Divergent manifesto for social entrepreneurs

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Divergent Core Programs CODENAME : #GROUPHUG

D.Organ recruitment December 2014

Revolution & Evolution The following Presentation is about a Peaceful Revolution aiming to Change our current Economic and Civilization Structures through the Divergent Program #GROUPHUG

Resource Based Economy Ecosystem Innovation & Humanism as Product Branding Co-Branding & Business Politics Movement Strategy Plan & Life Guidance

Introduction It is time to use all the knowledge we have acquired all these years wisely, in order to help each other. What we need is a Cultural Movement, a change in the way a number of different disciplines approach their work.

Resource Based Economy All socio-economic systems, regardless of political philosophy, religious beliefs, or social customs, ultimately depend upon natural resources, i.e. clean air and water, arable land and the necessary technology and personnel to maintain a high standard of living.

Simply stated, a resource-based economy utilizes existing resources rather than money and provides an equitable method of distributing these resources in the most efficient manner for the entire population. It is a system in which all goods and services are available without the use of money, credits, barter, or any other form of debt or servitude.

Earth is abundant with plentiful resources; today our practice of rationing resources through monetary methods is irrelevant and counterproductive to our survival. Modern society has access to highly advanced technologies and can make available food, clothing, housing, medical care, a relevant educational system, and develop a limitless supply of renewable, noncontaminating energy such as geothermal, solar, wind, tidal, etc. It is now possible to have everyone enjoy a very high standard of living with all of the amenities that a prosperous civilization can provide. This can be accomplished through the intelligent and humane application of science and technology.

(Source: The Venus Project)

Innovation & Business Success We work in a business environment where our ability to compete will depend on our ability to innovate. In fact the Nomura Institute in Japan has even suggested that the much celebrated Information Age is now over; we are now in the Creative Era, where speed of innovation is the only source of sustainable advantage.

But our organizations are production machines, not creativity engines. They are set up to encourage us to work really hard, to fill every last second with productive activity. It’s hard to take the time to explore and mix things up.

(Source: The Times UK)

The Power of Co-Branding Co-branding has been described as the combining and retaining of two or more brands to create a single, unique product or service. No matter how you describe it, it's a strategy that has really taken off in franchising during the past few years. The idea is to bring customers in more often and/or appeal to more customers by having two (or more) well-known brands under one roof. You're expanding the potential customer base you can attract and retain. And that in turn, of course, can increase sales and boost the bottom line. The benefits of co-branding would include the following:        

Expanding customer base and gaining market share Maximizing operational efficiencies Diversifying risk Boosting sales and revenue Maximizing marketing efforts and income Strengthening competitive position Increasing perceived value in the customer’s mind Leveraging multiple brands

(Source: franchising.com)

The Divergent Organization’s Manifesto Life is what we feel, what we explore and what we invent, but most of the times what we reinvent. Work is what we do to make our existence on earth worthwhile, but what we embrace most on this experience is a product of our work, Culture; the evolved hu

man capacity to classify and represent experiences with symbols and act imaginatively and creatively. Fact is that things turned wrong in many ways throughout our social evolution but nevertheless we have made an important progress as humans.

Throughout the ages we have developed the right skills, so that we are now able to make big changes. It is time to use all the knowledge we have

acquired all these years wisely, in order to help each other. What we need is a Cultural Movement, a change in the way a number of different disciplines approach their work.

Movements can be desirable weapons in the war to influence behavior, but you need to understand how they work. They are not the same as a major advertising blitz or everyday communication initiatives. The key difference is participation. An ad campaign is something you do to people. A movement is something people choose to do.

The early growth of social movements was connected to broad economic and political changes.

#GROUPHUG is a Hashtag Brand, aimed to represent two (2) programs under the Main Vision of Divergent Philosophy. These programs are Fundamental and organizes the Main Core of Divergent Philosophy so it can be seen as Actions. The Vision is to maintain a high standard of living through innovation and technology by changing the way a number of different disciplines approach their work.

The idea behind #GROUPHUG is to gain power for the Social Entrepreneurship Movement and as a result to build a prosperous base for creativity and positive change activate into our lives. The

approach of the Movement as a Co-Branding Strategy Operation, provides a plan of success for its factors (Divergent Organization, Companies-Supporters)

Smart use of projects and actions already been out there by established businesses, eliminates the time needed for accomplishing what the Divergent Philosophy states. #GROUPHUG aim to Coordinate and Gather the power of teams and businesses and use it for the Main Divergent Philosophy Vision about a more prosperous and creative future for all the planet earth and its inhabitants.

#GROUPHUG Programs


C&D 1. Gather & Exploit 2. Coordinate & Design

Following Actions-Future Projects  Divergent Organization Problem Solving – Open-Source Innovation Wisdom Mechanisms Advertising – Marketing – Education

 Social Entrepreneurship Movement Inspiration – Coordination – Education

 Divergent Circles Communication – Education– Action

Divergent Core Programs Organizational Structure

Director Billy Pavlos G&E Program Director

C&D Program Director


Team Social Entrepreneurs

Final Goal

The Venus Project

The Holy Grail of this whole Operation is to maintain the right business tools for making a specific Construction among others. The Venus Project is the only Social solution supported by most believers who are researching for a better human kind future. We have the right tools to create that future now!

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