Benefits of point cloud modeling for preserving historical monuments

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Benefits of point cloud modeling for preserving historical monuments The governing bodies that are accountable for preserving the national heritage structures and historical monuments should be cautious about the renovation of these structures as they are symbolic representation of cultural identity. We cannot compromise on losing the historical elements that are available to us in the form of these monuments. And hence the protection and conservation of these historical monuments demands substantial attention from us and the government authorities who are appointed for their safeguard. Today historical monuments such as dilapidated old palaces, ancient churches and temples etc. remain the only available source of ancient architecture which incorporates historical elements in them. These historical monuments must be safeguarded by us from the natural calamities which are repeatedly damaging them. Historical monuments cannot be considered simply as physical entities and regular part of our built environment instead of that they should be taken more seriously as they are the only symbols of rich civilizations of antiquity. Heritage sites are accountable for contributing largely towards revenue generation as they attract a lot of tourists every year. And that remains the main reason that every country across the world has special foundations and government bodies which are solely accountable for the preservation of these precious structures. As these structures are centuries old renovation remains one of the most important strategic aspects for preserving them. When it comes to renovating these structures, keeping intact their cultural elements remains one of the greatest challenges for architects and engineers. In other words renovation of historical monuments and heritage sites require special attention in terms of maintaining the identity of the structure. And implementation of right technology is the key to successful execution of renovation projects. In case of renovation, refurbishment and retrofit projects scan to BIM technology remains the most crucial thing for architects, engineers and contractors. And in this way point cloud modeling technology comes into picture in renovation projects wherein laser scanning process is implemented for scanning the structure. The outcome of scanning process is the accumulation of billions of points that are instrumental in representing the building in 3D form. The data that is extracted after scanning process is commonly known as point cloud data and the process of developing 3D models with the assistance of this data is called point cloud modeling or point cloud to BIM. Point cloud to BIM is one of the best technology and process that have been implemented by construction professionals in renovation projects as it helps in preserving the cultural elements of the structure.

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