Dan's Little Green Book

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a conversation with the Director of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory

This little green book emerged from conversations with Dan Arvizu, the Director of the nation’s primary renewable energy laboratory. Dan has been examining the role NREL and the context within the evolving ecology of world events, new policies, the environments and people that drive NREL’s mission. Although Dan’s thoughts and papers are available online, this is a distillation of decades of his experience conveyed in an informal conversation. If you had the opportunity to meet Dan and ask about the role and direction he envisions for NREL, what would you ask?

world events









Where does NREL fit? NREL explores technology, science and engineering to create innovative energy solutions, for a better quality of life. So let’s take a step back and look at how the relationships between the forces that connect world events to the solutions we develop are related. If we start at world events, we can see how they influence governments to write policies that create environments which effect people. Ultimately, it’ll be people who will make the difference. So, the technology and research we develop has to impact people for NREL to be successful.

What are the boundaries of NREL’s mission? As the primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development, our nation is looking to us to lead the way. Some of the ways our efforts reach people are through innovations, partnerships with industrial, academic, related renewable energy and energy efficiency programs and other governmental research, development and commercialization. The real question is, what are the boundaries of our energy needs?

energy security

carbon emissions

foreign energy geopolitics

reliance future


What world events influence NREL? Energy security is an issue that cuts across a number of global issues, such as environmental issues, geopolitics, development, economics and more. We are currently dependant on foreign energy sources. They are being depleted and no longer a long term strategy for our future energy needs. We need to develop alternatives to fossil fuels.

What impacts would this have? The renewable energy we harness within our borders not only makes us more energy sufficient, but reduces our reliance on foreign sources. And here too, we would see the impacts in economics, as jobs created to support these technologies would grow and markets mature. Our success also reduces the emissions that contribute to greenhouse gases. Renewable energy is a clean and reliable energy source that is in abundance right here in our back yard.

direction commitment

strategy leadership competitive



What has been the government response? Energy security has become a growing concern. At the President’s 2006 State of the Union speech, he said, “Keeping America competitive requires affordable energy. And here we have a serious problem: America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world. The best way to break this addiction is through technology.” That’s a great direction but also an enormous challenge, because in order for us to reduce our foreign energy dependence we need to have policies that are consistent and supported. To be competitive globally, our nation will also need an energy advantage. This is a long term strategy only a government can make happen. Governments provide leadership and policies that promote, foster and reward new energy solutions. New initiatives and efforts have been made in recent years. For us at NREL, we have seen this materialize in increased funding for new facilities which will enhance our capabilities. Other commitments from the Department of Energy are encouraging and provide the stable base we need to continue development.

realistic goals


favorable conditions generative influence


How do policies effect technologies? It is critical that the goals we have as a nation are realistic and can be achieved. Our knowledge and research across the renewable energy spectrum is vast. NREL managers are often invited to give testimony and prepared statements to congressional committees. Recently, we provided to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science and Technology an, “Examination of Alternative Transportation Fuels to Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil.” This is the kind of research we provide that helps influence how policies are created. The consequences of policies are part of a strategy. The generative effects can create favorable conditions and scenarios that new technologies can be developed for. This begins to set the stage for how our environment will be formed.



renewable energy new paradigms

abundant backyard


How does NREL effect the environment? Our solutions through technology and research and based on renewable energy and energy efficiency. This is a crucial difference in existing energy paradigms. The biggest difference being that our solutions are clean, sustainable and in our own back yard. As our solutions continue to be implemented the environment we live in isn’t polluted with emissions or depleted. We can reduce our reliance on foreign energy sources and secure our energy future. This will impact our environment and will change the way we livewith new technologies, new products and new markets.

explore engineering


innovate researchers




So NREL is advancing how we will live? In way, yes. Our mission and strategy focuses on advancing our nation’s energy goals. Our scientists and researchers support critical market objectives to accelerate research from scientific innovations to market-viable alternative energy solutions. But, it starts with people and how they work together to achieve these goals. We can’t afford to work within conventional paradigms to develop innovative solutions. We are the nation’s R&D for renewable energy. We have to be ahead of the curve. Not having to tie developments to profits allows us to explore and continue to seek new solutions. The technologies, the research, and the systems we advance will impact how people live. The effects will reach into our daily lives. It could result in the kind of cars we drive, how we drive them, or whether we’re driving cars at all.

How does NREL make these connections? By successfully achieving our mission, NREL strengthens America’s energy security, environmental quality and economic vitality. Our innovations have come through in strategic partnerships, in analyzing energy resources, and breakthrough technologies which have been implemented into the marketplace. At the core of this strategic direction are NREL’s research and technology development areas; which span from understanding renewable resources for energy, to the conversion of these resources to renewable electricity and fuels, and ultimately to the use of renewable electricity and fuels in homes, commercial buildings, and vehicles. ... I wanted to take this opportunity to communicate the mission of NREL. It’s important we understand our roles and how we each can achieve them for NREL to be successful. If you have questions we have set up a email address, ask_dan@nrel.gov



policy world events


“Ultimately, it’ll be people who will make the difference.”

Email your questions to Dan at ask_dan@nrel.gov Questions will be answered once a month or at the next all-hands gathering.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory 1617 Cole Boulevard Golden, Colorado 80401-3393 303-275-3000 • www.nrel.gov William Gillies Fall 2008/RMCAD

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