BIM Coordinator Summit 2023

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BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters


Where Minds Meet

& Information Matters


6-7 September, Dublin, Ireland & Online

JOIN THE MAKERS & SHAKERS IN AEC Be Amongst the Innovators, Game-Changers & Disruptors The Heroes of Architecture, Engineering & Construction WHY get involved? Join the creators, innovators, and game-changers of AEC. The ones who dare to disrupt the status quo and envisage a better world. This is about more than just architecture, engineering, and construction. It's about

passion, courage, and the relentless pursuit of innovation to reshape the built environment to cater to all humanity in a productive, safe, and sustainable way.

BIM Heroes is not just a community. It's a movement that believes in the power of accurate information,

collaborative sharing of knowledge, ethical practices, and ground-breaking digital tools to create a sustainable and efficient future for all of humanity. We are the visionaries of the AEC industry, united by a shared purpose

and a collective drive to make a difference.

WHO is involved? Information Managers, BIM Coordinators, Authors, Consultants, Technology Providers, Educators, Researchers, Project Managers, Cost Managers, Building & Infrastructure Asset Owners, and Facilities Managers.

The BIM Heroes community is where you belong, if like us, you are crazy enough to think that we can change

the AEC industry for the better. The community is your platform, to realize your potential and make an impact.

WHEN & WHERE? Join us at the BIM Coordinators Summit on 7th September 2023, in Dublin, Ireland (or online) and connect with like-minded individuals from across the globe. Share in the knowledge, engage with the best, and play your part in this digital transformation. Together we are shaping the future of the built environment to support all of humanity.

Become part of something bigger than yourself - part of a global network that is transforming the physical world through technology. We celebrate excellence, recognise your achievements, foster international collaboration, and share a commitment to elevate our industry. This is your call to be a “BIM Hero”.

Event Website: Community Platform: 2

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

…you never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete… R Buckminster Fuller


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Table of Contents

The Importance of the Information Manager By Ryan Forde 34-35 Building a Digital Eco-System for All By Ray Blewitt

A Welcome Message from Conference Chair By Ralph Montague 8-9


Embracing Digital Construction and The Power of Information Management by Colin Bell 38-39

Our Sponsors 10-11 Th Holy Grail for Collaboration: A Connected Common Data Environment By Connor Alexander 12-13

Revolutionizing AEC with Clear Information Requirements and Micropayments by Clive Jordan 40-41

Embracing Change: Why Now is the Perfect Time to Consider Alternative CDE Solutions for your Projects By John Egan 14

From Bricks to Bytes: Architects Shaping the Construction Software Landscape By Emrullah Yildiz 41 Building a Collaborative BIM Story By Daniël De Ridder

BIM implementation is not a standalone initiative. By Robert Lakey 15



Driving Efficiency and Value through Smart Data Collection and the adoption of ISO19650 By Alex Gkiokas 16-17

Exploring AECs Metaverse Potential: Design, Collaboration, and Innovation By Devan Mistry 46-47

Digital Twins for Nature Conservation By Mais Taha 18-19

The Asset Alchemy Revolution: Unleashing Data-Driven Success for Visionary Clients By Dr Georgios Kapogiannisy 48-49

Systems Engineering boosts up BIM: from Space to Earth and beyond... By Alfredo Garro 20-21 Motivational implementation of standards and new technology By Andrijana Nasteska 22-23

Can BIM enable successful green retrofits of existing buildings? By Shivani Soni 50-51

Digitising Facility Operations: The BIM Advantage By Bhushan Avsatthi 24-25

Empowering Design: A Web-Based Revolution in Asset Selection By Emiliano Capasso 52-53

Takt Planning: Enhancing Project Efficiency and Performance By Billel Dridi 26-27

Coordination Views in BIM 360 Simplified By Eric Wing 54-55

The Ethical Dilemma: AI in BIM Coordination By Bruno Martorelli 28-29

Metaverse in AEC Industry By Cappilli Francesco & Pierini Lorenzo 56-57

Digital Building Design: Transforming Buildings for Human Well-being By Maria Begouleva 29

BIM Marriage with AI: Realising the Value of Your Model and Governing Your Data By Göker Malik Altuntaş 58-59

Unpacking BIM Sharing Stigmas with Designers and Builders By Brian Skripac 30-31

Intelligence from day one By Matteo Orsi 60-61

The New Era of Constructability in the AEC Industry By Cody Whitelock 32-33

Something a bit Different than ISO: 19650 56 By Neil O. Reilly 62-63


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

BIM as an Enabler for Smart and Intelligent Buildings By Onyema Udez 64-65

How Customer Feedback Influenced Revit 2024 By Kimberly Fuhrman

Should you learn Revit API? By Erik Frits 66-67

Relationship Between Engineering Project Management and Business By Eng. Mahmoud Eldeeb 96-97

Unlocking the Metaverse By Paul Doherty 68-69

Enhancing Quality Control and Standardization with BIM in the AEC Industry By Midhundas Mangalakkattu 98

The BIM Coordinator’s Role in Facilitating AR and MR Adoption in Construction By Erin Khan & Nate Fuller 70-71

Unraveling the Difference of BIM Use Between Consulting and Contracting Companies By Mohamad Hamad 99

BIM as an Enabler for Smart and Intelligent Buildings By Paweł Łaguna 72-73 BIM Resistance Management By Rory McCormack

An Investigation into the Use of BIM in Green Building Construction Project Management By Ling Tian 100-101 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for BIM Projects and How to Measure Them By Mohamed Fawzy 102-103


Utilising BIM Data structures for the delivery of Intelligent Buildings By Sam Norledge 76-77

Can AI replace the need for standards? By Mostafa Elashmawy 104

Streamlining Design Consulting Companies with BIM 360 By Hossam Abdulaziz 78 The Value of BIM Certification By Holger de Groot

The Data Representations of a Building Project: BIM Model, and IFC or IFCXML Data Standard By Murat Aydın 106-107


Application of BIM in Lean Management of Construction Operations By Mohammad Mahoud & Ali Bidhendi 108-109

Mastering Site Context Visualisation for Concept Design By Fabio Roberti 80-81 What is MS? By Francisco Reis


Managing a Hybrid Workforce By Larry Bridgesmith


Challenges of Implementation BIM in the developing countries like Azerbaijan By Masoud Baghaeikia 110-111 Strategic transformation for a smooth switch to Digital Construction By Sara Soliman 112

Lessons Learned from a BIM Coordinator in Airport Engineering By Guilherme Guignone 86-87

The high cost of low coordination: why BIM and cloud-based collaboration are no longer optional in construction. By Jason Howden 113

Transforming Heritage Architecture Elements into BIM By Hani Youssef 88 Stop Modelling from Point Cloud By Rubens Lage Lopes


Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y. By Jean-Marc Couffin




BIM mindset The first step for digital transformation By Maria De Tezanos 92

Driving Change: BIM and the Metaverse in Pharmaceutical Engineering Construction By Ruby Fathzani 116-117

How we get here: a reflection on the era pre-BIM By Maria Roberta Rotondo 93 5

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Table of Contents (cont.) BIM-GIS Integration in flood Control projects By Royer F. Ttito Ccorimanya 118-119

From Blueprints to Algorithms: The Rise of Smart Automation in Architecture & Construction By Anas Ayoub 144-145

How to train the BIM leaders of tomorrow By Rodrigo Ferreiro 120-121 Building the future – How digital twins are transforming the built environment By Richard Scott 122-123 EPR ARCHITECTS By Jędrzej Pasalski

Integrating BIM & PIM: Revolutionizing Construction Management Through Unified Data Solutions | Optimizing Project Flow & Cost Efficiency By Carl Storms 143

Digital Twins, Developing an intelligent model with future prospective is going to win the future By Abhijeet Parasar 146


Integrated Design Workflows: Bridging the Gap between Design, Coordination and Documentation By Riccardo Piazzai, NORDFY 126-127

Revit - Automate to Conquer | Overcoming Architectural Project Challenges By Teresa Afonso 148-149

Information Management Strategy: From Data Management to Data Governanc By Pedro Pascual 128-129

Shared workflows in BIM processes: what are the advantages of using a CDE such as usBIM. platform? By Afonso Perna ACCA Software 151

We have BIM missing the point; Time to get the fundamentals right! By Nathan Hildebrandt 130-131

As-Builts Modelling for Urban Infrastructure & Data Loss in transition By Slava Ivanov 152

Who should start with Dynamo and how? By Nenad Kovačević 132

Unlocking Efficiency for Projects of All Sizes With Dynamo By Abdelrahman Ahmed Abdelwhab 153

Maximizing BIM: Achieving Success from the End in Mind By Nadim Abbas 133

Education and BIM By Robert Gittens

Investigating the future of BIM based Information Exchange By Nahi Nasreddine 134-135


Information Management Skills in ISO 19650: Competency Requirements and Challenges By Nicoleta Panagiotidou 156-157

COBie and Open BIM: Revolutionizing Building Information Management. By Mamdouh AMIN ZAKY SALEM 136-138

Unlocking BIM Management’s Full Potential with ndBIM By António Meireles 158-159

BIM’s role in improving the management and delivery of Occupational Safety and Health By Manuel Tender, Peter Demian, Paul Fuller, João Couto, Vivien Chow 140

How BIM Can Help Achieve Net Zero in the Construction Industry By Olayemi Usman 160

Promoting a culture of collaboration and inclusivity By Betty K Y Lo 141

Sustainable Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) through BIM By Tanaka E. Tande 161

From Design to COBie: Managing the construction of a Bank Headquarters By Daniel Lanca 142 6

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Considering Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in AEC By Frederico Ramos 163


Integration of BIM in Project & Construction Management By Sarath Meluveetil 164-166

BIM Training: 6 Problems You’re Encountering and How to Solve Them By Jessa Tracy 188 BIM and Digital Collaboration delivering connected construction at Hinkley Point C TRIMBLE 189

Bridging the Gap: Design Technology Leadership’s Voice on Academia and Practice By Argelia Barcena 167

BIM Training: Fast and accurate COBie documents with the help of IDEATE BIM Link By Steve Deadman, Ideate Software 190-191

BIM for Designers By Omar Diaa 168-169 HxGN AEC Project Viewer: Enhancing Construction Communication and Productivity By Suhas Jadhal 170-171

Transforming Building Information Models Into Digital Twins for Operations By Anand Mecheri, Invicara 192-193

ACPV ARCHITECTS Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel By Vincenzo Panasiti 172

How Social Digitalization and BIM are Revolutionizing Construction By David Barco Moreno 194

Building Beyond Boundaries: The Data Revolution in Construction By Trevor Owen 173

3 Ways to Use VR in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction By the Autodesk XR Team 196

Unlocking New Possibilities The Intersection of AI and BIM Technology By Parveen Sharma 174-175

Agenda + Floor Plan 197-198

The Skills Energy Equation By Paul McCormack

Event Posters 197-222


BIM MATURITY ASSESSMENT ROADMAP MATURITY DEVELOPMENT TO ACHIEVE STAGE By Paula Mota 178-179 Availability project A10/A24: Life cycle approach with open BIM By Thomas Tschickardt 180-181 From Static Imagery to Dynamic Digital Twins: A Personal Journey in Reality Capture By Chuck Pfeffer 182 Is BIM a new era or rather a dead fish? By Artem Boiko 183 Location Intelligence Is Driving Digital Transformation in the AEC Industry By Marc Goldman 184-185


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

A Welcome Message from Conference Chair By Ralph Montague BArch, Director


elcome to our 3rd Annual BIM Coordinators Summit. An international community gathering of AEC professionals in architecture, engineering, construction, property real-estate and infrastructure asset management, interested in the digital transition and adoption of BIM (building information modelling). We gather each year to recognise, appreciate and celebrate “excellence” and digital “innovation” in AEC. We have assembled 235+ experts from 45+ countries, to share their knowledge and experience with us, to help us achieve our collective vision of building a better built environment.

A Visionary Community of Innovators As a community, ‘BIM Heroes’ imagine a world where the critical infrastructure of our built environment is delivered and maintained in a more productive, equitable, safe, and sustainable way, enabled by the digital transformation and the ‘heroic’ leadership of our global AEC community. We have 33,000+ people from across 160+ countries, who follow us on LinkedIn, and 5,500+ who have joined our dedicated ‘BIM Heroes’ community discussion forum, to connect, network, share information, knowledge and wisdom.

This global community of innovators in architecture, engineering, construction, property real-estate and infrastructure asset management, provides a safe place for professionals to share experience, unlock potential, and grow together, to collectively shape the future of the AEC sector and bring about this vision of a better built environment. Our community platform propels this transformative adventure, nurturing the whole human being, encouraging ‹heroic’ leaders to brave the uncertainties, pursue innovation, and contribute their unique and essential part to our collective wisdom and capability, in this pioneering journey of discovery.


Ralph Montague is an architect and director at ArcDox BIM Consultants, member of the National BIM Council of Ireland, board member of CITA (Construction IT Alliance), and current chair of the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) Technical Mirror Committee for BIM Standards. He is the past chair of the Royal Institute of Architects of Ireland (RIAI) BIM Committee, and RIAI representative to the Architects Council of Europe (ACE) BIM Working Group. He is part-time lecturer at Trinity College Dublin post-graduate diploma for project management, and co-founder of the BIM Coordinators Summit Community (BIM Heroes).

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

The Importance of Information As a community, we understand that there is no other way that the built environment can “materialize” or be maintained and operated, other than through the communication and exchange of “information”. Advancements in ICT (information communication technologies) are dramatically improving our ability to produce and exchange information in ways that significantly improve quality, productivity, safety and sustainability of the built environment. Digital construction is no longer a figment of our imagination but an emerging reality, as global trends push us towards a more ‘digitally’ connected world. This is fuelled by the European Commission’s digitization and sustainability drive, the World Economic Forum’s digital transition and ‘green agenda’ roadmap, and numerous industry reports over the years, have all underscore the urgency of embracing digital technologies in the AEC sector. One of the key pillars of this transformation is the management of all the digital information about buildings and infrastructure, encapsulated in the practice of BIM Coordination, or Information Management to ISO19650 series of international standards.

The Critical Role of BIM Coordinators The digital transformation of AEC will only happen because of the “people” involved in the production, management, and exchange of “digital data” in our sector. This includes “everyone” who produces, or uses “information”, in the planning, design, construction and operations of buildings or infrastructure. Nobody is “exempt” from the digital disruption. In particular, one role in the AEC sector is becoming increasingly indispensable – the BIM Coordinator or Information Manager. BIM is both a process and an output, referring to the creation and management of a “digital representation of the physical environment.” This ‘building information model’ comprises various types of digital information, from geometric data to non-graphical data and all the relevant documentation, stored in a shared database known as the “Common Data Environment” or CDE. The management of this information is no small feat – it requires coordinating the efforts of multiple parties across the lifecycle of assets, and across the fragmented supply chain, who contribute information related to both capital projects and ongoing asset management. Hence, the growing demand for BIM Coordinators, or Information Managers, who can manage and streamline this process.

What is BIM Coordination? There is a misconception, or misunderstanding that BIM coordination is simply a technical skill of 3D ‘clash detection’. That is a very limited view or definition of BIM coordination. While it does include some technical skills, it is more about process and people management – synchronizing the activities and information contributions of various stakeholders, facilitating collaboration, and ensuring everyone works coherently towards a common goal (to deliver the information model). Of course, the BIM Coordinator’s role does involve mastering a range of software and tools (as it is a ‘digital’ process after all), but more critically, BIM Coordinators or Information Managers serve as the essential ‘linchpin’ that keeps the project information flowing smoothly, making sure accurate, complete, resolved, coordinated information is provided at the right time, and is available to those who need it, reducing errors, enhancing productivity, improving safety, performance and outcomes.

Skills and Competencies Required for BIM Coordinators One of the challenges we are trying to address through our community, is a significant shortage of digital skills in our sector, to perform the function of information management. A BIM Coordinator should have a firm grasp of the information management process set out in ISO19650 series of standards. This is your “instruction manual” on how to do your job. As well as the technical aspects related to operating the Common Data Environments (CDE’s), BIM software tools, BIM Coordinators must understand the complexities of collaboration between stakeholders in the AEC industry (People, Process, Technology). They should have strong, people and project management skills, with the ability to coordinate multiple stakeholders and manage resources effectively. Communication skills are vital - BIM Coordinators must be adept at translating complex information requirements into understandable terms for various team members to deliver. Furthermore, they should exhibit strong problem-solving abilities, a strategic mindset, and crucially, the resilience and agility to adapt to the fast-evolving landscape of digital construction. These are the “super-powers” of a good BIM Coordinator or Information Manager.


Community Driven Innovation There is no reason for anyone to have to “venture” into this vast world of the ‘digital transformation’ by themselves - that would be the least productive way to learn, acquire knowledge, wisdom or skills. The most productive way, is to learn from those who have gone before, and who are willing to share their knowledge and wisdom. It is in the collective best-interest of the AEC sector, both buyers and suppliers, to become digitally proficient, and deliver on the objectives to be more productive, safer and more sustainable. To achieve that at “scale” requires an open and transparent sharing of knowledge beyond individuals or single organisations. The ‘BIM Heroes’ Community has been established for that very reason, to equip and educate ‘leaders’ to enable this ‘digital transformation’ of AEC. With over 5,500+ community members from over 100+ countries, willing to engage, network, share information and knowledge, to propel significant change at scale. This is a community driven by a vision to become an impactful, self-managing, self-sustaining, open, transparent, decentralised autonomous organisation (DAO), utilising the very latest in technology and process, to nurture and enhance the “whole human” capability. Join us on this adventure here:

Conclusion As we venture further into this ‘digital construction’ age, the BIM Coordinator or Information Manager role in the AEC industry is becoming increasingly critical, and any career, or business, involved in planning, design, construction or operations of buildings or infrastructure assets, which has not recognised this, is in serious danger of becoming displaced. In this era of Smart Cities and Digital Economies, the ability to efficiently manage building information can significantly enhance the productivity, safety, sustainability, and resilience of our built environment. Embracing this digital trend, not only secures our careers and businesses for the future, but also equips us to contribute in a meaningful way, to provide the critical infrastructure that supports life for all of humanity. As we embrace and navigate this path towards a digitally enabled AEC sector, BIM Coordinators, or Information Managers, will undoubtedly be at the forefront of this transformation.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Thank you to our sponsors... Platinum



BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

The Holy Grail for Collaboration: A Connected Common Data Environment By Connor Alexander, CTO at BIMLauncher


anual processes in cross-platform workflows negatively impact the success of delivering construction projects. Double data entry incurs an average 73% productivity loss, 70% slowed info workflows and 62% frequency of data entry errors1. Automating these workflows between platforms reduces these inefficiencies towards zero.

Connor Alexander is the CTO at BIMLauncher. He has always been at the connection between user and technology, whether helping to plan and design solutions or giving thought leadership presentations and talks on the subject. He enjoys visualising complex systems, and is fascinated with the management of information in relation to the delivery and operations of assets in our built environment.

Where is manual input required in a CDE? On any given digitally enabled construction project, the CDE is distributed between different software platforms typically used by different teams, or in different project phases. The variance in platforms used on a project comes as a result of differing needs: some are more suited to certain domainspecific requirements than others, and/or teams may already be trained to use specific software, and/or they may be locked into it commercially. “There is a potential misconception that the CDE is more about technology and less about workflows. In fact, it is fundamental that workflows are developed first and solutions are selected to facilitate the workflow.” 2


Images Figure 1: Dodge, Data & Analytics. (2023) Connecting Owners and Contractors. How Technology Drives Connected Construction, page 5. Available at: https://


Teams are continuously collaborating via workflows that traverse different platforms, and using more than one creates digital thresholds between them that need to be overcome. In the context of a CDE, digital thresholds create risks and inefficiencies in the construction project due to the manual information exchange required to execute workflows across them. This ultimately fragments the collaborative experience and impacts productivity. More complex workflows bring with them more risks, especially when humans manually carry out information exchange processes within them. Some workflows between teams require that documents are transferred between platforms. A requirement to exchange documents across platforms spawns document control tasks, which are manual processes and not always trivial. How do manual tasks create problems? Submittals can be large (for example, drawings from the design to client team at the end of the detailed design phase), and metadata needs to be accurately interpreted from the source software platform and inputted to the target software platform. This takes time and an understanding of the platforms involved.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Figure 1: Dodge, Data & Analytics. Each software platform speaks its own unique language, defining documents, metadata and functionalities differently. To ease information exchange, it is highly recommended to adopt ISO 19650 to ensure compliance with an agreed international standard across all platforms being used. Regardless of the use of standards, when manual processes are required, important metadata is inevitably lost as it cannot be easily transferred with the documents, or at all. Timestamps and key dates, user interactions, review information, issue comments, document system IDs etc. are important pieces of information that are required to achieve continuity in document history.

Technical failures: Any dropped connection could cause the download/ upload to fail and it would need to be restarted. Technical failures can include: •

Internet issues: Internet network unavailability and router issues.

Computer configuration issues: Local machine going to sleep, restarting or performing updates unexpectedly.

Task disruption: Accidental clicks into other parts of the platform, closing the browser window, or the platform going down

Network changes: Connecting/ disconnecting VPN

There are issues not only with the outcome of manual processes, but from the manual transfer tasks themselves. Documents downloaded to a local machine and uploaded to another software platform often encounter unpredictable behaviours which interrupt, halt or restart the transfer process, in turn losing or corrupting information, creating risks for the project and often resulting in delays. Some issues reported with manual transfer tasks include:

Additionally, documents that exist outside of the CDE as a result of the manual process introduce security risks. Confidential information residing on local machines can be recovered even after deletion and should a computer be removed from the office, these files are immediately at risk of getting into the wrong hands.

Unpredictable network performance: The maximum download and upload speed of the local computers network can be slow and variable, depending on location and restrictions from the ISP.

Prevents the computer from being used for other tasks: While uploading/ downloading, sometimes the platform being used cannot be used for other functions.

Considering all of these factors, the key to realising the envisioned «holy grail» CDE is to establish seamless connections. By leveraging automation technologies to connect the various platforms, distributed teams can collaborate effectively through workflows within the CDE and maintain information integrity in a secure manner. This reduces the risks associated with manual processes, eventually resulting in no risk & no inefficiencies.

What is a seamlessly connected CDE?


A seamlessly connected CDE generates trust amongst teams and can improve the project productivity drastically in the following ways: • Information is rich and easier to find in the software being used; • Standardised workflows are automated and consistent. For example, S4 status drawings could automatically be shared with the client team for approval, and/ or once approved, A-status drawings are automatically published; • Document history is traceable and trustworthy, which compliments delivery of the Golden Thread of Information; • Correspondence from various sources can be issued and saved in project records BIMLauncher provides out-of-the-box configurable connections for the industry leading platforms that are used as a part of any typical CDE4. Our technology helps construction projects realise the potential value of the distributed CDE for themselves, allowing teams to work within their platform of choice, and accelerates the efficiency of collaboration between teams working on these projects. We are proud to share our progress and discuss this topic at the BIM Coordinator Summit for the second year in a row and we look forward to a productive and connected future.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Embracing Change: Why Now is the Perfect Time to Consider Alternative CDE Solutions for your Projects By John Egan, CEO and founder at BIMLauncher Introduction

Protecting Project Portfolio Data

The digitization of the construction industry has been accelerated by the unprecedented challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. As organisations were forced to work digitally and collaborate through project management platforms, the immense efficiency benefits offered by «best of breed» software solutions became evident. In an industry known for its competitiveness, it is crucial for organisations to explore alternative vendor solutions that can better address their evolving needs and deliver enhanced value.

Maintaining access to project portfolio data is of utmost importance when transitioning between CDE solutions. By not renewing licences or subscriptions, you risk losing access to valuable data that you have a duty to retain access to. To safeguard your historical portfolio, it is recommended to migrate your data to the new CDE solution. Fortunately, off-the-shelf proven solutions exist that enable efficient and cost-effective data migration, preserving your valuable information.

Changing Strategies and Unfulfilled Promises One of the key reasons to consider switching to an alternative CDE solution is when the current vendor fails to meet expectations. Whether the vendor has changed their strategy or is not delivering on the promised feature set, such shortcomings can cost your company valuable time and money. By exploring other options, you open up the possibility of finding solutions that align more closely with your organisation’s requirements, both present and future. Accelerated Innovation and Relevant Features In today’s fast-paced environment, CDE solutions are evolving rapidly, offering features that directly cater to the specific needs of organisations. It is crucial to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements and embrace solutions that are moving at a faster pace, incorporating features that hold more relevance to your organisation. This agility can provide a competitive edge and ensure your projects are delivered efficiently. Adapting to Changing Business Strategies As organisations evolve, their strategies and priorities change. This may require a different set of features and functionalities from the CDE solution commonly used within your organisation. When your current software no longer aligns with your business objectives, considering alternative solutions becomes imperative. By embracing a software platform that caters to your evolving needs, you can streamline processes and enhance productivity.

Streamlined Migration Processes Traditionally, migrating between CDE solutions was a complex and time-consuming task that required custom development and dedication of a large amount of resources from within your organisation. However, modern integration solutions offer out of the box integrations that can be configured that simplify the migration process. Expert migration teams are readily available to handle the entire process from start to finish, saving time and reducing the burden on internal resources. Seamless Integration and Cost Savings In the past, transitioning to a new CDE solution meant starting from scratch with new projects, leaving old project data behind or archived on a hard drive. However, today’s off-the-shelf integration solutions can seamlessly connect your old CDE to the new CDE, ensuring a smooth transfer of information. This process is comparably inexpensive and allows your teams to pick up where they left off, reducing the overall cost and change management required. Increased Platform Exploration and Bargaining Power The accessibility of trial periods for different platforms allows organisations to explore multiple options and identify the best solution for their specific needs. By leveraging integrations, it provides an opportunity to test CDE solutions with your own project data. This means that you can increase your bargaining power and negotiate the best terms with software vendors, ensuring a solution that aligns perfectly with your organisation’s requirements.


John Egan, CEO, BIMLauncher Flexibility in Migration Approaches Different migration approaches offer organisations the flexibility to transition gradually. For instance, you can choose to complete live project workflows on the current CDE solution while keeping published documents up to date on the new CDE. This enables your site teams to benefit from the advantages of the new CDE while maintaining existing processes in the current CDE. Conclusion The construction industry has experienced significant digitization and transformation, and now is the opportune moment to consider alternative software vendor solutions for project management. As the industry becomes increasingly competitive, staying ahead of the curve requires software platforms that are agile, feature-rich, and aligned with your organisation’s evolving needs. With the maturity of migration processes and the availability of expert migration teams, transitioning to a new platform has never been easier or more cost-effective. Embrace change, explore alternatives, and seize the opportunity to enhance your organisation’s competitiveness in the construction industry.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

BIM implementation is not a standalone initiative By Robert Lakey, MBA EngTech MICE TIStructE, Commercial Director, Diatec group Introduction Many of us in the Construction industry have been involved with implementing BIM for well over a decade now. I know from talking with many of you over the years that my personal BIM journey is very similar to many of yours. I started writing and implementing CAD standards and when BIM became a ‘thing’ I was given the task of understand the opportunity. It was a ‘hobby’ task, additional to my day job on projects with no time or budget allocated to it. I think it is reasonable to say that BIM is now part of most AEC organisations have a BIM strategy and are actively engaging with BIM on projects to a greater or lesser extent. However, we now need to take the next steps….

Digital Transformation More and more early adopter organisations are referred to Digital transformation. Digital transformation is defined as ‘the process of adoption and implementation of digital technology by an organization to create new or modify existing products, services, and operations. The goal for its implementation is to increase value through innovation, invention, customer experience or efficiency’. Digital transformation is not about technology, it is about strategy and a new mindset. It is about what a business needs to change to remain viable.’ What is a Digital Strategy?

Our world is facing enormous change and numerous challenges. Examples of these ‘megatrends’ include population growth, climate change, biodiversity loss / ecosystem decline, urbanisation, material resource scarcity, use of energy & fuel, food security, water scarcity, and deforestation.

A Digital Strategy sets out how an organisation is going to react to, adopt and benefit from new technologies and processes. This is facilitated through a systematic process of analysis, business process review and risk evaluation to ensure the appropriate implementation of these. This strategy will look very different from organisation to organisation, but there will also be common themes, particularly in within sectors such as ours.

Industry macrotrends

Connecting it all

These global megatrends translate to directly impact our industry in the following ways: persistent scarcity of skilled labour and changing logistics equations, sustainability, industrialization, new materials, digitalisation of products and processes, safety, and standardisation of building codes.

As important as all this is, what does it have to do with BIM? Given the demands on our organisations, while trying to maintain our profitability, the importance of ensure we don’t waste, or replicate effort is more important than ever.

Global megatrends

Sustainability Probably the biggest of all challenges facing all of us professionally and personally is sustainability. All governments have sustainability policies, most align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) and organisations have initiatives aligned with these, enshrined in their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies.

Aligning the overall business strategy, Digital/ BIM strategy and ESG strategy is essential for ensuring efficiency within the organisation. BIM can help drive profitability and support sustainability targets. Sustainability can help grow the bottom line of a business by cutting waste and energy consumption. By not aligning all these strategies and initiatives, your organisation will be competing internally for time and resources and working against other initiatives.


Robert Lakey MBA EngTech MICE TIStructE, is the Commercial Director at Diatec Group. Robert has over 35 years’ experience working in the Construction Industry. Robert has worked on wide range of construction projects, from roads and bridges, flood defences, to factories, and ports and harbours. He has also been involved in BIM implementation, software restructuring, and digital transformation for several multi-national consulting businesses. Barriers to success There are many barriers to remove to give an organisation the best chance of success in aligning and implementing strategies: lack of organisational change management process, lack of expertise, continuous evolution of customer needs, internal resistance to change, data security concerns, budget constraints, upskilling and recruitment. These can all be overcome with planning and expertise. We need to think about how we attain this expertise and how we partner with organisations to achieve common goals in new ways. Summary There are many issues facing us all, and the world is changing quickly. The construction sector we all grew up in is changing to meet these issues. We need to take new actions and think in different ways to remain viable. Aligning all our strategies means every decision we make regarding from purchasing software to recruitment is adding value to our organisation and contributing to success. To discuss this further please contact me at

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Driving Efficiency and Value through Smart Data Collection and the adoption of ISO19650 The Anglian Water Strategic Pipeline Alliance Case Study By Alex Gkiokas, Chartered Engineer (UK) Introduction

Context - Opportunity

In an era where data is everywhere, the ability to harness and exchange information efficiently becomes paramount for industries across the board.

Anglian Water and other water utility clients grapple with a significant challenge: the absence of consistent and traceable asset information. This hinders efficient operation and maintenance practices, making proactive maintenance difficult. Without timely and accurate data, they face reactive problem-solving, higher costs, and inefficient resource allocation.

The water utility sector is no exception, and the Anglian Water Strategic Pipeline Alliance (SPA) stands as a notable example of how standardization of information exchange and smart data collection can create immense value and drive efficiency in asset management. The Anglian Water SPA project – Key facts The Anglian Water Strategic Pipeline Alliance (SPA) pipeline will improve the resilience of the East of England’s water supply system, guarding against drought risks. This project includes over 300km of steel and plastic pipe, ten pumping stations and over 6,500 electromechanical equipment items, controlled using digital twin technologies. By reducing customers relying on a single supply system to 14% by 2025, the alliance is actively working towards securing the region’s water resources for the future.

To address the challenge, the Strategic Pipeline Alliance prioritized developing a well-structured, reusable digital information package for client handover. This instils confidence in proper asset installation and ensures essential insights for future issue resolution. This digital initiative is aligned with AW’s digital twin ambitions to unlock value from digital assets through efficient data reuse.

(left) Map showing the Strategic Pipeline Alliance pipeline sections and (right) stripping topsoil and pipes in temporary storage - Courtesy of SPA

Alex Gkiokas Chartered Engineer (UK) Strategic Pipeline Alliance Asset Data & Information Manager Mott MacDonald Bentley Unit Digital Lead BIM4Water Chair of Standard Libraries Task Group BIM Design Hub Course Instructor

Working closely with BIM4Water, we seek to standardise information exchange across the entire UK water sector, delivering value for asset owner-operators. With BIM4Water we have developed over 70 standard product data templates for big ticket items. As part of that work, we’vealso contributed to the development of a framework for classification of water sector products and attributes in compliance with the NBS Uniclass standard.

The SPA Digital Twin Capabilities as envisaged at the outset of the project (August 2020)


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Solution & Outcomes Our digital initiative encompassed two areas of focus:


Enhanced document management based on the ISO 19650 principles As an alliance of five partners and more than 50 organizations in the supply chain, our need for efficient document management is very high. Currently, we have over 1,000 registered users circulating over 35,000 documents in our repositories. About 8,000 of those documents have been identified as important, requiring proper quality control during the capital delivery stage. Embracing the ISO19650 standard, which establishes ground rules for data-based document management, we developed several tools to support automatic file naming in compliance with Anglian Water’s file naming convention. We introduced master information delivery plans (MIDP) outlining deliverable requirements for each project, implemented digital signatures for check-review-approve, and introduced automatic generation of metadata tags to manage files based on content, rather than location. A significant milestone was the creation of Power BI dashboard reports that automatically track document completion in the common data environment. These reports provide real-time insights into document status and completion rates for key project milestones, improving visibility and transparency in the document management process.

2 Smart data collection for better asset management

Our smart data collection solution takes a significant step towards comprehensive asset management, adopting a «cradle to grave» approach. Utilising product barcodes, we efficiently track around 15,000 steel pipes and fittings, linking physical assets to their digital counterparts using mobile devices and the Autodesk Construction Cloud. Our platform facilitates digital inspection checklists at various stages, with approximately 60 site operatives creating 24,000 checklists so far. These checklists integrate essential documentation and pictures, streamlining data access for the core team and over 50 suppliers. The platform has already identified and managed approximately 900 issues, enhancing collaboration and operational efficiency through automatic notifications to suppliers. Our approach surpasses traditional paper-based data collection, resolving historical traceability and reusability issues, boosting confidence during capital delivery. In the next year, we plan to expand our system to support an additional 80 site operatives commissioning approximately 6,500 electromechanical equipment items within ten large pumping stations.

Our adept use of the collected data has already proven invaluable in creating tangible value. For example, we identified pipes where a specific interface had occurred. Leveraging the collected data, we visualized on a map the exact locations, leading to informed decision-making and targeted actions to address the issue promptly and effectively.Our data utilization extends to efficiently tracking material location and managing stock, significantly minimizing material waste and identifying opportunities for transferring surplus materials between projects. To date, we have successfully transferred approximately 10km of steel pipe between projects, further enhancing resource efficiency. Conclusion The Anglian Water Strategic Pipeline Alliance’s digital initiatives have taken significant steps towards more efficient asset management practices both from a capital delivery and an operations & maintenance perspective. By adopting the ISO19650 standard for document management and utilizing smart data collection solutions, the alliance achieved streamlined processes, improved collaboration, and substantial cost savings. This project sets a commendable example for the UK water sector, emphasizing sustainable and environmentally conscious civil engineering and construction practices.

Data collected on-site plays a vital role in informing asset owner’s maintenance plans, including clearance measurements, product weight, lifting equipment availability, and serial numbers for future identification.

Current structure of BIM4Water. The group’s mission is to: lead, drive and support organizations to realise value through the digital transformation of the water sector. BIM4Water was formed in 2013 following the Government Mandate for BIM as part of digital transformation.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Digital Twins for Nature Conservation By Mais Taha, Director, MTiPX | XEROWASTE Writing about Digital Twins and Nature Conservation may seem like two irrelevant topics at first. However, when we start talking about materials, the connection becomes clear. First, let’s define “Digital Twins” in the design context: Digital Twins refer to virtual replicas of physical assets, processes, systems, or even humans. Our focus is on the usability of digital twins to identify potential problems before they occur.

automatically GREEN Certified.

The prevention and simulation that digital twins provide can focus on materials. Using simplified CAFM for furniture procurement can speed up supplier quotations and save up to 30% of the budget without compromising time and quality. With a deeper focus and thoughtfulness regarding the material life cycle, we can reach materials mining phases, which is the very first stage of any physical design creation.

Our approach in this certificate stands on three main pillars

Raw materials mining impacts natural resources directly, and it can be simulated and monitored using design management technologies. When we encourage digital twinning in mining sites, it will open wide doors for geographical data records, better resources and waste management. Digital twins help in comparing different operations and provide time planning as well as full simulation to activities and energy based on the available data. Having the correct information helps us in making better decisions. We should filter our data to maintain accurate data sources. Then we should measure the impact of design decisions on the environment and our wellbeing. In the previous BIM magazine article, we highlighted that the most sustainable architecture designs are the vernacular designs. Let's take a shallow LEED assessment for a typical arid region's design:

The GBCI created different certification systems that ensure the sustainability of indoor and outdoor environments. Creating a certification system that measures nature conservation and limits material extraction is a step MTiPX started developing in 2022 in collaboration with GBCI Washington and GBCI Munich.

Accessibility: the certificate can be obtained online in the speed of filing the application

Cost: The certificate cost is only the administrative cost.

Usability in other Green and quality assurance certificates like LEED, SITES, etc.

Such a certification system is only possible by using digital twins know-how. The main observation throughout my career, as a practitioner and academic architect-engineer, is that there is no spontaneous innovation. The idea of the XEROWASTE Certificate is a result of appraising, education, and continuous development. We were keen to start with communication with GBCI to understand the requirements of a new certificate that does not duplicate any other existing quality assurance or certification standards. XEROWASTE's hidden mission is to conserve natural resources in a preventive, proactive approach.

- Sites provide minimal transportation and almost no need for storage facilities.

- Water adapts to the available amount, no overconsumption. - Waste is minimal and extra materials can go back to nature. - Energy will be less than imported materials. - Materials create extraction pollution and eliminate transportation pollution. - Windcatchers maintain air quality and consumes zero energy We can summarise the previous 5 facts in one line: Vernacular eco-friendly architecture is


Mais Taha Director MTiPX | XEROWASTEStrategic Pipeline Alliance Architect-Engineer and Entrepreneur. The founder of Celtis, REMEmed, MTiPx, XEROWASTE, and Shukran. Eco-designer with deep exposure to the green certification systems EDGE, LEED, BREEAM and DGNB. Digital Twins and IoT. For consulting: For mentoring:

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Getting back to the magical mix of digital twins and the conservation of nature. Practically, engineers, project managers, and project owners have different priorities to meet. This applies to every single phase of the material lifecycle, not only the stage of materials procurement. Moreover, our approach in creating this certification system stands on three main principles. The three fixed elements are time, cost, and the material. XEROWASTE Certificate speed is a result of conducting at least two material-based audits for design standards and design data, as well as a last visual confirmation of material selection. The previous audits use the information design managers can input into the digital twin. The beauty of these audits is that they can be conducted by anyone who has access to the data; no experience is needed. This enables project and BIM managers to check the health of the design models and sustainability compatibility without making assumptions.

XEROWASTE's USP is making knowledgebased decisions. It reports the practice proven savings in material with a range that varies between 25%-60%. Design managers know that using EPM with QA is enough to save 30%. While the best BIM Managers with design background can reach 70% cost saving of which 55%-60% relates to materials. XEROWASTE Certification is industry-based and a result of practising eco-digital design for several years. The certificates include No theories or hypotheses, physics and maths programmed to report savings and prevent waste either black or green.


Where Minds Meet

& Information Matters


Be Amongst the Innovators, Game-Changers & Disruptors The Heroes of Architecture, Engineering & Construction

LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 30-hour CPD (Continuous Professional Development).

FREE to all members on ‘BIM Heroes’ Community Platform (

Developing ‘Heroic Leadership’ in AEC ‘Leadership’ is available to everyone. It is NOT something you are born with – it is something that is learned. It is also something ‘vital’ to your success in life, in your career, in your business. While the opportunity or potential for leadership is open to all, not everyone will explore or take up that opportunity.

A Crisis in Leadership in AEC We believe there is a “crisis in leadership in AEC”, and to address this, 30 members of our community

dedicated their time, to share their knowledge about “leadership” with others, in our online community

platform, in a dedicated “leadership development programme”. Together, they have authored over 120

articles, covering 12 core themes of leadership. This programme represents a total of 30-hours of structured

CPD (Continuous Professional Development), on the subject of leadership, and is FREELY available to all members of this community.

Leadership is a title earned, not a title given. It starts with a Decision to be a Leader. 19

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Systems Engineering boosts up BIM: from Space to Earth and beyond...


By Alfredo Garro, Associate Professor, University of Calabria

ystems Engineering (SE) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) are both approaches that are used to optimize the design, construction, and operation of complex engineered systems. They share several common goals, including improving efficiency, reducing costs, and increasing overall project and system success. The International Council on Systems engineering (INCOSE) defines SE as «an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems.» and emphasizes the holistic and integrated perspective required to understand and address the interactions and interdependencies among various components and subsystems within a system. SE relies on a Systems Thinking mindset, considering the entire lifecycle of a system, from concept to retirement, with the aim to ensure that the system fulfills its intended purpose, meets stakeholder needs and requirements, and operates effectively and efficiently throughout its lifecycle. Key aspects of systems engineering include requirements engineering, system architecture, system integration, verification and validation, risk management, and configuration management (see Figure 1). These activities help ensure that the system is designed, developed, and delivered with the desired functionality, performance, and quality while managing risks and addressing stakeholder concerns. While the Space domain has significantly influenced and shaped the development of SE, it has evolved to become applicable to any domain that involves the design, development, and management of complex systems. The ongoing trend in SE is to shift from documentcentric approaches to a more structured, integrated, and model-based representation of systems thus leading to Model-based Systems Engineering (MBSE). It emphasizes the use of models as a central artifact for capturing, analyzing, and communicating system information throughout its lifecycle. By employing MBSE, engineers can better understand system complexity, facilitate collaboration, and support analysis and decision-making. Standardized modeling languages and frameworks play a crucial role in enabling effective and consistent implementation of MBSE practices.

BIM, according to the buildingSMART vision, is an innovative approach to the design, construction, and operation of buildings and infrastructure. BIM involves the digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility throughout its entire lifecycle, enabling collaborative decision-making and information sharing among various stakeholders. At its core, BIM involves creating and managing a digital model that serves as a shared knowledge resource for information about a building or infrastructure. This digital model incorporates not only the geometric representation of the facility but also data about its components, systems, materials, and performance characteristics. Consequently, BIM goes beyond just 3D modeling as encompasses information about the functional, behavioral, and operational aspects of a facility, allowing stakeholders to simulate, analyze, and optimize various dimensions of the project (see Figure 2). By using open standards, such as the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), BIM facilitates the exchange of information between different software tools and disciplines: this interoperability enables seamless collaboration, reduces errors and conflicts, and enhances efficiency throughout the project lifecycle. It is easy to see that BIM and MBSE share several aspects and can be both regarded as collaborative and data-driven approaches that involve creating a digital model that represents physical and functional characteristics of a facility throughout its lifecycle, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions and foster interdisciplinary collaboration. In this context, it is possible to identify several relationships between MBSE and BIM leading to benefits in both directions.

Indeed, MBSE brings a “Systems Engineering perspective” to BIM, enhancing its capabilities in several ways: •

System-level perspective: MBSE enables a holistic understanding of the entire system and its interdependencies. It helps identify and capture system requirements, functions, and behaviors, ensuring that BIM models accurately represent the desired system outcomes.

Requirements management: MBSE prov i d e s robu st re qu i re m e nt s engineering practices, allowing stakeholders to capture and manage system requirements in a structured and traceable manner. This helps ensure that BIM models align with the intended system functionality and performance.

Integration and interoperability: MBSE promotes the use of standardized modeling languages, such as SysML, which can facilitate the integration of BIM models with other system-level models. This integration enables better coordination between disciplines, improves consistency, and supports interdisciplinary collaboration.

System analysis and optimization: MBSE offers analytical capabilities, such as simulation and model-based analysis, that can be applied to BIM models. These tools allow stakeholders to evaluate system performance, conduct trade-off analyses, and optimize design decisions, resulting in more efficient and effective design.

Figure 1 – Main aspects of Systems Engineering [Credits INCOSE]


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

On the contrary, BIM, with its rich datacentric approach, can provide several advantages to MBSE: •

Improved visualization and communication: BIM models offer rich visual representations that facilitate communication among stakeholders. By incorporating MBSE models into BIM, system engineers can effectively convey system architecture, requirements, and behavior to project teams, improving understanding and collaboration.

Data integration and validation: BIM models contain detailed information about the physical and functional characteristics of a facility. By integrating MBSE models with BIM, system engineers can validate and crossreference system-level information with the physical representation, ensuring accuracy and consistency throughout the project lifecycle.

Interdisciplinary coordination: BIM enables better coordination among various disciplines involved in the project, such as architecture, structure, mechanical, and electrical systems. By incorporating MBSE models, BIM can help align system-level requirements and constraints with the design decisions of individual disciplines, promoting interdisciplinary coordination and reducing conflicts thus fostering effective Concurrent Engineering processes.

Lifecycle management: BIM's focus on the entire lifecycle of a facility aligns well with MBSE's Systems Thinking approach. By integrating MBSE models into BIM, system engineers can ensure that the system-level perspective is maintained throughout the facility's lifecycle, supporting decision-making during construction, maintenance, and operation stages.

To summarize, MBSE enhances BIM by providing a system-level perspective, requirements management, integration capabilities, and solid methods and tools for system analysis and development. On the other hand, BIM benefits MBSE by offering improved visualization, data integration, interdisciplinary coordination, and lifecycle management capabilities. By harnessing the strengths of MBSE and BIM, stakeholders can effectively tackle the challenges associated with designing, constructing, and operating complex engineered systems: this combined approach fosters collaboration, enhances decision-making, and ultimately leads to the successful delivery of projects and systems from Space to Earth and beyond.

Alfredo Garro, PhD in Systems and Computer Engineering, is an Associate Professor of Information Processing Systems with the Department of Informatics, Modeling, Electronics and Systems Engineering (DIMES) of the University of Calabria. In 2016, he was Visiting Scientist at NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston (TX, USA), working with the Software, Robotics, and Simulation Division (ER). He is the co-founder (in 2014) and director (from 2018) of the Departmental Research Laboratory “System Modeling And Simulation Hub Lab (SMASH Lab)”. He is vice chair of the SRFOM Product Development Group (PDG) and Product Support Group (PSG) of SISO (Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization) that is responsible for the development and management of the SpaceFOM standard for distributed simulation of space systems and missions. He was the President (2020-2021) of the “Italian Chapter” of INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering) where he served as Vice-president (2018-2019) and Technical Director (2016-2017). He is a member of the Executive Committee of the SEE (Simulation Exploration Experience) international project. He is an IEEE senior member and member of INCOSE and SISO. His main research interests include systems and concurrent engineering, modeling and simulation, reliability engineering. His list of publications contains more than 100 papers published in international journals, books, and proceedings of international and national conferences.

Figure 2 – The dimensions of BIM [Credits ACCA]


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Motivational implementation of standards and new technology By Andrijana Nasteska, BIM Manager, Afry «Implementing BIM is often chaos. Or in more poetic terms, it is full of little butterflies, flapping their wings causing unmanageable data tornados.» By learning more, we tend to realize how learning is a continuous journey, that has no end. The technology advancement has created a great opportunity for many individuals and companies in the AEC sectors. However, it has also created a great deal of challenges in terms of implementing BIM and adopting new processes and technologies. When a company decides to invest and focus on implementation of BIM, there are some key factors to consider towards a positive outcome, such as strategy, goals, standards etc. However, the impact change has on us, is often underestimated. From my experience, enriching the key factors with soft values, can have a positive effect on the results.


The Horizon Primarily, a well-defined strategy as well as clear and measurable goals are the foundation of the implementation. Moreover, the core of the process as we all know are the relevant assets like economy, time and most important of all the employees with their abilities, knowledge, and experience. To propel ahead, we need to get everyone on board. The transparency of the strategy and how the goals are being presented to the employees will have a great impact on the success of the whole process. The view of the horizon of the upcoming changes will inevitably be perceived differently depending on the role and assignments that a person deals with in the everyday working environment within the same company. To put the big picture into perspective we must divide and assign implementation not only in phases but also in relevance. Everyone will feel they are contributing when they can recognize themself in a relevant context.

For example, we implemented a tool that can automate the schematic drawings for ventilation and piping. The major purpose is to create a connection with the data in the model, and easily update data when changes occur. The outcome is interoperability, time saving and increasing the quality of the project both in the design and the operation phase. The BIM designer has been used to the process of keeping the two apart, as the schematics are ‘just lines and symbols.’ The same BIM designer is a key factor in implementing the tool – not by just implying that this is the new company standard, but also by investing time in explaining the purpose and the outcome. «Any fool can know. The point is to understand.» Albert Einstein

It’s one thing to present a new automation tool, but it’s also important to educate staff in the relevance and importance of using the tool. Only when the purpose and outcome are well-defined can we clearly see the horizon.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

The big thinker vs the detailed

Hello Change

In addition, when initiating a major implementation of BIM, it is only natural to engage first runners that can see the big picture and ask no questions but dive into the unknown.

Most importantly, BIM is changing the way we think with its challenging transformations. But is it BIM itself that represents the change when implementation takes place? If BIM is the process and the technology is the tool, then we are the change.

However, as much as the big picture people tend to be creative, strategic, and visionary, they can also be messy, disorganized, and forgetful. On the other hand, the detail-oriented person, that can very much lack perspective and fail to prioritize, but is indeed conscientious, planful, and exacting. Therefore, both skills are essential to forward the company’s initiatives towards building an environment that will foster continuous innovation. The road map of implementation will show the big thinker that the path is there but will also make sure that the detailed person will know what and when occurs in the separate segments of the process. In the big picture we aim to turn ideas into action, whilst in the detailed we can implement actual processes and tools that can save the company a great amount of manual work. So, heads up and let’s invest some time and effort in recognizing and celebrating the skills above, and most of all involve them simultaneously in the process.

Getting the employees to be aware they are the change has such a great influence on their motivation and willingness to try new things and improve themselves. «The only thing that is constant is change», Heraclitus. Can change be interoperable? By definition, ‘Interoperability is a characteristic of a product or system to work with other products or systems’ (Wikipedia). And while changing the way we think, when implementing new tools and procedures, we embrace a change that will open the door of opportunities both for the organizational and personal benefits. Aiming for the right perspective will unquestionably streamline the process. Interdependency between rewiring the brain and implementing a new process or tool, such as for example Quality assurance procedures, naming conventions, data storage etc., will surely result in a positive implementation.



Andrijana Nasteska is an Architectural Technologist specializing in BIM and Information Management. With a bachelor’s degree in Architectural Technology and Construction Management, she has dedicated the last 15 years to mastering BIM’s collaborative approach and its transformative impact on the AEC world. Currently, she serves as the BIM Manager at AFRY, focusing on implementing BIM tools and standards in project design phases.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Digitising Facility Operations: The BIM Advantage By Bhushan Avsatthi, Director, BIM Solutions, Hitech Digital Solutions Join Bhushan Avsatthi, as he explores the transformative power of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in facility management. Learn how As-Built models, enriched with essential data sets such as operation and maintenance manuals, warranty information and technical specifications, revolutionize property maintenance. Here you will understand the reasons why BIM has become an integral part of the entire design, build, and operating process, and how it has reshaped Facility Management over the last decade. We promise you information rich takeaways on how BIM integration with facility management leads to efficient asset upkeep, and power packed maintenance management. Overview/Intro BIM technology has transformed precast concrete detailing and manufacture with its powers of 3D parametric modeling, collaboration, accuracy, design analysis, documentation, and visualization. With BIM, we can now do scheduling, cost integration and work sequencing at a level that’s far ahead of what we could conceive, when armed only with 2D drawings.

I have led the vertical in BIM design and integration at our company for over a decade. And from that experience I’ve tried to share here in brief the principal benefits BIM brings to precast concrete detailing. I have also shared the overview of a project where we helped a precast manufacturer from UAE/India with 3D BIM modeling. We developed clash-free and coordinated 3D BIM models that greatly improved the precast workflow and project outcomes. Some key benefits offered by BIM in precast detailing and construction BIM offers many abilities to precast manufacturers. These include the creation of general arrangement drawings, precast shop drawings, erection drawings, reinforcement schedules, BBS, slab detailing, and other capabilities.

Data and reports suggest the precast concrete market size will reach $168.17 B by 2026.


Bhushan is an experienced architect with 25 years in the AEC industry. He currently leads a 200+ strong team of BIM professionals and works as a Director at HitechDigital. With a strong track record of delivering more than 1,000 complex projects like hospitals, hotels, malls, and airports, Bhushan’s expertise is backed by a RICS-UK Project Management certification in BIM. He is appreciated for promoting operational excellence through technology, automation, and lean techniques. Bhushan is also a published author, and frequently speaks at international BIM conferences on best global practices in building design.


Precast Detailing

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Building Perspective View

1. Fewer installation clashes due to 3D model coordination and visualization 3D models at specific LOD 450 and precision of 2mm – 5mm offer greater accuracy and detailing in precast concrete. Using AIA standards and object-driven modeling for initial design and model optimization improves visualization. A coordinated 3D model free of clashes with unique IDS delivers higher standardization in precast. Using a coordinated and interference-free 3D model built in Revit and checked in Navisworks ensures accelerated and hassle-free installation. 2. Reducing material waste with accurate BOMs and BOQs Material waste is a serious issue while fabricating precast components. Extracting accurate and data-rich BOQs, BOMs, and shop drawings ensures a reduction in material waste in their production. 3. Reducing rework through clashfree 3D modeling and detailing Precise and error-free 3D precast concrete models along with detailed Bar Bending Schedules (BBS), accurate dimensions, shape bends, unique IDs, and erection drawings lower onsite rework. Accurate and detailed information on precast components helps improve fabrication quality. BIM-based precast modeling and detailing can improve time efficiency by more than 67% and show improvements in total worker hours spent by 6 hours. (

Staircase Reinforcement

BIM modeling support for a precast manufacturer We created BIM 3D models for precast design in a project for a manufacturer from UAE/ India. Our BIM modelers and concrete detailers analyzed the CAD drawings, PDF, and Excel files including floor and site plans, elevations, sections, and other data. We incorporated object-based modeling to speed up modeling, clash coordination and collaboration. By developing a 3D model at LOD 450 at 5mm clash coordination for M60 concrete grade, our team was able to extract rebar shop drawings, BOQs, BOMs, and BBS schedules for faster material procurement. The final deliverables had a significant impact including: •

Accelerated TAT with 100% accuracy

Cost and time savings

Enhanced production quality for BIMready shop drawings

Fast, precise onsite installation of precast.

Wrapping it up… BIM offers a host of opportunities for precast contractors and manufacturers to enhance their service capabilities. You may be dragging your feet over BIM implementation, but today or tomorrow, you’ll have to do it if you are to keep in step with your clients and project professionals and stakeholders. Focusing on constructability and on optimizing processes with model-based workflows, data, and collaboration will ensure greater timesaving, lower costs, and enhance construction durability. As long as structural engineers and precast manufacturing companies can identify the specific project needs for structural concrete detailing, BIM will ensure better outcomes across all project stages. In fact, BIM will help them in identifying the project needs too.

4. Higher construction reliability, lower costs and project delays with accurate 3D deliverables and drawings A coordinated and clash-free 3D model offers exceptional constructability to precast concrete. Data-rich models and deliverables with accurate specifications improve precast assembly timelines and lead to lowering of costs. Furthermore, a reduction in last-minute change orders reduces revisions and makes the project execution faster and cost-effective. Construction sequencing or animations (4D) and model-based estimations (5D) ensure clear visualization to install precast elements within planned schedules.

The illustration depicts our BIM-based precast workflow.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Takt Planning: Enhancing Project Efficiency and Performance By Billel Dridi, BIM Manager/Digital Transformation Lead, Bureau Veritas Group Introduction In today’s fast-paced business environment, efficient project management is essential for organizations to thrive. Takt planning, a methodology derived from Lean principles, has gained recognition as a powerful tool for optimizing project workflows and achieving desired outcomes. In this article, we explore the concept of takt planning, its benefits, and its applications in various industries. By understanding the principles and best practices of takt planning, project managers can harness its potential to enhance project efficiency, improve resource allocation, and deliver successful outcomes.

Takt: German for baton, beat, or rhythm Understanding Takt Planning Takt planning is a methodology that focuses on establishing a steady rhythm or pace of work to meet project goals. Derived from the German word «takt,» meaning beat or rhythm, takt planning originated in the manufacturing sector but has since been successfully applied to various industries. The core idea behind takt planning is to align the workflow with customer demand or project requirements, ensuring a smooth and continuous flow of activities.

The work stages follow one another like train cars. (KALTIOT) Benefits of Takt Planning The implementation of takt planning brings several benefits to projects. Firstly, it promotes a balanced workload distribution, preventing overburdening or underutilization of resources. Secondly, it helps in identifying and eliminating waste and bottlenecks in processes, leading to improved efficiency. Thirdly, takt planning enhances coordination and collaboration among team members, resulting in improved communication and teamwork. Lastly, it provides a framework for real-time monitoring and adjustments, enabling project managers to adapt to changes and maintain project timelines.

(Lean Construction Blog)


Billel is a Digital Transformation Lead and BIM Manager at Bureau Veritas Middle East. With 15+ years of experience in Design, Project Management, and BIM, he specializes in Heritage building conservation using 3D laser scanners (FARO, LEICA, TRIMBLE X7). Billel is an Autodesk certified Professional (ACP), Certified PMP, and Can-BIM member. He also serves as a BIM dictionary Arabic language editor, StreamBIM Product Implementation Mena Region Manager, Trimble Connect Ambassador, and Professional Trainer. Billel is a BIM-Arabia Lecturer, pursuing a PHD from the University of Derby UK, and holds a Master’s dual degree in Global BIM Management from Barcelona University, along with being a BreAcademy Certified Information Manager. Applications of Takt Planning Takt planning finds applications in diverse industries, including construction, manufacturing, software development, and healthcare. In construction projects, takt planning allows for the optimal sequencing of activities, reducing downtime and enhancing productivity. In manufacturing, it aids in streamlining production processes, eliminating waste, and achieving just-in-time delivery. In software development, takt planning ensures a continuous flow of work, reducing bottlenecks and improving time to market. In healthcare, takt planning optimizes patient flow, resource allocation, and reduces wait times, resulting in enhanced patient care.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters


Best Practices for Effective Takt Planning

Engage stakeholders, including team members, clients, and suppliers, in the takt planning process. Their input and collaboration are crucial for successful implementation.

To maximize the benefits of takt planning, project managers should consider the following best practices: 1.

Set Clear Goals and Objectives:

Clearly define project goals and objectives to establish a sense of direction and purpose for the team


Involve Stakeholders:


Break Down Work into Manageable Units:

Divide the project into smaller work units that align with the established takt time. This approach ensures a balanced workload distribution and facilitates smoother execution.

Analyze Historical Data:

Analyze historical project data to determine the average time required to complete specific tasks or work units. This analysis helps in setting realistic takt times.


Monitor and Adjust:

Regularly monitor project progress against the established takt time. Identify deviations or delays and make necessary adjustments to maintain efficiency. (Lean Construction Blog)


Foster Communication and Collaboration:

Promote open communication and collaboration among team members. Encourage the sharing of ideas, feedback, and knowledge to foster a culture of continuous improvement.

(The Lean Builder)

Conclusion Takt planning offers a powerful framework for optimizing project workflows, improving resource allocation, and achieving better outcomes. Its application spans across industries, and its benefits are proven through increased efficiency, reduced waste, and enhanced collaboration. By following the best practices of takt planning, project managers can establish a rhythmic approach to project execution, enabling smoother workflows, timely deliveries, and greater customer satisfaction. As organizations strive for operational excellence, embracing takt planning as a strategic tool can pave the way for project success and competitive advantage.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

The Ethical Dilemma: AI in BIM Coordination By Bruno Martorelli, BIM Coordinator, C+W O’Brien Architects Welcome to the future of construction - a world where Artificial Intelligence (AI) meets Building Information Modeling (BIM), transforming the way we plan, design, and build. Exciting, right? But hold your horses, because as thrilling as this innovation might be, it’s not without its fair share of ethical curveballs. We’re talking about the kind that involve protecting your data privacy and most importantly, keeping your job amidst the rise of machines. As we dive into this brave new world of AI and BIM, it’s crucial we tackle these issues head-on. So let’s start exploring the ethical dilemmas presented by this game-changing duo. Understanding AI and BIM Picture this: AI is our Chandler Bing – always quick with a witty response, great at problem-solving, and let’s face it, the one who would be most likely to understand and work with complex algorithms. Now BIM, that’s our Monica Geller – organized, meticulous, and incredibly detail-oriented. Just as Monica would know every tiny detail about the her apartment, BIM knows all about a building’s physical and functional specifics. Now, imagine these two teaming up in the construction world. It’s like Chandler’s quick wit paired with Monica’s attention to detail, working together to create a more efficient and precise industry. But just like in the series, as we all gather in this metaphorical Central Perk of AI and BIM, we have to face some tough, ethical questions. Because, as Ross would remind us, “we were on a (technological) break”, but now it’s time to address the dilemmas AI and BIM present.

Ethical concerns Our dream team of AI and BIM, while promising an efficient future, also raises eyebrows on two key ethical fronts: data privacy and job security. When AI gets involved, a lot of data starts flying around, including confidential project details and personal info. As they say, with great data, comes great responsibility. Are we ready to trust algorithms with such sensitive information? Can we ensure it won’t fall into the wrong hands, or worse, be misused? Now, let’s chat about jobs: your job. The construction industry is brimming with skilled professionals whose experience and expertise have been honed over years of hands-on work, proof of that is the BIM Coordinator Summit. With AI stepping in, could we witness a scenario where machines replace these professionals? It’s a concern many of us are grappling with. As we journey further into this AI and BIM fusion, it’s imperative we address these concerns, balancing innovation with the human and ethical elements of our industry.

Bruno is an accomplished Architect with 10+ years of experience. As a BIM Manager on mega projects in Dubai, he emphasizes collaboration and attention to detail. Currently, as a Design Technology Manager, Bruno optimizes workflows and drives innovation using new technologies. He actively contributes insights on AI, technology, and BIM on LinkedIn and Medium, staying at the forefront of industry trends. Bruno’s diverse skill set and creative vision push architectural boundaries, delivering both aesthetic and functional solutions. He generously shares his knowledge, fostering growth within the architectural community.

Consider a scenario: a leading construction firm implements AI-powered BIM and streamlines its operations spectacularly. Efficiency soars, but soon they’re grappling with a data breach. Sensitive project details leak, causing financial and reputational damage. It’s a tough lesson on the importance of data privacy measures in this new era.

Addressing the ethical concerns

In another instance, a company uses AI to automate routine tasks, boosting productivity. Great news for the companyand its ROI, but it raises eyebrows among the workforce as suddenlty Tim and Liam have extended coffee breaks due to lack of work. Workers, especially those whose roles are primarily routine, are left wondering about their job security. A climate of uncertainty ensues, sparking a debate on the balance between efficiency and job preservation.

So, we’ve identified the concerns, but how do we address them? Let’s start with data privacy. Firms must prioritize robust data security measures and establish clear policies around data handling. Privacy should be a built-in feature of AI systems, not an afterthought. And when it comes to potential job loss, it’s all about balance. Yes, AI can automate tasks, but it also opens new avenues needing human skills, like AI system management or data analysis.

These cases underline that while AI-enhanced BIM has the potential to revolutionize our industry, it doesn’t come without its ethical headaches. From data privacy concerns to job security questions, the path to harnessing this powerful duo requires careful navigation.

Regulatory bodies also play a crucial role. Industry-wide standards and regulations can ensure ethical AI use and address job displacement issues. Organizations need to foster a culture of ethics and responsibility, emphasizing that while technology is a tool for progress, it must always align with our human values. Addressing these ethical dilemmas won’t be an overnight task. It’s a continuous process that needs our collective attention and effort. But by doing so, we create a path where AI and BIM can truly benefit everyone involved.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Conclusion As we continue to explore the exciting fusion of AI and BIM, we cannot overlook the ethical landscape that accompanies it. Protecting data privacy and ensuring job security amid technological advancements isn’t just an obligation—it’s an essential part of sustainable progress. As we dive deeper into this brave new world, we must remember that the real victory lies in harnessing these technologies

in ways that align with our human values. It’s not just about the next big thing; it’s about striking the right balance between innovation and ethical responsibility. So, let’s continue to challenge, question, and strive for a future where AI-powered BIM coordination isn’t just effective and efficient, but also ethical andpeople-centered. After all, the construction industry is about building spaces for people, and people should always be at the heart of it.

Digital Building Design: Transforming Buildings for Human Well-being Maria Begouleva, Co-founder, CTO, R&D


esearch has shown that a poor environment can lead to a significant decrease of over 60% in human productivity. We believe that technology companies have the power to transform the design paradigm from resource-centered to human-centered buildings. We at PMtech Engineering (Dublin, Ireland) believe that digital technology companies can revolutionise building design by shifting the focus from resource use to human well-being. Our solution, Digital Building Design for Healthy Buildings, eliminates the trade-off between resource efficiency and human well-being. We begin by digitizing buildings using powerful BIM tools, digital twins and combining static data with IoT-generated data. The innovative approach includes decentralized system architecture, leveraging machine learning (ML) and narrow AI on the edge. This enables flexibility, multi-purpose balancing, and fast local decision-making.

The core concept of Healthy Building is Digital twin with intelligent control of building systems on the local level, ensuring adaptive microclimate balance within recommended limits defined by EH&S, LEED, and compliance standards. Narrow AI on the edge dynamically adjusts to changing conditions, including occupancy, weather, time of day, and resource costs, optimizing indoor microclimate conditions. According to Guidehouse Insights, the global market revenue for healthy building technologies in commercial buildings is projected to reach $69.9 billion by 2030, with a 5.4% compound annual growth rate. By revolutionizing building design and retrofitting, our innovation positions us as leaders, shaping the future of healthier and more productive indoor environments.


Maria Begouleva, Co-founder, CTO, R&D PMtech Engineering Ltd (Ireland)

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Unpacking BIM Sharing Stigmas with Designers and Builders By Brian Skripac, Director, Virtual Design & Construction, Design-Build Institute of Amercia With all the value a building information model (BIM) has brought to the built environment, why is model sharing still so hotly debated on projects? The 2022 American Institute of Architects (AIA) Firm Survey Report, documenting the percentage of firms using BIM for billable work, indicated design visualization and presentation/renderings were the top uses for BIM. Coordinated construction documents and sharing models with consultants followed, at 84% and 80% respectively. While these findings are encouraging for BIM usage broadly, there are several areas where there is still ground to break. For instance, only 54% of architects are using BIM to resolve conflicts with other disciplines or are sharing models with constructors or trade contractors. Certainly, the contractual silos of traditional design-bid-build – which the report states was the top project delivery method in 2021 – play a role as compared to design-build, but the industry needs to challenge this approach. Professionals must properly merge design/ construction technologies with project delivery to bridge the gap of risk management – or risk avoidance – issues.

As an example, we’ve all been part of a designbid-build project where the two-dimensional contract documents are released and one of the first questions the Construction Manager/ General Contractor (CM/GC) asks is whether they can get access to the BIM. We can assume each team member proudly touted their BIM expertise in their proposal and stated in their interviews that they do “it” – BIM – on all their jobs.

(BIM…everybody’s doing “it” https:// giphy.gif)

As Director of Virtual Design & Construction (VDC), Brian is responsible for shaping how VDC brings optimal benefits to design-build’s “whole team” approach to project delivery. Brian is a Digital Construction innovator with nearly 20 years of leadership defining how people, processes and technology come together to transform collaborative project delivery. In addition, he leads the creation and advancement of best practices related to the integration of BIM-enabled technologies and other innovative digital tools to enhance design-build team performance and while generating significant benefits for projects across the built environment.

What, then, does that mean for their project, especially when the response to the previous question is, “no, our deliverables to the Owner were two-dimensional drawings, not a model”? Typically, after some discussions, a stripped-down version of a BIM is reluctantly provided to the builder with a lengthy disclaimer asserting “you can use it for reference, but you can’t rely on it.” In reality, we’re not really doing “it” fully on our jobs if we’re only sharing information with the entire team on just over half our projects. Disclaimer language like this is an industry crutch for very real project experiences where the production of construction documents is done in an expeditious manner – only in the two dimensional output – without updating the BIM. This sacrifices the quality and reliability of a BIM which is usually not deliverable. It also initiates a dilemma where the drawings, which should be produced from the BIM, are no longer one and the same, creating redundancy and discrepancies in the information being provided – it’s not how we should be doing “it.” Phil Bernstein said in 2021, “The problem with BIM is that 20 years later, we are using Revit to create 2D construction documents. We are not using BIM for what

(AIA Firm Survey Report 2022 – Architecture firms utilize BIM software for a variety of uses, % of firms using BIM for billable work)


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

(Sign this disclaimer, the drawings, not the model are our contracted deliverables…) it was intended for. We have not evolved.” To evolve, the industry needs to place value on the quality of models so they can be reliable throughout the design, construction and turnover process. While this approach is not feasible in most project delivery methods, design-build provides the necessary paradigm shift to address this evolution by having a whole team approach from the outset of a project, allowing this collaborative approach to flourish. Here, teams can focus on developing BIMs in a meaningful and integrated way to meet the specific needs of a project with the entire design and construction team, not simply doing “it” per company standards in their own silo of deliverables with a risk avoidance approach.

The idea of a model as a contract document has become a growing conversation. This is a significant leap for the built environment, requiring time and incremental steps to achieve. At the same time, the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) realizes the whole team approach to design-build inherently creates an environment of trust and collaboration where project teams, led by a VDC Leader, can work to achieve its desired outcomes today. In design-build, we have the opportunity to engage in Virtual Design and Construction (VDC), fusing people, process and technology to deliver a model-based approach to bestin-class project delivery. A BIM then can be much more than just a referenced object – “it” can be shared, consistently providing value throughout the delivery of the project rather than just 54% of the time.


Moving forward, design-build teams should make BIM and VDC part of the process, not a contractual add-on or disclaimer. They should also leverage contract language to create reliance on your BIM to make it successful, as it is a shared responsibility for the entire team. When done correctly and collaboratively, there will be new transparency to the process built on trust between the design-build team members, allowing “it” to successfully realize the Owner’s vision.

Where Minds Meet

& Information Matters


Be Amongst the Innovators, Game-Changers & Disruptors The Heroes of Architecture, Engineering & Construction

A Dedicated Community Discussion Platform 5,000+ BIM Experts from 100+ Countries

A Place to Connect, Engage, Share, Learn, Grow 31

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

The New Era of Constructability in the AEC Industry By Cody Whitelock, Virtual Construction Manager, Barnhill Contracting Company Constructability. A project management technique to review the construction processes from start to finish during the pre-construction phase and it is used to identify obstacles before a project is built to reduce or prevent errors, delays, and cost overruns. Simply put it is «buildability»; the process is used to identify potential problems and determine if the project can be completed within the timeframe given and for the price agreed upon. In the construction industry, one of the big-

As workforces become more diverse and delegated in this new world, working together to design buildings as an AEC team becomes much more challenging. Cloud-based products like Revizto, Evercam, Openspace, and Pix4D are removing many of the barriers to connect and collaborate with remote team members and offer enhanced software abilities.

Cody Whitelock Cody Whitelock, a Virtual Construction Manager at Barnhill Contracting Company in North Carolina, holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering with a Construction Management focus. With 8 years of experience, he specializes in using BIM Technology to tackle workflow challenges in diverse projects. Cody guest lectures at universities, presents in AGC CM-BIM Program, and mentors students through STEM Outreach. Currently, he leads Barnhill’s Building Technology & Constructability Committees while working on the UNC Kenan Flagler New Addition project.

Barnhill Constructability Review Phases

UNC Kenan New Addition Openspace 360 Photos

UNC Kenan New Addition Revizto Constructability CD Review

UNC Kenan New Addition Evercam Construction Camera

gest challenges is evaluating constructability of complex projects while implementing coordination practices that translate to the field. Model review tools such as Revizto give contractors, engineers, architects, and subcontractors the opportunity to collaborate in a common environment for constructability/ coordination, while allowing the user to use multiple different authoring tools such as Revit, AutoCAD, Infraworks, Civil 3D, etc. and different BIM technology data such as Laser scans, Drones (Aerial Photogrammetry), Total Stations Points and 360 Photos which can be incorporated in the review process.

The «cloud» connected capabilities of these software’s are enabling users to step away from the office while maintaining connectivity with their teams with limited interruption in productivity. By doing so they spend less time on repetitive tasks and more energy on the important parts of the constructability process.

UNC Kenan New Addition Pix4D Drone Site Review


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

The industry breaks down Constructability into six components: •


Value Analysis

Risk Analysis


Logistics Planning

Review of Documents

«The first half of constructability is reducing cost risk is to make better estimates, the second half is better design coordination to ensure constructability. Constructability review is an all-hands-on-deck process with the design team and the project team collaborating to flag issues and ultimately ensure that the plans put into action can be delivered as designed»

UNC Kenan New Addition SUE (Subsurface Underground Engineering), Navis Laser Scan , Summit Engineering

- Procore Five Rules of Constructability 1. Create the project and avoid focusing only on the problems

UNC Kenan New Addition CMbuilder Site Logistics Model

2. Review the interface of several systems 3. Keep the evaluation of preliminary documents constructive 4. Stay Focused on the important items 5. Take the time to complete a thorough Review by Jason G. Smith, Principal, Construction Analysis and Planning, LLC «A constructability review must be performed by experienced individual(s), which means a team of highly qualified personal must allocate a significant amount of their time for this task. The reality is multiple weeks of available time is required to do a proper review. But problems are difficult to find and require an experienced set of eyes to identify. This means assigning a group of multiple backgrounds (Precon, operations, vdc, etc.) with multiple levels of experience (5,10, 20, 30, 40 years) is required. However, this task is significantly less productive if only a younger generation who has not yet gained enough experience to know what to look for is only involved due to technology experience limitations of the older generation.»

UNC Kenan New Addition Shoring Wall Robotic Total Station Review Depending on the size and complexity of the project, a thorough constructability review and post coordination inspection is crucial for a successful project. Implementing a constructability program of experience and experienced personal to perform a constructability review is an excellent practice in a changing industry and world. Furthermore, comprehensive constructability reviews cannot be performed until the documents are at a point of completion which occur at different stages in the project.

– Jason G Smith


Reality Capture combined with Revizto can support your constructability reviews and project coordination workflows for better project collaboration and job productivity throughout the project life cycle. Whether it is in design review, site logistics review, BIM coordination, or post-inspections, it is a tool that can change the way we look at constructability in the future. Constructability is about to step into the next century of the construction industry filled with lots of challenges. Revizto will make planning and building in the future more seamless than ever before.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

The Importance of the Information Manager By Ryan Forde, Arcdox, Architectural Technologist and BIM Manager Introduction In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, efficient information management has become essential for success across industries. The field of construction and engineering is no exception, where effective handling of information is critical for project outcomes. This article delves into the significance of the Information Manager’s role within the context of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and the ISO19650 standard. It highlights their pivotal contribution in driving efficiency, collaboration, and improved project outcomes. The Crucial Responsibilities of the Information Manager The Information Manager plays a central role in implementing and managing BIM processes in accordance with the ISO19650 standard. Acting as a primary point of contact, they ensure timely availability of the right data to the relevant stakeholders. Let’s explore their key responsibilities and contributions: 1.

Establishing Information Requirements:


Coordinating Information Exchange:

The Information Manager ensures the smooth flow of information among project participants. They establish clear protocols and standards for information exchange, encompassing file formats, naming conventions, and data classification. Streamlining information exchange enables seamless collaboration, reduces duplication of efforts, and minimizes the risk of data loss. 4.

Implementing Common Data Environments (CDEs):

Overseeing the implementation and maintenance of a secure Common Data Environment (CDE) is a vital responsibility of the Information Manager. The CDE serves as a centralized repository for all project-related information. The Information Manager ensures that the CDE configuration aligns with project requirements, promotes effective collaboration, and adheres to the data management principles of the ISO19650 standard. 5.

Collaborating with project stakeholders, the Information Manager defines, and documents information requirements aligned with project objectives and ISO19650 standards. They facilitate the development of an Information Requirements Specification (IRS), serving as a blueprint for data creation, exchange, and utilization throughout the project lifecycle. 2.


Managing large volumes of data poses a significant challenge in BIM projects. An experienced Information Manager excels in data management, including establishing data structures, naming conventions, and classification systems. They implement quality control measures to ensure data accuracy, consistency, and reliability. By enforcing data standards and conducting regular audits, they enhance data integrity and support reliable decision-making.

External BIM Consultant 1.

Expertise and Specialization: Hiring an external BIM consultant with information management expertise brings specialized skills to the project, ensuring successful BIM implementation and adherence to industry standards.


Objectivity and Independence: An external consultant offers an objective viewpoint, providing unbiased recommendations and solutions that promote effective decision-making and coordination.


Scalability and Flexibility: Engaging an external consultant allows for scalable and flexible involvement, tailored to project requirements, without long-term cost commitments.

Quality Assurance and Compliance:

The Information Manager plays a crucial role in ensuring data quality and compliance throughout the project lifecycle. They establish quality control procedures, conduct regular audits, and enforce adherence to ISO19650 requirements. By promoting data accuracy, consistency, and reliability, the Information Manager enhances decision-making, minimizes risks, and improves overall project outcomes.

Data Management and Quality Control:

Ryan Forde, an Architectural Technologist and BIM Coordinator at ArcDox in Dublin, handles diverse tasks from Consultancy to Training and Technical Support. Certified as an Autodesk Instructor and Revit expert, he teaches at TU Dublin where he earned his MSc. Ryan’s upcoming talk emphasizes the role of the Project Information Manager and improved information management in BIM consultancy.

Training and Support:

As a BIM expert, the Information Manager provides training and support to project teams, helping them understand and embrace BIM processes and ISO19650 requirements. They educate stakeholders on information management best practices, promote collaboration, and facilitate the adoption of BIM-enabled technologies. Through their guidance, the Information Manager empowers teams to harness the full potential of BIM and drive innovation in the construction industry. 7.

Determining the Suitable Role Occupant:

The decision of whether to assign the role of Information Manager to an external BIM consultant or to a member of the Design/ Construction/Operations team depends on various factors and project-specific needs. Let’s explore both options:


Figure 1:Photo source - Autodesk

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Design/Construction/Operations Team 1.

In-depth Project Knowledge: Leveraging the deep understanding of project requirements, goals, and constraints possessed by the Design or Construction team ensures a seamless integration of BIM with the overall project workflow.


Enhanced Collaboration and Communication: When team members assume the role of the Information Manager, collaboration and communication among project participants are strengthened, enabling real-time support and a shared understanding of objectives.


Cost Efficiency: Utilizing existing team members as Information Managers can be cost-effective, as no additional expenses are incurred for external consultants. This approach ensures better integration of information management within the project’s budget and resource allocation.

Conclusion In the era of BIM and the ISO19650 standard, the role of the Information Manager has become indispensable for effective project delivery. Their expertise in managing information throughout the project lifecycle ensures transparency, collaboration, and improved decision-making. By implementing BIM processes and adhering to ISO19650 requirements, organizations can leverage digital information to streamline workflows, reduce costs, mitigate risks, and deliver projects of exceptional quality. As the construction industry embraces digital transformation, the Information Manager’s role remains vital in harnessing the potential of BIM and driving the industry towards enhanced efficiency and sustainability.



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Enabling & Supporting BIM

+353 1 437 1200

Building Information Modelling Specialists

BIM consultancy practice with a progressive outlook, working with project teams to enable and support the implementation of BIM (Building Information Modelling) on projects. Contact us for a 30 min consultation.



BIM Consultancy

ArcDox is a specialist BIM consultancy practice established

BIM implementation advice and support,

in 2009 and is registered with the RIAI (Royal Institute of

assistance in drafting protocols, information

the Architects of Ireland)

requirements, project execution plans.

By working with ArcDox your project team benefits from a combination of experience, process, thought leadership, practical skilled production resources, training & support services,

Production Assist












development transformation.

communicating your designs through BIM,

ArcDox have an expert team of highly qualified, BIM

while building your own in-house BIM skills.

Professionals processes, information.

Support Online or in-house support, Post-training online and technical/system support to boost staff development and productivity, establish and maintain standards.

Training Autodesk Authorized Training for in AEC software


Dynamo, Cobie...















BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Building a Digital EcoSystem for All: Transforming Construction Operations By Ray Blewitt, John Paul Construction Head of Digital Construction


n the rapidly evolving world of construction, the need for efficiency, collaboration, and innovation has never been greater. At John Paul Construction, we believe it is our responsibility to create an ecosystem that encompasses all operational aspects of our organisation. We are currently on a journey of building an efficient and easy-to-use system that fosters excellence, breaks down silos, and prioritizes the welfare of our working team. Mapping Internal Processes: Breaking Down Silos To successfully begin this transformative journey, we must first address the key challenges within our organisation. Historically, many construction firms have operated in silos, with individual departments working independently, resulting in efficiencies and communication gaps. By challenging this traditional mindset, we can map our internal processes to identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. An in depth and detailed mapping process allows us to streamline workflows, enhance communication channels, and foster a culture of collaboration. Tracking and Integrating Key Information: Our Scaled Plan for Digital Transformation A key component of our digital eco-system is the integration and tracking of key project information. From the initial opportunity and tender stage to the execution and tracking of deliverables, we must ensure that no crucial details slip through the cracks. By centralizing and digitizing this information, we can provide real-time updates to all stakeholders, enhancing transparency and minimizing the risk of errors or miscommunication. This holistic approach will enable us to deliver projects on time and within budget, while maintaining the highest standards of quality.

implemented a modern and flexible accounting platform to enhance financial transparency. Secondly, we are integrating a central platform that incorporates business intelligence, communication, and internal information sharing. Finally, our new construction management platform will drive simplified and standardized workflows. Through this progression, we are building a Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) environment, incorporating market-leading construction software and technology partners. This cohesive digital ecosystem ensures streamlined operations, optimized project delivery, and positions us at the forefront of the industry.

Involved in BIM and Digital Construction for 12 years, varying from prefabricated piping systems and modular mechanical systems delivery, to digitising engineering services department. Current focus is on organisational digital transformation including workflow optimisation and information management.

Empowering the Team: Clear Roles and Streamlined Administration At the core of our digital eco-system is the welfare of our working team. From HR and Accounting to our boots-on-the-ground staff, every individual deserves a clearly defined role and responsibility that they can reference and be confident in. By removing labour-intensive administrative tasks through automation and digitization, we empower our team members to focus on their core competencies and find purpose and fulfilment within their roles. Lastly this emphasis on efficiency and personal growth creates a positive and productive work environment. Cultivating an Innovative Culture: Embracing Future-Proof Technologies To stay ahead in a rapidly evolving industry, we must embrace new and innovative technologies, even among those who consider themselves «non-tech savvy.» Implementing future-proof technologies like AI and automation allows us to deliver a consistent and standardized approach to excellence. By nurturing a culture of innovation, we encourage our team members to explore new tools and technologies that can enhance our processes and drive efficiency. This culture of continuous improvement ensures that we remain competitive and committed to our clients.

Our scaled plan focuses on seamlessly integrating key information throughout our construction operations. Firstly, we have


In all these initiatives, our company’s three key pillars—Respect, Teamwork, and Excellence—serve as guiding principles. Respect drives us to listen to the needs and concerns of our team members, clients, and stakeholders, ensuring that their voices are heard and valued. Teamwork allows us to break down silos and foster collaboration, leveraging the collective intelligence of our diverse workforce. Finally, Excellence fuels our commitment to delivering projects of the highest quality, on time, and within budget. In conclusion, building a digital eco-system for all is a transformative journey that requires us to challenge traditional mindsets, integrate key information, prioritize the welfare of our working team, and cultivate a culture of innovation. By embracing technology and reimagining our processes, we can create an efficient and easy-to-use system that enhances collaboration, fosters personal growth, and delivers excellence. Through our commitment to the pillars of Respect, Teamwork, and Excellence, we will not only revolutionize our own operations but also set new standards for the construction industry.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Embracing Digital Construction and The Power of Information Management by Colin Bell, Head of Digital Construction, Kier Construction As our knowledge and experience of how to extricate the maximum value from digital ways of working on construction projects matures, we still see repetition of the same old failings, but all is not lost and there is light at the end of the tunnel. The construction industry in the UK continues to evolve and define what ‘good’ transformation looks like. Underpinned and enabled by both emerging and legacy technologies (being adopted more efficiently and effectively than ever) and the growing importance of information management, we are beginning to see the true value from digital adoption. As digital construction becomes normal practice and the foundation of project delivery, it is important for all stakeholders to understand the benefits and challenges still associated with effective information management. Harnessing the power of consistent, reliable data and utilising standard operational digital tools, we can unlock new levels of efficiency, productivity, and sustainability.

How important is information management? Information management, enabled through BIM in accordance with ISO 19650, is at the heart of successful digital construction implementation. Putting the collection, review, validation, and storage of project information throughout its lifecycle front and centre demonstrates the journey of the asset from cradle to grave. By adopting robust information management processes, we can drive behavioural change using information accessibility and efficiency as a key enabler and fundamentally guaranteeing our operational teams use the right information first time, every time. Having access to this correct information leads to streamlined and standardised processes and workflows, enhancing collaboration, and helping drive informed decision-making.


Colin is the Head of Digital Construction at Kier Construction, responsible for implementing Kier's Digital by Default strategy and leading the adoption of digital tools and processes. With 20+ years of experience, he has worked on iconic projects globally. Colin emphasizes data optimization and continuous improvement. He actively stays updated with industry best practices and envisions a digitally enabled future for projects.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

The art of collaboration and communication

Data is knowledge, and everyone has it

Over the last year Kier construction have been on a journey to identify the right tools for the job. This has resulted in the rationalisation and selection of the most appropriate solutions to support our front end operational, and back of house, teams.

As a construction industry we generate vast amounts of project data, varying from programme, cost and sustainability performance to material specification and installation. When managed effectively, data is a valuable asset for everyone. Introducing a plan to collect, analyse and simulate outcomes from data is a learning curve that every organisation is on, even if they don’t know it.

We have adopted solutions which foster a collaborative ethos and enable more direct communication among our myriad of stakeholders, from subcontractor to client. Our chosen stack of cloud-based software solutions enables real-time access to project data, promoting transparent accountability and reducing risk of misuse or misrepresentation of information. As we nurture a coordinated flow of project information, we will continue to see improvement in our teams’ abilities to make faster, more accurate, decisions, generating better project outcomes. Planning to thrive, not survive Ensuring a competency and capability in the use of 3D models to both inform our project planning and execution is a critical enabler for best practice. Through embedment of a digital rehearsal process, utilising a recognised model standard (IFC is the format of choice for Kier) we can ensure every project is set up to be successful for both the client and ourselves. By optimising model geometry and data, we allow stakeholders to engage with 3D virtual spaces, enabling better visualisation, clash detection, and enhanced coordination.

Through AI, or human-interrogation, can gain valuable insights into project performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. Data-driven approaches also enable predictive maintenance, energy optimisation, and lifecycle cost analysis, leading to more sustainable and resilient buildings. We need to consider the challenges The benefits of good information management process and harnessing digital construction technologies are significant, however there are challenges to be addressed. These include data security, interoperability, and upskilling the workforce. Sizeable investiture is required to ensure robust cybersecurity measures, safeguarding our project data as well as in upskilling people. There is significant work to be done across industry to introduce and align standards for interoperability and data exchange and only by establishing this can we ensure more seamless collaboration.

A digital rehearsal supports a proactive soft-landings programme and ensures we can mitigate risk, eliminate errors, reduce rework, and optimise programme and logistics. Our ongoing acceptance and recognition of the importance of information management ensures we maximise our opportunities to achieve greater efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver on time for our clients. Delivering a golden thread The introduction of a need for robust auditability of project information has introduced the principle of a golden thread and become a crucial element of information management. The golden thread is a nod to the importance of record keeping and places emphasis on the need to maintain a transparent and traceable record of a building’s information throughout its lifecycle. Through, what we consider now, basic digital mobilisation of a Common Data Environment (CDE), we can ensure that project data is captured, updated, validated and made accessible to relevant stakeholders. This not only enhances transparency but also aids compliance with regulatory requirements and fundamentally improves building safety.


People are the driver and enabler to success. Training programs and upskilling initiatives are essential to equip the workforce with the necessary digital skills and competencies which will allow us to embrace the future of construction, whatever it may look like. To summarise… Digital construction and effective information management have redefined the way we deliver construction projects. Embracing technology, adopting robust data management practices, and implementing the golden thread concept are key enablers to success and there is governance and standards surrounding these aspects which help us shape our direction of travel. By leveraging project (and back-of-house) data, enhancing collaboration, and embracing relevant digital tools, all organisations can enhance their efficiency, productivity, and sustainability to enable growth. The future is in our hands and those who recognise the importance of digital transformation are already on the path to success. The mindset has been challenged and they are realising the opportunities available. Are you ready to start YOUR digital journey?

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Revolutionizing AEC with Clear Information Requirements and Micropayments by Clive Jordan, Co-founder and CEO, Plannerly


ho in the AEC industry needs timely payments when working on a project? It’s not like our industry is known for delays, budget overruns, construction errors and waste. Please sense a heavy dose of sarcasm here


Let’s face it, our industry works on extremely low margins and has a supply chain that tends to hide behind this waste and rework. Studies (from sageworks) also show an average receivable period of 75 days in the construction industry with a staggering 84% of construction companies encountering cash flow issues due to delayed payments. But, don’t worry, this article is aimed at helping our industry focus on something that I believe will help change everything


I believe that our industry can benefit from two simple ideas: 1) the definition of clear Lean information requirements and 2) the direct connection between deliverable verification and micropayments. Simple! 1 of 2: Let’s start with defining clear information requirements. How many times have you received incomplete or inaccurate information from a project team member, resulting in delays or mistakes? Unfortunately our industry works with documents, spreadsheets, specifications, drawings, schedules, estimates, checklists, and all sorts of other information that is usually produced by multiple people in various different tools. It’s just difficult to organize and requirements are often outdated, incomplete, or inaccurate. Especially when it comes to BIM and Information Requirements - the requirements are insufficiently defined, not early enough, and hardly ever make it into the project contracts. By defining (in detail) the information needed by each ‘customer’, for each project stage and who is responsible for providing it, everyone has the chance to be on the same page. This can be achieved through simple documents and tables but it needs to be done early and use a collaborative approach to ensure that everyone actually understands and agrees to the requirements.

How can this be achieved? Well, of course I recommend using a simple online platform like Plannerly to store and share the information in a secure way. There are many tools you can use to do this but my main recommendation here is to ensure that you find an intuitive tool that allows you to manage all project documents, tasks, contracts and verification in one place rather than create a bunch of files or have to manage many different sets of tools. Keeping all of these steps in online tools also allows you to track changes and agreements which is also great for accountability. It should also support industry standards like ISO 19650 and buildingSMART’s IFC, bSDD and IDS. An information platform will centralize all project designs, technical specifications, schedules etc - all stored and accessed in one place. This centralized information sharing promotes accountability, transparency, and ultimately saves (errors and rework) time for everyone involved. Think of it as the beginning of your project blockchain. 2 of 2: Next, let’s talk about how to get teams to complete what they promised… It’s fine having an information requirement in a contract but what incentive is there for teams to complete tasks on time? Getting paid is the ultimate goal of any project however today there is such a disconnect between task completion and getting paid. However, our industry is seriously messed up when it comes to getting paid. This disconnection promotes confusion, gaming the system and a general lack of trust throughout the supply chain. I believe that directly connecting task completions to payments is the missing incentive. Think about it, how quickly do you get paid after you complete a task? Is it 30 days, 60 days, or even a mind-boggling 90 days?!?!??


Clive is a Civil Engineer turned Contractor, Architect, Owner, and now Co-founder at his second BIM/AEC startup, Plannerly. At Plannerly (The BIM Management Platform), Clive helps teams simplify BIM implementation to ISO 19650 standards.

This is roughly how it goes: once you’ve finished a task, there’s a series of steps you need to follow. First, you wait until the end of the billing period. Next, you evaluate all the completed tasks you’ve done and share them with the person responsible for submitting the pay application. After submitting the application, you’ll receive a response and potentially have a meeting to discuss any unclear or ambiguous items. Once everything is agreed upon, they submit your approved pay application to their accounting department and then to their bank. Finally, if you’re fortunate, in about three weeks for the next pay cycle, you can expect to receive most of the requested payment. It’s a tiring and long process, so setting up a payment system that works for everyone involved is essential. Verifying that work has been completed to a satisfactory and agreed-upon standard is necessary before payment is made. However, tracking this verification at a granular level can be time-consuming. What would happen if you were able to use the same detailed list of tasks for agreed information requirements from the contract linked to micropayments that get paid instantly as soon as the task has been verified by a manager? With a micropayment system, you could get your money immediately after the task is finished. Wouldn’t that promote the need for clearer task definition and more timely task completions? With the use of micropayments, we can be sure that everyone involved can get their money quickly. This promotes a better working relationship and massive incentive for teams to complete the tasks that they have been contracted to do, in the timeframe they agreed to.

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A system like this can increase productivity because everyone could be paid in real-time for their work and contractual compliance becomes easier to enforce. By utilizing an integrated approach for project task verification and payment tracking, you can simplify many processes. Also, the whole team can stay focused on the work instead of stressing over what’s owed and when. Conclusion Although I may have employed a touch of sarcasm in this article, I hope that it becomes evident that by defining more precise information requirements and linking task verification directly to micropayments, we can streamline collaboration, reduce waste and move our industry forward towards greater efficiency and greater success


From Bricks to Bytes: Architects Shaping the Construction Software Landscape By Emrullah Yildiz / Computational Design Specialist at Arcadis In the high-paced world of construction, the demand for efficiency and precision is ever-growing. Herein lies the opportunity for architects with a flair for technology to shine as game-changers. Their innate understanding of construction nuances, coupled with software development skills, makes them invaluable. In this article, we explore the dynamic role of architects in digital construction and how their unique background propels the development of tailor-made solutions. The Intersection of Architecture and Software Development Architects are traditionally viewed as visionaries behind aesthetically pleasing and functional buildings. However, as technology permeates the construction industry, architects with a software development bent have become a catalyst in driving innovation. They effortlessly bridge the gap between construction needs and software solutions, as their architectural background provides them with insights that others may overlook (Miettinen & Paavola, 2014). For instance, while a software developer may grapple with understanding how beams and columns need to be interconnected, an architect inherently knows the structural logic. They are thus better positioned to guide the development of software plugins that address specific construction challenges.

The Dynamo Effect: Visual Coding Tools Dynamo, a visual programming tool, exemplifies how architects can utilize their expertise to revolutionize software development in construction. With its visual logic capabilities, Dynamo helps in developing skills in algorithms, providing architects with an intuitive understanding of coding concepts (Eastman, Teicholz, Sacks, & Liston, 2011). (Image 1): By integrating Dynamo with BIM tools like Revit, architects can automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and ensure a higher degree of accuracy in construction projects. Moreover, the user-friendly nature of visual programming allows architects to quickly adapt and innovate without requiring extensive coding knowledge. Revit Plugin Development: A Glimpse into Practical Application Revit plugins represent a quintessential example of how architects can contribute to software development. By developing plugins using C#, architects can create custom buttons and pop-up items within Revit, significantly improving efficiency (Kensek, 2014). (Image 2)


For instance, by automating the generation of a bill of materials, optimizing structural elements placement, or evaluating model performance architects can help in minimizing errors and reducing project timelines. Such plugins not only provide value by streamlining processes but also empower architects to solve intricate construction problems using their domain knowledge. Conclusion: A New Era for Architects By marrying architecture and software development, architects are positioned at the forefront of innovation in digital construction. Their architectural background, coupled with visual tools like Dynamo, Grasshopper, Rhino and Revit plugins, makes them an invaluable asset. As architects continue to redefine their roles, the construction industry can look forward to more agile and accurate processes, ultimately revolutionizing the way buildings are designed and constructed.

Images & References

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Building a Collaborative BIM Story By Daniël De Ridder, BIM Coördinator, Houben nv

De Ridder Daniel is a BIM Coordinator for a construction company, responsible for coordinating projects and managing communication with partners. He strongly believes in the power of BIM to improve construction processes and reduce errors. With a background as an AutoCAD draftsman, his focus has shifted to 3D BIM. Daniel has developed a method to assess the health of 3D models received from suppliers, aiding project planning. He also contributes to improving team productivity through 3D software templates. Outside of work, he enjoys staying active with walking and cycling.

My presentation revolves around the 5 key tasks that, in my opinion, a BIM coordinator performs on a daily basis.

• Whether certain parameters such as LoadBearing and IsExternal have been filled in correctly,

These 5 key tasks shape our BIM story, starting from the BIM department, but some of these tasks will also gradually play an important role in the involvement of our other departments within our company, such as calculation, execution on site and even our purchase department. In writing this article, I will dwell more on some of these tasks that ensure that the BIM story will not be seen as a separate discipline within our company but as part of every discipline represented in our company.

• Reliability of the model in terms of quantities by mapping the presence of intersections.

Not only the people on the site benefit from our BIM support, but also the calculation department and the purchasing department can benefit from the collaboration with the BIM department. Since we are, for the majority of our projects, only involved after tendering, we are extremely dependent on the quality of the models supplied. And then the question we ask ourselves within the BIM team is: how do we link the quality of these models to the time we need to make enriched models out of them. Enriched models that we share with our calculation department, but that in the (near) future we also want to share with the rest of our departments within the company. The first step is to carry out a thorough health check on the supplied IFC model. We do this by checking the model for 9 points that are important to obtain a workable model after enrichment for our calculation department. Those 9 points are based on the BIM base IDS guidelines. We give a score for each guideline. I will go into more detail about this during my presentation. This score depends on the importance of the guideline in function of the department that will use the enriched model. The total score gives us an idea of how much work is needed to enrich the model before passing it on to the calculation department. The score is determined using Solibri. By using rule sets, we check, among other things: • Whether there are duplications in the model


On the other hand, we use the classifications in Solibri as a visual aid to find out whether the most important parameters have been assigned a value. The result of this Health Check is summarized in a report drawn up for our calculation department. This report provides, among other things, a more detailed overview of the enhancements to be made to the supplied model in relation to its feasibility for our calculation department. Now that the preparations have been completed, in the next chapter I will go into more detail about why we enrich these models. I will also tell you more about the software we use at Houben for the enrichment process, and the software that our calculation department uses to work with the enriched models. Enriching the models enables us to work very efficiently. For example, we will always ensure that all important parameters that our calculation department can use as an aid in their calculation are grouped under 1 tab. To the extent possible, we will add the specifications coding to the model or supplement it if it has not been fully applied in the supplied model. In addition, we ensure that incorrect values of parameters are adjusted so that our suppliers can also work more efficiently with our models. To make all the above enrichments possible we use Simplebim. Simplebim is a software application used in the field of Building Information Modelling, and specifically designed to help streamline and enhance the BIM workflow, for example, as I mentioned above, by enriching supplied IFC models. Simplebim aims to improve the efficiency, accuracy, and collaboration within the BIM workflow, enabling smoother communication and coordination among all parties involved in the BIM process.

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The next images give an idea of the enrichment we apply using Simplebim. Image 1 shows us the model when first uploaded into Simplebim before the enrichment process. For this example I selected a wall with the properties pallet with all properties enlisted with a value. Image 2 shows us the same model but after using our enrichment Simplebim Templates. We create our own PropertySet with all our standard filled in properties present. Now we see that for the selected wall the parameter ‘HBN_Lastenboek Codering – HBN_Specifications Coding)’ has the

Image 3 – HBN properties in Kabandy

Image 2 After applying the Simplebim Templates to the supplied model, we will pass on this enriched model to our calculation department. The model is loaded in our Construction quantity management software, Kabandy.

Image 1 – properties tab before enrichment specific Uniformat Classification for that type of wall as a value. We also see all usefull dimensions (HBN_ Dikte/HBN_Hoogte/HBN_Oppervlakte en HBN_Volume – HBN_Thickness/HBN_ Height/HBN_Area and HBN_Volume) present in our PropertySet and even the weight of the concrete wall is added as a property (HBN_Gewicht Beton – HBN_ Weight Concrete). And many other parameter values that were distributed under different property sets before the enrichment process.

Kabandy is a quantity management software, made in Belgium, that allows non-BIM experts to easily and quickly quantify their project. Accessible online, the software connects the federated 3D models to a dynamic and customizable cost estimating board: you can click on the quantity value to open the viewer and visualize the measurement on the 3D model. Every quantity is recalculated based on the 3D geometry. Automation capabilities and custom measurement tools are also available to speed up the process and work efficiently with BIM models of average quality.

Image 4 – visualisation of selected objects and their Surface quantities

By initially enriching the supplied models, we ensure standardization of our working method, so that our calculators can work more efficiently when using Kabandy. Image 3 shows us the enriched 3D IFC model loaded into Kabandy. When I select a wall and show its information we also see our own PropertySet (ILS HOUBEN) in the properties list, with all our HBN parameters with the value created true the enrichment. Kabandy gives us the possibility with 1 push of a button to quickly display the area and volume of the selected elements as clearly shown in image 4 and 5. 43

Image 5 – visualisation of selected objects and their Volume quantities

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION – LEVERAGING CLOUD TECHNOLOGY FOR CONSTRUCTION By Carolina Fong Guzzy, Co-Founder / Digital Engineering Manager, Accienta Digital transformation in construction continues to disrupt preconceived notions of collaboration, review workflows and document management. With cloud collaboration anytime, anywhere, key project stakeholders need to get up to speed with training programs relevant to their operations and objectives. This article will highlight key areas of interest for building a successful digital transformation action plan leveraging cloud technology for construction.



It is important to capture the current state of key workflows to compare existing conditions to future workflow state. This will allow measuring value and its impact in the company/project’s bottom line from digitalization. By mapping steps, companies/ roles, and information the team can reevaluate and generate ideas on what can be improved with the use of technology.

Design, construction, and operations teams often struggle to find a seamless way to identify issues and circulate to appropriate stakeholders. Therefore, a diverse set of platforms has been developed to cover different aspects of the industry for databacked decision making.

CONNECTING PEOPLE, IMPROVING PROCESSES AND ACHIEVING SCALABILITY FOR SUCCESS A digital transformation is a journey, but it is also a disruption to day-to-day operations. It requires the entire team of internal and external stakeholders to think out-of-the-box and find the best fit solution and combination of people, processes and platforms that can align to their specific set of goals. The construction industry is evolving, and its transformation pace has increased in the last couple of years. Nevertheless, it is estimated that 62% of construction professionals transfer field data manually or via spreadsheets and 30% of data created during design and construction is lost by project closeout. This lack of information and reliability caused by poor project data and communication globally costs the industry billions in annual rework costs. Consequently, there are clear concerns to be addressed that directly impact a company and project’s bottom line.

Carolina Fong Guzzy

Part of project cost is directly impacted by the team on and off site. Therefore, finding strategic ways to optimize and focus their time is a critical step in reducing waste and staying competitive in today’s market. It is estimated that construction workers, at all levels, average over 14 hours lost per person, each week. That’s almost four hours a week dealing with mistakes and rework. Almost five hours a week is spent on conflict resolutions and 5.5 hours a week is spent simply looking for project data and information. By introducing a cloud collaboration platform, companies can reduce this time and guarantee that decisions are made based on accurate, reliable, and live data.

PEOPLE Capturing, Retaining, and upskilling talent in an organization has become a challenge in recent years. This is an unprecedented time for the industry because skilled resources are scarce, many people claim to have knowledge of the current technologies and how to apply them, but this is not always true. Therefore, HR departments, managers and recruitment agencies need to focus on constantly assessing key skills. Also, strategic initiatives for upskilling teams are very important.


The industry’s overall objective is to utilize one single source of truth for project information and collaboration. Now, this is easier said than done, not because of technology but because each stakeholder prefers a certain vendor due to policies, pricing or other factors that affect that decision. As a result, consultants and contractors end up adopting the best solutions for their internal operations and the client/owner mandates another set of tools for communication and deliverables. There is a rich mix of tools, vendors, and offerings in the market, but my advice is to always be mindful of overselling practices and work with a technology expert like us who can tell you if the solution you are considering is appropriate for the use case. Taking the aboveCarolinainto Fongconsideration Guzzy is the Co-Founder mentioned aspects of People, Processes and Digitalkey Engineering Manager at and Platforms, both strategic and operational Accienta. With a background in Civil priorities can serve as the basis of your action Engineering and Project Management, plan for approaching Transformation she has worked forDigital prominent in your project companies or organization. international like Autodesk, VAG Group, and ICA. Carolina's expertise includes overseeing SAP implementation, strategizing international business divisions, and receiving awards for innovative cloudbased product adoption. In 2017, she co-founded Accienta in Dubai, guiding Digital Transformation for clients across industries, particularly in construction.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Exploring AECs Metaverse Potential: Design, Collaboration, and Innovation By Devan Mistry, Associate Director (Strategic BIM Lead), McBains Whilst most of the attention has been focussed on gaming, entertainment and crypto, there is genuine potential for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction industry to benefit from immersing in the Metaverse.

If we only associate the Metaverse with Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook and various NFT or Crypto projects, we might be inclined to think that it is simply a playground for grifters and charlatans; however, the Metaverse has the potential, now, to be much more than a place to immerse yourself in an imaginary world. Designers and Engineers in the built environment can benefit infinitely by being able to see Digital Representations (Twins) of their schemes which can be manipulates, shared, and updated in real time. Think of the older versions of the Internet as 2D; the Metaverse aims to build on that experience by becoming fully 3D and multi-sensory. There is a real feeling of being able to touch and interact with objects and environments using VR headsets; users can bring all their project management tools, models, drawings, and data visualisation into a virtual office. We can even build a house or a full scale model of a bridge right at our desks – this is what we are trying to push at McBains.

Devan Mistry is and Associate Director and Strategic BIM/Digital Lead at McBains, based in London. Devan works on multi-disciplinary schemes across the UK, especially in the large-scale commercial, governmental and energy sectors – his experience as an Architect has allowed him to drive the use of real-time rendering, Virtual and Augmented Reality and now XR/ Metaverse within the business as they move into a new world.

Within our London office, we have a dedicated XR Room, where our Meta Quest 2 sits; this room can be booked by and project team to run interactive, collaborative meetings within the Metaverse on screen and/or using the headset. Behind this output, our team of BIM Champions across Architecture, Structures and Civils and MEP are all combining regularly and robustly to streamline federated models to ensure clashes and issues are kept to a minimum. What can we do in the Metaverse? As a full concept, the Metaverse is less than a year old, therefore a lot of its use cases in final format, are still being developed. Industry users who are interested can dive into helping develop the applications and programs that may be widely used by the industry in the future. I find that it is helpful to continue thinking about the more ambiguous Metaverse and think in terms of Virtual and Augmented reality (VR/AR) – terms that have been used more commonly, even if the technology has not been widely used in professional settings.


Collaboration Our industry will benefit the most from the Metaverse. VR/AR can be ultra-useful in our transition from traditional office based work, such as we have had over the last 2-3 years since the pandemic; interfacing with clients, displaying models remotely and eliminating the need to travel long distances over a length of time are all clear wins as a result. Design Prototyping Working through the design process of a new product, building or infrastructure becomes a lot easier when we are able to physically feel it in our hands without sending time, money, or materials on constructing the physical mock-up.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

BIM Coordination VR takes BIM further with robust, digital twins which replicate a physical asset and can add an incredible level of detail, but also data and streaming services to create a live twin, which can ultimately be monitored, analysed, and amended This is perhaps the space of the Metaverse world with the greatest potential for the AEC industry. Digital twins are the next logical step in the workflow evolution and provide a means to develop a more complete picture of buildings and cityscapes. Finishing, Quality and Presentation We can also look at presenting our clients with different material and finishing options for buildings, such as architectural treatments, glazing types, and façade designs. This way, clients understand immediately how their investment will appear upon completion and ensure certainty over product value with their vision. A fully immersive virtual presentation will bring viewers directly into the middle of the project and ensure that the audience’s attention is captured throughout. What is next for our industry? We need to learn to separate ourselves from the hyperbole used by the ‘tech crowd’ about the Metaverse; it is clear and obvious to see that there is tremendous potential for our peers to use virtual and augmented reality to improve workflows and teamwork, serve clients more effectively and design better quality products. Those make the commitment to learn the finer details of VR and a nascent technology still in development, will position themselves to be leaders within their field and companies. As with all new technology, there are still advances to be made before the Metaverse is something that we can use on a daily basis, however we should all be aware of its capacity and begin taking small yet solid steps to understand its potentials and slowly introduce it into our working environments.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

The Asset Alchemy Revolution: Unleashing Data-Driven Success for Visionary Clients and Trailblazing Investors - Where Innovation Shapes the Future! Dr Georgios Kapogiannis, Associate Professor, Oryx Universal College in partnership with Liverpool John Moores University Clients and investors face significant challenges in their efforts to control and eliminate both capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operational expenditures (OPEX). The viability of assets is further compromised by high energy bills, which discourage occupants and investors from adhering to necessary maintenance protocols. Therefore, it becomes crucial to examine how different technologies can be integrated to support the needs of clients and investors in making data-driven decisions. In this research study, our team explored the potential benefits of integrating digital technologies such as the asset information model (AIM), Internet of Things (IoT), and blockchain. By doing so, researchers aimed to provide valuable insights that directly impact the decision-making processes of clients and investors.

Enhanced Asset Performance:

Increased Efficiency and Accuracy:

The integration of AIM, IoT, and blockchain enables more efficient and accurate monitoring and diagnostics of assets throughout their life cycles. This leads to improved asset performance in various aspects such as financial, physical, functional, and sustainability, ultimately maximizing returns on investment.

The study demonstrates that integrating AIM, IoT, and blockchain in asset assessment improves efficiency, accuracy, stability, and flexibility. These improvements minimize errors, optimize asset utilization, and enable timely decision-making based on reliable data. Clients and investors can rely on these enhanced processes to ensure the accuracy of asset valuations and assessments.

Researchers to achieve the research objective, a mixed methods approach was employed with a specific focus on universities. The questionnaire was utilized to examine whether integrating AIM, IoT, and blockchain could improve asset condition assessment (ACA). Quantitative data underwent descriptive statistical analysis, including calculations of measures such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation, variance, skewness, and range. Additionally, semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore how the integration of AIM, IoT, and blockchain could enhance ACA. The quantitative data was analyzed to identify and elucidate the essential factors for each sub-hypothesis. Furthermore, the researcher bolstered the evaluation of the research hypothesis by incorporating secondary data obtained from a literature review.

Improved Collaboration and Communication:

Cost Reduction and Risk Mitigation: By leveraging digital technologies, asset management processes become more streamlined and effective. This results in reduced costs associated with asset maintenance, repairs, and replacements. Additionally, the integration of AIM, IoT, and blockchain helps identify potential risks and enables proactive measures to mitigate them, safeguarding investment.

The integration of these digital technologies facilitates cross-functional collaboration among team members involved in asset management. This enhances communication, trust, and collaboration, which are essential for seamless coordination and decision-making, leading to more successful outcomes for clients and investors.

For clients and investors, the effective management of assets is crucial for maximizing returns on investment, ensuring the longevity and reliability of assets, and minimizing risks. This study highlights how the integration of AIM, IoT, and blockchain can enhance asset conditions assessment, leading to improved asset management practices. Such enhancements translate into tangible benefits for clients and investors, including: The above graph is based on both the article and the source can be found in the end of this document.


Long-term Reliability and Sustainability: By utilizing digital technologies, asset management practices become more reliable and sustainable over the long term. The integration of AIM, IoT, and blockchain helps establish a high level of asset reliability, ensuring that the assets maintain their intended functionality and value, which is of great importance to clients and investors. Hence, by integrating AIM, IoT, and blockchain, businesses gain a competitive advantage in asset management. These technologies offer advanced capabilities for monitoring and assessing asset conditions, enabling more accurate and timely decision-making. This, in turn, enhances the overall performance and efficiency of asset management processes. Clients and investors can leverage the integration of AIM, IoT, and blockchain to optimize their asset portfolios. The use of these technologies can provide real-time insights into asset conditions, facilitating proactive maintenance and reducing operational costs. Additionally, the transparency and immutability offered by blockchain ensure the integrity of asset data, mitigating the risk of fraud or tampering. Furthermore, the integration fosters trust and transparency among stakeholders. Clients and investors can have confidence in the reliability and accuracy of asset information, facilitating effective collaboration and communication within teams and across organizations.

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Dr. Georgios is a certified project manager, consultant, and academic researcher in digital construction engineering and project management. His expertise includes digital transformation strategies, thought leadership, digital construction consultancy, digital modeling coordination, innovative solutions, and fostering collaborative culture in AECO enterprises and projects. He is currently an Associate Professor at Oryx Universal College in Doha, Qatar, and holds visiting professor roles in Digital Transformation and Management Information Systems at other prestigious institutions globally.

Ultimately, the adoption of AIM, IoT, and blockchain in asset management strategies enables businesses to create a solid foundation for sustainable growth and long-term success. By harnessing the power of these technologies, clients and investors can optimize asset performance, minimize downtime, and maximize profitability. Hence, businesses can make informed decisions, achieve higher returns on investment, and effectively manage risks, positioning themselves for success in today’s competitive landscape.

Reference: Ye, Z., Kapogiannis, G., Tang, S., Zhang, Z., Jimenez-Bescos, C. and Yang, T. (2023), "Influence of an integrated value-based asset condition assessment in built asset management", Construction Innovation, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Can BIM enable successful green retrofits of existing buildings? By Shivani Soni, Head of Impact & Innovation, Symetri & Geoffrey A. Tears, Symetri BIM! SUSTAINABILITY! NET-ZERO! LIFECYCLE CARBON! GREEN RETROFIT! All previously thought to just be buzzwords, these terms are gaining more traction in the AECO (Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operation) industry as it starts to update older buildings and build more-efficient ones. In 2008, the UK passed “The Climate Change In 2008, the UK passed “The Climate Change Act” establishing emission-reduction goals that now are law. The UK is the first nation to set a binding mitigation goal for climate change. In a 2019 report (10 years later), the Climate Change Committee suggested the UK could minimise its contribution to global warming by setting a target to have all greenhouse gas emissions reduced by the year 2050. The target is known as “net-zero” since it can be achieved by removing CO2 from the atmosphere to offset some sources of emissions by planting trees, building more efficiently and locally sourcing building materials. This, in turn, led to a “push and pull strategy,” encouraging industries and businesses to creatively find solutions already identified in their sector. It spearheaded the development of numerous frameworks and policies by many other countries and cities worldwide following its lead. For example, in 2019 the city of New York For example, in 2019 the city of New York introduced “Local Law 97,” setting the stage for U.S. adoption of sustainable/net-zero requirements. It became one of the first major U.S. cities to begin mandating greenhouse gas emissions tracking throughout the built environment. With certain exemptions, this law requires that existing and new buildings more than 25,000 square feet must meet and track specific sustainability and netzero goals by 2030 with the objective to be completely net-zero by 2050. All these new regulations come with hefty consequences for noncompliance. Another example is Ireland's Climate Action Plan 2021, launched in November by the government, which accelerated sustainable progress. With a focus on emissions reduction and economic sustainability, the plan aligns with the Climate Act 2021, committing Ireland to 51% emissions reduction by 2030 and net-zero emissions by 2050.

The building sector takes centre stage as a hub for growth, backed by substantial funding from the €165 billion National Development Plan. Emission targets by 2030 include: • Electricity: 62-81% • Transport: 42-50% • Buildings: 44-56% • Industry/Enterprise: 29-41% • Agriculture: 22-30% • Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF): 37-58% This commitment ensures a greener infrastructure and workforce upskilling, delivering a seamless transition towards a sustainable future. Figure 1 shows the “digital glue” toward net-zero. ENTER BIM The process of meeting these requirements for new buildings and sites is much more streamlined and attainable. For existing owners, there hasn’t been a clear-cut path to follow for the green retrofitting of their buildings to meet these fast approaching goals. Ultimately, this puts them at risk for massive fines and other potentially worse scenarios. Many owners have no clue where to begin. Owners of existing buildings, who may feel overwhelmed by all the requirements for tracking and optimizing their building’s sustainability and lifecycle carbon footprint, need assistance to guide them in the right direction. One solution is using building information modeling (BIM) and building analysis technology to benchmark and then optimize their buildings in an accurate and effective way, leading to a successful green retrofit. In recent years, the increased adoption of BIM and other technologies has given the AECO industry an exponentially more-significant level of insight compared to traditional methods in the development, design and construction of building projects utilized worldwide. Initially, BIM was used as a process to model in 3D and support clash detection, visualization, etc. Now, with the industry more adept at using technology and BIM, increased numbers of project stakeholders of existing and new buildings are effectively using those tools. They support collaboration with the help of the cloud to quantify project data through the asset lifecycle of a project, leading to more-informed 50

decisions and better coordination among all stakeholders. As awareness of global climate change and its impact increases, so does the understanding that buildings are the biggest offenders in emitting greenhouse gasses. According to the 2021 “UN Global Alliance for Building and Construction: Global Status Report,” in 2019 and pre-COVID-19, the building sector was responsible for almost 37 percent of the total CO2 emissions and energy usage worldwide. Although this amount was reduced slightly during the global pandemic, the building sector is expected to return to higher levels. This means the need for existing buildings to perform more sustainably is recognized as one of the highest priorities for the world to lessen and reverse the current climate crisis. By 2040, nearly two-thirds of the built environment will be existing buildings that stand today, according to IEA’s “Energy Technology Perspectives” report of 2020. These existing buildings will require a massive intervention—or a “green retrofit”— to optimize them for a net-zero future and help drive down global C02 emissions. Lifecycle Modeling Digital database development of the Digital database development of the environmental impacts of building materials and components has evolved alongside the advancements in cloud storage technologies. This development led to increased BIM integration, enabling whole-life modeling. It opens the door for designers to collect and analyse data across multiple buildings, lowering risk, lifecycle costs and whole-life carbon footprint. By digitising the existing built environment into a BIM environment, owners have an amazing opportunity to potentially understand how their building currently performs against industry benchmarks. They can use those analyses to better guide them in designing strategies to maintain, enhance and reuse methods to provide more-sustainable and energy-efficient buildings with a smaller carbon footprint than before. With BIM, stakeholders can create point clouds using reality capture and 3D scanning technology to take a snapshot of their building’s asbuilt conditions. The building or site can be integrated into the digital environment as a BIM model, becoming an asset that can be shared, analysed and updated as needed.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

To provide the most-accurate and detailed analysis results, the representation of materials, building systems and mechanical systems should be included in the BIM model. After a building or site’s as-built conditions have been digitized into a BIM platform, the next step will be to perform several detailed analyses to gain more insight into the baseline performance of the project. This step often is called “benchmarking” and involves using computers to perform analyses on the model, including the following: • Form/Spatial Analysis • Solar/Daylight Analysis • Wind/CFD Analysis • Thermal Comfort Analysis • Material Thermal Properties • Building Energy Modeling (BEM) • Mechanical Systems Analysis • Electrical Systems Analysis • Photovoltaic Potential • Embodied Carbon Analysis • Material Quantification • Material Carbon Footprint • Whole-Building Carbon Footprint The Full Digital Twin Since BIM uses processing power, it’s faster and more efficient at handling design, construction, maintenance and demolition data than ever before. Implementing BIM will greatly benefit the green retrofit of existing structures and can aid sustainability performance studies at the early design stage. It provides a centralized digital model to monitor a building’s environmental performance continually throughout its lifecycle to assist green retrofit decisions. Getting the proper green retrofit requires the optimal combination of numerous design strategies and BIM tools. These should be verified and validated with building energy modeling tools during design decision making to support the sustainability team or consultants involved in the project. This model—commonly known as a digital twin—can be integrated into the asset- and facilities-management strategy after the as-builts are digitized and benchmarking is finished. Owners can start using digital twins for their buildings, campuses, portfolios, businesses and related building services. With the help of a digital twin, strategic objectives such as sustainability, health and well-being, and decarbonization may be achieved—with their progress tracked in real-time.

Figure 1: “digital glue” toward net-zero.

Increasing Sustainability and Profitability Although some historical buildings may be protected from making too many physical alterations, there are many opportunities to leverage operational data through an Internet of Things (IoT) platform to decrease their carbon emissions and track sustainability goals. According to recent statistics, 84% of IoT deployments now in place meet or have the capacity to address the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. During the last two decades, the cost of IoT sensors has decreased and are more widely available. Consequently, businesses can adopt IoT applications that will increase their building or site’s sustainability and profitability. The Future Ahead

Shivani, with extensive experience in the built environment, is deeply intrigued by the potential of the AECO industry to uplift societies. Her ambition revolves around fostering innovation and cross-sector collaboration for the advancement of design, construction, and operations. She excels in forming strategic partnerships with stakeholders, clients, and innovation communities to drive impactful global solutions that benefit people and communities.

Many opportunities are emerging on the horizon to achieve net-zero. The AECO industry must look to innovative technology methods in every phase of a building’s lifetime to create a sustainable and net-zero future. BIM is a key first step in a very complicated puzzle for the future of sustainable development with the ability to cover a structure’s planning, design and construction as well as lifespan, renovation and demolition.


Geoffrey A. Tears

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

How to make an Interior Designer Happy (Electron, IFC.js and Revit API) By Emiliano Capasso, Head of BIM, ACPV ARCHITECTS Years have passed since the first Revit Family have been made in our office, as of now we are handling around 500 families per year (for a total of 2277 requests and counting) and around 50% of those (48% to be precise, because we love to be precise) are Furniture. (In case you’re wondering, no, we DO NOT download EVER families from internet) Our BIM department is constantly in the pursue of optimisation and enhancing the user experience of the design team (Architects and Interior Designer) in our firm (basically make their life easier). The Challenge One of the recent challenges raised was to speed up the process of comparing and selecting families for our interior design projects. Someone would say «Why wouldn’t you use a Revit file as a container for all of them to be easily searchable?» (the classic «Showroom» file or «Shop File» or whatever name your firm calls them)

The Better Idea But even our department needs optimisation and efficiency, because the process for developing this tools is, of course, really time consuming. We’ve been developing Revit Addin in C# internally for years now, and our expertise grows year by year. Most of our addins are in WPF using the MaterialDesignXAML (because we don’t want to develop just software, but nice software) But we all know that developing a nice UI it’s way easier using web languages than XAML inside Visual Studio, plus with web you can use frameworks like Three.js. While we were trying to make an external app we developed for Revit Automation (in C#) sending messages to Revit and searching for IPC in the bible of Jeremy Tammik we bumped into a really smart idea to use Electron within a Revit Addin

Because the one above hosts more than 700 families (1GB of file), and they are just the «Lounge» Category. So not the easiest way to look for a Family. The Idea We have an Applied R&D Unit which is responsible to catch up with the latest technology and learning new skills and lately thanks to IFC.js we started exploring the wonderful web world. How could you not love the beauty and the ease of developing a nice web pages with all the frameworks and components that can be found on the web. (Material Design by Google one of them) So we thought, whilst all the people around are concentrating in developing nice web viewers in IFC.js for buildings why don’t we develop one for viewing Families? So now every Interior Designer or Architect in our office could navigate (way faster than opening the showrooms in Revit) inside all the showrooms using their browser!

Fig. 1: Families by Year and Category


Emiliano Capasso is a seasoned BIM professional with 10+ years of experience in Building Information Modelling and proficiency in various programming languages. He currently serves as the Head of BIM at ACPV ARCHITECTS, where he leads BIM projects and teams. Additionally, he has taken on the role of Director for ACPVX, a specialized BIM Consultancy and R&D business unit within ACPV ARCHITECTS, set to launch this year.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Fig. 2: 1 of 9 of our Forniture Showroom Parts Two Birds with One Stone • We develop and design only one time the web application in Node.js, Typescript and IFC.js (so no more WPF and XAML) • We add Electron.js • We add a Pipe Server Layer inside web app which will receive and send messages from Revit

on Revit side: • We create a Pipe Server using as name the Process ID of Revit which runs and listen to (or send) messages • We create a button which open the Electron Process passing as args the Process ID. In this way even if we open multiple instances of Revit each Electron Process will be linked with the correspondent Revit Process sharing the same Pipe Name

• We add buttons sending messages to the Pipe Server ,so during deployment phase: 1. One routine will package the application and publish the front end to our internal server to use it via browser 2. One routine will dockerize the backend and publish it to our internal docker system 3. The last routine will package the same front end of the first point to an exe file which will be used as Revit «Addin» The workflow above = a lot of time saved.

(Process ID) • Once we receive a message from the Electron Process, the IExternalEventExecutor will handle the Command sending it to a valid Revit API Context. and they lived happily ever after..


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Coordination Views in BIM 360 Simplified By Eric Wing, Director, C&S Companies I really like it when coordination is easy. So much so that when I see a new feature come out that deals with coordination, I’m all over it. Usually I find that it is either too convoluted to really implement in my workflow, or it just … “jumps software” too much. (Exporting models from Revit and Civil 3D and needing to configure object enablers for specific versions agitates me). So when I saw this little icon start showing up in BIM 360 and Revit I had a geek flare up and had to get me some. For those of you who do not know what a geek flare up is, it is a physical reaction to technology that is only cured by spending the weekend in front of your computer and consuming hot pockets. OK, I’m getting off track again. Here’s how this works. We can now share 3D views with all trades linked together where all you need to have on your computer is an internet browser. That means that all project members can slice and examine a project without having to be a Revit or Navisworks user. Granted there’s no clash detection here but I find that actually looking at a model with all trades incorporated negates the need for agonizing clash detection the day before the thing goes out the door. Below are the steps to share a view in BIM 360.


Under Selection Sets, click the New Set button.


Call it Publish View (I usually put my initials there just so people know how cool I am).

10. 1For Show in List, select 3D Views in the Model. 11. Select the 3D View: Publish View 12. Make sure you check the Publish View name in the Selection Sets. See the proceeding screenshot. 13. Save and Close 14. Sync the model and close out.    Here’s what you’ve done. You just set up a view that will be used throughout the project. Now when you want people to see the updated version, all you need to do is publish the model. That’s what we’ll look at next!


Go to a 3D view and duplicate it (with or without detailing, it doesn’t matter).


Rename the view to Publish View (or something that makes sense to you, I don’t really care).


Turn on all of the links you want to see.


Set the Detail Level to Fine.


Go to the Collaborate tab


Go to Publish Settings

Eric has truly been a leader in the architecture, engineering and construction industry since the conception of BIM and 3D design, and has specialty skills in BIM coordination, training and development of technical staff along with daily application of these tools on multi scale, multi-disciplinary projects.

Eric also teaches courses at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Clarkson University, and SUNY Polytechnic Institute on the subjects of Analytical tools for Facility Management, BIM, and Integrated Project Delivery.

By using the existing publish dialog we can set up a view to include all of your links, visibility settings and detail level. Here’s how it works: Open the model you wish to publish.

Eric has authored several books including Autodesk’s official training guide for their BIM solution “Revit” called Revit for Architecture No Experience Required. Eric is also an author for LinkedIn Learning where he has authored multiple full courses on BIM management, Revit, AutoCAD MEP, Navisworks and Virtual Design and Construction (VDC)

Eric is currently a Professor at Syracuse University teaching BIM and Advanced BIM at the School of Architecture, and at the School of Engineering.

Publish Settings


Eric Wing lives in Syracuse NY where he is the Director of BIM Services for C&S Companies. Eric is a popular speaker at events around the world speaking on many BIM-related topics.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Publishing a model in BIM 360 Now for the easy part. Publishing. You can rest assured that the published view will look exactly the way you want. 1.

In Revit, find your project in the BIM 360 category.


Go to the folder that contains your model you just set the publish view up in.


All the way to the right of the dialog, you will see a settings button. (I think the nerds are calling it the kebab button now…sheesh!)


Select Publish Latest.


You will be greeted with a large descriptive dialog. Click Publish.

Depending on the size of the model, the process time will vary. OK, the model is published. Now it’s time to go find it and share it with your team. 1.

Go to the BIM 360 project in your internet browser.


Go to Document Management.


Go to the folder where the model is. If you see the blue wheel of progress spin-

ning it’s not quite cooked yet. You’ll need to wait. 4.

When it’s ready, open the model. Select Publish View.


On the right side of the black header bar, click the settings button.


Select Share.


Chose the project members you would like to send the view to. You can either copy a hyperlink, or send it in an email. If you click on the Enter Names… fields a list of team members will pop up. Select who you want to share with.

So there we go! I really get a lot of use out of this feature. Granted if we want full clash detection Navisworks is still the go-to, but I think this is pretty awesome and really darn easy!


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Metaverse in AEC Industry: state of art and potential perspective in the XR and Digital Twins By Cappilli Francesco1, Pierini Lorenzo2 CEO and XR Director, BIMaking Engineering, Perugia, Italy 2 COO and Business Development Director, BIMaking Engineering, Perugia, Italy 1

Abstract Digital Twins are virtual representations of real-world products, processes, or systems that are created using massive, real-time data measurements from an array of dimensions. They are used in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, healthcare, and energy, and are segmented based on the technologies used, such as big data analytics, 5G, IoT, blockchain, AI, machine learning, AR, VR, and MR. Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to rethink our home environments and find ways to make them more conducive to smart working. Digital technologies such as IoT, BMS, and AI can help us create sustainable and earthquake-proof buildings that are energy-efficient and emit zero emissions. Moreover, using satellite data networks and digital systems, we can trace the performance of these buildings and understand how to intervene in case of emergencies. The use of BIM and CIM, or the creation of Digital Twins, can help us monitor various aspects of building construction, design, and maintenance, including heat management, construction sites, and public service interruptions. By adopting international BIM regulations and developing open-source platforms for data management, we can create innovative solutions that are cost-effective and easily accessible. Digital Twins can also be used on a larger scale to protect and safeguard the environment, combat depopulation, and manage risks such as seismic, flooding, and hydrogeological disasters. By using GIS systems and creating macro-areas, we can develop a comprehensive approach to civil protection and pollution management. Game engines are highly interactive and can interface with data of all kinds, making them cost-effective and highly efficient. Moreover, they can be tailored from a playful environment to a production and management one, creating a hype effect that can promote their adoption. Creating Metaverse integrations through Digital Twin platforms that are useful to the community, citizens, and public

administration can help us understand why certain choices are made at any time and promote better planning and protection. By adopting innovative technologies and embracing digitalization, we can create a more sustainable and resilient future for ourselves and future generations. The Metaverse Standard Forum can play a crucial role in the implementation of digital technologies for creating sustainable and resilient buildings and communities. As a platform for collaboration and knowledgesharing, it can bring together experts from different fields to exchange ideas and best practices. This Forum can help to develop standards and guidelines for the use of digital technologies in building design, construction, and maintenance. This can ensure interoperability and compatibility between different systems and tools, facilitating the creation of Digital Twins and other advanced solutions. Furthermore, the forum can promote the development of open-source platforms for data management and analysis, making it easier for stakeholders to access and use information. This can encourage innovation and the creation of new solutions that are cost-effective and scalable. VEE-AEC - Virtual Environment Eye (Architecture Engineering Construction) BIMaking has developed a procedure to create an immersive experience by using VR technology, Gamification Routines, and AI. This approach allows the design team to work collaboratively on a project without travel, reducing the carbon footprint. “Actors» in the virtual environment are characterized based on their parameters, object, and use, making it easy for maintenance technicians to identify components for repair or replacement in real-time. In future applications, remote maintenance interventions could be guided through mobile devices, reducing office size and energy consumption. The VR technology used also allows for early project evaluation and optimization, reducing design and construction costs and optimizing material transport and disposal. The release includes several features such as BIM data, real-time documentation support, energy 56

Francesco Cappilli

spectrum, AI automation and simulation, MEP analyser, phasing, layered disciplines, drone mode, full GIS support, 4D VDC Gantt, real-time simulation, height and distance measurements, energy model, home sustainability information and evaluations, amenities and archives, and POI and monuments from GIS data. The integration of Metaverse with AI routines enables users to easily visualize the sustainable aspects of a project, from water collection and reuse to energy production and consumption, and future Operation & Maintenance. This approach aids in the life cycle assessment of the project. XR-Training Digitization is transforming the Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) sector, enabling it to optimize design iterations and choices through autonomous tools. However, the challenge lies in integrating various disciplines, such as IoT, BMS, management and regulation systems, and sustainability analysis, into a digital twin. The difficulty in connecting these disciplines stems from the need for expertise in design visualization and virtual reality, which often falls outside traditional engineering skills. Nevertheless, the software used in file conversion respects the parameterization and indexing of the files in Building Information Modeling (BIM), allowing for compliant 3D conversion with names and IDs of all components. Projects can thus be animated with interactive features included in Virtual Reality (VR) projects to make them functional and realistic.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

One concrete example of VR's effectiveness is training for Industrial Risk Assessment. Metaverse can help train employees in both hard and soft skills and make learning faster and more efficient than traditional classroom learning. The ease of creating real-time simulations of business processes allows for complete coverage of critical cases, leading to clearer management of post-design monitoring. Implementing BIM with extended reality software enables the creation of projects that combine engineering with graphic technology, optimizing business processes. XR provides a solution for training healthcare practitioners and laboratory staff to carry out routine procedures. By following design thinking methodology, training experiences can be developed with standards of quality and remain dynamic and customizable for future changes to the original project.

Metaverse can also be used for prevention and protection at a national level. Through targeted sampling campaigns, 3D reconstruction with Drones and LIDAR, or with Height Maps, it is possible to plan safeguard interventions in the event of earthquakes, floods, or landslides with the precise knowledge of the shapes of all buildings (footprints), for forecasting of intervention and an assessment of seismic vulnerability of structures and infrastructures by rescue teams.

Overall, digitization is revolutionizing the AEC sector, allowing for more efficient and effective design iterations and choices, and enabling the integration of various disciplines through a digital twin. With the help of VR and extended reality software, businesses can optimize their training processes, making them faster and more efficient than traditional methods. The combination of engineering and graphic technology can lead to projects that are customizable and dynamic, creating an environment of continued innovation and improvement.


DASES System (Disruptive Approach to a Smarter Environmental Sustainability) The integration of Open Data, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and the engine has opened up new possibilities in the creation of Digital Twins in 3D. This technology has incredibly engaging effects and is useful for scientific dissemination, sharing of information by experts and citizens, and for observing, monitoring, and understanding natural and anthropogenic processes in a new light. Cities around the world have started investing in Digital Twin technology to help analyse pollution, safety, environmental sustainability, and commerce in an analytical way using modern digital technologies that can compute thousands of data in real-time and variables with the support of artificial intelligence.

The use of low-cost technologies and advanced web interfaces has improved the ability to visualize data in a dynamic geospatial context. Additionally, Digital Twin and Metaverse technology can be used for prevention and protection at a national level in the event of natural disasters, providing precise knowledge of building footprints and an assessment of seismic vulnerability for rescue teams.

In conclusion, clear and shared adoption of certain procedures is fundamental for educating and informing people and obtaining consent through active participation. Technology is becoming more usable by nonprofessionals, opening up both business and administrative opportunities. The push given by Covid-19 urges us to make courageous and participatory choices. A visual and contentbased approach is the best tool for this. BIMaking Engineering has identified nine objectives for the first Digital Twin Manifesto, which should be used in the AEC Industry, XR Training, Heritage, and Community all under a sustainability point of view. These objectives include promoting the recovery of existing buildings in suburban or deteriorated centers with a seismic and performance recovery, sustainable and energy-efficient, and modernizing the existing heritage with NZEB buildings, sustainable modernization, and renovation plans, decarbonization, and use of alternative sources.

Figure 1: VEE-AEC.

Figure 2: AI Driven Design.

Figure 3: XR-Training.

Figure 4: DASES 01.

Open Data, Big Data, and Citizen Science make it possible to observe, monitor, and understand natural and anthropogenic processes with new low-cost technologies such as smartphones, drones, and webcams. The use of Story Maps, Geospatial and Location Intelligence, and web interfaces in general, improve the ability to visualize data in a dynamic geospatial context capable of providing increasingly efficient infographics and statistics on diversified and multidisciplinary topics.

Figure 5: DASES 02.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

BIM Marriage with Artificial Intelligence: Realising the Value of Your Model and Governing Your Data


By Göker Malik Altuntaş, BIM Coordinator, HKR Architects

uilding Information Modelling (BIM) has dramatically been affecting the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Owner and Operator (AECOO) industries in a way in which opting out is not a choice (Kensek & Noble, 2014). Although the implementation of BIM is still in progress, especially in developing economies, the construction industry, which is one of the least digitalised industries in the world, is about to have a serious impact from another technology in progress: “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) (Haworth, 2023). Commenting on AI’s impact on other industries, it is not difficult to see that the marriage of AI with BIM has great potential and opting out, again may not be an option. While AI enthusiasts were debating whether AI will replace humans, the phrase “AI will not replace you but someone using the AI will.”, addressing the inability to escape from its impact, has already become popular over the internet. The phrase addresses the advantages people who use AI will have and the difficulties that those lacking behind will fall into. The very first practical concern here then may not be whether AI will replace architects, engineers, surveyors and so on but how accessible are AI-supported services going to be to regular BIM users. Certainly, the answer is not known yet.

Whether services of the future are going to be accessible to regular users or not, users will have an important role to play. Machine Learning (ML) is a branch of AI that enables computers to learn from experience in the form of data as ironically explained by today’s most popular ML Model: ChatGPT. Figure 1 below presents the short “dialogue” to extract this definition. Data plays an essential role in the learning process of an AI model. At this point, the most critical question on an ML model developer’s side is how can ML be trained with thousands of valid variations of buildings. The important role any BIM user plays comes to the stage at this point. By nature, all BIM platforms are based on parametric principles (Holzer, 2015, as cited in Haidar, 2019, p. 86) that automate the data flow in the form of information (Haidar, 2019, p. 86). Without a doubt, this makes models produced in BIM platforms the best solution to train ML algorithms. By using BIM, constructing a sample library costs almost nothing but time and experience. The key conclusion from this is the fact that users of BIM platforms are, mostly without being aware of it, indeed holding the most tradable value for the upcoming technological leap.

Figure 1: A machine learning model, ChatGPT, explains its roof concept


Göker is a BIM Coordinator with a Master’s Degree in Building Information Modelling from the University of Liverpool. During two years in the UK, he facilitated BIM implementation in two enterprises while conducting case-specific research. He dedicated time to learning AI algorithms and coding languages like Python and C#. Göker successfully trained an AI model for Revit and integrated it into a plug-in. He is now working in HKR Architects helping his team by writing bespoke Revit applications.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Relying on the techniques previously explained by Kosturski (Kosturski, 2021), this study aims at suggesting a workflow to aid regular BIM users in understanding the tradeable value of their model. To achieve this, the study takes a series of techniques into its foci. This series of techniques are letting BIM users train their ML Algorithms and deploy the resulting ML model into custom plug-ins without having a third party governing the user’s data. All the suggested techniques rely on free and publicly available resources except the BIM platform itself. These suggested techniques include the following steps. First, the use of a compiler called ”Jupyter Notebook” to regulate the data and construct a sample library for a potential AI algorithm. Second, the use of the Tensorflow library for Python to train the AI model and the Onnix library to export it in the form of a .onnx file. Third, construction of a custom Revit application to retrieve data from a Revit model and use of Onnix library for C# to deploy the previously trained AI model. During the study, the sample library is constructed with arbitrary but realistic data to show that with a sufficient number of samples, the model may gain the ability to make accurate predictions.

Figure 2: A screenshot from the BIM file in which the AI model is deployed into

The scenario in this study is constructing a model that can take geometries built as a Mess in Revit to receive predictions on inside which one of four Revit categories each geometry was meant to be built in: Walls, Floors, Columns and Floors. This scenario was kept as simple as possible to efficiently demonstrate the technical availability that regular users can access, so they can build their own ML models. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate two screenshots taken when the ML model is making a prediction. The potential developments are automated model-checking, auto-fill of the element parameters such as COBie, and, of course, increased interoperability between BIM software or even auto transaction from traditional modelling tools to BIM.In the long term, the potential can even be extended into auto-design with the very characteristics of the user sthemselves. Figure 3: A screenshot when the ML model suggests a Mass element’s correct Revit category.



BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Intelligence from day one Leveraging early-stage data and BIM for better design outcomes By Matteo Orsi, Head of BIM and Digital Design Introduction Building Information Modelling (BIM) has revolutionized the construction industry by providing the designers with the ability not just to represent a building but also to have an early-stage insight on its performances. It is widely acknowledged the value of frontloading effort during the design process and the benefit of adopting BIM processes at early stages to better control costs and reduce errors. This is not true just for geometrical and spatial information, but it is also applicable to data associated to our designs. In this article we will examine the challenges of having early-stage intelligence to drive CO2 reduction in our buildings as a paradigm of the wider challenges and possibilities for a data-driven approach to building design. The scenario To meet the goals of the RIBA 2030 Climate Challenge1, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) highlights three intelligence factors for designers to consider: + Material quantities (geometry) + Carbon factors (data) + Maintenance and end-of-live carbon assumptions (data) If we have a level of detail in our models apt to interrogate material quantities, what we need to do to enable our early-stage analysis should be: + Source the data (Carbon Factors, Maintenance and end-of-live carbon assumptions) + Integrate the data into our BIM models Sourcing the data It is frequently a challenge sourcing a robust and publicly available dataset. The case of Embodied and Operational Carbon databases is exemplary. Data at the early stages are likely to be limited, but on the other hand, our ability to reduce carbon, similarly to our ability to control costs, is higher at the very beginning of the project.

As shown in Fig. 3, there is a designers’ digital “sweet spot” during the initial phases of a project which enables better analysis and decision-making. In this scenario the yellow curve describes the ideal trend of data availability for such approach. To bridge the data gaps, acting at a stakeholder level is fundamental, but we can roll out an organisational strategy while wide transformational changes are in the making in the AEC industry Ideally, we should have Open Data supported by industry stakeholders and backed by relevant public bodies. The Inventory of Carbon and Energy (ICE) developed by Bath University2 lead the way on EC data and the recent Built Environment Carbon Database (BECD)3 is progressing on a similar path. Those databases, usually shared in an easily accessible format (.xls or .csv), are being improved and revisited over the years. We should support those initiatives but equally we need to have a strategy in place to bridge the data gaps while new data are being developed. Moving forward with innovation. A Low-tech/High-tech approach through visual scripting (eg. Dynamo or Grasshopper) to embed data into our models can be the answer. Scripting provides a simple and effective way to link database and models and, with a relatively small effort, we can seize the benefits of having data into our BIM models.

Matteo, a cum laude graduate from Università degli Studi di Firenze, founded his Lucca-based firm in 2008, focusing on education and public realm projects. He's an experienced Architect and BIM specialist in the UK since 2016. He's now Morris and Company's Head of BIM and Digital Design, leading digital strategy.

4. Databases are not integral to the tool. We can retain the ability to edit and adjust our databases to suit our organizational needs. In the case of EC data, this could be a simple and effective way to bridge the data gaps through the integration of existing databases with additional data. 5. This process is scalable both vertically and horizontally. In other words, we can quickly swap our database for a newer one or expand the datasets, for instance, to other aspects of the materials (e.g., U-values, acoustic performances, etc.). Conclusions Early-stage data-driven approaches offer significant possibilities for improving building design. By sourcing and integrating relevant data, bridging data gaps, and adopting a Lowtech/High-tech approach, organizations can quickly and effectively enhance decisionmaking and develop long-term data strategies for better design outcomes.

The main benefits of this approach are: 1. It quickly improves the decision-making process. Such processes are relatively simple to develop and implement at the organizational level. 2. Being a relatively simple process means that it can be adopted with limited training by the users. 3. It is platform-agnostic. Software has a lifespan, but data does not. Therefore, by having a clear separation between data and platforms, we can develop an independent, long-term data strategy.



BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Fig 1. Benefits of BIM “Smart” versus traditional approach (The Fig 3. Designers’ digital “Sweet spot” for early-stage, data driven MacLeamy curve)4 analysis

Fig 2. Degree of accuracy and data availability in LCA assessments5 Fig 4. Current versus ideal level of data needed for an early-stage, data-driven process

Fig 5. EC data integration into a materials library through scripting


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Something a bit Different than ISO: 19650 By Neil O. Reilly, Technical Director, Digital Information Management at ARCADIS - The Objective Understanding project pipelines, review Opportunities so nobody is at a disadvantage, provide a variation of workload to improve skill sets throughout the Business. Relentless focus on Customer Experience, continue discovering intelligent ways of working to nurture skill sets. Be well Informed of Slippage, Additional Scope and the timelines they involve. Early Engagement is key to drive Digital improvements to gain efficiency and to map past performance from KPI’s to fully understand the insights of the resource capabilities and availability. Experience By applying tried and tested techniques for Digital delivery, I have become versatile to the Challenges we face across our industry in meeting and to exceed our client expectation’s. The ability to do this successfully is by establishing a highly qualified Management pyramid to optimise and underpin excellence. I have learnt on numerous occasions, great solutions do not always come from a Major Project, it can be attained from the simplest of task to provide that light bulb moment! At Arcadis we are 36,000+ people, active in over 70 countries, we support our clients wherever they need us. We can call upon experienced individuals or departments across the globe to support delivery. The test is balancing the desired need, projects duration, extra scope and some curved balls all of which can present you with a dilemma.

The Challenge Matching the most suitable qualified resource to support a project can be a hurdle, since the Pandemic we have restructured, project delivery is now supported in a hybrid manner or completely remote. I am a firm believer of these new working patterns which have dramatically improved the productivity to promote a much happier and healthier workforce. There is only one notable downside, the amount of excess holiday entitlement left or carried over which has never been experienced or had to be managed before! Collaboration is Vital to an agile Business We should not stop thinking about this, we have open door policy to promote face-toface collaboration, if possible, for knowledge sharing, this provides us the confidence that communications are effective to shape the next generation. By having a positive working environment in place, you feel supported, valued, and motivated to nurture, develop and grow the momentum of these skill sets.

Key Factors Value each unique resource and skill set can bring and offer, we need to embrace these great opportunities with direct engagement so that these voices can be heard, all voice’s count. (No such thing as a stupid question) Recruitment Extensive knowledge of the marketplace is essentially to attract the very best talent. The marketplace can be very onerous if new resource are to be obtained, matching a suitable resource to minimize the risk of failure is crucial to strengthen a team for any given project. The strength and allocation of resource along with the team/project requirements, should be carefully assessed at the selection process and periodically through-out the project duration for the very best outcome. Assembling the A Team, we need to evaluate past strengths, inclusion and the variation of work, all vitally importantly to meet personnel developments, project requirements and the Business plan.

Our focus is to never knowingly over stretch comfort zones, burdened or create burnt out, all of which are counterproductive and damaging to all parties involved.

Getting Expectations Right

Team building is a consistent investment, especially now more than ever for inclusion, new working patterns and to cater for various time zones across the globe.

We consider balance and effectiveness to supercharge the best possible opportunities of upskilling, progression plans, behaviours and most importantly the Customer Experience.

Having a strong working relationship online ensures the same engagement as you would expect from an office environment.

Sometimes adjustments are always necessary to determine the best outcome.

(Source; Nation ELF Services) (Source;


Who is best placed ?

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Drawings are diagrammatical becoming a thing of the past, this provides us now with even more greater opportunities to innovate (But only possible if we have a level playing field)

Look to the Future, Can we keep up

Some functions still require A HUGE RADICAL shift in mindset in figuring out these solutions drive efficiently, but most importantly reduces waste. Clients now fully understand the value gained over the whole Lifecycle of a project. They will soon be asking why this is not being applied by all stakeholders to safeguard their investments.

(Source; As the industry continues to embrace all things Digital, to note we cannot replace skilled resources with Technology (not just yet!) Technology should be seen as an enabler rather than a replacement, so we still need to use the unique skills and capabilities of us human resource to achieve the optimal outcomes in today’s rapidly evolving world. Training with ongoing support must not be neglected. Technology partners are ensuring their best applications are ready and available to tackle such change, unfortunately at times these are not mature enough for implementation.Digital solutions have been accessible for decades, the Pandemic has defiantly revamped focus in obtaining these skill-sets, along with newer solutions to continuously improve. It is reassuring to observe the recent pace of adoption across the industry, BUT not all have managed to keep up !

Challenges will always sadly continue , with this said I am optimistic stakeholders will eventually witness the continued benefits of such adoption to adapt.

It’s a journey and you must Start somewhere………….

Better Decision-Making - Provide insights to improved outcomes. Facilitates collaboration, access the same data (common set of information) instantly.

The Digital overhaul, embracement of these platforms is essential to become comfortable with or potentially miss out on these once seen very lucrative contracts.

Overall, validated data can be a powerful tool for success, enabling individuals and organizations to be well informed to work efficiently in achieving better outcomes.

Use of this Technology is becoming a normal daily task, only the fittest will survival in this fast-paced ever-changing competitive environment.

Payment Mechanism

Why so late in adoption? Still more focus and attention are required to improve effectiveness and re-use of this Data. Driving actionable insights can help you take Digital Transformation to the Next Level in providing a clearer and much smarter outcome to your decision making. Standardisation is required to be applied across all tasks in making the output readily accessible and re-useable for all project stakeholders.

Now with the evolution of linked systems, graphical / non-graphical Datasets for Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance are now equally beneficial to stakeholders to provide these connected uses.

Currently the traditional siloed approach, will be faced with even bigger Challenges if adoption is not applied, these proven ways of working provide a comprehensive view of the whole project (at your fingertips) which is now very much expected.


I will leave you with these thoughts…………….

Long term Benefits Gained If you can re-use Validated Data collected, you are setup for success to become a Valued Contributor of the AEC industry for the coming years and beyond.

Over the last few years, we have seen more of an emphasis on Quality, rather than just focus on getting the job done fast/cheaply as possible which is a big positive .

Commercially in the past we have been served with Defect Notice resulting in dis-allowed Cost, Lengthily Defensive Legal Measures to something that is indeed now more transparent and cannot hide from anymore.

The Real Value resides inside of the models as Data (Not Drawings), this event will be relied upon even more as we venture into the use of advanced technologies.

We are now seeing a surge in data use to identify and predict issues, do we wait for the Software Vendors to procure such a solution, or do you develop in house?

Current Business Models need a big shift towards Structured Data, the Next Generation of Leaders will leverage these new services to streamline productivity to improve revenues to become triumphant.

These are now becoming fully Digitized, linking Scope to Output allowing the Cost Management to become more effective in transforming the way we do Business.

Here are just some of the benefits from re-using Validated Data Improved Accuracy - Can reduce errors, leading to better outcomes and efficiency. Time/Cost-Saving - Eliminates the need to collect and validate data, reducing risk.



BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

BIM as an Enabler for Smart and Intelligent Buildings By Onyema Udeze, Co-founder, Blaze Academy A Glimpse into The Future For the past few years, there has been a growing interconnection of multiple technologies resulting in the explosion of ‹Internet of Things’ (IoT) devices. Our world will increasingly experience a convergence of diverse technologies powered by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with little demarcation between our Physical Reality, Augmented, Virtual or Mixed Realities. One can issue voice commands to these interconnected devices to perform simple tasks, get entertained, connect to peers, and more. Since we spend most of our lives within buildings, we will increasingly demand more pleasant user experiences from our spaces. «There will be an increased need for Smart and Responsive Buildings.» Where We Are Today

• Products that adapt to the end user’s needs in real-time. • Built assets that gather and analyse operational data for optimisations and improvement of future prototypes. But when you look at the broader spectrum of digital transformation, you will admit that all the technologies to make buildings inherently Smart from inception already exist. • There is a robust wired and wireless IT infrastructure. • There are vast building technology systems accessible remotely through the Internet Protocol. • There are even Building Management and Facility Management systems today. This tells us that there have been attempts in recent years to make buildings Smart. «But why hasn't the building industry fully embraced Smart Building Delivery yet?» 01 - The Peculiarities of The Built Sector Building construction is as old as humanity because shelter is one of the three basic needs of man. Long before modern civilisations, when a client/patron needs to construct a significant edifice, he will seek a Master Builder - the Architect. The Master Builder designs the structure, manages the project, and coordinates all the resources and stakeholders required to translate the patron’s ideas into reality.

Source: Adobe Stock As an industry, the built sector is still at a point where we deliver shelters and enclosures for different activity types - vastly behind the lifestyle and the demands of the end-users. To bridge that gap, the IT and Electronics Industries constantly supply various products to meet the increasing demands for Smart and Connected Living. ‹Building Internet of Things’ (B-IoT) has become popular because of that demand. As of 2022, the global IoT market is almost $400 billion, projected to exceed $800 billion by 2026. All these make it look like the building industry cannot deliver user-centric products from the ground up.

Onyema Udeze co-founded the e-learning platform - Blaze Academy ( He is an Instructor at LinkedIn Learning and sits on the board of directors of the not-for-profit organisation - BIM Africa Initiative. He has a background in Architecture, but he specialises in Systems Design and BIM Modeling. He authored the book ‹Essentials of Smart Building Technology' and several online courses focused on the digital transformation of the building industry. When he is not creating content or BIM Models, he reads or seeks new ideas.

4. The Supplier’s Team, including the Distributors, Manufacturers, and Product Representatives. 5. On top of all that, there are multiple building typologies and use cases, numerous client types, and diverse geographical locations and contexts. While this is necessary, considering the complexities of the modern world and the need to regulate the building delivery process, it becomes hard to change established norms in the industry. «The building industry is slow to Digital Transformation because of the numerous parties and rigid systems in place.» While these complexities are seemingly deterrents to embracing the Smart Building approach, they could serve as drivers towards embracing it.

With the advent of modern civilisation, specialisation became the order of the day. This brought much regulation into the construction industry. On an average construction project, there are multiple stakeholders. 1. The Owner’s Team, including the Owner, a Facility Manager, and the End-users; 2. The Design Team, including the Architects, diverse Engineering Teams and other Consultants; 3. The Construction Team, including the General Contractor and multiple Subcontractors; and


Source: Adobe Stock

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

02 - The Contract Methods

How BIM Comes In

Due to the building industry’s complex nature, clients have numerous options to bring together diverse stakeholders to erect their facilities. There are multiple contractual relationships known as contract methods in the industry today. Common ones are Design-Bid-Build, Design-Negotiate-Build, Design-Build, Construction Management, and Owner-Build - many of which do not create enough room for Integrated Design and Delivery from project inception.Without an Integrated Project Delivery, Smart Buildings as a product from the building industry are almost unattainable.

As a technology-based process, BIM enhances collaboration between project stakeholders by creating information-rich 3D models hosted on a common platform for real-time communications.

03 - The Design Process As technologies advanced and our world got more complex, designs have moved from 2D Drafting to 3D Modeling, accompanied by diverse Analyses and Simulations. While many design professionals in the built sector have increasingly embraced 3D Modeling, they use many tools, most of which cannot talk to each other in real-time, limiting collaboration and coordination between the various design teams. This disintegrated nature of building design makes it hard to integrate technology systems into buildings from the design stage cohesively - optimised for real-time end-user needs. It is safe to argue that the missing link to delivering Smart Buildings emanates from a disconnect between the various design teams during building design - the Architects, Engineers, and Systems Designers, among others. Many technology consultants, during building design, use proprietary tools that are not interoperable with those used by Architects, Engineers, and other design disciplines. In the end, building technology systems are disintegrated, and the end-users make up for these deficiencies by purchasing B-IoT devices. «To summarise, the complexities of the building industry, the multiple contract methods and the prevailing design practices make it almost impossible to deliver Smart Buildings optimised for the real-time needs of the end-users.»

When all the stakeholders involved in the design and delivery of a project are communicating in real time through a common platform, they can collectively deliver optimal products to the end users. •

The designers can create information-rich 3D Models.

Potential issues can be identified and resolved before hitting the construction site.

Procurement information can be extracted from the models.

This integrated approach benefits all the stakeholders. When BIM Meets Systems Design

A cohesive Smart Building has hard and soft elements - structural members, software and firmware components. The mainstream design focuses mainly on the structural aspects. For example, Architectural functionality today is mostly about how spaces flow into each other. But end-users have become digitally savvy, so they almost always supplement the building fabric with endless B-IoT devices.

«Systems Design goes beyond the typical Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing systems in a standard building design documentation Systems Design must become integral to the overall building design process to deliver better facilities to end users.»

For further learning on the topic, scan the QR code below:

As much as BIM has garnered global attention in the past few years, it remains A PROCESS for delivering better products by the construction industry. An often-missing component in the overall building design process is Systems Design. Many technology systems go into modern facilities to optimise the end-user experience and reduce operational costs and the environmental impacts of buildings. •

It takes systems design to integrate these diverse technology systems physically and logically - from the design stage of built assets.

Beyond integrating the technology systems, it takes systems design to weave them into the building fabric.

In many building projects today, the technology specialists, consultants and contractors operate parallel with the mainstream design team - the Architects, Engineers, among others. •

Firstly, mainstream design teams mainly operate within the boundaries of their disciplines.

Secondly, Technology Specialists mostly use proprietary tools explicitly built for Systems Design and Integration.

Now, imagine what is attainable when the mainstream design teams and the Technology Specialist work together - collaboratively, in real-time - to design more integrated facilities.


Source: Adobe Stock

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Should you learn Revit API? By Erik Frits, Revit API Developer and Educator,


ike many of you, I was just a regular Revit User, always figuring out ways to deal with software limitations. We all know that Revit isn’t perfect, and there is always a workaround when you start looking for a solution. So that leads many of us on a search for a better approach. How my story with Revit API began The moment I started working on a High-Rise project (Q-Tower, The Marks) it all changed. The larger your project, the more repetitive tasks you will encounter. Even as simple as spending 2 minutes on each level would take more than an hour if your project has 30+ levels. So, after wasting a lot of time and becoming frustrated, I had enough of it and started to look for a better way. Baby Steps in Programming Like many before me, I discovered Dynamo. For those unfamiliar, Dynamo is a visual programming tool. Instead of coding, you can drop a bunch of nodes and connect them to create a logical flow for your script. As I was learning Dynamo basics we needed to redesign a Facade of the tower. So, it was perfect timing to put it to the test. After a week or so, I managed to create my spaghetti monster, and somehow it worked. Not only did we achieved the design we wanted, but I also managed to reduce the typology of panels. So I knew I was on the right track. But Something was off The only problem - this script was taking 40 minutes to run. It sounded like a reasonable time for placing 15 000 panels, or so I thought as a Dynamo beginner. I realized that everything runs quick until 1 particular node. It was a simple task so it didn’t make any sense to me. I replaced the node with my custom Python code (It was horrible, but it worked). And this time the script has finished in 40seconds! That’s x60 times faster… I was beyond overwhelmed. Keep in mind, I wasn’t a programming guru; quite the opposite, I didn’t even know how to do for loops at the time...

Discovering next big thing Once you improve something with such results, you certainly start to pay attention. So this was the beginning of my journey of learning Revit API and python. At first, I was using it in Dynamo with python nodes, but something didn’t click. And then I heard about pyRevit. The more I learnt about it, more surprised I became at how nice and simple it was. Huge shout-out to Ehsan Iran-Nejad (pyRevit Dad) for such incredible contribution to AEC.

A self taught python and Revit API developer. I’ve written hundreds of scripts and I shared more tha 50 tools in my EF-Tools Extension for Revit. I am also a YouTuber and I teach people to do the same thing. I share my knowledge about Revit and Revit API and I hope that many people will get encouraged to start learning the new skill.

What’s pyRevit? pyRevit is the best! It allows us to create custom Revit extension with a simple folder structure. We can create folder names with suffixes like: .extension | .tab | .panel | .pushbutton Then we place an icon and a python script in the .pushbutton and now it’s ready to be loaded in Revit as a custom extension. It’s that simple! Also, it’s easy to create custom library of reusable code, which is crucial for programmers. Because while “good programmers code, great programmers reuse code!”. And pyRevit has a lot of reusable snippets for us. You can easily create UI forms with just 1 line to get user input and some other features! And everything is Open-Source! But we need to understand Revit API and python to create custom tools. So how did I learn python? Learning python was quite simple. There were plenty of resources and free courses available. So, learning python is about putting enough time and effort. Also, you don’t have to become a python guru overnight. You need to understand basic concepts like: Variables, Data Types, Conditional Statements, Functions, Loops and the rest will come with practice. Don’t get discourage if that sounds confusing, we all start somewhere!

Folder Structure for pyRevit’s Custom Extension


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

So how did I learn Revit API?

Sharing is Caring!

Was it worth it?

Revit API on the other hand, was not that simple. I often had to spend hours on online forums hoping someone had similar problem before. Or explore existing tools in pyRevit to understand how they were made. I started to consume all I could, and back then there wasn’t much about Revit API.

Once I had a toolbar with lots of simple but very effective tools, I wanted more people to use them. So I spent a few months rewriting code so I could publish my free and opensource extension - EF-Tools. After a few months since its release more people heard of it and I got very positive feedback. Thousands of people gave it a try and many people loved it. So I knew I was onto something.

Now I get to write this article for you, in hopes that I can motivate you to follow my footsteps. Learning Revit API will give you more control over Revit back in your hands and make you a much better Revit user.

After a lot of research, I understood basics of Revit API but I had a lot of gaps in both Revit API and python.

So, Revit API is hard?

Nevertheless, from this moment forward every time I recognized a repeatable task, I started to think whether I could help myself with code. Usually if a task would take 5 hours manually, but I would probably spend 5-10 hours developing something useful, I would consider it worth it. Even if I failed at creating the script, I certainly learnt a whole lot.

Not Exactly. Once I learnt more, I realized that many topics are not as complicated if you have the right resources. So that got me thinking, why don’t I pay it forward by explaining Revit API to help others who are interested in creating custom tools. Clearly, a lot of people had interest in doing what I did, so why not share it.

My reasoning was simple: First of all I would improve my python and Revit API skill. And secondly, the next time this task won’t take 5 hours, it would take minutes if the script is sufficient enough. And over time I made a lot of tools for myself that helped me work faster. So, it all was worth it!

Since I am a completely self-taught programmer, I knew that many others can follow my footsteps. I just needed to reduce barrier of entry and provide enough valuable resources. And that’s what I do.

My First Dynamo’s Spaghetti Monster


If you want to Get Started with Revit API, be sure to join me virtually on the BIM Coordinator Summit 2023. And if you are reading this after the event, there should be recording available or have a look at my YouTube Channel (Erik Frits). Thank you for reading this far. My name is Erik Frits and I hope you learnt something new. Happy Coding!

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Unlocking the Metaverse By Paul Doherty, IFMA Fellow, DFC Senior Fellow This is an excerpt of the book, Unlocking the Metaverse, published by John Wiley & Sons in the Fall of 2023 Although digital twins, virtual worlds and the metaverse are the 3D Internet’s visual elements, the real power comes in the new mechanisms of how to create features and functions. A basic goal of the metaverse is to build the next wave computing platform that houses several sub‐platforms accessible through the same 3D interface. The vision is to provide a seamless experience across virtual and augmented realities that can deepen human connections using an ecosystem of service experiences regardless of physical distance. The mechanisms of the metaverse provide new systems, procedures, and techniques that are quickly advancing the maturity of virtual worlds in the metaverse. The velocity of this advancement of the maturation cycle provides a need for our industry to discuss an important question. The use and adoption of the metaverse in the built environment will only be successful if accessibility to metaverse technologies is open to all. If the metaverse does not allow for 100% access, especially the non-tech savvy, disabled persons, or economically challenged people, the metaverse becomes yet another tool that widens the inequality gap that is already deep rooted in our industry. Since our industry works as an eco-system in order to design, construct and manage the built environment, then we must have 100% inclusivity in order for the metaverse to provide benefit and value. No one left behind. Perhaps this book can be one of many tools that educates, inspires, and guides all people in our industry to ensure that the metaverse fulfills its promise. Let’s explore the metaverse mechanisms and how they apply to you. Blockchain At its inception, Blockchain was developed as an effort to take back ownership of the internet and return control of the online world to its users rather than a handful of Silicon Valley monopolies. Blockchain is a general mechanism for running programs, storing data, and verifiably carrying out transactions. It is like a computer that’s distributed and runs a billion times faster than the computer we have on our desktops, because it’s the combination of everyone’s computer,

The internet may be the foundation stones of the metaverse, but blockchain enables a network of security instead of vulnerability. The Web 3 metaverse promise is where everyone owns and controls their own data, safeguarding the enormous amount of data that powers the idealized vision of the metaverse. If the metaverse is a mobile, living internet, then cryptocurrency is a mobile form of money. Blockchain is taken even further in the metaverse, though, and the function extends far beyond buying and selling, marketplaces are only one part of what the metaverse offers: China’s metaverse boom, for example, relies heavily on online gaming. Social interactions, education, knowledge sharing… all these and more are functional by-products of Blockchain leveraged by the world builders of the metaverse. The decentralized, distributed network that is Blockchain is precisely the system needed to make the metaverse a user-centered, user-operated and user owned virtual community.

Paul is CEO of The Digit Group, Inc. TDG (, a Singapore-registered Smart City real estate development and solutions company. As seen on Bloomberg TV and The Wall Street Journal, acknowledged by CNBC as one of America’s Business Titans and reported by Forbes as “Changing the World”, Paul is an award-winning architect. a Senior Fellow of the Design Futures Council and a Fellow of the International Facility Management Association (IFMA). Concurrently, Paul is the co-founder and producer of the critically acclaimed AEC Hackathon ( Paul’s current work includes the design, planning, construction and operations of Smart Cities around the world.

Workflows As with all emerging technologies, the exploration phase that metaverse, blockchain, and GPT are currently in is subject to success and failure measures that will cause debate and discussion. Our use of these technologies is being experimented with stand-alone solutions and as an ecosystem solution. We use a methodology of process mapping a workflow to identify what to automate (and what not to automate) and then insert the technology choice into the process. By using simple stand-alone solutions in this process, we can quickly identify success and failures. Once we can measure success as a stand-alone solution, we can then begin the process of creating an ecosystem that will also measure success and failures. Our first attempt at integrating the emerging technologies of metaverse, blockchain and GPT as an ecosystem began with smart contracts in project delivery. U.S. Industry associations who currently control the marketshare of design and construction contracts are all exploring a migration to smart contracts. The American Institute of Architects (AIA Contract Documents) and the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC ConsensusDocs) are the market leading contracts used today. They both currently sell paper and PDF digital versions of their industry standard contracts.


The use of blockchain smart contracts and their effects on delivery process is currently under exploration by both associations. We have provided a workflow example of how our organization could use this disruptive technology and its effect on the delivery process and subsequent effect on facility management. Capital Asset Delivery Using Smart Contracts Workflow Our first step creating a smart contract workflow was to develop a stand-alone solution. We created a contract between the architect and owner using ChatGPT. We found ChatGPT provided a good high level series of suggested frameworks but the technology fell short of providing detail level information to properly develop a contract that would compete with the AIA or AGC. Once we consulted with legal advice, we settled on the wording and intent of our Owner/Architect contract. After testing as a stand-alone solution, we began the process of adding other workflow elements.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Geo Location and Workflow

Construction Documents as the Digital DNA of the Built Environment

Digital Twin

As the fulcrum of how all projects exist and are conducted, construction documents are the foundation elements of how the built environment conducts business. Usually, Construction Documents are how the designer communicates the design intent to the constructor on behalf of the building owner. As an industry, we have moved relatively fast from physical drawings and specifications as the construction documents to the emergence of digital drawings (CAD/BIM) and specifications as the new standard of care.

We took our construction documents (CDs – BIM and specifications) from a real-world project that was under construction and provided two tasks for our CDs. We put them in native format as a reference position to the smart contracts through an API (application programming interface). Simultaneous, we put our BIM into a gaming engine environment to enable a metaverse environment linked to our smart contracts. Our standalone solution was to have the native documents and the metaverse documents communicate with the smart contract.

As digital standards of care move from finite files to decentralized streamed legal documents through processes like Smart Contracts, our industry is yet again challenged to keep up with the times. The one element of stability as the workflow processes of designing, building, and delivering a building in today’s world is that design professionals are more valued than ever as they produce the Digital DNA of the Built Environment.

We found that the native documents using a home-grown API had superior value over the emerging metaverse solution. Ease of development, accuracy of the data/workflows and integration into ecosystem solutions were the deciding factors. As we define a digital twin as a mirror image between the physical and digital environments, leveraging this definition into a smart contracts process made the native file format an easy decision.

Ethereum blockchain After an analysis and testing of available blockchain solutions, we chose Ethereum blockchain to host our smart contracts. Our criteria for this decision involved: • Security and Privacy. • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance. • Consensus Mechanism. • Network effect. • Maturity of the solution. • Operational costs. Ethereum enables smart contracts built on its blockchain to run smoothly without fraud, downtime, control, or any third-party interference. Ethereum is also a programming language that helped us to create the smart contract functionality. On Ethereum, smart contracts are written in its Solidity programming language, which is Turing-complete. This means that the rules and limitations of smart contracts are built into the network’s code and no bad actor can manipulate such rules.


We then required that all building materials furniture, fixtures, equipment, and appliances that enter our project site, had to have a form of geo-location. GPS, RFID, Bar Code, QR Code, etc. are all accepted. Using API technology, we can acquire geo-location data as it’s being put in place in real time and have this data communicate with our BIM. Our BIM uses this geo-location information to determine if the asset was put in place according to the construction documents. We added an element of the project schedule to provide the data if the construction task was completed on time. We then added an API to construction performance to accept the on-site report from the project manager if the task was performed at the proper quality level. If all of these criteria are met, a decision application was implemented to release payment online to pay the contractor/sub-contractor, creating trust and loyalty relationships. For the Owner, the Lien Release process happens quicker than traditional processes. Value Propositions Our emerging technology research of metaverse, blockchain and GPT, will provide value over time. I wanted to explore the ecosystem approach on my projects and discovered that the technology is still emerging and immature, resulting in limited value. But as we continue our journey with continuous innovation improvement, emerging technologies become mature market technologies. Our industry has a very bright future ahead with these innovations.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

The BIM Coordinator’s Role in Facilitating AR and MR Adoption in Construction By Erin Khan & Nate Fuller Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) embody both the challenges and excitement of construction in the digital age. These technologies enable project stakeholders to interact with project information remotely while simultaneously closing the loop via real-time information from the field. However, the path to widespread adoption has not been without obstacles and there are years of lessons to learn from.

As BIM coordinators and technology leaders in construction, there are concrete steps that we can take to help facilitate adoption of this powerful emerging technology:

As part of a report series on Technology Excellence in Construction by Placer Solutions, we interviewed and surveyed over a hundred users of AR and MR across the construction industry. In this report, we spotlight construction firms who help us shine a light on the applications and best practices that the industry can look forward to. A construction executive we interviewed for the report described AR and MR as “the longest onramp of any technology I’ve ever seen in construction” while simultaneously describing it as having “tremendous potential”.

2. Encourage open standards that point towards an API-based data sharing system, such as building SMART’s new BIM Collaboration Format (BCF). This will help developers iterate and build new products more quickly.

We find that both builders and technology providers agree that one of adoption’s biggest barriers is the lack of internal processes by the builder to help realize the technology’s full benefits. Across nine barriers measured, this came in at #1 overall and it points to a need for builders to invest in best practices and provide resources that can help support AR and MR experiences in the field. Note that the graphic is showing partial data; additional information on External Challenges and Technology Challenges can be found in the full report.

Co-Author: Erin Khan, Erin Khan Consulting

1. Properly implement best practices like Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) in your data models and contribute to industry-wide standards like ISO that will help streamline information sharing between applications.

3. When piloting new AR and MR products, try to pilot at scale across several projects and compensate providers accordingly. By targeting many early adopters within your organization, this will help diversify user feedback for your own internal processes and help improve the wider AR and MR provider market. 4. Builders should maintain a long-term perspective that extends past a single project. This involves the use of shared services, which are designed to uphold the best practices of new technology and stay ahead of standards that may impact full functionality of AR and MR tools.

Above Image Courtesy of Placer Solutions


Co-Author: Nate Fuller, Placer Solutions

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

In addition to the above steps, building an organizational foundation with a deep focus on the people and culture that make up project teams is essential to drive adoption. Through the collected qualitative data, successful use cases of AR and MR technologies in the field involved the consistent presence of team members who: •

Had an early (middle school or high school-aged) exposure to construction, coding/software development, gaming design, or any combination of these academic areas.

Described themselves as simultaneously exceptionally patient with learning new concepts while also being overwhelmingly eager to apply them in real-world processes.

Valued education and communication amongst the broader construction team and made concerted efforts to share positive experiences with others; in other words, field-level innovation influencers.

By learning from the past decade of use in construction, BIM coordinators and technology leaders at construction firms can avoid the mistakes of the past. These early adopters developed the necessary internal processes that helped them lay the groundwork to leverage integrated digital workflows. AR and MR represents an alluring opportunity for construction firms who are well-versed in BIM to begin reaping rewards from these digital investments.

The synthesis of strong innovation culture paired with strategic technical rollout results in versatile and transformative applications of AR/MR that unlocks a new level of coordination capabilities in the industry. The following images are examples of this in the field today, from project teams at Hensel Phelps and BNBuilders. With the introduction of Apple Vision Pro and new Sony headsets, we foresee much wider adoption of AR and MR in the years to come. With increased consumer familiarity, it’s not a question of if but when the industry will more widely adopt these tools.

Above Image: Hensel Phelps AR/MR Use Case

Above Image: BnB Builders AR/MR Use Case


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

CDE Implementation: Key to Effective BIM Success By Paweł Łaguna, Managing Director / CEO, Swissroc Building Intelligence Introduction If you are involved with Building Information Modelling, you must have heard of the Common Data Environment (CDE). But why is it so important and how to implement it in the organization or on the project? BIM methodology in its mature form implies the cooperation and information exchange between a large number of stakeholders. In order to provide an easy access to a single consistent and up-to-date database on the project, a solution is required that provides a common information sharing environment. Thus, a Common Data Environment (CDE) is a single platform or group of integrated IT solutions that provide a centralized repository for the collection, management and dissemination of project and asset information through a managed process. It is a collaborative environment where all stakeholders on a project or asset work on and share information in a consistent and standardized format [1]. The importance of proper implementation As stated in ISO 19650 norms and countless BIM manuals and guidebooks, Common Data Environment is in the center of BIM methodology being a repository of the Project Information Model (PIM)[2]. In fact there are companies which decide to implement CDE even before anyone is delivering BIM 3D models. The platforms are crucial not only in terms of day-to-day work on projects but also when it comes to analytical data aggregation (business intelligence), resolving conflicts during the investment process or even assessing the overall performance of a company when compared to the competition. Therefore, proper implementation of central repository should be crucial not only to BIM Managers and coordinators but also executives responsible for strategic and operational processes of the organizations – see Figure 1. However, from the authors experience more than often the platforms making up the Common Data environment are introduced into projects and companies on ad-hoc basis without proper process and due diligence. In fact, proper implementation of CDE is a relatively long and complex process that involves creating a consensus between many different stakeholders and interests. Only achieving this balance enables configurating a platform that actually brings value into the project and is commonly used. This involves among others (see Figure 2):

• Conducting a deep audit of the existing information management practices and systems • Mapping the key processes and workflows that involve information creation, exchange, and use – preferably with the help of key stakeholders within the organization or project. • Selecting a suitable CDE solution that meets the technical and functional requirements. • Configurating of the subsequent modules of the environment in accordance with the workshop results. • Providing extensive and continuous training and support for the users of the CDE solution • Selecting pilot projects for testing the initial setup • Tracking of the results and taking actions to mitigate challenges of the first implementations. • Continuous effort on the part of responsible parties to elevate the information stored on the platform through better processes and training.

Paweł, the Managing Director at Swissroc Building Intelligence's Polish branch, drives strategy, tech programs, and BIM implementation. Formerly CTO at Graph’it, he led advancements in BIM, parametric design, and IoT solutions. As a registered architect with 70+ coordinated projects, his influence spans lecturing, speaking engagements, and co-authoring the book «BIM for Managers.» Simplified roadmap As mentioned above, since the CDE environment is a tool for process coordination, management and control, managers and executives should be particularly interested in its implementation and use. In my opinion CDE should be maintained and configured by the Client (Ordering Party), because the final PIM should be formatted and transferred to the Operations phase in accordance with Client’s requirements. Unfortunately to achieve this, deploying an “off the shelf ” solution is not the answer. Every organization and project are dealing with different set of goals and processes. The ideal scenario is to adapt CDE to an existing information strategy the organization has developed. These however are very rare. Therefore, usually we need to take some steps to ensure that the before deployment of the platform on the company’s portfolio. Depending on the organization’s digital maturity, standardization, and procedures the time needed for implementation and subsequent steps may vary. Here is a subjective selection of the most important elements of a proper deployment of the Common Data Environment (see Figure 3.

Figure 1 Elements of the Asset Information Model. Source: Own Study


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Goal defining

Access matrix

Division of information containers

Every implementation should have a realistic and measurable goals. Otherwise, it’s extremely hard to decide on the success or failure of any innovation. Therefore, company deciding to implement a CDE should write down at least some potential benefits and expected indicatives of success. These should be controlled throughout the implementation process and controlled on subsequent projects.

Another step is to define who has access to which information. Although transparent in nature, CDE’s configuration should restrict the access to confidential information and enable changing and/or adding certain kinds of information only to dedicated persons – e.g., assigning proper statuses to drawings. Therefore, we need to consult, create, and agree a kind of matrix where we define separate groups of users and define access rights to subsequent information containers and/or types of information.

In accordance with the ISO 19650 norm the information containers should be separated in at least 4 groups – Work in Progress, Shared, Published and archived. Procedures regulating how and when this division is established but also when a certain information (i.e. file) gets into one of these groups is extremely important.

Naming of information containers


The way we name the subsequent information containers is extremely important when it comes to easy access to information based on filtering or metadata resulting from the naming format. Therefore, we should think over the different naming conventions for different types of files but also folders (when CDE structure is folder based) and/or metadata and statuses we will attach to the information stored on CDE. Needless to say, the naming should reflect the specificity of the project. Also it needs to be as simple as possible but on the other complete enough to realize the processes on the platform.

The above points are just a short subjective summary of the most important elements of proper CDE implementation. Depending on the goals and organization/project specifics they may vary and may become more numerous.

Process Mapping Every organization has its own set of procedures and methods for the information exchange. Sometimes these processes are not codified and more than often they vary from project to project. To establish a single source and flawless collaboration between multiple parties we obviously need to come up with standardized set of procedures that can be followed by all employees and external partners throughout the project’s/ portfolio development. This requires an in-depth knowledge of the companies’ workings and intense multi-department collaboration to agree on basic rules to be later codified on the Platform.

Figure 4 Basic structure of the CDE environment. SOurce: Own Study, based on PN-EN ISO 19650[2].

It should also be noted that for complex projects, such as large infrastructure investments involving hundreds of stakeholders, it is impossible to provide a consistent data exchange environment based on a single EDMS (Electronic Document Management System). In such cases, the CDE should be understood as an ecosystem of software integrated using a dedicated platform (usually in PAAS). In this way, key information from EDMS, BIM, GIS, CMMS and other systems can be combined without duplicating data in the resources of individual sites, resulting in a complex Project Information Model (PIM) – see. Figure 5 In short – selection, implementation, and proper configuration of CDE is not an easy task. IF we really want to reap the benefits from proper information exchange, we need to first define the general rules and processes that the Platform should manage and control. Only then we can expect it to actually work for all the involved parties and become the core of BIM methodology and PIM.


Figure 5 Example of an advanced CDE consisting of multiple levels. Source: Own Study.

Figure 3 Key elements of CDE implmentation


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

BIM Resistance Management By Rory McCormack, Architectural Assistant, White Ink Architects We’ve all experienced it…BIM Resistance! That intertia when trying to establish or bring in new BIM practices to projects or offices. It can sometimes be difficult to pin down or deal with and is often rooted in different experiences or expectations of change. In this article, I will begin to tackle why BIM is met with such skepticism and what can be done to overcome it. How can the AEC industry increase its interoperability and repair broken communication chains?

Rory McCormack is an Architectural Assistant with White Ink Architects and runs the companies ‹Digital Thinkers' group. A think tank used to propel the companies knowledge and industry expertise in BIM and digital construction.

First, let’s define what we mean by BIM. As opposed to the traditional «building information modelling”, it’s more appropriate to consider BIM as «building information management.» A shift from traditional construction communication methods, which rely heavily on 2D CAD drawings and physical information sharing, towards an interconnected, data rich communication platform. It’s also not new, having existed for over 20years. What’s happened since then? What is the delay in adoption? Those who have already made the switch may clearly see the benefits of an effective BIM workflow. It improves collaboration across project teams, coordination from design to building on site, and more efficient project delivery. It promotes data exchange, ensuring that all parties have access to the same information, and enables improved early-stage project visualization. These advantages, which both enhance a party’s job and helps the project, might be lost on parties that are opposed to BIM adoption. Education is one of the strategies to overcome BIM resistance. To guarantee successful adoption, all parties must be aware of and understand the benefits of BIM. The justification for the implementation of BIM needs to be explained clearly and openly across the project team. Simply dictating compliance in the project’s BEP (BIM Execution Plan) will allow for greater adoption of BIM, but not successful integration. This can be done in a variety of ways. This may involve training programs, workshops, and seminars. It can also involve using BIM practically to address critical lessons learned within the live project. Using live issues to showcase how the correct implementation of BIM can be used to resolve the issue provides any of those fearful of change with practical, tangible evidence to support the solution of a problem.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

This applies not only to outward-facing resistance but also to internal resistance. If the motivation behind BIM implementation isn’t communicated to everyone involved, it will limit how effectively BIM can be used within the company and hinder its potential benefits. To ensure successful BIM adoption, it is crucial to establish clear communication channels and provide comprehensive training programmes for all stakeholders. By fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous learning, organisations can unlock the full potential of BIM technology, minimizing project waste and maximising productivity. Additionally, BIM can also serve as a valuable tool for data management and analysis, enabling organisations to make informed decisions based on real-time insights. As the construction industry continues to evolve, it is essential to embrace new technologies like BIM and leverage their transformative power to drive innovation and growth. The technological investment required for effective BIM deployment is a significant obstacle for any new party contemplating a BIM workflow. The unfortunate reality of BIM, particularly due to the lack of interoperability found in common BIM software, is that it takes a lot of upfront capital to integrate BIM. This can come in the form of hardware solutions capable of rendering highly populated models, essential software solutions to allow for efficient communication, and upskilling the workforce to have the capacity to implement BIM solutions. Although there are workarounds such as training grants, etc. This is where leadership plays a critical role in overcoming BIM resistance. Project managers must understand the benefits of BIM and effectively communicate these benefits to their teams. They must also be committed to BIM implementation. Having the support of management to provide growth for a company allows all parties to work together towards a common goal of successful BIM integration. It is important to foster a culture of collaboration and open communication within their teams. This will encourage the sharing of knowledge and ideas. This is often one of the pitfalls for parties adopting BIM, in that challenges and issues aren’t often addressed head-on. There is often a rush to prove competency beyond a party’s capacity, leading to ineffective workflows. By being proactive in identifying potential challenges and addressing them it can prove critical to the success or failure of BIM compliance.

That’s why a strong BIM team is another important factor in successful BIM implementation. This means assembling a team with the right mix of skills and experience to effectively use BIM and ensure a party’s continued compliance. This may involve hiring new team members, providing training to existing team members, and promoting cross-functional collaboration between teams. At White Ink, we recognised this and, as such, have formed a ‘Digital ThINKers’ group. A team that is used to ensure both effective BIM implementation throughout the office and monitor any other digital construction solutions that are emerging in the AEC sector. It allows us to detect where knowledge gaps are and use ‘lessons learned sessions’ and ‘Revit Teatime’ training sessions to bridge those gaps and maintain office wide proficiency. It also helped realise a new inhouse VR suite. A dedicated space to better coordinate construction details and deliver project visualisations with greater accuracy. This agile stance on the latest developments in BIM, can ensure that our teams are equipped with the tools and knowledge needed to overcome any resistance to BIM integration encouraging growth, collaboration, and innovation. It is important for parties to have a clear understanding of the software and its capabilities, as well as the roles and responsibilities of each team member involved in the process. Proper training and education can help mitigate any knowledge gaps and ensure everyone is on the same page. Workflows with ‘one loose link’ will quickly dissolve and prove ineffective. Communication is crucial throughout the entire process to ensure all parties are aware of any changes or updates. It’s important to establish clear protocols for data management, including version control and security measures. Finally, parties should be prepared to adapt and adjust their workflows as needed to ensure optimal efficiency and effectiveness. By taking a proactive approach and addressing potential challenges head on, parties can successfully implement BIM into their projects and reap the benefits it offers. In summary BIM is a powerful tool that can revolutionise the construction industry. Its ability to streamline processes, improve communication, and enhance collaboration makes it an essential component of any modern construction project. However, its successful implementation requires careful planning, thorough training, and ongoing support. Parties must also be prepared to address potential challenges and adapt their workflows as needed to ensure optimal efficiency and effectiveness. By taking these steps, parties can unlock the full potential of BIM and enjoy the many benefits it offers.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Utilising BIM Data structures for the delivery of Intelligent Buildings By Sam Norledge, Digital Delivery Manager, ISG


ntelligent buildings utilise data structures in their delivery, Sound familiar? BIM contributes to the delivery of intelligent buildings by providing an up-to-date and comprehensive digital representation of a building’s systems and components throughout the design, facilitating the understanding of their interactions and optimisations. These days modern buildings generate enormous amounts of critically important data. Gaining access to this data can be a significant hurdle as numerous products and devices connected to the IoT speak different languages. To effectively utilise operational data in external application tools that offer analytics and reports, there is a need to improve the interoperability of the data received to one uninformative logistical structure. As the days of churning through large data sets mapping one to another, imports, exports are nearly behind us, with new systems such as Autodesk construction cloud and emerging more complex databases making their way to the market

Key messages / Learning outcomes Recently there has been increasing demands for interoperable building data with a way to read and interface with live data in a built asset. This article seeks to examine how the AEC industry currently delivers building data and how this could be expanded further using innovations from the IT industry.

Sam Norledge, an adept tech professional, is an ISG digital delivery manager with a rich background in intelligent buildings and digital tech. Holding a distinguished master's degree in Building Information Management from the University of Portsmouth, Sam is known for his expertise in data management, project delivery, and intelligent building concepts.

• Learn how BIM plays a pivotal role in the delivery of intelligent buildings • How to integrate comprehensive and up-todate data structures forming a digital representation of a building. • How to significantly improve workflows when delivering BIM Enabled intelligent buildings • The future of Intelligent buildings and BIM utilising IFCowl exports for intelligent building metadata systems (BRICK / Haystack)

In recent years BIM has rapidly become the way information is delivered and managed on projects across the entire project lifecycle from design and construction through to operations and maintenance. With this trend, there is an opportunity to access and manipulate this data to enhance project delivery of IoT connected buildings. BIM has been proven to be a perfect way to rationalise data and make it more understandable for building owners and stakeholders, however many of the recent developments in the IoT enabled building fields do not utilise BIM to its full potential The IoT (Internet of things) today comes with a plethora of options, I’m not here to tell you what’s right or wrong as we all know the user has a wide range of wants and needs. I want to present here how making the BIM and IoT a more interoperable environment will help us enable the delivery of intelligent buildings.

Intelligent Building Data

Since, the start of the 21st century the market and technology for building automation, has climbed sharply, this market continues to grow, and the benefit is becoming greater and more significant

Figure 1F - Diagram of how an IFC Schema can be manipulated to work with IoT Building controls by generating relationships in RDF format (IFCowl) The overarching aim and requirement of an Intelligent buildings in the past have always been the ability to automate a buildings energy system and accomplish better energy efficiencies. In recent years this need has developed into making buildings more comfortable, secure and with the development of the Internet of things (IoT) the ability to take live building data and establish relationships and communications with other devices.


Similarly, intelligent building design and options and user configurations. But it all senses of the word we must be delivering this raw data from the onset whether it be a connected building or not. This data will become useful in years to come. The industry needs to be more data savvy, The Internet of Things is on our doorstep, and we are still using crayons. In this digital world, only the data intelligent will survive.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

How the IoT talks Semantic models have become increasingly important in the field of building management systems (BMS) in recent years. One of the most promising models in this field is the BRICK schema, which is designed to provide a standard framework for organizing and describing the data produced by building systems. At the core of the BRICK schema is a set of «brick» components, which represent individual functional elements of a building system. Each brick component is defined by a set of properties that describe its characteristics and behaviour, such as its type, status, and setpoint values. These brick components are organized into a hierarchical structure, with higher-level components representing systems or subsystems composed of lower-level components. This structure enables the BRICK schema to provide a unified view of building systems, regardless of the underlying technologies used to implement them.

Overall, the BRICK schema represents a significant advance in the field of building automation and control systems, providing a flexible and extensible framework for representing building system data. By using semantic tagging and a hierarchical structure, the BRICK schema enables more effective integration and analysis of building data, supporting more efficient and sustainable building operations. How can they be Linked? By integrating the two systems, the I am presented a new idea where links can be drawn; The BRICK Tags can be manually imputed into the BIM file using a device naming syntax. This can then be exported to IFC where the GUID that’s inbuilt in the models creates that link back for the BRICK to leverage the BIM data such as location and space data. This also allows a more streamlined way of asset tracking and physically labelling devices. See diagram for full representation of the types of tags that could be applied to an asset. Exporting BIM Data

One of the key features of the BRICK schema is its use of semantic tagging. Semantic tagging involves adding descriptive labels or «tags» to data elements to provide additional context and meaning. In the case of the BRICK schema, semantic tagging is used to describe the properties of each brick component and the relationships between components.

IFCowl is an extension to the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standard, which is a digital representation format for building information models. IFCowl extends the IFC standard to enable the representation of metadata related to building systems and equipment, including data from IoT sensors and other sources.

For example, a temperature sensor might be tagged with labels such as «room temperature», «HVAC», and «temperature sensor», providing additional information about the role and function of the sensor within the building system. Similarly, a thermostat might be tagged with labels such as «setpoint control», «HVAC», and «thermostat», indicating its function and relationship to other components within the system.

IFCowl allows for the creation of digital models that can store and exchanging a wide range of information related to intelligent buildings. This can include information related to energy use, lighting systems, HVAC systems, and more.

One of the key benefits of IFCowl is that it enables interoperability between different systems, allowing data to be exchanged between different applications and tools. This can significantly improve workflows and streamline the delivery of BIM-enabled intelligent buildings. IFCowl has been used in several projects and initiatives related to intelligent buildings, including the BRICK and Haystack projects. These initiatives aim to develop standardised approaches to representing and exchanging metadata related to intelligent buildings, and to facilitate the development of new tools and applications for building management and optimisation. See diagram below explaining this relationship in a contractual form. Summary We are at the Precipitous of a change of how we engage and develop buildings BIM plays a pivotal role in the delivery of intelligent buildings. Its ability to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date digital representation of a building enables stakeholders to collaborate effectively, make informed decisions, and optimize the performance of a building throughout its lifecycle. Whether it is for design and construction or building management and maintenance, BIM has the potential to significantly improve the delivery of intelligent buildings.

By using semantic tagging in this way, the BRICK schema enables more effective analysis and integration of building system data. With a standardized set of tags and labels, building data can be more easily shared and compared across different systems and applications, enabling more efficient analysis and optimization of building performance. In addition to its use of semantic tagging, the BRICK schema also includes a set of relationships and annotations that further describe the relationships between components and provide context for their use. For example, annotations might be used to describe the physical location or spatial relationships between components within a building.

Figure 2 - How schemas are exchanged based on the standard BIM information exchange process


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Streamlining Design Consulting Companies with BIM 360: The Power of Digital Delivery By Hossam Abdulaziz, Information Task Manager Systra/Digital Delivery In the ever-evolving world of design, consulting and staying ahead of the curve is essential to remain competitive. One way to gain a competitive edge is by embracing the digital transformation and leveraging innovative tools that enhance project collaboration and efficiency. Building Information Modeling (BIM) has emerged as a game-changer in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, revolutionizing the way projects are conceived, designed, and delivered. In this article we will explore the significance of digital delivery using BIM 360 platform as a Common Data Environment (CDE) for design consulting companies. BIM 360 is a cloud-based collaboration platform developed by Autodesk, designed to streamline project workflows and foster collaboration among project stakeholders. It serves as a single source of truth, housing all project-related data and documentation in a centralized and accessible location. By utilizing BIM 360 as a CDE, design consulting companies can enhance coordination, communication, and project delivery. Design consulting companies often face challenges related to coordination and collaboration among multidisciplinary teams. Traditional methods of sharing project information, such as email or physical copies, can lead to delays, inaccuracies, and miscommunication. BIM 360 addresses these issues by providing a collaborative environment where all project stakeholders can access and share real-time project data. With BIM 360, design consultants can upload and share design files, models, and documents,

ensuring that everyone is working with the latest version. This eliminates version control issues and reduces the risk of errors caused by outdated information. Additionally, BIM 360 enables real-time commenting and markups, facilitating effective communication and faster decision-making. Project teams can collaborate seamlessly, regardless of their physical location, promoting efficiency and productivity. Document management is a crucial aspect of design consulting projects. BIM 360 simplifies this process by providing a secure and organized repository for all project-related documents. From design drawings and specifications to contracts and reports, all documents can be stored, accessed, and tracked within the BIM 360 platform. The platform offers robust version control, ensuring that the latest revisions of documents are readily available to authorized users. This eliminates confusion and minimizes the risk of using outdated or incorrect information. Furthermore, document approval workflows can be established, streamlining review and approval processes. With BIM 360, design consulting companies can maintain a comprehensive and auditable trail of project documentation, improving transparency and accountability.

I’m presently working as an Information Task Manager for OXAGON-NEOM, Taking the responsibilities of digital delivery using ISO 19650 knolage, I have significant experience in Engineering for +16 years in a variety of fields in Detailing. I worked in structural detailing for infrastructure mega projects. (Universities, Railways, Power Stations, Factories, High Rise Building, Bridges & Malls). I worked as a Revit Structures instructor for a while, I helped to create drafting standards for some companies.

Digital delivery using BIM 360 enables design consulting companies to streamline project delivery from start to finish. By leveraging the platform’s mobile capabilities, project teams can access project data on-site, making real-time updates and capturing issues or discrepancies. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the risk of information loss or errors. Moreover, BIM 360 offers integration with various design and analysis software, allowing seamless data exchange between different tools. This interoperability enhances efficiency and enables design consultants to leverage the full potential of their preferred software solutions. Additionally, BIM 360’s analytics and reporting capabilities provide valuable insights into project performance, enabling informed decision-making and proactive issue resolution.

AUTODESK BIM 360Team & Collaboration for Revit (C4R)



BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

The Value of BIM Certification By Holger de Groot, CEO & Founding Director Modmation Building Information Modelling (BIM) has seen an accelerated worldwide adoption in recent years. Despite this, confusion persists, and a lack of consistency in defining processes and agreeing on basic terms and concepts remains prevalent. Alongside this, the competence of industry professionals who manage and deliver BIM projects varies. For BIM adoption to be successful, we need a consensus on the use of standardised terminology and processes, and a benchmarking mechanism against which individual competencies can be measured.

One such promising program is the buildingSMART Professional Certification (PCERT) program by buildingSMART International (bSI). Developed over the past four years through the collaboration of experts from around the world, the buildingSMART PCERT program has already been adopted across Europe, Asia, Australasia, and the Americas, addressing the issue of standardisation in BIM education. Today, the PCERT program offers an internationally recognised learning framework that sets a high benchmark for training and competency assurance.

Suppose you have already landed your dream job in the Building Information Modelling (BIM) industry. You understand the ins and outs of your role, mastering the dos and don’ts of BIM. So, why consider BIM certification? Isn’t it just an additional, unnecessary effort, not necessarily a requirement for your career?

So why does this matter? In an increasingly global industry, an internationally recognised certification significantly enhances your professional profile. You gain validation not just from your local industry but are also qualified against an international benchmark. Moreover, the program’s adoption across multiple continents promotes a universal language and understanding of BIM, mitigating misinterpretation, and fostering collaboration in international projects.

Think again. Obtaining a BIM certification might just be your next crucial step, not just for career advancement but also for reinforcing the credibility of your skills and knowledge in an ever-evolving industry. Experience, while invaluable, can often be subjective. Your years in the field might have equipped you with practical skills, but ‹standardisation’ remains a significant concern. This is where BIM certification proves its worth. It serves as a standardised benchmark of your knowledge and skills, recognising your competence in the BIM field according to industry standards. Furthermore, BIM certification is not just merely about adding a new badge to your portfolio. It is about engaging with an educational process that ensures you are well-versed with the latest standards, terms, and processes in BIM. Your choice of a training program and its provider is crucial in this journey. Not all training providers and their programs are created equal. While some might offer a certificate at the end of a course, the quality of the training and the learning outcomes behind that certificate matter more. It is paramount to conduct thorough research and select a provider that offers a comprehensive, up-todate curriculum reflecting current industry standards.

For employers, supporting staff in gaining their BIM certification allows them to use it as proof of competence for their team members working with information management using BIM. For individuals like you, it validates and assures your knowledge aligns with international standards and best practices. Being better prepared to engage in and add value to BIM mandated projects enhances both your and your employer’s professional standing and enables smoother international collaborations. In conclusion, you might already have the job you wanted, but BIM certification could be the stepping-stone to unlocking more significant opportunities and global recognition. After all, staying ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving industry is vital, and certification is indeed one effective way to achieve that.

buildingSMART Professional Certification - Foundation & Practitioner Level


Holger de Groot, Modmation’s CEO and Founding Director, boasts 15+ years in AEC. As a certified BIM Manager, he excels in information management and digital project delivery across Australasia and Europe. VP at buildingSMART Australasia, Industry Fellow at UTS, and prolific industry author and speaker. Led BIM at HDR as National Director and at Grimshaw Architects as Office BIM Manager. Holger’s expertise aids clients in digital project delivery and offers robust BIM and Digital Engineering capabilities.

buildingSMART Professional Certification – Number of Training Providers

buildingSMART Professional Certification & Modmation – Approved Training Provider

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Mastering Site Context Visualisation for Concept Design: A Step-by-Step Workflow with Infraworks, FormIt, Revit, and Twinmotion By Fabio Roberti, Regional Practice Technology Leader, HKS Architects A common challenge for Architects and Master Planners is to start the project at the concept stage or even a design competition without site information or a survey point cloud. Ideally, Clients should provide reliable information about the site at the beginning of the project, which will improve the Architect’s deliverables as they will work with detailed site constraints. There are projects where Architects receive all the necessary information about the site, but it is not standard across the industry. Sometimes, the survey point cloud and the existing Revit file are commissioned or delivered after the concept stage, or maybe the Architects already started modelling in Revit, Rhino or other software. It would be fantastic if Clients and Project Managers aligned the project requirements to deliver the required information on time for architects to work with a full set of reliable information. The workflow from this class does not replace the complete survey, but it helps in the initial design stages. The other point to consider in attending this class is to increase the value of the Autodesk AEC collection, which contains 14 software, but most Architectural companies only use frequently Revit and AutoCAD. You will learn about FormIt Pro and Infraworks, which is part of the Autodesk AEC collection. Infraworks is one of the most used software in a BIM environment for the planning and design of infrastructure projects, and Architects can benefit from site models. Autodesk Infraworks provides the basic site topo surface, roads and simplified buildings mass which architects and master planners can benefit from to create the initial design proposal and test design options on site.

Infraworks has many other functionalities, but I will only cover the process of creating the site model and importing it to Revit and Twinmotion and Enscape with the textures in this class. During this workflow, I will also use FormIt Pro, which helps us import the Infraworks model to Revit with all textures. I will also demonstrate the process of using Infraworks models and importing them to Rhino. The images on the opposite page are from Infraworks in Dubai. Infraworks Workflow Overview: In this workflow, you will learn to create the site context in Infraworks and import the model to Revit or Rhino. After the importing process, you will be able to visualise the model in Enscape and Twinmotion. Revit Workflow: The Revit workflow involves the following steps: 1. Create the site context in Autodesk Infraworks 2. Export FBX file from Infraworks 3. Import the FBX file into Autodesk FormIt 4. Link the FormIt file to Revit. Note: This process works from Revit 2023 version and Rhino 7. It will not work with Revit 2022 and previous versions. Rhino Workflow: The Rhino workflow involves the following steps: 1. Create the site context in Autodesk Infraworks 2. Export FBX file from Infraworks 3. Import the FBX file into Autodesk FormIt 4. From Autodesk FormIt, export the FBX file 5. Link the FBX file that was exported from FormIt to Rhino


Fabio Roberti, EMEA Regional Practice Technology Leader at HKS Architects, drives digital strategy, process consolidation, and BIM adoption. Enhances project deliverables through tech, aligning with British Standards and ISO 19650. Analyzes BIM contracts, collaborating with Commercial and Bid teams. AI, programming, and construction tech enthusiast. Author of “Increasing Autodesk Revit Productivity for BIM Projects,” aiding BIM implementation and info management.

These processes enable users to visualise the Infraworks models with texture in Enscape and Twinmotion. Please see the Pros and Cons of this workflow: Pros: • The process is simple and quicker • The roads appear in 3D with textures • Some of the site buildings appear in 3D • You can easily create additional roads in Infraworks before exporting the FBX file • The site topo surface has basic site topography • The aerial photo in the topo surface helps to identify the site • The textures from Infraworks are displayed in Revit, Rhino, Enscape and Twinmotion • It is helpful for the concept stage and master planning Cons: • Not every site has the mass buildings The topo surface is very basic and not • perfect in every location. • It is not 100% reliable as the geometry is captured from aerial photos and not from a site survey In this class, I will explain the step-by-step process and software settings to ensure you can quickly create the site context for your project in Revit and Rhino. Once you have the site context, it will give you an excellent base to start your design for competition or concept stages. I look forward to meeting you at the session in Dublin.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

City Overview

Road Design with textures: The textures will display in Revit, Rhino, Enscape and Twinmotion.

Twinmotion Render: The image is created with the Infraworks model linked to Revit and rendered in Twinmotion.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

What is MS? By Francisco Reis, CEO - BIMMS


S is a digital platform that provides a collaborative environment to manage your projects throughout their entire lifecycle. It brings every agent together, from concept, to construction and operation, facilitating the parametrization of data promoting conformity and balance, which in result leads to better communication and reliable interdisciplinary coordination. Why MS? The absence of guidelines for the development and management of information in a project leads to constraints in design quality, time and budgetary control. This is one of the most recurring challenges to the digitalization of a project’s management processes. MS provides standardized frameworks that function in tandem with sets of adaptive templates to characterize your asset and its units, specifying it as the lifecycle stages progress. All tools that compose the MS platform are supported by three main fundamental branches - MScope-MSight-MSource - that create a collaborative digital environment to: •

Define your project milestones and requirements

Overview your project’s status and technical quality

Collaboratively generate and validate information

MScope - Unify all project management efforts MScope serves as the project’s basepoint from which all information components definition is set, shared and kept, both of structured and unstructured nature. Always know who’s responsible for what, when and how it is to be achieved, under predefined requirements detailed for the project in question.

MSight - Simplify multidimensional visualization Difficulty of open access to visualization of structured information, either due to lack of software solutions or insufficient expertise in handling such data, still constitutes one of the main challenges in fluid coordination between professionals and technical disciplines. MSight serves as the integrated openBIM digital solution to visualize your projects in the MS platform. Intuitive and functional, MSight directly guides you through model version control, technical hierarchy and federation.

Francisco Reis, CEO at BIMMS, specializes in BIM project implementation, management, and modeling. Civil Engineer, MBA in Finance, Postgrad in Web 3.0. Expertise in Museums, Schools, Hotels, Hospitals, and more. BIM trainer and guest lecturer. Active in Builtcolab, BuildingSmart, NBCT197BIM.

With interoperable functionalities with other MS tools, such as MScope and MSource, keep an updated overview of your project’s design quality and compliance with predetermined parameters. MSource - Amplify access to your project’s information MSource is an integrated tool for document and information management. It allows for all project related information to be accurately characterized, sorted and stored, from pre-construction design plans or models, to installed equipment documentation, such as warranties or datasheets. MSource stands as a single source of information to all participants as well as a mechanism for the implementation of validated standards for data classification. Information formed by isolated components within a project’s database creates a difficult barrier in digitization of AECO projects.

MScope equips all participants with an intuitive digital tool to track the status of all tasks, deliverables and elements that constitute the asset. Finally, a customizable dashboard serves as an overview of the project with infographics of all the main variables and performance indicators.


Thanks to MSource’s interoperability with other MS tools, such as MScope and MSight, information can be bundled and related in logical workflows, to allow clearer exercises of information management. The possibility to connect data, people and project milestones, through the creation of specific workflows, is a key step in keeping the most efficient flow of information throughout the project’s lifecycle. More than a simple repository that treats project data as nothing more than a byproduct of task completion, MSource is a digital environment that intuitively enables organized definition, storage, sharing and validation of information.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Managing a Hybrid Workforce: Cross Currents of Satisfaction & Productivity


By Larry Bridgesmith, Professor of Law Vanderbilt Law School

he global pandemic spawned many new behaviors in our lives and our work. Newly discovered technologies have been introduced to our work routine. However, the Work from Home (WFH) movement may be the most impactful and permanent shift in work expectations. Some demand it (employees and employers). Others despise it. Many (employers and employees) seek a balance of WFH and onsite workplaces, synchronous and asynchronous working hours, and greater control over their work environment. Of course, there are many workplaces that require onsite employee attendance such as hospitals, law enforcement, and industrial work. However, each of those workplaces have positions that can be performed at least in part from home. As businesses were emerging from the pandemic lockdown in 2021, McKensie & Company surveyed executives in multiple industry sectors and across many geographic locations. Nine out of ten of those surveyed stated that some degree of hybrid work would become permanent fixtures of the workplace. As time passed, attitudes have shifted and employers who want employees to return to the workplace are finding it difficult to compel them. Even those firms that expect 100% on site workplace performance have compromised with hybrid options to keep high value employees who will quit if required to exclusively report to the office. The recent “Great Resignation” phenomenon was prompted by the pandemic era practices that allowed employees to relocate to other cities to WFH. McKensie also researched the economic impact of the WFH and hybrid environments. Fifty percent of employers experienced productivity improvement and increased job satisfaction from hybrid work settings. However, the top performing businesses were distinguished from those who saw decreases in these vital metrics by the techniques used to manage the hybrid work environment. These “Organizational Resilients” spent significant time and resources doing things differently than the underperforming companies.

Specifically, the winners: •

invested disproportionately more time crafting clear goals and clarifying strategy for their organizations.

created small, cross-silo teams focused on outcomes and empowered to make decisions that drive impact.

spent more time on coaching and employee recognition.

were disproportionately more likely to absorb and adopt new collaboration technologies.

Larry Bridgesmith J.D. is a Strategic Advisor to Guardrail Technologies, a provider and consultant for Responsible AI, CEO of LegalAlignment LLC, a Nashville lawyer, Global Advisory Group member, and co-founder of IILPM nd DASH4Law DAO LLC. He also founded Lipscomb University’s Institute for Conflict Management and teaches at various universities including Vanderbilt and Belmont.

As a practicing labor and employment lawyer who represented employer for over 40 years, I can attest that these same attributes reduce legal risks, improve the quality of performance, and reduce the costs of employee turnover. Managing a hybrid workforce requires a comprehensive approach that addresses key areas such as communication strategies, technology requirements, scheduling flexibility, performance management, teamwork and collaboration, and employee engagement. Here are some essential principles and practices that employers should implement to ensure successful management of a hybrid workforce: 1.

Communication Strategies:

Establish clear communication channels: Utilize a combination of synchronous (real-time) and asynchronous (not-real-time) communication tools to ensure effective information exchange. This may include video conferencing platforms, instant messaging apps, project management tools, and email.

Regular check-ins: Encourage managers to have frequent one-onone meetings with their remote and in-office team members to provide guidance, address concerns, and foster a sense of connection. All-team meetings: Conduct regular team meetings where all employees come together, share updates, and align on goals. Where possible rotate meeting times to accommodate different time zones and schedules.


Document sharing and collaboration: Utilize cloud-based document storage and collaboration platforms to enable seamless sharing and editing of files among team members regardless of their physical location.


Technology Requirements:

Robust remote access: Ensure employees have reliable and secure remote access to necessary systems, tools, and documents. Invest in virtual private networks (VPNs) and multifactor authentication (MFA) for enhanced security.

Video conferencing capabilities: Equip meeting rooms with video conferencing equipment to facilitate seamless communication between remote and in-office participants. Encourage the use of video during virtual meetings to enhance engagement and non-verbal communication.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Collaboration tools: Implement project management tools, task-tracking software, and shared document repositories to streamline workflows and foster collaboration among hybrid teams. In addition to the omnipresent Zoom and Teams, communication and collaboration technologies include WhatsApp, Slack, LinkedIn, Miro, and many more. A search for collaboration software in reveals more than 10,000 products. Each workplace may choose to use several software products in an integrated or independent manner. Obviously, care must be taken in selecting workplace software to ensure its security, confidentiality, and an optimal User Interface (UI/) and User Experience (U/X).

Regular performance reviews: Conduct regular performance reviews to discuss progress, address challenges, and identify growth opportunities. These reviews should include discussions about remote work challenges, accomplishments, and development plans. Avoid using performance reviews as “Pollyannic” assessments which do not provide both deserved commendations and constructive counsel for performance improvement.


Teamwork and Collaboration:

Virtual team-building activities: Organize virtual team-building exercises, such as online games, virtual coffee breaks, or themed meetings, to foster social connections and team bonding.

Cross-functional collaboration: Encourage cross-functional collaboration by forming diverse project teams that include both remote and in-office employees. Use collaborative tools to ensure seamless communication and knowledge sharing.

Virtual brainstorming and ideation: Utilize digital whiteboards or collaborative brainstorming platforms to facilitate virtual idea generation sessions, allowing all team members to contribute regardless of their location.


Scheduling Flexibility:

Core working hours: Define core working hours when all employees are expected to be available for synchronous communication and collaboration. Outside of these hours, allow for flexibility to accommodate individual preferences and work-life balance.

Time zone considerations: If teams span different time zones, strive for scheduling fairness by rotating meeting times or finding mutually convenient times that minimize the impact on everyone’s work-life balance.

Accommodate personal needs: Enable employees to adjust their schedules to accommodate personal obligations, such as childcare responsibilities or medical appointments. Encourage open communication between employees and managers to find mutually beneficial solutions.


Employee Engagement:

Recognition and appreciation: Establish a culture of recognition by regularly acknowledging employees’ efforts and achievements. Utilize platforms for peer-to-peer recognition and consider implementing rewards programs.


Performance Management:

Goal setting and performance tracking: Establish clear performance goals and expectations for each employee, without regard to their work location. Utilize performance management software or tools to track progress, provide feedback, and evaluate performance objectively. “Big Brotherism” can be avoided if these measures are communicated as beneficial to the employee’s value and employment advancement. Everyone needs to know “what’s in it for me” to incentivize behavior change.

Learning and development opportunities: Provide remote employees with equal access to training programs, workshops, and professional development opportunities to foster growth and career advancement. Upskilling in a disruptive economic environment conveys value and appreciation to employees who offer future promise to the company.

Outcome-based evaluation: Focus on outcomes rather than hours worked. Measure success based on deliverables, milestones, and impact rather than solely on time spent. Informal recognition of an employee’s successes are far more motivational than threats of negative job impacts.


Employee resource groups: Create virtual employee resource groups (ERGs) to promote diversity, inclusion, and a sense of belonging. ERGs can focus on various topics like remote work best practices, wellness, or social initiatives.

Successful employers understand the economic benefits of exclusively remote workers who require no office space, receive no benefits, and meet the surge needs of the company and who provide quality service from even a distant location. It is no secret that many employees prefer remote work and the corresponding independence it provides. The best employers are those that do not view their workforce as a homogenous tribe performing identical work in identical ways. The greatest value of the recent emphasis in Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity (IED) may be the natural benefit of the cognitive diversity it generates. It is crucial to remember that different industries and organizational contexts may have specific needs and considerations. Employers should tailor these principles and practices to their unique circumstances and actively seek feedback from employees to continuously improve the hybrid work experience. By maintaining a supportive and inclusive work environment that promotes work-life balance and recognizes the challenges and advantages of hybrid work arrangements, employers can maximize the productivity, satisfaction, and overall well-being of their hybrid workforce.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Lessons Learned from a BIM Coordinator in Airport Engineering and the Case Study of the Engineering Project for the Passenger Terminal at Maringá Airport - Brazil


Architect/BIM Coordinator at INFRAERO with 10+ yrs exp in airport projects.

Guilherme Guignone, Architect and BIM Coordinator, Brazilian Airport Infrastructure Company – INFRAERO

n recent years, Brazil has developed actions aimed at increasing the adoption of BIM in engineering and providing guidance regarding the most appropriate practices. From 2020 onwards, legal frameworks that require the use of BIM were implemented and Manuals were developed to guide the proper use of the BIM Methodology. These Manuals present guidelines for carrying out quality assurance checks on BIM models, guidelines regarding the organization of non-graphic information in the models, recommended practices for information management by adopting common data environments, among others. This is a special moment in the country, which needs to be discussed and shared by the different countries. Airport engineering in Brazil has also recently experienced an important milestone. There are numerous international airport operators operating the major Brazilian airports and this has demanded many engineering projects in BIM. There is also a perspective, on the part of the Brazilian Federal Government, of investments in more than 100 regional airports, demanding even more engineering services. The use of BIM in airports has great potential. There are several activities that need to be developed at airports, such as: operational, commercial, administrative, periodic maintenance, infrastructure expansion, among others. The increase in the performance of information management that the use of BIM can promote, emerges as an important instrument in airport structures. In the country, the legal frameworks and the construction of maturity in the use of BIM is recent, therefore, for the emergency demands of BIM uses in airports, the Brazilian Airport Infrastructure Company - INFRAERO has developed personalized and pioneering practices that have opened windows of opportunities in Brazil. The company has developed engineering projects in BIM for airports, complying with the requirements of the Brazilian Federal Government’s Airport Project Manuals. In addition to complying with the guidelines in these Manuals, the company has developed practices to guarantee the quality of BIM models and to improve information

management in order to materialize the promised benefits of using BIM for airport construction. The company recently won one of the main awards in relation to the use of the BIM methodology in the country, which was the CREA Santa Catarina BIM Award. The Prize was given to the Engineering Project developed by INFRAERO for the expansion and modernization of the Passenger Terminal for Maringá Airport, Paraná, Brazil. I was the BIM Project Coordinator, author of the BIM Execution Plan and responsible for designing and executing the Quality Assurance Reports for the BIM Models. INFRAERO is a Brazilian Federal Public Company founded in 1973 and currently responsible for managing 37 public airports in Brazil. In 2011, it already had 66 airports. According to the International Civil Aviation Organization - ICAO, in 2017, its airports represented almost 66% of passenger traffic in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Post-Contract BIM Execution Plan was designed for the Project in accordance with the requirements set out in the contractual apparatus and included the BIM information management processes in accordance with ISO 19650 (2018) and also with the Airport Project Manual developed by the Brazilian Federal Government. In the Manual, partial deliveries are foreseen until the final delivery. In these deliveries, it is necessary to present models of disciplines, revised BIM Execution Plan, among other documents. Maps of process flows were designed, anticipating the active participation of the contracting party throughout the Project execution process. In order for the construction to obtain the benefits established with the use of BIM, the BIM Execution Plan was conceived as a key element of the process. The document was strategically elaborated with a view to improving the performance of the information management process during the development of the Project and its adoption and understanding by the Project team. A coordination model, definition of roles and strategy for project communication was designed to ensure the quality of the BIM models. For this purpose, properly defined and understandable roles and responsibilities were adopted by the Project team and by those responsible for the attributions (Figure 1).

Cyclical models optimization processes were also adopted, by means of forecasting BIM Coordination Meetings in a schedule. These meetings, led by the BIM Coordinator, included individual and federated model audits in order to ensure that the requirements set out in the reference documents were met. It was also essential to design the responsibilities of Project Coordinator and BIM Coordinator in the coordination model. The first is mainly responsible for the integration between engineering solutions and compatibility processes between disciplines, the second is responsible for the process of verifying the quality assurance of the BIM models. The BIM Coordinator will assess the compliance of the models with respect to compliance with the reference documents. He will perform in-depth audits on the models and lead meetings in order to obtain models that can provide real gains for the buildings. Figure 2 presents a summary of the roles of the Project Coordinator and BIM Coordinator.

Figure 1 - Coordination Model


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Figure 4 - BIM models and rendered Project

Figure 2 - Differences between the Project Coordinator and the BIM Coordinator

Figure 3 – Property sets adopted in the models

The models were verified by the discipline leaders and, in later stages, by the BIM Coordinator, who adopted customized model validation checklists. Meetings were scheduled for discussions with the Project’s technical team, aiming at resolving inconsistencies. Inconsistencies were evaluated in terms of model data and geometric properties. The BIM Coordinator monitored the model optimization process through performance charts and cyclic processes for resolving inconsistencies and detecting and interfering. Regarding interference reports, they were produced at the end of each verification cycle, which involved: individual analysis of subjects, execution of the federated model and subsequent analysis, classification, discussion and resolution of inconsistencies, execution of interference detection and resolution of interferences. The process took place before partial deliveries. The documents included in the published

folder advanced the revisions according to the partial deliveries and the documents included in the shared folder were adopted for sharing between the technical teams of each discipline and for the BIM coordination meetings. With regard to information classification, the property sets were classified according to the contractor’s information requirements (Figure 3). The IFC models were generated containing the agreed information structure facilitating the management of information in the use of the models by the contracting party to manage the construction and operation and maintenance of the asset. The quality assurance process for the models also made it possible to adhere to the level of information and geometric detailing provided for in the contract and project solutions that best met the customer’s expectations.


The use of BIM in the Project made it possible to assertively comply with Brazilian Decree 10306 (2020) regarding the use of BIM interference detection, enabling more efficient projects with the potential to generate cost savings for construction. Based on the cyclic optimization process adopted throughout the development of the Project, it was possible to meet the requirements set out in the BIM Execution Plan and improve the design solutions. Also noteworthy is the facilitation of understanding of the Project’s development process by the entire team and stakeholders, thus allowing high levels of collaboration. A gradual reduction in the number of interferences and inconsistencies was also noted, even with an increase in the number of disciplines and levels of detail and information in the models. In addition, there is a smaller number of Project revisions, compliance with the Project schedule, assertiveness of information, among others. Thus, there is potential to reduce unpredictability during construction, allowing less waste and meeting the physical and financial schedule of the work. The use of BIM in this project was developed with the understanding that the development of engineering projects must be understood as a process and it needs to be rigorously planned in its initial phases and executed according to this planning. Final deliverables will be the results of a careful planning and execution process of the project development process. The project for the Passenger Terminal at the Airport of Maringá-PR is a milestone in Brazil due to the issues exposed and has high potential to be a reference for engineering projects in BIM for Brazilian engineering based on the recent legal framework that governs the use of BIM in the country. About the author Guilherme Guignone is an Architect, BIM Coordinator and BIM Manager at the Brazilian Federal Public Company Brazilian Airport Infrastructure Company - INFRAERO. Guilherme is also an Architect and Safety Engineer, Master in Civil Engineering and PhD student with the theme Use of Building Information Modeling and Life-cycle Assessment Methodologies. He is also certified in the Airport Safety Professional Program by the International Civil Aviation Organization and the Airports Council International.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Transforming Heritage Architecture Elements into BIM: The Islamic Pointed Arch Example By Hani Youssef, BIM ManagerKSA BIM team Lead, JLL Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a digital tool that has revolutionized the construction industry and is now being explored for its potential in heritage documentation and preservation. BIM offers a comprehensive and dynamic approach to documenting architectural heritage by integrating structural, material and operational information. This makes it an ideal tool for preserving and disseminating the intangible qualities of architectural heritage (Figure 1). Islamic Architecture is one such heritage that has a rich and diverse history, and BIM can provide a valuable tool in preserving its legacy. In particular, the use of BIM in documenting the vocabulary of Islamic elements, such as the pointed arch, can provide an optimal way to save information and add data so that these vocabulary can be used to facilitate the preservation and development of traditional Islamic buildings (Figure 2). The methodology for documenting the vocabulary of Islamic elements through BIM starts with defining the architectural style and finding the optimal way to save information and add data. This can be achieved by creating a central BIM database that brings together academics, heritage professionals and industry leaders in software and computing. This online knowledge base can be used for integrative research into the intangible qualities of architectural heritage and provide a more comprehensive and dynamic understanding of the vocabulary of Islamic elements.

In conclusion, BIM offers a valuable tool for documenting and preserving the vocabulary of Islamic elements, such as the pointed arch. The development of a central BIM database and the collaboration between academics, heritage professionals and industry leaders in software and computing will provide a comprehensive and dynamic approach to documenting architectural heritage. This will not only be of benefit for the preservation of traditional Islamic buildings, but also for scholars and those interested in the vocabulary of architectural heritage.

Hani Youssef Senior BIM Manager Digital Solutions Project & Development Services, KSA Hani is key to BIM Operations and Management for JLL Digital Solutions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for a Project Management Office (PMO) Team. Hani Provides technical support to project management across all disciplines to coordinate the development and il tion of the engi ing portions of i d projects. Camying out and Education and Affiliations PhD Candidate (2022), FristClass Master of Science Degree, Architecture Heritage, Bachelor Degree in Architecture, Azhar University, Egypt

Figure 1.

One example of an Islamic architectural element that can be documented through BIM is the pointed arch, as seen in the Al Azhar Mosque in Egypt. By using BIM, researchers can extract architectural drawings from projections, facades, sectors, quantities, inventory tables, and other architectural and construction requirements. This will provide a detailed understanding of the pointed arch and its use in Islamic architecture, and can be used as a model for applying the methodology to other elements (Figure 3). Figure 2. Incorporating parameters into the architectural elements through the use of Revit [IMG: My First Dynamo’s Spaghetti Monster]


Figure 3. Comprehensive BIM Model Delivering Final Results with Complete Data

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Stop Modelling from Point Cloud: Embracing Automation for AsBuilt Model Updates with Laser Scan Data and Dynamo Script By Rubens Lage Lopes, BIM Coordinator


pdating as-built models during the construction phase is essential for design coordination, progress tracking, and identifying construction mistakes. However, traditional methods like manual modelling from point cloud data are time-consuming and error-prone. Creating new elements worsens the issue, causing fragmented information flow and the potential loss of critical design data. In this article, we explore a novel approach that uses laser scan data and Dynamo, a visual programming tool, to automate the updating process. Join us as we discuss the importance of updating as-built models and learn how to eliminate the need for modelling from Point Cloud. Importance of Updating As-Built Models: 1.

Design Coordination: Updating the as-built model allows for seamless design coordination, ensuring that all stakeholders have access to the most accurate and up-to-date information as construction progresses enabling off-site construction and pre-fabrication, to save money and time.


Progress Tracking: By comparing the as-built model to the original design, project managers can easily track the progress of construction activities, identifying any discrepancies or delays and facilitating timely decision-making.


Construction Deviation Identification: Regularly updating the as-built model helps identify any deviations from the original design, enabling proactive problem-solving and minimizing the risk of clashes, structural issues, and quality deficiencies.

Challenges with Traditional Methods: Traditional methods of updating as-built models often involve manually modelling new elements based on point cloud data. This approach is time-consuming, prone to errors, and leads to fragmented information flow, as the newly modelled elements will not have the design information and level of detail.

Rubens Lopes is a Civil/Structural engineer with over 20 years of experience in construction. He currently works as a BIM Coordinator in Ireland, utilizing software such as REVIT, Dynamo, BIM 360, Navisworks, AutoCAD, and Excel daily. Rubens completed his master’s in applied BIM Management at TU Dublin in September/22, where he researched “speed and accuracy when updating structural as-built BIMs with visual programming and pointcloud survey data.”

The Novel Approach: Automating Speed and Accuracy The proposed approach transforms the process of updating as-built models by comparing the point cloud data to the design model, calculating the medium deviation from the design, and automatically moving the design model element (wall, floor, column etc) to the as-built position using Dynamo. No new elements are created, and Dynamo just adds the as-built information, transforming the design model into an as-built representation, preserving the design model information such as parameters data, element ID and level of detail. Advantages of the Novel Approach: 1. Speed: By automating the process, the need for manual modelling is eliminated, significantly reducing the time required to update the as-built model. Dynamo scripts process the point cloud data and automatically align the design model with the as-built conditions. 2. Accuracy: Leveraging laser scan data ensures a high level of accuracy during the updating process. The point cloud data provides precise measurements, capturing the actual conditions on-site and minimizing the risk of errors and inaccuracies. 3. Streamlined Information Flow: The novel approach maintains the integrity of the asbuilt model by avoiding the creation of new elements. Instead, Dynamo adds the as-built information to the design model, ensuring a smooth transition and preserving the original design intent.

Image 1 – Design and construction workflow chart


Image 2 - Wall and Point Cloud analysis in Dynamo script Limitations of the Technique for AsBuilt Model Updates: 1. Approximation of Reality: The as-built model generated through this technique is an approximation of the actual site conditions. While it serves the purpose of design coordination and progress tracking, it may not capture every minute detail or accurately reflect the complexities of the real environment. 2. Human Expertise and Judgment: While the automated approach streamlines the updating process, it may not replace the human expertise and judgment required for certain situations. Experienced professionals can provide critical insights, make informed decisions, and ensure the as-built model accurately reflects the site conditions. 3. The automated updating approach using laser scan data and Dynamo script presents a promising solution for enhancing the speed and accuracy of as-built model updates. It streamlines the information flow, improves design coordination, progress tracking, and update take-off processes. However, it is crucial to recognize the limitations related to the approximation of reality, lack of high-level detail, and the complexity of historical buildings. By leveraging human expertise and judgment when necessary, project teams can ensure the as-built model accurately reflects the site conditions and meets the unique requirements of each project.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Q.U.A.L.I.T.Y. By Jean-Marc Couffin, Senior BIM Specialist What is Quality? Quality model and data is rare. Most of the models and data I must deal with comes from Revit. You can do quite a lot in Revit to control quality, but it is such a painful and slow process. You must repeat this process over a set of usually large models that takes forever to open and over time as the project progress. Repetition = Waste of time, money and brain time. You want quality control to be seamless Every item must be accounted for, labelled properly (as per client request), modelled properly to facilitate coordination during design and construction phases: •

Items must be light, with not too many faces and details so that the model does not get a toll on size and opening/saving time. Items data must be accurate, not in excess.

What is Quality for? The end goal of BIM is to obtain a usable model that opens just fine, does not throw errors, exports well in other formats and platforms, and gives you a reliable and lean set of data: number of items, codes, parameter values. Because at the end of the day, the team that will build and operate / use this construction will be willing to have a performant set of models and data. How do you check Quality? Over the past years, I have built, reviewed, and used quite a few tools to help me doing Quality Control. •

Preflight Checks - Model Checker (coded in pyRevit with David Vadkerti)

Gives you an instant picture of what your model is made of •

Startup QA|QC (homemade QA QC solution coded in pyRevit)

At opening time, it scans the Revit models and all its links and returns you a dashboard with 60+ checkpoints. Every member of my team always knows the health of its project models and acts accordingly. If you are interested, I can implement it for you.

Jean-Marc Couffin •

List complex families (homemade pyRevit tools)

It pseudo-exports all families and list them by triangles count, that give you an idea on to where to focus your efforts when simplifying your model •

Tandem (Autodesk)

This tool is still in beta, it is a great tool so far, Excellent to check data quality. The filtering and spreading tools are excellent Disclaimer: this compliment comes from someone extremely judgemental about Autodesk products in general, and about the expensive ones in particular (which describes most of them) •


Great tool, initiated by great bunch of nerds. It collects everything in the background and not just for Revit: GrassHopper, Rhino, Sketchup, Autocad, etc. It offers so many use cases from training needs identification, to modelling speed, to model health, … •

I tried this one not so long ago, it collects data directly from the forge viewer, that means that your model must be hosted in ACC or BIM360. It is still in development, but the pricing and usage is right. You should try it. It has some features to check modelling quality that are excellent. •

SheetLink (DiRoots)

Part of the most useful set of tools in Revit, DiRoots One, it let’s you export to Excel or Gsheet most of the Revit model data. •

Model Checker (Autodesk)

It is a great tool too, it is slow, it needs an extensive setup to match your requirements, and even more to have it running on a schedule. I have a love/hate relationship with this tool, especially since they gave the possibility to run it in the cloud: 1 credit (3USD) per run per model, the price for a project with 100’s of models and running for 2+ years every week is 30 000+ USD. There are some other players with various levels of quality control capabilities: Unifi, Ideate software, Kinship, … The next two listed are not helping with data collection but with understanding and illustrating the quality of your model data:


Senior BIM Specialist, Architect DPLG BIMOne Inc, JMMKM Architekti Zlin, Czech Republic Help Maintain pyRevit Codes tools that do crazy stuff Control Quality Focused

Looker studio (Google)

I like it because while being a bit limited compared to PowerBI, it is much more reliable, cloud based and integrates well with Gsheet. One of my previous QA workflows involved collecting Revit data through dynamo to Gsheet and making the live dashboard with DataStudio (Looker now). Simple, Efficient, Free. •

PowerBI (Microsoft)

Not much to say, great tool, but “man!” some things just don’t add up, like the fact that it considers DATA and data being the same things (unless you start coding in DAX and enters the painful world of DAX syntax) The Benefits of Quality Working with a quality dataset opens the door to faster work, sparing the time and money of your colleagues or employees so that they can focus on what matters (and not going down the hole of looking for errors forever). We all have better things to do and want to put the efforts and money on more interesting things than that!

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Future Plans for Improvements In conclusion, the field of quality control in BIM is continuously evolving, and there are numerous tools available to help architects and BIM experts produce better models and data. As an experienced architect and BIM expert, I have been actively involved in developing and utilizing tools for quality control, including our homemade QA|QC solution. Looking ahead, my future plans involve enhancing our homemade tool by adding more control points, making them customizable, incorporating more BxP related checks, parsing Journal files, and collecting data to a cloud database. These improvements not only serve to enhance my coding skills but also aim to emphasize the importance of quality control in BIM.

By investing in quality control measures, we can ensure that stakeholders understand the true value of BIM and recognize the longterm efforts required to work with a living model and dataset. Effective quality control leads to better collaboration, reduced errors and rework, increased project efficiency, and ultimately, improved construction and operation outcomes. While a range of tools is available, from tailored solutions to more expensive yet efficient options, the key lies in recognizing the significance of quality control and actively utilizing the available tools to produce reliable models and accurate data.


By prioritizing quality control and utilizing the appropriate tools, we can transform the BIM process, optimize project outcomes, and demonstrate the value of BIM to all stakeholders involved. Together, we can ensure that the models and data we create are of the highest quality, paving the way for successful construction and long-term project performance.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

BIM mindset The first step for digital transformation By Maria De Tezanos, CEO - BIM Consultant, MDT Arquitectura BIM is real. BIM has arrived to change the way we work in our projects. We need to realize that this transformation is not about technology and about learning software. It is about changing the way we develop and build our projects in order to create profitable processes for our business. If we understand that we need to embrace an idea in order to work more efficiently, we will understand everything, and our BIM implementation process will be quicker. Usually, clients contact us to help them implement BIM in their firms. The first question that comes in is: “Which software we need to buy?” This question is not necessary at the first steps, because maybe you will not need one. The first questions that they need to answer is: “Why is important to my firm to work with BIM?”, “Which problems do I need to solve with BIM?” If we understand this, if we can answer this questions, then we will have understood that the implementation will be only a matter of time. If you are asking: “Why you firm should implement BIM?”, first we need to talk about how you are used to work with your projects. We are used to work with projects that takes more time than what it is expected, this is normal in the AEC industry. It is also normal to spend more money in the project than what we told our client that the project cost. We are used to work in projects with delay in the activities, lack of coordination and producing information for the project in isolation. Producing isolate, accurate and complete information is the most expensive type of information, in terms of the time and effort involved and it is needed in executing physical construction or operations work. The more complete, the more accurate the information, the cheaper, quicker, and safer the work. We all know, that the most expensive and most dangerous place to make any changes in the information, is while executing work on site. And the quickest, cheapest, and safest place to coordinate and complete the information, is before you attempt to execute the work on site. So why do we still insist on leaving critical decisions and updates to the information to the worst time and place? BIM offers the possibility of managing this information in the planning time, where costs are less. The more complete, more accurate,

more useful the information that describes the future state of something, the less unknown, less uncertain the outcome. This is one of the reasons why many of us are talking about BIM. Because we experienced that projects in 2D made coordinations difficult, that they took more time that what we desired and we experienced that working with BIM means more productivity, more efficient projects, less risks and more quality. There are three key points when we talk about BIM. Because there is no possible digital transformation if we do not talk about processes and people, not only about technology. Processes to make the technology work as we desire, people to embrace this idea and trained people for this processes to work as it is expected. In this digital transformation, people need to know what to do, what to expect and how to work in order to achieve this results. If we talk about BIM we talk also about digitalization. Using new tools but also new processes to work in the projects. We also talk about information associated to the project, not only about geometry and 3D representation. The greatest benefit of digital construction, is the ability to build something twice, once in a software environment where we don’t spend real materials, or put real lives at risk, to try to remove as much unknown and uncertainty as possible. And then build the second time physically on site, with real labour and materials. But we are not prepared to produce that information in the planning phase of the project. We still work with BIM models, identify the problems in the planning time, and we leave to resolve them in the building site, because we are not prepared. We still have to change our mindset. Working with BIM means to work different, means challenges, means to change the habits. This mindset also affects BIM adoption in the different countries. In order to adopt BIM, any country needs resources of course, but also needs to change the way they think their projects. If we can embrace the idea that BIM brings benefits for everyone involved in the AEC industry, for sure we will understand that BIM as a must in our industry and not an option.


Maria De Tezanos

Working with BIM means working in a collaborative way, exchanging information but also talking a new and common language. Actors in the industry are not used to agree with others how to work, how to exchange information. This is needed to create a liable data basis and take better decisions for our projects. Information is everywhere, exchange means communication. This is also challenging, this is also different. We need for the AEC industry, people trained with developed skills to understand that ordered and standardized processes are needed to achieve specific needs. Then identify which technology is needed for my projects. We need new skills to improve productivity, to mitigate risks, to ensure quality deliverables, to improve collaboration and communication. It is necessary to create strategies to manage the information in the model, to communicate and share the information in the model. I think there are four pillars to achieve BIM adoption. Standards, procurement, education and leadership. This skills are new for the industry and are needed to develop the BIM projects. Because now we are talking about management information, communication and collaboration. In south America, working with a regulation framework of the ISO standard improved the adoption of BIM in this countries. Sharing experiences of how BIM can be adopted helped for the success of BIM adoption. The diffusion of BIM in the industry, has been a decision of this countries as necessary for the success of BIM adoption. In places where BIM means only changing technology, the experience of BIM implementation has been ambiguous, wasteful because of not knowing the real financial gain of working with standardized processes.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

How we get here: a reflection on the era pre-BIM By Maria Roberta Rotondo, Senior Architect - BIM Manager, AECOM URS Italy, AECOM URS Italy Thinking about BIM I want to do a step back. I am not digital native, and I remember when I studied at university it was the beginning of AutoCAD in some classes, even if we continued with the hand-drawings as well. Drawings are an integral part of architectural practice. They are the principal means for design problem-solving and coordination and for communication with client and contractor. The primary use of drawings in building is to depict and define the spatial composition of spaces. Notes and tables appended to the drawings were adding information regarding materials and spaces. In this light, drawings are the most useful existing device for the representation of building spatial information in a form convenient for decision making. Physical models have been the only practical alternative to drawings. Models, like drawings, incorporate spatial information in an easily interpreted form. A model can represent all three dimensions of a composition directly, while a drawing can represent only two unambiguously. Antonio Gaudi's Biographer points out that he designed and directed construction almost exclusively from models. What if the project was changing? Well, the cost of changing lines in a drawing is less than changing the shapes of parts in a model. Models also allow direct observation of spatial conflicts, while drawings do not. But they both have limits: when numerical information was required, it was manually read from a drawing or model. Data preparation is the major cost of most engineering analyses. Similarly, a major task in cost estimating and contracting was the derivation of material quantities from the spatial representation provided by the architect.

Designing would consist of interactively defining elements, according to their shape and other properties, and arranging them, much as one would be a balsa wood model [1]. Today with BIM Models we are overcoming all these difficulties, and we have only one virtual model for all the construction purposes. The ideal representation of a building. In 1975, US Professor Charles M. Eastman published a paper entitled “The Use of Computers Instead of Drawings in Design”, where he argued how revolutionary it'd be to have a tool where information about maps, facades, perspectives, and sections are combined in the same document — and one alteration changed everything. “The premise was to develop a computerized database to allow for a geometric, spatial, and relating to the properties, of many physical elements, arranged in space and ‹connected' as if it were in a real building. Conceptually, the model would be like a balsa wood model, but with greater detail” He described the Building Description System (BDS): a database capable of describing buildings in detail to support design and construction (Institute of Physical Carnegie-Mellon University design in 1974) [1]. In 1977 William Mitchell published Computer-Aided Architectural Design, describing the problems of computer-aided architectural design. Basically, the idea that originated the CAAD was to systematize the design process to generate architectureoriented graphic primitives that preserve the formal characteristics, and those annotations that allow the parameterization of each single element in a to be used quickly during the architectural composition.[2]

Roberta is an accomplished Senior Architect and BIM manager with 13+ years' global experience. A certified BIM leader at AECOM, specializing in heritage conservation and large-scale infrastructure projects, while also mentoring Women in BIM.

BIM is most frequently perceived as a tool for visualizing and coordinating AEC (architecture, engineering, and construction) work, avoiding errors and omissions, improving productivity, and supporting scheduling, safety, cost, and quality management on construction projects. It incorporates all the building components, including geometry, spatial relationships, properties, and quantities. [2] Certainly, the use of BIM has impacted our lives and improved the total project design quality. So, when we run a clash detection, or a dynamo script to implement information and reduce time in production, when we use software's plugins to quickly fill in the parameters, let's stop and let's appreciate the progress that have involved the AEC sector in the few past decades. The progress in the digital world is not static but a dynamic flow and the future with AI implementations within BIM looks even smarter and interesting. If technology and digital are improving the quality of our outputs, reducing time and reworks, we run the risk that our building will lose originality and creativity and the architect will lose his primarily role in designing place for People, replaced by automatic and parametric models. We can use the time we save with design automation, focusing on the quality of the design!



BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

How Customer Feedback Influenced Revit 2024 By Kimberly Fuhrman, Revit Community Manager, Autodesk


ften at Autodesk, we hear the phrase “Feedback is a gift!”. And it is true! We do take customer ideas and suggestions into consideration when working on new features and enhancements. Revit 2024 has been a robust upgrade including many of the features and enhancements suggested by you, our customers. In this article we will explore several of those features and share ways that you can give your feedback on Revit directly to our product teams.

With the addition of Toposolids, it is now possible to generate Cut and Fill volume analyses. The Grading tools allows you to modify the Toposolid grade and report cut and fill volumes with a Toposolid schedule.

Kimberly Fuhrman is the Revit Community Manager at Autodesk. An Associate AIA Member, her background includes over 25 years of experience in architectural and civil design, project management and BIM management. She is passionate about sharing her enthusiasm for design technology, having presented previously at Autodesk University, BILT NA, Midwest University and USGBC Central Pennsylvania GreenCon.

Why is feedback important? Simple…we want to make the software work for the way our customers work! The only way we can do that is by sitting with our customers and learning how they are using the software, what they feel is missing, and truly listening to their suggestions for improvement. Our product teams do their best to take customer feedback into consideration when working on improvements to the software. Some requests may be easy to implement, and others honestly may take years. We’ll start off with one of those requests… Dark Theme The first major feature introduced in Revit 2024 that made a huge impact with our customers (827 votes on Revit Ideas) is Dark Theme. Currently this provides support for the first level interface, meaning the menus and drawing areas (dialog boxes may still display only in light theme). Over 2000 new modernized icons were developed to be able to switch between light and dark themes. There is also the option to keep the drawing area (canvas) light while switching the rest of the user interface to dark theme. Site Design Tools (Toposolids) Another frequently requested improvement has been added in the way of new Site Design Tools, or Toposolids. Toposolids are a new category of families built as solid geometries with instance and type properties, and can represent different types of surface sections, such as roads and sidewalks, soil infills, grade slabs, etc. Each type can be represented by different compound layers and contour lines. The Massing and Site tab has been reorganized to reflect the new site design tools. Toposolids replace previous Toposurface functionality and are now built as solid geometry. Toposurfaces that have been upgraded can also be converted into Toposolids.

Figure 1: Image Credit - Autodesk, Inc. Sample Models The sample models that come with Revit are simply an example project that can be used to learn about features and methods used in creating a building information model. Sample models include links from several disciplines, and the Revit 2024 sample set even includes a point cloud model that can be downloaded for experimentation. The Revit 2024 sample set is a welcome update that customers have been requesting for a long time. Figure 2: Image Credit - Autodesk, Inc.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Ways to Give Feedback Of course, there are many more features and enhancements included in Revit 2024 that were influenced by customer feedback. Since 2016, we have added over 330 features and enhancements carrying over 31,000 votes that came from our Revit Ideas, where customers can post their own Ideas for improvements to Revit ( The Revit Ideas are just one tool that our product teams use to gather feedback from customers, and not the only resource they use to decide what to work on next. Another way our teams gather feedback is through our Autodesk Research Community ( Through our Research Community, you will have the opportunity to participate in user experience research and development that is tailored to your expertise. This is a very low-commitment way to interact with our teams. If you are interested in more in-depth feedback sessions and working with Revit in beta testing, we encourage you to join our Revit Preview Release project (feedback.autodesk. com). Joining the Preview Release gives you access to Revit in beta form, along with the ability to provide feedback directly to our developers on features and enhancements currently in development.

Figure 3: Image Credit - Autodesk, Inc.

Being a part of our Preview Release also qualifies you to join our Inside the Factory events, both online and in-person, where you test the software in real-time with our product teams. Online events are free to join and are scheduled bi-monthly to quarterly. In-person Inside the Factory events will be starting again soon, and attendance is limited by application only. More information on both will be posted in the Preview Release. Finally, if you are active on the Preview Release, you may be asked to join our teams’ Sprint Demos. Here you will be asked to provide feedback possibly once a week or every two weeks on specific features and enhancements that are being considered for development or are early in the development process. These are just a few of the ways our teams gather feedback. Of course, our favorite way to learn what our customers want and need is by simply talking to you, whether it’s in formal meetings or conferences such as BIM Coordinators Summit. Be sure to check out my virtual session in September. You have the ability to shape the future of Revit. We appreciate your feedback…it is truly a gift! Kimberly Fuhrman, Assoc. AIA, is the Revit Community Manager for Autodesk. Her background includes 30 years of experience in architectural and civil design, project management and BIM management. Past accomplishments include York Technical Institute’s Distinguished Alum (2017), Autodesk Expert Elite Alum, and member of the Autodesk

Figure 4: Revit Ideas (

Developer Network. She has presented previously at BIM Coordinators Summit, Autodesk University, BILT NA, Midwest University and USGBC Central Pennsylvania GreenCon. Kimberly currently resides in southcentral Pennsylvania with the youngest of her three children, and rescue pup.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Relationship Between Engineering Project Management and Business By Eng. Mahmoud Eldeeb, MSC ,PMP CEO MUSK GROUP I want to start my speech from an engineering point of view that is specific to project management, not a business point of view, because I am neither qualified nor specialized in business, and there are great figures in business that I had the honor of learning from, but what has been preoccupying me for a while and touching it in dealing with students in college or engineers after graduation is the project relationship or engineering in business I’d like to approach my speech from an engineering perspective that is specific to project management. I’m not qualified or specialized in business, and while I’ve learned from great figures in business, what has been preoccupying me for a while is the awareness any engineer should have about the relationship between engineering and business. This is something I’ve experienced firsthand when dealing with students in college or engineers after graduation. Because our view throughout the college and work is focused only on the technical part, and we forget the most important administrative or economic part, which is the most important priority for establishing the engineering project. Therefore, we know that the engineering project is the legitimate son of business, and here lies the truth, and as we studied in the science of project management, it is a temporary endeavor taken in order to create a product or service or result and this is what drives private companies or Institutions and businessmen to create a project that will bring him material or moral profit, or both. For example, but not limited to, a businessman who wants to invest in the tourism sector, conducts a specialized feasibility study, and settles on doing this business in the Red Sea region by establishing a large five‐star tourist village within three years.

or institutions and businessmen to create a project that will bring them material or moral profit, or both. For example, a businessman who wants to invest in the tourism sector conducts a specialized feasibility study and decides to establish a large five‐star tourist village within three years in the Red Sea region at a cost of one billion pounds. Here, the business stage moves to the project management stage in the engineering company (consultant ‐ contractor) in which they will work. A project manager assisted by a team of engineers who you are likely to be one of them and we conclude from that that had it not been for the administrative decision of the business to invest in the tourism sector, there would have been no engineering project. A project manager, assisted by a team of engineers (you may be one of them), concludes that without the administrative decision of the business to invest in the tourism sector, there would have been no project. As shown in the Figure (1‐1), the relationship between the portfolio, Program and Project, as an arrangement at the level of management of major companies. Your role as an engineer is your understanding of the project management mechanism in terms of schedule, cost, quality, human resources, risks that the project will be exposed to and other constraints that control the engineering project and affect negatively or positively the success or failure of the project and then the success or failure of that business (return on investment ROI)

Therefore, we see large and huge projects in which engineering companies participated in the design or implementation, and suddenly they stop, and vice versa, urgent engineering projects to open them for the purpose and nature of engineering work, as we call it in the science of project management. Fast Track with critical path ,As shown in Figure (1‐2) . And its importance in managing the project internally and during its implementation from the first selection of the project manager through the project definition document Project charter And how to overcome and solve problems in the project during its implementation and control the cost and delivery on time according to the quality required by the owner

Figure (2)

At a cost of one billion pounds, and here the business stage moves to the project management stage in the engineering company (consultant ‐ contractor) in which he will work. Throughout college and work, we tend to focus only on the technical part and forget the most important administrative or economic part, which is the most important priority for establishing an engineering project. We know that an engineering project is a legitimate son of business, and as we’ve studied in the field of project management, it’s a temporary endeavor taken to create a product or service or result. This is what drives private companies

As an engineer, your role is to understand the project management mechanism in terms of schedule, cost, quality, human resources, risks that the project will be exposed to, and other constraints that control the engineering project. These factors can determine the success or failure of the project and the success or failure of that business itself (return on investment ROI).

(business owner), which serves the operation and opening of the project on time. Therefore, project management and the project manager in the Engineering company are the link and the safety valve for the success of the project from start to finish ,As shown in Figure (1‐3).

Figure (1)


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Therefore, we say that this miniature model of business management And last but not least, how to deal with the management of engineering projects. If you are still in college, you should focus heavily on specialized subjects such as costs, contracts, pricing and planning. In theory only, but theoretical and practical, and you have a website PMI In the future, you can apply for important certificates Finally, advice from an experienced person who has worked in many companies and projects inside and outside Egypt. Do not distance yourself from the administrative side related to the project and the relationship of project management to business. Not all engineers work in the administrative specialty, but at least you have the ability to understand matters and how they are run. I wish everyone well.

Figure (3)


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Enhancing Quality Control and Standardization with BIM in the AEC Industry By Midhundas Mangalakkattu Introduction: Efficiency, accuracy, and collaboration are fundamental to the success of the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. Building Information Modeling (BIM) has emerged as a powerful tool that revolutionizes the way we represent and manage building projects digitally. By integrating quality control measures and standardizing BIM practices, the AEC sector can unlock significant benefits and overcome key challenges. This article explores the importance of quality control and BIM standardization, highlighting their extensive advantages and addressing implementation hurdles. Quality Control as a Pillar of Effective Project Management: Quality control is an essential aspect of successful project management in the AEC industry. It ensures adherence to project specifications, leading to improved safety, reduced costs, and enhanced client satisfaction. By implementing robust quality control measures, companies can proactively identify and address potential issues, minimizing rework, delays, and budget overruns. The Crucial Role of Quality Control in BIM: Implementing quality control within the framework of BIM is vital to ensure the accuracy, reliability, and consistency of project information throughout the entire construction lifecycle. BIM serves as a comprehensive digital representation that encompasses various aspects of a building, facilitating collaboration and informed decision-making among stakeholders.

Establishing Clear Standards and Guidelines: To achieve effective quality control in BIM, clear standards and guidelines for BIM modeling are crucial. This includes defining naming conventions, object classification, and data structure. Developing a comprehensive BIM Execution Plan (BEP) that outlines project-specific requirements and quality control processes provides a roadmap for consistent and standardized implementation. Training and Education: Providing training and education to project stakeholders, including designers, engineers, contractors, and subcontractors, is essential for successful BIM implementation. Training should focus on BIM standards, protocols, and quality control procedures. Cultivating a culture of continuous learning ensures that team members stay updated with the latest BIM practices and technologies. Model Authoring and Validation:

Enthusiastic BIM Aspirant with Good experience in BIM Both as an Industrial Professional as well as an Academician. Documentation and Record Keeping: Comprehensive documentation of quality control processes, including audit reports, issue logs, and corrective actions taken, is crucial. Keeping records of project changes, revisions, and approvals ensures traceability and accountability. This documentation serves as a valuable resource for future reference and continuous improvement efforts. Continuous Improvement: Encouraging feedback from project team members and stakeholders plays a vital role in identifying areas for improvement in quality control processes. Regularly reviewing and updating BIM standards and guidelines based on lessons learned and industry best practices ensures the evolution and optimization of quality control measures.

Enforcing the use of validated BIM authoring tools that comply with industry standards and guidelines is critical. Regularly validating BIM models for compliance with quality control standards, including geometry accuracy, object properties, and data consistency, ensures the integrity and reliability of the digital representation. Information Exchange and Collaboration: Seamless information exchange and collaboration between different disciplines and project phases are essential for effective quality control in BIM. Implementing a common data environment (CDE) enables secure and controlled access to BIM information, facilitating real-time collaboration and efficient document control. Regular Quality Audits: Conducting regular quality audits is necessary to assess compliance with BIM standards and guidelines. Model reviews should be performed to verify data accuracy, object integrity, and adherence to project requirements. These audits help identify areas for improvement and ensure ongoing quality control throughout the project.


By implementing these steps, construction projects can significantly enhance quality control in BIM, leading to improved project outcomes, reduced errors, increased efficiency, and enhanced collaboration among project stakeholders. The integration of quality control and BIM standardization in the AEC industry is not only necessary but also a pathway to success, improved collaboration, and superior project outcomes. Embracing these practices paves the way towards a future where efficiency, accuracy, and collaboration reign supreme in the world of construction

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

The Dynamic Divide: Unraveling the Difference of BIM Use Between Consulting and Contracting Companies


By Mohamad Hamad, BIM Manager I Senior Architect

uilding Information Modeling (BIM) has revolutionized the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, transforming the way professionals plan, design, construct, and manage buildings and infrastructure projects. BIM's immersive and data-driven approach enhances collaboration, boosts efficiency, and reduces errors. However, the adoption and utilization of BIM often differ significantly between consulting and contracting companies. In this article, we delve into the unique ways these two entities approach BIM and explore the factors contributing to their distinct practices.

I. Understanding the Fundamental Roles Before delving into the differences, it is crucial to grasp the foundational roles of consulting and contracting companies within the AEC realm: 1. Consulting Companies: Consulting firms primarily engage in providing specialized services to clients, such as architectural design, engineering solutions, and project management. Their expertise lies in offering professional advice, insights, and innovative solutions during the pre-construction phases. 2. Contracting Companies: Contractors, on the other hand, are responsible for executing the construction process and bringing the project to life based on the designs and plans provided by consulting companies. Their focus is on implementing the project on-site, ensuring quality, adhering to timelines, and managing subcontractors.

II. BIM Use in Consulting Companies Consulting companies are at the forefront of BIM adoption due to their emphasis on pre-construction planning, where BIM's capabilities provide immense value: 1. Design and Visualization: BIM enables consultants to create accurate 3D models, improving design visualization and enhancing the communication of complex ideas to clients and stakeholders. This immersive approach helps clients understand the project's potential before construction begins, fostering better decision-making.

2. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Consulting firms often work with multiple disciplines, such as architects, structural engineers, MEP (mechanical, electrical, plumbing) consultants, and more. BIM acts as a collaborative platform, streamlining interdisciplinary coordination, reducing clashes, and facilitating smoother workflows. 3. Data-Driven Insights: BIM generates a vast amount of data, including material quantities, cost estimations, and performance analysis. Consulting companies leverage this data to optimize designs, improve sustainability, and provide clients with comprehensive project insights.

III. BIM Use in Contracting Companies Contracting companies tend to lag in BIM adoption, primarily due to the challenges in incorporating BIM into their on-site operations. However, their engagement with BIM is slowly evolving, and some prominent aspects include: 1. Construction Sequencing and Visualization: Contractors can utilize BIM to simulate construction sequencing, enabling them to visualize the project's buildability and identify potential site constraints. This aids in better planning and optimizing construction workflows. 2. Clash Detection and Issue Resolution: BIM allows contractors to detect clashes between different building components, such as structural elements and building systems, before construction begins. By resolving these clashes proactively, contractors can avoid costly rework and delays during construction. 3. As-Built Documentation: Once the project is complete, BIM facilitates the creation of accurate as-built models, capturing real-time data during construction. This documentation assists facility managers in the post-construction phase, improving building maintenance and operations.


Lebanese architect with RIBA Stage 2 validation, Autodesk Certification, and ISO 19650 certificate. Now BIM Manager at Al Bawani Contractor Company. Former Senior Architect and Project BIM Manager at Khatib & Alami, handling diverse international projects. Introduced BIM software at Laceco in 2013, training and implementing cross-discipline projects.

IV. Barriers to Widespread BIM Adoption in Contracting Companies Despite the benefits, contracting companies face several challenges when integrating BIM into their practices: 1. Cost and Training: Adopting BIM requires significant investments in software, hardware, and training. Contractors must train their workforce to proficiently use BIM tools, which can be time-consuming and costly. 2. Contractual Obligations: Sometimes, contracts do not explicitly mandate BIM usage or lack the required level of detail, which candisincentivize contractors from fully embracing BIM. 3. On-Site Implementation: Contractors face the challenge of translating the digital BIM models into actionable on-site activities. This requires aligning BIM with construction methodologies and effectively communicating the model's information to workers. While both consulting and contracting companies recognize the value of BIM, their utilization and implementation differ due to their distinct roles and responsibilities within the AEC industry. Consulting companies predominantly leverage BIM during the pre-construction stages, focusing on design optimization and interdisciplinary collaboration. In contrast, contracting companies are gradually adopting BIM for on-site planning, clash detection, and asbuilt documentation. As BIM technology advances and the industry evolves, fostering closer collaboration between these entities will unlock new opportunities for enhanced project delivery, improved efficiency, and increased value for all stakeholders involved.

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An Investigation into the Use of BIM in Green Building Construction Project Management: A Comparison between UK and China By Ling Tian, Phd researcher, De Montfort University Introduction


Building Information Modelling (BIM) is being increasingly recognized as a tool to enable green processes in construction, and many companies are using BIM for collaborative management of green building projects. However, there is limited research on the successful adoption and management of BIM in green building projects, especially in cross-disciplinary teams. Common factors influencing BIM adoption and implementation, such as motivation, technical deficiencies, and skills, are not extensively discussed in relation to cross-disciplinary projects. Additionally, most case studies focus on one country or region and lack comprehensive comparisons.

Communication tools differ between the UK and China. In the UK, common tools include email, telephone, and video conferencing software like Zoom and Microsoft Teams. BIM models are shared through Common Data Environment (CDE) platforms such as BIM 360, although language standardization can be a challenge. In China, the main communication tools are WeChat, QQ, and internal systems like OA, PKPM, and ERP. However, these tools are not directly integrated with the data environment, leading to issues such as data duplication and delays in accessing information. The communication challenges faced in both the UK and China are depicted in Figure 2.

UK comparison with China My research addresses gaps by conducting case studies in the UK and China to explore the factors influencing BIM usage in project management for green building construction. Semi-structured interviews, term frequency analysis, and thematic analysis are employed to identify key themes: Communication, Data Environment, Motivation, Project Members, and Policy. Additionally, word cloud images based on key terms in Table 1 offer a visual comparison between the two countries (Figure 1).


With 3 years of green building management experience in China and a standout Master’s in Project Management from the University of Sunderland, Ling’s now pursuing a Ph.D. at De Montfort University. Ling’s research focuses on practical strategies for enhancing green building construction and BIM in the UK and China, emphasizing advanced Construction Management techniques like BIM to elevate project performance.

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Data Environment In the UK cases, the frequent mention of Design and Information highlights the emphasis on BIM-generated information for design teams during the construction phase of green building projects. The ranking of CDE reflects the increasing interest in CDE in the UK. On the other hand, the term Problem ranks high in the China cases, indicating a greater focus on the challenges faced in applying and managing BIM in the construction phase of green buildings. Motivation In terms of motivating factors, the UK cases prioritize Contract, Cost, and Client, indicating the influence of these factors in driving BIM implementation. Interestingly, the high ranking of People suggests a bottom-up approach with individual roles playing a significant role in UK projects. In contrast, the China cases place higher importance on Company, reflecting its significance in driving BIM implementation. The emphasis on rules is evident through the terms Mandatory and Requirements. Strong government influence is also observed, as reflected by the high ranking of Government and Standards. Project Members In China, in-house BIM departments are common, while the UK relies on a mix of in-house teams and external consultants. The commercialization of BIM in the UK has led to specialized BIM roles, but it can also result in deceptive practices (BIM washing). Chinese project members may lack dedicated BIM expertise and not consider BIM as part of their job responsibilities. Additionally, the heavy reliance on Guanxi complicates communication and management in Chinese projects, leading to fatigue and helplessness among interviewees.

[1] - Figure 2 inspired by Hollermann, Melzner and Bargstädt, (2012)

Conclusion These key themes provide insights into the factors influencing the use of BIM in green building project management and highlight the need for effective communication, supportive data environments, motivation, skilled project members, and well-defined policies. Also, these findings highlight the different drivers and influences shaping BIM implementation in green building projects between the UK and China. The UK emphasizes individual roles, contracts, costs, and clients, while China focuses on company-driven initiatives, rules, and government influence. Reference: [1] Hollermann, S., Melzner, J., & Bargstädt, H. J. (2012). BIM - A challenge for communication between parties involved in construction. EWork and EBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction , 833–838.

Policy The UK systematically develops BIM policy standards, with clear instructions for establishing a CDE and managing documents, models, and building languages. However, gaps in process details and concerns about government authorization for 3D models remain. In China, government policies focus more on technical aspects, with limited safeguards for process, implementation content, and cost pricing. The legal status of BIM and administrative approval for 3D models pose challenges in both countries.


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Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for BIM Projects and How to Measure Them


By Mohamed Fawzy, BIM Manager, Saudi Diyar Consulting

uilding Information Modeling (BIM) has revolutionized the construction industry by enabling efficient collaboration, improved project outcomes, and reduced costs. To ensure the success of BIM projects, it is crucial to establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that measure various aspects of project performance. This article will explore the essential KPIs for BIM projects and provide insights into how to measure them effectively. But first, let us define KPI from the perspective of a BIM project. KPI, or Key Performance Indicators, are metrics used to measure the success of a project. In Building Information Modeling (BIM), KPIs are used to measure the performance of a BIM project in terms of cost, time, quality, and safety. KPIs can be used to track progress and identify areas for improvement. They can also be used to compare different projects and determine which ones are most successful. What is the importance of measuring a project's key performance indicators (KPIs)? and why do we need it? KPIs are important for BIM projects because they provide an objective way to measure success. By tracking KPIs throughout the project, stakeholders can quickly identify areas that need improvement and take corrective action. This helps ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget while meeting all quality standards. KPIs can be divided into two categories: qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative KPIs measure tangible aspects such as cost or time spent on a task. Qualitative KPIs measure intangible aspects of a project such as customer satisfaction or employee morale. Both types of KPIs are important for measuring the success of a BIM project.

Quantitative KPIs examples: a. Project Schedule Adherence: Measuring project schedule adherence helps evaluate whether a BIM project is progressing as planned or experiencing delays. By comparing actual progress against planned milestones or timelines, teams can identify areas where adjustments are needed to keep the project on track. Utilizing 4D scheduling techniques that integrate time-based information with 3D models allows for more accurate measurement of schedule adherence.

With 14 years in BIM, a mechanical engineering background, and bilingual training, I’ve worked across consulting and contracting. Managed impactful projects like Le Louvre museum and KAPSARC research center, adapting to diverse needs. Spoken at events like BIM Summit Egypt and the Big 5 construct. Certified instructor since 2009, Revit-certified in 2015, attended Autodesk University.

b. Cost Control:

d. Technical accomplishments:

Effective cost control is crucial for any construction project's success. In a BIM context, measuring cost control involves tracking budget allocation versus actual spending. By integrating BIM models with cost estimation software, project teams can generate accurate quantity take-offs and cost estimates. Regularly comparing estimated costs with actual costs allows for better financial management and early identification of potential budget overruns.

This point can be figured out & measured through the technical team working on the project by evaluating:

Number of errors found during design review

Number of design changes requested by stakeholders

Number of clashes detected during clash detection analysis

Number of issues resolved during construction phase

c. Sustainability Metrics: Sustainability is an increasingly important aspect of construction projects. BIM can help measure sustainability metrics such as energy consumption, carbon emissions, and material waste. By integrating energy analysis tools with BIM models, teams can assess the environmental impact of design decisions and identify opportunities for improvement.

e. Design accuracy: This metric measure how accurately a design has been implemented in the built environment. It can be calculated by comparing the actual dimensions of a building with its design specifications. f. Collaboration efficiency: This metric measure how effectively different teams are able to collaborate on a project using BIM tools and processes. It can be calculated by comparing the amount of time spent on communication between teams with and without BIM tools or processes in place. g. Return on investment (ROI): This metric measure how much money is earned from using BIM compared to traditional methods over time. It can be calculated by comparing the total cost of ownership (TCO) for each method over time, including costs associated with training, implementation, maintenance, etc.


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Qualitative KPIs example: Ultimately, client satisfaction is a crucial KPI for any construction project, including those utilizing BIM. Measuring client satisfaction involves gathering feedback through surveys or interviews to assess their perception of project quality, adherence to requirements, and overall experience. Regular feedback loops allow project teams to address any concerns promptly and ensure client expectations are met or exceeded. The responsibility of measuring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in a BIM (Building Information Modeling) project can vary depending on the organizational structure and project management approach. However, typically, the following individuals or roles may be involved in measuring KPIs in a BIM project: 1.

Project Manager: The project manager is responsible for overall project planning, execution, and monitoring. They may oversee the measurement of KPIs to ensure that the project is on track and meeting its objectives.


BIM Manager: The BIM manager is responsible for managing the implementation of BIM processes and technologies in the project. They may measure KPIs related to BIM implementation, such as model quality, clash detection, or collaboration efficiency.


Design Team: Architects, engineers, and other design professionals involved in the project may measure KPIs related to design performance, such as energy efficiency, constructability, or design coordination.


Construction Team: Construction managers and contractors may measure KPIs related to construction performance, such as schedule adherence, cost control, safety records, or quality control.


Facility Management Team: If the BIM project includes post-construction facility management aspects, facility managers may measure KPIs related to operational efficiency, maintenance costs, energy consumption, or occupant satisfaction.

It is important for all relevant stakeholders to collaborate and define clear KPIs at the beginning of a BIM project to ensure effective measurement and monitoring throughout its lifecycle.


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Can AI replace the need for standards? By Mostafa Elashmawy, Head of BIM & GIS at WSP Middle East


hile the topic of this article might be provocative because we usually read many other articles about AI replacing things or because some of us would think that AI and Standards are irrelevant, another possible reason is that we always consider Standards as sacred documents. Also, some AI evangelists might think that the answer is evident. This article aims to explore whether the question is reasonable and provide a point of view on the topic.

For a long time and because of the rapid growth of Technology and Digitalization, and with a growing understanding of the importance of Data as a pillar for Digitalisation, awareness has risen of the need for Standards to regulate the process based on best practices. I have advocated for standards for a long time. Especially for Construction projects, which shall be used as an example in this article, I believe it is impossible to manage the Information generated in our projects without proper Standards, Methods, and Procedures. I have seen small projects struggle to find the correct general detail from a small design package consisting of 100 drawings because they did not follow proper naming conventions and revision systems. Also, I have witnessed the same happening on a much larger scale where tens of engineers were wasting precious hours trying to find the correct drawing out of 10,000+ drawings. When appropriately applied, standards make Information much more accessible and reusable and increase the certainty and reliability of Information.

On the other hand, as we see the growth of Artificial Intelligence, I listened to an exciting perspective recently when I talked about the importance of Standards for Digital Twins in achieving Digital Twins that can work together in an ecosystem. The opposing point of view implied that with the evolution of Natural language processing, there might not be a need for standardisation. Standards might become irrelevant. When I first listened to this point of view, I thought it was a silly idea. Still, after digesting it slowly, I realised there is a valid point of view because, with a simple text prompt, AI can now dive deep into tons of containers and find whatever Information. Imagine a CDE system that would respond to you with the correct model or drawing not because of the naming convention but because of the file's content, the author and the approver. Imagine an AI system that would be able to get you the number of doors in the BIM Model, not because it is named as a door or modelled using the door tool but because this element is like the thousands of doors it has been trained to recognise. So in such scenarios, instead of spending our efforts on Structuring the Information, standardising and unifying systems, we can replace this with more training our Machines to understand whatever input we dump to them. During the last few months, I asked the same question to many of the experts that I trust from both realms; Standards and AI. Also, I started a discussion on LinkedIn to gather experts' insights on the topic. The conclusion that I reached after listening to many great perspectives was that Standards shall always be needed to regulate and shape the processes to ensure our Data are accurate, practical and consistent. However, the type of Standards that we use and the way we apply Standards might change in the upcoming years. As AI integration into every single technology we use increases, I see AI reshaping our use of standards in two main aspects. Firstly, on the Inputs level. AI shall help prune our inputs to align with Standards. For example, AI can lead the assurance of compliance with standards or even transform chaotic inputs to align them with Standards. Another example is integrating AI into Information Authoring tools to facilitate text to Modelling techniques.


Head of BIM & GIS at WSP Middle East, working as the Digital Lead of Project Management Services Business Unit, providing Digital Delivery Management for some of the most significant construction projects in the Middle East.

The second aspect is Using the Standards to control the AI outputs, where we can train AI to provide Standardised outputs. For instance, AI can also accelerate the integration of OpenBIM concepts by enabling better «translation» of models into universal formats like IFC. Also, we can use AI to transform our models into Standardised modules that can accelerate the prefab industry. While some standards might become obsolete because they didn't consider the AI revolution, Standards shall always be needed, and newer Standards shall arise to make AI implementation in our work more effective.

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The Data Representations of a Building Project: BIM Model, and IFC or IFCXML Data Standard By Murat Aydın, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D Architect 1. Introduction

2. Method

Significant advances have been made in building design and construction with technology development in the construction industry. Before constructing the building project, which was drawn on paper, scale physical models are created following the building design through the developing technology. Better quality buildings are started to be built in less time and cost than planned with these models. The use of BIM (Building Information Modeling) for the physical models has been an essential step for building designs in the construction industry before starting the construction of building projects. There has also been an increase in the use of information technologies with BIM, such as saving data, exchanging data, verifying the conformity of data according to building regulations among the building project life cycle. Optimum solutions have begun to be obtained with informatics to facilitate the creation, transformation, and use of information to increase the automation of paper-based manually controlled processes in the construction industry.

BIM is recognized as the most effective platform for information exchange of building projects in the construction industry. It supports the development of various software. It facilitates automated or semi-automated ACCC of the building projects for compliance with building regulations and standards for the participants (designer, architect, engineer, contractor, owner, etc.) involved in the building production process. The data of the building project are represented in two ways in the ACCC. These are:

Building regulations in the construction industry are legal documents written in human language. These are interpreted and implemented by people and generally controlled by local governments. Traditional building regulation control and supervision methods emerge as a time-consuming and error-prone process for architects, engineers, and public authorities. Therefore, BIM's effective building regulation control is considered a promising field of study in the construction industry. Automated Code Compliance Checking (ACCC) method is a rule-based method that provides simultaneous control of the computer's building regulations. ACCC takes into account the characteristics of the building elements and related building regulations. In this method, each building element is checked for compliance with the rules and conditions of the relevant building regulation. Then, it creates a result report related to the building elements. Shortly, ACCC is the answer to how the computer can interpret the building regulations, the computer can create the building regulation rules, and the automated code compliance checking of the building project can be controlled by the computer according to the building regulations.

BIM Model, and

IFC or IFCXML Data Standard.

2.1 BIM model Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a simulation prototyping technology. The definition of the BIM and BIM model according to the US National BIM Standard is “BIM is the digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a building project. The BIM model is a reliable source of information where information is shared from conceptual design to demolition of the building project throughout the building project life cycle.” BIM, one of the most critical developments in the construction industry, emerges as a technology that enables the management of the building project data in a digital environment by incorporating different tools and processes into the building design. It is based on the building elements that form the building project. It models the relationships of the building elements with each other. Supporting interdisciplinary integration in the construction industry, BIM effectively changes its role in the building design and construction by creating a database of the building elements used throughout the building project life cycle.


Murat Aydin was born on 14.11.1986 in Bornova, Izmir. He graduated from Yildirim Beyazit Primary School (1992-2000), from Bornova Cimentas Anatolian High School (2000-2004), from Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Architecture Department of Architecture (2004-2008, Top Scoring Student in the Faculty and Department) and from Istanbul Technical University Project and Construction Management Master Program (2012-2014). He completed his Construction Sciences Doctorate Program in Istanbul Technical University by receiving the most successful doctoral thesis award of 2021 (20142021). He worked as an architect at MATU Architecture Firm (2008-2009, Izmir), at Military Engineering Office of the 95th Armored Brigade Command (2009-2010, Architect, Lieutenant, Tekirdag) and at APAVE firm (2011-2014, Istanbul-Izmir). He worked as a research assistant in the undergraduate courses of Construction Project, Construction Management and Economy, Building Production Systems and Building Element Design at the Faculty of Architecture of Istanbul Technical University (2012-2021). He continues his academic studies in the field of Project and Construction Management as an academician at Ankara University (2021……).

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2.2 IFC data standard Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) data standard, a new industry foundation class for interoperability, was created by the Industry Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) in 1997. IFC is an object-oriented data standard developed in the EXPRESS language, and it is independent of any software. IFC is supported by BIM-based software. Therefore, it is accepted that BIM and IFC data standard will significantly advance and facilitate cooperation in the building design process. IFC provides users with comprehensive information and features about the building project. It also represents international standardized object definitions. Objects are also named as the building elements in the building project. The most important feature of the IFC data standard is its rich data structure that allows a building element to be defined by more than one feature. The IFC standard data is divided into different building elements such as the wall, column, beam, floor, window, door, railing, elevator, stair, etc. These building elements have a threedimensional geometry and parameters, which can be divided into size, material, property, price, quantity, etc.

Figure 1. The representation of the BIM model of the sample housing project.

2.3 IFCXML data standard IFCXML is a language defined in XML, equivalent to the EXPRESS-based specification of IFC data. The implementation of the IFC data standard using XML is named IFCXML. IFCXML is the «.ifcxml» extension of the current IFC data format. It is an implementation of the ISO 1030328 standard. This standard provides an automatic conversion feature from IFC's EXPRESS language to an XML language. By representing IFC data in XML language, users can perform many operations such as extracting, transferring, using, and merging IFC data between various applications. The IFCXML representation provides for ease of understanding classes in IFC along with subclasses. This feature simplifies the use of IFC by reducing the complexity of IFC data. Due to the XML feature, the IFCXML file size is larger than the IFC file size.

Figure 3. The representation of the IFCXML data file of the sample housing project.

Figure 2. The representation of the IFC data file of the sample housing project (the building elements on the ground floor with IFC labels).


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Application of BIM in Lean Management of Construction Operations By Mohammad Mahoud & Ali Bidhendi Mohammad Mahoud, a Visiting Lecturer and PhD candidate in Project & Construction Management at State University of Management. Holds Master's and Bachelor's degrees in related fields. Author of 100+ scientific articles, he reviews for esteemed journals. Founder CEO of 3M-CEPM R&D Institute, trained entrepreneur, leader, and IPMA Judge.

Background of Study: Industry 5.0 repeats the technological advancement of Industry 4.0 by integrating humans into the process. While fast technology deployment and mass automation may increase productivity and reduce cost and plan time durations, the outcome is self-limiting without the continuous intervention of human operators. Creativity and human ingenuity are the top strategies for improvement beyond defined automation. These elements must be included in many Industries 4.0 plans, resulting in improvement and innovation drawbacks; the Human element is foundational in Industry 5.0. One of the crucial causes of declining construction project performance is engineering-based information exchange problems. Traditionally, the construction method starts in execution after the designer has finished the drawings, resulting in several clashes. Many wastes are created by taking different decisions through design and construction; generating waste through design is complex in cooperation, Lean and BIM help remove many of those wastes. There is no direct relationship between lean and BIM, and the integrated project delivery (IPD) approach could be achieved without BIM. However, by adopting the integration of BIM with lean, the complete potential improvement can be achieved; it is recommended that BIM be necessary to achieve the required collaboration for IPD effectively. The best work sequence between the participants could be planned simultaneously by implementing lean concepts and the BIM model, reducing the activity duration to around half. BIM is considered one of the best resources for empowering lean.

Value management was considered to compare optional materials to arrive at the best function at the lowest possible overall cost. The value management concept was first introduced to the lean approach for Industry 5.0. However, it may be implemented in other fields. Due to the varying information and different levels of operation of the implementation, value management is the most common one of all. The technology of at least 3D and often more dimensions was demonstrated to improve construction project performance and directly lean construction. In almost all mentioned publications, the authors indicated BIM technology as a promising solution to be implemented. The presented initial analysis evidenced that lean construction is an interesting research area with potential for development from practitioners’ point of view. The construct linked with BIM can increase the organization’s efficiency and effectiveness. Because of rapid growth in knowledge and the accompanying utilization of software supporting lean construction, an analysis of last year’s publications is required. The selected period is a time of increasing interactions between BIM and lean construction and state-of-theart needs systematization. Industry 5.0 paves the way for a new industrial project operating paradigm. It merges technology with human ingenuity and sustainability initiatives in a model intended to improve performance potential while creating community and stakeholder value. Industry 5.0 moves lean construction toward a more robust project delivery model that harnesses the power of project management increased by flexible and adaptive technology.


Co-author Ali, an M.Sc. graduate in Construction and Project Management from TMU, holds a 2022 PMP. Noted for his role in construction and IT, he garnered recognition from Iran’s National Elites Foundation, secured the 2021 LO title, won Iran’s 2020 PMC, and led YC Stars as IPMA Project Manager.

Research Questions: How can BIM and Lean Construction be effective in the ideals of Industry 5.0, which refers to intelligent industry and automation? How to increase productivity and efficiency by actively involving stakeholders in construction projects and adhering to the main focus of Industry 5.0? How can BIM and Lean Construction be replaced with other approaches such as intelligent design, simulation and automation as well? What approaches can be used next to BIM and Lean Construction to approach the ideals of Industry 5.0?

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Objectives of the Research: Introducing the events and concepts of Industry 5.0 as a sustainable and automated future for the construction industry. Introducing methods and solutions to improve the performance and productivity of the construction industry with an emphasis on the ideals of Industry 5.0. Proposing solutions for productivity and improving the performance of the construction industry using BIM and Lean Construction and Industry 5.0 concepts. Introducing differences need to be made in BIM and Lean Construction in order to achieve Industry 5.0. The impact of construction projects stakeholders’ participation on the future of BIM technology with the Industry 5.0 approach. Methodology: The main steps in this thesis research are the pre-study, the literature review, the data collection with the help of a case study and interviews, then data analysis and finally summing up the results. The literature review is a step that helps the writers to go deeply through many research papers, reports and thesis; choose the most useful ones and start using the empirical ideas which have been reported and/or suggested by other authors argued that performing a literature review is a step in conducting research that helps the writers avoid doing unnecessary works. In other words, by having other authors’/scholars’ ideas the writer of a research paper can stop doing rework in his/ her research.

Quantitative research is a method that is used mostly in circumstances when there is already a hypothesis that needs to be tested. In other words, quantitative research tries to establish a framework for examining a hypothesis by doing needed tests and gathering and examining the data. But qualitative research is a method in which there is no need for raw data for examinations or hypotheses. In qualitative research, a researcher tries to investigate an idea/theory and/or a case in different ways; for instance, investigating a case study, conducting interviews, using questionnaires etc. Due to the unique nature of Industry 5.0 and BIM technology in the Construction industry, there are few research papers available that have done real case studies in the field. Therefore, it is interesting to see how focusing on humans and Industry 5.0 can impact the future of BIM technology and the construction industry. Consequently, I want to choose a case study method for doing my thesis. Moreover, I have chosen to have interviews as the main way of gathering data from my case studies and observing how the concept of Industry 5.0 works and how it is integrated between BIM and lean. The chosen method for doing this thesis is qualitative. After doing a pre-study, it has been concluded that it would be useful to have a real case/project. The Case study is a method in which a researcher can make a connection between the theory and real case/s. So, it enables the researchers to compare the findings from the literature review with the case study data that can be found in a real case. However, there are some limitations to having only a single case study because it can border the findings to only one single company or project that may suffer from different external and/or internal elements. Thus, the importance of all elements in the case study should be taken into account. In addition, it would be an impossible, irrational and amateur way to generalize findings from only one case study to the industry.


The research tasks are as follows: Conducting a literature review on the Architectural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and Lean philosophy, Industry 5.0 am human-centered technologies, in order to formulate a comprehensive understanding of the research topic. Analysis of a case study where both BIM and Lean were implemented. The choice of the case study depends on the successful implementation of BIM and Lean-construction tools. Moreover, during the choice of the case-study main focus is laid on having the approach of industry 5.0 (anything which is related to people’s behavior).

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Challenges of Implementation BIM in the developing countries like Azerbaijan By Masoud Baghaeikia, BIM Manager COBALT Architecture and Design 1. Introduction - BIM Implementation History The term «Building Information Modeling» (BIM) refers to a digital depiction of a building's components for use in planning, design, construction, and maintenance. Information is centralized, making it accessible to all parties. Throughout the building's life cycle, BIM helps with decisionmaking. Its acceptance started in the 1980s, and in recent years, it has gained appeal on a global scale. Some nations have even enacted legislation based on it. The approach fosters a sustainable environment and has advantages in a number of industries, including building, real estate, and facility management. 1.1. BIM Implementation Challenges In underdeveloped nations, the adoption of new technologies, such as BIM in construction, is hampered by poor infrastructure, high prices, a lack of technical skills, and cultural aversion to change. Globally, the deployment of BIM also faces unique difficulties, such as managerial, cultural, legal, financial, and security constraints. With distinct areas of emphasis, the USA and the UK take the lead in resolving these issues. Refining legal and contractual frameworks, resolving cultural opposition, boosting cybersecurity safeguards, and improving project management techniques are all necessary for removing these hurdles. Developing nations may effectively adopt new technology and benefit from them in a variety of industries by taking on these issues head-on.

2. BIM Implementation Challenges in the developing countries 2.1. Turkey In this part you can find barriers to BIM adoption in the Turkish construction industry. Personal, technical, business, market, and organizational barriers are categorized. According to the survey, the most major personal obstacle is a lack of BIM education and training, while the most significant technical barrier is a lack of standards and norms for BIM implementation. The most major business obstacle is a lack of investment in BIM, while the most significant market barrier is a lack of exposure. Ultimately, the most fundamental organizational hurdle is the unwillingness to transition from established procedures to new ones. 2.2. IRAN Economic: the cost of purchasing software and hardware, the cost of training employees, the cost of BIM implementation Management: non-acceptance of BIM by the senior project manager, intellectual property, legal problems, ambiguity in responsibilities, lack of confidence in BIM Technical: lack of technical expertise, lack of working methods and standards necessary for BIM, difficulty in entering information Support: delay in the acceptance culture of the community of experts, non-acceptance of BIM by employees, other competitive plans and methods

Figure 1 110

Masoud Baghaeikia, a notable BIM authority, earned a Master’s in Construction Engineering and founded BAKUBIM for BIM advancement. As a BIM Manager at Cobalt, he excels in diverse design projects, aided Azerbaijan’s BIM strategy with international collaboration, and fosters industry transformation. 3. BIM Implementation Challenges in Azerbaijan In this part you can find challenges facing the adoption and implementation of BIM technology in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry, particularly in Azerbaijan. The challenges identified include collaboration and teaming issues, legal changes, changes in practice and use of information, lack of awareness, lack of standard to guide implementation, lack of IT infrastructure, lack of education and training, and lack of government direction. Importance of understanding factors that lead and hinder BIM utilization on individual, organizational, and institutional levels to enable adoption and implementation of BIM technology by organizations, designers, and managers. In the one of our projects, we collected information within survey of Azerbaijan AEC companies, you can find BIM Implementation barriers in the below chart. Also, we had had one workshop with the AEC experts, we investigated BIM challenges facing in Azerbaijan. In table 1 you can find comparison results with below diagram (Figure 1)

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One of my consulting projects in Azerbaijan involved the implementation of BIM in AEC companies. I conducted a survey to assess the progress of BIM implementation in a particular company. Figure 2 below illustrates the findings of this survey. Overall, there are main BIM implementation challenges in Azerbaijan are : 1.

Lack of BIM experience


Lack of training and education


Lack of Standards and suitable workflow for AEC companies


Cost and no reason for investment


No client demand


Lack of expertise

Table 1

Based on my experience, I have encountered hidden challenges that are often present in the following areas: •

Some individuals acquire BIM modeling skills at one company, only to leave and join another company for better financial compensation.

Inadequate knowledge of data management.

Absence of standardized building material classification systems in the construction industry, such as UniClass, UniFormat, and OmniClass.

A disconnect between design and construction companies, where construction firms often modify or revamp projects based on initial design plans.

Reliance on outdated building construction processes.

Reluctance among senior engineers to adopt new management systems due to their advanced age.

Insufficient availability of BIM model libraries in the market.

Online platforms with BIM resources priced beyond the capabilities of companies, causing them to refrain from incorporating them into their projects.

Figure 2

4. Conclusion I have successfully implemented BIM practices in Design and Construction companies in Azerbaijan. I develop strategies, implementation plans, and ISO19650-based standards for clients, design firms, and construction companies. Training employees on these standards fosters motivation. Creating project-specific BIM Execution plans ensures effective stakeholder collaboration. Continuous monitoring and development of standards maximize BIM benefits in every project.

Baku, city in Azerbaijan


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Strategic transformation for a smooth switch to Digital Construction By Sara Soliman, Prime Engineering Consultants, BIM Manager


he complexity of buildings, the tight timeline, and the required high quality cannot be fixed if the conventional approach is utilised; BIM and Lean implementation are no longer options. The myths surrounding the introduction of BIM and the idea that Lean manufacturing is solely applicable to production shall no longer exist. It is strongly advised to combine both processes, «BIM and Lean,» to improve the overall output of design and construction organisations and increase knowledge of how Lean concepts may be used and used in the construction industry. Spreading the use of BIM and Lean depends on two main factors, the first of which is the working team involved so that they can impart their knowledge and understanding to clients. This factor depends on how well the working team understands the opportunities and business value of implementing BIM and Lean so that client requirements will compel all other parties to implement BIM and Lean as a process. The authorities/government’s vision is the second factor that requires collaboration with industry experts to achieve the strategic transformation smoothly. Design and construction challenges have been thought of as the same for a very long time because the nature of the field does not include considerable advancement like other sectors, such as technology. Instead, the pace is relatively slow or is thought to be neglected. Lean and BIM are seen as long-awaited innovations transforming the industry. BIM and Lean are regarded as the field’s long-awaited innovations because they changed how jobs were previously carried out, improving quality while taking up less time and money. Governments and authorities have a different, larger vision; they aim for bright, intelligent cities where every structure is linked to a GIS and under control, ensuring its sustainability and operation/maintenance management.

However, because BIM and Lean focus on improvement, development, and eliminating waste to have higher production, lower cost, and shorter lead times, these personal issues negatively impact the project and team. The following figure shows a brief for the proposed strategic transformation. A Main and initial step is adjusting the enterprise’s vision and philosophy to reflect the BIM needs. Before staff training for the software, BIM awareness and orientation courses for all parties involved are strongly advised. Fostering an appropriate climate between working teams is the key to a successful process. The next step is analysing the enterprise’s current situation to find the required changes through hardware, software, getting new hires, or the need for customised training. Later a pilot project shall be carried out and reflect all the improvements to be later assessed and developed. Then, a mandate to manage the total project and provide a seamless changeover from one phase to the next is the existence of solid relationships between designers, contractors, stakeholders, and the client; such mandate is considered the company’s internal standard to have complete control over the process. Then Continuous improvement is the playmaker; analysis of process implementation success stories, whether on a company-wide or project-level, provides a workable path forward, a clear understanding of the prior problems to avoid, and forecasting for future problems to prevent their occurrence or arrange an efficient solution.

The project’s success is regarded as a success for all involved teams, no longer just one, and its failure is regarded as a failure for all. Exchange risk and duties following an established execution plan increases motivation for the project’s success, fosters information exchange, and unites everyone around a common goal—the project’s success, not just personal own. Although it is required even in the traditional method, respecting one another and avoiding any personal issues or involvement in personal decisions is a requirement.


With 11+ years in design, construction, and an electrical background, Sara co-founded BIM BOOM in 2012, exploring her BIM curiosity. Notably, she lit the award-winning Egyptian Pavilion “Robabicia” in 2018 and earned a master’s from the University of Salford in 2020. Currently pursuing a PhD and serving as BIM Manager at Prime Engineering Consultants, Sara bridges practical and academic realms.

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The high cost of low coordination: why BIM and cloud-based collaboration are no longer optional in construction. By Jason Howden, Chief Innovation Officer, Revizto In the dynamic world of construction, the adage «time is money» has never been more accurate. As Chief Innovation Officer for Revizto, I’ve witnessed firsthand the costly repercussions of poor coordination and communication in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. It’s time we addressed this pervasive issue head-on. The construction industry is no stranger to challenges. From managing complex projects to coordinating multiple stakeholders, the sector is a labyrinth of potential pitfalls. Among these, poor communication and coordination are the most damaging, costing the U.S. construction industry more than $31 billion in 2018 alone1. This figure is staggering, but it’s not surprising. Construction workers lose almost two full working days each week solving avoidable issues and searching for project information1. This inefficiency is a direct result of poor coordination and communication, and it’s a problem we can no longer afford to ignore. The advent of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and cloud-based collaboration technol-

Revizto, with its advanced clash automation, cloud-based collaboration, issue tracking, and phone app technology is the essential tool for every construction project. Revizto combines 3D BIM and 2D CAD data into a shared digital environment, which can be easily viewed and accessed by the entire project team on-site or in the office. Our advanced clash detection technology allows customers to quickly find design and construction coordination conflicts, manage them through to resolution with our collaborative issue tracker, resolving costly omissions and errors long before they become real delays, or rework on site. The benefits of BIM and cloud-based collaboration are undeniable. BIM allows for better visualisation, improved communication, enhanced coordination, and streamlined decision making. When combined with cloud-based collaboration tools, like Revizto, the impact is even more significant. These technologies facilitate real-time communication, streamline workflows, process automation, and provide a single source of truth for all project stakeholders2,3. They enable teams to work smarter, not harder. At Revizto, we’ve seen the transformative power of these technologies firsthand. Companies like Arcadis, Jacobs and AECOM have used our BIM collaboration software to improve their digital delivery of complex projects4,5. They’ve reduced coordination time by 50%, and interdisciplinary reviews have gone from four days to four hours6. These are not isolated success stories; they’re a testament to what’s possible when we embrace digital transformation.

ogies has revolutionised the way we approach construction projects. Yet, despite the availability of these tools, their adoption has been slow. More than 75% of companies provide mobile devices to their project managers and field supervisors, but less than one-fifth consistently use apps beyond email, text, and phone calls to access project data and collaborate with project stakeholders1. This underutilsation of technology is a missed opportunity for efficiency and cost savings.

Yet, despite these successes, many in the industry remain resistant to change. The reasons are varied, from regulatory burdens and fragmentation to a simple lack of investment in technology and R&D7. But the cost of inaction is high. Without effective coordination and communication, we risk delays, cost overruns, and quality issues8. The construction industry can no longer afford to ignore the digital tools at its disposal.


Jason Howden, Chief Innovation Officer, Revizto The time for change is now. The technology is available, and the benefits are clear. With tools like Revizto, we can avoid costly delays, rework, and errors during the construction process. We can improve communication, enhance coordination, and increase efficiency. But it requires a commitment to change and a willingness to embrace new ways of working. As industry professionals, we have a responsibility to drive this change. We must champion the adoption of BIM and cloud-based collaboration technologies. We must challenge the status quo and strive for continuous improvement. And we must do it now. The cost of not coordinating in BIM, or not using cloud-based collaboration technologies on your construction project, is too high. It’s time we embrace the digital revolution and realize the full potential of our industry. The future of construction depends on it.


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BIM-BASED SCHEDULE CHANGE IMPACT ANALYSIS IN CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS By S P Sreenivas Padala, M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Assistant Professor INTRODUCTION Construction delays are one of the most prevalent issues in the construction sector, and they have a significant detrimental influence on project performance in regards to time, budget, and quality, with several of them having a direct and indirect impact on the building process, resulting in project delays or affecting project performance. This delay has a detrimental impact on the economy, infrastructural expansion, and society as a whole. Delays can be caused due to different types of changes such as owner-initiated, design, construction, performance, interface, and external. Changes are one of the most significant issues in building projects. Changes are unavoidable during a building project. Every construction project undergoes adjustments, and the magnitude of these changes varies widely from contract to contract, resulting in delays. Many construction projects have undergone significant alterations as a result of project complexity, a lack of management, and poor planning and timing. Understanding the causes and consequences of change can help project teams deal with it more successfully. Project completion on time is a sign of efficiency; yet, many projects are not delayed. It is well-known fact that Building Information Modeling (BIM) has huge potential in minimizing schedule and cost overruns. BIM can aid to visualize changes and their impacts in the project and it can act as a proactive tool for managing changes successfully. However, there is no structured approach to manage changes using BIM. Therefore, the objective of this study is to develop a model to analyse delays and cost overruns due to various types of changes using BIM.

integrated using Autodesk Navisworks 2020 software to identify changes due to clashes of these BIM models. The different types of change cause considered are:1) client-initiated changes - modifications to specifications, documentation, and policies; 2) design changes – constructability-related, interface-related, and process-related; 3) interface changes – modifications in services work; 4) construction changes – changes in site conditions, labour, material and equipment requirements; 5) external changes - changes in government regulations, political, social, and innovation necessities and 6) performance changes – changes that require for improving project performance.

Dr. S.P. Sreenivas Padala, an Assistant Professor at M.S. Ramaiah University, holds an M. Tech and Ph.D. in Construction Management from IIT Delhi. With 5 years in industry and 10+ years in academia, his expertise spans change management, project scheduling, BIM, and sustainable construction. He’s guided numerous projects and published extensively, while also serving as a reviewer for renowned journals.

CASE STUDY In the present study, a six-story ongoing office building construction project was considered to apply the proposed BIM-based change analysis model. The office building has office rooms, meeting rooms, manager rooms, kitchen, storage room, lobby, and toilet. The area of each floor is 22,000 Sqft. Initially structural, Heating Ventilation, Air conditioning (HVAC), Fire, Electrical, and Plumbing 3D models were developed using Autodesk Revit 2020 software as shown in Figure 1. Next, these models have been

Figure 1. 3D Models of Office building project


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Once changes are identified as shown in Figure 2, their impact in terms of time and cost has to be determined. Time impact analysis (TIA) was carried using M S project 2020 software. The original duration of the project was 807 days (As planned) and the revised duration due to delays is 900 days. Thus, the project got delayed by 93 days. The original cost of the project was Rs. 579,642,250.80 and the revised cost due to the delays is Rs. 626,949,694.70. Hence the cost difference due to delay is Rs. 473,074,43.9. Around 51 changes are identified which affected planned schedule. 4D schedule progress tracking One of the main benefits of BIM is to visualize project performance metrics along the 4D timeline of the project. In this study, both the planned and actual 4D schedule are simulated to identify the variations in time and cost due to changes in an individual activity and overall project schedule. At a particular time, when the simulation is paused, different data such as activity name, date, day, material cost, equipment cost, subcontractor cost, and overall cost of the project till that time can be visualized. At the end of simulation, the total cost and duration of planned and actual 4D schedule due to changes are visualized as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2.

Changes in office building 3D model (Planned vs Actual BIM models)

Figure 3. 4D plan vs 4D actual office building construction timeline


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Driving Change: BIM and the Metaverse in Pharmaceutical Engineering Construction By Ruby Fathzani, Pharmaplan GmbH Global Technology Partner


he field of pharmaceutical engineering construction is a complex and highly regulated industry that demands precision, efficiency, and compliance. Building Information Modeling (BIM) has already proven to be a game-changer in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) sector, and its integration into the metaverse offers new dimensions of possibilities for the pharmaceutical industry. The combination of BIM and the metaverse holds the potential to revolutionize the way pharmaceutical facilities are designed, constructed, and operated. Introduction The rapid pace of technological advancement has revolutionized industries around the world, and the pharmaceutical construction sector is no exception, as being ahead of the curve is paramount. One such technological advancement that has transformed the industry is Building Information Modelling (BIM), which enables increased collaboration, cost efficiency, and better project outcomes. However, when it comes to the pharmaceutical field, the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) with BIM has emerged as a game changer. The integration of sophisticated technologies, such as mixed reality (both augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)), has opened new horizons in the field of digital engineering. VR’s immersive capabilities give engineers and stakeholders an unprecedented advantage in visual illustration, leading to improved design, streamlined construction processes, and optimized facility management. One aspect that has gained significant traction in recent years is Digital Engineering, which includes the use of various digital tools and technologies to improve the construction process. Among these tools, mixed reality, specifically virtual reality (VR), has emerged as a powerful tool in the pharmaceutical construction industry.

One of the greatest advantages of BIM in the metaverse for pharmaceutical engineering construction lies in its ability to streamline the design and construction process. Traditionally, designing and constructing pharmaceutical facilities involved multiple iterations and time-consuming revisions. However, with the integration of BIM into the metaverse, stakeholders can now visualize and explore virtual representations of the facility before construction commences.


Mixed reality, the integration of the physical and digital worlds, has the potential to revolutionize the way pharmaceutical construction projects are planned, executed, and operated. Virtual reality, in particular, offers an immersive experience that allows stakeholders to visualize and interact with a digital representation of the project. The following are some of the key advantages of incorporating mixed reality in the pharmaceutical construction industry:

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Enhanced Design Visualization and Simulation One of the key advantages of VR in BIM or Digital Engineering is its ability to provide immersive design visualization and simulation, specifically allowing stakeholders in the pharmaceutical construction industry to visualize complex designs in unprecedented detail. Pharmaceutical facilities demand complex designs and strict adherence to regulatory guidelines. With VR, stakeholders can walk through a virtual reconstruction of the proposed facility, experiencing the space as if it a real one. Engineers and architects can detect design flaws, assess spatial arrangements, and identify potential bottlenecks, all before construction even begins. This enables early intervention, reducing costly redesigns and change orders. Real-like VR simulations also allow stakeholders to evaluate different design options, choose the most efficient layout, and optimize workflows to increase productivity, while ensuring higher quality results. Enhanced Safety and Training Pharmaceutical construction projects require strict adherence to safety regulations to ensure the well-being of workers and the integrity of the final facility due to the sensitive nature of its operations. VR integrated with BIM offers immense value in terms of safety training and risk mitigation. A virtual walkthrough of the construction site can be conducted to identify potential hazards, allowing adjustments to be made at the planning stage to minimize risks. Workers can be trained in the virtual environment, familiarizing themselves with safety protocols and procedures before setting foot on the actual construction site. This proactive approach results in a safer working environment and minimizes site accidents, improves worker preparedness, and ensures compliance with strict safety regulations, thus ensuring overall project success. Improved Collaboration and Communication Effective collaboration among project stakeholders is a very important aspect for a successful construction project. VR in BIM facilitates seamless communication and collaboration among architects, engineers, contractors, and clients. By immersing themselves in a virtual environment, stakeholders gain a shared understanding of the project vision and goals. They can collaborate in real-time, make informed decisions and resolve conflicts before they impact construction progress. VR also enables remote collaboration, allowing geographically dispersed teams to work together seamlessly. With improved communication and collaboration, project schedules become more efficient, and costly delays due to miscommunication can be minimized.

Streamlined Construction Processes Pharmaceutical projects often involve complex systems and intricate coordination among various disciplines. VR integrated with BIM optimizes the construction process by providing a comprehensive understanding of the project’s sequencing and logistics. With virtual simulations, construction sequences can be visualized, identifying potential clashes or conflicts in advance. This enables proactive planning and adjustments to ensure smooth construction progress. Additionally, VR can be used to train workers in specialized tasks, such as the installation of complex pharmaceutical equipment or systems, leading to improved efficiency and reduced errors during construction.

In conclusion, the integration of BIM into the metaverse offers a digital revolution for pharmaceutical engineering construction in the AEC industry. By leveraging the power of virtual environments, real-time data integration, and collaborative design processes, stakeholders can achieve higher levels of efficiency, accuracy, and compliance. The metaverse becomes a realm where pharmaceutical engineers can navigate and optimize facility designs, simulate operational processes, and ensure regulatory compliance. Embracing this digital revolution has the potential to propel pharmaceutical engineering construction into a new era of innovation and excellence.

Conclusion The early adoption of digital engineering in the pharmaceutical construction industry provides a significant competitive advantage. By leveraging the power of mixed reality and other digital tools, companies can showcase their ability to deliver projects with higher precision, efficiency, and safety. This positions them as industry leaders and enhances their reputation, attracting more clients and opportunities for growth. By initiating digital transformation now, pharmaceutical construction companies can future-proof their operations. By staying ahead of the curve, they can adapt to changing market dynamics, industry regulations, and client expectations. Embracing digital engineering prepares companies for the increasing demand for sustainable and technologically advanced construction practices.


Ruby is an adept leader known for successful global team management as Global Technology Partner. With a strong background in various industries including Pharma, Architecture, and IT, he excels in driving change, fostering innovation, and balancing short and long-term goals. His expertise spans Leadership, Digitalization, IT, and Innovation, enabling transformative digital programs with significant business impact while nurturing future-ready teams.

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BIM-GIS Integration in flood Control projects By Royer Franklin Ttito Ccorimanya, Director BIM


nformation management through digitization enables efficient integration of work teams and construction of digital assets prior to physical implementation. BIM-GIS facilitates the acquisition of a Project Information Model (PIM), allowing for effective work with digital assets within their spatial context.

with GIS information during RIBA Stage 3 and RIBA Stage 4 design.

Comprehensive flood control projects in basins require integrated solutions, such as constructing dams to regulate water flow, protecting riverbanks, establishing urban stormwater drainage systems, and building or relocating structures like water catchments, roads, and bridges. This integration entails combining graphical and alphanumeric information across various disciplines, including hydrological and hydraulic modeling, archaeological findings management, environmental impact prevention, land acquisition, social conflict management, and asset management upon completion.

Stage 3: Platform closeout establishes base guidelines for transferring information after construction completion, accompanied by technology transfer training for asset management and maintenance.

Organizing and digitizing information with BIM/GIS: The recommendations of ISO 19650 play a crucial role in establishing data governance and the hierarchy of information containers for documents, as well as geometric and alphanumeric data. An implementation roadmap is essential, with an agile management approach involving stakeholders through proposals, backlogs, and sprints, as depicted in the image. Integrated information requires collaborative platforms, such as a Common Data Environment (CDE) for documentation management, a Distributed Common Data Environment (DCDE) for support areas, and a Geospatial Data Environment (GeoCDE) for collaboration and visualization of GIS geometric information. These platforms are connected through bridge applications. Platform development occurs in stages to enable a gradual transition toward digitization without disrupting project management: Stage 1: Document management focuses on data governance, procedures, and protocols related to document management, creation of live digital asset models, and collaboration

Stage 2: Construction management generates procedures, work guidelines, digitized quality protocol templates, daily progress reports, and safety and health reports during RIBA Stage 5.

Proactive, Dynamic with excellent interpersonal relationships and great ability to work as a team. Promoting the digitization of information in infrastructure Project under ISO 19650 (Impotant for the success in the implementation of BIM Metodology an organization) with integration of GIS Standands

RIBA working stages with BIM and GIS: RIBA 3 Spatial coordination: involves linking GIS graphical information from disciplines like archaeology, environmental management, land acquisition, and social conflict management to the design. Coordination between existing structures and proposed designs is prioritized, with GIS allowing interference detection. Relevant GIS information from service providers, road management, and irrigation water supply is obtained from corresponding entities. Field verification is facilitated using mobile devices directly connected to the GeoCDE. RIBA 4 Technical design: allows for the live construction of digital asset models connected to the main CDE, enabling collaboration and efficient decision-making. Modeling software directly connects to the GeoCDE to acquire GIS data, ensuring better coordination and avoiding potential interferences. Collaborative environments facilitate model utilization by various teams, expediting decision-making. At this stage’s end, all individual models are combined into a comprehensive basin PIM within a BIM/GIS environment, which is then transferred to the construction phase. RIBA 5 Construction: leverages digital asset models to report accurate field-verified quantities, visualize construction progress, maintain quality control, manage safety and health aspects, and establish safe pedestrian zones.


By connecting models to the PIM, better decision-making is achieved regarding construction strategies, material transportation efficiency, and mitigation of social conflicts. The design PIM is continuously updated as construction progresses, followed by the delivery of As-Built models. RIBA 6 – Close: involves utilizing GIS information, including design studies, environmental impact permits, archaeological findings, land acquisition updates, topography, and final hydraulic modeling, for future basin constructions. This information is transferred within the PIM. A final PIM is obtained, representing the constructed structures, and an Asset Information Model (AIM) with rich data in BIM-GIS format is delivered. Digital solutions: Various digital solutions exist for BIM/GIS implementation. This article focuses on utilizing Autodesk and Esri software to integrate geometric and alphanumeric information with documentation. Web Scene and GeoBIM enable stage transfers and PIM creation. In conclusion, BIM encompasses more than 3D modeling—it represents an information culture supported by technology, including GIS. Such integration offers significant benefits in terms of cost reduction, efficient decision-making, and more within flood control projects and asset/data management.

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Figure 1. Shows a flowchart on the work strategy to implement information management.

Figure 2. shows the project information model (PIM) at the end of design in GeoBIM

Figure 3. Shows digital solutions used for a flood control project


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How to train the BIM leaders of tomorrow By Rodrigo Ferreiro, ZIGURAT Institute of Technology, Head of Corporate & Institutional Development INTRODUCTION Education and training are not just tools; they are transformative catalysts that enable us to shape a new reality. In the words of the inspiring Malcolm X, ‹Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.' This powerful quote encapsulates the very essence of ZIGURAT's mission and serves as the driving force behind everything we do. We proudly proclaim that we Transform Tomorrow Today! At ZIGURAT, we are wholeheartedly committed to shaping the BIM Leaders of tomorrow, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in an everevolving world. THE BACKSTAGE ZIGURAT was born out of a passion for precision and technical excellence. Founded by visionary engineers, who recognized the crucial need for leadership and education in the transformative technologies that shape the global construction industry. Inspired by the iconic ziggurats, ancient Mesopotamian structures steeped in history, we wholeheartedly embrace the rich heritage of the AEC sector. ZIGURAT is a pioneer in online education, with over 20 years of e-learning experience. Our foundation is built upon the relentless pursuit of improving the effectiveness of online education. We are not a result or consequence of the pandemic. ZIGURAT was founded in 2001 as the first e-learning institute dedicated to the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction sector. Additionally, we hold the distinction of being the first institute to offer a global master's program in BIM management in three languages: English, Spanish, and Portuguese. For several years, ZIGURAT has been delivering an innovative master's program that incorporates a disruptive methodology based on the following fundamental pillars.

This is how we effectively train the BIM Leaders of tomorrow. 1. INDUSTRY LEADERS, A FACULTY BOARD OF REFERENCE The ZIGURAT Faculty Board stands as the cornerstone of the learning journey. Comprising expert industry leaders who actively work in the field, they bring invaluable real-world experience and share the best practices, ensuring the transfer of essential know-how to our students.

Mr. Rodrigo Manuel Ferreiro Cannataro is currently the Head of Corporate & Institutional Development at ZIGURAT Institute of Technology. In his actual role, he looks to expand and consolidate the global network of Zigurat, creating new partnerships with companies and institutions worldwide, and promoting the importance of training to boost professional development and competitiveness. He leads the project to develop customized training programs for organizations.

Our students have the opportunity to interact with top professionals through live classes. The Live Online approach invites students to attend productive classes that combine theory with real-life practice, fostering participation and practical application. As an esteemed e-learning institute, ZIGURAT offers a unique advantage by connecting international expertise from diverse fields, propelling our students' careers to new heights. With this powerful network of industry professionals, we cultivate an environment of accelerated learning and provide a gateway to global opportunities. One notable example from our Faculty Board is Stefan Mordue, the Academic Director, who brings 20 years of experience. As a Senior Digital Consultant at Cohesive and a multi-award-winning chartered Architect, Consultant, Construction Project Manager, and published author, Stefan contributes his expertise to our faculty.

ZIGURAT logo is inspired by this archeological hyperstructure that resembles the great capacity of human beings of building things.


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2. COLLABORATIVE METHODOLOGY: BECAUSE BIM IS ABOUT COLLABORATION The ZIGURAT methodology is based on Active & Social Learning. It is a training approach centered around participation and collaboration. Students from different countries actively engage in real projects, collaborating to gain a comprehensive understanding of information workflows throughout the entire project lifecycle, spanning from design and construction to operation and maintenance. Studying at ZIGURAT offers more than just academic knowledge—it expands your professional network and provides a unique opportunity to participate in selective working groups. This allows students to acquire a critical and 360º vision of their future role as experts in the sector. 3. HANDS-ON-EXPERIENCE Several training consultancies emphasize that the most effective way to train professionals is by engaging them in real-case scenarios. Right from the beginning, our learning journey at ZIGURAT involves a simulationbased exercise using an Open BIM approach. Students actively manage all data related to project design, costs, safety, clash detection, scheduling, sustainability, and efficient facilities management. These factors are crucial for architects, engineers, owners, and builders. Our future BIM leaders of tomorrow immerse themselves in a simulated professional environment, gaining certification in real technologies and tools. The centerpiece of their learning journey is the recreation of a 10-floor office building. I highly recommend visiting YouTube and searching for the «WEZIG» Final Master Thesis. You will witness the amazing masterpieces our students are capable of creating. 4. CONNECTING PEOPLE WITH THE BEST TECHNOLOGY AND PROCESS Last but not least, we empower our students to excel in the world of BIM management. We understand that utilizing the right software tools is paramount in achieving efficient and effective project outcomes. That's why our comprehensive BIM Management training incorporates a wide range of industry-leading software tools. Among the key software tools in our training curriculum, you'll find renowned names such as Autodesk Revit and Graphisoft Archicad, which enable seamless BIM model creation. Bentley, Trello, and Plannerly equip our students with collaborative project management capabilities, fostering smooth communication and streamlined workflows. For stunning visualizations and immersive experiences, we harness the power of Twinmotion. And to ensure clash detection, coordination, and optimization, we utilize Solibri, BIM Collab, and Rhinoceros. 121

But our dedication to connecting people with the best technology doesn't stop there. We leverage tools like Dalux, Dynamo, Tekla, Synchro, BIM Vision, Speckle, and Catenda to delve deeper into various aspects of BIM project analysis, documentation generation, and performance evaluation. By equipping our students with these cutting-edge software tools, we empower them to navigate complex BIM projects with confidence, harnessing the full potential of technology to optimize workflows, enhance collaboration, and drive project success. CONCLUSION With these guiding principles, we remain committed to shaping the future of the AEC sector by empowering the next generation of leaders who will make a lasting impact. Join us and connect with us to pave the way in transforming education and preparing the future BIM Leaders of Tomorrow.

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Building the future – How digital twins are transforming the built environment. By Richard Scott, Chief Partnership Officer, Twinview Limited Anyone involved in BIM and Digital Engineering within the AECO sector will be aware of the growing interest and awareness of a technology known as Digital Twins. Let us start with a standard definition of a digital twin... A digital twin is a digital representation of an intended or actual real-world physical product, system, or process (a physical twin) that serves as the effectively indistinguishable digital counterpart of it for practical purposes, such as simulation, integration, testing, monitoring, and maintenance Digital Twins are often associated with the concept of Industry 4.0, the next generation of industrial development built on high levels of Symantec interoperability between “Smart” technology, enabling Automation and Optimisation.

But what exactly is a Digital Twin, what can we learn from other industries, what can they achieve, and why should we care?”

Digital Shadow – Measure, record, and digitally communicate the Physical Twin’s dynamic operational characteristics.

Digital Twin – The ability to make interventions to the Physical Twin that change its operational characteristics.

This paper will unpack the fundamental concepts of digital twins, focusing on their value and application within AECO and the built environment.

The next step on the journey to a Digital Twin would require an understanding of the operational dynamic characteristics of the Physical Twin, and this is achieved by using digital measurement sensors or IoT (Internet of Things) devices.

The final step in achieving a Digital Twin is to have the capability to make interventions in the operation of the Facility/Physical Twin. This requires transmitting digital data back to the Physical Twin and controlling aspects of facility operation. The digital twin may use many enabling technologies and digital services, coupled with its understanding of the operational dynamics of the facility and the purpose for which it was designed, and determine that some intervention in the facility operation has a high probability of improving or optimising against a desired outcome. For example, the Digital Twin may determine that the heating profiles of the building could be adjusted in a way that will not impact the facility's purpose or the comfort of its occupants but will reduce energy consumption and lower emitted carbon.

Digital Models, Digital Shadows and Digital Twins Over the last 20 years, the AECO sector has embraced Digital Models. BIM has helped establish our sector as a data-first industry, and most new construction projects are BIM enabled from the outset. Digital Model – Define the static attributes, qualities & specifications of the Physical Twin A digital model of a proposed building, facility or infrastructure project accurately defines the proposed scheme's geometry, structure, materials, components, systems, qualities and attributes and has become an essential technology during design and coordination. A digital model accurately represents the final project deliverable. However, there is no digital connection or digital data exchange between the “Digital model” and the Physical Asset/Physical Twin.

An excellent example of this may be an asset owner that wants to understand energy consumption and environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, and air quality of their Facility/Physical Twin. In this scenario, several “Smart” electricity sub-meters could be deployed into different building zones, along with IoT sensors measuring environmental conditions in each building zone. These sensors measure, record and transmit digital data via secure digital communication. This high frequency, time series, constantly changing digital data can augment the digital model with information about its dynamic operational characteristics. We have established a digital connection between the digital model and the physical twin in this scenario. However, digital data flow is uni-direction, from the sensors monitoring the physical asset into the digital model. This is termed a Digital Shadow.


The Digital Model, Shadow & Twin paradigm, can be applied to any physical asset that is accurately modelled, digitally monitored, and digitally controlled. Twinview recently delivered a series of talks involving this concept to the scenario of building a digital twin of a bike! The Synergy of Static and Dynamic

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Data In every scenario, a Digital Twin is capable of delivering value, new insights and perspectives through the synergy of the static and dynamic characteristics of the Physical Twin. For example, you might measure the temperature of a room space using an IoT sensor. Still, without additional information such as the volumetric space, u-values, room heating source, and other key attributes, the temperature measurement alone is only a small part of the picture. Amplifying the value of BIM in operations Over the last twenty years, we have made significant progress with BIM and understanding the value of its underlying data. But why does digital engineering often stop at the point of handover? Our industry does not deliver buildings to be empty shells; the moment a facility is opened and populated with people, movement and purpose, it becomes a constantly changing, dynamic entity. Digital Twins amplify the value of BIM in operation and provide a roadmap to the final destination of selfaware, continually commissioning buildings that evaluate operational performance and optimise the facility for the purpose for which it was designed. Digital Twins in other Industries Digital Twins are a relatively new and compelling concept for the AECO sector, but many other industries have already proven the value of Digital Twins, with the automotive and aerospace sectors leading the way. A great example of a digital twin we

see daily is a Tesla Motor Vehicle. The manufacturer understands everything about the static characteristics of the vehicle. Every component has a part number, and supply chain providence allows recalls of specific models in specific regions when a particular part has been identified as defective. The vehicle is fitted with an abundance of sensors, including cameras, lidar and radar, to understand the external environment, interpret road signs, other cars, and the movement of people. Sensors monitor the vehicle and the driver's interactions with the car. From a digital twin perspective, the technology can make real-time interventions, changing the vehicle's operation, direction or speed to protect the driver's safety, optimise battery range, or even safely self-drive. In aerospace, a modern aircraft like an Airbus A380 has thousands of sensors monitoring every aspect of the plane's operational performance. A massive amount of simulation takes place in Aerospace, and it is universally acknowledged as the safest form of transport on the planet. What is driving the adoption of Digital Twins in AECO? Digital Twins combine a facility's static and dynamic characteristics and create a new data set greater than the sum of its parts. Other enabling technologies, aspects of building physics and next-generation AI and Machine learning, can help us understand how to optimise operational performance whilst maximising the purpose of the facility and the wellbeing of the people that work within it.

By using digital twins, we can enable the


following: •

Amplify the value of BIM on operations and maintain digital continuity post-handover.

Maximise building safety and ensure the facility operates according to its design.

Understand energy consumption and its drivers, discover wasteful energy consumption, and minimise emitted carbon.

Deliver an operationally ready digital twin at handover.

Validate operational performance against design.

Proactively monitor asset performance and implement predictive maintenance.

Apply AI and ML to optimise a facility whilst maximising the purpose for which it was designed

About Twinview Twinview provides a connected digital twin platform for the AECO sector. Twinview has been deployed in facilities across the planet and gives asset owners unprecedented insights into the dynamic operational nature of their building portfolio. Digital Twins add value across all stages of the RIBA plan of work and amplify the value of BIM and digital engineering in operations. Contact Twinview to learn more.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Finding a Balance for the BIM Team


By Jędrzej Pasalski

hroughout the years, architects have been working with hand-drawn sketches, physical models and material samples - and while these workflows have not changed, we now have the addition of 3D digital models equipped with information that is crucial to the planning, design and construction of structures and buildings. I joined EPR Architects, an award-winning architecture studio delivering exemplary architecture, masterplanning and interior design, seven years ago as the tenth employee in what was then their brand-new Wrocław studio. It has been a hugely exciting journey: our office has grown into a bustling, sociable team of more than 70 fantastic people working on both local and international projects alongside our coworkers in Manchester and London. The practice’s support of my career development has been unmatched, enabling me to utilise my keen interest in technology to expand EPR’s in-house BIM team into Poland, significantly enhance our technical capabilities and advance into my current role — heading up a team of 12 based across our three studios. EPR implements BIM technologies on all projects from inception to completion as we believe this delivers significant benefits to our clients. BIM is key to supporting our design process and providing the best building outcomes; enabling advanced workflow capabilities, enhanced design coordination,

Figure 1

improved cost efficiencies, reduced construction contingencies and streamlined communications. BIM also facilitates the integration of sustainability into our design process — early-stage analysis can be utilised to explore building orientation, energy use and daylight and improve environmental performance. The structure of EPR’s in-house BIM team has evolved greatly over the years, with the team starting small but continuing to grow with the practice and the changing needs of the business. As part of this evolution and growth, it was decided to diversify the structure of the team. The group now consists of the Head of BIM, BIM Managers, BIM Coordinators, BIM Technicians and model leaders, all of which provide specialist support across our three studios to circa. 200 architects and designers, instructing staff on best practice in information management. From projects and team setups in collaboration with project runners, to complex modelling and training for younger staff, auditing, coordination and other non-project-related tasks, working in a BIM team can be challenging yet incredibly rewarding, with a variety of responsibilities and opportunities to work on exciting schemes using the latest technology. As the Head of BIM, to develop the team I must understand the current market and the business’s appetite to implement BIM into its structure and processes. This means close cooperation with all departments across the

Figure 2


practice, including our in-house Technical, Marketing, Financial, HR and IT teams. As EPR is ISO 19650-2 certified, it significantly helps the BIM method to penetrate and supply all our business procedures. It is also vital that I am aware of all projects so I can advise the BIM team and the design teams accordingly on the best strategies, tools, and solutions available. We utilise Revit for excellent document management and modelling, Navisworks for model coordination, Dynamo for automations and Rhino for generative design. All these tools and technology must work well together with the standards and documents that we have in place, which is only achievable with support from in-house specialists. Working in a BIM team can be challenging yet incredibly rewarding, with a variety of responsibilities and opportunities to work. My presentation at the BIM Coordinators summit will provide guidance on finding a balance between different roles within a BIM team, as well as balancing the team’s tasks alongside each member’s individual passions and goals. I’ll also delve into how to build the team structure step by step, so it is streamlined with a wider company strategy and business plan while also successfully following the BIM implementation process.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Integrated Design Workflows: Bridging the Gap between Design, Coordination and Documentation


By Riccardo Piazzai, NORDFY Co-Founder

n the rapidly evolving landscape of AEC industry, the word «interoperability» seems to carry an almost antiquated feel. The modern design workflow demands mastery of integrated processes, the crux of which lies in seamless transitions between platforms. The efficient transfer of data from Rhinoceros to Revit and vice versa is pivotal in many design workflows. Streamlined Design and Documentation Processes The design process in the AEC industry is complex and multifaceted. It comprises various stages—concept design, schematic d e s i g n , d e vel opme nt d e s i g n , and construction documentation—each with its set of deliverables and milestones. To successfully navigate this intricate process, professionals must utilize a range of tools and methodologies. Early stages typically witness the adoption of Rhinoceros 3D, Grasshopper, and other computational design tools, whereas later stages leverage Building Information Modelling (BIM) environments using authoring tools like Revit. However, the transition between these software suites is often riddled with challenges, causing ambiguity across different project stages. Teams within the same project might operate in silos due to the specific tools they use, leading to fragmented collaboration, duplicity of work, and data loss from multiple «sources of truth.» Such issues become significantly critical when unexpected changes occur, such as cost overruns. These situations necessitate a value engineering phase, triggering significant modifications. In these scenarios, a streamlined, automated design and documentation process that prevents data loss while preserving the design intent is crucial.

Revolutionizing the Workflow with Rhino.Inside Rhino.Inside is an innovative tool that is rapidly transforming modern architectural practice by bridging the gaps between design, documentation, and management. This tool enables the maintenance of associativity between Rhino and Revit, meaning changes in one platform are reflected in the other. It also automates and optimizes design tasks using Grasshopper's visual scripting language within Revit, thereby driving efficiency. Moreover, Rhino.Inside fosters improved collaboration by allowing users to work within the same environment. It eliminates the need for tedious file conversions or exports/ imports, offering real-time synchronization between the host software and Rhino/ Grasshopper. This powerful integration facilitates the creation, visualization, and modification of complex models in real-time, streamlining the design process and reducing data loss.

Industry reports suggest that inefficient workflows and communication errors can contribute to a loss of up to 30% of a project's total cost. Therefore, if Rhino.Inside can improve efficiencies and reduce errors, even a conservative estimate might suggest potential cost savings of 10-20%.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

The concept of Integrated workflows, its possible by rethinking the entire organization and operation of a project. A continuous stream across the design stages where the design intent is supported by a data driven design approach. The main objective is to plan in advance the digital delivery of a project taking in consideration a multitude of aspects such as requirements, design intent, project team, scope of work, LOD etc. To do this is fundamental dedicate some time in the development of a roadmap for the project and a digital strategy able to predict how the project is going to react under the presence of unexpected changes. Next step: AI Process Design As we step into a future marked by the proliferation of AI in the industry, we are on the cusp of pushing these efficiencies even further. The emerging concept of AI Process Design promises to enhance our integrated workflows, making them more predictive, intelligent, and adaptive. As the industry increasingly relies on BIM, analytical engines, and spreadsheets, vast amounts of digital data are generated. This rapid data accumulation necessitates effective organization, indexing, and referencing. Common data environment (CDE) platforms step in to provide this systematic arrangement, enhancing data accessibility and usability. Simultaneously, as AI tools become more accessible, the emergence of autonomous process tools is on the horizon. These tools are expected to produce outcomes without the need for direct human input or control, marking a significant shift in the design and construction processes. The integration of these autonomous processes with CDE platforms and automated process tools will profoundly transform the design process and the architect's responsibility for the outcomes.

In the face of vast and diverse data formats, a potential solution is the categorization of digital building information according to current practices and the expected evolution of digital techniques and processes. The identified categories include design representation, reality capture, evaluation, simulation, and analytical data, control and coordination information, and asset operation, system performance, and usage information. The convergence of existing and emerging software, platforms, and computerized procedures is critical for transforming these data streams into new digitally enabled outcomes. As we advance towards a digital future, we foresee outcomes such as design task automation, alternative generation and exploration, construction automation, and autonomous building functions. These anticipated changes will affect both the inputs and outputs of the building process. As computational platforms gain independence from human control, they will generate additional data sources within a potentially virtuous, self-reinforcing data loop. Proper guidance and proactive engagement with this evolving cycle could yield numerous advantages for the AEC industry, including enhanced productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. Achieving this will require actively generating digital information and utilizing it intelligently, understanding how AI can translate vast amounts of data into valuable knowledge.

Towards an AI-Driven AEC Industry


Riccardo Piazzai, an Architect and BIM expert, co-founded NORDFY, a future-focused creative agency. His career spans design, management, and sustainability optimization through digital tech. With expertise in computational design and AI integration, Riccardo bridges digital tech and design to a general set of clients in Scandinavia. He’s pursuing a Digital Twin and AI Master’s and aims to merge design, tech, and entrepreneurship for future equity.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Information Management Strategy: From Data Management to Data Governance By Pedro Pascual, Quark, Digital Director Introduction Effective information management is crucial for the successful execution of any project throughout its entire lifecycle. The volume of data generated during the design and construction phases continues to grow exponentially, even until its demolition. The Operations & Maintenance phase further contributes to the database of information, resulting in increasingly complex data management challenges. One significant challenge in the Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operations (AECO) industry, particularly regarding Information Management, is the reluctance to embrace data and metadata. Many stakeholders in the AECO industry fail to recognize the importance of data as a valuable asset, mainly because it lacks immediate monetary value (Dama International, 2017). However, the AECO industry is gradually shifting away from this mindset, with more data owners and increased focus on Data Governance actively addressing this issue. This mindset will change faster and faster due to the amount of data and metadata the owners are getting. A solid and robust strategy shall be implemented in all the industries working in this sector. Hierarchically, asset owners shall guide and request to any stakeholder the implementation of this data strategy.

Data Management Strategy The importance of a robust Data strategy cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts a company’s future automation and revenue potential. This strategy should be developed collaboratively across all departments within the industry, with inputs and outputs from various stakeholders. It is crucial for everyone involved to recognize the significance of accurate and valuable data throughout all project tasks. Successfully implementing this strategy positions the business as a critical player in the ongoing disruption within the AECO industry. However, achieving this requires the business and its members to understand the company’s new direction for implementing a Data management Strategy. This often involves stepping out of their comfort zones, recognizing the importance of creating accurate data and understanding the pivotal role of a Data Manager or Data Governance. The DIKW pyramid (Data, Information, Kn ow l e d ge & Wi s d om ) of fe r s a comprehensive framework for implementing Data management across the business: Foundations - Specification Data: The success of the implementation depends heavily on laying a solid foundation. Developing clear guidelines, protocols, and future steps for accurately creating data and metadata is essential. Failing to establish strong foundations will undermine the overall Data strategy.

(Data Management DIKW Pyramid; Pedro Pascual, 2022)


Body - Extracting/Integrating/Analyzing: Once the foundations are in place and tested, the next step involves incorporating data and metadata into the workflow. This includes defining work systems, methods for extracting and integrating data, and establishing processes for analysis. This creates an ecosystem of information that supports the introduction of new databases, fosters interoperability and manages the volume of data generated. Brain - Interoperating Data: The pyramid’s pinnacle represents the strategy’s final stage. This step requires human intervention to ensure data and metadata interoperability within the industry environment. Displaying information effectively and predicting future actions becomes the long-term objective to be achieved. While data and metadata cannot think for themselves, they can provide the tools necessary to enable humans to make informed decisions and predictions based on their expertise. By following this DIKW pyramid and implementing a comprehensive Data management strategy, businesses can leverage the power of data to drive innovation, enhance operational efficiency, and stay at the forefront of the evolving AECO industry.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Data Governance: «The Colour Monster» Moral To address the resistance and reluctance from members of the company, I propose an approach that involves showing, teaching, and convincing them about the importance of Data and Metadata.

Similar to how the Colour Monster’s friend helps him, providing rules and advice to sort and separate his emotions into individual bottles, it is crucial to help data producers understand the significance of categorizing information into distinct buckets.

Many of you have seen the typical picture showing Lego pieces and talking about data:

Pedro holds an M.Arq from IE University, MSc BIM Project Management from Middlesex University, and Construction Project Management from RICS. With 10+ years in diverse global digital environments, his Architectural background merges with MEP and structural experience. Pedro excels in digital transformation, certified by RICS and BRE, leading BIM projects worldwide under various standards including ISO19650.

In order to change its face, I propose a similar strategy of data to show those reactionary to change the following moral.

In the story, once the character has sorted, arranged, and presented his emotions individually in different bottles, he gains a clear understanding of the differences between happiness, sadness, fear, love, and anger. Likewise, data creators should comprehend the importance of organizing and categorizing data. They need to recognize the positive outcomes and benefits of implementing a Data Management Strategy. I suggest using a visual strategy inspired by «The Colour Monster,» a book for kids that teaches them how to interact with their emotions. By adapting this concept, we can convey a similar message about data to those who are resistant to change. In the book, the main character, the Colour Monster, is depicted as a mix of emotions that he cannot sort out. This mirrors the situation of individuals who fail to understand the value and usage of data and metadata.

The underlying moral of this story is simple: just as children understand the process of sorting and managing their emotions for personal growth, adults should grasp the same principle in a broader context. In this case, data creators need to understand and embrace these principles within their work environment. Data is indispensable, and how it is created and managed holds tremendous significance. Using this analogy, we can communicate the importance of data in a relatable and accessible manner, fostering a better understanding and appreciation for its role in driving business success.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

We have BIM missing the point; Time to get the fundamentals right! By Nathan Hildebrandt FRAIA- Director, Skewed Introduction Now these perspectives are driven by industry experience in Australia, so depending on your region or country from around the world, you may have moved past this maturity phase already. As an industry, we have had BIM processes in place for over two decades, in one form or another. Currently there is a big drive to introduce BIM processes across the full life cycle of built assets, and everyone racing, forging the path to the promised land. On this journey people are beginning to feel that they have been tricked or conned as the don’t experience everything that was promised by BIM. I believe that the reason for the uncertainness is because people are more interested in where they want to go, rather than the steps they need to take to get there. It is because of this focus, that the fundamental processes aren’t given the attention that is needed. The industry needs to take a step back, look at what it’s doing, go back to first principles and redesign the processes to achieve the efficiencies we set out to achieve when we started. Without going back and strengthening our BIM foundation all the processes we build on top will be destined to fail. Deliverable Problems The creation and delivery of information takes time and money. There is a fixation on Level of Development (LOD) right now, and appointing parties are going to conferences, or being advised by consultants that they need highly detailed models handed over at the completion of construction. For some asset owners there is significant value that they can extract by having digital models of their assets, but for most asset owners this is digital waste. To achieve a return on investment an asset owner needs to see financial return on the cost of creating the as constructed digital asset, together with the costs of annual maintenance of the digital models. I see it is an overreaction to poor as constructed documents, and issues in locating existing services.

What value is a laser scan and respective virtual modelling of an asset that you don’t plan to renovate for a nominal period of 15 years, when you won’t guarantee the accuracy of the model, and you want it rescanned when you renovate anyway? With the cost of laser scanning decreasing and technology assisting to automate the virtual modelling process, the costs to produce existing asset models will continue to decrease, making it more affordable to model assets in the future. Together with excessive geometrical information deliverables, appointing parties are asking for placeholder properties for each element type. So, the delivery teams need to make allowances for creating and populating these properties throughout the design and construction phases. Now I don’t know about you but when I go to a restaurant and order from the menu, I only order what I can eat. I might order a side or a desert if I am feeling a little bit hungry. I don’t order the whole menu just in case. I wouldn’t be able to eat it, so it would lead to waste, and the cost would be excessive. The same can be said for asset owners when they specify the physical asset requirements, they don’t say they need an extra lane on the highway or tunnel, just in case. They specify their specific requirements, with no excess. Digital assets, despite not being as expensive as physical assets, should be treated the same way. Digital gluttony needs to stop. Collaboration Challenges Sadly, the design collaboration process is also broken. The benefits of using model-based collaboration processes are huge. The problem is that due to the methodologies used during the design process, we see the tracking of issues and clashes being the huge focus throughout the entire design phase of the project. Consultants are forced into project managed fortnightly model issues, that are time-based deliverables, rather than taskbased deliverables. The design process is like a dance fight where week to week consultants throw their model over the fence to be put through a clash detection software and then hours are spent in model coordination meetings. The focus is on remodelling and resolving clashes, rather than developing and finalising the design and information deliverables. Ironically issue tracking software was born because of these poor processes.


Nathan is a renowned global BIM expert with a strong background in project delivery and business leadership. His unique blend of technical prowess and leadership skills has led to significant contributions to the industry, including developing an Archicad BIM template, chairing industry groups, and hosting ‘The Digital Transition’ BIM podcast.

If only the design process was more like lean construction. Where the information that is needed only when it is needed, and it the order in which it is created reduced the volume of conflicts and clashes. This will reduce the digital waste created during the design process, as elements are modelled later in the design process, and Architecture and Structure can have a greater level of coordination prior to services being modelled. All the while services engineers are part of the conversation, confirming in principle what spatial requirements their services have, all conducted prior to modelling. Becoming a measure twice, cut once approach to modelling, rather than modelling everything and then having to remodel it because of issues with other design team members. How do we solve appointing parties over-specifying or mis-specifying their information needs, together with resolving the current wasteful process of modelling our projects during the design phases? Level of Information Need The answer to these two problems is the correct application of BS EN 17412-1:2020 Building Information Modelling – Level of Information Need. Part 1: Concepts and principles. The concerning thing is, when I presented these issues at a conference in Australia in March this year, only 4 people out of an audience of over 150 industry experts had read this standard. Yes, it isn’t currently an ISO standard, but it is a standard that is referenced (in general) in ISO 19650-1:2018. With so many projects being required by appointing parties to be delivered in accordance with the ISO 19650 standard series, it is to my great disappointment that consultants providing advisory services are not aware of this standard at all.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

For those that are not aware of this standard it sets out the concepts and principles for defining the level of information need and information deliveries required as part of information exchange processes during the life cycle of built assets. At the highest level it asks you to consider the purpose for the information, when the information is required, who requires the information, and who is to create and deliver it, and the format and structure of the information that is provided. It breaks information types into; Geometrical information covers which elements are to be provided in the virtual model, including detail, dimensionality, location, appearance, and parametric behaviour. Alphanumeric Information covers what alphanumeric information is to be provide for an object or a set of objects attached to the geometrical information in the virtual model or connected to them via a database.

If appointing parties apply this standard prior to issuing a request for tender to the lead appointed party, then they will need to conduct a review of what information they truly need for their built asset throughout the design, construction, and operation phases. It will remove the extra ‘just in case’ digital information deliverables, meaning the client can invest more in the delivery of their services, or invest more in their built asset. If the design team applied lean construction principles, together with BS EN 17412-1:2020 I believe that issue management software will no longer be the focus of the design team, it will enable them to focus on creating greater value for the project, through better design, or in creating or delivering the additional digital information that clients will benefit from. The challenge being that industry need to come together and plan out a granular approach to modelling and information exchanges. It will push a change from a time-based model information exchange to a task focused model information exchange.

Documentation covers the documentation for an object of set of objects to support processes, decisions, approvals, and verification of information deliverables.

Figure 1


These ideas are not going to deliver a BIM success utopia, and we all know that there are a lot more issues that need to be addressed as well by the AECO industry. But I hope that by raising the awareness of these wasteful approaches, we can address these items and tick them off the task list to enable BIM to be of benefit for all actors involved.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Who should start with Dynamo and how By Nenad Kovačević, Autodesk MEP Application Engineer, TeamCAD As a Revit and Dynamo instructor, I’ve observed how individuals and companies approach the learning and implementation of new technologies. I’d like to share with you some critical points, with the intent to encourage you to adopt new technologies, and to help you avoid some common mistakes. In most cases, people that step into automation water are engineers of all disciplines that work in Revit on a daily basis and that are tired of doing repetitive tasks. Also, a small portion of people will step into the Dynamo because they want to develop some features that Revit does not have. Looking at Dynamo’s simple user interface can be deceiving because jumping into Dynamo is usually a serious step. We are not just learning how to use Dynamo, but we are also learning how to program by using Dynamo. It is important to note that Dynamo is an interface (like a ticket) to a new world, where this new world is not limited to just the Dynamo node library. Before considering paying for courses or other Dynamo services, I suggest that people start learning from free online materials such as The Dynamo Primer (https://primer. or, if it is easier, from free online courses available on YouTube (such as DiRoots Dynamo Basic and Advanced Course). Those are quality materials that will help build a strong foundation for individuals who decide to continue with the implementation of Dynamo. Common obstacles that occur on the implementation path include: •

Common Dynamo problems (such as different Revit versions, varying Revit language UI, custom packages, different Dynamo versions, etc.).

People realize that in order to create a script, they need to develop an algorithm.

Due to the diverse ideas people have about using Dynamo, it’s impossible to learn everything needed through courses alone. Courses usually demonstrate the process of using tools, but for certain applications, you will need to create new tools yourself.

People often underestimate the time required to implement Dynamo as a new tool.

Hand in hand with the previous mistake, there’s a tendency to assign the responsibility to one or more engineers who already have a heavy workload. In such cases, Dynamo becomes ‘yet another thing’ added to their scope of obligations.

Nenad is a mechanical engineer with over 9 years of experience, having held roles as an HVAC designer, team leader, and BIM Manager. Apart from BIM and HVAC, he serves as a Revit MEP training instructor and provides BIM implementation support to other companies. His recent focus lies in Dynamo for Revit, and he’s initiated a YouTube channel to showcase his work and assist others with Dynamo.

Image 1. While constructing any script in dynamo we should also imagine the algorithm behind the script

Lastly, here are a couple of examples from practical experience:

When starting a new project in Dynamo, it is beneficial to search online to see if someone else has already created a similar script. This way, you may be able to leverage someone else’s work or gain insights into obstacles they encountered along the way.

It is advantageous to have someone with prior knowledge of Dynamo, as they can assist with overcoming initial challenges and help with the “baby steps”.

Keep in mind that Dynamo is limited by the Revit API, and there may be certain constraints on what you can accomplish with Dynamo.

If you find that you or your team lacks sufficient time to work with Dynamo after starting the implementation, consider finding someone who can create Dynamo scripts for you. If you are unable to create the scripts yourself that does not mean that you should stop the implementation of Dynamo. The ultimate goal is to enhance the quality and efficiency of your projects, and Dynamo, along with other automation tools, is available to assist you in achieving this.

What you can do to avoid those obstacles: •

Before diving into Dynamo, take some time to understand the needs for Dynamo (such as the number of people involved, time required for learning and implementation, finding local technical support, etc.). Depending on the size of your team, be very careful about determining how many people need to attend Dynamo education. Some individuals will need to create Dynamo scripts, while others will simply use them.

Engage in conversations with people to gauge their interest in learning a new tool. If there are individuals strongly resistant to learning new tools, it may jeopardize the entire implementation process.

For those who will be working with Dynamo, ensure that their everyday schedules are not overloaded with other tasks so that they can dedicate time to creating new scripts, improving existing ones, and educating colleagues.

Image 2. The example of the my Dynamo script


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Maximizing BIM: Achieving Success from the End in Mind By Nadim Abbas, BIM Integration Lead SYSTRA Introduction Building Information Modeling (BIM) integrates design, data, and collaboration in construction. It is an interactive, 3D model-based process that allows professionals and companies to use their resources more effectively to design, construct, and manage projects with greater accuracy, accountability, visibility, and control. BIM is a whole-life construction approach encompassing design, planning, construction, assets management and operation. BIM requires appropriate software, including computer-aided design (CAD), office productivity tools, and project management capabilities. By integrating various data, BIM makes it possible for designers, engineers, and architects to cooperate and collaborate more effectively, allowing for more accurate project goals to develop. This article will review the use of BIM from the end in mind and how to maximize the use for the best possible outcome.

The main advantage of BIM is that it enables users to integrate several different design and simulations into the process quickly. This, in turn, reduces time and cost in the entire project. BIM also helps reduce the need for rework and the risk of design, construction, and operation errors. Furthermore, BIM is highly flexible since it allows all stakeholders to easily access the data and collaborate in real time without requiring multiple versions of the same project. Finally, BIM can better understand the entire project by visualizing the various components.

A Post Graduate individual in BIM with 14 years of rich Experience in BIM-driven multi-disciplinary projects. Working with a variety of stakeholders to ensure successful project outcomes. Proven track record of leading teams in the development of BIM models, and in the implementation of BIM processes.

When approaching the use of BIM from the

Figure 2

Conclusion Figure 2

Figure 1 Literature Review The Building Information Modeling (BIM) is widely used throughout the construction industry. In the past, design, data, and collaboration were all used on separate projects and lacked integration. BIM seeks to achieve a unified project model that considers the coordination of all disciplines and provides a single point of reference for the stakeholders to access information and collaborate. BIM also allows for integrating data from multiple sources, enabling teams to easily share information with each other with much greater accuracy and consistency than before. It also increases the efficiency of communication and collaboration between teams by connecting different aspects of the project simultaneously and providing the ability to track and monitor the project’s progress in real-time.

end in mind, the primary goal is to optimize the project-building process as much as possible. This can be achieved by first creating a ‘Master Model’ that serves as the central repository for all data and documents about the project to ensure that everybody has access to the same information. The ‘Master Model’ should also include a set of design parameters and metrics that must be met for the BIM project to be successful. In addition, the ‘Master Model’ should also contain an ‘AsBuilt’ model that automatically updates as the project progresses so that the design can be revised and adjusted if needed. Once the ‘Master Model’ is created, teams can begin to work on the actual build process. The ‘No-Regress’ BIM methodology is particularly effective for this process, as it ensures that quality control checks are in place before any changes are made. Finally, teams must continue to monitor the project using analytics to ensure that the team’s expectations are met.


Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become an essential part of the construction industry, and this paper has reviewed the importance of approaching a BIM project from the end in mind. This approach entails creating a ‘master model’ that serves as a central repository of information and utilizing the ‘no-regress’ BIM methodology to ensure that quality control checks are in place before any changes are made. Additionally, teams must utilize analytics to confirm that all project expectations are being met. By properly using BIM from the end in mind, teams can ensure that all of their resources are being used efficiently and that the entire project is progressing most effectively.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Investigating the future of BIM based Information Exchange, between the Real-world and the Metaverse Digital Twins By Nahi Nasreddine, BIM and Systems Design Coordinator LACECO Architects & Engineers Introduction According to IEEE (2022), the result of integrating BIM (Building Information Modeling), GIS (Geographic Information System) and blockchain is CIM (City Information Modeling), an emerging technology that will be the base to produce CDT (City Digital Twins) of the Metaverse. IEEE opened the door for further researches, with raising the following question: How to generate a Metaverse that documents and reflects the changes in the built environment based on real-world information data, using BIM (Building Information Modeling and Management) and CIM (City Information Modeling)? (Haung, Zeng, Zhao, Qiu, Wu & Fan, 2022). After detecting the importance of the question raised by IEEE (2022), the study will give the answers in an academic dissertation at the University of Portsmouth (UK). The dissertation will be submitted in September 2023 as the final research paper to obtain the MSc degree in Building Information Management, in parallel with the participation at the BIM coordinators summit. Research Aim The aim of this study is to investigate the methodologies of collecting informative data from the real-world, and using it in the emerging Metaverse through BIM and CIM; along with assessing the use of data generated from Metaverse in the AEC industry. Objectives In order to achieve the aim, the following objectives have been proposed: •

To analyse the Cities Digital Twins conversion to Metaverse.

To categorise the types of information to be exchanged between real-world and Metaverse.

To evaluate the hardware computational capabilities in exchanging information between real world and Metaverse.

To test an algorithmic computational BIM/CIM workflow for the Metaverse/ Realworld information exchange.

To evaluate the impact of information driven from Metaverse, on the decisions making in the AEC industry.

The results of each objective will be presented at the BIM coordinators Summit. Literature Review Metaverse origins METAVERSE, a keyword that started spreading after being used by Meta CEO “Mark Zukerberg” as the new name of Facebook. The term appeared for the first time in 1938, when the french “Neal Stephonson” referred to it in the “Snow Crash” novel (Joshua, 2017). With the development of Video-gaming such as Fortnite and Decentraland as examples, Metaverse simply became a virtual environment where people are represented by “Digital Personnels” called “Avatars» and interacting in a 3D digital environment (Lawton, 2022). The imagined world Metaverse In Decentraland, users can virtually construct the architecture typologies they want without any physical constraint, , and can use the virtual buildings and facilities for different purposes, such as attending a concert in a virtual opera house, attending a class in a virtual school, or walking on a virtual bridge (Decentreland Introduction, 2023). With this definition of the initial Metaverse concept or the “Imagined virtual world Metaverse’’, everything can be imagined without depending on any physical rule or constraint. Such environments are the best for revolutionary formative architects where they can articulate the geometries without any limit or constraint.

Nahi is a certified Lebanese architect and BIM expert with a B.Arch. from Beirut Arab University. As a BIM Coordinator at Laceco Architects, he’s pursuing a Building Information Management Master’s at the University of Portsmouth. Nahi’s research delves into BIM’s application in the Metaverse and AEC industry’s digital transformation, while his design achievements span the Middle East and North America.

Fig 1: Green Energy production from photovoltaic panels in Singapore (NRF, 2016)

In 2022, VISSIO technologies (Singaporian technology firm), announced Singapore’s CDT in the Metaverse. This Metaverse model (Figure 2) will be used for better design decisions on the city scale, and to enhance the citizens’ quality of life (The Star,2022). The type of Singapore’s Digital Twin Metaverse, will be indicated as “CDT Metaverse” in this dissertation.

CDT (City Digital Twins) Metaverse In 2014, The National Research Foundation of Singapore announced the Digital Twin of Singapore, a Research and Development programme costing 73 m USD (NRF,2014). Universities, agencies, and partners combined efforts to build and simulate the City Digital Twin model. With these collaborations the city of Singapore got represented in the form of a City Digital Twin (CDT). This virtual twin became a platform for the development of analytical applications, such as testing crowd management in metro stations (Figure 1) (NRF,2014).


Fig 2: VIZZIO digital twins. Image source. Image source:

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Type of Metaverse, that is inspected in the study

Customised interpretation based on each objective

The study highlights the CDT Metaverse (Figure 3), where BIM and Digital Twins are applied.

Understanding BIM (Building Information Modeling) and CIM (City Information Modeling) for Metaverse BIM is the methodology used in the AEC (Architecture, Engineering & Construction) industry to organise the information and to have efficient decisions related to a building or facility during its lifecycle (Abakumov and Naumov, 2018). BIM represents the solutions of any information exchange or presentation, in addition to enhancing the communications for any project with the use of VR (Virtual Reality). Noting that, AR (Augmented Reality) is being integrated with BIM in the AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) industry (Chai et al., 2019). This integration added to the fusion of DT (Digital Twins), GIS (Geographic Information Systems), and BIM on a city scale, resulted in having the CIM concept (Chang,2016) (Figure 4). The development of CIM technology will set the base of transition from physical cities to CDT (Cities Digital Twins), by underlying the sources and the workflow of processing data to information for the Metaverse CDT (Figure 5) (Haung, Zeng, Zhao, Qiu, Wu & Fan, 2022).

Objective 1 (To analyse the Cities Digital Twins conversion to Metaverse) Analysing two cases of the city’s digital twin examples with focusing on parameters. For a better understanding of the city’s digital twins examples, entities’ representatives (Foster + Partners, Dewan Architects + Engineers, & Singapore Municipality) are contacted during May and June to analyse the way they are using City Digital Twins and metaverse. Objective 2 (To categorise the types of information to be exchanged between real-world and Metaverse) Based on the results coming from Objective 1, the information will be categorised based on characteristics that can be and not limited to: size (such characteristic is quantified), processing, and way of collection. Objective 3 (To evaluate the hardware and software BIM computational capabilities in exchanging information between real world and metaverse) An exploratory research for quantified and proven results, will conclude the appropriate hardware and BIM software tools that will be used with every category of information. Objective 4 (To test an algorithmic computational BIM/CIM workflow for the Metaverse/Realworld information exchange) methodology Based on the previous objectives’ results, a simplified Metaverse Digital Twin modelling is experimented based on real world data. The experiment tests live BIM data exchange between the real world and a Metaverse platform.

Fig 3.


Fig 4- 3D representation of Boston CDT Model- Image source: https://www.esri. com/about/newsroom/blog/global-cities-innovate-with-3d-modeling/ •

Objective 5 (To evaluate the impact of information driven from Metaverse, on the decisions making in the AEC industry) After having the Digital twin on the metaverse, two groups of architecture students will be given a 1 day workshop design exercise to do an enhancement on a Metaverse building facade. The assessment results will give a measurement of the expected impact of using BIM and Metaverse for the decisions making in the AEC industry.

Results It is expected from the research, having the following results: 1.

Having a clear BIM workflow for the CDT (City Digital Twin) integration in the Metaverse.


Setting the required algorithms and automations procedures for the the information exchange between Metaverse and Real-world.


Highlighting a new research topic, related to BIM, CIM and Metaverse.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

COBie and Open BIM: Revolutionizing Building Information Management By Mamdouh AMIN ZAKY SALEM Corporate Head Of BIM Group Amana With this knowledge, facility managers can optimize energy consumption, reduce costs, and improve occupant comfort.

Introduction In the realm of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC), effective collaboration and streamlined data management are vital for successful project delivery. The rise of Building Information Modeling (BIM) has transformed the industry by introducing digital representations of buildings and enabling improved communication among stakeholders. Two important concepts that have emerged in this context are COBie (Construction Operations Building Information Exchange) and Open BIM. This article delves into the significance of COBie and Open BIM in revolutionizing building information management.

Open BIM: Enabling Collaboration and Interoperability Open BIM is a collaborative approach that promotes the exchange of BIM data across various software platforms, ensuring compatibility and interoperability. It embraces the principles of open standards and encourages the use of vendor-neutral formats, fostering collaboration among different stakeholders in the AEC industry. 1.

COBie: Enhancing Data Exchange and Facility Management COBie is an information exchange standard specifically designed to facilitate the digital handover of asset data between project teams during the lifecycle of a building. It stands as a key component of the BIM process, ensuring that accurate and comprehensive information is exchanged throughout a project’s stages. 1.

Data Standardization: COBie provides a standardized format for organizing and exchanging facility data, encompassing a wide range of attributes such as equipment lists, warranty information, maintenance schedules, and spatial data. This standardization enables seamless collaboration and enhances the quality of data exchanged between project participants.


Asset Lifecycle Management: COBie supports the efficient management of a building’s lifecycle by ensuring that critical information is captured and maintained throughout its operational phases. From design and construction to operations and maintenance, COBie facilitates the transfer of accurate and up-to-date data, promoting effective facility management.


Improved Facility Performance: By leveraging COBie, facility managers can access comprehensive data that aids in enhancing the performance and sustainability of buildings. This information includes detailed records of building components, their performance characteristics, and maintenance requirements.

Interoperability: Open BIM eliminates the siloed approach to software tools, enabling seamless data exchange between different applications and disciplines. By employing open standards such as Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), openBIM enables interoperability among various software solutions, breaking down barriers to communication and improving project coordination.

Mamdouh is an architect in discipline, However, he Has 17 years of experience in the AEC industry and has been working for BIM management for 10 years, has Master in Global BIM Management (Barcelona University) and, he has many related accreditations such as PMP Certification, CanBIM (CP) Certified professional in digital transformation including the Digital Twin programs , and Certified ISO19650 as a BIM Manager, and Level 2 BIM Maturity The Synergy Between COBie and Open BIM COBie and Open BIM complement each other, creating a powerful synergy that enhances building information management. COBie serves as a data exchange standard that enables the transfer of comprehensive asset information, while Open BIM ensures compatibility and collaboration across software platforms. Together, they contribute to improved project delivery, enhanced facility management, and increased productivity in the AEC industry. Conclusion


Collaboration and Communication: Open BIM encourages multidisciplinary collaboration throughout the project lifecycle. With the ability to exchange BIM data easily, project teams can work concurrently, sharing models, information, and updates in real time. This collaborative environment enhances communication, reduces errors, and streamlines decision-making processes.

COBie and Open BIM represent significant advancements in the realm of building information management. The standardized data exchange facilitated by COBie ensures accurate and comprehensive asset information throughout the building lifecycle. Meanwhile, Open BIM promotes collaboration and interoperability, empowering project teams to work seamlessly across various software platforms


Vendor-Neutral Approach: Open BIM ensures that project stakeholders are not tied to a specific software platform. It promotes freedom of choice, allowing users to select the most suitable software for their needs while maintaining interoperability. This approach fosters healthy competition and innovation within the AEC software market.

The integration of COBie and Open BIM holds immense potential for revolutionizing the AEC industry, fostering better communication, streamlined processes, and optimized building performance. By embracing these concepts, stakeholders can harness the benefits of digitalization and drive innovation in the construction industry.

Figure 1


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Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 5

Figure 4 COBie (Construction Operations Building Information Exchange) is a data exchange standard that allows for the seamless transfer of building information between different software applications. Open BIM, on the other hand, is a collaborative approach to building design, construction, and operation that emphasizes open standards and interoperability. The integration of COBie and Open BIM can have a transformative impact on the construction industry, allowing for more efficient and effective collaboration between project stakeholders. By embracing the principles of Open BIM and using COBie as a common data exchange format, project teams can improve communication and streamline processes, resulting in more cost-effective and sustainable buildings. One of the key benefits of using COBie in an Open BIM environment is the ability to easily exchange data between different software applications. This allows project stakeholders to use the software tools that are best suited to their needs, without worrying about compatibility issues or data loss during transfer. Another advantage of using COBie in an Open BIM environment is the ability to more easily analyze and optimize building performance. By capturing and exchanging detailed building data, stakeholders can use sophisticated analysis tools to identify areas where energy and resource consumption can be reduced, resulting in lower operating costs and a more sustainable building. Finally, using COBie in an Open BIM environment can help foster a more collaborative and integrated approach to building design, construction, and operation. By encouraging open standards and interoperability, project stakeholders can work more closely together, sharing information and expertise to achieve common goals.

Best Practice using Autodesk Applications:


Organize and Format the Data: After verifying the data accuracy, it is essential to organize and format the data for easier consumption and analysis. This may involve creating custom reports or filtering the data to highlight specific information. Organizing and formatting the data will help ensure that the COBie data is easy to understand and use.


Managing rooms: Rooms are a critical component of ensuring accurate COBie spreadsheets.

Autodesk provides several interoperability tools that allow users to export COBie data from their BIM models. Here are some tips and tricks to help you extract COBie spreadsheets using Autodesk’s interoperability tools: 1.




Review Model Information: Before exporting COBie data, it is essential to ensure that the model information is complete and accurate. This includes attributes such as space names, room numbers, equipment tags, and other relevant data. Reviewing the model information before exporting will help ensure that the COBie data is complete and reliable. Set Up the Export Options: Autodesk’s interoperability tools provide several options for exporting COBie data, including the level of detail to include, which sheets to export, and the file format. It is essential to choose the appropriate export options based on the project’s requirements. Check for Errors: After exporting the COBie data, it is essential to review the exported spreadsheets for any errors. It is common for errors to occur during the export process, such as missing data or formatting issues. Checking for errors will help ensure that the COBie data is complete and accurate. Verify Data Accuracy: Once the COBie data has been exported and reviewed for errors, it is essential to verify the accuracy of the data. This involves cross-checking the exported COBie data against the original BIM model to ensure that all the necessary data has been captured accurately.


Here are some best practices for managing rooms in a way that will facilitate accurate COBie data: Define Room Boundaries: Clearly defining the boundaries of each room is essential for accurate COBie data. This includes ensuring that each room has a unique identifier and that the boundaries are accurately defined in the BIM model. •

Assign Room Data: Assigning relevant room data is also critical for accurate COBie data. This includes information such as room type, occupancy, area, volume, and any other relevant information.

Verify Room Data: Once room data has been assigned, it is important to verify the accuracy of the data. This involves checking for any missing or inaccurate information and cross-checking the room data against other sources of information, such as building codes or owner requirements.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Link Equipment and Systems: Linking equipment and systems to their respective rooms is also important for accurate COBie data. This involves ensuring that all equipment and systems have been correctly associated with the appropriate room and that any relevant data has been assigned to the equipment or system.

By following these best practices, stakeholders can ensure that room data is accurately captured in the BIM model and reflected in the COBie spreadsheet. This will help facilitate better communication and collaboration between project stakeholders and improve the overall accuracy and usefulness of the COBie data.

Update Room Data as Needed: Finally, it is important to update room data as needed to reflect any changes that may occur over the life of the building. This may include changes in room use, modifications to the room boundaries, or updates to room data.

In conclusion, extracting COBie spreadsheets using Autodesk’s interoperability tools can be a straightforward process with the right approach. By reviewing the model information, setting up the export options, checking for errors, verifying data accuracy, and organizing and formatting the data, users can ensure that the COBie data is complete, accurate, and easy to use.

Figure 6

Figure 7


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If there’s a better way to reach the construction industry we’ll eat our hat!

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BIM’s role in improving the management and delivery of Occupational Safety and Health and saving lives in construction By Manuel Tender, Peter Demian, Paul Fuller, João Couto, Vivien Chow


espite significant improvements in construction processes, accidents are still persistent and have considerable financial and logistical impacts on projects. The UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) recently revealed that there were 145 work-related deaths in 2022/23 with the highest number of 45 occurring in construction. Research has shown that the lack of digital OSH information is a significant factor contributing to the poor performance of OHS management in construction. BIM applied to Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)management has not yet yielded the same benefits as other BIM applications, such as in architectural or structural design, or project management. However, scientific literature indicates that BIM has the potential to optimize OSH management and that the construction industry, especially major projects and larger general contractors, are starting to adopt these digital technologies for use in OSH management [1]. BIM has a great potential for the planning of OSH and its use at the early stages of the project has been linked to an improvement in safety conditions [2]. Standardization of BIM for OSH is rapidly progressing. In 2018, the UK launched “PAS 1192-6 - Specification for collaborative sharing and use of structured Health and Safety information using BIM”. This was a milestone in this area, since it was the first regulatory document worldwide to address the use and transmission of preventive information using BIM and it still remains a reference document in this field. Meanwhile ISO is preparing 19650-6 related to BIM uses for OSH. BIM can be applied to several OSH areas including the following: Document / contractual management - a Common Data Environment (CDE) is useful for documenting OSH management and subsequent centralizing and archiving of documentation e.g. health and safety plans; approval of subcontractors, workers, and equipment; and, the health and safety file. Employers Information Requirements (EIR) and BIM Execution Planning (BEP) also represent good opportunities to define how OSH will be managed using BIM. BIM also facilitates cost control related to OSH, by enabling forecasting, quantification, correction and budgeting of safety equipment and activities.

Risk identification and assessment - early simulation of working conditions enabling identification, forecasting, and minimisation of risks before problems appear on the ground, namely at the design phase; identification of zones or time periods where there is a higher level of risk; the identification of potential constraints both in the work area and in the surroundings; automation and optimization of the assessment process and decision flow using specific plugins such as Dynamo.

The Digital4OSH, an academic-industrial group of researchers is developing a novel solution in the form of a BIM4OSH Observatory designed to address these gaps.


an online collaborative platform that hosts a collection of information about BIM for OSH practices and enables the sharing of experiences;

Training - information is available regardless of date or time; increased risk recognition capacity of workers; a faster and better means of communicating and change information; the ability to easily overcome the language barrier.


a statistical data collection instrument (barometer) using a regular standard online survey for measuring longitudinal implementation of BIM for OSH that will monitor trends in different countries and companies in a longitudinal approach;


collection, analysis, contextualization, and storage (through a searchable repository) of lessons learned, best practices, difficulties and barriers, trends and underlying factors information about real-world longitudinal successful case studies. These will be based in projects from different stakeholders that have a good level of BIM implementation and that can serve as anchor points for knowledge transfer to less mature stakeholders.

Site planning - the location (space and volume) of temporary facilities can be assessed and managed more easily; more robust schedules and site layout and logistic plans can be generated; risk zones used as safety perimeters can be visualized; real-time images and models enhance communication between inspectors and supervisors. Task planning and monitoring - the advance simulation of the sequence of tasks enables the exploration of various scenarios; design solutions can be conceived and assessed without exposing workers to risk and enabling less errors; helps anticipating level of risks due to temporal or spatial overlapping activities; it allows comparison between what is planned and what is done. Emergency planning and accident investigation - workers can experience emergency scenarios and visualization of escape routes and shelters; better location of firefighting equipment; assisting in the investigation of unfavourable events and to easily illustrate the flaws found in current plans. Although BIM for OSH research continues to make progress, challenges remain. Two of the most significant barriers are: 1) there is no universally agreed independent metrics that enable the observation and monitoring of implementation, trends and dynamics of BIM for OSH implementation; 2) there are no media or channels to enable the exchange of lessons learned about BIM for OSH.


The Observatory will consist of three main components [3]:

The adoption of BIM paves the way for a paradigm shift in OSH management, providing stronger links between production and safety. Therefore, any initiative that improves the take up of BIM for OSH in order to reduce accidents and deaths will be very important and considered welcome by the wider construction community. More information in


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Promoting a culture of collaboration and inclusivity By Betty K Y Lo, Individual Professional Chartered Engineer, Surveyor, ADR, NEC and BIM Professional


uilding Information Modelling (BIM) has been internationally adopted across the globe including Australia, Benelux, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea, Morocco, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkiye, United Kingdom and Ireland, and United States of America. BIM adoption helps coordinate a set of processes for creating and managing information of models[1] where incorporate graphical data, 3D models and 2D drawings; and non-graphical data, commercial and environmental attributes throughout Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Operation/ Owners (AECO) industry asset lifecycle. Its interoperable use in openBIM, a collaborative process defined as sharable project information that supports seamless collaboration for all project participants[2], and documentation including warranties, manuals and specifications integration with supply chain for provision of innovative, management and technological solutions. With the adoption of BIM common data collaboration platform in the workflow, the BIM models can serve as a single source of truth for collaboration throughout the whole project life cycle including asset management stage.[3] AECO industry stakeholders involve in the rapid technological growth with staying abreast of changes including the flexible way of work, and hence collaborative mindset, inclusivity respect and competence in the breadth and depth of domain knowledge and experience of the industry. As for the challenges of global climate change in the Paris Agreement, the common platform or tools in collaboration with inclusivity in the enterprise culture saves time and costs of paper-based design, procurement, project and contract administration not limited to eliminate waste, less embodied carbon and travelling by streamlining communication, information exchange and giving incentives for inter-connected sharing among stakeholders from a variety of organisations including service providers, project and field teams virtually anywhere over the world.

New Engineering Contract (NEC) Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) is a collaborative contracting with its features of mutual trust and co-operation (Clause 10.2), plain English and Secondary Option Clause X10 Information Modelling which creates or modifies and shares an asset information model set out in the requirements of the contract scope.[4] BIM with digital transformation helps instant collaboration and communication, for example, information execution plan in connection with an NEC4 programme, between parties. The BIM integrated collaboration platform, a common or a single source for collating, managing and disseminating the information model, can be specified as its use of the communication system in the scope pursuant to NEC4 ECC Clause 13.2 for facilitating collaboration between the client and the contractor. The use of BIM common project collaboration platforms enhances data analysis, strengthen project management capability, adoption of alternative procurement methods, and hence better resource or less manpower in different contexts, low risk of time and cost overruns, build-up skills and ingenuity for coordination work efficiency, effectiveness, quality and productivity along and across value chains. The digital platforms facilitate an enhanced project management framework for public and private sectors, improve complexity of multiple projects by increasing multi-disciplinary inclusivity under NEC4 Secondary Option Clause X12 Multiparty Collaboration, identifying data, sharing information and hence better decision making among government departments, specialists, contractors, consultants and clients in collaboration with professional and educational institutions for increasing interdisciplinary research activities locally and internationally. BIM platforms also boost collaboration and transparency under NEC4 ECC Options C and D, Secondary Option Clause X22 Early Contractor Involvement which focusses on the approach of sharing the benefits gained, experience, expertise and promoting the contractor’s taking part early in the design development and construction planning stage of a project through the construction process to facilities management and Secondary Option Clause X21 Whole life cycle assessment as appropriate.


Betty has extensive years of experience in building and civil infrastructure construction, project development, construction management, administration and supervision, quantity surveying, retrofitting, addition and alteration, facilities, claims and disputes management of public and private works projects. She has substantial domain knowledge and skill sets in coordination with stakeholders and project teams from her achievement of multi-disciplinary professional qualifications as well as notable practical experience for subcontractors, contractors, consultants and developers internationally.

The timing and accurate value of work can be validated, determined and agreed collaboratively with clear, much easier and quicker measurement and payment including cost components assessment. Adoption of augmented reality, virtual reality and digital twin technologies with NEC4 and its related contracts along the supply chain embrace collaboration and inclusivity to correct change of AECO industry needs against the set targets or standards under Secondary Option Clause X29 Climate change to carbon neutrality for health, safety and sustainability of environmental, social and governance (ESG) compliance in different cities, countries and the world. To conclude, culture embraces team behavior, project management, NEC contracting and ESG integration with the use of BIM common platforms for real time collaboration and inclusivity. Team engagement reinforces its ability to view, track, audit models and/or check implications to programme and cost of changes critically from the above integration of time, cost and scope to the resources linked with project team’s aligned services.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

From Design to COBie: Managing the construction of a Bank Headquarters By Daniel Lanca, Limsen Consulting, BIM Manager


n Portugal, the adoption of BIM methodology is still not firmly established. Some of the parties involved, ranging from stakeholders to design and construction teams, still harbour considerable uncertainty about the benefits of this “new” approach to project development. The natural resistance to change in work methods is rather noticeable, as the proverbial “if we have always done it this way, why should we do it differently now?” is uttered countless times. When this skepticism combines with a lack of a clear understanding of the methodology and the required skills, BIM seems like a nightmare that can only bring pain. Similar to other fields, the challenges of implementation are demanding, but once overcome, the journey becomes smoother and the benefits of BIM quickly become evident. Fortunately, the tide is turning, as we are witnessing a growing interest in the BIM methodology - particularly from the appointing parties of medium-to-large scale construction projects. One of Portugal’s largest banks commissioned the design and build of its new headquarters in 2021. This operation was partly due to the decision of relocating different offices and also to the need of integrating new workplace trends into the bank’s freshly rebranded image. The project sums a total gross building area (GBA) of approximately 50.000 sq. m and comprises the refurbishment of existing buildings as well as the construction of a new set of workspace wings, blended into a landscaped masterplan. The design and construction is being supported by the use of BIM, a process in which Limsen was appointed as Information Manager, on behalf of the appointing party. This enrollment took place after the delivery team was already established, which means that the design team responded to a RFP that included BIM and not to a clear EIR. Few involved actors knew it by then, but this was the first derail from what ISO19650 series sets as good practice.

In this specific project, the first BIM use to be implemented was the 3D scanning of the existing buildings which not only revealed a significant difference between the record drawings and the actual construction, but also helped clarify the discrepancy of conservation status between the two pre-existences. While the survey was carried out, a Common Data Environment was established, fostering a single source of information and allowing all parties to collaboratively work in a transparent and inclusive process, which was particularly important during the fast-paced phases of the project. As design teams started to exchange models, they were faced again with the core theme of ISO19650 - collaborative BIM - and the difference between each party doing “their” model and actually collaborating. At this point it became clear that while some teams were following the adage of sharing early and often, others were lagging behind, leaving a large void between data drops. This was a problem not only for the delivery team, but also a confidence breaker to the appointing party. In hindsight it seems that sometimes teams outrate themselves when tendering for a project in terms of BIM capabilities and, once appointed, fail to deliver on a collaborative environment. At the cost of extra working hours from the designers and many long discussions about future time savings on construction site, this difficulty was surpassed. During the construction phase, standardising various processes and workflows helped manage communication and information sharing among the three different contractors, each with their own tools and capabilities. Additionally, all MEP models were regularly updated to reflect the necessary on-site changes. This ensured the reliability of the As-Built models and allowed for COBie information to be correctly placed on all required assets. This, in turn, enabled the possibility to use valuable information in the building’s operations.

As a starting point, a clear definition of BIM capabilities and possible uses took place and this was confronted with the appointing party’s real needs/goals/budget. This step is crucial and should never be underestimated: it’s fundamental to clearly understand what one really intends to achieve at the end of the process so that a proper BIM Execution Plan can be put in place.


Daniel Lança is an Architect who has transitioned into the role of BIM Manager at Limsen. With a background in diverse projects, he focuses on bridging collaboration gaps and advancing BIM efficiency within the AEC sector. His responsibilities encompass spearheading BIM implementation across various projects, ultimately elevating industry practices. It’s worth noting that no project is perfect and this was no different. We’ve certainly had our share of difficulties and frustration, which only increased the feeling of accomplishment in the end. While managing this process we’ve learned: Leading delivery teams with different BIM capabilities can be challenging. However, these discrepancies can sometimes be bent and some teams are willing to outperform themselves, despite their initial gap in resources/ knowledge; The industry is indeed changing. As we came aboard as Information Managers working on behalf of the appointing party, we were generally regarded as a team with no clear scope or role. Time was keen on proving that assumption wrong: using BIM to effectively revise and validate design solutions, generate construction drawings, extract and verify quantities and deliver COBie is a process that has to be managed. Three years ago neither the client nor the project manager had a clear understanding of this. Today, they know it for a fact. It’s astonishing to realise that the process here described is a poignant testimony of how well built the ISO19650 is in terms of avoiding errors and guiding teams in the management of design and construction with BIM.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Integrating BIM & PIM: Revolutionizing Construction Management Through Unified Data Solutions | Optimizing Project Flow & Cost Efficiency By Carl Storms


peak to any Architect, Engineer, Contractor, or Project Owner, and they’ll pinpoint a significant hurdle in construction management: the labor-intensive task of navigating fragmented project data. The root problem? Each participant introduces their distinct methods, tools, and procedures. Juggling information from different channels—ranging from emails and instant messages to apps and meeting notes—can plunge project management into disarray. However, the unique insight of each stakeholder is indispensable for the success of large-scale construction projects. Clear communication and teamwork among everyone involved is a must, but setting up such a cooperative environment amid stakeholders is not easy, and rarely does forcing a top-down solution work. The marriage of PIM and BIM represents a modern solution: fusing the intricate capabilities of Building Information Modeling (BIM)—encompassing issues management and 2D/3D model visualization—with the robust data collation of Project Information Management (PIM)—which includes contract management (RFIs, submittals), action item tracking, file management, and email management. The search for a tool that flawlessly integrates these is finally available. There’s a palpable demand in the industry: a cloud-driven digital platform that marries project oversight, documentation management, and BIM coordination. Such a system would bring together issues and action items, emails, 2D/3D designs, and contracts, while also interfacing with pre-existing software solutions. The result? A complete, universally-accessible project record, organized and readily retrievable. The benefits? Amplified productivity, minimized errors, and trimmed project expenses.

like Procore. A unified digital dashboard aggregates daily tasks, from directly logging submittals and RFIs from emails to examining model-driven tasks, yielding an all-encompassing grasp of their influence on the planning or construction phase. While PIM and BIM, on their own, tackle specific phases of the project lifecycle, their combination transforms stakeholder collaboration and project data in ways that were previously unattainable. The industry currently stands at a crucial crossroads. Collaborative, on-hand, and contextual information access is leading this shift, equating to savings in both time and finances. Given the swift progression in tech, wielding superior tools and strategies—such as the PIM + BIM union—is critical for seamlessly transitioning a project from its inception to handoff. Innovations like Newforma Konekt shed light on the way, encouraging open communication channels and enabling stakeholders to synchronize their contributions, exchange expertise, and jointly make well-informed choices. By eliminating communication bottlenecks, insular data, and labor-intensive documentation roles, firms reclaim precious hours better spent on crafting top-tier projects. In our modern era, where data is everything, PIM and BIM emerge as twin cornerstones of accomplishment. Trust in Newforma to pioneer this synthesis with its newest platform Newforma Konekt.

The power of merging PIM with BIM lies in the synergy of its components—people, strategy, and tech—which enhance clarity in data sharing. The ambition is a cohesive communication chain bridging discussions, documents, and activities, establishing a thorough project chronicle from its outset to completion. The perfect system incorporates without disrupting existing resources, be it communication tools like Outlook, authoring applications like Revit, clash detection applications like Navisworks, or contract management resources


For a more thorough exploration of Newforma Konekt or to schedule a demonstration, please scan the QR code below

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

From Blueprints to Algorithms: The Rise of Smart Automation in Architecture & Construction By Anas Ayoub Introduction

Architects & Engineers as Scientists

Balancing Order & Creativity

Back in the 1960s, architect Eero Saarinen and his team had to do lots of hard math to design the famous Gateway Arch. Today, computers can do that math for architects, letting them focus on creative designs. But there are worries that architects and engineers might forget important skills if they rely too much on computers. In this article, we’ll talk about how to use computers to help with creativity without losing the special touch that only humans can bring to architecture.

In the contemporary world of digital construction, architects and engineers resemble scientists more than ever before. Their tools are specialized computer programs that aid them in designing buildings and structures, allowing them to test different concepts rapidly, much like scientists conducting experiments. The shift from manual to digital has changed the landscape of the profession. In the past, architects would spend considerable time on laborious tasks such as manually drafting lines, with little room for mathematical analysis. Now, computers handle much of that, freeing architects and engineers to be more creative and to focus on problem-solving. Being an architect or engineer today is akin to being a scientist who creates buildings. They can experiment, innovate, and learn from their mistakes, just as scientists do.

Rules and standards are key in the AEC (Architecture, Engineering & Construction) industry. They ensure safety, quality, and consistency in construction projects. But it is also essential to allow room for creative thinking and innovation, especially in digital construction. Global standards help projects run smoothly across countries. They make it easier for stakeholders at all stages to work together. But too many rules can also slow down progress and limit new ideas.

Historical Context Years ago, great thinkers like Albert Einstein and Marie Curie had fewer tools than we have today. They had to use their minds to solve big problems and produce new ideas. They talked with other smart people to figure things out together. Today, we have computers and other tools that do a lot of work for us. But we should not forget how important it is to use our minds and talk with others to create new and better things. We can learn from the past to keep our creativity alive.

Consider the case of XD House’s recent project for Kingspan Insulated Panels Australia. By employing the DFMA (Design for Manufacturing and Assembly) method, XD House was able to automate the engineering process for the roofing of the Melbourne Quarter Tower project. This approach not only helped streamline the design process but also reduced risks associated with construction. By simulating different scenarios in a digital environment, potential coordination issues and risks were identified and resolved before actual construction began. This case study exemplifies the shift in the roles of architects and engineers towards that of scientists. With automation and digital tools, they can explore new possibilities, make informed decisions, and deliver projects with increased efficiency and reduced risks.

Finding a balance is crucial. We need standards to guide our work and ensure safety, but we also need freedom to explore new technologies and approaches in digital construction. By striking the right balance, the AEC industry can benefit from both order and innovation. Automation Productivity Cost Investing in automation can be like planting a seed. At first, it takes time, effort, and resources to set up the new tools and learn how to use them. But over time, the investment pays off as these tools start to save time and reduce errors. It’s important to remember that automation is not just about saving time. It’s also about improving the quality of the work. By automating repetitive tasks, AEC professionals can focus on more important things, like solving complex problems and producing innovative designs. By mitigating the need for manual, repetitive tasks, professionals within the AEC industry are afforded the opportunity to allocate their energies towards solving intricate problems and devising innovative designs. The benefits extend beyond productivity. By streamlining workflows, automation reduces stress and enhances work-life balance. AEC professionals find they have more time and energy for their families and personal lives. In this way, automation is not only an investment in productivity but also an investment in quality of life.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Shaping the Future: How Automation and Culture Interact in the AEC Industry Automation is transforming the AEC industry, but it’s also shaping the culture within. With the adoption of automated tools, there is a change in how professionals approach their work, interact with colleagues, and balance their personal and professional lives. Culture and automation influence each other, the prevailing culture in an organization or industry can drive the adoption of automation, deciding how and where it is implemented. Equally, automation can change the culture by introducing new ways of working and thinking. It is vital to strike a balance between these two forces. While it is essential to let the culture guide the implementation of automation, it is also crucial to allow automation to bring about positive changes in the culture. In the AEC industry, this can mean more collaboration, less stress, and renewed focus on creativity and innovation.

Balancing Act: Navigating the Relationship Between Automation and Culture for a Brighter Future in the AEC Industry In brief, automation is undeniably a powerful force in the AEC industry for all the benefits this article has shed light on. However, the relationship between the automation implementation and culture is nuanced and requires careful management and leadership. As we embrace automation, we must remember the lessons of history and the spirit of exploration that drove great thinkers like Al-Khwarizmi and Newton. We must balance the need for international standards with the desire for creativity and innovation. We must invest in automation, but also remember that the initial costs yield long-term benefits. At the end, we must ensure that the culture in the AEC industry drives automation in a way that fosters collaboration, reduces stress, and allows for creativity and innovation. In doing so, we can build a brighter future for the industry and those who work within.a


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Digital Twins, Developing an intelligent model with future prospective is going to win the future By Abhijeet Parasar, CEO and Technology Head OneClick BIM Private Limited OneClick BIM Story: OCB was founded with the objective of enhancing the value within the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry through the integration of cutting-edge technologies. Our dedicated team has been actively assisting our partners and clients in the Middle East and Europe, enabling them to achieve project completion more efficiently and in line with current practices. Our collaborative team of skilled Architects and Engineers works closely with clients, providing them with the necessary information to effectively manage and control projects, ensuring the successful achievement of milestones. Concurrently, our keen interest and involvement in Digital Twins offer us valuable insights into the future requirements of the industry. We firmly believe that Smart Cities and the Metaverse hold the key to the future development of every nation while also preserving existing networks. These emerging technologies play a significant role in creating powerful and sustainable advancements. At OCB, we are dedicated to driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and adapting to the evolving needs of the AEC industry to deliver exceptional results. What is Digital Twin: A digital twin is a virtual representation of a physical object or system that is created and updated in real-time. It uses data from sensors and other sources to simulate the performance and behavior of the physical object or system. The digital twin concept is commonly used in the context of Internet of Things (IoT) systems, where it allows developers and users to monitor and optimize the performance of real-world devices and systems. The digital twin technology enables engineers to model and analyze systems in a virtual environment and run simulations before making decisions that would impact the real-world system.

Why Digital Twin is Important for Architects, Engineers and Construction? Digital twin technology is becoming increasingly important for architects, engineers, and contractors in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry.

With over a decade of experience as a founding member of a BIM organization, Abhijeet’s focus has been on raising technology awareness to save time and costs. Holding a PMP certification, he addresses often overlooked issues during design and construction, aiming to enhance processes and reduce expenses. Abhijeet’s approach centers around problem-solving and a dedicated commitment to driving industry change. Predictive maintenance: using data analytics and machine learning algorithms, an organization can leverage the digital twin to predict equipment failures and plan maintenance activities ahead of time.

Figure 1 A digital twin is essentially a virtual replica of a physical object or system. With the use of digital twins, AEC professionals can simulate and analyze the performance of building systems and components in real-time, improve designs, identify potential problems and address them before construction begins, and ultimately create more efficient and sustainable buildings. Digital twins are also used to optimize operation and maintenance activities throughout a building’s life cycle, saving time and costs associated with building performance issues. Furthermore, digital twins enable AEC professionals to collaborate effectively and gain insights into a project’s progress, from conception to completion. Facility monitoring using the sensors and data sources integrated into the digital twin, facility managers can monitor the performance of building systems, such as HVAC, lighting, and security. Asset management: with the data-rich digital twin, companies and building owners can efficiently manage all physical assets, such as equipment, furniture, and fixtures.


Space management: Using the digital twin to gain insights into space utilization helps a company optimize the workplace better. For instance, Work-from-home protocols have influenced the way employees use the physical area within the building which must be monitored with accurate data. Overall, digital twin technology has the potential to help organizations optimize building operations and promote sustainability, ultimately saving costs and improving the building’s overall performance.

Figure 2 - One example of integrating a digital twin’s model with a facility management (Building Management System - BMS)

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters


hy carbon reduction is not just a challenge; it’s the single most important project our industry faces on a global scale for several generations of professionals. Buildings produce 40% of global emissions annually Architects make up 0.003% of the world’s population. If you work in AEC you have the ability and a responsibility to change the world for the better. No other industry gives you that power We firmly believe in this mission of construction Decarbonisation and you can join us on that journey. We will unite the construction globally to tackle this problem. We wont reinvent the wheel or write a road map or standard but we will give you practical guidance to implement on your next project.

Let’s explore the opportunity.... Global Implications: Our industry shapes the very landscape of our world. Buildings, infrastructure, and construction have an undeniable impact on the environment. The carbon emissions associated with construction and operation are substantial contributors to climate change. To say it’s not important is to disregard our role in preserving our planet for future generations. Connected Responsibility: The construction industry doesn’t exist in isolation. Our projects impact communities, ecosystems, and economies. By reducing our carbon footprint, we not only mitigate environmental damage but also create healthier, more sustainable living environments for people worldwide. Economic Opportunity: Embracing carbon reduction isn’t just about environmental stewardship; it’s also a strategic economic opportunity. The demand for sustainable, low-carbon construction is on the rise. By leading in this space, we position ourselves to thrive in a future where sustainability is not a choice but a requirement. Innovation and Collaboration: The carbon reduction challenge drives innovation. It compels us to seek out new technologies, materials, and construction methods that are more sustainable and efficient. It also fosters collaboration among industry stakeholders, forging new partnerships and sharing knowledge for the greater good.

A Global Benchmark: By championing carbon reduction, we set the gold standard for our industry. We showcase our commitment to excellence, attracting like-minded partners, clients, and talent who share our vision for a greener, more sustainable future. At Zero, we wholeheartedly embrace this challenge. We see carbon reduction as not only a moral imperative but also a strategic imperative. Our mission is to lead the way, to inspire others to join us in this noble endeavor, and to make sustainability the foundation of every construction project. For more information visit


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Revit - Automate to Conquer | Overcoming Architectural Project Challenges By Teresa Afonso, BIM Manager NLA - Nuno Leónidas Arquitectos, LDA Introduction


As an architectural company we are challenged daily to directly generate the necessary outputs using BIM software throughout all stages of a project.

Conquering BIM using a software like Revit, implies increased profitability and that is why it needs to be efficient. It’s needed to prepare all the tools, to think in advance about what is needed in the end of the project and to figure it out from initial stages. This leads to a well-informed process.

Each office has its own needs and output specificities / specific outputs. Software should be able to meet our needs, but sometimes it’s not. In that case, we need to figure out how to make it work. Hands on BIM We will always need to rely on specific software. It is not possible to talk about BIM without referring specific software and its pros and cons. Note that we are not talking about BIM theory, but instead the day-to-day BIM, focusing on the issues needed to be addressed in the daily routine of an architectural company. At our office we use Revit, not only because it is the most used software, but also because it allows better interoperability, giving us more efficiency, which is one of the main goals of our job. That is what we want to present in this article. If an architectural company outsources BIM, it will not be “true” BIM neither efficient. BIM must be used from the beginning, allowing teams to take advantage of the models during project development. Paying to an external team to model in a BIM software at the final phase of a project cancels and corrupts the essence of BIM, as it delays the process, since the model can only be developed after project conclusion/closure. Thus, for an architectural company to be efficient it must have integrated BIM in their internal teams.

Figure 1

We use the same model for every stage, by having our template prepared to receive increasingly more information, as needed in each stage. This is obviously more efficient than modelling the project from scratch in each phase. Of course, that in order to make it work, its necessary to prepare tools and teams before starting to do anything else. Defining the LOIN (Level Of Information Needed) is more important than defining the LOD (Level Of Development), as it defines the output and data needed. LOD must be a consequence of LOIN. Then according to the defined LOD, methods and procedures must be established. Defining ways to model for different scenarios and always being prepared for the worst-case scenario is crucial. Sometimes, software is not able to do what we need to reach project’s requirements and countries’ specific regulations. In this case automation might be needed, not only for organizing data and standardizing work, but also by programming and creating customized tools.

Teresa Afonso, an Architect at NLA, specializes in BIM’s productivity enhancement. She’s the BIM Manager, Consultant (BIMit), Developer, and Autodesk Certified Professional at Lusocuanza’s Certified Academy. Teresa shapes efficient workflows through library creation, process documentation, and automation using Dynamo and Python. As a speaker at PTBIM22 and BIMcentro22 events, she’s authored articles like “BIM Implementation in NLA” and “BIM as a multidisciplinary tool.” 2.

Hardware: Having inappropriate hardware although using the right software will not work properly and your teams will not be efficient, you will have to deal with delays and excuses. Good equipment is expensive, but time is more. The better the equipment the quicker teams will do their work.


Software: The right software and a number of licences adjusted to teams is required. It should be kept in mind interoperability between members and teams is critical, but also remember that the more software used, the more data will be spread, lost and/or inconsistent. The less software, the best. This will guarantee a single source of truth and avoid wasting time in conversions.


Standards: For a team to be productive, it must know how to work, what to do and when. It is key that all the procedures are defined and structured according to the company standards has a guide map for every collaborator to make their part of a whole in a consistent manner.


Automation: After assuring the above needs, it is possible to start thinking about automation. Automation can represent very different things inside a tool like revit. This topic will be approached ahead.

Creating automations will not only increase productivity but also prevent human error. Efficiency 1.

Human Resources: Efficiency in BIM depends on having the right people with the proper mindset to help moving forward and get the job done, despite bearing limited tools. It is particularly important to adjust the size of the team to the scale of the project; it may seem obvious but sometimes leaderships forget it. It is essential to have a structured hierarchy regarding BIM, to make sure responsibilities are addressed. It is essential to train teams to correctly use software and to respect internal procedures. Individual productivity is not directly proportional to collective productivity; it is important for teams to understand this. BIM Hierarchy is essential to make sure work runs smoothly and companies must not be afraid to delegate and ask for responsibility..


Figure 2

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Automation There are several ways to automate, some simpler than others: •

Modelling with groups;

Use global and shared parameters;

Create your Revit template;

Create your families with shared parameters related to schedules already prepared in your template;

Create your own titleblock and include it in your Revit template;

Prepare your shared parameters files to use in your template, families and all projects;

Prepare libraries organized by topics with your families;

Make a survey of architectural solutions that your company repeats in different projects and make families to import them easily to your new project, for example, bathrooms, kitchens, any modular system;

Before thinking about that, you must make sure your templates and libraries are developed as much as possible and cover all the “conventional” ways to solve a problem. Sometimes problems are easier to solve then we think. Do not start making a tool without making sure there is not a native way in Revit to do it. You can always search for an add-in in the Appstore. You should research and try to understand if that add-in will be continued for newer versions, otherwise you will make your procedures depend on a tool that might be discontinued. If there is no alternative, then you must think about developing your internal tools. By this point you are entering the BIM development world. Maybe you are an architect with particular interest in this area and you want to explore and do it by yourself, or you might need a BIM developer or a trained programmer to assist you. Tools 1.

Create your own tools for automation – to do this you will need programming.

Dynamo: Dynamo is the first step to become a programmer. Still do not be naive, it’s visual programming, but it’s not that easy. Dynamo can be used for two tasks, complex modelling or handling the database. The latter is more interesting for us because of the kind of work we do.


Python + PyRevit: With this strategy you will need to install pyRevit to have your own tools integrated in Revit interface and you will develop your code in python.


C#: Will enable you to have your tools without depending on any other add-in like pyRevit.

Any of the previous options are only possible in Revit Full. Revit LT does not support add-ins. When programming you will need to be familiar with Revit API (Application Programming Interface).

Overcome the challenges

Figure 3 Programming Every company has the main goal of making money. And every employee must be aware and focused on that goal. For a company to be profitable it has to be efficient, and everyone should work for that purpose. Sometimes, however, having a strong team, good equipment, software and procedures, is not enough. When you want to go beyond and get the best of data, especially when specific output is required, you will need to create you own tools.

Bill Of Quantities – Revit users know that is impossible to make a single schedule with all the data needed and formatted as the final document of BOQ to deliver. The data would always have to be exported and managed in another software, wasting time and generating problems. Every time there was an update the process had to be repeated. To solve that we created a add-in in python that takes all the data you need to create the BOQ directly from Revit and organizes all the information in one final document in excel, already formatted. Every time there is an update you just need to click the add-in button. This saves us weeks of work and errors. Room Translate – Sometimes we have projects that need to be presented in Portuguese and English at the same time. In a big project it takes some time to translate all rooms. We created an add-in that translates rooms names into different languages automatically. Many other tools for simpler tasks but yet very time-consuming, were also developed and more are in progress. In the image bellow you can check our proprietary tools’ tab with some of the tools.

Figure 4

Notes: •

Stairs Quantification – Revit by default does not calculate quantities of stairs, which is why we have created an add-in that calculates all finishes’ quantities separately: runs, treads, risers and landings.

The following limitations were solved using python. We reached a point where Dynamo was not stable and flexible enough for what we needed to do and to respond to both size and complexity of our files. Our next step will be to convert the scripts to C# and to share it with the community. Finishes schedule –The fields of the room’s schedules needed to be filled manually, which took time and gave space for human errors, most of the times what was filled in the rooms’ parameters did not match what was modelled. To solve this challenge, we have created a script that detects all finishes used in each room and reports it back to room’s parameters, making it possible to have one schedule summarizing the finishes in all rooms in a single document.


Conclusion With our strategies and automations, we can produce every document needed for a delivery of any project stage directly from Revit: general drawings, detailing, Specs and BOQ. This allows teams to spend more time thinking about architecture and project instead of repeating time-consuming tasks that can be done by a machine. If a team is doing a BIM project for the first time, without any work base it will take twice as much time. Yet, in our experience, with a well calibrated team and methods, BIM projects can be up to 3 times quicker than CAD traditional projects. We were able to arrive at the conclusion, by comparing projects time and cost, that the BIM process is much more efficient when compared to the traditional methods, and we know that, if structured and automated, BIM can be quicker, better, and more profitable.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters




Choose openBIM®, choose usBIM The only CDE platform with IFC certification by buildingSMART International. The BIM management system for the digitization of constructions and infrastructures in a simple, secure and shared workflow.

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BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Shared workflows in BIM processes: what are the advantages of using a CDE such as usBIM.platform? By Afonso Perna, ACCA Software Many public and private construction and engineering organizations are now becoming more aware of the need for a common data environment (CDE) to support collaboration across project participants based on openBIM® formats. First of all, what is a CDE? And why open BIM matters ? A CDE is a is a digital data sharing environment where information from construction projects is stored and accessible to project participants. It is an essential part of an engineering or construction project, having as its primary purpose, the collection, sharing and management of data and information exchanges (including documentation, graphical models and non-graphical assets) between the various professionals involved. Referring to the official definition of the ISO 19650-1: “An Information source agreed for a given order or asset, to collect, manage and forward each information container throughout the management of an order” Within the CDE, each professional figure has his/her own task and certain “permission” levels to access information. Information and model transfers, from one section to another, are achieved with the usage of special “gates” after document or informative resources have been verified and validated by the person in charge. The benefits of a Common Data Environment

The great benefits of adopting usBIM platform as a Common Data Environment Let’s have a look at the advantages of a CDE in brief: • constant interconnection between collaborators and sharing of all data in a single environment; • access to information only with the necessary authorisations. In this way, the entire archive (and sub-groups) of information remains organised; • saving of time and resources for information production activities, with verification and control; • possibility of having files updated in real time; • actions tracking and evidence of the historical succession of events (knowing who created a type of information and when they did it); • easy access to different data formats and archiving; • easier comparison between different models to identify interferences; • use of the tool from anywhere with any type of device. With these definitions in mind, ACCA’s “usBIM” cloud-based BIM solutions are developed with reference to the main standards and requirements related to information management of building works by applying the openBIM methodology. This streamlines exchange of information between all the professionals involved in a project. openBIM® identifies a working methodology based on interoperability and collaboration between all the specialistic disciplines involved in the design, construction and commissioning of buildings and basically means that the use of open and neutral data formats becomes fundamental; and this is where the IFC format, represents the CORE solution for an openBIM workflow which is now becoming a universal approach to collaboration during all phases of the building’s lifecycle.

An architecture of usBIM modules to easily build up your specific CDE platform In usBIM, seamless data management and information exchanges are at the heart of the entire eco-system which can be fully customized according to the different required workflows by simply accessing the online usBIM. store online service and activate other useful tools and plugins. Simply choose the required modules (14 are provided for Free) and add it to your usBIM ecosystem. In this scenario, we can’t avoid referring to the concepts related to OpenBIM® which, for us at ACCA, represents the winning strategy for the construction industry of the future. From a high performance model and data viewer, document management, scheduling, co-ordinated cloud based document editing, model assessments in real time Virtual Reality experiences through to Geo – Digital Twin integration – clash detection workflows and IoT, these are just a handful of the possibilities that ACCA offers today. usBIM.geotwin: the brand new module integrating OpenBIM® and GIS The usBIM.geotwin module extends the use of the open BIM CDE to the GIS environment. This basically means that all the changes and updates made on digital models are synchronized on the GIS with Real-time data of buildings and infrastructures on the GIS, always updated, throughout the life of the IFC models asset Thanks to the integration between ArcGIS® and usBIM® with usBIM.geotwin, you can create integrated and collaborative workflows on the scale of the territory and optimize asset management in every phase of the work life cycle. Virtual Reality experiences in usBIM

Virtual Reality experience The 3D models and GIS environment with usBIM.geotwin vs in usBIM


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

As-Builts Modelling for Urban Infrastructure & Data Loss in transition By Slava Ivanov, As-Builts Modelling for Urban Infrastructure & Data Loss in transition QA & BIM Engineer @NRC Group Ever since I started learning about Infrastructure Information Modelling, I have been wondering, why do data models look so different depending on the facility lifespan stage

objects and to fill them with required metadata. Which, in turn, significantly improves the conditions and results of my work, without taking a lot of additional time and effort.

At the design and construction stage, you might see highly detailed, colorful 3D scenery, at the at the delivery stage you will have more like vertex/line-level geometry, sometimes even presented in 2D top view, and during operation and maintenance stage it shrinks down to practically 0D, into text documents and e-mail threads. If we break down an infrastructure facility lifespan into design, construction, operation and demolition stages, design stage would make up to 2-3% of the time and construction would do another 10-12%, could be even less than that. The rest is practically taken by the operation stage, and this is where we should be using the information models at their full potential. So why we do not?

Another reason, I guess, is the as yet unformed interest in BIM expertise from municipal authorities and facility managers. A large amount of my work is dedicated to spreading the information about the Digital Twin to the organizations involved into facility management, informing and even teaching them what they could have at their disposal and what are the benefits of model-based facility operating. As I mentioned above, the operation and demolition stages make above 80% of the facility lifespan and if we do a similar breakdown budget-wise, operation will make up to 70% of the facility lifetime budget. Some sources state, that switching to model-based maintenance will bring around 5% yearly savings immediately. Who knows, maybe such savings will eventually pay off the cost of the construction, taking into account the simplification of the processes of monitoring depreciation, the need for repairs and preventive maintenance.

I believe one of the reasons is the lack of solutions specially tailored for as-built modelling. Most of the software options we have at our disposal now, are still phenomenal for infrastructure design, but far from perfect when it comes to doing a Digital Twin. While, at the design stage, high level of detalization and precise calculations do genuinely matter, when it comes to Digital Twin models, we are concerned about the location, visualization and accompanying data. A low-poly 3D object, placed on the right XYZ coordinates, would be enough in most cases today, as long as it provides all the information required for maintenance and operation. The accompanying data could be added either as model metadata or as an external link. When I became a Digital Twin engineer myself, I was in search for a solution that wouldn’t be too complex to learn and yet would be able to assist me in my daily modelling routines. Thus, I ended up creating a new software, that would fit my own needs. It helps me to quickly turn survey points and lines into 3D

The bottom line here, I believe that Digital Twin, as an emerging phenomenon needs to be taught to all parties, even remotely involved into construction. Software solutions meant for different facility lifespan stages should be able to communicate, transfer data between them and ensure that the information models follow through a full circle, instead of being built from scratch at every stage. This will not only reduce the overall costs of the object at all stages of its life, save natural and material resources, but also reduce the workload and the stress levels of engineers and other team members. This is especially true in our days, when time is so valued and specialists of a broad expertise are needed as never before.

Slava is a QA and BIM engineer located in Finland. His primary role involves producing as-built models of city infrastructure for project owners, transport authorities, and maintenance organizations. Additionally, he’s working on PlainView, a cloudbased 3D modeling solution that converts raw survey data into detailed 3D as-builts enriched with metadata and documentation. Slava’s educational background includes a B.Eng in Material Science

Picture 1 - Combination model of a Light Rail Infrastructure

Picture 2 - Rendering an As-Built model in PlainView(

Picture 3 - What a model based facility management platform could look like


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Unlocking Efficiency for Projects of All Sizes With Dynamo: By Abdelrahman Ahmed Abdelwhab BIM Specialist, Niqat Global Architects, engineers, and construction industry experts have access to a wide range of tools thanks to the robust building information modelling (BIM) software Revit. However, manual processes can waste time and reduce productivity even on smaller jobs. Programming, in particular Dynamo, is used in this situation. Contrary to popular belief, programming is useful for projects of all sizes, and using Dynamo in Revit may drastically speed up performance and unlock efficiency. Automating Repetitive Tasks: Dynamo enables the automation of repetitive tasks within Revit. Even on smaller projects, recurring actions such as creating standard families, modifying parameters, or generating reports can be streamlined through customized scripts. By automating these tasks, designers and drafters can save valuable time and focus on more creative aspects of the project.

Size should not be a deterrent when considering the benefits of programming, especially Dynamo, in Revit. Whether your project is small or large, embracing automation through custom scripts can significantly speed up performance, improve workflow efficiency, and unlock creativity. By leveraging Dynamo’s power, you maximize productivity, reduce errors, and position yourself and your team for future success in the realm of BIM and design. Last but not least, we have concluded that we can make the entire model in the least possible time, and there are many tools and examples of that. We can convert the project drawn on CAD to draw it on Revit in no more than 5 minutes.

Improving Workflow Efficiency: Dynamo empowers users to optimize their workflows and eliminate manual steps that often lead to errors and delays. By creating custom scripts, you can automate complex sequences of actions, enabling faster and more accurate modeling, documentation, and coordination processes. This efficiency boost applies to small projects as well, ensuring smoother collaboration and project delivery.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3


Autodesk Certified Instructor and Professional, Structural Design Engineer and Master Researcher in Structural Engineering in Zagazig University in addition to I gave Training courses in Canadian International College in Egypt For two years and still Regarding engineering programs related to BIM and Autodesk

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Education and BIM By Robert Gittens Our AEC/BIM profession is a great mix of certified trades, on-the-job training, and college-educated workers. We all work together in our own areas with our background and knowledge to move a design from the “A” to the “C” and beyond with BIM. There are many levels of education in this group of workers and there is a significant amount of animosity between different parties in the industry. People look down on others because they did not earn a degree or that they do not have the real-world experience of “in the dirt” hard work.

The educational experience is debated intensely in many areas and the sides are clearly defined as Trades vs. College educated. Why is this a versus situation? I believe that this is a false controversy which is perpetuated by our society that doesn’t really mean anything since the division is only slightly weighted towards no college. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2020) the split is 43.7% with at least some post high school education and 56.4% with no post high school education. (The data I use in this article is from the United States, but I use these statistics to illustrate a point and not to compare numbers with other areas of the world.)

With an extensive career spanning over 25 years in the building and construction industry, Robert Gittens has refined his expertise in building and design. His most recent role as owner of BIMSync’d has afforded him a significant opportunity in the realm of Building Information Modeling (BIM). Robert’s trajectory unfolded organically as he endeavored to drive transformative progress within the BIM community. Guided by an unwavering commitment to elevate the industry, he started on an entrepreneurial venture. This endeavor took shape as an initiative aimed at fostering collective advancement. While such a broad aspiration might provoke skepticism in some quarters, Robert aligns with the sentiment of John F. Kennedy: “The rising tide lifts all the boats.” In conclusion, Robert’s journey underscores the potential of determined enterprise and the rewards of audacious vision. It is a testament to purpose-driven pursuits, underscored by steadfast adherence to values and an unyielding pursuit of excellence.

Source: the-construction-industry-labor-force-2003to-2020/home.htm


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

That said, there are myriad choices of how to reach our professional goals in the world. Colleges and universities are necessary when licensing is critical to a job, but the knowledge can be achieved through working the career from apprenticeship to expert. There are also options that include some level of education that might include certifications, etc. The point is that we should find the path to the job we want to pursue. Within the construction industry, a diverse array of occupations is represented, spanning across all major professional groups. As of the year 2020, the segment encompassing construction and extraction roles included positions such as construction laborers, carpenters, and electricians totaling approximately 60% of the total employment within the construction sector. A subsequent 20% were engaged in roles associated with management, business, and financial operations. Many workers in building and construction are what we call subcontractors, and they are generally self-employed or have a small company. According to the study, the peak of these self-employed individuals within the construction sector was attained in 2007, reaching a pinnacle of 2.9 million, just prior to the onset of the 2007 to 2009 recession. However, this number began to fall, settling at 2.3 million by 2012. This decline signifies a contraction of 19.4% in the realm of self-employed construction endeavors. Self-employment is not always an option for people, and many do not have the desire to attempt the creation of a business and owning all of the positives and negatives. The overall count of construction laborers witnessed a larger downturn of 24.4% during the same period. Moving forward to the year 2020, the cohort of self-employed construction workers totaled 2.5 million, constituting a significant 23.3% of the entire workforce within the industry. This proportion notably surpasses the corresponding rate for workers across all industries, more than doubling it. The category of self-employed laborers encompasses both those operating as incorporated entities and those with unincorporated businesses. My professional journey began with help from the technical college system, and I fully appreciate the drafting and design skills I gained during that time. I came along during the mainstream’s first significant push for a transition from hand-drawn plans to using 2D CAD and I learned both. At the time, this was innovative technology and at my first job, the company was still using manual drafting for older designs and 3D/2D CAD for newer ones. So, pencils, paper, digitizing tablets, and CPUs were all in the same room doing the same job. This was a “lightbulb” moment for me with respect to the industry and educational system. However, I had no mechanism to attempt improving this situation in the education systems.

Source: home.htm

After 16 years in the drafting/design/detailing world, my career led me to a major BIM/ Construction/Detailing CAD company then based in Espoo, Finland. Through this new lens I learned more about BIM and digital collaboration than I thought existed. While I had been working in a small area of the business previously, this new experience was eye opening and then led me to my next step in my career. Moments like these are paramount to helping the industry move ever forward into the digital realm and encouraging the next generation to take on the task. I started down a path of self-employment in the BIM industry founding BIMSync’d, and this decision is wrought with pitfalls, shortcomings, and terrifying at times. While creating a business niche for myself, I was helping Georgia Highlands College create a BIM Management bachelor’s degree. Once the school understood the concept, I stepped back, and they began the process and have produced a completely online BIM degree available to everyone in the world. This is not an engineering degree, so those who are not strong in mathematics will have more comfortable experience. They have since created a pathway to Georgia Institute of Technology with a dual bachelor’s degree and the option to move into the Georgia Tech master’s program.


BIM Heroes is specifically designed to help open the lines of communication in the AEC industry and we are all from varied disciplines. We also have many contacts in the education sector or even teach for a local institution, so there should be a solid connection to this area. We need to give back to the schools that helped us get to where we are now. Whether you are working with a high school diploma and multiple certifications or you have a doctorate in your field, the encouragement to learn more in our industry is critical. This is an intentional call to action as our industry is only growing and technology is becoming more integrated.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Information Management Skills in ISO 19650: Competency Requirements and Challenges By Nicoleta Panagiotidou, Architect, BIM specialist, PhD Candidate UCL, Director at BIM Design Hub Embarking on the journey of mastering information management skills according to ISO 19650 is no easy task. It is a path that leads us into the project complexity, where data and processes interconnect and our ability to create, manage and exchange information is tested. While the industry has introduced a number of BIM maturity tools and third-party assessment procedures to access the competency requirements in BIM projects, still as an industry we don’t have a holistic aligned tool with standardized assessment criteria. Information management skills according to ISO 19650 The successful implementation of the international standard ISO 19650 relies on a range of technical and non-technical competencies that professionals need to possess to effectively manage information. Technical competencies encompass experience, the ability to undertake a role, understanding contracts and software skills. Non-technical competencies, also known as soft skills, include personal qualities such as resilience, planning, research, analysis, initiative, results orientation, and communication. ISO 19650-2 requires competency (knowledge and skills) to be considered by the appointing party (cl. 5.1.1) during the Assessment and Need and when establishing Tender Response requirements and evaluation criteria (cl. 5.2.3). Competency is also considered by the prospective lead appointed party when nominating information management functions during the Tender Response (cl. 5.3.1). A capability and capacity assessment is required to be taken by each of the prospective appointed parties during the Tender response (cl.5.3.3) which examines the ability of the team to manage and produce information according to the Exchange Information Requirements and the pre-appointment BIM Execution Plan. The assessment also includes the availability of information technology (IT) within the task team. The summary of the prospective delivery team’s assessment is delivered to the appointing party (cl.5.3.7) alongside the pre-BIM Execution Plan, the Mobilisation plan and the Risk assessment, as part of the Tender response for evaluation by the appointing party (Fig.1)

Fig.1 The activity of Tender response process map in accordance with ISO 19650-2. Measuring readiness: Understanding Capability and Capacity Assessment Capability refers to the ability to perform a specific given activity, for example by having the necessary experience, skills or technical resources and incorporates not only the abilities (skills) to do something but also the extend in which the abilities are executed. Capacity refers to the number of individuals involved and being able to complete an activity in the required time. Capability and capacity are both assessment metrics, but the way they are measured differs. Capacity is a fixed figure metric which could be expressed as a percentage of the total capacity and can be changed over time, as new members or teams are added to the delivery team. On the other hand, capability is a more complex metric and besides relative project experience, there is yet no wide industry consensus of how to measure it. However, the mobilization plan (Fig.2) that includes the project’s resources and technology, complements the capability assessment by enabling a clear information management workflow. This allows for identifying gaps and improvements in appointed parties’ abilities as long as there is a dedicated and open procedure to mobilization. TEST & DOCUMENT


Information production methods & procedures

Software, hardware & IT infrastructure



Additional shared resources

Information exchanges between task teams

TEST Information delivery to the appointing party



(ISO 19650-2)


DEVELOP & DELIVER Education (knowledge)

DEVELOP & DELIVER Training (skills)

The project's CDE




Additional members

New individuals

The delivery team’s distributed CDE

Fig.2 Mobilization plan according to ISO 19650-2.


Nicoleta, founder and director of BIM Design Hub, drives digital skills development in construction through ISO 19650 and Autodesk training. With 15+ years’ architecture experience, she specializes in BIM standards, technology integration, and sustainable design. As an Autodesk certified instructor and active researcher, she’s leading innovations with dialogueBIM and promoting industry value through BIM initiatives. The guidance provided by the Centre for Digital Built Britain (based on PAS 91:2018 + A1:2017 and aligned to ISO 19650 series) presents 10 questions to be answered by the prospective teams as part of their Tender response (Fig.3). The questions address a variety of competencies such as the experience of working with a Common Data Environment, the capability to work with the ISO 19650 principles and requirements, the ability to produce and deliver information against the information standard and information production methods and procedures, the training to meet the appointment’s document suite and EIRs, BIM relatedCskills of a apacittraining, y & Capabevidence ility security management plan, access to information technologies and experience on quality control procedures. CAPABILITY AND CAPACITY ISO 19650 ASSESMENT CRITERIA experience of working with a CDE

team’s access to the ISO 19650 series

training needed to meet the appointment document suite, including EIRs

compliance of a security management plan

experience in quality control verification related to IR

capability to work with the ISO 19650 principles and requirements

produce and deliver information against an information standard and information production methods and procedures

BIM related skills training and assessment of capabilities

access to information technologies within the information standard and production methods and procedures

experience in quality control verification related to SMPs

Fig.3 Capability and capacity assessment criteria based on the Guidance by the Center for Digital Built Britain, University of Cambridge The evidence of compliance with the assessment requirements includes referencing platforms, evidence of past projects, the adoption of organizational and internal standards, experience or a plan of working with project information standards, and methods and procedures, training evidence or timeframes, a security management plan, information technologies and hardware, and quality control verification experience.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

In order to enhance the effectiveness of assessments, individual certification should be taken into consideration as a means of showcasing a certain level of capability. Individual certification serves as tangible evidence of an individual’s competence and expertise within ISO 19650 projects, generating confidence in their abilities. On the other hand, for organizations that have already established ISO 19650 procedures, undergoing a third-party assessment offers numerous advantages. It fosters trust and confidence from clients, leading to improved project outcomes and a competitive edge in the market. Insights into the Challenges of ISO 19650 Certification Schemes While competency is a critical aspect of ISO 19650 projects, measuring competency and accessing organizational capabilities can present significant challenges. To address this, the industry is exploring company-wide BIM Accreditation and Certification Schemes that align with the standard’s requirements. The third-party schemes aim to demonstrate an organization’s capability based on its role and business activities, granting them an industry-recognized badge. These process-driven certifications validate that the organization possesses the necessary resources and knowledge to effectively manage and deliver information in accordance with ISO 19650. Furthermore, periodic project-BIM assessments offer valuable insights into an organization’s digital transformation journey and help identify future investment areas. Despite these benefits, the industry still faces challenges in implementing ISO 19650 assessment and certification schemes. Assessing BIM maturity and competency in ISO 19650 projects requires evaluating multiple dimensions, such as processes, technology, people, collaboration, and standards compliance.

Subjectivity in assessment

Many stakeholders in the AEC industry, including clients, contractors, and even some professionals, may have limited awareness and understanding of ISO 19650 maturity stages.

Evolving standards

Conducting BIM assessments requires dedicated resources, including budget, time, expertise, and technology.

Lack of clarity in skills requirements

The variety of the BIM maturity and assessment models and the lack of universally accepted benchmarks makes it difficult to consistently evaluate and compare the level of BIM maturity across different projects and organizations worldwide.

Complexity of assessment: The assessment of BIM maturity and competency in ISO 19650 projects is a complex task that involves evaluating multiple dimensions, including processes, technology, people, collaboration, and standards compliance. The multidimensional nature of the standard introduces complexity into the assessment process, as it requires a comprehensive understanding of all these aspects and their interrelationships.

Cost and resources implications: Conducting BIM assessments requires dedicated resources, including time, expertise, and technology. Small- and medium-sized organizations or projects with limited budgets and resources may struggle to allocate the necessary resources for comprehensive and robust assessment processes. This limitation can impact the accuracy and reliability of the assessment outcomes.

Subjectivity in assessment: Subjectivity plays a role in BIM maturity and competency assessment, as it involves subjective judgments and interpretations. This subjectivity can lead to inconsistencies in evaluations. Moreover, different assessment schemes may have varying perspectives on what constitutes a particular level of BIM maturity, making it challenging to ensure objectivity and reliability in the assessment process.

Lack of clarity in skills requirements: ISO 19650 projects often require individuals to possess specific technical skills related to BIM software, information modelling, and data management. However, the standard may not provide detailed clarity on the project specific skill sets or proficiency levels required. This ambiguity can make it challenging for individuals and organizations to identify and assess the competency gaps within their teams in a specific project.

Evolving standards: BIM implementation according to ISO 19650 is a journey of continuous improvement, rather than a static concept. As BIM standards, technologies, and practices evolve, the assessment criteria need to be regularly updated to reflect these changes. Keeping assessment methods aligned with industry advancements can be a challenge. Limited awareness: There is a limited awareness and understanding of ISO 19650 maturity stages among many stakeholders in the AEC industry, including clients, contractors, and some professionals. This lack of awareness can hinder accurate self-assessment and the overall assessment of BIM maturity and competency in ISO 19650 projects.

Complexity of assessment

BIM maturity and competency assessment can involve subjective judgments and interpretations, leading to inconsistencies in evaluations.

Limited awareness

As BIM standards, technologies, and practices evolve, the assessment criteria and benchmarks need to be regularly updated to reflect these changes.

Cost and resource implications

The standard does not provide detailed clarity on the project specific skill sets or proficiency levels required, make it challenging for organizations to identify and assess the competency gaps within their teams.

Evolving competency frameworks

Fig. 4. Challenges in ISO 19650 Certification Schemes. 157

Evolving competency frameworks: In the industry, there are several BIM maturity and assessment models, such as the NBIMS CMM, the UI BIM Proficiency Index, the BIM CAT, the BIM Excellence (BIMe) Framework to name a few. These tools address BIM maturity in different ways, some highlight the technical aspects, other focus on standards and processes and other at the organizational and process level. The lack of universally accepted benchmarks makes it difficult to consistently evaluate and compare the level of BIM maturity across different projects and organizations worldwide. Conclusion Addressing ISO 19650 individual and company certification challenges requires collaborative efforts from industry stakeholders, including standardization bodies, professional associations, and project participants. Developing universally accepted standardized assessment criteria, promoting awareness and education and aligning assessment methods with evolving standards are crucial steps to overcome these challenges and achieving excellence in information management within ISO 19650 projects.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Unlocking BIM Management’s Full Potential with ndBIM By António Meireles, CEO ndBIM Virtual


uilding Information Modelling (BIM) has significantly impacted the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, yet traditional BIM Management methodologies have limitations. The groundbreaking ndBIM methodology offers an optimized BIM management approach that addresses these limitations, reshaping the industry landscape. Traditional BIM Management has faced challenges such as fragmented workflows, standardization issues, and scalability. ndBIM, by harnessing advanced digital technologies, streamlines processes and maximizes value throughout the project lifecycle.


Overwhelming Data: The massive volume of data generated is not only overwhelming but parsing through it to extract relevant information is prone to errors.


Ineffective Clash Resolution: The absence of streamlined resolution processes leads to delays and inflated costs.


Inadequate Visualization Tools: Conventional tools fail to provide the necessary visual insights for understanding spatial relations and impacts of clashes.

Introducing BIMWorkplace: The Nucleus of ndBIM Central to ndBIM is BIMWorkplace, an innovative platform that facilitates seamless communication and collaboration among stakeholders. BIMWorkplace’s modular structure enables customization to meet the unique requirements of various projects. It’s not merely an incremental improvement; it’s a quantum leap in BIM management. BIMWorkplace supports efficient project management by providing stakeholders with timely, accurate, and easily accessible data, which enhances decision-making. This data-driven approach leads to reduced project risks and optimized resource management. It’s particularly beneficial in large-scale projects, where coordination between multiple teams is crucial for timely delivery. Addressing The Clash Management Conundrum

Figure 1

Clash management is critical in construction to ensure design elements do not conflict. Traditional clash management methods have been fraught with issues: 1.

Time-Consuming Process: Generating and reviewing extensive reports is laborious and slows down the project’s progress.


Lack of Real-Time Collaboration: The absence of a centralized platform for real-time communication often leads to information silos among teams.

Figure 2


António, with qualifications in Civil Engineering, an MBA, and a Ph.D. in Construction Management, is dedicated to advancing the industry through. He champions BIM, IPD, and Lean Construction for streamlined integrated services, promoting collaborative tools for enhanced productivity and profitability since 2006

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Navisworks: The Clash Detection Juggernaut with Shortcomings Navisworks is a stalwart in the realm of 3D model review and clash detection. However, its challenges such as a complex interface, cumbersome clash reports, lack of real-time collaboration, and overwhelming data can be roadblocks in an already convoluted process. BIMWorkplace: A Paradigm Shift in Clash Management BIMWorkplace is here to revolutionize clash management by addressing its inherent challenges: 1.

Streamlined Workflows: BIMWorkplace streamlines the clash detection process by automating routine tasks and focusing on essential clashes that need attention. This reduces the time spent on generating and reviewing reports. BIMWorkplace multiple plugins allows BIM Managers to group clashes in multiple ways but also approve and assign clashes based on conditions


Enhanced Collaboration: With platforms like BIMWorkplace, ndBIM fosters real-time collaboration among teams. This ensures that critical information is communicated effectively, and teams can work together to resolve clashes. The platform allows the BIM Manager to add as smart attachments clashes to topics and assign them to the author designer. As soon as they are solved, BIMWorkplace and Navisworks keep a live link that allows to sync status and assigned professional between them transforming Navisworks in a collaborative tool.


Effective Resolution Process: BIMWorkplace provides a structured approach to resolving clashes. By providing stakeholders with timely, accurate, and easily accessible data, it empowers them to make informed decisions quickly. ndBIM can not only group clashes according priorities but also scope and assign it to a responsible. BIMWorkplace offers both Revit and Navisworks plugins that allows the designer to analyse the clash in their authoring tool, solve it and sync its status of complete right away to ndBIM.


Improved Visualization: Through integration with different file formats like revit and IFC formats, BIMWorkplace offers advanced visualization options. This enables teams to better understand the clashes and their impacts, facilitating more effective resolution.


Data Analytics and Dashboarding: By leveraging data analytics, BIMWorkplace allows teams to filter through the vast amount of data and focus on what’s important. Dashboarding tools like “Insights” enable better visualization and understanding of the data.

Conclusion ndBIM’s real-world applications in various projects across Brazil and Europe have demonstrated its transformative capabilities. Through efficient clash management, ndBIM facilitates faster decision-making, effective collaboration, and high-quality designs. ndBIM is reshaping the AEC industry with the integration of BIMWorkplace in its workflows. Its emphasis on collaboration and efficiency positions it as an essential leap forward in BIM management. Adopting BIMWorkplace is imperative for industry professionals seeking to thrive in the evolving AEC landscape.

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

How BIM Can Help Achieve Net Zero in the Construction Industry By Olayemi Usman, Ambassador Zero


ey, did you know that buildings account for almost 40% of global carbon emissions? That’s a significant amount, isn’t it? But there’s good news! The construction industry can play a significant role in reducing these emissions and achieving net-zero by 2050. And one technology that can help the industry achieve this goal is Building Information Modelling (BIM). So, what exactly is BIM? It’s a digital representation of a building’s physical and functional characteristics. Think of it like an intelligent model that captures information about a building’s geometry, spatial relationships, and components. Architects, engineers, and contractors can use BIM to work collaboratively and make informed decisions during the building design and construction process. But BIM models are not just 3D visualizations; they contain rich data that can be used for analysis and performance evaluation. Now, let’s talk about how BIM can help achieve net-zero in the construction industry. Energy Analysis BIM can be used to conduct energy analysis during the design phase to identify potential energy savings opportunities. By integrating BIM with energy modelling software, architects and engineers can analyze the building’s energy performance based on various parameters such as building orientation, materials, insulation, glazing, and HVAC systems. The results of the energy analysis can be used to optimize the building’s design for energy efficiency and sustainability.

Material Selection BIM can also help optimize material selection during the design phase to reduce the environmental impact of buildings. By calculating embodied carbon emissions associated with materials used in construction, architects, Quantity surveyors and engineers can assess environmental impact. Embodied carbon is the total amount of carbon emissions associated with the manufacture, transportation, and disposal of building materials. By comparing embodied carbon emissions of different materials using BIM, they can select the most sustainable option. Prefabrication BIM can be used to facilitate off-site prefabrication, which is a more sustainable construction method than traditional on-site construction. Prefabrication involves constructing building components off-site in a controlled environment and then assembling them on-site. BIM can be used to create detailed models of prefabricated components that can be manufactured off-site and then assembled on-site. Not only does prefabrication reduce on-site waste, but it also improves construction efficiency and reduces the environmental impact of transportation. Construction Waste Management BIM can also help manage construction waste by optimizing material usage during construction. By creating detailed quantity takeoffs using BIM models, contractors can estimate material requirements accurately. This ensures that materials are ordered in the right quantities, reducing waste due to over-ordering or under-ordering, thereby managing the emission of carbon. Facility Management

Figure 1

Olayemi Usman, an avid quantity surveyor, is pursuing a BIM-Enabled Sustainable Building Master’s at the University of Northampton. His research focuses on achieving Net Zero through reduced energy consumption and carbon emissions. Co-founder of an African tech solution company, he’s trained over 1500 AECO professionals in BIM implementation, and as a certified Itwin Developer, he excels in using digital tools for innovation. Olayemi’s thought leadership in sustainable building and digital construction, showcased at events, drives his mission for a greener future.

BIM can be used for facility management, which involves the ongoing maintenance and operation of a building. BIM models contain information about a building’s components and systems that can be used for maintenance purposes. By integrating BIM models with facility management software, facility managers can access real-time information about the building’s energy consumption, performance, and maintenance needs.

References: One Click LCA software


Reference: Buildsoft, 2023 Retrofitting and Renovation Achieving net-zero goals also requires the retrofitting and renovation of existing buildings. BIM technology can contribute significantly to these efforts by creating accurate as-built models of the existing structures. These models serve as a foundation for energy audits and analysis, enabling professionals to identify potential energy-saving opportunities. BIM can simulate the impact of different retrofit measures, such as insulation improvements or the installation of energy-efficient systems, and assess their effectiveness in achieving net-zero objectives. By leveraging BIM’s capabilities, the construction industry can transform existing buildings into energy-efficient and sustainable assets. Conclusion Achieving net-zero in the construction industry requires a collaborative effort from all stakeholders involved in the building design and construction process. BIM is one technology that can facilitate collaboration and help achieve net-zero by streamlining the design and construction process. By using BIM for energy analysis, material selection, prefabrication, construction waste management, and facility management, the industry can reduce its environmental impact and contribute to a more sustainable future.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Sustainable Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) through BIM By Tanaka E. Tande, MRICS, PMP®, LEED® Green Associate™, Chartered Project Manager


lobally, the current state of infrastructure in developing countries is inadequate to meet the demands of the growing population especially in urban areas, which creates the need to develop more modern infrastructure to meet this demand. The solution to have additional and modern developments in developing countries is good, however it will result in harmful effects to the environment, economic growth and society if modern sustainable construction technology principles issues are not considered. To best implement sustainable construction principles, the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) professionals need to consider Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) through Building Information Modelling (BIM) in order to collaborate together, concentrating on the project objectives collectively and holistically in a digital simulated environment, to have well-coordinated effective and efficient approach to utilize the scarce resources. IPD, BIM and sustainable designs are the current significant drivers for positive change in the built environment to achieve cost effective, high quality including mitigating negative environmental impact during infrastructure development. BIM provides an opportunity for AEC professionals to visualise and analyse the best ways to achieve sustainability on a digital model before actual construction commences at the site thereby minimising chances of reworks, which is costly due to some aspects that could have not been foreseen during design development if BIM analysis had not been done. BIM is important to simulate the actual construction process in the digital environment to establish safe, lean, effective and efficient ways to undertake the development. Also, during the operation phase of projects done through BIM, systems can be put in place to monitor and control the building performance ensuring that it remains as planned such as energy and water efficiency and indoor environment quality to meet sustainability goals. The traditional methods of delivering construction project such design -tender-build or design-build, construction management have shortcomings which include ineffective communication between project team, poor coordination of project team, resources wastage during construction, more variations, poor innovation, poor creativity including being prone to disputes during project

implementation. These challenges call for the need to adopt Sustainable Integrated Project Delivery process through BIM tool so as to efficiently and effectively utilizes the scarce resources. IPD is a process that can use BIM tool deliver sustainable infrastructure development. IPD process and BIM tool can be utilised by project managers and AEC stakeholders to deliver sustainable projects through increased information exchange and coordinating the project stakeholders which results in; 1.

Better collaboration, innovation, creativity and decision making.


Mitigate negative environmental impacts.


Minimise reworks and waste during construction.


Effective and efficient communication between project stakeholders.


Mutual trust and respect between project members thereby reducing conflicts during the project.


Intensified project planning for project success.


Improved health and safety issues consideration.


Improved project quality and implementation duration.


Minimise the need request for information during project execution.

However, there are some barriers the adoption of sustainable IPD process through BIM tool especially in developing countries which include; 1.

Software cost.


Lack of training and awareness for the benefits of using the BIM software and IPD.


Challenge of adopting cultural behaviour changes or changing mentality to better and efficient ways of working.


Lack of experience in adopting BIM or IPD among stakeholders including associated contractual agreements.

The above barriers can be mitigated by training the various AEC stakeholders mostly in developing countries about BIM and IPD including getting them involved with experts in BIM and IPD so theta they quickly adopt the requisite skills. There is need to research ways in which the software’s can be affordable including the support from government to incentivise projects adopting IPD process and BIM as they ensure sustainable development through effective and efficient use the scarce resources.

10. Minimise the issuing of variation orders during project implementation. 11. Owners are assured of a better-quality assurance of the end product including a virtual building for operational and renovation purposes. The IPD process and BIM tool can be used for the following roles; 1.

Project conceptualisation and programming.


Project schematic designs and cost estimation.


Detailed design development for the project.


Developing the project implementation documents.


Project procurement procedures.


Construction administration during project execution.


Project close out procedures and reporting.


Figure 1: Source: dl/ipd_workflow.pdf

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Global community of digital construction professionals. Women in BIM is a powerful collaborative network, supporting pioneering women who are driving the digital transformation of the built environment. Join our growing community of female BIM and digital professionals and connect with all our Members in over 50 countries. | 162

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Considering Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in AEC By Frederico Ramos Introduction As the prevalence of AI and ML continues to grow, it is important to consider both these technologies’ potential benefits and drawbacks. While we tend to overplay doomsday scenarios of a future where robots and algorithms replace human workers, it is essential to note that companies that have successfully integrated AI into their human-centric operations have seen increased productivity, improved performance, and higher profits. In fact, AI ML and Robots have been around for decades, and there are plenty of examples of successful human-machine collaboration. In Singapore, a bold step is being taken towards revolutionising the industry with an innovative approach that heavily relies on ML, AI, and automation. By incorporating BIM rich data models and human-machine collaboration at the core of the regulatory approval process, the industry is poised for a transformative step forward. This approach promises to render 2D drawings a thing of the past and usher in a new era of data-rich models, cloud-based common data environments (CDEs), and human-machine collaboration as the norm. Launched in 2018, CORENET X aims to create a One-Stop Integrated Digital Shopfront to enhance the regulatory approval process. This approach is expected to be gradually implemented starting from the end of 2023. The transformation of the regulatory approval workflows from agency-centric to customer-centric is expected to reduce the current over 20 approval stages across 7 regulatory agencies to 3 essential submission milestones. Introducing an industry-facing portal to facilitate collaboration, automation & interoperability, these technological enablers include openBIM Format, Automated Model Checker, Collaboration Platform (for inter-agency collaboration), and BIM Viewer (for industry use). CORENET X is just one example of how the industry pushes the boundaries of what’s possible. At the Aedas Singapore office, we embrace innovation such as text-to-render, sketch-to-render, text-to-model, and generative design to evolve design processes. Instead of fearing digital disruption, we view it as an opportunity for corporate culture transformation. We empower our team members to conduct research in digital transformation and innovative automation explorations, leading to astonishing outcomes that never cease to impress us.

AI algorithms help us to design eco-friendly buildings by analysing data on weather, carbon footprint, and energy consumption, benefiting the environment and the project’s budget. Whether using: •

Stable Diffusion CONTROLNNET for “Sketch to Render”, exploring “prompt & negative prompt”; “extension models” (MISD and scribble (SCRIBBLE-Xdog); “Image to Image”, or “Reference”. Or Using Midjourney “text-to-image” or “image-to-image” to develop “pinteresting” interactions by gradually adjusting prompts. Or iterating Design Models with Veras;

Chat GPT for coding-driven modelling in SketchUp via Ruby.

Adobe Photoshop Beta for generative editing in painting to generate alternative backgrounds in existing images, either to extend backgrounds or add elements;

Unify to improve/automate library contests; Ideate to automated data management and interchange in Revit;

Exploring generative commercial solutions to optimise design flows, be it Hypar, TestFit, or Forma.

We are entering a new era of human-machine co-authorship with limitless opportunities. An example I like to cite is the “Automatica” video, where Nigel Standford amazingly plays music with computerised robotic arms. I found it a poetic demonstration of human-machine interaction and collaboration to achieve what neither could achieve independently. Sure, one can argue that “these robotic arms could have been programmed to execute these movements, and there is no creation in that” - but that is not the point. The point is the myriad of fantastic new opportunities that unveil when we dare to embrace AI. Instead of staying in our comfort zones complaining about how AI will make all of us redundant, we must dare to learn about it, investigate, and experiment with it. Many believe fear is the best tool to ensure success; careers and companies are built on that. Call me a dreamer, but I still believe (and want to continue to believe) that communication, innovation, and passion would have fear for breakfast.


I want to thank Aedas Singapore Team for their exceptional work in digital transformation research. I would like to thank also Audi, Ashkan, Michael, Simmi, Ethan, Eduardo, Jude, Shreshtha, Rafael, and Gruff for their efforts to drive innovation, without whom this article would not be possible.

Figure 1

Figure 2

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Integration of BIM in Project & Construction Management By Sarath Meluveetil ABSTRACT Due to the rapid development of building technology, processes, choice of materials, and designs, projects across all industries are growing larger and more sophisticated. Construction projects produce a wide variety of information. A construction phase, in particular, calls for the use of several resources and produces a wide range of information. Even while a range of IT tools are being used for information management during the construction phase, there is still a lack of adequate strategies for building databases of this information and connecting its many forms. Building information modelling (BIM) has becoming widely used both as a management technique and as a digital construction tool, and it is anticipated that it will be crucial to project, facility, and asset management. BIM was developed to address issues with traditional construction information management methods. BIM is currently used primarily for making different assessments and analyses that use 3D models, such as interference assessment, sunshine analysis, viewing area analysis, collaboration and energy analysis etc. While it is possible to say that BIM is a technique that uses a three-dimensional parametric modelling technique to consolidate the information generated during the construction phase into a database in order to facilitate connections between data points, this is not entirely accurate. That is to say, despite the fact that BIM is successfully utilised for analyses that incorporate 3D models, it is not employed for construction information management, which entails the collection of construction data and database development. This could be explained by the inadequacy of database management systems for BIM information management and the absence of tools for linking figure and non-figure information together successfully.

INTRODUCTION A project is a brief attempt, a temporary endeavour with a clear start and finish, that aims to provide a specific good, service, or outcome within the constraints of time, money, and scope. A project life cycle is the series of phases that a project passes through from its Initiation to closing. As for a general project life cycle, it is divided into four to five phases. Although specific names may vary, they generally revolve around ‘Starting’, ‘Preparing’, ‘Carrying Out’ and ‘Ending’ or Initiation, Planning, Execution, Monitoring and control, Closing. The construction project life cycle and the distribution of the four/five phases can be defined, as shown in Fig. 1, from stage 1 to stage 6. Applying knowledge, skills, tools, and strategies to direct project activity and produce the desired results is referred to as project management. It would be easier to track project information and continuously improve project management if project management was studied and understood from the perspective of the project life cycle. The continued administration of generating goods or services after the handover, which falls under operation management, is typically outside the purview of construction project management. As a result, for the majority of construction project teams and stakeholders, including the designer, contractor, subcontractor, and construction management team in the project owner, their project management concludes with the delivery of the project. Subsequently, other teams will handle the operation and maintenance phase.

Understanding the integration of BIM and project management across the project life cycle is required before going any further with the investigation of the contribution of BIM capabilities to project management. In order to achieve this, a framework of BIM capabilities is provided by reiterating BIM capabilities for project management across the project life cycle. In order to increase project management efficiency in construction projects, this article intends to make it easier for project teams and stakeholders to constantly integrate BIM with project management throughout the project life cycle.


Sarath is a skilled Electrical BIM Engineer with expertise in project management, civil construction, and BIM. With years of experience, Sarath excels in designing electrical systems using BIM software like Revit and Navisworks. Proficient in project coordination, budget management, and stakeholder collaboration, Sarath’s insights into construction methodologies optimize designs for efficiency and maintenance. With a hands-on understanding of operations, Sarath creates BIM models that enhance facilities management and sustainability in construction projects. The concept of connecting and imprinting data to geometrical elements that create a digital representation of building component assemblies is known as building information modelling (BIM). In the last ten years, numerous nations have begun to use BIM in the construction industry after seeing its potential and advantages. According to the NBS analysis, BIM adoption in the UK increased from 13% in 2011 to 73% in 2020. BIM has evolved from a technology to a management strategy due to its extensive use and ongoing development.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Because BIM is really about accomplishing information management across the entire life cycle, it must be used consistently in a project to reach its immense potential. Additionally, it is crucial that the project’s BIM implementation objective be made explicit, in order for project stakeholders to correctly and rapidly grasp and process various pieces of building information (LOD & LOI). BIM can integrate building data and information and exchange it throughout the whole life cycle at multiple levels. The building life cycle, on the other hand, consists of six stages: the design, manufacture/procurement, construction, operation and maintenance, demolition and disposal, and reuse/recycling. Numerous studies have recently concentrated on creating and discovering BIM’s amazing capabilities in the building life cycle. On the other hand, BIM’s ongoing adoption throughout the course of a project has not gotten enough attention. This limits the possibility of combining BIM and project management in construction projects by leaving open the question of how construction project teams can consistently apply BIM throughout the project life cycle to improve project management. This article seeks to respond to the following questions by thoroughly studying the research area of BIM and project management in the construction project life cycle: 1.

What are the current research trends and topics around the integration of BIM and PM in the life cycle of construction projects?

How can BIM support project management at each step of the project? METHODOLOGY This article aims to provide insight in integrating BIM and Project Management in the Project Life Cycle, using the Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) method.ISSUES INVOLVED IN THE BIM ADOPTION Even though BIM is adopted for many projects, the projects does not fully take advantage of its special characteristics (3D to 8D) or have a strong connection to the project life cycle,

therefore its full potential is not being utilised. Two pillars—communication and collaboration—form the basis of BIM. To adopt BIM to full potential, all project stakeholders must be involved early in the BIM implementation process to be effective. It is to be highlighted that BIM-based projects hardly ever use conventional project delivery methods like designbid-build. Also, a lack of qualitative and quantitative measures available to stakeholders to assist in the measurement and management of BIM delivery, as the project is being developed and delivered is not typically available for BIM. Typically, when projects are measured this is undertaken either through generic KPI’s or usually at close out stage, when it is often too late to gain a benefit, make sufficient changes if objectives are heading off track or educate staff in some of the advantages that may increase the value of BIM and elements therein. Again, it has to be noted that a there is no commonly available system or method for capturing BIM advancements, goals or outputs at the application stages across the project lifecycle. INTEGRATION OF BIM IN PROJECTS The Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) concept emerges as a natural companion to BIM. IPD brings key construction management, trades, fabrication, supplier and product manufacturer expertise together with design professionals and the owner earlier in the process to produce a design that is optimized for quality, aesthetics, constructability, affordability, timeliness and seamless flow into lifecycle management. In the United States, the IPD has become a preferred project delivery system for all major projects involving BIM.The BIM can contribute to a more sustainable construction process that may even in turn help eradicate poverty in developing countries. The use of BIM in a different area is expanding because researchers realize the potential value of BIM can provide. While the use of BIM for structural and energy analysis with 27% and 25% frequencies, respectively, its main use is still in the faster development of 3D geometric models and 3D synchronization. The use of BIM is not limited to architects and engineers. There are also incentives for owners, facility managers, contractors, and fabricators to use BIM. Many of the important factors that lead to the adoption of BIM in a project are focused on automation in the modelling process, improving the accuracy of construction documents, improving inter-party communication in the design and construction process, automatically reflecting changes in design. All observations after correcting a view and reducing background coordination problems. While many applications of BIM are dedicated to building design, the emphasis is on some other areas, such as the use of BIM in energy modelling, which cannot be referred to as BBIP. A review of the relatively comprehensive literature on BIM and its applications shows that most sources, focusing mainly on


planning, design, construction, operation, and energy consumption, with the publication of a more focused archive on energy design and consumption. SPECIFIC BIM CAPABILITY FOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN PROJECTLIFE CYCLE BIM being digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a building or infrastructure. It encompasses both the geometry and non-geometric information about a project, allowing stakeholders to collaborate and make informed decisions throughout the project lifecycle. BIM offers several capabilities that can enhance project management throughout the project life cycle. Here are some specific BIM capabilities for project management in different stages of the project life cycle: Project Planning and Conceptualization: - 3D Visualization: BIM enables the creation of 3D models that aid in visualizing and communicating design concepts during the planning stage. - Site Analysis: BIM can integrate with geographical and environmental data to perform site analysis, including solar studies, shadow analysis, and site accessibility evaluations. - Conceptual Cost Estimation: BIM models can be used to generate conceptual cost estimates to support early-stage decision-making. Design and Development: - Design Coordination: BIM facilitates coordination among different design disciplines by allowing the creation of a federated model that incorporates input from architects, engineers, and other stakeholders. - Clash Detection: BIM software can automatically detect clashes and conflicts between different design elements, helping to identify and resolve issues before construction. - Parametric Design: BIM enables parametric modelling, where design elements can be linked to parameters, allowing for quick design iterations and analysis of design alternatives. Construction and Execution: - Quantity Take-off: BIM can automatically generate accurate quantity take-offs from the model, supporting detailed cost estimation and material procurement. - Construction Sequencing: BIM models can be utilized to visualize and optimize construction sequencing, helping to plan and schedule construction activities efficiently. - On-Site Visualization: BIM models can be used for on-site visualization and coordination, providing a reference for construction teams and helping to ensure accurate implementation.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Operation and Maintenance: - Asset Management: BIM models can serve as a central repository for building information, including equipment details, maintenance schedules, and warranty information, facilitating efficient asset management. - Facility Management: BIM models can be integrated with facility management systems to support ongoing maintenance, space management, and asset tracking. - Energy Analysis: BIM models can be utilized for energy analysis and performance monitoring, assisting in optimizing building operations and reducing energy consumption. Renovation and Retrofit: - As-Built Documentation: BIM models can be updated to reflect as-built conditions, serving as a comprehensive documentation of the building’s existing state and aiding in renovation and retrofit projects. - Clash Detection for Renovation: BIM can help identify clashes and conflicts between existing and proposed elements during renovation projects, facilitating efficient design modifications. - Cost Estimation for Retrofits: BIM models can be used to estimate costs for retrofitting or renovating existing buildings by analysing the impact of proposed changes on the existing model.

BIM AND MANAGEMENT INTEGRATION Throughout the project lifecycle, integrating BIM with project and construction management can significantly improve cooperation, coordination, and decision-making. There are several procedures to be followed in order to integrate BIM with project and construction management. Define Project Goals and Requirements: Clearly articulate the project goals and requirements, including specific BIM deliverables and expectations. This ensures that everyone involved understands the purpose and scope of BIM integration. Select the Right BIM Software: Choose a BIM software that aligns with the project’s requirements and the capabilities of the project team. Consider factors such as ease of collaboration, compatibility with other project management tools, and the ability to exchange data between software platforms. Establish BIM Execution Plan (BEP): Develop a BIM Execution Plan that outlines how BIM will be implemented throughout the project. The BEP should include information about BIM deliverables, data exchange protocols, coordination processes, and responsibilities of each project team member.

Coordinate BIM Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of team members involved in BIM implementation. This may include a BIM manager, BIM coordinators, designers, contractors, and other stakeholders. Each team member should understand their role in managing and utilizing BIM data effectively. Implement Collaborative Workflows: Foster collaboration among project team members by establishing workflows that integrate BIM into the project management processes. This includes regular coordination meetings, data exchange protocols, and shared platforms for accessing and updating BIM models. Exchange Data and Information: Ensure seamless exchange of data and information between BIM software and project management tools. This may involve integrating BIM data with scheduling software, cost estimation tools, document management systems, and other project management platforms. Use standardized file formats, such as IFC (Industry Foundation Classes), to enable interoperability between different software applications. Conduct Clash Detection and Coordination: Use BIM software to perform clash detection and coordination checks to identify and resolve conflicts between different building elements. Integrate clash detection into the project management workflow to avoid rework and delays. Track Project Progress: Utilize BIM data tmonitor project progress and compare it against the planned schedule and milestones. BIM models can provide visual representations of construction progress, allowing project managers to identify potential issues and take corrective actions promptly. Leverage BIM for Construction Sequencing: Use BIM models to optimize construction sequencing and simulate construction processes. This can help identify potential bottlenecks, optimize resource allocation, and improve construction efficiency. Facilitate Facility Management: Hand over the BIM model to facility managers upon project completion. The BIM model can serve as a valuable asset for ongoing facility management, including maintenance planning, asset tracking, and space management. The successful integration of BIM with project and construction management requires effective communication, collaboration, and coordination among project team members. Regular training and support should be provided to ensure that team members have the necessary skills to utilize BIM effectively throughout the project lifecycle.


CONCLUSION This article regards BIM as a management tool to integrate with project & construction management and studied its application in the project life cycle, RIBA stage 1 to 6. The latter divided the articles into five categories: issues involved in the BIM adoption, implementation of BIM in projects, specific BIM capability, BIM and management integration, and the impacts of BIM. Finally, this paper summarises a frame of BIM capabilities for project & construction management in the project life cycle.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Bridging the Gap: Design Technology Leadership’s Voice on Academia and Practice By Argelia Barcena


rchitecture is a diverse field that offers various career paths, one of which is the trending area of Design Technology. As a subject matter expert, who possesses a unique combination of design and technology expertise, I share the following insights. We have been referred to as true unicorns in our industry, as we have the ability to bridge the gap between design and technology.

The responsibility of cultivating a diverse pool of young designers does not solely fall on the shoulders of educators. The architecture profession as a whole plays a significant role in establishing teams that are not only high-performing but also representative of the broader society. Both architecture professionals and educators have important responsibilities in this regard. Architects, as the decision-makers in team selection, often find themselves under pressure to prioritize client demands. Project timelines, a team's portfolio, and financial stability are just some of the factors that can influence their decision-making process. In an industry where financial security is often paramount, project leadership may be tempted to opt for the financial safety net rather than considering the full range of skills and capabilities that a diverse team can bring to the table.

Technology is often seen as a disruptor in many industries, and architecture is no exception. However, the reality is that technology is revolutionizing our field, bringing about innovation and resilience. It is crucial for emerging professionals to understand and embrace the role of technology in architectural practice. Unfortunately, there seems to be a noticeable gap among young designers in this area of our profession. It is not enough to be a talented designer; one must also be technologically savvy and well- versed in cutting-edge design tools and methodologies. Technology plays a critical role in transforming architectural practice. Technology can enhance the professional journey and empower architecture professionals to create impactful designs. From advanced modeling software to virtual reality and augmented reality applications, the latest technological advancements offer the potential to revolutionize architectural processes.

Educators, on the other hand, have the responsibility of preparing the future generation of architects. They must ensure that their curriculum is inclusive and comprehensive, providing students with a well-rounded education that encompasses both design and technology. By exposing students to diverse perspectives and encouraging collaboration, educators can foster an environment that values and embraces diversity. There are also challenges and gaps in higher education that need to be addressed. The professional of the future needs to possess a wide range of skills beyond traditional design knowledge. This includes expertise in emerging technologies, sustainability practices, social equity considerations, and interdisciplinary collaboration. Higher education institutions must adapt their curricula to incorporate these evolving requirements and bridge the gap between academia and practice. Professional growth and development in design technology is also largely determined by a practitioner's commitment to lifelong learning. In an ever-changing technological landscape, it is critical to try new things, stay informed about emerging trends, and maintain dialog with others who share similar interests and passions.


Argelia Bárcena, an architecture graduate of California Polytechnic State University with an executive education certificate from Harvard Graduate School of Design, currently holds the position of Regional Design Technology Manager at Gensler, overseeing its Northwest Region. With an impressive career spanning over two decades in the field of architecture, she has been affiliated with renowned global firms, imparted her knowledge to students at three institutions in San Francisco, and authored two books centered on Building Information Modeling. Notably, she has gained recognition as a speaker, having been honored with the Top Speaker Award at Autodesk University in 2022 and contributing to the development of Autodesk's Revit Certified Professional Exam. Her transition from traditional architecture to design technology was propelled by her exceptional technical prowess. Furthermore, Argelia holds the esteemed position of Associate Director at the American Institute of Architects, San Francisco Chapter, and serves as a Regional Lead for Women in BIM.

In conclusion, this aims to shed light on the importance of technology in architectural practice and the responsibility of both architecture professionals and educators in creating high-performing and representative teams. By exploring the role of technology, understanding the challenges of team selection, and addressing the gaps in higher education, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and innovative design and construction industry. Join us in voicing the importance of this and be part of the change.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

BIM for Designers By Omar Diaa, BIM Manager Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC Build) Old Design Process before BIM BIM was conceptualized between the 1960s to 70s. But it came into practice much later. Gradually, every single function that is involved in the building construction was being done with BIM.

Technologies: The software and hardware used for the construction process comes under this element. This can be the software used to develop the BIM Model.

From Planning to designing to setting the workflows to analyzing the material quantity to estimating the cost, BIM took over these functions and amalgamated on everything under one platform. Before BIM came into the picture, the AEC industry was troubled with a lot of things. Delays, excess project delivery time, frequent clashes, overrun costs, collaboration issues, and various other issues. Building Information Modeling has changed everything. It has made the process easier, smoother, and collaborative. There are fewer clashes plus it is a lot easier to resolve them. Elements of BIM Within the BIM Model, we also need to discuss the elements of BIM. These elements are essential from the perspective of a successful implementation of the project. For a BIM Model to work successfully, all these elements need to collaborate. Information: Information relates to the aspects that provide details about the project in different modes. There are two types of information that we can follow. Models and Documents. Models are the digital data representation of any component or object. It can also include roads, bridges, and any other aspect of the building. Further, the Documents are the important papers, drawings, and any other type of media that is essential for the project. The documents are also converted into digital format. People: The human element is crutial for ensuring the success of a project. The project managers and other classes of supervisors play an important role in the BIM Model and its implementation. Policies: The BIM-related policies and procedures are also essential for the success of a project. The motive of these policies is to ensure the execution of the best policies and procedures to be implemented in the construction process. Further, the benefit of these practices is to reduce risks and disputes. Processes: The processes include the work order and activities that must be aligned from the beginning to the end.

Figure 1 BIM VS Design Building Information Modelling is the next step in the development of computer-aided design. In practice, instead of several specialized documentations containing architecture design, landscape design, construction and installation designs as well as bills of quantities and cost estimates, we have one 3D model with a database containing all above information. Parametric modelling is the essence of the full application of BIM in practice. It allows quick implementation of changes in 3D model when it is necessary during the interdisciplinary coordination process. Other benefits of using BIM can be distinguished. They are shortly described in the following sections.

“Omar Diaa is a BIM manager. Fourteen years experience, some of them were in mechanical systems design with consultants like “EGEC and Saudi Diyar Consultant”. He started his BIM journey on 2012 as BIM Engineer with “Kemet Virtual Project”. He was a part of BIM team in many companies and started with them the establishing of BIM system, and that when he as a BIM Coordinator in “NAGA Architects UAE, Saudi Diyar Consultants and Shaker Consultancy Group”. He worked as a BIM Manager for APT in UAE, also in Shaker Consultancy Group and Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC).”

Figure 3. Effect of BIM adoption, data from the Ministry of Construction of Russia

of Construction of Russia, starting from 2019 , all the facilities constructed at public expense shall be designed with the use of BIM. In 2016, within the regulatory framework development, R&D Center Stroitelstvo developed 4 codes of practice for BIM, defining general principles of application for this technology Figure 2. BIM at different stages of facility’s life cycle Significance for BIM Adoption Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation is reflecting significance and prospective character of BIM technologies. Ministry’s calculations have shown that taken as a percentage, reduction of construction and operational costs amounts to 30%, while reduction in design period approaches 50% see Fig. 2. According to plans of the Ministry


BIM Workflow Diagrams that are developed for electrical schematics, process flow diagrams, plumbing risers and more. Autodesk has been investigating how these different drawings can interact with the models themselves, but Revit already includes detail and annotation families that mimic traditional CAD dynamic blocks. By improving the drafting process, you reduce the excessive manhours need to complete each as individual drawing. And who knows… maybe one day we can link that diagram to the Revit model in a much more meaningful way.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Steps to successful MEP Design & Coordination process Step 1: Using Right MEP BIM Template: Load MEP BIM Template before the start of a new project. The template should be based on the company’s standards for each of the listed trades: •

Mechanical Services

Electrical Services

Plumbing and Sanitary Services

Fire Protection Services

Step 2: Architectural Model Validation: Verify/Check the coordinate of the Architectural model. It is important to have the same coordinates for both MEP and Architectural models before linking them. The best approach is to use the “Origin to Origin” positioning option for placing both models. Step 3: Prepare the MEP Model: •

Mechanical System – HVAC equipment and distribution, ducting, etc.

Plumbing and Sanitary System – Pumps, water holding tanks, pool filtration equipment, Sump, sewage pit, grease and sand traps, etc.

Fire Protection System – Fire sprinkler pumps, sprinkler tanks fire shutter, smoke curtains, piping system, etc.Electrical System – Panels, switchboards, elevators, transformer, cable trays, etc.

Step 4: Run the Clash-detection: In Autodesk’s Navisworks any two disciplinary models are coordinated together and by clicking on “Run Test”, it shows the report of the clashes occurred between the coordinated model. Step 5: Review and Resolve: In this step, we can know the ID of the element that clashes, and fix it in the Revit file. Once all clashes/ conflicts are solved in the Revit file, you have to export it again, with the same name and in the same folder. When you reload the cache in the Navisworks, resolved clashes will appear in the yellow in the “Resolved Section”. If any new clashes emerge, they are classified in red as new. LOD misunderstanding with some BIM Users There are six different levels of development that are defined by the American Institute of Architects (AIA). According to AIA, LOD outlines the design requirements at each stage.


At LOD 100, which is the pre-design stage, the model consists of 2D symbols and the masses to signify an element’s existence. At LOD 200, the elements are partially defined by outlining their approximate quantity, size, shape, and location. By LOD 300, the elements are defined with exact dimensions and their relative positions bolstering precision. LOD 350 describes the information about an element precisely and outlines an element’s relation and connection with other components. The LOD 400 level outlines the basic information about the construction of various elements. By LOD 500, the model begins representing the real-life functions of elements in a real building. Here are all the levels of development with their definitions in detail. From the previous definitions you will find that LOD is specific to the development of the geometry or non-graphic information of the elements upon the project stages. The misunderstanding is coming in BIM contracts or in agreement moreover in BIM Meetings, when you define the clashes solving and categorized for it according to the LOD number. But we must differentiate between LOD and clash detection workflow and clash matrix. On the other Hand, Clashes also must be controlled by the BIM Execution plan “BEP” or BIM contract, to put a strategy or workflow for clashes solving and that to avoid any complication may be happened in Construction phase (This can be expressed as Constructable or Non-Constructable Project Models).

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

HxGN AEC Project Viewer: Enhancing Construction Communication and Productivity By Suhas Jadhal, Director - Industry Consulting Hexagon Geosystems, UK Introduction Effective communication and seamless collaboration are crucial aspects of successful construction projects. With the advancements in technology, construction professionals now have access to powerful tools that streamline project management and improve productivity. Based on BIM, the AEC Project Viewer connects model, schedule, and document management processes within one solution to improve visibility, collaboration, and communication in construction projects.

Gathering Real-Time Insights: One of the key features of the HxGN AEC Project Viewer is its ability to communicate real-time insights from construction projects. This allows stakeholders to access up-to-date information whenever and wherever they need it, facilitating informed decision-making. With this solution, project managers, architects, engineers, and other team members can stay updated on project progress, track milestones, and identify any delays or issues that may arise.

Suhas is a dynamic global team leader specializing in exceptional consulting and digital transformation services for construction firms. With a background in engineering and business administration, he excels in cross-cultural team management and IT integration, enabling streamlined workflows. Boasting over 17 years of techno-professional experience, Suhas focuses on innovative technologies to enhance construction processes, driving business growth, technical sales, and team management.

In this article, we will explore the features and capabilities of the HxGN AEC Project Viewer and discuss how it resolves construction communication challenges while boosting overall productivity.

Figure 1: HxGN AEC Project Viewer Federated BIM View Better Construction Project Management: The AEC Project Viewer excels in improving construction project management. By making model, schedule, and document management processes available within a single solution, it enhances visibility, collaboration, and communication. This allows project teams to have a comprehensive view of the project’s view, making it easier to identify potential bottlenecks or conflicts.

Figure 2: Viusalise Construction Programme without need of native authoring tool. Identifying Model and Schedule Changes Faster: In the dynamic construction environment, changes to the project’s model and schedule are inevitable. The HxGN AEC Project Viewer enables users to identify these changes quickly, allowing for timely adjustments and proactive decision-making. By using CDE integrations to federate project data easily, stakeholders can compare different versions of the model, track modifications, and identify any discrepancies. This feature reduces the risk of errors and miscommunication, ultimately leading to smoother workflows and improved project outcomes.


Figure 3: Model Change Management (Incld. Qty compare)

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Visualize, Federate, and Control Project Data Easily: At the core of HxGN AEC Project Viewer’s functionalities lies Building Information Modeling (BIM). This technology enables the visualization, federation, and control of project data, making it accessible and understandable to all team members. By leveraging BIM, the solution enhances model, program, and document management processes, creating a unified environment for data exchange and collaboration. Real-Time Insights Anywhere, anytime: The HxGN AEC Project Viewer ensures that construction teams have access to visualisation of large Federated BIM Models in real-time wherever they are. With its mobile capabilities, the solution is available on both iOS and Android platforms, enabling team members to stay connected and informed even when they are on the go. This allows for informed decision-making, as stakeholders can access up-to-date project information right at their fingertips.

Figure 4 : Schedule change managment

Whether they are at the construction site or in a remote location, the HxGN AEC Project Viewer keeps the entire team on the same page. Conclusion: The HxGN AEC Project Viewer offers a comprehensive solution to resolve construction communication challenges and improve productivity. By visualizing, federating, and controlling project data through BIM integration, it enhances visibility and communication, fostering collaboration and reducing errors. In an industry where effective communication and efficient project management are paramount, the HxGN AEC Project Viewer emerges as a valuable tool that drives successful construction projects. Any construction professional can create up to 3 projects with 20GB in total and invite unlimited users on HxGN AEC Project Viewer for no cost.

Figure 5 & 6: Mobile View of Large Federated BIM Model and Level 6 Filtered view

Get Started for Free.

Figure 7


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

ACPV ARCHITECTS Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel By Vincenzo Panasiti, Deputy Head of BIM, ACPV ARCHITECTS Introduction:

Driving Efficiency and Cost Savings:

In the ever-evolving world of building construction, the utilization of information models has emerged as a game-changer. ACPV Architects, have recognized the importance of delivering information models instead of traditional sheet-based drawings. This article explores the significance of this shift, highlighting the benefits it brings to the industry and emphasizing the commitment of ACPV Architects to embrace this innovative approach.

Information models streamline the design and construction process, leading to enhanced efficiency and cost savings. The digital nature of information models enables faster decision-making, as stakeholders can access upto-date data in real-time. This agility allows for prompt modifications and adjustments, reducing the time spent on manual revisions. Moreover, information models provide accurate quantity take-offs, optimizing material procurement and reducing waste. The efficient collaboration facilitated by information models also minimizes delays and rework, resulting in cost savings throughout the project lifecycle.

Streamlining Collaboration: Information models offer a comprehensive digital representation of the building design and construction process, fostering improved collaboration and communication among stakeholders. Unlike traditional sheet-based drawings, information models provide a unified platform where architects, engineers, contractors, and other professionals can access and work with a shared dataset. This seamless collaboration eliminates discrepancies and enhances understanding, reducing the risk of misunderstandings and costly errors. By delivering information models, ACPV Architects ensure a higher level of accuracy and quality in the final product. Information models eliminate the duplication of information found in traditional sheet-based drawings, minimizing the potential for inconsistencies. With precise digital representations, stakeholders can visualize and analyze the design more effectively, identifying and resolving potential issues before construction begins. This meticulous approach translates into a superior result, meeting or even surpassing client expectations.

Figure 2 Sustainability and Environmental Considerations: In the age of increasing environmental consciousness, information models contribute to sustainable building practices. By reducing paper usage and minimizing physical prototypes, design firms like ACPV Architects demonstrate their commitment to minimizing their ecological footprint. Information models enable stakeholders to conduct energy simulations, analyze building performance, and explore sustainable design options. This forward-thinking approach helps design firms integrate sustainability principles into their projects, ultimately creating buildings that are more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.

Figure 1


Vincenzo Panasiti is a dedicated professional boasting a decade of experience in Building Information Modeling across academia and industry. As Deputy Head of BIM at ACPV ARCHITECTS, he leads BIM projects and teams. Recently, Vincenzo assumed the role of Director at ACPVX, a BIM Consultancy and R&D business unit under ACPV ARCHITECTS, set to launch this year. Challenges and Implementation: While the adoption of information models offers numerous benefits, challenges may arise during the implementation phase. One of the key challenges is the need for training and upskilling stakeholders to effectively utilize the digital tools and workflows associated with information models. Design firms like ACPV Architects invest in continuous professional development, ensuring their team members have the necessary skills and knowledge to leverage information models to their full potential. Additionally, interoperability and data exchange between different software platforms can present technical challenges. However, with the advancement of industry standards and improved software integration, these obstacles are gradually being overcome.

Figure 3 Conclusion: The shift towards information models in building construction is revolutionizing the industry. Design firms, such as ACPV Architects, understand the transformative power of delivering information models instead of traditional sheet-based drawings. The utilization of information models enhances collaboration among stakeholders, improves accuracy and quality, drives efficiency and cost savings, and supports sustainable building practices. As the industry continues to evolve, embracing information models will be crucial for design firms to stay ahead and deliver exceptional results for their clients. ACPV Architects’ commitment to this innovative approach positions them as leaders in the industry, reshaping the future of building construction.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Building Beyond Boundaries: The Data Revolution in Construction By Trevor Owen, Product Manager - Integrated Design Services Hilti Introduction The construction industry is undergoing a transformative shift, with the adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) at its core. BIM brings numerous benefits to the table, including improved collaboration, streamlined processes, and enhanced project outcomes. However, embracing BIM is just one aspect of maximizing construction efficiency. Let’s explore some of the challenges faced by construction professionals, the importance of staying focused on the fundamentals of design and construction, and how the industry can attract new, young talent while adapting to emerging trends. Challenges Faced Construction professionals navigate a landscape fraught with challenges that impact project efficiency and productivity. One of the key hurdles lies in the availability and quality of information. Incomplete or inadequate data provided by design teams often leads to ambiguity and gaps, making it challenging for contractors to fill in the missing pieces and ensure accurate implementation. This not only hinders productivity but also increases the likelihood of errors, change orders, and delays during construction. Furthermore, there is a need to overcome resistance to change within the industry. Traditional working methods, while deeply rooted and experience-based, may limit the industry’s ability to fully harness the potential of data. By embracing a mindset that prioritizes comprehensive information and collaborative workflows, construction professionals can unlock new levels of efficiency and elevate project outcomes. Additionally, attracting and retaining skilled talent is a pressing concern. As experienced professionals retire, the industry must actively seek ways to attract and nurture the next generation of construction experts. Creating an environment that values innovation, technology integration, and continuous learning is crucial to inspire and engage young professionals, propelling the industry forward into a new era of excellence.

tools and processes. Implementing BIM and leveraging visualization technologies, such as 4D/5D renderings, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR), not only enhances project planning and coordination but also appeals to tech-savvy individuals seeking dynamic and engaging work environments. Moreover, organizations should focus on creating inclusive cultures that foster mentorship and collaboration. Encouraging knowledge sharing between experienced professionals and emerging talent cultivates a positive learning environment and accelerates professional development. By emphasizing the value of diverse perspectives and providing opportunities for growth, construction companies can position themselves as attractive employers for the next generation. Industry Trends The construction industry is at the forefront of innovation, embracing trends that drive efficiency, productivity, and sustainable practices. Let’s explore three key trends in more detail: Prefabrication: Construction projects increasingly incorporate off-site prefabrication techniques, revolutionizing traditional construction methods. Prefabrication allows for the construction of building components in controlled factory environments, enabling expedited construction timelines, reduced waste, and improved quality control. By aligning with the principles of BIM, accurate designs can be seamlessly translated into efficient fabrication processes and on-site assembly. Prefabrication empowers construction professionals to achieve greater precision, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability in their projects. Robotics and Automation: “The integration of robotics and automation is transforming the construction industry, revolutionizing tasks and processes. Innovative digital solutions like total stations have made on-site layout easier than ever before. From robotic arms

Adapting Organizational Structures To address these challenges and attract new, young talent, organizations must adapt their structures and practices. Embracing technology and innovation is key, as younger generations are often drawn to construction companies that prioritize the use of advanced

for on-site construction tasks to autonomous vehicles for material delivery, robotics and automation enhance safety, precision, and efficiency, attracting technology-oriented talent to the construction sector and bridging the gap between construction and cutting-edge technologies. By leveraging robotics and automation, construction professionals can streamline repetitive tasks, increase productivity, and optimize resource utilization, ultimately driving progress and innovation in the industry.”

Figure 1


Figure 2 Digital Collaboration Platforms: The industry is witnessing the emergence of advanced digital collaboration platforms that facilitate seamless communication, coordination, and information sharing among project stakeholders. These platforms offer centralized hubs for real-time collaboration, document management, and workflow tracking. By connecting architects, engineers, contractors, and other stakeholders, digital collaboration platforms enable streamlined decision-making, reduced errors, and improved project coordination. Such platforms empower construction professionals to work together efficiently, regardless of geographical locations, enabling a truly connected and collaborative construction ecosystem. Conclusion Maximizing construction efficiency requires a holistic approach that encompasses embracing BIM, attracting new, young talent, and adapting to industry shifts. By addressing challenges related to the means and methods of construction, fostering a culture of innovation, and leveraging emerging technologies, organizations can position themselves for success. Through prefabrication, visualization tools, robotics, and a focus on talent attraction, the construction industry can drive productivity, enhance project outcomes, and create a vibrant future for the next generation of construction professionals.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Unlocking New Possibilities The Intersection of AI and BIM Technology By Parveen Sharma, CEO - ‘The BIM Engineers’ Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) are two transformative technologies that have the potential to revolutionize the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. When AI and BIM intersect, they create a powerful synergy that can reshape the future of building design, construction, and management. BIM, a digital representation of a building’s characteristics, provides a comprehensive approach to the entire lifecycle of a facility. It enables collaboration, data interoperability, clash detection, and visualization. On the other hand, AI mimics human intelligence and offers automation, optimization, and predictive analysis. The convergence of AI and BIM technology opens up new possibilities for the AEC industry. AI algorithms can process BIM data, extracting valuable insights and patterns. This facilitates automated workflows, advanced simulations, and data-driven design iterations, leading to informed decisions, reduced costs, and enhanced project outcomes. The integration of AI into BIM technology has several applications. Design optimization allows AI to generate and evaluate design alternatives, considering parameters like energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Clash detection and risk mitigation automate the identification of conflicts within a BIM model, reducing rework and improving project quality. Construction planning and scheduling can be optimized using AI algorithms that analyze historical project data. Predictive maintenance and facility management benefit from AI’s ability to analyze sensor data and predict equipment failures. The convergence of AI and BIM technology offers significant benefits to the AEC industry. Collaboration is enhanced, efficiency is improved, and designs are optimized. Cost savings can be achieved through the reduction of errors and delays. Sustainable building practices are promoted through AI’s analysis of energy usage patterns. However, there are challenges and limitations to consider. Data quality and interoperability are crucial for successful BIM implementation. Skilled professionals and training programs are needed to leverage AI and BIM effectively. Ethical considerations, such as bias in algorithmic predictions and data privacy, must be addressed. Initial investments in software, hardware, and training may be required. Real-world projects have already showcased the potential of AI and BIM integration. The Crystal in London utilized AI algorithms to optimize

energy usage. The Shanghai Tower in China employed AI and BIM to optimize structural design and construction scheduling. The Oslo Airport Expansion in Norway used AI-powered algorithms to analyze passenger flow data and optimize terminal layout. The future prospects of AI and BIM technology are exciting. Generative design can revolutionize the creative process by generating design options based on defined parameters. Autonomous construction can automate processes for increased safety and precision. Digital twins, virtual replicas of physical assets, combined with AI, enable real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance. As AI and BIM technology advance, ethical considerations become increasingly important. Transparency and explainability of AI algorithms ensure accountability. Data privacy regulations must be followed to protect user information. Bias mitigation efforts are necessary to ensure fairness.

Parveen Sharma is a BIM, Digital Twin & Virtual Construction Technologies Specialist with 20+ years’ experience of implementing BIM on 600+ complex projects. Parveen is CEO of ‘The BIM Engineers’ which has global presence in 20+ Countries in 5 Continents. Parveen’s contribution to the construction industry has been recognized by various international organizations, Parveen has written various Books, Research Papers, Articles and has spoken at various international events across the globe. He is an active member of national and international BIM forums and a regular speaker at Conferences and Seminars.

In conclusion, the intersection of AI and BIM technology holds immense potential for the AEC industry. It enables collaboration, improves efficiency, optimizes designs, saves costs, and promotes sustainable practices. Challenges and ethical considerations need to be addressed for successful implementation. As technology continues to evolve, it has the power to reshape the way we conceive, create, and manage buildings. Let’s discover a new era in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. Our pioneering team at ‘The BIM Engineers’ combines unmatched expertise in Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to revolutionize your projects. By harnessing the power of AI algorithms, we unlock insights from BIM data, optimizing workflows, simulations, and design iterations. Let’s make informed decisions, reduce costs, and achieve exceptional outcomes. Our track record includes impressive projects like the Mall of the Netherlands, Intel Chipset Factory, Garda HQ Dublin, Skyline Tower in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, the Riverfront Plaza in New York City, USA, and the Horizon Mall in Tokyo, Japan, where we utilized AI to optimize energy usage, structural design, and space utilization. Trust our ethical and transparent approach, to safeguarding your data privacy. Experience the future of AEC, where our innovative team shapes smarter, more sustainable, and cost-effective solutions. Let’s transform the vision into reality together.

Figure 1

Figure 2


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

The BIM Engineers provided the BIM Model for the Singapore Data Center on an area of about 178000 acres which is smaller than the U.S. State of Rhode Island. To conserve space, the Facebook design team went vertical, developing the design for an 11-story building that will sit on 12 acres of land in Singapore’s Tanjong Kling Data Center Park. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is used extensively from the early stages of this project which has significantly improved productivity during the design phase and reduced abortive works in the construction phase to save time and cost. Area: 178000 Sq. Meters


Figure 3 Value Addition: •

Clash detection by Naviswroks Manage and coordination of all MEP services have been done considering the access & maintenance clearance.

Model cleanup with a standardized naming convention for families and view names without any duplication.

Model upgrade with proper Cable tray fittings, material Assigning, and adding IFC parameters and asset information to each element for the use of facility management.

Hanger supports are provided for all the services along with Electrical services.

Shop drawings & Construction drawings had been issued.

Detailed Sections and 3D view are placed in the sheets for site installation.

Sheet drawings are submitted for all electrical services by individual discipline as well as coordinated services.

Bill of quantity has been taken for the purchase & installation.

Microsoft Teams has been used as a communication tool for immediate response with the client.

Trades Covered: Electrical & ELV Software: Revit, AutoCAD, Navisworks, BIM 360 MEP Services: •

ELE: Electrical Service

Lighting & Lighting Protection

Small Power




Scope of Work: 3D Modeling of Electrical services with Coordination and provision of Hanger Support and Wall opening. Preparation of shop drawings, Construction drawings, and BOQ Takeoff for Electrical services. The timeline of the project has been divided into various stages such as: •

Model Freeze Stage: At this stage, Modeling, Coordination & Wall opening need to be completed and the model has to be finalized for design drawing submission.

Sheet Production Stage: At this stage ISD, Shop drawings, and Construction drawings have to be annotated & submitted for the Electrical Services.

BOQ Takeoff Stage: At this stage, BOQ with types of equipment, fittings, and devices with separate levels needs to extract the quantities from the final electrical model.

Challenges: The major difficulties & Issues faced during the entire project lies in the vastness of the project. The Datacenter Building consists of a team of almost 40 members during modeling & Coordination. •

Frequent Design Changes

Revit family standardization

Hanger support & Bracket coordination

ISD Numbering System

BOQ Takeoff for each level.

Dividing the task level-wise & Area-wise among the team members has been very challenging majorly because of the coordination issues between such a massive team size. The Revit model was quite heavy and the model got slow in between the modeling period.


We have a separate team for modeling, sheet drawings, and hanger placement. So the modeling team incorporates the design changes instantly. Other team does the Coordination for critical areas like Risers, the Corridor area, the Generator room, Data Hall, and the Electrical/ DB room. We use the Revit Addin to export & import data from the Revit model which shortens the ISD Numbering and Asset information process. Frequent clearing of Temp and Cache files helped us to build a good Revit model

Electrical Service Drawing Presentation

Electrical Room and Wet Riser Drawing Presentation

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

The Skills Energy Equation By Paul McCormack, Innovation Manager Belfast Met


he ‘Skills Energy Equation’ is not a commonly used or established term in the field of education or workforce development. It is a direct calculation of the relationship between skills development and energy-related outcomes. Through digitalisation we can qualify and quantify that the acquisition and application of skills has a direct impact on energy efficiency, renewable energy adoption, and overall energy sustainability. Building on the digital transformation of skills in the BIMcert and ARISE projects we are developing the Skills Energy Equation – highlighting the linear connectivity where increased energy efficiency skills in the workforce will deliver reduced C02 consumption in construction. We are developing a ‘digital twin’ approach to how we design, build, and operate buildings and incorporate energy technologies. This exchange will enable the direct measurement of energy efficiencies achieved in construction via having a workforce with the requisite skills and close the energy efficiency gap between as design and as built. Introduction Improving the energy efficiency of construction is crucial for many reasons, including environmental sustainability, cost savings, and the need to reduce carbon emissions. The construction industry is a significant consumer of energy and a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. By focusing on energy-efficient construction practices specifically skills, we can address these issues and promote a more sustainable built environment. The Skills Landscape. We are in an economy in transition that is resulting in a rapidly changing skills landscape. Technological advancements and the digital revolution are reshaping industries and creating new job roles. As a result, the skills required to succeed in the workforce are continuously evolving. The conundrum arises when individuals possess skills that are no longer in high demand or lack the skills needed for emerging roles. This is being acutely felt in the construction sector and is leading to widening skills gaps, a mismatch between the energy efficiency skills that the construction sector requires and the skills possessed by job seekers. It occurs when the skills demanded by the labour market are different from those being supplied by the education and training systems. The skills gap can hinder economic growth and productivity as employers struggle to find qualified candidates for available positions.

In order to close the skills gap we must improve the core process of skills delivery and training effectively leveraging data and technology processes to meet the triple goals of fulfilling customer expectations, meeting industry need and achieving greener construction. Why? • to deliver increased productivity • deliver whole life value • reduce energy consumption • deliver work-based skills How? 1. Sector coupling the education and digital sectors to revolutionise how we deliver skills delivery and education. 2. Develop a skills/training eco-system Digitalised training 3. Empowering Continuous Learning 4. Enabling democratised learning 5. Facilitating social learning 6. Stimulating engagement and motivation Skills are Key to Efficiencies Skilled construction workers who are knowledgeable about energy-efficient construction techniques can ensure that buildings are constructed to meet energy efficiency standards. This includes proper insulation installation, air sealing, efficient HVAC system installation, and the implementation of energy-saving technologies. Skilled labour plays a vital role in translating energy-efficient designs into reality. Developing a skilled workforce that is knowledgeable about energy-efficient practices is crucial for the widespread adoption of energy-efficient technologies and strategies. Training programs and educational initiatives must be sufficiently agile to equip individuals with the appropriate, necessary specific skills to design, construct, and manage energy-efficient buildings. By investing in skills development allied with agile skills delivery, we can create a workforce that is capable of implementing energy efficiency measures effectively. Energy efficiency is not only about the construction phase but also the ongoing operation and maintenance of buildings. Skilled energy managers and facility operators can monitor energy usage, identify areas for improvement, and implement energy-saving strategies. Their skills in energy auditing, data analysis, and system optimization are crucial for maintaining high energy efficiency levels in buildings over the long term.


With extensive experience in international projects within green economy and digitalization, Paul is a research & innovation specialist. He spearheaded the BIM-Energy Performance Alliance (BIM-EPA), uniting 100 partners in 24 EU countries to promote sustainable energy skills through digital transformation. This work underpins digiCONEX, a Digital Centre of Excellence for the Construction Sector, offering skill development, e-learning resources, and an EU recognition pathway for the supply chain.

Transforming the skills interface Transforming the skills interface involves implementing changes to improve the core process of skills delivery and to achieve the skilled workforce the construction sector requires. To achieve an ‘energy efficient’ workforce we must address effectiveness, efficiency, and accessibility of education. Within the ARISE project we are pioneering digitalisation of the skills exchange through;

Personalized Learning: Implementing personalized learning approaches which empower the students to learn at their own pace and according to their individual needs. We are also utilising adaptive learning technologies which are used to tailor content, assessments, and learning experiences to each student’s abilities and preferences, thereby improving the effectiveness of skill delivery. Beyond Blended Learning: We are building a hybrid system which combines traditional classroom instruction with online learning resources creates a blended learning environment. This approach provides students with flexibility in accessing educational materials and allows for a mix of individual and collaborative learning experiences. Our beyond blended learning approach enhances skills delivery by leveraging the benefits of both in-person and online instruction

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Digitalisation and Gamification techniques:

In the ARISE skills process we have embedded gamification techniques, introducing game elements and mechanics into the learning process which make it more engaging and enjoyable for students. We are building a process which capitalises on gamification techniques, such as points, badges and developing a skill crypto currency CERTcoin which learners acquire through points exchange and use to ‘purchase’ micro-certificates or CPD points. This approach incentivizes skill acquisition and fosters a sense of achievement. By making learning interactive and fun, gamification in improving the delivery of skills by reducing barriers. Virtual and Augmented Reality: Immersive technologies like virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) offer unique educational experiences. They can simulate real-world environments, provide interactive visualizations, and offer hands-on training opportunities. VR and AR can enhance skills delivery by enabling students to practice and apply their knowledge in realistic and engaging contexts. Mobile Learning:

Collaboration and Communication Tools: In our project work in ARISE we have found that incorporating collaborative and communication tools into the education interface facilitates interaction and knowledge sharing among students and teachers. We have trialled online discussion forums, video conferencing, and collaborative platforms enable collaborative learning, peer feedback, and active engagement. These tools enhance skills delivery by promoting interaction and fostering a sense of community among learners.

Meeting the skills/efficiency challenge requires proactive measures from all including individuals, educational institutions, employers, and governments. By embracing and engaging in a skills cycle of participation, promoting collaboration, and adapting to changing skill requirements and achieving a work/life/skills balance, we can navigate the challenges posed by the evolving workforce and create a more efficient and adaptable skills ecosystem that will deliver green construction.

These are the key tools and instruments that form the ‘backbone’ of our work and they are transforming the education interface and improving the core process of skills delivery. By embracing innovative approaches and leveraging technology, we are ensuring that training and upskilling is more engaging, personalized, and effective in preparing students with the necessary skills for the future.

Skills and knowledge are essential drivers for achieving energy-related goals, including energy efficiency, renewable energy adoption, and sustainable energy practices are critical to delivering a green construction sector.

Conclusion By fostering a skilled workforce, promoting education and training, and encouraging innovation, we can improve energy efficiencies in construction and other sectors. Developing skills in energy-efficient practices ensures that professionals have the knowledge and expertise needed to design, construct, operate, and maintain buildings that minimize energy consumption and contribute to a more sustainable future.

By leveraging mobile devices for learning allows students to access educational resources anytime and anywhere, it brings the learning interface to the learner in a comfortable environment, one where barriers are reduced. Mobile learning platforms and apps provide flexibility and convenience, enabling students to learn on the go. By utilizing mobile technology, we are making training and education more accessible, and reaching out to students who may not have access to traditional learning resources or who fail to engage in the traditional sense.

Data-Driven Instruction:

By analysing data collected from student performance and learning analytics we are able to identify areas of improvement, engagement and to tailor instruction accordingly. We are using data-driven instruction allows for targeted interventions, personalized feedback, and adaptive teaching strategies, optimizing skills delivery based on individual student needs.

Transforming the Skills Interface


ARISE – revolutionising the skills interface

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters



Building Information Modelling (BIM) manages project-related information to coordinate multiple inputs and outputs, using shared digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of any created object (3D Model).

The assessment identification came from questionaries, examined from the standard components: People, Politics, Process, System, and Data.

In May 2011, the UK government published the Building Strategy to reduce the cost of public sector assets by up to 20% by 2016. Since then, the mandate has made it necessary for public-procured projects to meet Stage 2 BIM maturity at least.

Projects need expertise and quality resources to be delivered; they can only succeed when the right people work effectively as a team. Identifying skills shortages provides the opportunity to decide on a strategic training programme to close gaps by upskilling existing staff.


Civil Engineer and Architect and Urbanist. Master by the graduate program of Architecture, Technology and City. Professor of the Master International specialization course in BIM Management - ZIGURAT E-learning. Managment Consultant at Assystem. BIM Manager at SIPPRO with over 14 years of experience with virtual construction and BIM implementation, being active in the construction market, and extensive experience in several works. Researcher and Consultant of the BIMe Initiative, being one of the responsible for the project MU 4040 - Model Use Template.

Systems Software systems help form the backbone of a strong, efficient project control capability. However, these depend on the processes and people to use them effectively. The research focuses on understanding existing systems to identify gaps. The main goal is to minimise disruption to existing systems by maximising the utilisation of existing systems in the transformation.


Figure 1: ISO 19650 graphics depicting BIM stages. Source: ISO 19560 - 1 BIM Stage 2 maturity is a series of federated and collaborative domain models. Models, consisting of geometric and non-graphical 3D data, are prepared by different parties during the project life cycle in the context of a Common Data Environment. Using proprietary information exchange across multiple systems, project participants will have the means to deliver defined and validated results through structured and reusable digital transactions. To establish the current stages of these capabilities across projects, a Maturity Assessment is essential to assess whether relevant standards have been met.

Policy The organisation are involved in mandating, regulating or facilitating the adoption of innovative systems/processes across the industry. Policies are created to educate practitioners, conduct research, allocate responsibilities, minimise conflicts and regulate the delivery of facilities.

Process The organisation can optimise its ability to deliver projects successfully by consistently applying robust processes. While existing processes may mature for the existing setup, transformation to Digital Engineering may require aligning current plans, workflows and procedures.


The data is the basis for all presentations, visualisation, information exchange, and collaboration. Consistent data (i.e. correct and validated data) requires committed people, well-defined processes and integrated systems. With these aspects, the data can be accurately and reliably extracted to be transformed into information and knowledge.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Figure 2. Method applied. Source. the author

Methodology The method used to perform the BIM Maturity assessment is defined in three phases: Phase 1 – Requirement Definition At this stage, collaborative meetings and questionaries are held with the client to determine the needs and main requirements of the project regarding the evolution of the BIM Maturity. Phase 2 – Detailed Requirements After obtaining the requirements, a detailed requirements analysis is produced based on best practices to translate stakeholder needs into actionable, clear and clearly defined requirements. Phase 3 – Requirements Priority The requirements priority stage distributes the identified requirements onto a roadmap to ensure correct deployment and evolution of the BIM maturity level. Developed collaboratively with the client, the roadmap presented is based on best practices to meet the project’s needs in terms of priority of requirements implementation. Output The Roadmap is developed following some premises as (i) a certain minimum duration for each application; (ii) concerning the chronological order of the stages; (iii) respect to the order of the most critical components according to the current levels, namely: policy, process, people, data, system. The times stated are estimates and depend on the team selected to fulfil the roadmap. Figure 3. Roadmap example. Source. The author.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Availability project A10/A24: Life cycle approach with open BIM By Thomas Tschickardt, Head of BIM-Management and doctoral candidate, Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau AG Introduction The “Availability Model A10/A24” project is the first of its kind, integrating BIM for seamless design, execution and maintenance. It surpasses previous pilot projects by incorporating BIM into operational processes. Havellandautobahn GmbH & Co. KG, with shareholders Invesis GmbH and PGGM (70%), along with HABAU PPP GmbH (30%), serves as the contracting party. The joint venture A10/A24 Havellandautobahn, consisting of Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau AG and HABAU Hoch- und Tiefbaugesellschaft m.b.H., has been assigned the design and construction as the general contractor. Havellandautobahn Services GmbH & Co. KG handles operation and maintenance. The project spans approximately 64.2 km, divided into ten sections, with a goal to expand or renew infrastructure under continuous traffic within five years. One specific section, measuring 5.5 km, exclusively utilizes the BIM methodology, encompassing two service areas, a 265 m noise barrier and a replacement bridge over a municipal road. Germany currently lacks standardized BIM implementation and application methods in transportation infrastructure construction, resulting in the utilization of diverse software solutions to fulfill BIM requirements. Many software providers offer closed BIM solutions that are incompatible with the open BIM approach, creating the need for robust interfaces tailored to transportation infrastructure construction to meet open BIM process requirements.

Approach To ensure a seamless flow of information throughout the project phases, an innovative and integrated software, data, and process environment has been developed (see Fig. 1.1.1-2). Collaborating closely, all project stakeholders have successfully implemented crucial digital transformations in transportation infrastructure construction. Contractually binding BIM use cases (Fig. 1.1.1-1) are implemented throughout the lifecycle, including creating basic documents such as Exchange Information requirements (EIR) and BIM Execution Plan (BEP), updating specialist models, deriving 2D plans from BIM models, coordinating BIM activities, visualizing, delivering according to standards, and conducting 4D construction sequencing and as-built comparisons. During maintenance, two BIM use cases visualize maintenance measures and condition values. For open model exchange, the platform-independent format IFC is used, although limitations and workarounds in BIM coordination have been addressed. A common data environment (CDE) serves as the central hub, where specialist designers provide deliverables in IFC format, federated and checked by coordination software. Model coordination and quality control are critical, necessitating defined standards and the use of the BCF exchange format for coordination workflows and reviews. Through this process-driven approach, identified viewpoints and issues are assigned to responsible stakeholders for resolution.

Figure 1


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Lessons Learned The use of BIM as a central platform for information and collaboration brings many advantages during the design, planning, and maintenance phases. By implementing the BIM methodology, the project reduces the number of information sources and establishes a “single source of truth.” All information and design documents for the BIM section are derived from the BIM model(s). Multiple technical disciplines’ BIM models are integrated using the vendor neutral IFC format within the CDE, enabling immediate visibility of modifications’ impact across disciplines. This approach enhances interdisciplinary collaboration and reduces errors and inconsistencies during planning and construction. Implementing project-specific BIM use cases not only avoids redundant information but also optimizes day-to-day operations. For example, model-based construction sequencing allows early identification of bottlenecks and coordination errors, enabling swift responses to disruptions. Interfaces, like incorporating

internal construction reports directly into the BIM model, enable efficient evaluation by control and scheduling teams, improving process efficiency, resource utilization, and quality. The information transfer throughout the value chain, including the maintenance phase, provides sustainable added value. Establishing efficient BIM utilization was a significant challenge, requiring collaboration among clients, contractors, specialist planners, operators and software providers. Through transparent collaborations and involvement of future users, project-specific BIM goals and use cases were successfully developed and documented in the BEP. This ensures tangible project value and team acceptance. The project’s comprehensive, lifecycle-oriented, and open-system digitalization strategy makes it unique in Germany. The integrated BIM approach, extending into operational processes, offers measurable benefits for all stakeholders, including enhanced cooperation, reduced risks, shorter turnaround times, increased productivity, and more sustainable resource utilization.

Figure 2


Thomas Tschickardt, a qualified master carpenter and international civil engineering graduate, serves as Digital Construction Manager at Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau AG. Leading ISO 19650 certification and the A 10/A 24 BIM project, he’s actively involved in German working groups like buildingSMART’s Infra Room. Pursuing a BIM and digitalization doctorate at TU Kaiserslautern, his impact spans BIM implementation, standardization, and academic research.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

From Static Imagery to Dynamic Digital Twins: A Personal Journey in Reality Capture By Chuck Pfeffer, VP of Product Marketing, CUPIX, INC. As a seasoned industry veteran, I have been privileged to witness the transformation of reality capture in the manufacturing and construction industries over the last quarter-century. It has been a voyage from rudimentary photography and traditional surveying to powerful photogrammetry capable of capturing 360-degree videos and creating 3D spatial digital twins. This transition marks a significant shift from merely documenting the past to planning and simulating the future, leading to a new era of efficiency in the construction industry. In the late 1990s, reality capture was largely about documentation, primarily for posterity or post-project analysis. With the limited technology available then, most project details were recorded using film based photography, tape measures, measuring wheels and traditional surveying which were frequently two person jobs. These techniques offered a broad yet somewhat static understanding of construction sites, capturing the rudimentary structure but lacking depth and context. The primary terminology used was “3D documentation,” emphasizing that the technique was more about recording than actively participating in the construction process. However, the seeds of change were sown with the introduction of the laser scanner. This technology could measure the distances and angles between the scanner and various points on an object or a building, creating a point cloud that could develop a 3D representation of the project. Yet, the technology was costly, complicated, and slow to process the vast amounts of data it collected. Despite these drawbacks, it was an early sign of what was to come. The advent of the 21st century saw an

explosion in technology that revolutionized the construction industry’s reality capture landscape. Advanced digital photogrammetry emerged, capable of measuring the distance between points on an object using photographs taken from different angles, making it possible to construct 3D models more accurately and efficiently. At the same time, drone technology took flight, bringing a new perspective to reality capture by allowing aerial views that were once impossible or prohibitively expensive. However, it was the fusion of these technologies with powerful computational algorithms and artificial intelligence that led to the game-changing concept of the “Digital Twin.” This term symbolized the shift from static 3D documentation to a dynamic, evolving 3D model that accurately reflected the real-world state of a project — not just at a single point in time, but across its entire lifecycle. The Digital Twin is more than a snapshot; it is a living, breathing replica of the construction site. With the ability to collect 360-degree video and transform it into a 4D model, it adds the dimensions of time and change to the existing spatial model. It allows project teams to simulate different scenarios, adjust plans in real-time, and foresee potential problems before they occur.

As the technology behind Digital Twins becomes more accessible, the applications become increasingly versatile. This reality capture tool is not confined to skyscrapers and bridges; construction experts can use it in infrastructure projects, housing developments, and even historical preservation. Each of these applications contributes to a more sustainable and efficient construction industry, meeting the growing demand for better, faster, and greener construction. As I look back at the journey from static photography to dynamic 3D digital twins, I can’t help but marvel at the pace of progress. The shift in terminology from “3D documentation” to “Digital Twin” underscores the transformation we have experienced. We have moved from simply capturing the past to anticipating the future, bringing new levels of efficiency and innovation to the construction industry. As technology evolves, so do our capabilities, promising an exciting future for reality capture in construction.

This transition from 3D documentation to Digital Twin marks a shift from documenting the past to actively planning and simulating the future. This evolution not only creates a more accurate record but also opens up a world of possibilities for efficiency and optimization. Digital Twins reduce waste, save time, improve safety, and facilitate better communication among stakeholders, all of which contribute to more effective and efficient construction processes. New 3D spatial digital twin platforms like Cupix have democratized data collection and the dispersal of actionable information by making it simple to use, affordable and scalable. Now, getting real-time visualization and analysis is as easy as taking a site walk and hopping onto an internet browser anywhere in the world.


Experienced product management executive with a track record for leading high performing teams to deliver impactful, cutting-edge hardware and software solutions to the global marketplace.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Is BIM a new era or rather a dead fish? By Artem Boiko, Founder, Co-Founder OpenDataBIM, OpenDataBIM Ltd. On the question of whether the ancient Egyptians or Greeks worked differently with their data thousands of years ago? worked differently We have tabular data from CAD programs, and we have tables that describe today’s construction processes. Did the ancient Egyptians or Greeks work differently with their data thousands of years ago? In the last few decades, new technologies like CAD (computer-aided design) and BIM-BOM (Building Information Modelling - Bill of Materials) have emerged in the construction industry. But despite these new tools, productivity in construction has barely changed in recent decades, and in some areas, the human factor and associated errors have even increased. So what went wrong? To understand how our working methods differ from those of the ancient Egyptian builders, we must look at the tools and planning data we work with today. For thousands of years, data has been collected for planning in the design phase and all necessary parameters are summarized in construction project models. Data from other professionals, departments, or companies are incorporated into this model to reflect the volumetric properties of parts of the project. The project model is drawn on a cave wall, created on A4 papyrus, or with CAD software. The project model serves various purposes (marketing or collision detection), but the main goal remains, as it was thousands of years ago, the creation of a volumetric feature table.

The volumetrics is the key information that connects the planning phase with all other business processes of construction companies. Almost all data processing and business processes in construction are carried out via spreadsheet calculations or, more precisely, via the processing of columns or rows in tables (Excel, MySQL, CSV, DataFrame). Every process that is described today, e.g. by a manager for material ordering or scheduling, is described by the addition of individual information columns or the multiplication of tables. This is how the Egyptians worked with tables when they calculated the cost of painting windows in the royal palace on papyrus in the 3rd century BC (an example of such a papyrus is located in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo). The price for a group of elements was determined by the type of window, multiplied by the volume of the object from the project model. But while the methods of determining values and plotting have not changed over the millennia, the approach to processing and obtaining volumetric data has changed drastically in recent years.

I am the founder of and co-founder of OpenDataBIM. The goal of our team is to democratize data processing and access in the construction industry. I have been automating processes in construction companies since 2013

Figure 3

While in the past the volumetric data was recorded on clay tablets or sheets of paper, today, after the CAD-BIM model is created, the volume table is stored in a proprietary format that can only be accessed via an API shaft, the width of which is determined by the goodwill of the CAD or BIM software provider. Project data, especially their volumetric features, are an important source for various business processes such as 4D - 7D, procurement, logistics, and others. Without these parameters, the processes described in all sorts of spreadsheet calculations or ERP systems are on hold and unused. In other words, CAD software generates project data - volumetric parameters that drive the company’s business processes.

Figure 1


Figure 2

Project data is not a static entity that flows unchanged into the 6D and 7D system. CAD model data (with BIM-BOM information) are more like a dissected fish body at the bottom of a river that serves as a lifeline for the many small river animals - the business processes in the ecosystem of a construction company. The difference between today’s data and the data used to build the pyramids is that today’s information model is bound by networks of CAD solution providers. Once these information shackles are broken, data collection and processing can be automated and accelerated, making processes much more efficient and finally making the construction industry productive.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Location Intelligence Is Driving Digital Transformation in the AEC Industry By Marc Goldman, AEC Industry Leader, Business Developer and Product Strategist, BIM, GIS, Digital Twin industry expert


ombining traditional architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) data with geographic information system (GIS) technology is a significant step toward digital transformation. AEC professionals demonstrate their dedication to improving workflows when GIS software, data, and expertise are combined with other AEC technologies. Because of this connection, AEC project teams can harness digital opportunities and drive innovation, strengthening their resilience against disruptions. GIS is integrating more with CAD, BIM, IoT, lidar, and other AEC technologies worldwide. This confluence allows surveyors, architects, designers, engineers, builders, consultants, and infrastructure owners to produce the physical projects required in our environment. When GIS and other AEC data sources connect effectively, the project team benefits from a higher level of openness. The improvement of all aspects of the planning, design, building, and operations processes results from increased connectivity of people, data, and applications.

However, GIS professionals must work closely with designers and engineers to derive the most significant benefit from these potentially interconnected capabilities. GIS offers the AEC team meaningful insights within a broader framework. Location-based data considers geography, time, and a variety of other spatial and nonspatial variables in addition to the physical location of a site. GIS assists AEC teams and clients to visualize information by incorporating inputs beyond standard CAD, BIM, schedule, or imagery data.

engineering, and construction industry. Over the past two decades, BIM has become essential to the AEC work performed on industrial, commercial, and transportation projects. BIM tools and methods have revolutionized various AEC activities, including designing, specifying, estimating, code-checking, and coordination, to name a few. GIS amplifies the value of BIM and ensures improved project management and delivery. Project managers gain an essential solution to take these workflows further, as GIS offers a solid basis for analysis and communication. Because of this, the resultant structures and infrastructure are of higher quality in terms of their planning, design, construction, and operation. GIS offers complete project life cycle management in the architecture, engineering, and construction business. An urgent requirement for nearly all AEC professionals is to gain a deeper understanding of their project. Connecting GIS with other industry technologies helps by delivering effective and repeatable projects and establishing strong links between the many technologies, data, and people involved. Even though GIS is frequently treated as a distinct entity compared to CAD, BIM, and schedules, merging these components results

Through visualization, analysis, and data collection from many sources environment, GIS makes it easier for designers and engineers to communicate with one another. GIS aggregates data from many AEC disciplines to produce strong representations that engage stakeholders and inform decision-making. Technology solutions that enable effective and sustainable project delivery are in high demand in the fast-developing architecture,

Internal - Rotterdam 3D


Marc Goldman, Esri’s AEC Industry Director, spearheads global strategy for architecture, engineering, and construction solutions. With extensive experience in BIM, GIS, and Digital Twins, he’s a pioneer in the field. Over three decades, he’s shaped services and tech across design, engineering, and construction. Marc collaborates internationally, holding key roles in NIBS, Digital Twin Consortium, and buildingSMART International.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

in successful projects and teams. Although integrating GIS into AEC workflows is not a novel idea, the acceptance of this practice by professionals in the AEC industry is rapidly approaching a tipping point. The insights that designers and engineers bring into the specifics of infrastructure assets are highly significant. They make complex data into valuable understandings, which enables customers to maximize performance and accomplish the strategic vision for their site or facility. These experts adopt a broad perspective to meet more comprehensive objectives, but they swiftly home in on the details to address those objectives. To develop essential digital and physical project artifacts, designers and engineers use a variety of drawing, modeling, and visualization technologies that are both 2D and 3D. They can add GIS to their mix of solutions, effectively adding context to the construction of visual and nongraphic models to fulfill the client’s requirements.

Internal - Boston VR1

These models make it possible for the planner to gain benefits at the early stages of the project, for the surveyor to work with a complete understanding of the site, for the engineer to make better decisions, and for construction pros to execute the project schedule with location-based data. Using GIS enables the range of experts to share information, work together, control the performance and operation of assets over their life span, and eventually bring down costs. AEC professionals can now grow their businesses while simultaneously satisfying the ever-increasing project requirements, thanks to the integration of GIS data with the specifics provided by CAD, BIM, schedules, and other data. GIS is necessary for AEC companies that want to execute projects critical to the growth of the built and natural environments in an increasingly interconnected world. You can access a recent global report that discusses the benefits, return on investment, and industry trends associated with GIS and other AEC data sources at bcs2023 .

Internal - CityPlan1

Internal - Project Delivery Dashboard


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

PIONEERING BIM TRENDS WITH EVERCAM By Faith Tangara, Technical Writer Evercam - Construction Cameras Faith is enthusiastic about construction tech and information management. With three years’ experience in areas like cost estimation, tender preparation, and BIM coordination, she’s versatile in her expertise. She’s currently exploring the synergy between BIM and AI to advance AECO practices, showcasing her commitment to innovation in the field.


avigating the dynamic ecosystem of Building Information Modeling (BIM), we stand on the precipice of several transformative trends set to redefine the industry. These trends – the integration of drone technology, the rise of cloud collaboration, the incorporation of the Internet of Things (IoT), and the burgeoning use of Augmented Reality (AR) – signal an exciting shift in the construction and project management paradigm. In the midst of this transformative period, we find Evercam, an industry leader in construction camera software, not merely adapting to change but actively participating in shaping the future trajectory of BIM. Drone Usage in BIM The advent of drones has profoundly impacted the construction industry, offering unparalleled viewpoints for site inspections, land surveying, and progress tracking. Evercam, acknowledging the potential of this technology, has integrated drones into project management processes. Evercam’s Drone View feature offers a range of functionalities that enhance project visualization and analysis. It allows users to view 3D models within their real environment, as well as switch to 2D mode instantly, providing flexibility for project stakeholders. This feature supports the viewing of various assets such as BIM models, previous drone flights, and architectural plans, enabling easy asset comparison between different dates and times. Drone View offers a user-friendly tagging system that lets users quickly and easily create annotations or tags on the model to highlight important information such as restricted or dangerous areas. This feature is particularly useful for project managers and other stakeholders who need to quickly identify specific areas of the construction site for further attention or action.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Cloud Collaboration Evercam’s integrations extend to Autodesk’s 360, making it more convenient than ever to access your project cameras. With Evercam Live View embedded, you can easily access all your Evercam features, including Live streaming, X-ray view, BIM Compare, and Gate Report, all in one place. This integration provides a unified platform for architects, engineers, and construction professionals to view real-time and recorded footage from the jobsite, compare images with BIM models using the X-ray view and BIM Compare features. This streamlines the process of monitoring project progress and decision-making, significantly reducing potential errors and misunderstandings. The combination of Bentley’s iTwin platform and Autodesk’s BIM 360 with Evercam’s capabilities brings a new level of efficiency and accuracy to the BIM process. By offering real-time visual data, enhanced team communication, and a unified platform for accessing project data, Evercam’s integrations with these leading software tools foster greater collaboration and improved project outcomes, demonstrating its strength in construction project management.

Digital Twins Evercam’s 4D View powered by iTwin combines high-quality video footage from the construction site with a digital twin, allowing users to seamlessly switch between the model and reality, track changes, and communicate project plans. This addresses the challenge of managing vast amounts of project data by integrating it with 4D planning, scheduling, and analysis capabilities. Evercam 4D View democratizes access to BIM models, allowing all project team members to share and interact with the model within the Evercam platform. With the ability to highlight elements from the 3D model, leveraging the capabilities of the iTwin Platform, Evercam promotes virtual collaboration, increases efficiencies in communication and provides a premise for faster change orders where need be

Internet of Things (IoT) The integration of IoT in construction sites is a rapidly emerging trend, and Evercam has risen to this challenge. By interfacing with other IoT devices, Evercam’s cameras do more than capture images; they serve as critical data collection points. Through IoT integration, Evercam can monitor variables like weather conditions, traffic throughput, and project progress. This comprehensive data collection and analysis improve resource allocation, project management, and potential issue identification.

With Evercam’s seamless integration with existing construction project management tools like Procore and Aconex, the adoption of its features into the BIM process becomes even more effortless. The integration of IoT and the use of features like Gate Report contribute to a more data-rich, accurate, and ultimately, more effective BIM 4D process. By identifying all vehicles entering and exiting the site and logging their activity, the Gate Report contributes critical information regarding material movement and site logistics. This data, combined with 4D BIM, helps with improved resource allocation, efficient project management, and timely identification and mitigation of potential issues, ultimately enhancing project outcomes.


Evercam’s visionary approach to aligning with current trends in the BIM world is not merely a response; it’s a proactive shaping of the industry’s future. By ingeniously leveraging drone technology, cloud collaboration, IoT, 4D integration and Digital Twins, Evercam is enhancing the efficiency, safety, and success of construction projects. By incorporating cutting-edge technologies, Evercam is paving the way for a more productive and innovative construction industry. Through its commitment to staying ahead of industry trends, Evercam remains dedicated to providing much needed solutions that align with the evolving needs of the BIM industry.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

BIM Training: 6 Problems You’re Encountering and How to Solve Them By Jessa Tracy, eTraining Expert at Global eTraining In the fast-paced and competitive digital built environment, the need for continuous improvement and upskilling is paramount. A well-trained team significantly impacts project efficiency, profitability, and customer satisfaction - making effective training a ‘must have’ for BIM teams on their path to success. However, there are several roadblocks that teams consistently encounter when finding and implementing skills training solutions. In this article, we’ll explore the six most common pain points expressed by AEC firms in regards to skills training solutions, and how Global eTraining (GeT) - a leading etraining platform - addresses each one to equip your team with the skills needed for more effective and profitable projects.

3.“Training Content Is Usually Out of Date” Staying updated with the latest industry standards is crucial in the ever-evolving AEC landscape. Global eTraining is committed to regularly updating its library of 450+ BIM-relevant courses to reflect the latest advancements, ensuring your team is equipped with cutting-edge knowledge and techniques. 4. “Training Doesn’t Win Projects” In competitive bids, showcasing your team’s competency can make all the difference.

6. “Training isn’t Worth the Cost” Maximizing ROI while working within budget constraints is essential for AEC firms, as it directly impacts the company’s profitability and sustainability.

1. “Training Takes Too Much Time” In the AEC sector, time is of the essence. With projects often characterized by tight deadlines and complex timelines, delays can lead to increased costs and missed opportunities. GeT understands the urgency inherent in the industry and provides interactive and engaging etraining modules that allow your team members to learn at their own pace in accessible, bite-sized lessons. By accessing concise and well-structured content, employees can reduce the time spent on training, enabling them to allocate more time and resources to crucial project tasks, accelerating project completion and ensuring a competitive edge in the market. 2.“Out of the Box Training Content is Too General” Generic training may not always address the unique BIM workflows and processes of your company or specific projects. In the dynamic world of AEC, where each project demands a distinct approach, standardized training often falls short in meeting the diverse needs of your team. GeT offers the flexibility to create company and project-specific BIM workflow training for the entire project team including sub trades and supply chain. By honing skills specific to your company’s requirements, your team can navigate complexities more efficiently, enhance collaboration, and execute projects with greater success.

identify areas for improvement through skills gap assessments and custom learning paths. According to a recent Training Impact Survey, companies that track the ROI of their training programs are 3.5 times more likely to see improved business outcomes, underscoring the significance of leveraging data to optimize your team’s performance and drive success in the highly competitive AEC market.

Clients and stakeholders seek assurance that the chosen AEC firm can deliver high-quality results efficiently. GeT’s training programs not only enhance your team’s skills but also provide a way to validate their competencies. By demonstrating a well-trained workforce with proven expertise, your company gains a competitive edge, setting itself apart from competitors and instilling confidence in potential clients.

GeT’s cost-effective solutions not only provide high-quality training but also offer measurable returns on your investment. By efficiently upskilling your team without exceeding your financial resources, you not only achieve significant cost savings but also empower your workforce with the expertise needed to complete projects more efficiently. This strategic approach to training ensures that every dollar spent translates into tangible improvements in project outcomes and business success.

As a result, the likelihood of winning projects increases significantly, solidifying your reputation as a capable partner in the industry, as well as ensuring more productive and profitable future projects.

In conclusion, investing in AEC skills training with Global eTraining offers numerous benefits for companies looking to improve their efficiency and success. By empowering your team with relevant skills and up-to-date knowledge in BIM workflows, your company can thrive in today’s competitive market and achieve more profitable projects.

5.“Skills Growth is Too Hard to Track”

For more information, visit us at https://www. or access our Business Trial here for no-holds-barred access to our complete Knowledge Management Platform.

Data-driven decisions are crucial for efficient project planning, and in the AEC industry, where every project’s success depends on meticulous planning and execution, tracking training progress is indispensable. Global eTraining’s powerful analytics tools allow you to gather valuable insights, monitor your team’s skill development, measure the ROI of your training initiatives, and


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

BIM and Digital Collaboration delivering connected construction at Hinkley Point C TRIMBLE inkley Point C is a truly momenH tous civil engineering and construction project, marking the first

UK nuclear power station to be constructed in over a generation. Given the huge scale and complexity of the works, it’s no surprise that BIM and cloud-based collaboration technology were intertwined throughout its delivery. Digital technology has played a huge role in the project. Responsible for providing the main civil engineering works on the project is BYLOR, a joint venture between Bouygues Travaux Publics and Laing O’Rourke– two of the most dynamic engineering and construction specialists. With over 60 major structures to build, including the buildings that will house the two identical nuclear reactors the project will take around 10 years to complete, with 5,000 people estimated to be working on site at any given point. As Alina Turda, Quality Systems Engineer - BYLOR said: “For a project of this scale, you would never be able to do anything with just paper.” At the very start of the project, BYLOR was tasked with deciding how to approach the design and detailing process and what software suite to use – a decision that would stay with them for a very long time, throughout the nuclear power station’s construction. Andrew Jackson, Technical Director & Nuclear Quality Lead - BYLOR, said: “Right at the beginning of the project, we reviewed how best to design and detail such an incredible range of complex structures that we had to build. Having looked at lots of different options, we decided that the project would be delivered using Tekla. This means that all concrete and reinforcement across all structures on site were designed in Tekla; stretching from the design office, to using that design on site to get the structures built, to producing the records of what it is we have built.

produced in Tekla or the other designs being produced in different platforms, we can put those together and make sure that, out in the field, everything is going to fit out of the box.” Another momentous task facing BYLOR was how to report and record on this work completed, as well as effectively manage the immense amount of data generated. This is where Trimble ViewPoint’s Field View came into play – a cloud-based mobile solution designed to replace pen and paper in the field for forms, recording, project delivery and handover processes. Speaking about the use of Field View, Greg Bond, Business Intelligence Manager – BYLOR, said: “Right from the beginning of the project, we knew that we needed a digital system for all our records. At the start, a lot of the focus was on how we could capture and maintain those records in a digital format, making them really easy to retrieve, easy to audit and easy for people to take out into the field – which is why we chose Trimble Field View. We wanted to help our engineers get out onto site, rather than being sat at their desks in the office.

Ben Wallbank, BIM Strategy & Partnerships Manager at Trimble, concludes: “Nothing quite prepares you for the scale of this project: it’s complex and enormous. One of the fantastic things for Trimble is the number of our products being used on this site. We run through the entire process: from design using products like Tekla; innovation, which is the use of the 3D model for construction in Trimble Connect; right through to the use of Trimble ViewPoint’s Field View for recording all the processes on site and taking this information through to the client.”

Viewpoint Field View: https://www.viewpoint. com/en-gb/products/viewpoint-field-view Tekla Structures: products/tekla-structures Trimble Connect: https://connect.trimble. com/ To watch the full story, visit

One thing that is mind-blowing about Hinkley Point C is the scale – we use the same detailing approach, from a one cubic metre concrete pour in the corner of a building to the UK’s two largest ever on-shore continuous concrete pours.” Andrew continues, “By using the digital models, whether it’s the civils design being

in this project:

Learn more about the Trimble products used


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

BIM Training: Fast and Accurate COBie Documents with the Help of Ideate BIMLink By Steve Deadman, Ideate Software, Customer Success Manager Fast and Accurate COBie Documents with the Help of Ideate BIMLink Whether you were at Digital Construction Week, Futurebuild, or the NXT BLD conference this year, chances are you heard the words on everyone’s lips: data and automation. Many companies are now finding themselves in need of knowledge and capacity to prepare COBie (Construction to Operations Building information exchange) deliverables.

In this example, the Autodesk Revit COBie Extension had been used to add COBie parameters and project information to the model, in conjunction with Nemetschek Solibri Anywhere to generate COBie. This provided a level of control and checking not possible with the COBie Extension. It also guaranteed that the COBie deliverable and the IFC model contained the same information.

Contractors, architects, and engineers must comply with BS ISO 19650-2 standards, which specify requirements for information management in the form of a management process within the context of the delivery phase of assets and the exchanges of information within it using building information modelling. COBie is one of the three open data formats accepted in the UK by the National Annex to BS ISO 19650-2 and is used to capture critical project data for facilities and asset management at the handover of a construction project. As companies face the challenge of entering data that matches COBie requirements, many find they lack the resources to comply efficiently. For help, many turn to Evolve Consultancy, one of the UK’s leading BIM and design technology consultancies. To streamline the process, Evolve uses Ideate BIMLink, an Autodesk® Revit® add-in developed by Ideate Software. With Ideate BIMLink, Evolve exports massive amounts of data from Revit to MS Excel for manipulation and then imports updated data back to Revit. An Example Evolve used Ideate BIMLink to support an architecture firm that had specified COBie deliverables at the end of stages 3, 4, and 5.

Ideate BIMLink offers us the ability to extract and manipulate data quickly and easily between Revit and Excel. It has saved us innumerable hours in our work creating quality COBie deliverables.”

An empty schedule created by the COBie Extension for Revit

Populating most COBie parameters is simply a remapping task of moving values from parameters and schedules to the correct COBie parameters.

Once the blank schedules were created, the parameters used by the architects were added. The schedule with populated parameters

~Nigel Davies, Director, Evolve Consultancy


Steve, with 20 years of CAD/BIM experience, led BIM at top architectural firms, gaining BIM Level 2 accreditation and refining workflows. He’s a long-time collaborator with Ideate Software, now serving as Customer Success Manager for UK/ EMEA, leveraging his expertise to maximize software investments for customers.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Using Ideate BIMLink 3. A completed Excel spreadsheet with all COBie information required was imported back into Revit using Ideate BIMLink.

1. Each schedule created for COBie was easily added into Ideate BIMLink using the By Schedule functionality.

One of the big advantages Ideate BIMLink gives is that we can work on the active model while the architects also work on it. If part of the model was locked for editing, Ideate BIMLink doesn’t just give up but continues with the rest of the import and reports back the items it couldn’t update, avoiding downtime and delays.” ~Daniel Heselwood, Director, Evolve Consultancy

Ideate BIMLink’s links generated from schedules The completed parameter values imported back into the model

2. The exported data was manipulated using Excel filtering, concatenating and copying values from one column to another and checked in Excel to ensure it met requirements.

4. Issues that arose during the import process were resolved and the model was exported to IFC. 5. Using Solibri, the IFC models underwent a second level of checking and issues were corrected in the Revit models. Once validated, a COBie document was generated and issued to the contractor.

The final COBie sheet

What could amount to months of work has been simplified into a remapping exercise thanks to the power of Ideate BIMLink,” said Nigel.

Filtering data in Excel to show incorrect value

Autodesk and Autodesk Revit are trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. and/ or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. All other brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders.


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Transforming Building Information Models Into Digital Twins for Operations: The Journey and The Tools By Anand Mecheri, Invicara, CEO Introduction

What is an Asset Twin

The evolution of the construction industry in the digital age has centred significantly on the application of Building Information Modelling (BIM) for design and construction. This article delves into how Invicara plays an instrumental role in leveraging BIM beyond design and construction, and making it a cornerstone for driving efficiency in asset operations. The concepts described in this article apply equally to buildings, and to infrastructure assets.

The Asset Twin is the first stage of Digital Twin development. It is akin to an online digital manual of the physical asset. It serves as the system of record for all information that will be required by the asset operator to maintain and manage the asset over its entire life. The Asset Twin is a living repository that gets progressively updated with changes and new information generated when the asset is in operation.

The Evolution of BIM

It contains as built information which comprises of graphics and data from 3D models, warranty, testing and commissioning data related to maintainable equipment, and documents relating safety, operations and maintenance. This information will change over time when equipment get replaced and space layouts get altered to meet changing needs. It will also contain new information such as inspection reports, service reports, maintenance history and costs.

The maturity of BIM has unfolded progressively over time, moving from a fledgeling technology to an indispensable process in the AEC sector. Over the last decade, BIM practitioners have made sustained progress to manage the change from 2D drafting to the generation of construction documents from co-ordinated 3D digital models. This maturation has facilitated the creation of significant value in design and construction. This has resulted in improved collaboration, fewer errors, reduced costs, and shorter project timelines. The Transition from Construction to Operations The benefits of BIM do not end with the construction phase, although the utility of BIM tools that are used in design and construction do come to an end. At the point of handover, the information produced by the BIM process, can come together to create an Asset Twin. But for this to happen, very specific data management workflows need to be implemented during design and construction. Models need to be classified consistently and accurately, data relating to various classes of objects must be defined, captured and validated. Digital Twins rely on good data, not just 3D graphics. Invicara has developed tools (BIM Classify, and BIM Assure) to streamline the data management process which involves all members of the design and construction team.

Anand is an industry expert, technologist and entrepreneur in the domain of Digital Twins and their use cases for all lifecycle stages of the built environment. Prior to entering the world of Digital Twins and Digital Construction, he spent 24 years as a technologist and entrepreneur in the domain of smart buildings. He built and scaled Smart Building technology and services businesses that were all acquired by SIEMENS in 2009. After two years in a global leadership position at Siemens Building Technologies, he founded “Invicara”, which he now leads as its CEO.

The Crucial Role of Information Managers This role provides stewardship to BIM data management and is pivotal in the definition, governance, production, validation and transitioning of data from BIM into an Asset Twin at project handover. The IM ensures that the data requirements for handover is meaningful and useful for the operations teams, and ensures the implementation of a strategy and delivery plan to achieve a successful outcome. Who plays the IM role on a project?

Benefits of an Asset Twin An Asset Twin streamlines Digital handover from construction to operations. •

Democratises information and provides seamless data access to authorised users.

Enables real time updates of a system of record, delivering a single source of truth for asset information.

Enables consistent and efficient onboarding and training of personnel, ensures continuity.

Integrates with in-house or supplier systems for asset and maintenance management.

Supports capital planning and makes the facility smart ready.


It depends. In most cases it would be a representative appointed by the client / developer – someone who manages the information exchange process, such as a BIM consultant or a Project Manager. Many Architecture, Engineering, and Project Management firms offer this service. Alternatively, if the deliverables are set our clearly, the General Contractor may take this role and orchestrate the production, validation and delivery of data from their supply chain, while also taking responsibility to produce and deliver an Asset Twin using a customisable template from Invicara, which is available on the Twinit Marketplace. The 1CAT (One click Asset Twin) tool chain from Invicara provides the IM a very mature environment to manage the related workflows with relative ease.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

Smart and Sustainable Assets Developers, Occupiers and Operators of buildings and infrastructure have an increasing need to achieve high performance buildings that deliver comfort & wellness to occupants, progressively diminish and optimise use of energy and water, and reduce cost of operations while maintaining high service levels. The Asset Twin serves as the perfect foundation for a MSI (Master systems integrator) to create a Performance Twin, to manage smart and sustainable buildings or infrastructure.

A Performance Twin delivers many benefits.

The Need for Composable Twins

By integrating data from the BMS and IoT sensors and meters in the building, it provides all information on a single pane of glass and provides contextual visualisations.

The knowledge graph powers AI and analytics for anomaly detection, and notification leading to proactive / predictive interventions and issue resolution, thereby reducing down times, repair costs and increasing asset life.

Recognising that one size doesn’t fit all, and requirements vary significantly based on the asset type, its business model and operations plan, Invicara has built templates for creating Asset Twins and Performance Twins, rather than a “product” with fixed schemas, workflows and user interfaces. These templates have been composed on the Twinit platform, and can therefore be recomposed by the IM or the MSI as needed.

By integrating occupancy, air quality and energy analytics, a performance twin can provide unprecedented insights to help optimise comfort, wellness and energy use.

Streamlines reporting into corporate ESG systems, and supports risk audits.

Such a Performance Twin will progressively enable cognitive and autonomous facilities of the future.


Conclusion The opportunity, technology and tools are now very mature for practioners to leverage BIM to create and deliver Digital Twin solutions to support asset operations. This will expand the economy by enabling new business models for domain experts to consult and deliver digital services to help asset occupiers and operators to achieve high performance buildings.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

How Social Digitalization and BIM are Revolutionizing Construction By David Barco Moreno DIRECTOR DESARROLLO DE NEGOCIO


n the construction industry, we are witnessing a revolution driven by social digitalization and the BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology. As professionals in the AECO sector, we are thrilled to be part of this transformation that seeks to improve people's quality of life through the implementation of innovative technologies. The concept of social digitalization is based on the creation of BIM information models, which are 3D digital representations of constructions and assets. These models allow us to optimize the management of housing and infrastructure projects, providing us with a comprehensive and detailed view of each component, each element, each "lego" piece. In the field of social housing construction, BIM has proven to be especially beneficial. Through the digitalization of processes, we can analyze and improve key aspects such as design, construction, energy efficiency, and the wellbeing of the inhabitants. For example, we can virtually simulate the ventilation and heating systems of a house before its construction, ensuring that they meet the desired comfort and efficiency standards.

model focused on the Service and Welfare of its inhabitants. Under the leadership of Pablo García Astrain and Patricia Val, the project unites the efforts of 30 entities and involves over 90 individuals. It encompasses three main areas: ALOKABIZI SUSTAINABLE, which prioritizes high energy efficiency homes boasting superior performance, habitability, circularity, and a focus on healthy living; ALOKABIZI SOCIAL, which emphasizes housing that nurtures a wholesome and harmonious coexistence among diverse individuals, grounded in the principles of equity and belonging; and ALOKABIZI DIGITAL, which introduces smart homes linked through digital services, facilitating

The key to the success of social digitalization is connectivity. In this regard, the public IoT (Internet of Things) network plays a fundamental role. This wireless network, based on LoRa technology, allows the interconnection of sensors and devices in buildings, collecting real-time data for analysis. This smart connectivity offers the possibility of implementing customized solutions for energy management, security, and comfort in buildings, thus improving the quality of life of their occupants. However, social digitalization is not limited to the construction phase of buildings. It goes beyond, encompassing the entire lifecycle of assets. From construction to operation and maintenance, the BIM approach allows us to optimize each stage of the process. This involves the integration of data and collaboration among all stakeholders involved, from architects and engineers to builders and public administrations. In our social housing project with Alokabide called ALOKABIZI (a subset of the ZERO PLUS initiative) we have experienced firsthand the benefits of social BIM. The ZERO PLUS project is promoted by the Directorate of Housing, Land and Architecture of the Basque Government and Alokabide. Its primary objective is to foster the transformation of the residential construction sector towards a new


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

novel models of habitability and mobility, and further branching out into three specific research areas. Through the digitalization of assets, we have simplified repetitive tasks and achieved a more efficient urban connection. We have used BIM information models to integrate GMAO maintenance systems and improve the quality of life of the residents. Data connectivity has been essential for carrying out comprehensive energy analysis and ensuring that our buildings meet sustainability standards. The key to making the most of social BIM is the structuring and organization of the data collected throughout the lifecycle of the assets.

Establishing standards and protocols such as AIR (Asset Information Requirements) is crucial to ensure the consistency and accessibility of information. This allows everyone involved, from designers to installers and public administrations, to easily access relevant data and make informed decisions. Collaboration is also essential in this digital transformation process, especially using efficient, simple, and accessible CDEs (Common Data Environments). Working alongside experts in different areas, we can drive the implementation of integrated solutions that enhance the efficiency and quality of our constructions. The construction


industry cannot achieve this change alone, so establishing strategic alliances with other sectors is vital. In summary, social digitalization and BIM are revolutionizing the construction industry. These technologies allow us to optimize each stage of the process, improve the quality of life of people, and ensure a more sustainable approach to our constructions. As professionals in the sector, we are committed to driving this transformation and delivering a better world to future generations. Together, we can make construction an industry that is more efficient, innovative, and people-centered.

BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

3 Ways to Use VR in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction By the Autodesk XR Team Limitations of 2D Design Reviews The use of 2D software will always have its place, but a flat screen attempting to convey a 3D space will always fall short in certain capacities – especially when trying to convey an idea for those less informed in the intricacies of design software.


he architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry is faced with a new reality of work, with the trend of remote and hybrid work showing no end in sight. Still, facilitating genuine and meaningful interaction among peers and clients is paramount for establishing culture in today’s work environment. Add to the fact that firms are no longer constrained by geographic proximity, and the need to coordinate globally becomes even clearer. Although screen sharing and other tools can do an admirable job in our current working conditions, these sorts of solutions have their limitations – especially when applied to the world of designing a physical, three-dimensional space. Virtual reality (VR) offers a more engaging and rich experience for AEC teams by immersing participants inside the design of the building, long before construction begins. Beyond offering a new way to meet with colleagues, clients and partners from anywhere in the world, VR provides a fresh perspective that conveys designs in a more powerful and easily digestible manner. 1) Share 3D Models with Colleagues in VR VR meetings represent the next generation of a conference call, with more empathy built in. The lifelike properties of VR meetings can be useful when sharing 3D models with colleagues and superiors. It’s a huge advantage to present your ideas to colleagues and supervisors when you can fully immerse them in the building you’re creating, instead of trying to communicate your idea in 2 dimensions.

Many clients and colleagues are not BIM specialists and may not be able to grasp the ins and outs of Revit or Navisworks. However, anyone can easily get a feel for a space once immersed and can spot issues quickly with little to no training. First Time VR Users in Design Reviews and Coordination Meetings Some may shy away from the concept of putting on a headset, but once they try it, people tend to be amazed at what is possible. The feeling of connection is deeper, the understanding of the design more profound; VR is something that must be experienced to be understood, but once it’s experienced, its benefits become obvious. 2) Run true-to-scale Coordination Meetings with Subcontractors In addition to offering a place to meet with colleagues, VR also works great for coordinating with subcontractors. VR makes the iterative design process more tangible and collaborative. Being together with your subcontractors in VR makes it easier to understand the specific aspects of a project, such as ceiling height or door location. Even for the most seasoned BIM pros, VR offers a new perspective where design errors have nowhere to hide. Signage blocked by line of sight, accessibility issues, and maintenance access blockages stick out like a sore thumb once a user is immersed inside the BIM model. Today, the communication chain with subcontractors can drag out design processes and lead to unnecessary rework. But with VR, it’s possible to cut out the time-consuming backand-forth by stepping into the model before breaking ground.


3. Obtain Client Buy-In with Immersive VR presentations VR meetings are also a great way to obtain client buy-in for projects. Projects move faster when the client can get a real feel for the space and provide signoff to move to the next stage while being assured that issues are resolved quickly. It is far easier to coordinate when everyone is sharing the same space and being presented with a design that is naturally and easily digestible. Faster Approvals For some clients, a 2D plan might be totally confusing. They might not even be able to tell what’s up and down or left and right. The same can be said of looking at a 3D model on a 2D screen – this might be even more baffling for certain clients. On the other hand, having all interested parties share the same space and view the same vision can drive consensus faster and leave no room for error or interpretation. Increasingly, VR tools are becoming the norm within our industry, as more powerful, easier to use, and more affordable VR hardware continues to roll out. AEC professionals are finding that VR can offer an experience that provides a richer connection to your clients and colleagues. Overall, VR is a tool that uses advanced technology to make interactions feel natural and realistic – despite great geographic distances.

Where Minds Meet

&Information Matters


NOTE: A detailed schedule of all the Topics and Speakers is provided on the Conference App.

Wednesday 6th September 2023

Venue: VIRTUAL/ONLINE ONLY (Airmeet Conference App) 9am-11am 11am-11:30am 11:30am-1pm















Tea / Coffee Break STAGE 1 CLIENTS


Lunch Break





Tea / Coffee Break





Welcome Party (Note: this is for Speakers and Sponsor only)




Venue: 1WML “Town Hall”, Windmill Lane, Dublin, D02 F206, Ireland

Thursday 7th September 2023

Venue: THE RDS Hall 2, Merrion Road Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, D04 AK83, Ireland 8am-9am 9am-11am 11am-11:30am 11:30am-1pm 1pm-2pm 2pm-3:30pm 3:30pm-4pm 4pm-6pm


Registrations & Networking STAGE 1 CLIENTS























Tea / Coffee Break STAGE 1 CLIENTS

Lunch Break

Tea / Coffee Break

Conference Dinner

Note: this is limited to those who have purchased a separate dinner ticket.



Celebrating the Heroes of AEC

Architecture | Engineering | Construction 6-7 September | Live in Dublin + Virtual

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&Information Matters














9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

SiteDesk XD House BIMMS Lda DBM Vircon DGTRA Irish Building Magazine Atvero

9am-1pm Technology Lounge Stage



7 8

15 14 13







HiveDrive Women in BIM Limsen ThinkProject Excelize AECI CITA Zutec





1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

NetZERO Lounge Stage

12 11 10 9








































Emergency Exits SPONSORS / EXHIBITORS A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 C3 C4 D1 D2 D3 E1 E2 E3 E4

Evercam – Podcast Booth Newforma Konekt Guardian Ideate Software BIM Collab Diatec KOSMOS Revizto Plannerly BIM Coordinators Summit Eagle Point Software Twinview Symetri Murphy Geospatial Invicara StreamBIM by Rendra ArcDox Trimble Cupix Esri ACCA Software

VIRTUAL SPONSORS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Zigurat BIM Community One Click BIM Hale TiP Gbuilder BIM Hub Design SIPPRO Morta Technology Ncircletech Integral Design & Engineering Xinaps


BIM Coordinators Summit Eventpro Conference Services W Display Airmeet Bright Promotions Royal Dublin Society Gather & Gather


Irish Building Magazine

Merrion Road




THE RDS, Merrion Road Ballsbridge, Dublin, D04 AK83, Ireland



Celebrating the Heroes of AEC

Architecture | Engineering | Construction 6-7 September | Live in Dublin + Virtual



Where Minds Meet

Information Matters


Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction 7th September | Live in Dublin + Virtual

STAGE 1 9am – 1pm

Sponsored & Coordinated By:


Information Management for Clients (Appointing Parties) 9:00-9:20


Welcome / Introduction

Pat Slattery Managing Director ArcDox

Humans and AI, what’s the Future for AEC?


Welcome / Introduction


Why the Client is the Most Important Person in any BIM Set Up: The Best Kept Secret from the Client is the Real Power of BIM

Frederico Ramos Principal Aedas

9:45-10:00 Bridging the gap between Horizontal & Vertical BIM for some of the World's Most Ambitious Projects in Saudi Arabia

Dara Khera Managing Director WORK Ltd


Himani Shah BIM Manager Red Sea Global

10:00-10:15 BIM Where Could it be Heading... Andrew Victory Global Digital Transformation Leader D&E Arcadis


Data Governance through the Lifecycle of an Asset

Pedro Pascual Digital Director Quark

10:30-10:45 SRC and Generative Design Peter Monaghan BIM / Change Manager SRC


Q&A Panel with Speakers



Pat Slattery Managing Director ArcDox

Digitising Project Handovers on a National Schools Programme Ryan Tennyson Associate Director Scottish Futures Trust


Historic Operating Building Exchange (HOBie)

Hani Youssef Senior BIM Manger DSQ - JLL BIM Lead - KSA

12:30-12:45 Value Driven Cost Management Through Data Management Ross Griffin Founder KOSMOS


Q&A Panel with Speakers



Where Minds Meet

Information Matters


Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction 7th September | Live in Dublin + Virtual

STAGE 2 9am – 1pm

Sponsored & Coordinated By:


Information Management for Strategic Project Planning



Welcome / Introduction


Helen Pickard Group GIS Leader Mott MacDonald


Chris Jackson Global Business Development - AEC Esri

Maximizing BIM Success: 5 Practical Tips for Effective Information Management in AEC

Clive Jordan Co-founder and CEO Plannerly

10:00-10:15 Motivational Implementation of Company Standards and New Technology Andrijana Nasteska BIM Manager Afry


The Efficient Integration of 4D/5D BIM, AI and Business Intelligence Omar Habib 4D Planning and Digital Delivery Manager WiiGroup

10:30-10:45 Focusing on Outcomes to Refine the Information Management Lifecycle Paul Woddy BIM Consultant and Author Focus HQ


Q&A Panel with Speakers



Welcome / Introduction

Chris Jackson Global Business Development - AEC Esri

Unpacking BIM Sharing/Risk Stigmas Between Designers and Builders

Brian Skripac Director, Virtual Design & Construction Design-Build Institute of America


Sustainable Information Management

Diana Chirescu Architect | BIM&IM Specialist Architype


Quality Control Amid Data Deluge: Defend Your Data as If It Were Your License

Robert Matthews Vice President Gannett Fleming

Anand Stephen Digital Delivery Leader, RBG Gannett Fleming

12:30-12:45 Bridging the Gap between Design and Construction Phases Saleh Salem Basharahil BIM Manager JASARA PMC


Q&A Panel with Speakers



Where Minds Meet

Information Matters


Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction 7th September | Live in Dublin + Virtual

STAGE 3 9am – 1pm

Sponsored & Coordinated By:


Information Management for Designers (Appointed Parties) 9:00-9:25

Introducing BIM Quality and Collaboration in Construction Projects: Today and Tomorrow

Christian Dalhuizen Senior BIM Consultant BIMcollab


Connecting BIM and Design: A New Digital Design Workflow

Parveen Sharma CEO The BIM Engineers





Welcome / Introduction

Christian Dalhuizen Senior BIM Consultant BIMcollab

Connecting BIM and Design: A New Digital Design Workflow Kong Hoang BIM Manager Heatherwick Studio

9:45-10:00 BIM implementation for PoE and FMP Systems


10:00-10:15 Revit in Landscape Architecture: Innovations and Solutions

12:05-12:20 BIM Resistance Management: Navigating the reluctance to adopt BIM in Projects

Fady Ishak BIM Solutions Manager BAY BIM Designs

Gabriele Bruno BIM Manager/Landscape Architect Cunnane Stratton Reynolds


Rethinking workflows: Can we Deliver 12 Weeks of MEP Design in 3 Days?

Emma Weller Digital Practice Manager Introba

10:30-10:45 ROAD TO A PAPERLESS PROJECT: Eliminating Duplication and Improving Efficiency Vincenzo Panasiti Deputy Head of BIM ACPV ARCHITECTS


Q&A Panel with Speakers

Revit - Automate to Conquer

Teresa Afonso BIM Manager NLA - Nuno Leónidas Arquitectos, LDA

Rory McCormack Architectural Assistant White Ink Architects

12:20-12:35 Setting Superb Office Standards for BIM Projects Rina Sahay Architectural BIM Manager Fishbeck


Q&A Panel with Speakers



Where Minds Meet

Information Matters


Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction 7th September | Live in Dublin + Virtual

STAGE 4 9am – 1pm

Sponsored & Coordinated By:


Information Management for Construction (Appointed Parties) 9:00-9:05


Welcome / Introduction

Ash Curzon Territory Sales Manager Revizto

Collaboration during Design & Construction – Two Different Perspectives

Moritz Mombour Head of Digital Planning Methods and Senior Expert Drees & Sommer Ian Harding BIM Section Head - Ireland Operations Jacobs


Digitalising Complex Infrastructure with BIM

Michele Positano BIM Manager WEBUILD


What? Why? Who? When? How? A Guide to BIM Excellence

Colin Bell Head of Digital Construction Kier Construction


10:35-11:00 11:00-11:30

BIM Projects in your Pocket Levi Brown Territory Sales Manager UK Revizto


Q&A Panel with Speakers




Welcome Back

Levi Brown Territory Sales Manager UK Revizto

BIM Coordination for the Real World

Nigel Davies Director Evolve Consultancy


Key Tasks of a BIM Coordinator from the Contractor’s Point of View

Daniël De Ridder BIM Coördinator Houben nv

12:05-12:20 Highlighting the Necessity of Building Envelope DFMA within the Prefabrication Phase Anas Ayoub Founder, Director of Digital Construction XD House

12:20-12:35 The New Era of Constructability Cody Whitelock Virtual Construction Manager Barnhill Contracting Company


Q&A Panel with Speakers



Where Minds Meet

Information Matters


Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction 7th September | Live in Dublin + Virtual

STAGE 5 2pm – 6pm

Sponsored & Coordinated By:

Digital Twins

The Future of Connected Realities


Welcome / Introduction

Claire Penny Director of Global Partnerships Invicara

16:00-16:05 Welcome / Introduction

Claire Penny Director of Global Partnerships Invicara

14:00-14:20 The Digital Twin Economy. What is it?

16:05-16:25 The Digital Age - and the Art of the Human World

14:20-14:40 Building an Integrated Organisation Ecosystem for All

16:25-16:45 The BIM to Twin Pipeline

Anand Mecheri CEO Invicara

Ray Blewitt Head of Digital Construction John Paul Construction

14:40-15:00 Building the Future - How Digital Twins are Transforming the Built Environment Richard Scott Chief Partnership Officer Twinview Limited

15:00-15:20 The Way of Data: from Digitisation of Projects to Social Digitisation David Barco Business Development Director Berrilan


Demystifying Digital Twins

15:30-16:00 TEA / COFFEE BREAK

Joan Mulvihill Digitalisation Lead Siemens

Louise Kelly Solution Consultant Invicara

16:45-17:05 Utilising BIM Data structures for the delivery of Intelligent Buildings Sam Norledge Digital Delivery Manager ISG

17:05-17:25 Healthy Building (through decentralized renovation) Maria Begouleva CTO, co-founder, R&D PMtech Engineering

17:25-17:45 The REAL Intelligence behind Digital Twin Technology Riccardo Pagani CEO BIMON


Applying Digital Twins in Practice



Where Minds Meet

Information Matters


Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction 7th September | Live in Dublin + Virtual

STAGE 6 2pm – 6pm

Sponsored & Coordinated By:

Data Governance

Compliance & Model-Checking for Information Management 14:00-14:20 Welcome & an Open BIM Collaboration Platform

Alfonso Perna International Product Engineering ACCA Software

14:20-14:45 Quality Control and Best Practices for Successful Project Delivery Steve Deadman Customer Success Manager Ideate Software Neil Carter Head of Digital Corstorphine & Wright

14:45-15:00 When is the most advantageous time to introduce reality capture to the BIM process? Gerard Cowman Senior Geospatial Consultant Murphy Geospatial

15:00-15:15 Intelligence from Day One: A Designer’s Approach to a Master Materials Library Matteo Orsi Head of BIM & Digital Design Morris + Company



Q&A Panel with Speakers

15:30-16:00 TEA / COFFEE BREAK

16:00-16:05 Welcome / Introduction

Alfonso Perna International Product Engineering ACCA Software

16:05-16:25 AI-Enabled Capital Project Planning and Controls Hossem Jerbi CEO Smart PMO

16:25-16:40 How to Make an Interior Designer Happy (Electron, IFC.js and Revit API) Emiliano Capasso Head of BIM ACPV ARCHITECTS

16:40-16:55 Integrated Workflows: Streamlining Design, Documentation, and Management Riccardo Piazzai Co-Founder NORDFY



The role of Artificial Intelligence in BIM

Farhan Peer BIM Coordinator RSP Architects Planners and Engineers

Simplify your BIM Model Checking Workflow! Dr. Christian Friedrich Product Owner - Verifi3D Xinaps

17:25-17:40 Implementing AI into Revit Plug-ins: Benefits and Further Research Opportunities Göker Malik BIM Coorinator HKR Architects


Q&A Panel with Speakers



Where Minds Meet

Information Matters


Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction 7th September | Live in Dublin + Virtual

STAGE 7 2pm – 6pm

Sponsored & Coordinated By:


Technology and Interoperability for Information Management

14:00-14:20 The Need for Digital Strategies when Implementing Technology Jonathan Brookfield Autodesk Technical Consultant Diatec

14:20-14:35 "Sustainable" Interdisciplinary Planning Police Department in Germany Manjunath Ambli-Suresh Department Head - BIM Tecklenburg GmbH

14:35-14:50 Digital Assets Requirements

Mohamed Sherif Digital Operations Transformation Head Rua AlMadinah Holding Company

14:50-15.05 Using Programming Skills to Work Smart (Dynamo, VBA & Python) Ahmad Ashraf Elgammal Civil BIM Lead Group AMANA

15.05-15.20 Connecting Britain's Biggest Nuclear Power Station

Benedict Wallbank BIM Strategy & Partnerships Manager Trimble


Q&A Panel with Speakers

15:30-16:00 TEA / COFFEE BREAK 16:00-16:05 Welcome / Introduction

Robert Lakey Commercial Director-Autodesk Division Diatec

16:05-16:20 Digital Transformation & Leveraging Cloud Collaboration Carolina Fong Guzzy Digital Engineering Manager Accienta

16:20-16:35 Common Data Environment. Roadmap for implementation. Paweł Łaguna Managing Director / CEO Swissroc Building Intelligence

16:35-16:50 Unlocking the Full Potential of BIM Management: A Dive into the Innovative ndBIM Methodology António Meireles CEO ndBIM Virtual Building

16:50-17.05 BIM as an Enabler for Smart and Intelligent Buildings Onyema Udeze Co-Founder Blaze Academy

17:05-17.20 Systems Engineering Boosts up BIM: from Space to Earth and Beyond... Alfredo Garro Associate Professor University of Calabria

17:20-17.35 Efficiency Unlocked: A Case Study of Automation in a Distributed Common Data Environment John Egan CEO and Founder BIMLauncher

Connor Alexander CTO BIMLauncher

17:35-17:50 Digital Delivery at Design Stage Hossam Abdulaziz Information Task Manager Systra/Digital Delivery


Q&A Panel with Speakers



Where Minds Meet

Information Matters


Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction 7th September | Live in Dublin + Virtual

STAGE 8 2pm – 6pm

Sponsored & Coordinated By:


Developing Digital Competency for Information Management

14:00-14:20 Effective BIM Workflow Training for Project Teams Anne Carpenter Sales Manager Global eTraining

16:25-16:40 Organizational Clarity: Data Alignment and Insight using Revit as a Digital Twin Data Source Varun Bhartiya

CEO nCircle Tech

14:20-14:40 The Skills Energy Equation Paul McCormack Innovation Manager Belfast Met

14:40-14:55 Developing BIM Team Structure in a Large Architectural Practice Jędrzej Pasalski Head of BIM / Associate Director EPR Architects

14:55-15:10 A Mistake New BIM Managers may Make? Jason Peters Technical Account Specialist Autodesk


Ryan Connolky Senior Digital Twin and Design Technology Manager


16:40-16:55 Administration of Autodesk Construction Cloud for Academics

Paul Vesey Lecturer in BIM and Project Management Technological University of the Shannon


Neil O'Reilly Technical Director - Digital Information Management Arcadis Consulting


Q&A Panel with Speakers

15:30-16:00 TEA / COFFEE BREAK 16:00-16:05 Welcome / Introduction Anne Carpenter Sales Manager Global eTraining

16:05-16:25 Voices of Design Technology Leadership

Cesar Escalante Architecture Technical Evangelist - BSM Technical Marketing Manager Autodesk Argelia Barcena Northwest Regional Design Tech Manager Gensler

Something a bit Different than ISO19650


How to Train the BIM Leaders of Tomorrow

Rodrigo Ferreiro Head of Corporate & Institutional Development ZIGURAT Institute of Technology

17:25-17:40 The Importance of the Information Manager Ryan Forde BIM Manager, Trainer & Arch Tech Arcdox


Q&A Panel with Speakers



Where Minds Meet

Information Matters


Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction 7th September | Live in Dublin + Virtual


People Programs Lead


Sponsored & Coordinated By:


Leveraging Extended Reality, Technology, enabling Better Engagement with Digital Models 9:00-9:05


Welcome / Introduction

Aline Coccia Rossa People Programs Lead Autodesk

The Real Side of Augmented Reality - Opportunities & Challenges.

Jonathan Dreyfus Architect Computational Design Specialist KPF


Realizing the Hype: AR/MR Best Practices in Construction Workflows Erin Khan Founder, Sr. Consultant Erin Khan Consulting



BIM Coordination in the AI Era

Bruno Martorelli BIM and Design Technology Manager C+W O'Brien Architects

Mastering Site Context Visualisation for Concept Design Fabio Roberti Regional Practice Technology Leader HKS Architects



The Risks and Rewards of Unleashing AI and XR on the Building Industry




Constructing Digital Twins using VR/AR/XR

Gary Cowan Head of Digital Construction Kane Group

12:00-12:20 Immersed in the Data: Fostering Alignment & Collaboration in XR Gabe Paez Head of Product, XR Autodesk

12:20-12:40 Project VEE | Virtual Environment Eyes - Digital Twins and Metaverse Francesco Cappilli Founder | Engineering Director BIMaking Engineering

12:40-13:00 Metaversing Collaboration and Visual Coordination

Devan Mistry Associate Director (Strategic BIM Lead) McBains



Where Minds Meet

Information Matters


Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction 7th September | Live in Dublin + Virtual

STAGE 10 2pm – 6pm

(Lifecycle BIM)

Sponsored & Coordinated By:

‘Konekted’ Platforms

14:00-14:20 Welcome / The Future of AECO Carl Storms Technical Solutions Lead Newforma Konekt

14.20-14:35 Coordinating Vertical Construction with Site/Civil

16:00-16:05 Welcome / Introduction Carl Storms Technical Solutions Lead Newforma Konekt

16:05-16:20 Working Smarter with Digital Tools Sean O'Dwyer AEC Division Manager - Symetri Europe Symetri Europe

Eric Wing Director Building Information Modelling C&S Companies

14:35-14:50 How Data and AI are Transforming General Contracting in Industry 4.0

16:20-16:40 Weaving the Golden Thread of Safety to Prevent Fire Incidents Varun Soni Partner, Head of BIM & Digital Transformation calfordseaden

Jonathan Ng Global Sales Director

Hexagon Geosystems, UK

Justin Aroyeun Associate Information Management calfordseaden

14:50-15:05 The Most Flexible, Unified 3D Digital Twin Platform Darren Murphy Enterprise Technical Manager Cupix

16:40-16:55 Collaborating with IFC Files in Construction

Natalia Olivera Co-Founder & Manager at Axet Global Mentor Lead at Women in BIM

15:05-15:20 PIM to AIM Sequence

Fraser Innes BIM Information Manager Amey


Jonathan Hand AEC Industry Community Manager Autodesk


Q&A Panel with Speakers

15:30-16:00 TEA / COFFEE BREAK

How Autodesk Community Supports Customers & Unlocks Insights


Digitalizing Facility Operations: The BIM Advantage

Bhushan Avsatthi Director - BIM Solutions Hitech Digital Solutions

17:25-17:40 Forum of BuildingSMART European Chapters & Open Standards Anna Moreno Director BuildingSMART International


Q&A Panel with Speakers



Where Minds Meet

Information Matters


Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction 7th September | Live in Dublin + Virtual

LOUNGE 1 9am – 1pm






Women in BIM


Alan Hore Founder and Director

Natalia Olivera Partner & Global Mentor Lead

9:40-10:00 DGTRA

Sunil Joshi Executive Director & CEO

Ishan Mehta Project Manager

10:00-10:20 ThinkProject

Danny Massey Senior Platform Consultant

10:20-10:40 Excelize

Sonali Dhopte Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer

10:40-11:00 DBM Vircon Services UK Ltd Andrew Bellerby Director


Coordinated By:




Brian Lahiff Director, GARLAND


Matthew Cunliffe CEO


Francisco Reis CEO

12:30-12:50 LIMSEN

Daniel Lanca BIM Manager




Where Minds Meet

Information Matters


Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction 7th September | Live in Dublin + Virtual

LOUNGE 2 2pm – 6pm

Coordinated By:

NetZERO Lounge

14:00-14:20 ZERO - Building Carbon Literacy Matthew Jackson Co-Founder, ZERO Construct

14:20-14:40 Future of Sustainable Smart Cities & Communities Paul Surin Head of Digital Delivery NEOM

16:00-16:20 The Importance of Sustainable Commercial Retrofits Eamonn Sheils Programme Manager - Commercial Retrofit Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)

16:20-16:40 The Value of Quality Data in LCA Archie O’Donnell Senior Sustainability Specialist KOSMOS

14:40-15:00 Driving Sustainable Construction Management

16:40-17:00 Non-Designers Tools



Kambiz Kordani Vice President of Planning IBBC

How do we measure carbon to be as important and accurate as cost?

15:30-16:00 TEA / COFFEE BREAK

Mais Taha Director MTiPX | XEROWASTE

Who's going to pay for it? How do we pay to make construction a low carbon industry?



Where Minds Meet

Information Matters


Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction 7th September | Live in Dublin + Virtual


Sponsored By:

Your Host:

Cody Whitelock

Virtual Construction Manager Barnhill Contracting Company



Anne Carpenter Sales Manager Global eTraining


Steve Deadman Customer Success Manager Ideate Software



Carl Storms Technical Solutions Lead Newforma Konekt

Carolina Fong Guzzy Digital Engineering Manager Accienta


Digital Twin

Anand Mecheri CEO Invicara

15:30-16:15 Planning

Chris Jackson Global Business Development - AEC Esri Jonathan Ng Global Sales Director Hexagon Geosystems, UK


Richard Scott Chief Partnership Officer Twinview Limited

12:00-12:45 Connected Platforms

Darren Murphy Enterprise Technical Manager Cupix Ryan Forde BIM Manager, Trainer & Arch Tech Arcdox


Gary Cowan Head of Digital Construction Kane Group Gabe Paez Head of Product, XR Autodesk

António Meireles CEO ndBIM Virtual Building


Moritz Mombour Head of Digital Planning Methods & Senior Expert Drees & Sommer Ian Harding BIM Section Head - Ireland Operations Jacobs

Argelia Barcena Northwest Regional Design Tech Manager Gensler

10:00-10:45 Technology



Andrew Victory Global Digital Transformation Leader - D&E Arcadis Dara Khera Managing Director WORK Ltd


Data Governance

Brian Skripac Director, Virtual Design & Construction Design-Build Institute of America Clive Jordan Co-founder and CEO Plannerly

Where Minds Meet


Matters &Information Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction

6th Virtual & 7th Live in Dublin, September

Clients Stage



8.30am – 1pm 8:30-8:50

From BIM to Information Management to Digital Twin Outcomes Rebecca De Cicco Principal, Digital Enablement Aurecon


Could we Manage Assets in a Metaverse Environment?

Dr Georgios Kapogiannis Associate Professor Oryx Universal College (Liverpool John Moores University)


BIM in Contracts – The Need for Information Requirements

Mostafa Elashmawy Head of BIM & GIS WSP Middle East


BIM Quality: Monitor and Control your Model

Elena Tamayo Construction Engineer – BuiltTech Specialist Modelical


From LOD vs Level of Information Need: How to Avoid Legal Claims

Dr Marzia Bolpagni Head of BIM International Associate Director Mace

10:10-10:30 BIM Maturity Assessment – Roadmap Development to Achieve Level 2 of Maturity Paula Mota Senior Consultant LogiKal Projects

10:30-10:50 From Bollocks to Brilliance: Unleashing the Power of Order Ian Rogers Chief Executive Officer ACE Project Solutions Ltd


11:00-11:30 11:30-11:50


BREAK WORK FLOW vs Construction

Insiya Kapasi Senior BIM Manager WBA Architects and Engineers Inc.

Reality Capture for AsBuilt Documentation to the Building Owner

John Niles Technology Consultant Gafcon Digital


7 Steps to Get Started with Revit API

Erik Frits Revit API Developer and Educator


13:00-14:00 BREAK

Where Minds Meet


Matters &Information Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction

6th Virtual & 7th Live in Dublin, September



Planning Stage 8.30am – 1pm 8:30-8:50

Integration of Project and Construction Management with BIM Sarath Meluveetil BIM Manager Excelize Software Pvt Ltd


Digital Transformation with BIM and Virtual Construction Management

Antara Roy Head of BIM Larsen Toubro Ltd



BIM Mindset. Turning Professionals into Agents of change in Latin America.

Maria De Tezanos CEO - BIM Consultant MDT Arquitectura


A BEP: An Essential Element to Create Before Beginning any Construction Project

A Mohamed Wahid BIM Strategy Manager WSP TATA Consulting Infosys



Intelligent Project Scheduling using BIM

Justin Antony Manager- Technical Bexel India Consulting LLP



Coordinate with Clashes of Element in the Industry

Prakhar Baranwal BIM Coordinator DSA Architect International

10:10-10:30 Insights from a Global Review of the BIM Execution Plan Nicoleta Panagiotidou Architect MSc | BIM specialist | PhD Candidate | Founder & Director BIM Design Hub

10:30-10:50 REVIT Facade Projects / alt. 3D Point Cloud Scan in Revit Recap PRO Connections Vladimir Kabat Architect REVELIA


Normative and Documentary Validation of BIM Projects (QA/QC)

Maria de Los Angeles Caripa Gutierrez BIM Director in Construction Projects Bwise BIM


Lessons Learned from a BIM Coordinator in Airport Engineering (with a Case Study)

Guilherme Guignone Architect and BIM Coordinator Brazilian Airport Infrastructure Company – INFRAERO

12:30-12:50 PANEL DISCUSSION 12:50-14:00 BREAK

Where Minds Meet


Matters &Information Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction

6th Virtual & 7th Live in Dublin, September

Design Stage



8.30am – 1pm 8:30-8:50

We have BIM Missing the Point: Getting back to the Fundamentals

Nathan Hildebrandt Director Skewed



Ahmed Lebad Civil Design Manager


Using BIM Programming Tools to Get Work Done as Quickly as Possible

Abdelrahman Ahmed Abdelwhab BIM Specialist Niqat Global


BIM-Based Schedule Change Impact Analysis Model for Construction Projects

How to Choose your Technical Career according to Soft Skills

Mahmoud Eldeeb CEO, Technical Office & Project Manager Musk Group



BIM for Tower Companies

S P Sreenivas Padala Dr Assistant Professor M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences



The Future of AEC: Advancing Through Digital Transformation by 2023

Islam Khalil Technical Sales Specialist-AEC |WWFO EMEA Territory Tech. Spec Autodesk


BIM for Designers

Omar Diaa BIM Manager Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC)


BIM Workflows

Rahul Verma BIM Engineer MEPL

10:10-10:30 Quality Control & BIM Standardization in the AEC Industry Midhundas Mangalakkattu Co-Founder / BIM Manager BIM Channel Project Management Services


12:50-14:00 BREAK

Where Minds Meet


Matters &Information Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction

6th Virtual & 7th Live in Dublin, September




Stage 8:30-8:50

BIM Startups to improve the best practice delivery in the AEC industry

Ali Masha Director and Tech Lead OZBIM


BIM-Based Approach for Quantity and Cost Automation





Coordination Management – Getting Everyone on the Same Page

Betty Lo Kar Yin Engineer, Project Manager, Quantity Surveyor, ADR and BIM Professional AECO industry


Identification of BIM Dimension-Specific Contract Clauses in EPC Turnkey Projects

Vijayeta Malla Assistant Professor at NICMAR Hyderabad & Research Scholar at IITBombay


Implementation Strategy for Application of BIM 4D & 5D in Indian Construction Projects

Gaurank Patil BIM Coordinator TATA PROJECTS LIMITED


Utilizing Digital Workflows from Design to Manufacturing & Construction

Ahmet Ekrem Celikel BIM Manager Kingspan Light+Air

10:10-10:30 Unlocking the Potential of 3D Laser Scan (Point clouds) in Construction Industries Naushad Ali BIM Manager ASTAD Project Management

Martin Wilding BIM Manager and Associate Principal KPF


BIM potential for Occupational Safety and Health Management

Manuel Tender Lead Researcher Digital4OSH


Application of BIM in Lean Management of Construction Operations

Mohammad Mahoud Founder CEO 3M-CEPM R&D Institute

Ali Bidhendi Senior Strategic Project Management Office Expert FANAP Co.

12:30-12:50 bIMprecise

Michael Freiert BIM Manager / Project Captain Pope Design Group


13:00-14:00 BREAK

Where Minds Meet


Matters &Information Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction

6th Virtual & 7th Live in Dublin, September



Digital Twin Stage 8.30am – 1pm 8:30-8:50

Project Information Requirements

Venkata shiva Teja Katta BIM Coordinator DSA international


From BIM, to DigitalTwins, to Metaverse, New Opportunities with a Big Responsibility

Fernando Morales Tosar CEO POWERBIM SL



Digital Twins: Develop as Intelligent Model with a Future Prospective to win the Future

Abhijeet Parasar CEO and Founder OneClick BIM Private Limited


Is BIM a New Era or Rather a Dead Fish?

Artem Boiko Co-Founder OpenDataBIM Ltd.



DIN SPEC 91607 - Digital Twins for German Cities and Communities

Ulrich Hartmann Product Manager BIM, CDE, Digital Twin and Standardization ORACLE Construction and Engineering Global Business Unit



Brain-Controlled Smart Homes

Ahmed Zakzouk Solution Architect & PhD Researcher Autodesk Dresden University of Technology

10:10-10:30 Asset Information Requirements & Product Data Templates: Insights from the UK Water Industry Alex Gkiokas Chair of Standard Libraries Task Group BIM4Water

10:30-10:50 Defining your Niche with Emergent Technologies to give yourself a Professional Advantage Stephen Drew Founder Architecture Social


Geo-BIM Intigration and Approaches for Digital Twins

Firas Fahoum Geo-Information & Mapping Engineer, CTO Galilee Surveyors Ltd


Real-time Data Management for Digital Twin in Building Operation

Olayemi Usman Ambassador Zero

12:30-12:50 PANEL DISCUSSION 12:50-14:00 BREAK

Where Minds Meet


Matters &Information Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction

6th Virtual & 7th Live in Dublin, September



Data Governance Stage 2pm – 6.30pm

14:00-14:20 Using the Power of Construction IQ & Machine Learning for Predictive Analytics Deepak Maini Principal Business Consultant Autodesk

14:20-14:40 BIM Quality Assurance According to ISO 19650 on the Example of the PPP A10A24 Project

Thomas Tschickardt Head of BIM-Management and Doctoral Candidate Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau AG

14:40-15:00 Workflow to Update as-Built models during the Construction Phase using Laser Scan data and Dynamo script Rubens Lage Lopes BIM Coordinator BAM Ireland

15:00-15:20 As-Builts Modelling for Urban Infrastructure & Data Loss in Transition Slava Ivanov QA & BIM Engineer NRC Group Founder PlainView

15:20-15:40 The Data Representations of a Building Project: BIM Model, and ifc or ifcxml Data Standard Murat Aydin Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Ankara University

15:40-16:00 The Focus on the Quality in the BIM Process Maria Roberta Rotondo Senior Architect - BIM Manager AECOM URS Italy

16:00-16:20 Model Performance Assessment and Data Analytics for Data Driven Decision making throughout Project Lifecycle Anthony Nzoka BIM Manager ATKINS, Member of the SNC-Lavalin Group


16:30-17:00 BREAK

17:00-17:20 Easy Solutions to Validate Models in Precast Projects Shadaab Sayyed Project Engineer PUNCH Consulting Engineers

17:20-17:40 Visualizing Project Progress: The Power of AWP and 4D Animations Dylan Underhill BIM/VDC Advisor Trillium Advisory Group

17:40-18:00 BIM-GIS Integration in Flood Control Projects

Royer Franklin Ttito Ccorimanya Director BIM CONSORCIO ROVELLA INMAC


Where Minds Meet


Matters &Information Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction

6th Virtual & 7th Live in Dublin, September



Technology 1 Stage 8.30am-1pm 8:30-8:50

Understanding openBIM: The Future of Building Information Modeling

Maisara Al Rais Digital Engineering Lead WSP


How do you determine the KPI of a BIM project?

Mohamed Fawzy BIM Manager Saudi Diyar Consulting


What we Learned at KPF from Creating a 1.2 billion Revit Curtain Wall Panels

Aniket Dikshit Applications Developer KPF



Developing Human Capital for BIM Success in Emerging Countries

Machiel Odendaal Technical Manager Modena AEC


Realizing the gaps between Project knowledge and Digital Information

Utkarsh Singh BIM Coordinator HBA/Hirsch Bedner Associates



Digitalization of Construction Projects with BIM

Gaurav Kumar Chawla Founder and CEO GKC Consultants OPC Private LTD



Blueprint to Binary: A Journey from Architecture to Software Development Through A Revit Plugin

Emrullah Yildiz Computational Design Specialist Arcadis


Strategic transformation for a smooth switch to Digital Construction

Sara Soliman BIM Manager Prime Engineering Consultants University of Salford


Where Minds Meet


Matters &Information Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction

6th Virtual & 7th Live in Dublin, September



Technology 2 Stage 2pm – 6pm

14:00-14:20 Implementing & Monitoring an Automation Strategy at Witteveen+Bos Jaime Alonso Candau Director

14:20-14:40 BIM for Sustainable Building Design Girish Patel Gudumagatte Malleshappa BIM Engineer RYBKA

14:40-15:00 KPF’s Study in Data: Refinement Workflows and Integration in Revit Anastasiya Neumiarzhytskaya Computational BIM Specialist KPF

15:00-15:20 Collaborating with Drones, Dropbox, and Revit (with a bit of AutoCAD) Shaun Bryant Director CADFMconsultants

15:20-15:40 Architecture | Project Management | Innovation | BIM Bernardo Araujo Consultant / BIM 360 Specialist Linha2 Arquitetura / Autodesk

15:40-16:00 Road Trip! Navigating Autodesk Revit Feedback Channels Kimberly Fuhrman Revit Community Manager Autodesk


16:20-17:00 BREAK

17:00-17:20 Clearances in BIM - the Impacts of Overhead Staffing Michael Freiert BIM Manager / Job Captain Pope Design Group

17:20-17:40 Means and Methods - The Gray Area of BIM Trevor Owen Product Manager - BIM Services Hilti


Where Minds Meet


Matters &Information Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction

6th Virtual & 7th Live in Dublin, September



Education Stage 2pm – 6.30pm

14:00-14:20 BIM Certification – Why Getting Certified If You Already Know Your Job? Holger de Groot CEO & Founding Director Modmation

14:20-14:40 Challenged-based learning in a Hybrid work Environment Abarna Krishnakumar VDC Development Manager Zelus

14:40-15:00 Communicating BIM to nonBIM users: how to stand out Vitoria Luppi Architect BIM Consultant Lombardini22

15:00-15:20 No BIM Coordinators in the Future: A statement or A Question? Vishus Narayanan N Architect Arcversity

15:20-15:40 Perceptions of Information Management Standards in AEC Vijayeta Malla Faculty at NICMAR, India & Doctoral Research Scholar at IITBombay

15:40-16:00 Challenges of Implementation BIM in the Developing Countries like Azerbaijan Masoud Baghaeikia BIM Manager COBALT Architecture and Design


16:20-17:00 BREAK 17:00-17:20 Empowering BIM Adoption Jero Juujärvi BIM Specialist YIT Suomi Oy

17:20-17:40 Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) and Digital Construction: Forming the Bricks Mohammad Mayouf Senior Lecturer in Digital Construction Birmingham City University

17:40-18:00 Information Management Skills for the Construction Sector according to ISO 19650 Nicoleta Panagiotidou Architect MSc | BIM specialist | PhD Candidate | Founder & Director BIM Design Hub


Where Minds Meet


Matters &Information Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction

6th Virtual & 7th Live in Dublin, September

XR Stage


2pm – 4.30pm 14:00-14:20 Investigating the future of BIM: between the Real-world and the Metaverse Digital Twins Nahi Nasreddine BIM and Systems Design Coordinator LACECO Architects & Engineers

14:20-14:40 Bringing Digital Engineering into the Metaverse in a Pharmaceutical Project Ruby Fathzani Global Technology Partner Pharmaplan GmbH

14:40-15:00 Unlocking The Metaverse: Digital Real Estate, BIM and the AEC Industry Paul Doherty CEO The Digit Group, Inc. (TDG)

15:00-15:20 Digital Twins and Immersive Mediums Adam Chernick Sr. Spatial Computing Solutions Architect Amazon Web Services

15:20-15:40 BIM and DAO: An Association of Equals Larry Bridgesmith Professor of Law Vanderbilt Law School

15:40-16:00 Implementing BIM for Furniture Manufacturing to Improve Mass Production Ehsan Fattahi BIM Supervisor Farazin



NETZero Stage 5pm – 6.30pm 16:20-17:00 BREAK 17:00-17:20 7-11 for Better Sustainability Perine Wagdy Team Leader Architect

17:20-17:40 openBIM for Daylight Design and Analyses Mirbek Bekboliev Technical Project Manager buildingSMART Germany

17:40-18:00 BIM in Sustainable Design and Construction

Dr Ramesh Nayaka Assistant Professor Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)


Training Labs 10am-1pm

10:00-11:00 Tame Revit creating your own tools with pyRevit Jean-Marc Couffin Senior BIM Specialist, Architect DPLG BIMOne inc. & JMMKM Architekti


Who should start with Dynamo and how? Nenad Kovacevic Autodesk MEP Application Engineer TeamCAD


BIM Coordination Process & Clash Detection Interference Reporting (with subtitles)

Domenico Spano BIM & CDE Manager, Implementation Engineer, Founder & CEO BIMTrainer srls

Where Minds Meet


Matters &Information Celebrating the Heroes of AEC Architecture | Engineering | Construction

6th Virtual & 7th Live in Dublin, September



Lifecycle BIM Stage 2pm – 6.30pm

14:00-14:20 The World of Open BIM And COBie during Design till the Handover Mamdouh Salem Corporate Head Of BIM Group Amana

16:30-17:00 BREAK 17:00-17:20 Development of a Framework for Evaluating Irish Policy Objectives from a Qualitative Approach Shiyao Kuang Full Time PhD TU Dublin

14:20-14:40 BIM from the Consultant and Contractor Perspective Mohamad Hamad BIM Manager I Senior Architect Contractor

14:40-15:00 Database Driven Information Delivery Planning and Tracking Mirna Khouri Digital Transformation Lead Morta

17:20-17:40 Integrated Geospatial Data Supporting 3D Land Administration Systems in Ireland

Peshawa Karash PHD Student Technological University Dublin


15:00-15:20 Agilize your BIM workflow with Kanban & Scrum Sébastien Lucas Architect & CEO

15:20-15:40 BIM - Construction Industry v/s parametric design (Reality v/s Abstract) Insiya Kapasi BIM MANAGER WBA Architects & Engineers Inc.

15:40-16:00 Growth Mindsets Under Construction Nohier Elsamny Head of Development Square Engineering Firm

16:00-16:20 Potential of Computational Practices for Automating and Optimizing Coordination Tasks Aida SIALA Post-Doctoral Researcher National School of Architecture and Urbanism of Tunis (ENAU)


Post-contract BIM Implementation Strategies

Maulik Gagani Sr. BIM Expert Tata Consulting Engineers Limited



BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters


BIM COORDINATORS SUMMIT 2023 | Where Minds Meet & Information Matters

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