What to and not to Wear to Court
If you ever find yourself having to appear in a courtroom there are some important things to do. One of the easiest things to control is the way you look. You know the saying, “Never judge a book by its cover” but the way you dress may create an initial impression and how you will then be perceived during your case. You want to dress in a way that shows respect for the judge, jury and everyone involved and also that you are taking your case seriously. People respond very strongly and make quick judgements based on how things look. For example, if you see a picture of food that isn’t presented well or doesn’t look delicious, you might be put off and not want to eat it. Maybe it tastes and smells fantastic but that initial decision has already played its part.
At the same time you don’t want to call any extra attention to what you are wearing. Don’t wear anything that is too expensive or any crazy colors. Don’t wear any elaborate jewelry or have a wild hairstyle.
Make sure your clothing is clean and not wrinkled, comb your hair and if your a male, shave or trim your facial hair. You want to present the best overall case to the court and the easiest part of that to control is the way you look.
Via: https://www.bestlawaz.com/what-to-and-not-to-wear-to-court/