvanic effect may slightly increase the release of mercury vapor from amalgam.1 Should you have your amalgam fillings replaced? If your amalgam restoration and tooth are fully intact and you have no indication of adverse health effects attributable to mercury exposure, then NO, it does not make sense to replace the amalgam filling merely because of questions being raised about possible amalgam toxicity. The risks of mercury vapor release and tooth trauma during the amalgam removal process versus the benefits of improved aesthetics and “peace of mind” is something that you will have to consider after consulting with your dentist. Replacement should be considered for patients who are sensitive to dental amalgam. If your amalgam restoration is wearing down, fractured, or is no longer sealing the tooth (risking or possessing recurrent decay), then the amalgam should be removed and replaced with a new filling or possibly a crown, depending upon the amount of tooth structure remaining. Your dentist will use techniques and equipment to minimize your exposure to mercury vapor during amalgam placement and removal, such as a rubber dam, and high volume evacuation with copious water. Anytime you introduce a foreign substance into your body for therapeutic use, there will be an element of risk. Talk to your dentist and determine if there are special reasons to be cautious about using amalgam in your situation. Inquire about alternative restorative materials such as composite resin, ceramic inlays/onlays or gold castings. Keep in mind that all dental materials have their advantages and disadvantages, and depending upon the size and location of the cavity, some materials will be more suitable than others. Together, you and your dentist can decide which filling material will work best for you. The final decision is always yours. References: 1. http://www.cda-adc.ca/en/oral_health/faqs_resources/faqs/dental_amalgam_faqs.asp 2. http://www.cda-adc.ca/_files/position_statements/amalgam_replacement.pdf 3. JADA, Vol. 122, Aug. 1991, p. 54

Other references: a) http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/dhp-mps/md-im/applic-dema

ABOUT THE WRITER: Dr. Sara Solomon received her BSc in Physical Therapy and her DMD from McGill University in 2001 and 2005 respectively. She is a general dentist in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Sara is also a WBFF PRO Fitness Model, a writer, a cover girl, a certified personal trainer, a SPINNING® instructor, a physiotherapist, a certified jump rope specialist with the Jump Rope Institute, a university and continuing education lecturer and a photographer. To learn more about Sara, please visit her website at www.drsarasolomon.com. E-mail your questions for Dr. Solomon to publisher@fitnessX. com

b) http://www.ada.org/1741.aspx

FEBRUARY 2012 • FitnessX Magazine



lit y – ea R o t i re F r o m De s omplish

cc A o t w o H ce n O s l a o your G All and for : WRITTEN BY


Laure n Lee

Photo By:

Mike Byerly



he core of every person is a desire to improve and succeed. If you want something

bad enough, then you will probably do whatever it takes to obtain it. So, why is it so hard for us to turn our greatest desires into reality? There is a saying that ‘if you keep doing what you have always done, you’ll get what you always got’. So, if everything you have tried in the past has failed, then you need to change something in order to get a different result – and a better result at that!

Here I have listed 9 steps to help you on your own goal-reaching journey: 1) Know it is a process. Reaching your goals will come in the small steps you take each day. Life rarely changes overnight. You need to take the initiative to change your own life. If you are constantly waiting on some event or someone else to change you, you will never live the joyful life that was intended for you.

2) Determine ‘why’ you want to achieve a specific goal. If you want to lose 50 pounds to be more active in your kids’ lives, write that desire on a piece of paper and keep it close by so when you are feeling weak it serves as a reminder as to why you are making the sacrifice. This will also be a gut check to make sure you are doing it for the right reasons and not because of others’ expectations. Stay conscious of your thoughts so that you do not stray from your original motivation or slide into negativity and unbelief. Leading to my next point…

3) Believe you can do it. You need to feel like it’s possible in your mind before your body will follow with action. Imagine achieving your goal. Find inspiration in others who have stepped out and achieved something big, and come back to what inspires you when you feel weak. This is a big reason people fall short of achieving their goals. You may set a goal to eat healthy, but when temptation and hunger call, in that moment of weakness you decide to go for the vending machine thinking “I’ll never be able to do it anyway. It’s impossible.” It’s about risk and return: The more you believe that your sacrifices (the risk) will payoff (the return), the more likely you are to take the risk and stick with it.

4) Educate yourself. Do online research, talk to friends, or buy a book on the topic. Visit a professional or someone with experience, such as a dietician or a trainer if your goal is to change your physique. The point here is how can you start eating ‘healthy’ if you don’t know what a carbohydrate is? You don’t want to waste time doing things that won’t work, so talking to a professional will inform you of the necessary steps. You don’t have to see all the steps at this point, but it’s helpful to get information in order to get started on the right track.

5) Sacrifices: worth the cost to achieve your goals. You have to make it a priority - a ‘to-do’ on your list - otherwise it will fall backseat to your busy schedule. Again, this is something you will want to write and post somewhere you will see it so that your mind can relate the sacrifice to the ultimate goal.

6) Develop a few small, realistic objectives. This will help you to achieve your ultimate goal, such as ‘eat six smaller meals a day’ or ‘workout 3 times a week’. This list may grow as you take a few steps and realize there is more to it. Just list what you know you can do now.


FitnessX Magazine • FEBRUARY 2012

7) List how you plan to meet those objectives. Failing to plan is another huge reason people do not succeed. If you know you need to eat several smaller meals a day to keep from binging, you will want to prepare meals in advance so when hunger strikes, you have something healthy available. If you wait until you are hungry to decide what you will eat, you are most likely going to choose the most convenient and unhealthy option. So, for someone wanting to lose weight, this means deciding what days you will work out, visit the grocery store, pre-make meals, etc. Make it as easy as possible and plan ahead!

8) Do work! Focus combined with repeated action will change habits. Again, keep a list of your goals in places you go the most. I intentionally read through my priorities and goals as soon as I wake up in the morning to set the pace for my day. Otherwise, if your goals are out of site, as the saying goes, they are probably out of mind too, and you are more likely to move through life taking care of immediate burdens while the important things slip away.

9) A few more things to consider: *Accountability – get a workout partner, or tell a friend about your desire to grow and your struggle to do so, and call him/her at low points. *Keep a journal that you can jot down thoughts, prayers, successes and failures, etc. This will help you process what helps you versus what may be sabotaging your success. Writing can also be a huge stress reliever. I keep a journal with me at all times and even tab pages to come back to when I need a reminder of my goals, what I have to be thankful for, something that helped me in the past, etc. Remember - Anything in life that is valuable will take sacrifice and effort to obtain. Decide if what you want is worth the cost, stick to that decision in your actions, and you will succeed!

ABOUT THE WRITER: Lauren Lee is a fitness enthusiast, model, and writer of various health and wellness topics. Her passion in life is to motivate others to find balance and to teach people to appreciate the individual qualities that make them unique. You can find out more about Lauren at www.iamlaurenlee.webs.com. Photo Credit: Mike Byerly Photography Originally developed in 2002 by a team of leading naturopathic doctors, nutritionists, exercise developers, medical doctors, and health educators, Truestar Health, a personal profiling total health program, is based upon five key areas of health: Nutrition, Exercise, Vitamins, Attitude and Sleep. The philosophy behind Truestar’s vision is that compliance to all five key areas of health creates a balance in personal health and wellness. Whether one's goal is weight loss, muscle building, managing a health condition, increasing energy or overall wellness, Truestar Health is the perfect healthy lifestyle support system. Geared towards all ages, starting at age 6 or younger, to senior citizen and everyone in between, Truestar Health is for beginner to professional athlete to Olympic champion. The name originates from the five key areas of health being the five points of the star. Truestar Health has been a pay-per-use site and has supported many weight loss clinics, health clubs, doctors, chiropractors, nutritionists, personal trainers and various other health providers in offering health care services to hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. In 2011, in an effort to empower more lives of people searching for quality personal health and wellness guidance, all of the resources and tools on the Truestar Health website were made free. Get these free tools at:

www.fitnessxisbodyproud.com FEBRUARY 2012 • FitnessX Magazine



Travel, Tighten and Tone - Boot Camp Challenge! Written By

Kaytee Weaver

Photo By:

LHGFX Photography


love to travel and being that I live in a different state than all my immediate family members, you can be sure to find me packing up my bags at least every couple months for long weekends to visit family. For some of you, traveling may put a roadblock to your training schedule but for me I get excited for upcoming trips because this means I get to think outside the box and get creative with my workouts. Whether you’re going on vacation, visiting family over a holiday weekend or just taking a road trip with your friends, don’t let it be an excuse to dump your workout routine. There are SO many ways you can get creative and challenge your body without the typical weight and cardio machines found in the gym. It’s important to shock your body, once in a while, to keep from getting bored with your routine or hitting a plateau in your fitness goals. Here’s a workout I found myself doing on my latest trip home. And let me tell you, I didn’t miss a beat from not doing my typical weight workouts at the gym. I came home feeling stronger, more energetic, and looking even leaner- not something you typically think will happen when your away from your normal gym and diet routine right? So don’t be so quick to toss in the towel with your workouts next time you’re out of town. Boot camp style workouts have become more and more popular with trainers and competitors adding them as fundamental elements in their training. When you try it yourself you will see why! Take this challenge or create your own. This routine combines cardio and plyometric work for an intense circuit training workout using NO equipment. I will often do this workout outside on the concrete patio, but it can also easily be done in an empty garage or grassy area, you pick! You’ll be surprised at how great of a workout you will get!

Things you can do to get Tighten and tone: • 1 min. Alternating High Knees • 1 min. Alternating Heel- to-Butt Kicks • 1 min. Forward Frog Jumps • 1 min. Explosive Jump Squats (squat low with feet hip width apart and your butt to the ground, then spring up throwing arms overhead) • 1 min. Jump Rope (invisible jump rope if you don’t have one!) • 50 Walking Lunges (grab something heavy laying around- last time I used a 4X4 square brick and held it overhead while doing these which incorporated shoulders as well. Using added weight will really increase the caloric burn of these!) • 15 Burpees • 20 Push-Ups • 30 Lying Leg Raises • 50 Side-to-Side Oblique Twists (feet in air at 90-degree angle) Repeat through sequences 3-4 times depending on your personal fitness level. ABOUT THE WRITER: Kaytee Rae Weaver brings years of healthy living experience through exercise and nutrition to her writing and is passionate about inspiring others to live a health-filled life. She has experience as a group exercise instructor, is studying for her ACSM personal training certificate, is a NPC bikini competitor, fitness model and entrepreneur. Feel free to contact her at kade_rae@yahoo.com for inquiries regarding training or visit http://ktbikinigurl.blogspot.com for additional inspiration!


FitnessX Magazine • FEBRUARY 2012

Fear! Ov erc om ing Ob sta cle s to

D o you let fear and negativity hold you back from goin after your goals, whether they are related to fitness, health, career, family or other areas in your life?

s s e c c u S Kimberly Mil


Do you find yourself saying “what-if” and then speculating on what the worst posWRITTEN by

sble outcome could be if things don’t go your way? We often approach new endeavors with fear in our hearts. It’s challenging to change that perspective. We don’t want to fail. We let fear guide us.

Use the following strategies to help you overcome fear and push toward your goals:

Feed yourself with positive statements. Think of the best thing that might come of any situation. This might encourage you to try something you might not have otherwise attempted.

Surround yourself with a support network that believes in you. The people you invest tme in should see your own potential. Learn to recognize negative energy and remove it from your lives. Find a few people who support you no matter where you go. Make this your “go-to” group. Often times finding a mentor, someone you look up to, can be of great help.

Write down your successes to date. If you’re anything like me, you accomplish something, celebrate it, and quickly move to your next goal. It’s easy to forget the small milestones along the way. Make a list of all the things you have done of which you are proud. Post the list as a reminder. This will help keep you motivated to keep moving forward.

Allow yourself to fail. Great success often follows failure. It does so because a person learns from their mistake and is willing to try again, and try harder. Don’t let failure keep you down. Use failure as a learning experience, and allow it to ignite your passion to succeed the next time. Changing your perspective and the way you view things can make the difference in your ability to handle any situation and achieve your goals. Learn to let fear go and watch how quickly you soar! ABOUT THE WRITER: Kimberly Miller draws upon her own experiences, education,

and successes to guide and empower women to become the best they can be. She meets with her clients and evaluates their lifestyle in order to help them transform their personal style into something that is uniquely their own! Kim offers a personalized service of fashion and lifestyle consulting, tailored for each individual's needs. Whether you want to transform your personal style, prepare for an important event or simply receive one-on-one motivational coaching to help improve your self-image, Kim can help you. Photo Credit: James Patrick Photography




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Supplement Myths Exposed:

Never Get Scammed

V i n ce De l m o n t e

Dietary supplements are products intended to supplement the diet and contains one more dietary ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids botanicals and other substances. When combined with proper diet and training, supplements can catalyze your progress. Unfortunately, supplements are a tricky business. With thousands of products on the market, it feels like a lost cause to discover the truth unless you have private access to confidential information that exposes the facts, prevents confusion and a dent in your wallet. Supplements are still puzzling for many fitness enthusiasts, and supplement myths continue to advance. Fortunately, I am privileged to be connected with a handful of supplement insiders to know the truth so let’s review the facts to prevent you from becoming overwhelmed or broke.

Myth #1 You're Missing Out If You're Not Taking Supplement X If you’re like many people, you don't want to be left out in the dark if there is a hot new product available and it's got all the claims of being the "next big thing." Supplement companies use this technique to get you to spend lots of money with over-hyped claims before the supplement has been on the market long enough to stand the test of time. I like seeing a supplement on the market for at least four years before giving it personal attention.

Myth #2 If The Packaging Is Sexy, Then It Must Work Some supplement companies spend more time researching techniques for packaging, and drawing your eyes to the labels instead of the actual ingredients and doses in the product. Do your research on the company before you take a trip to your local nutrition store.

Myth #3 The New Version Is Always Better Than The Old Version Cardio How do supplement companies stay in business? By making money -- lots of it. They don't become profitable stating their old line or Version 1.0, was inferior. Although there are some new innovations and formulas available, the old products don't lose their effectiveness just because Version 2.0 has arrived.

Myth #4 The Science Backs It Up So It Must Work Yes, a good handful of companies can back their formulas and products with clinical studies (done on humans, not rats), but not all companies back up their claims with reliable research. Be aware of the use of “scientific slant” – when companies put scientific references on ad materials or product packaging. Many supplement companies don't reveal the entire truth of the science -- just what you want to hear.

Myth #5 What It Says On The Bottle Is In The Bottle What you see is not always what you get. For almost all supplement companies, there is a 10% variance, which means you could be getting 10% less or 10% more. Upstart companies are found more guilty of “pixy dusting” their products compared to a long-standing company. Always look for the FDA approved or CGMP certified classifications on the products to increase the chances of getting what the label says you’re getting. ABOUT THE WRITER: Vince Del Monte holds an Honors Kinesiology Degree and is a best-selling author. He’s coined as the Skinny Guy Savior by over 80,000 former skinny guys & gals who have followed his No Nonsense Muscle Building training and nutrition approach without drugs, bogus supplements, and in less time. Contact Vince at www.VinceDelMonteFitness.com Photo Credit: Noel Daganta 32. FitnessX Magazine • FEBRUARY 2012


Myth #6 Cheap Prices Mean a Better Deal Like anything in life, there is no such thing as a "free lunch" and if it looks too good to be true, most likely it is. Just like you won't ever find a diamond on sale, don't expect to find a high quality product on sale. If it's super cheap, then it's cheap for a reason. If you’re serious about your health, don’t penny-pinch your supplement arsenal.

Myth #7 Higher Prices Means Higher Quality For the most part, I live by the belief, "you get what you pay for," and supplement marketers know that many of us hold this belief, so they intentionally jack up the price to create a higher perceived value. Oftentimes, the extra cost is going towards inflated advertising costs.

Myth #8 The Owner Of The Store Knows Best How many times have you been in a supplement store and asked the owner or store clerk, "Which one is the best?" Even if there is a better quality product on their shelf, sometimes they will recommend the product that the store gets the highest profit margins on -- which, in most cases, is not the best quality product. Store clerks are trained to say, “Go with this one. It tastes great, it’s great quality and a decent price.” How can you say ‘no’ to that if you don’t know any better? I strongly recommend doing meticulous research on the variety of supplements available, before, you walk into the store so you don’t get suckered for the next ‘shiny object.’

Myth #9 Supplements Are Safe Because They Are Natural Just because you can buy them at a local health food store does not mean they are not filled with synthetics, fillers, artificial sweeteners and low quality ingredients. Some fat burners will not faze certain people, while other people can develop heart and blood pressure problems, so beware and consult with your doctor before taking any new supplement. The supplement store owner is rarely a registered dietician or medical doctor.

Myth #10 Supplements Are Safe Because You Can Buy Them Over The Counter The government does not regulate supplements so it's up to you to do your research and determine which products have long-term scientific evidence to support their claims. The only way an unsafe supplement will leave the market is if the free market -- you and I -regulate it out of existence.


BOOK A SHOOT Billybow@fitnessX.com FEBRUARY 2012 • FitnessX Magazine



Fitness or FAD WRITTEN BY: Jodi Tiahrt

Photo By: billybow Photography

As the days get shorter and nights get longer, winter time has set in. The stores are flooded with shoppers and grocery stores are packed with all those yummy holiday goodies. The thought of being in a bikini is the last thing on our mind. Even I can get distracted by all the holiday festivities. The one thing I always have to tell myself is that fitness is a lifestyle. It is not a fad where it is in one day and out the next, but it is a part of my life every day. I wouldn’t skip brushing my teeth every day so why would I skip out on eating healthy every day? Making fitness a lifestyle is not as hard as it looks. It is possible to maintain a great, bikini body even after the competition or after the summer days have ended. It starts by changing your mind set. You have to believe in yourself and set small goals. Even when it is hard to get up and get to the gym in the morning when it is freezing cold outside, remind yourself how great you feel after your workout. I can’t ever remember saying I wish I wouldn’t have worked out today because I feel terrible now. I do know that after a great workout, even 20 minutes, makes me feel energized and elevates my spirits. The thought of feeling energetic and happy every day, is enough to motivate me to get my workout in. Committing to an early morning cardio class with a friend or family member is a great way to stay motivated. Ok, so you can commit to the exercise routine daily, but your diet is struggling with all the holiday parties and winter comfort foods? It is ok to indulge in the holiday foods, but keep it in check and don’t make a routine of it. If you know you have an upcoming event where there are going to be a lot of unhealthy food choices and temptation, make sure you eat your clean eat foods before you go. Indulge in one treat and then walk away. Keep in mind that the holidays are about celebrating with loved ones and don’t keep the focus around the food. It is a great idea to even bring one of your favorite healthy snacks with you to the party. This way you know that you have something to snack on. Even though it is cold outside and we want to warm up by drinking all our favorite hot beverages, make sure you keep your water intake up. Just because it isn’t hot outside, doesn’t mean we are allowed to skip out on our water intake. Water is extremely important in the winter as well. It helps to hydrate you and keep your skin looking good when the cold weather sets in. The water also helps to fill you up and prevent overeating. The average weight gain during the holiday season is 8 to 12 pounds. Instead of focusing on losing weight during the holidays, focus on maintaining and sticking to a regular exercise program and healthy diet. Plan a daily and weekly schedule so you can stay on track during the holidays. If you know you have a holiday event coming, plan ahead so you stay on track with your workouts. If this time of year is a struggle for you, ask for a personal training package for a gift for the holidays. Committing to a personal trainer on a regular basis will help keep you fitness oriented during the winter. When you stay on a schedule with your fitness routine, you will feel more energized to get all your holiday shopping done. Another trick I like to use when I get busy during the holiday season is to add in some squats or pushups while I do my holiday cleaning around my house. As crazy as this sounds, every little bit of exercise counts. By simply adding in some squats after you make the bed in the morning or pushups while you are cooking all those holiday goodies, will help keep you looking and feeling good this holiday season. Be sure to reward yourself for committing to making fitness a lifestyle. My favorite way to reward myself is by getting new workout clothes. Set small goals for yourself, and make sure you reward yourself. This will help keep you motivated. Don’t beat yourself up for engaging in some of the holiday goodies. Just make sure you limit it to one treat or cheat meal and then get back on track with your diet. It is easy to make fitness a lifestyle when you change your mind set. Every day we are full of choices, you can choose to get good, healthy foods every day and engage in a regular exercise routine. Just plan ahead and learn to make health and fitness a part of your regular routine.


FitnessX Magazine • FEBRUARY 2012



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