Should you go to the trouble? Key benefits of a new build A study conducted by homebuilding organisations showed the overall benefits of creating a home from scratch!
You can create a property that is truly unique and provide everything you need
Buying land and then building can be a cheaper alternative to buying an existing property
Latest tecnology
Eco Friendly and Efficient
automated home technology lighting, air flow, centralised electrical devices
Low carbon heating and solar electricity Extremely low running costs
In a national survey of people who had self built for the first time
felt pleased they chose to build
Would go through the process again
felt they had a more efficient home
How to start Get in touch with a local building company. One that offers all the planning, design and building work as a complete package
Good luck and happy bui!ding source:Â
Self-Build Home: Should You Go To The Trouble?
When choosing a new home many people overlook the idea of building a brand new home. As a building company and having experienced building many new houses and seeing the reaction from our customers when the work is finished. We definitely recommend having it as an idea when looking for a new property. Using this graphic you can see some of the many benefits and the main reasons why most people would like to build a house. 4 simple but very powerful benefits and then a few figures to show you how people who have gone before you, and taken the plunge to have a new built property, felt afterwards. The country needs new houses and the old ones often need high levels of maintenance and expense. It’s good to have a vision of your perfect home, but often hard to find it. With a self-build home you are starting with a blank canvas and can create your perfect house.